Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 10, 1912, HOME, Page 22, Image 22

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS-. 22 Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale. ~~ EAST LAKE FARMS WE HAVE laid off several choice small “farmlets” in the section lying between East Lake and Decatur. These tracts have a frontage on Boulevard DeKalb and on Pharr road, with building site on either end. Prices, $2,750 to $3,500; just the thing for the coun try home or bungalow. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR A MONEY MAKER Ml ACRES on Cambelton road, eight miles from car shed. 46 acres cultivatedL five-room residence; two tenant houses; all necessary outbuildings. 000 hearing fruit trees, eighteen acres pasture; just a nice auto trip In the early morning. At bargain price GEORGIA HOME & FARM CO. 457 CANDLER ANNEX. PHONE 5767 IVY. Two Genuine Bargains FRONTING BOTH MARIETTA AND WALTON STREET. ONE a vacant lot, 50x104, which can be bought for $26,500; the other a two-story Improved brick, on lot 50x’0, which is paying a fair rental, and can be had for $40,000. There Is money in both of these lots, and both of them will be sold In the next three days. See us at once. Reasonable terms B. M. GRANT & CO. Second Floor, Grant Building. THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modem home unless it is wired for Electricity. 4-18-20 SOUTHWEST GEORGIA FARM LANDS Terrell, Calhoun, Lee, Ran dolph, Dougherty Counties NO. 1 2,200 ACRES in Dougherty, 9 miles southwest of Albany. 14-mule farm in cultivation; 14 good tenant houses; level, inclined to be a little sandy. Produces cotton, corn, fine for oats, fruit, vegetables: in the center of the jpeean district of Dougherty county. $15.00 per acre. NO. 2. 1.166 ACRES in Terrell county, on the S A. L. Railroad. 10 miles north of Albany, 13 miles south of Dawson. 15 tenant houses; 550 acres In culti vation; level, smooth, chocolate land. $25 per acre. NO. 3. 11 nfi ACRES in Calhoun county. 1 mile from Leary, level, chocolate land. 10-mule farm open and in cultivation: 7 fairly good tenant houses: splen did farm for cotton, corn, oats, fruits; no Bermuda; no nut grass; well wa tered. easily cultivated, plenty of labor. sls per acre. NO. 4 300 ACRES in Lee county. 150 acres In cultivation. 150 acres in woodland and bottom land Good stock farm. sls per acrp. NO. 5. 1,300 ACRES of land. 2 miles from Dawson. Terrell county, high state of cultivation, all necessary Improvements; 40-mule farm. S7O per acre ~ - ——•— • .■■ - - - - ——* w. ~~ —. , . - ....... . - ._. , W’E invite correspondence and a visit from those desiring to buy land in this section. We can suit you, in a large or in a small farm. BUT do not forget that lands are high in this section and that they are not going to be any cheaper next year. ON request, we will mall you our circular, describing the lands which we have for sale. IRWIN LOAN AND IN VESTMENT CO. Dawson, Ga BUILD YOUR HOME WE BUY ANY LOT TN ATLANTA OR SUBURBS FOR YOU OR PAY NOTES ON YOUR LOT AND BUILD YOU A HOME TO SUIT, ON EASY TERMS LIKE RENT OR CASH. SEE US FOR EVERYTHING TO BUILD. ATLANTA CONSTRUCTION CO. First Floor Austell Building. Phone Main 5534 FOR SALE ’ A GENUINE California bungalow. This is different from any. thing- n town. Artistic in every detail inside and out; beautiful shaded lot; nice elevation; finished throughout with cabinet work. This is a home you will always be proud of. Only $5,500 on good terms. Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. GROUND FLOOR, EMPIRE BLDG • M. L. PETTY & E. L. IIARI.ING Real Estate. 32 East Alabama St. IF YOU are in the market for a Washington street home, we nave one in the way of a twelve-room, two-story. brick 'slate roof, on an east front lot 50x190 that we are offering on ease terms for $9,500.00. This is a Sls.non.iio home being offered for a quick .sale. Has a solid stone foundation, large cement base ment tor storage rooms; furnace, and large servant's room. It opens up down stairs with extra large reception hall and par lors; two bod rooms down stairs; water in every room This is one of the most magnificent homes ever offered on Washington s’reet for the money. Let us show it to you at one”. JY ID A F 1 herokee Avenue, at Grant Park ' ■ fEN-RoOM HOUSE T/ X I f"\T T f T ’>' FLATS, two baths >f JI I I —l IXI I ‘pb.rd J inside finish Lot Ox. >0 ti t I • ' * *-s ’ • alley. i. : s easy Prl ss,'Ll;) WOO DS IDE THOS READ FOR PROFIT — GEORGIAN WANT APS—USE FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. AUCTION 72 Beautiful Shaded Lots Stewart Avenue, Lakewood Heights Saturday, May 11, 10 A. M. COME out to auction and hill climb on Stewart Ave. tomorrow and while you wait for next speeder, buy a beautiful lot right on top of the hill, on easy terms, such as anyone can afford to pay —$10 down, $lO per month. 