Newspaper Page Text
Wfflll.s LOOT
Five Dikes Go Down and Loss
of Life Is Heavy as the
Waters Rise.
Continued From Page One.
tearing up the Yazoo and Mississippi
Valley tracks where they cross the
protection levee south of Baton Rouge.
Al) other gaps in the protection levee
have been closed, and residents of
Lutcher and other points south have
demanded that this cut be closed also.
Melville authorities took drastic
steps to stop speculators trading upon
the fear and misfortune of residents
across the river by ordering that live
stock shall not be ferried across if in
charge of a trader.
Water reached the outskirts of New
Roads today. At Morgansea so much
of the town was flooded that all the
residents fled and the levee guards were
compelled to desert their posts, leav
ing the dikes unprotected.
At Ravenwood, six miles from Mel
ville. the inhabitants have been forced
to leave their homes, and the last ref
ugees were taken away by boat.
Loss of Life Will
Surely Be Heavy.
The number of deaths caused by the
flood is not yet known. It is believed
that the loss of life has been heavy.
Three new drownings of white persons
have been reported near Torres.
At New’ Roads many refugees have
been brought in. Cattle speculators,
anxious to buy the live stock brought
In by the relief boats, have been so
active that Lieutenant Weeks, of the
■United States relief corps, has ordered
them from the levees. They approach
ed the flood-stricken farmers almost be
fore the boats landed with offers to
buy the stock that had been saved.
Hope To Rescue
Many Refugees.
In spite of the new menace caused
by a break in the levees at the Junc
tion of the Mississippi and the old
channel, five miles below Torras. that
let a new flood sweep over the sugar
plantation country, it was believed to
day that rescuers would succeed in
bringing in all the marooned persons
from Pointe Coupee parish by the end
of the week.
Calls for boats came in here during
the night and today, and a numbet
have been dispatched to the flooded
Railroads Are
Saving Thousands.
In the upper part of the parish rail
roads have been able to aid with
the work, and seven thousand persons
have been carried to safety. In the
southern section, however, the water
has put the railroads entirely out of
commission, end boats are the only
means of transporting the refugees.
The waters from the Torras break
have spread over the West Baton
Rouge and Iberville parishes, and are
still rising, and warnings have been
gent out to a number of sections not
yet flooded, telling the people to aban -
don their homes and flee for their Ilves.
Seven hundred and fifty refugees
from the McCra section of the Pointe
Coupee parish have been taken to Mel
vflle. La. They were taken from th e
!®vee top. where they had taken refuge
when the flood came. The refugees to
day were sent to permanent relief
camps In nthftr towns.
One Refugee Brings
16 Children With Her.
One refugee arriving here today, a
white woman, was followed by sixteen
children when ehe embarked from the
passenger coach.
"Are these children all yours, ma
dam?” asked the government agent
who helped her off the car.
"They are; every one of them.” she
Families with eight, nine and ten
children are numerous among the ref
ugees. The majority of the negro ref
ugees are treating the situation as a
l, ort i of picnic, few of them having the
slightest realization of the seriousness
of the flood
The refugees were fed here today,
and then passed on to Baton Rouge
on special trains. The stories of hard
ship. misery and suffering told by some
of the unfortunates were harrowing in
the extreme.
Some of them escaped with only th<=
clothing they wore, leaving all their
valuable effects behind. Women cried
hysterically as they sat in the railroad
station waiting forth- special "refu
gee trains."
[Vandals 1 not as
trevasse Widens
ROADS. "LA May 9 Tearing
a hie through a levee twenty feet high,
theLjissisr-ippi river has carried av.ay
I.4 n *"t.feet of embankment and .tod;'
the Terras crbvasF- is widened to more
than half a mile. The terrific current
is constantly* carrying away other sec
tions ot the broken levee ami engineers
deelarelthat the gap soon will be a mile
In width
Reports reached here today from the
InundaiAd section of the parish that
vandals V skiffs and flat boats are loot
ing homey from which the owners have
been driven out by the flood. Thes
vandals will be shot on sight.
Streams of refugees are constantly
passing through the New Roads relay
station and in all about B.oo° have been
transported out of th> t< ■ north
of New RoaiL since the Torras ere
Copyright, 1912, by International News Service.
4 -
? ftH
Iw SfflMM y ft—
“William, our great reproduction of ‘Life in Ancient Rome' is really thrilling. You and
Theodore make a couple of fine gladiators, and I don't think Nero had anything on me. Ts one
of you should' fall I'll hitch up that dark horse with the whiskers and drag you out. Elihu.
please keep that fan going; the flies are very annoying.’’
fSix-Cent Lace Sale!
