Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 09, 1912, HOME, Page 6, Image 6
6 FLOYD MEN JOIN IN WILSON FIGHT Colonel Johnson Says He Is Going to the Convention to Battle tor Recognition. ROME GA , May 1. F’nvd county Wilson insurgents are to join <~hat ham insurganta in their attempt to break into the state convention on May J 9 and demand recognition for the Wil son people. Colonel J Lindsav Johnson, editor in-chief and general manager of The Rome Tribune-Herald, has announced his determination tn go tn the Gate City on the day the convention as sembles »nd demand the right of the people to rule.’,' state Democratic execu tive committees of partisan persuasion to the contrary notwithstanding To Put Convention to Test, Colonel Johnson says: "We shall be found at the state con vention demanding the rightful repie sentation of the Seventh district in that body in accordance uith the expre -red will of the people We shall put to test the loyalty of that body tn that high and honorable Democratic dictum, 'let the people rule.' The convention will have full power to rule in this and all other matters pertaining to the right of representation, and I firmly believe that It will accord ua our constitutional rights.” Undeeweod'a Friends Named. Floyd county went for Woodrow Wil son in the late presidential primary, hut under the rule laid down by the state executive committee, the chairman of the Floyd county executive committee has named a set of delegates from among Mr. Underwood’s friends They are G R. Hutchens, G. E Maddox, Tom Salmon, W. G. Dunehoo, L. P Ham mond, J. P. Watters. George g, Reese, H. P Meiklehan, M. S Junior, Charles R. Porter, R. A. Denny and J. S. Craw ford. It is the right of these people to «ft in the convention that Colonel Johnson proposes to combat vigorously. G. R. Hutchens, the chairman of the Floyd county delegation to the conven tion, was Mr. Underwood's campaign manager, SUNSHINE IS COMING FOR TWO DAYS MORE Bright, pleasant weather, with a slight increase in the temperature, is predicted for the rest of the week bj the I’nited States weather forecasters The highest temperature for this after noon was S 3 degrees ab<?ve zero and the lowest in the last twenty-four hours was M degrees By Saturday the mercury should rise several degrees above Its record today Remember, Friday Bargains Are for the One Dav Only---No Mail Orders Filled | Tomorrow, Friday Bargain Day No. 61 I ZS- 1 In Rich’s Economy Basement ::= ; j i* Fi "' d ■ Only 3 ■ _ = ....... .. JgJ , v 5 ars Octagon Soap for 10c. Men's 50c Shirts, Percale weaves, 39c. *5 "Anna Held" fitted Petticoats, $1.39. Men's 39c Balbriggan U’wear, 19c garment. Komen’s $1.50 fancy Parasols, 89c. 2 doz. Hump Hooks and Eyes, Ic. 'jib Children's 10c Ribbed Vests, Sc. Steel Pins, tomorrow, 1c paper. Women's 10c plain or ribbed Hose, Sc. 3 cans Violet Talcum Powder, 10c. •• Women's $4 Trimmed Hats at $2.98. 2 cakes Stollwerck’s Milk Chocolate, 7c. Women's 25c Knit Pants, 19c pair. 15c Linen Suiting, natural color. 9c yard. SJ"'- Women’s 10c Knit Vests, 7 l-2c. 10c Linen-finished Pillow Cases, 7 l-2c. IP - - - s? | A Wonderful Bargain in Table Damask | Fifty thousand inches of pure Irish, Scotch and German linen table \ damask in this big bargain lot tomorrow; also several thousand inches / jfi Z* °t fine mer< > »-,<ed damask all to be sold at 1c per running inch Reau- ■ tiful new designs in cream, silver and snow-white bleached damask with S * 1 satin-like finish, sold regularly at 50c, 59c. 65c and 69e the vard. All 1 JL S’ goes in this big salt tomorrow'at 1c an inch. lllVzll 29c Extra wide Embroideries, 15c yard. 15c English Longcloth, Chamois-finish, Bc. 5 ’ 5c Safety Pins, all sizes, card, Ic. 50c Linen Lawn, 36 in. wide, 25c vard. 5 3c spool Darning Cotton for Ic. $1.75 Hemstitched Table Cloths, $1.25 each. 15c and 20c Laces for Sc yard. 12 l-2c Shirting Cheviots, 28 in. wide, Bc. J - Girls' 89c Dresses, ages 6 to 14, 49c. 50c All-Linen Crash Suiting, 19c yard. S" ’."Wi Women’s 57 White Shirt Waists, 49c. ISc fancy Cretonne, 36 in. wide, 10c yard. 2 ' 5 Silk Hair Nets for 10c. Full size linen-finished Sheets, 39c. 10c White Dimity for Sc yard. 15c Checked Voiles, tomorrow, 3 3-4 c yd > * J |[ M. RICH & BROS. CO. | Locker Club Manager Draws Out Funds and Court Takes a Hand Not an hour after Judge Pendleton had issued a temporary restraining or- I dr:- against A. J Baxter and his locker club, the Knights of th* Mystic Ark. Baxter walked over to the Third Na tional bank and drew out the . Mystic Ark funds, amounting to SI,OOO. accord ing to complaint in superior court to day As a result of this action. Judge Pen dleton today placed Baxter under bond and cited him to appear on Saturday morning to show good reason why he was not in contempt. K. C. Hardee, who brought the origi nal injunction against Baxter and the Knights, was responsible for the com plaint that Baxter was still running the money end of the locker club with a high hand, despite the court's restrain ing order. GEORGIA GIRL KISSES COMMANDER WALKER WHILE “VETS” CHEER MACOff. GA., May 9 T iust love you old veterans so much that I wish I could kiss even - one of you,” dei lared Miss Regina Rambo, of Marietta, yes terday afternoon in addressing the con vention in behalf of San Antonio's can didacy for the n*xt reunion. Instantly a dozen grizzled veterans rose and started for on which she was standing, and clamored for a fulfillment of her declaration. A compromise was reached when the veterans agreed tn have Miss Rambo kiss Gommander-in-Chief C Irvine Walker, and she promptly leaped from the table, threw her dimpled arms around his neck and kissed the getftral full on the lips. When she resumed speaking, Miss Rambo declared: "That kiss was as sweet tn me ns though it had been from my first sweet heart ” The convention rule of five minutes to a speaker was suspended for Miss Rambo, and she addressed the old vet erans at length and was given a round of cheers whpn she concluded. Rigg’s Disease If ymir teeth are loose and sensitive, ajiii the gums receding and bleeding, you have Riggs Disease, and are in Manger of losing all your teeth I se Call's Antl-Rlggs, and it will give quick relief and a complete cure It Is a pleasant and economical treatment, used and recommended by leading min isters, lawyers and theatrical people who appreciate the need of perfect teeth Get a 50c bottle of Call's Anti Riggs from Jacobs’ Pharmacy, with their guarantee to refund the mono If It fails tn do al) that is claimed for it. It is invaluable in relieving sore mouth due to plate pressure Circular free. CALL'S ANTI RIGOR CO, 23 Williani-st , Elmira. N Y. THE \TLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: THURSDAY, MAY 9. 1912. SHE’S WISE OLD HEN; DEPOSITS HER DAILY EGG IN BANK VAULT AUSTIN TEXAS. May s».—B. L. Gill, state commissioner of banking, has re ceived an inquiry from F. F. Paschall cashier of the First State Bank of Leesburg Texas, which is puzzling him. It reads: "I have, a new depositor, and I do not know how tn handle the lady's account. A white h®n tomes in every morning and deposits an egg behind the vault door, please inform me how to handle this account " It was not until the price of eggs be gan to soar weeks ago that this hen selected the bank vault as the place for depositing her eggs. Mr. Paschall says she evidently has a due appreciation of their value. “GOTHAM” Model jt GENTLEMANLY, high-grade (New York) Style, A conservative and elegant expression of Good Form in footwear, —for People “who understand.’’ The man who wears Regal “Gotham Model’’ Shoes can feel confident that his feet are correctly clad, for Street or Business Wear, in any Fashion-Centre of the World. (High-priced Custom Tailors please note and verify.) SPECIFICATIONS —Black Smooth Calf Brogan Blucher Oxford lnvisible Eyelets—Long Quarter Flange ft Hpp ’ Soles 1 J Sq. Single Heels 9'B Quarter | Flange t TSFIj Stock No. ' 7573 * ,< Price Regal Shoe Store L. J. Wing, Prop., 6 Whitehall THEOLOGICAL SENIORS ORDAINED; SIX TO GET DIPLOMAS TONIGHT Six senior students of the Atlanta Theological seminary were ordained to the ministry in the Congregational church yesterday afternoon and will receive their diplomas tonight when the graduating exercises are concluded in the college auditorium. Dr. F. H. Gaines, president of Agnes Scott college, win deliver th» bacca- | laureate address. Following is the class of graduates: John R. Lewis, Swansea, Wales, r