7 per (‘entinterest. Beautiful shade trees, plenty fresh and wholesome air and no city taxes to pay. Remember, Stewart Ave. is the Peach tree of the south side, linking Atlanta to Hapeville. There is a big future in this property. Buy now while you can get it cheap and treble your invest ment, for in a very short time the electric cars will be passing by this property on both sides, and you know what this means. THIS is the prettiest subdivision that Fulton county affords. AND the rapid developments that are going on in Stewart Ave. up to this property and from Lake wood Heights to Lakewood avenue to College Park, indicate, as a matter of fact, that this property will grow into a town of its own very shortly. THESE lots lie less than a mile outside of the city, and are on a high point overlooking Atlanta and Georgia’s beautiful capitol. Auction starts at 10 a. m. and lasts al] day. MR. O. G. CLARKE, Auctioneer. J. B. JACKSON 4 NORTH PRYOR STREET. INMAN PARK—Lot level and a beauty, 50x190. $1,500. on easy terms INMAN PARK —8-room home, double floored, storm sheathed, electric lighted, etc , on level east front lot in best section, at a bargain, on easy terms NORTH SIDE 6-room cottage, double floored, sform sheathed, electric lights. 2 sets of folding doors. Nice level east front lot. Price only $2,350 on terms SPRING ST. lot, 58x250. east front; a beauty, at $65 per foot. A BEAUTIFUL 5-rom cottage on Highland Ave. at $4,250. Must sell Easy terms WILSON BROS. REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. 7«1 Empire Building ,M.. n 4411-J Night No. Ivy 4070-J AUCTION SALE CONWAY AND CARMICHAEL STATIONS. 'Saturday, May 11th, 2:30 p m. On the Marietta car line, 120 lots on ear line, 50 to 130 feet front and 200 to 500 feet in depth. See plat. TRANSPORTATION TWENTY-FIVE minutes ride from heart of Atlanta by trolley, with thirty minutes schedule morning and evening; hourly schedule all dax. SURROUNDINGS TWO CHURCHES, nine months public school anil plenty of good neighbors. ADVANTAGES HERE YOU can enjoy all the advantages of rapid transpor tation. cheap ear fare, good neighbors, pure water, fresh air, sunshine and shade, all without city taxes. FINAL WORD IN OFFERING these lots ro the public we ask yon to carefully consider the above points as they are given for your infor mation and guidance. We think these lots offer that rare com bination seldom found, viz: A beautiful home site, a good in vestment sure to increase in value easy terms .and moderate prices. Come out to this sale and buy one of these lots or half a dozen of them—they will make you money. Terms $25 CASH, balance $lO per month, payable on or before ma turity. 7 per cent interest. AUCTIONEER: J. W FERGUSON & SON GET ON CAR at Walton and Fairlie streets and get off at Conway or Carmichael stations. Cars leave at 12, 1 and 2 o'clock. Sale Starts at 2:30 P. M. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO 34 N FORSYTH ST.—ATLANTA. GA. Telephone'l\\ 4157 Bell. Telephone Atlanta 226. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. TERMIXAI.DISIRICTS THE BUSINESS center of New York is moving as fast as it can to the district located between the Terminals of the New York Central, or Grand Cen tral. and the new Pennsylvania Terminals. BUILDINGS ranging from four to ten stories are be ing torn down to make room for the new Hotels, . Department Stores, Theaters, Cases, and ,the other businesses that pander to New York’s daily 500,000 floating or traveling population. THE WISE business men are trying to save this traveling public “minutes,” and they are profiting thereby. Atlanta’s Terminal District IT IS needless to say that I was disappointed when the livest and best business men in Atlanta and the “Makers of Atlanta.” stood by and saw the two lots on West Hunter street knocked off for hardly one half their reasonable value. . AN INVESTOR (-an pay up to $1,500 per front foot for a lot located in the district hounded east by For syth street, south by Mitchell, west by the Terminal Station and north by Alabama street, add the cost of a splendid modern improvement, and then get a handsome interest return on his total investment. This is the true test of Real Estate values. I TRIED to show by photographs and statistics the strategic advantages of this district, and I. still want to go on record as saying that any investment in this district is one of the safest central investments offer ed in Atlanta, up to $1,500 per foot, regardless of how it looks today. ‘ Study the auction plat. Exclusive Listing LIST YOUR property with us exclusively, and we will-co-operate with other agents in selling it, and save you the annoyance of a dispute as to who is en titled to the commission when your property is sold. THE OLD practice of listing with every agent in the city is out of date in every.modern city except At lanta. EDWIN P. ANSLEY J. H. EWING. Manager Sales Department. JOHN GILMORE, Assistant Manager. Property for Exchange LOTS IN PENSACOLA, FLA., for equities or for good automo bile. COTTAGE IN BILOXI. MISS. Equity for vacant lots in or near Atlanta. LOTS IN CHICAGO for improved property in Atlanta. LOTS IN GULFPORT. MISS., for equities or vacant lots in At lanta. EQUITIES in Atlanta for vacant. FARMS IN FLORIDA for equities in Atlanta. JOHN R. SCOTT 814 Grant Bldg. Phone Main 1869. G. R. XIIOO I REX CO“ REAL ESTATE. BUILDING AND LOANS. 141'9 CANDLER BUILDING. PHONE IVY 4978. $3.090 —A beauty of a bungalow on corner lot. It's new. has all. conveniences, such as bath, water, sewer, gas. etc. $500.00 cash, balance like rent. It’s a dream, in Edgewood. Loan of $1,500. $4,750—A nice 6-room bungalow in West End Terms, assume loan of $2,500.00, balance like rent. t $2.500.00—A new 5-room bungalow, near Rose Hill station. Assume $1,250.00 loan, balance like rent. It’s a snap. $2,750-Vacant lot, just one-half block from Peachtree St. Can you beat it? Sidewalks, cherted street®, etc. Terms easy. $6,500.00—A Cleburne Ave. | >me. with all conveniences, hardwood floors, tile bath and the prettiest fixtures intact. Assume loan $3,000.00. SSOO cash, bal ance like rent. A CLOSE-IN piece of property at a sacrifice. Let us show you. Legal Notices. After thirty days' notice by publica tion, pursuant to an act of the general assembly, approved August 22, 1905. the undersigned petitioners will tile in the office of the secretary of state, a peti tion for incorporation, of which the fol lowing is a copy; GEORGIA— Fulton County. To the Hon. Philip Cook. Secretary of State: The petition of B. M. Wood, A. F. Gwin. Dan G. Pleasants. .1 M Wood. Jr . and J. H Walton, of the county of Ful ton and state of Georgia, respectfully flwws that they desire to organize an INDUSTRIAL. LIFE. HEALTH AND \CCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, to be known as DIXIE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, for tlie purpose nf carrying on an INDUSTRIAL, LIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE business upon the plan of mutual assess ments upon all its members and policy holders There shall be no capital stock. The principal office of the company is to be located in the city of Atlanta, eountj of Fulton and state of Georgia. Petitioners do intend, in good faith, to go forward without delay to organize the said companj and that they have given thirty days’ notice of their inten tion to apply for a charter by publica tion of this notice in The Atlanta Geor gian and News, the newspaper publish ing legal advertisements of said county. Wherefore, your petitioners pray to be incorporated tinder the laws of this state. B M. WOOD. 1 F GWIN. DAN G. PLEASANTS, J M WOOD. JR , J. H WALTON. Affidavit. STATE OF GEORGIA Fulton County Before me. the undersigned, an officer of said state and county, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared B M Wood and J. M. Wood, Jr., who on oath say that the names sub scribed to the foregoing petition, to which this affidavit is annexed, are the genu ine signatures of the persons named therein, and that the facts stated in the netitfon arc true. B M WOOD J M WOOD. JR. JNO D HARRINGTON. No’arv Public. Fulton County. Georgia 4-26-40 Ask ar.v business man and he will tel! vou The Georgian Want Ad columns reach more peor'.e and bring better results that eduld not be obtained in any other medium in this sect.on. DAILY STATISTICS Warranty Deeds. For Value Received —A. B. Calloway to Mrs. Maude Calloway, one cemetery lot In the Westview cemetery, known on the plat of the said cemetery as 217, section 9. containing 106 square feet, also the lot in the same said cemetery. 