Newspaper Page Text
Electrical Affairs Committee to
Urge Dropping of Inquiry.
No Interest Shown?
Council’s electrical affair? committee
■n ill recommend Monday that there be
no investigation of the Southern Bell
Telephone Company, aa there is no
public demand for one.
The committee held two meeting
and Invited the public to come and pro
test. but there was no one present be
sides the members of the committee
and the telephone officials Not even
Alderman James W Maddox, the au
thor of the resolution calling for a
probe, appeared to make complaint.
AV. T. Gentry, president of the com
pany. explained to the committee yes
terday aft(moon that they were spend
ing a large amount of money now to
improve the service. He asserted that
Atlanta has the cheapest rates of any
<ity in the country of the same popu
lation, and produced statistics to
prove it.
•I Epps Brown, vice president, said
the company was now spending SI6.
000 installing now trunks between the
exchanges, To show that his compa
ny had a liberal policy toward the
public he said ft had recently spent
52.-.n,m>n putting wires Underground and
taking down poles, when not required
to do it.
Mr Broun said there wetc far less
complaints now than five years ago.
’’he Texas Wonder cures kidney and
'■ladder troubles, removing gravel, cures
diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheuma
tism. and all Irregularities of the kidneys
and bladder In both men and women
Regulates bladder troubles In children
If not sold by your druggist, will be
by mail on receipt of $1 00. One small
bottle is two months' treatment and sei
oom fails to perfect a cure. Send for tea
tlmonlals from this and other states Dr
F. W Hall. 2926 OUve-st.. St. Doula. Mu
bold bv druggists-
NEEDS IT JIM I Atlanta. Geor<!
.•>d HK^:. •••"•::•:••.' >•'
When you read in your daily I : .i‘ '■
n! the massacre in Rcshf. .y.vj •.-: ■' ■' ?•'.'? (Just enough to show part of
■Io you wonder where that mU ;’.•>’•• -.•; ,';• . ; .;:7.-'.<;fi-.; ■ : heading with date) and the ex-
s located'' Can von name th.' &t i? X ffiijjq £ £ P® nse feC t 0 defray thc neccs '
b.-mndartes of Perna ' Do von $ sai'.y items of the cost of hand
i .1 ,-n I ■ ■ > SH ■'•'• ling, packing, shipping, check-
know that Tabriz is the most IS Wk.'. *•• ’.• .
••: : 3 :•'< ••■•. gfeggL ‘•‘•TnW : 'A'•i’* : y- F>p .•••• mg, accounting, etc., as ex-
mportant commercial center £ ::_ :|| ££ g £ plained below.
'■' \orth western Persia’' It is •.'•■ ’■' -VA'.' j.jß & ; : •': Ay fcii ‘jfe '•••
a -11 v of JIO.OOO inhabitants </• Uif®?.*••
and docs ;< large export bust Xy; :■? < Have yOU a. large, Uli-
nc<-. m dr.ed fruits, cotton and >: •••• wieldy Atlas? Lay it
. arrets Tins is the kind o l ' aS^e a g et T^e GeOf
' " r ' * " ' ” eet at 51 5 gian’s ready reference At-
Th? c. .rgian', &•• -ctx las always handy for
REDUCED ILLUSTRATION—ActuaI sire R 3-4x7 inches.
