Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 09, 1912, HOME, Page 22, Image 22

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22 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. EAST LAKE FARMS WE HAVE laid off several ehoic-e small “farmlets” in the section lying between East Lake and Decatur. These tracts have a frontage on Boulevard DeKalb and on Pharr mad. with building site on either end. Prices. $2,750 to $3,500; just the thing for the coun try home or bungalow. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR "SOUTHWEST GEORGIA FARM LANDS Terrell, Calhoun, Lee, Ran dolph. Dougherty Counties NO. 1. 2.200 ACRES in Dougherty, 9 mile southwest of Albany: 14-mulp farm !n cultivation. 14 good tenant houses, level, inclined to be a little sandy. Produces cotton, corn, fine for oats, fruit, vegetables; in the center of the pecan district of Dougherty county. $15.0(1 per acre. NO. 2. 1,166 ACRES in Terrell county, on the S. A. L. Railroad, 10 miles north of Albany. 13 miles south of Dawson: 16 tenant houses; 550 acres in culti vation, level, smooth, chocolate land. $25 per acre. NO. 3. 1.100 ACRES in Calhoun county, 1 mile from Leary; level, chocolate land, 10-mule farm open and in cultivation; 7 fairly good tenant houses; splen did farm for cotton, corn, oats, fruits: no Bermuda no nut grass; well wa tered, easily cultivated, plenty of labor. sls per acre. NO. 4. 300 ACRES in Lee county. 150 acres in cultivation: 150 acres In woodland and bottom land Good stuck farm. sls per acre. NO. 5. 1,300 ACRES of land. 2 miles from Dawson. Terrell count} . high state of cultivation, .ill necessary improvements; 40-inule farm. S7O per acre. WE Invito correspondence ami a visit from those desiring to buy land in this section. We can suit you, in a large or in a small farm. BUT do not forget that lands are high in this section and that they are not going to be any cheaper next year. jbL,TW 1 . - . . ■■ ,w ——— -—.— ■ —— ■— < i. ■ ,l, ,i ~, i,,, ■hr ON request, we will mail you our circular, describing the lands which we have for sale. IRWIN LOAN AND IN VESTMENT CO. Dawson, Ga A MODERN HOME IN THE SUBURBS NOT FAR from the end of the East Lake car line, a very attractive 6-room bungalow with hall. On lot 150x450. $4,000. If this is not land enough, we ran give you as much as you want, up to ,10 acres, and sell the whole proposition to you on attractive terms and at a bargain price. Owner leaving the state is the only reason for selling. This property is located so that it will steadily increase in value. FOR FULL particulars see either Mr. Hook or Mr. Dews. FOSTER & ROBSON, Agents 11 Edgewood Ave. p Jy SAI E Central Ave.. Near Trinity. T/ —. TTXT T VERY DESIRABLE PROPOSITION I 11\ I '- ,,T •'<llxlßs FEET. PRICE, $15,000. WOO DSIDE •* i ■''T,Y7„7;,r BROOKWOOD Just a short distance from Peachtree car we have a beautiful bungalow built sot a home, owner is going to leave city and Is forced to sell Can give ynu a close price and easy terms. '”” _ —— -—— « ——- PEACHTREE ROAD, between Ruckbead and Brookhaven, we have several choice lots on this road, which as you know is the highest class of real estate HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. Phones: Atl. 226. Roll Ivy 1157. 31 X Forsyth St. HOMES $12,000- This, an East Fourteenth St heme. 10 la’-ge rooms, res everv conve nlence. servant house and garage c an arrange terms. If vou want a cla'ssv home you should see this. $6,250 —West End home. 8 room on Lee street, rln.e to Park Tris |« a , P ,/ pretty place *I,OOO cash, arrange balance $9,000 Ponce Del eon Ave home has 8 looms haren-od floors, in patterns ma hoganized birch doors, garage ano servant room, if jon want a mce'home buy this now REMEMBER, we have vacant lot.- or, Peachtree. West Peachtree. Ponce De Leon, Ans’ev.Park. Copenh'll and Druid Hills Compare our values Martin-Ozburn Realty Co.