Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 11, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 21

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T 3 \X7 FK?Q ’ T THF F- A'V TT Fl 3 _ Gettin? Fat - or . the Romance JL/ JL JL JL M..J Xa. JL JL JL/ JUL of Henry Hincklemeyer ®JK T*. £. Our Famous Dramatist, Copmght. 1912, by Amerie*.n-,Tournal-Eiamlt»T. Great Britain Rights Reserved. /No HENRV 1 can) | DRuqs fTFN cents) /Poo* ,*mh, z "~_ U irs N < —> ———— ■ O PHo * ZZ<x c 4opmonog P a P hs y —' pi l mywifej tF7> ZmaL P Cu ND ms // ex F AtSlO ZZ\ Y F ru <T\.jr\ / 7 Shoes //▼>-? \ y \ , I (\ //) ’I J zZ< W----- 3 /71FA A■& ib?\\T y> H • W 3 a . ""T-- UK ti-—<\ //\\ \ ( ' %7\ Jrw nJ 'V\ fc# Zi Z/ r—nAi DEFT I DEPT lAm i KO F y >< 7 C of \ SPN r °f < PWB r JX-// DRY I I _Z> L DRn ; PWR? i.L ii ■' zzii U te JT An - / 1 Z> Il <ZZj5i ■ iZ ~7~~ . i -J—. " ' f. i FT— A__ L—. ...A— e— 2a I—S. I_Z _^_ <—„■J- ntAi Z* ( I PRONOUNCE CvdHWNT Voo \ fT\A/A5 Just ' You man and( | use The /vJhatarcA -tmimKikiG < WIFE ) V'CKLE cuke; ■ 4- • You Acheck x ■ T TXYA C(R ( NNJN(r ‘ y '•>A zQ. ( Z ' f' N > P € [_ (Ayvr.pEAV; L(tA\ rl<Y Y 'W \ D \jZWt>EQ\ W?/ I f I thinner I / \ly 'Zv J (I TT ~7 777 7pm ITe Z ftxwvJ Zb k 6 wp L ® kJZZpR •If ~ v, r. y - I - ' J. dSr STk 2 «A>YeARS AFTCK three years afTo, f M«t2 ,-r, tSZ \L= , 7S-, C’To' ~~• ~t . TT "K — x--aqt• T —7^~tt T mvZZ —fr" '7^-? —X-TB— t-t-i <3. Cs> xr..M z<)7) ' \L\5--" Lxf wpt_/ ><Z 7A Cb„ ‘77 ' k ~h 7) \C3) •v-ztZ 4-0 Z? ’> j zC _z '->7 > I 7 / T 5c 7 I . xTA e*A ♦ xV I Xmzi x' i \ T ». —iT I < tktfi r Ym/ f ><j nil rrj '® 4 -WjVfp 1 WHL ll W t* a>4 - / *\y 1 ,\Vo ‘ ”/gftnS ß Can Y on Ship at Once ? | 'HIS is Haywood, at Washington. I Can you ship at once 20,000 Phila delphia paving blocks to Jameson & Co.? I can close an order if the blocks can be shipped immediately. Yes; I’ll hold the line. Good! Now hustle the blocks along.” The Salesman finds the Bell Long Distance Telephone invaluable in getting necessary information and closing sales. When You Telephone—Smile JO' SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH company » i Admission JR|.|OI P CHILDREN a * Matinees tJM' ! FAMICY VAUDEViUX! IAL LEONHARDT BESSIE BROWNING ‘ Eccentric Juggler Character Impersonator < QUIGG & NICKERSON MERMAIDA Comedy Blackface Musical Act The Diving Venus MOT IO N PICT URE. S Matinees Dally. 2:30 and 4; Night Shows. 7:30 and 9. ~j » THE GRANO TONIGHT and all week Matinee daily THE OURRAR IN “Greater Than trrj Arabian Nights.” Prices, 15c, 25c. SOc. I FORSYTH 1 2:B® ■ MlanlAsßiisiestTheater ) Teright S:3O The Scientific Sensation of the World PAULINE? THE EXPOSITION FOUR—VISIONS D'ART and Other Features NEXT WEEK. BOSTON FADETTE3 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AXD NEWS: SATURDAY’. MAY 11. 1912 J. J. A. GWINN FINE SHOE REPAIRING 6 LUCKIE STREET, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT HOTEL REEL PHONE 2335. ATLANTA 2640. BEFORE k. MV-n XT J k ■Sf 2L-. _ J W I // JLkIaSJHMRh, X *->' FTER X Good Rubber Heels. 