Civil Service Commission
Equivalent I‘rojection Map of the World AND TERRITORIES PROVINCES OF CANADA
Forestry in ihe I’mted State®
" - r'iTBV,".::: . ■.- m the JUST CLIP AND PRESENT
Maps. Ot l.xery Mate and Territory, Showing Routes and
Maps anT'x ntaretic Regions Avith Routes of Re- (like illustration) ; bound in silk-finished elol li. beautiful and durable; printed
officia? 1 M^ineVy’at wi«hin C tn n ' 0Q superfine paper; containing full-page colored maps of every state in the
Panama canal yiaps a. •■ ! .Tarts Union and every country in the world, showing raiload lines. steamship
Population of Principal « mes of th^ states routes, etc.; history of tlie world at a glance shown on colored charts; chrono-
E^£ ul t a V’’ n °r lw e states b, states logical tables treating historical events from 7.000 B. C. to the present; also
Population of the < nited States by Counties , ■ ,■ .. .... , , r .. > , ■
Powers an.i salaries of ti )e President and vic* President of nPW descriptive gazetteer ot the world; progress ot tores! and reclamation
VrinHpai Tclit'rieß'X , lie w , r i,i p, fM .nt Heads, Forms of service; and population of all principal cities and countries of
R-i in^ria'" 1 < a f"i Bt.-.i , ta“ ll i‘r’ •' ’he world Present at this office six headings of consecutive Expense
Reclamation Service projects dates, and the. . dvL Fee
Salaries and Composition of I’tiifed ...r, ena'e »nd
House of Representatives
ectional Chart of I'nited States
sx’Bir z::' 1 " MAIL ORDERS
NOTE Census bgures »r e from 3 t« s f r.r-rt.— A » *4- >-**—<” *r-4* Pnetarra
><”o tnd 911 . ' t OSldgP
’ No Third Reprieve For
Alford, Macon Slayer;
Will Be Hanged Friday
Ed Alford the Macon .‘■layer, will
Igo to his death on the gallows in the
i Bibb county jail at noon tomorrow.
Governor Brown has told Alfords
attorneys that he would not again
interfere with the death sentence pass
ed bv the Bibb county superior court.
Alford has received two reprieves of
3(i days each from the governor. His
execution on April 10 was stayed upon
representations that Alford was In the
last stages of tuberculosis, and would
have to be held up while the noose was
placed around his neck.
Alford’s attorney John B. Cooper, tn
making an effort to save his client
from death, introduced testimony to
show that Alford was insane, but three
alienists sent from the state sanatorium
reported to the governor that Alford
was sane
NEW YORK, May 9. When people
talk about the Intellectual progress of
the people of Japan they hardly ever
have her women in mind. While it is
true that Miss Japan has almost as
good a chance as her brother for edu
cation at home, she has not made such
progress as her brother in this direc
tion But an incident in Columbia uni
versity, which happened the other da#,
lends to show that she is coming closer
day by day to her brother In this re
Miss Tsuru Aral, a young Japanese
woman, passed the final examination
for the degree of doctor of philosophy
at Columbia Saturday. She Is the first
woman of her nationality who ever ac
quired the degree. Miss Arai camo to ,
this country to study about four years
ago, after having graduated from the
Woman’s college in Tokio.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
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Bears the Z z \
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Thirty Years
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Exact Copy of Wrapper. th« etavAua oommht, new vo»« bitt.
50 Subscriptions
Equal 1 Trip
You Do Not Have To Collect All the Money in Advance
A Trip for 25 Subscriptions
This contest is diA’ided into two parts, one for the city of Atlanta and
suburbs, and the other is made strictly for the territory outside of Atlanta
and suburbs. The contest for the city of Atlanto is as follows: For 25
yearly subscriptions to the daily Georgian at the regular farrier "’ate. wp
will give you a free trip to Wrightsville Beach, with a six-day stay at the best
hotel. We pay all expenses, including meals. Pullman, hotel, etc.
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Largest Inland Water Boat in the World
Subscriptions Easy to Secure
Subscriptions will be easy to secure, as you do not have to secure the full price of the
yearly subscriptions in advance, but al) that is necessary is that you get the new subscriber
to sign an agreement to take The Georgian for one year and collect for three months in ad
vance. which would be $1.30. and the subscriber will agree Io pay 10 cents per week for
the other nine months. The price of The Georgian is $5.20 per year on and after April Ist
when delivered by carrier. This is 10 cents per week whether paid in advance or hr the
week. Be sure that you understand this proposition. You secure 25 now subscriptions to
The Daily Georgian, to be delivered by carrier in the city of Atlanta and suburbs, for one
year each, and as evidence of good faith on the part of the subscribers that they will take Tim
Georgian for the full time they are required to pay for three months in advance, or $1.30.