| Third National Rank Buildinc. Phone Ivy 1276: \tlanta 208 $4,500 NET—DOUBLE LOT—IO ROOMS-$4,500 NET. EAST LAKE JUNCTION section, where things are doing Owner -ays s*’> and in order to consummate a deal be G nterested in. offers this property at ridiculous figures Compare u m.pect •. mo take it, foj this price can n«>t legitimately he called a sale Will take -mall pr< nerty in part navment GILMER & WILLINGHAMUU..Y L.I 6 WALTON ST.. THIRD DOOR OFF FE ACHTREE. GROUND FLOOR. READ FOR PROFIT—GEORGIAN WAfN I FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale Two Genuine Bargains FRONTING BOTH MARIETTA AND WALTON STREET ONE a vacant lot. 50x104, which can be bought for $26,500; the other a two-story improved brick, on lot 50x 0. which is paying a fair rental, and can be had for $40,000. There is money in both of these lots, and both of them will be sold in the next three days. See us at once. Reasonable terms. B. M. GRANT & CO. Second Floor, Grant Building. BUNGALOW WE HAVE listed with 11s for quick sale a well built six-room bungalow, has all conveniences, large shady lot. east front, very best section Decatur. Ga., right on the north Decatur ear line and near Agnes Scott college . Owner anxious to sell. Price has been reduced to $4,000. Terms are easy. For particulars see W. L. & JOHN O. DuPREE REAL ESTATE. EMPIRE BUILDING. Bell Phone Main 3457. Atlanta Rhone 930. Subdivision Bargain THE BEST SUBDIVISION PROPOSITION to be had anywhere, at any price We are offering for quick sale 25 acres within four miles of Five Points. Has nearly I,no<) feet fronting on car line; has water, sewerage and electric lights. A real bargain. Will cut over a hundred good lots that will sell for SI,OOO each. Price $1,600 per acre, on terms. Would consider SIO,OOO or $15,000 renting property as part payment. WILSON BROS. REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. 701 Empire Building ' Main 4411 -J Night No Ivy 4070-J BUILD YOUR HOME- WE BUY ANY LOT TN ATLANTA OR SUBURBS FOR YOU OR PAY NOTES ON YOUR LOT AND BUILD YOU A HOME TO SUIT, ON EASY TERMS LIKE RENT OR CASH. SEE US FOR EVERYTHING TO BUILD. ATLANTA CONSTRUCTION CO. First Floor Austell Building. Phone Main 5534 FOR SALE A GENUINE California bungalow. This is different from any thing in town. Artistic in every detail inside and out; beautiful shaded lot; nice elevation; finished throughout with cabinet work. This is a home you will always be proud of. Only $5,500 on good terms. Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. GROUND FLOOR, EMPIRE BLDG. $3,250.00---Lot 100x150 on Prado. Best value in Ansley Park. Apply owner, Bell Phone Main 3390. A MONEY MAKER 81 ACRES on Fairburn road, eight miles from car shed: 46 acres cultivated: five-room residence; two tenant houses; all necessary outbuildings; 500 bearing fruit trees; eighteen acres pasture; just a nice auto trip In the early morning. At bargain price GEORGIA HOME & FARM CO. 457 CANDLER ANNEX. PHONE 5767 IVY. James Street JUST A FEW’ FEET west of Spring street and right in the section where more activity in trading is being evidenced than in any other section of the city. 1 am offering to the investing public for a quick turn 38 by 53 feet at $250 per foot. This b«t abuts the lot just bought by the Young Men's Christian associa tion. and the possibilities for a quick profit can but be recognized. This is the first instance that this piece has been advertised and demands quick action. EMMETT HIGH!' REAL ESTATE. Phone M. 2887. 513-514-515 Empire Rldg. Wanted--W. Peachtree Home WE HAVE CASH CUSTOMER for slo.non to $12,000 home on West Peachtree, wants nine rooms, bed room and toilet on first floor; side driveway; level lot. WE HAVE a small apartment site near Piedmont and Eleventh street at a price that will interest you We are in position to finance this for you. See us. TWO LARGE pretty, shady, level lots one-half block from best nart of High land avenue, fl.nno each; get busy if you want one of these They will move quick American Investment and Loan Co. SIXTH FLOOR HILLYER TRUST BUILDING. CITY. rbonps Ivy 5110. Standard 1107 BEAUTIFUL eight room house on a three-acre lot; water and sew ers down and paid for; fronts 400 feet on ear line. has barn, chicken runs, fruit trees; an ideal suburban home, with all city con veniences. A real bargain ON WARRFN STRUT- I KIRKWOOD we have a nice five-room cot tage with hall on lot 50x200; plenty of oak shade. This is a real bargain at $2,000, on terms of SIOO cash, balance S2O per month. See us quick. This plcae will not be m the market long Atlanta suburban realty co. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. 31 Inman Building. Bell Main 2053 H. H. H. REALTY COMPANY 418 Empire Building. Telephone Connections: Bell Main 2185; Atlanta 652. ONE 10-ROOM AND 4 ROOM HOUSE ON WEST HARRIS. SIO,OOO ON WEST HARRIS STREET, not a great distance from the streets where so much real estate has been changing hands recently The rent on these will pay fair dividend We ran exchange this for some smaller property Remember this is a corner lot SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND 6 ACRES OF LAND WE HAVE one of the bes f propositions for a home and an investment cotuhmed that you had find Good 6-room. house and 6 acres of land that will sub-di\ide into at least 30 lots that will sell for s3*o per lot, certain. Has more than 3.000 feet frontage on new street. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. AUCTION SALE CONWAY AND CARMICHAEL STATIONS. Saturday. May 11th. 2:30 p. m. On the Marietta car line. 120 lots on car line, 50 to 150 feet front and 200 to 500 feet in depth. See plat. TRANSPORTATION TWENTY FIVE minutes ride from heart of Atlanta by trolley, with thirty minutes schedule morning and evening; hourly schedule all day. SURROUNDINGS TWO CHURCHES, nine months public school and plenty of good neighbors. ADVANTAGES HERE YOU can enjoy all the advantages of rapid transpor tation. cheap ear fare, good neighbors, pure water, fresh air, sunshine and shade, all without city taxes. FINAL WORD IN OFFERING these lots to the publio we ask you to carefully consider the above points as they are given for your infor mation and guidance. We think these lots offer that rare com bination seldom found, viz: A beautiful home site, a good In vestment sure to increase in value, easy terms and moderate prices. Come out to this sale and buy one of these lots or half a dozen of them —they will make you money. Terms $25 CASH, balance $lO per month, payable on or before ma turity. 7 per cent interest. AUCTIONEER; J. W. FERGUSON & SON. GET ON CAR at Walton and Fairlie streets and get off at Conway or Carmichael stations. Cars leave at 12, 1 and 2 o’clock. Sale Starts at 2:30 P. M. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO 34 N. FORSYTH ST.—ATLANTA. GA. Telephone Ivy 4157 Bell. Telephone Atlanta 226. HOME SEEKERS ARE TOU tn the market for a home? if so. ft will be to your Interest to confer with us at once LISTEN: Do you own a lot anywhere In the city or sub urbs paid for or half paid for? If so. lat us build a house on it to suit your Ideas and arrange terms like rent or easier Houses we build range second to non* In point of workmanship, material and beauty. Ask our customers. Plans and specifications will cost you nothing GATE CITY HOME BUILDERS REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. 809 Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 3047. THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not he a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. 4-I*B-20 Two-Story Brick Store $4,000. THE ABOVE PROPERTY has been rented to same tenant since completed. The tenant is doing a fine business and wants a lease now. For a quick sale and $1,500 as the cash payment owner will include the vacant lot adjoining, which is just the place for another store. There is a $2,000 loan to assume, then $1,500 cash, and the other SSOO can run for a year at 7 per cent. Let us show you something good. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton Street. Both Phones 458. GEORGE P. MOORE REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. 