I ■ f
New, f resh Styles at a Fraction of Worth 5
'S ou ave attended our previous lace sales know
nis values mark these events-—you know, too, that only the very best
3* styles are offered—-you have learned that no matter how small J--’
the price. Rich quality is embodied in every offering We be- Jp
.J* lieve the laces in tomorrow’s sale are the greatest bargains we’ve
ever offered at 6c yard.
* Edges and Insertions: Values to 25c S
ftb All new styles—late 1912 designs-—such as are now most in demand
' S trimming summer frocks; styles that are ideal for commencement dresses. mN,
s s * Every yard new and clean, and of beautiful quality.
Point de Paris. Round thread. German and Ruby Valen- (
eiennes. Torchon and Cotton Clum laee edffes from 2 1-2 to -
5 inches wide*, and insertions 1 12 to 3 1-2 inches in width—
match sets in a myriad of patterns. We bought these far un- f I
dor true value .and tomorrow the> go to yon on exact!) the
f- amp basis . Prettiest of We to 25r’ laces Friday for fie yard. 8H "
Selling Starts at 8:30 in the Morning---Right Aisle, Main Floor
Save 1-4 On New Curtain Nets S?
A “Between Season" purchase from one of the largest and best equip- JC
* l’ p< - l a<e m| h ; - in the Lnited States brings you an opportunity to save a full
ftn fourth on new Curtain Nets. This mill is known far and wide for the char-
l p productions-—in fart, the owner's efforts are confined
to making only the very best of nets. JG
yXi \nd despite a stcadil.'" advancing market, wo bought 100 pieces of net—a portion of this
2® null's between season surplus stock -at a considerable saving, and now propose to give our
' patrons the benefit of our purchase. The lot has been divided into se<’en sale groups, as
B 35c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 90c, SI.OO, $1.25 •-
Anclat each price you’ll find a wide variety. The entire collection
w will be displayed incur Third Floor Drapery Section tomorrow and se
. lection will be easy. The savings average a full fourth and to neglect this *1 .
opportunity means paying a great deal more for similar nets later.
I M. Rich & Bros. Co?] |
and Saturday |
co on
| May Bargains at Bass’|
| Positively Astonishing Offerings |
s of New Goods Far Below Value ”
c/5 ' ' 55
| Great Bargain Hat Sale |
C/5 >
S 3,000 New Untrimmed Shapes and Ofil* -
$ Ready-to-Wear Hats; up to $lO values. . . w
< &
20 We have just made the greatest hat purchase ever made by any At
lanta store, securing 3,0C0 brand-new spring and summer Hats and Shapes ®
—the entire stock of one of the South’s biggest wholesale millinery houses i cz
z> —at way below usual cost. Included are genuine Hemps, high-grade Nea- 03
< politans, bright lustre Chips, genuine Panamas, and other straws in black,
white and combination colors. Real retail values range up to SIO.OO. Take
< choice tomorrow for 98 cents.
CQ <Z)
c/i 55
CO . >
!Sale of Dresses and Suits I
100 guaranteed all-linen New Dresses of taffetas in fancy effort? New tailored Suits of all-
CQ and all-over embroidered aiJ(] stri , s . )tin messa l inPS . (1 f crean) 'vool serge, in cream and
lingerie dresses in new , . , , ~P , ~ best colors, of fine diag-
spring styles; worth $5.00 ser^es and str, P pd spr^es — bpf,utlful and fancy Suit-®
and $6.00; on sale to- and all-over embroidered Dresses- ings . up to $25.00
CQ morrow CO QQ up to $15.00 CC Ofl vab Cl A
at sfaaww values; choice «Sv»WU ues I UaUU
» May Sale Skirts and Waists May Sale Muslin Underwear «
New Wash Skirts of white piques, shepherd checks. Ladies’ Gowns. Petticoats and Combination Suits, in 5®
colored linens and corded piques; ® 1 beautiful effects; upto OR*.
1 values up to $3.00; at ’• W $3.00 values XJOU
02 New Skirts of chiffon Panama, black, i ream and Ladies’ nicely trimmed Gowns and Petticoats, worth C/)
striped serge ; up to O QCZ ’*P ,o tl- on; * n this “
SB.OO values sg | e a s only w
r/s New Lingerie Waists and plain tailored Drawers. Corset Covers and Brassieres, IQr.