218. section 9, containing 106 square feet. May 8. $6.850 —Ernest F. Clarke to D. C. Smith, land lot 14. beginning on the east side of Euclid avenue. 12JX229 feet. May 1. SB.IOO--D. C. Smith to Pittman Con struction Company, being part of land lot* 14. being part of land lot 148. and a strip off the northern side of lot 147, as per plat of Inman Park by Joel Hurt, C. C., May 1. IB't6. beginning on the east side of Euclid avenue. 140x259 feet. May 6. SSO0 —Mrs. Viola Hampton to G. W Smith, land lot 20. commencing on the east side of Carroll street. 2.9x83 feet. April 20. sl,ooo—Miss Annie J. Williams to Mrs. Cora 1,. McClelland, land lot 74, begin ning on the north side of Boykin street, 110 feet west of Fortress circle. 60x140 feet. May 8. SSO0 —G. T. Pursley to Smith and Simp son Lumber Company, land lot 130, 50x 172 feet. May 1. $950 —A D. Thompson to W. H. Bras well. land lot 19. commencing on the southwest corner of Fortune street and Shelton street. 27x90 set. May 7. $4.125 —H A. Etheridge to Harold Hirsch. land lot 6. being on the northwest corner of said land lot and containing 40 acres, more or less, six acres in the south n est corner of said 40 acres having been sold to Miles W. Clark, and two acres sold to the East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia Railroad Company, as a right , f-wav throifgb this tract; said tract, after the above reservations, containing 32 acres; also one acre in the southeast corner of land lot 7. on the west side of McDonough road, north of the 32 acres mentioned above. June 6, 1911 s2.soo—George I' Howard to the Mort gage Bank Company of New York, land lot 106. beginning on the north side of Thirteenth street. 300 feet to the north west corner of said street and Piedmont avenue. 50x150 feet. May 9 $1.750 —Mrs. Florence -I. Jordan to G. R Milner, land lot 54. being on the south -ide cf Little street. 240 feet west from the southwest corner of Hill street. 59x 216 feet. November 6. 1907—George P Napier to Mrs Mar: u Tripp, land lot 86. on the north side FRIDAY. MAY 10. 1912. Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & gOYLSTON $250 CASH—S4O MONTH. WILL put you In possession of one of the best built two-story modern, furnace heated. electric lighted houses in Inman Park. This place is on a thoroughfare, has a large lot. eight rooms and is double floored, storm-sheathed and at the price we have is one of the best propositions on the market. Large, airy bed rooms, an extra nice dining room, beautiful living room and the house is less than six months old. Owner has perfectly gnod reasons for selling and it is not lack of money either, otherwise we could not make the terms we do. The .house will rent for S4O easy. DECATUR. GEORGIA. ONE of our landlords is just finishing two of the prettiest little bungalows, you ever saw in the prettiest part of Decatur. These are six rooms each, modern and the lots are extra nice. We can make at tractive terms on both these and the price is ALL RIGHT. NORTH SIDE. VACANT lot that you can make some money on if you are speculative or if you are looking for an ideal site to put.a beautiful home. This will interest you; lot is 100x200 and on a corner. WE HAVE a client who is leaving the city and he wants to dispose of his entire property in Atlanta. He has three good houses and a number of vacant lots, and he wants to sell the whole layout at once. In order to do this he realizes that he must make a very close price and HE HAS. Now if you want to buy some good investment property see us about this. He is going to sell. SHARP & BO ALSTON. 