9 AUBURN AVE. In 1.000 feet of Druid Hills, two vacant lots, 50x240 feet each, for S4OO apiece. Water and lights. JUST a few steps from the best part of North Boulevard and on pretty paved street new two-story house. This place is a. snap at $5,000. Lot is almost perfect; neighborhood is fine. This is the kind of home you usually see at $7,500. ~X M.L. THROWER A U a 28 WALTON STREET. GRANT BUILDING 485 CENTRAE AVE- Eight-room home on an elevated, east front lot, with a big garage, for $4,000. Owner will be glad to show you through. CORNER ELM AND GENASEE STS., in Capitol VYewTTfive rooni cottage, on corner lot. for $1,750. $250 cash and S2O a month. This is SSOO under its value. See Mr. Cook. Main 515-1450. Atlanta 164. WILLIAMS-H ARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Phona 2196 Main HERE IS ONE OF THE BEST and the price is right A new six-room, hajl and bath bungalow, on one nf the best north side streets It has a tile finr> r jn bath room, tile floor on ’he front poreh (the porch is large, tool; it Is double floored, storm sheathed, roof covered with the very best cypress shingles; medi cine closet In bath room, plate rack in dining room, exposed celling beams, book cases, stone mantel, beautiful oak floors with a walnut border, birch sliding doors, prettv stone front, stone steps, dressing room with large mirrors, beveled edge, rear porch latticed in. furnace installed, nice rile walk leading to street. This is a house with class, and one that will be appreciated by ope with discrimi nating taste Terms. SI,OOO cash. S4O per month CLOSE IN. ON WEST FEACHTREE Here is a good buy Two houses; lot with 75 feet frontage; enhancing fast. Price is only $24,000 LET US BUILD you a home. We will do it right and at a reasonable price We make terms Nice Homes Worth the Money. j jy jy p* ON ORMOND STREET, just a short dis- T) Yfi A T XT tance from the park, we have a nice [ X \ < I I s’x-roont cottage with all conveniences on. a fine elevated lot. and in the best - - block on the street This ”>n make a I ( ) A | J—■* y\ beautiful home for any one Price. $3,500. '4 v x x. -v i % » Term* Both* Phones 1599. REAL ESTATE. RENTING, LOANS. 511 Empire Bldg. FHURSDAY. MAT 9. 1913, Real Estate For Sale. $250 CASH—S4O MONTH. WILL put vou in possession of one of the best built two-story modern, furnace heated. electric lighted houses in Inman } Park This place is on a thoroughfare, has a large lot, p’ght rooms and is double fioored. storm-sheathed and at the price we have is one of the best propositions on the marker Large, airy bed rooms, an extra nice dining room,* beautiful living room and the house is less than six months old Owner has perfectly' good reasons for soiling and it Is not lack of money either, otherwise we could not make the terms we do. The house will rent for S4O easy. DECATUR. GEORGIA. ONE of our landlcrds ig just finishing two of the prettiest little bungalows you ever saw In the prettiest part of Decatur These are six rooms each, modern ana the lots are extra nice. We can make at tractive terms on both these and the price is A LI, RIGHT. NORTH SIDE. VACANT lot that you can make some monev on if you are speculative or if you are looking for an idea! site to put a beautiful home. This will interest you; lot is 100x200 and on a corner. WE HAVE a client who is leaving the city and he wants to dispose of his entire property in Atlanta He has three good houses and a number of vacant lots, and he wants to sell the whole layout at once In order to do this he realizes that he must make a very close price and HE HAS. Now if you want to buy some good .investment property see us about this. He is going to sell. SHARP A- BOYLSTON. 