Linen Shirts; up to $3.00 values worth up to 50c; only.. I j J*
One line of Satin Messallne Petticoats Ladies’ silk-taped, lisle-finished 19c 1
® in black and colors; $4.00 values Undervests, at IVv t/5
| Specials in Dress Goods and Silks |
Bis line of Novelty Wool Dress Goods in spring > Lot of remnants, short lengths and piece ends
(T) and summer patterns—stripes, plaids, checks. I of plain and fancy Silks formerly priced up
etc.; 40 inches wide; 4 Rtf* to SIOO. at choice, Rtf*
c/5 ®
< Wonder May Values in Wash Goods, S
S White Goods, Domestics, Etc. g
Beautiful new patterns in Batistes, Lawns. Or Genuine Flaxons in the season’s newest and
gaudies and Printed Muslins; values up to 25c prettiest patterns regular price 25c a yard; W
a yard; Friday £ r in this sale, 4 A- >
yj and Saturday V only I Vw (/>
New 34-inch Pnngenette? in black 36-inch Brown Dress Linen, extra Good Mw Bleached Table Napkins. W
V 5 I and all best color . quality ver; sp lai, hemmed r«id\ for
per yard. . per vard , lse; ear h (/)
- r Good heavy Hemmed Huck Towels
fine quaHtv; special. Cfe** cales, in this sale, CE«* on salt tomorrow ffl
vard.' per yard **'*’ at, only
36-inch White Pajama Checks, soft Best Standard Staple Gingham- on Splendid quality heavy Towel Crash; (Z)
CO finish'd, worth 19c a safe tomorrow onlj at. ven
W yard; only «*C per yard *><* per yard
White Checked Nainsqok and India Genuine Fruit-of-th'-Loom and 60-inch Bleached Table Damask, J®
Linon. the 10< kinds; Lousdale Bleaching. worth 50c a yard 1 Q/e
this sale... . yard wide WM j n tpf s sale.. » (Z)
60 All-linen Brown Dress Linen on sale New Linen Dress, Swisses in olid 72-meh Bleached All-Linen Table
tomorrow at. per colors, stripe.= . etc . 15f ! ‘atn.'sk. worth $1...n a 5Sc H 3
vard “v per vard ' urd: 0n1y... WWV TO
36-inch White Butcher’s Linen. Full double bed size Bleached Hem- 60-inch best quality Table Felt on
S ft a a t yard ; in .. 19c in thi 29c 49c
/s Yard-Wide French Percale, worth Good size, well made Bleached Pi’ 22-inch Best Antiseptic Cotton Dia- m
; ard; very' 9C '"ft ' ' 8© 69© >
i special at. . . xw n ’
< I C/5
“ Extra Friday and Saturday Specials ~
<• Lot of Fancy Table ' overs, Center Ladie. ' Black Silk Hose b»tter than Table of I,ar. and Embroideries (/)
eX pieces etc ; worth ur> to » 50c value, in this wor th up to 20c; C/5
“ 50, at. choice ’*>© -al- at, yard .
Men's Porous Knit and Lisle l n Lot of Infant; Fancj Top Socks. 18-inch Embroidery Flouncing? and
<Z> deru-ar. 50c and 'al the 25c kind, in this lOn • t <’owr Embroid- | W
ue.. per garment
S ,
jo Bargains in Furniture Department «
Genuine Fiber Rush Rockers, the Mission Tabourets or Jardiniere 100 genuine Crex Rugs tn to- C/5
C 3 $6.00 kind, in thi $2.98 Stands; in this 19c morrow at.
J'- 'v'abn - OQ Mission Magazine Staid.. .'luting Art Squares. ?
% ftly '. ea 'ftft.' a,l ft' 51.98 shelf -tyie; in this 69<J Aftjft’ft $2.98 S
CO " C/5
• I Solid Oak Mission Porch Swing. Best grade China and Japanese Polished Brass t'urtain Rods, ex-
rr> complete with chains <1 O 0 Mattings, in new patternr IQn ''' i '” l s ’ ,v ' ,omorrow s(> CB
and hook e I. WO vard ' V >nly ****
Res' No I Floor Oilcloth in new Select White Geese Feathers click- Poli hed Solid Oak
CQ pattern- thi;- -ale. ” d from " v ‘’ 4DO 54.90
L r vard per pound ipaeity
t/5 >
2 We Give 18 West
~, Green Mitchell, “
Trading SHfe >1 Zl Near I
co Stamps Whitehall
ccvq cwfl ssvsi Issvfl ssva ssvfl ssvg I ssva ssva i ssva ssva