E Fret 2. Philadelphia. Pa.; Arthur Parker, Bridgeport, Corin.; C. W. Weatherly, Pittsburg, Texas; Ar thur Barwick, Baltimore, Md., and M. M. Russey, Atlanta, Friday and Saturday The response to our Tuesday advertisement of spe —-r—- rials for Wednesday and Thursday was overwhelm- Many of our stores sold out their supplies of k specials before they could be replenished from our l\ warehouses. For this reason .we repeat the offerings HA for Friday and Saturday with additional bargain ■1 attractions. Give orders early Friday, if possible. Bw thus insuring prompt and complete delivery and avoiding the Saturday rush. Finest Home Grown Strawberries Fresh at All Our Stores Every Morning 25-lb. Bag of Best d* 1 IE Granulated Sugar <P 1 • 1 With Purchase of One Pound Ridgway's Tea To further popularize the already popular Ridgway’s Teas we make the above special offer for Friday and Saturday only. Ridgway’s Teas are the very finest imported. Order a pound, and after trying it, if you are not satisfied that it is better than any other tea you ever used, return the balance, and we will refund full purchase price. Following are the blends. The sugar special applies with one pound of any blend. Capital Household Tea. Five O’clock Blend. Her Majesty’s Blend. 1-4 pound 15c 1-4 pound 18c 1-4 pound ... 25c 1-2 pound 28c 1-2 pound 35c 1-2 pound 50c 1 pound 50c 1 pound 70c 1 pound SI.OO All blends come in sealed tins just as packed in the gardens where the tea is grown. Any of these blends makes delicious tea for icing or to drink hot. —_ i ——_ New Irish /?lc Fresh, Crisp 1 Ac Potatoes .. . qt. Snap Beans . *" qt. These Money-Savers Friday and Saturday Regular 16-cent Evaporated *2 Ift Full pound package of Corn Cs* Peaches; two days, per pound I IV Starch; 10c kind MW Red Rock Brand Canned Apricots; 4 15c cans of Georgia Pie Peaches; 25c kind; per can IOC Friday and Saturday wC 25c hotties of Brooks’ Chili Sauce; 1 Q a 15c cans of String Beans; ft Friday and Saturdaj’ Iwv Friday and Saturday vV 15c bottles of Brooks’ Chili Sauce: 4 10c package of Royal Scarlet Tea; Friday and Saturday IC v very special a C Regular 25c, tins of Cocoa, 1 Qft 20c tans of Dixie Brand Black- 1 Friday and Saturday Ivv berries; full pack ICv __ “1,1 Friday(and Saturday, if the supply lasts) Supreme Brand Lard No. 10 Pails (fc 1 OA at ..... .M* • 1 The very best Pure Hog Lard on the market Only 600 pails to sell at this price Two Soap Specials for Friday and Saturday OCTAGON SOAP, SWEET MAIDEN SOAP, Friday and Saturday, Friday and Saturday, 3 l"2c Cake 3 l-3c Cake (Not more than 6 cakes to a buyer) | (Packed 3 cakes in neat box) « Friday and Saturday Only Snowdrift N pi2° 99 c No better Shortening on the market Try it once; you will use it always These Are Specials for Friday and Saturday Gold Cross Evaporated Milk; Regular 10c combination “Baby Gold Cross Evaporated Milk; Regular 25c package Gold Dust 4 ft 10c size, per can I2v Washing Powder |vC California Dessert Peaches; regular 4A a Enoch Morgan’s Sapolio, hand 25c value; per can I mtU or scrubbing: eake f v Jack Frost Baking Powder; 4 Qft Old Dutch Cleanser; regular 25c eans IVV Friday and Saturday f Regular 5e cans of Potted worth of Regal Toilet ft 4 Meat (tongue flavor vzv Paper for only fc> 1 Q BIG VALUES FOR BIG BUYERS No. 3 full pack cans of 100-pound bags of No. 3 cans of STRINGBEANS. BEST GRANULATED VIRGINIA TOMATOES SI.OO DOZEN SUGAR, $1.15 DOZEN. (Case of 2 dozen, $1.95) i $5.40 BAG. fOa«p of 2. dozen.s2 25) Rogers’ Coffees—Fresh Roasted Rogers' Coffees are being roasted for you today—you ran get them fresh roasted at any of the 35 Roarer. Stores any morning. 6 This is one reason why Rogers' Coffees are so much better than others You get them fresh from the roaster. Our big friodern coffee-roasting plant is in operation full time and you'll find Rogers' Coffees, fresh roasted, at all our stores, every day. AH our Coffees are first selections of best varieties, scientifically blended by an expert and perfectly roasted —and you get all this quality at its best because you get Rogers' Coffees fresh roasted. THESE ARE THE BLENDS: Santos Blend 22 1-2 c pound I Regal Blend , m. Java Blend 25c pound I Climax Blend . 3 j e £““"2 Rogers’ 35 F“ o r d Stores