7 ROOM COTTAGE. OAK- LAND a at:. S3,2SO—NEAR GEORGIA AVE You cft» gel this nice house, with all conveniences, for above low price, on terms of SSOO cash and $35 per month. NICE 5-ROOM BUNGA- LOW. $5.500—0N BROOK WOOD AVE , just off of PEACHTREE ROAD, we are offer ing ’his jam-up cottage, with everv convenience, on terms of $750 cash and $35 per month. .See this. FOR COLORED PEOPLE. $2,500 TATTNALL ST., very close in. you can get a good six or seven-room house .on terms of SSOO cash on each house, and balance easy. Rent for S4O per month; good investment or home proposition See us. S. B. TURMAN & CO.. Or. Br”fld and Alabama Sts. Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH’* ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From—lNn. Depart To— -85 New Y.. 5.00 am 86 New Y. . 12.15 am 13 Jaxvllle. 5 20 am 30 Col'bus. . 5.20 am 43 Was’ton. 5.25 am 13 Clnci.... 530 am 12 Sh’port. 6.30 am 32 Fort V.. 5.30 m 23 Jaxvllle 6.50 am 3.5 B'ham . . 545 am •17 Toccoa. 810 am 7 Chatt ga. 640 am 26 Heflin.. 820 am 12 R'mond . 6.55 am 29 New Y. .10.30 am 23 Kan. Cy. 7.V0 am 8 Chat’ga.lo.3s arm 16 Bruns'k. 7.45 am 7 Maoon . .10 40 am! 29 B’ham . .10 45 am 27 Fort V 10 45 am; 38 New Y.. 11.01 am 21 Col’bus. 10.50 am 6 Jaxvllle. 11.20 am 6 Clnci. . 11 10 am 40 Charl’te 12.00 n’n 40 B’ham. .12 40 pm 30 New Y.. 2 45 pm 30 B'ham.. 2.30 pm 15 Chatt’ga 3.00 pm 39 Charlo'e 3.55 pm 39 B’ham... 4.10 pm 5 Jaxvllle. 5.00 pmj’lß Toccoa.. 4.30 pm 37 New Y. 5.00 pml 22 Col'bus.. 6 10 pm 15 Bruns’k. 7.50 pml 5 Clnci.... 5.10 pra 11 R'mond. 8.30 pm. l 28 Fort V.. 5.20 pm 24 Kan. Cy 9.20 pml 25 Heflin... 5.45 pre. 16 Chat’ga. 9 35 pm' 10 Macon... 5 30 pm 29 Col’bus. 10 20 pm' 44 Wash'on. 8.45 pm 31 Fort V.. 10.25 pmi 24 Jaxvllle. 930 pm 36 B’ham .12 00 ngt; 11 Sh’port. 11.10 pm 14 Clnci. .11 00 pm 14 Jaxville .11 10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dally Central time. City Ticket Office. No 1 reachtree St. "daily statistics Warranty D*eds. s2,ooo—State Mutual Life Insurance Company to Atlanta Realty Investment Company, land lot 15, and being lot 10 >-f the subdivision of the Walker properi'. beginning on the west side of Moreland avenue. 650 feet north of the northwest corner of said avenue and Walker street, 50x23?. feet. sto Aline E Timmons to Will R. Wil kinson. land lot 109. beginning on the southeast side of Brookwood avenue. 362 feet more or less northeastwardly from the corner of said avenue and northeast side of T’eachtree street. 41x140 April 24. $2,800 E. C Lester to City Savings Bank, land lot 55. beginning on the west side of Martin street. 300 feet north from Haygood street. 50x116 feet; also lot be ginning on the west side of Martin street, 500 fp e t nm th of Haygood street. 43x116 feet Max 6. $675 Frank S. Ellis to H F. West, land lot 115. beginning on the north side of Lena street. 320 feet west of the north east cornet of Ashby and Lena streets. 40x107 feet, also a lot beginning on the north side of Lena street. 950 feet west of the northwest corner of Ashby and Lena streets. 45x107 feet April 2 $1,950 Brookhaven estates to Frank E. Callaway, land lot 10, beginning on the southwest side of Brookhaven drive, west at the eastern corner of lot 16. 89x335 feet May 8 $1,250 -John R McNair to Mrs Hattie M Parker, land lot 21, commencing $0 1 L.-et west from Berean avenue. 40x85 feet. • Mav 3. I $260 w A Hale t 0 Mrs .Anna C. H. ( Mathewson, land lot 130, commencing 123 feet from the northwest corner of Bach-/ elm* street and Cambridge avenue. 50x1213 $1,750 Edward P. Cullinane to MUs. Co;-b\ Ueale Pursley, land lot 83, on the east side of Mangum street. 50x100 feet. May 6. $2,800 r F Marton to Home Building and Investment Company, land lot: 17, beginning 196 feet south of the southeast corner of St Charles and Bonaventure avenues. 40x140 feet. $4,500 Tames T Mangum to C. M. Lipham land lot 74. on the east side of Washington street. 200 feet south of Jef ferson street, 50x200 fee* March I $375—M M Scott to Mrs. V J Nyright, land lot 188. beginning at the corner of Mabbit and Bland streets, 95x100 feet. September 12. 1905 Loan Deed $2,000 Home Building and Investment Gompan- tn George K Johneon and John U Hamc-r. -and lot 17. beginning 196 feet south of t’ e southeast corner of gt. Charles and Bonaventure avenues, 40x140 feet. April 30.