7 ROOM COTTAGE, OAK LAND AYE. S3,2SO—NEAR GEORGIA AVE You c*n get this nice house, with all conveniences, for above low price, on terms nf SSOO cash and $35 per month. NICE 5-ROOM BUNGA- LOW. $5,500—0N BROOKWOOD AVE . just off of PEACHTREE ROAD, we are offer ing this jam-up cottage, with every convenience, on terms of $750 cash and $35 per month. See this. FOR COLORED PEOPLE. $2,500 —TATTNALL ST., very close in, you can get a good six or seven-room house on terms of SSOO cash on each house, and balance easy. Rent for S4O per month; good Investment or home proposition See us. S. B. TURMAN & CO.. Cor. Broad and Alabama Sts. Railroad Schedule SOUTHERN RAILWAY. "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From— No Depart To— -35 New Y.. 500 am 36 New Y. .12 15 am 13 Jaxville. 5 20 am 30 Col'bus.. 5 20 am 43 Was'ton. 525 am 13 Cine! .. 530 am 12 Sh’port. 630 am 32 Fort V.. 5,30 ni 23 Jaxville 650 am 35 B’ham .. 545 am *l7 Toccoa. 810 am 7 Chatt’ga 640 am 26 Heflin.. 8 20 am 12 R’mpnd . 6 55 am 29 New Y. .10.30 am 23 Kan Cy. 7.00 am 8 Chat’ga 10 35 ami 16 Bruns'k. 7 45 am 7 Maaon. .10.40 am| 29 B’ham. ,10 45 am 27 Fort V.. 10.45 am 38 New r Y. 11.01 am 21 Col’ 50 am 6 Jaxville.ll 20 am 6 Cincf.. .11 10 am 40 Chari te 12 00 n'n 40 B’ham. .12.40 pm 30 New Y.. 2 45 pm 80 B’ham.. 230 pm 15 Chatt’ga 300 pm 39 Charlo’e 3.55 pm 39 B’ham... 4 10 prq 6 Jaxville. 5.00 pm *lB Toccoa.. 4 30 pm 37 New Y. 5.00 pm 22 Col’bus.. 5 10pm 15 Bruns’k. 7.50 pm 5 Cine!.... 5 10pm 11 R'mor.d. 8 30 pm 28 Fort V.. 5 20 pm 24 Kan Cy 920 pm 25 Heflin... 5 45pm 16 Chat’ga 935 pm 10 Macon... 530 pm 29 Col’bus.lo 20 pm 44 Wasb.'on 845 pm 31 Fort V.,10,25 pm 24 Jaxville. 9.30 pm 36 B’ham .12 00 ngt 11. Sh’port. .11 10 pm 14 ClncL 11 no pm 14 Jaxville 11 10 rm Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dailv. Central time. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. of Middle street. 52x08 feet. May 9. __ s7os—Mrs. S. C. Harvil to Western In vestment Company, land lot 13, on the north side of Kirkwood avenue. 40x121 feet. May 6. SI,6OO—J. W. Harvil to Mrs. S. C. Har vil. land lot, same as above, Mav 12. 1910 SI.2OO—J. N. Renfroe and N. M Dan iel to Dickinson Trust Company, land lot 17. on the east side of Main avenue, of Dickson place. 150 feet north of East Eleventh street. 40 by 200 feet Mav 6 $10,300 —Thornes J. Collier to Austell Thornton, land lot 109, on the east side of reachtree road. 228 feet northwest of the northwest corner of G W. Collier estate property. 100 by 1.618 feet Maj- 9. $2,300—J. .1. Sullivan, executor of S. P. Richards estate, to G. C. Drummond, land lot 76. beginning on the west side of Pul liam street. 43 By 142 feet. March 2. $2,300 —J. J. Sullivan, executor of S. P. Richart',, estate, to G. C. Drummond, same property. March 2. $2,300 —J. J. Sullivan, executor of estate of S. P. Richards, to G. C. Drummond, same property. March 2. $lO and Other Valuable Consideration- Frank Edmondson to J G. Arnold, land lot 1. 425 feet west of northwest corner of Highland avenue, 50 by 16.0 feet. May 6. Warranty Deed to Secure Loan. $2.00Q —Mrs. Martha A. Bigham to H E. Farrington, land lot 84. on the southwest side of Tattnall street, on the northwest side of Edwards lot, 41x200 feet May 6. $327.69—C. G. Wells to Phenix Planing Mill, land lot 10, on the north side of Confederate avenue, 50>£ by 167 feet. March 2. Loan Deed. $9.000 —Fredericka Fredericks to George K. Johnson and John W. Hamer, land lot 49, on east side of Juniper si reef 70 by 97 feet. May 9. SSO0 —Albert G. Dallas to Helen B. leavens, land lot 110. on west side ot Leach street. 44 by 100 feet. Mav 9 $570 —Albert G. Dallas to Miss Helen B. Leavens, land lot 110. on the north east corner of Carter and .TaliSferro streets, 43 by 100 feet. Mat 9. Bonds for Title. s6so Mrs. Mary B Smith to .tame® P Edwards, land lot beginning on the north east corner of Fox and Chestnu’ streets 50 by 132 feet. May. s4.6oo—Miss L. E. Crosthwait to Harrv Warshawsky, land lot 76. on the east side of Pulliam street, 49 bv ion f Pp t inmost 18. 1911 ' 8 slß.ono William A Randle to Mrs Helen Crew McCord, land-lot % on east side of West Peachtree street. 50 bv ‘>o() fee’ Mav S sß.ooo—William Rawlings to c b Ford land lot 106. on north side of BrookHrr street. 50 by 20 teet April 1 S4O0 —Frank Edmondson to c u Co” ->!e<. ’and lot 1. 425 teet west cf northvest corner of Highland avenue so t- >6O feet October 17, 1910. ’ el ’