and after the three months has expired they are to pay the carrier at the rate of 10 cents
per week for the other nine months
Bear in mind that this proposition is open to the White people of Atlanta and suburbs
only, and for new subscriptions only. It is not a hard matter to get 25 new subscriptions,
especially when they do not have to pay for the full year in advance. For 50 subscriptions
we will give yon two trips, or one trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto. Canada Call at the
Contest Department of The Goergian and full particulars, together with samples and re
ceipt book, will be given you.
For Outside Contestants
To those residing outside of the city of Atlanta and suburbs we offer a free trip to
Wrightsville Beach for 20 paid in advance subscriptions to the Daily Georgian at the
regular rate, $5.00 per year, or for 30 subscriptions to the Daily Georgian paid in ad
vance we will give you a trip to Niagara Falls and pay al) your expenses. The reason we
offer you a trip for less subscriptions is because of the fact that you must secure the full
price of the paper for a year in advance. The Georgian will be senl by mail to all sub
scribers who pay five dollars and by carrier where same is paid for at the carrier rate of
$5.20. Subscriptions must be paid in advanee or they will not count on this offer. This
offer 's open to any white person of good moral character over fourteen years of a.v-e. It
is not a hard matter to secure the necessary number of subscriptions, and those who" enter
the rontest now can easily secure the number of subscriptions required without much
of an effort. Three old subscriptions count the same as one new subscription.
Monday—Leave Atlanta 4 p, m. in a special Pullman train. Special supper lunch on train
Tuesday—Amve Cincinnati 7a. m. ( Leave baggage in your berth, and take street car uotown 1 Break ,
fast and dinner (any hour) at the famous Manhattan Case. 15 to 23 West Fifth half hlnrk f. C e * . k
square. Leave Cmcinnati Ip. m . via C.. H. & D.. from C.. H. &D. station. Special supper I m?h on
Wednesday—Arrive Toronto Ba. m. (We take charge of all baggage and transfer P fr P e train ' /
dock.) Breakfast and luncheon on fifth floor in the famous grill room of Eaton’s mammoth = t^ ame E )
store, 190 Yonge street. (Present your tour book at time of giving order) LeaCe TironTo 3-^ epart " ie ” t I
Niagara Navigation Company's steamer, foot of Yonge street. Arrive Niagara Falls 7-10 p m 'T V '»
Gorge Route, (Change from steamer at Lewiston.l Cars will stop in front of each hotel On i *
Niagara Falls, supper and lodging at International, Imperial and Temperance hotels arrival at
Thursday—Breakfast, dinner, supper and lodging at International. Imperial and'Temoeranr. h-i-i
Friday-Leave Niagara Falls 9:30 a. m. in special electric cars, from corner by InTernational 1 S' i
penal hotels. Arrive Buffalo 10:45 a. m. at D. & C. dock. (Bring all baggage to banoan. r°"®' , !,T "
at the famous Statler Case. Ellicott square. Leave Buffalo 6 p. m. via D. & C steamer 3 foot nf Ma- D ' n ‘‘\’'
(Get baggage before boarding steamer.) Supper in main dining room on steamer Stateroom h AT, S * * f ’
Saturday—Breakfast in mam dining room on steamer. Arrive Detroit Ba.m. I Brina baonar.. fj u
to dock and we will transfer free to Union depot.) Steamer trip from foot of Woodward f m u’T
hour schedule—to Belle Isle and return. Special dinner at ... . Leave Detroit 6pm
from Union station (Fort street) in special Pullman train, using same berth as aoino trin & D ’
lunch on train. a g 1 lp - Special supper
Sunday—Special breakfast lunch on train. Special dinner en route. Arrive in Atlanta 4pm
Address All Subscriptions and Communications to the Contest Mgr., Care of
The Georgian, Atlanta, Ga.