20 cents. Best, 35 cents. Best half-sole, sewed, 75 cents. Will send for and deliver your shoes without extra cost. AUTOMOBILES POR RENT, Office open day and night. Both Phones. THE RATIONAL PLAN FOR A VACATION Not Idleness, but change of scene and environment with a combination of recrea tion and profitable study. This is the ra tional plan, whether for young or old. Brenau College. Gainesville, Ga., has I solved the problem for teachers, mothers and young women. A beautiful descrip tive booklet has been issued, and will be sent free to any one who is Interested. Address Brenau College, P. O. Box 16 datnesvllle. Ga. WELTON JELLICO COAL $4.50 ?" Both Phoned 3663 The Jellico Coal Co. 82 PEACHTREE ST. From the factory direct to you. This means, quality considered, best Piano val ues for the least money. CABLE PIANO CO., 84 North Broad-st. I ITHEI 1 GRUNEWALO NEW ORLEANS, Absolutely Fireproof COST $2,500,000 New Orleans m west and largest hotel as thoroughly modern and equipped as any hotel in this country Ontrally lo cated. 750 rooms.* private baths, hot and * old running water, private phones: rates moderate. THE CAVE Th p most unique and delightful dining spot in America Tourists say there's "nothing like it in the world " The cave covers square feet <if floor spare There are myriads of iridescent stalac tite? grotesque figures, grottos, winding pa'-sages, etc A fountain, waterfall, statues and tropical foliage, add .to the beautiful effect. Here are serried the choicest foods in Dixie. Seventy page bonk abnut New’ Orleans free Address The Manager ffiNfiS Iljlßk AND /g/ll TENTS SBSF.L.VolbergJr. 128-130 S. Forsyth St. The Shop With a Reputation ~ . I.—i CHICHESTER'S PILLS . THE BIAMOND BttANl*, A your frr rills " Red and Gold •ne‘2"fr\V/ 13k f 5 ‘ te3!ed v^h B : * Ribbon VZ wl Take co ether Buy of yonr w u ’ ?» r SOLD RV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE BETTER THAN SPANKING, Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There Is a constitutional cause for this trouble Mrs. M. Sum mers, Box W. Notre Dame, Ind , will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her today if your children trouble you In this way. Don’t blame the child, the chances are It can’t help ft This treatment also cures adults and aged people trou bled with urine difficulties by day or night. I S] g I In. selecting a Piano, your (first consideration will be l that of tonn. Ours are noted i for their tone excellence. CABLE‘PIANO CO., 84 North Broad st, QUICK RELIEF FOR ECZEMA Mrs 5A' G MrYelley, <>f 47 Oglethorpe are.. Vlanta. Ga . -a v - "Your Tett.erlne cured a tantalizing <-ase »»f letter. I applied the remed} one evening and th* next morning was mu-'h relieved I will no' be without ” M all druggists or fnr 50c by mail, from J. T. Shuptrine. Savannah, Ga *** Th* easy way tn get Dr*lp for hnu?o work offi-r store, factory or air. where dtp je tn in? rt 3 <ma!l ad In th* Help Wanted ’ ■■>!u r nn> of Th* Atlanta G-eor glan. Just phone xfoo (either phone) and the Want Ad will do the rest. _... : - _ | ~ ........ 7 The Road of a Thousand Wonders SUPERIOR SERVICE Via NEW ORLEANS to ' TEXAS, OLD and NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA. CALIFORNIA, OREGON and WASHINGTON TWO dallv TRAINS to PACJKC COAST with connections for PORT LAND and SEATTLE , , Leave New Orleans 11:30 A. M. and 9:25 P. M. THREE dallv trains to HOLSTON with direct connections for NORTH TEXAS POINTS. • Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars .O The Safest Route, Every Inch Protected by Automatic Electric Block Signals Oil-Burning Locomotives —No Smoke—No Dust—No Cinders Best Dining Car Service in the World , LOW ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES * 'T’ California And * ° Oregon. Washington /” % In effect during May, June. July, August, September, October ~ f DELIGHTFUL OCEAN VOYAGE ONE HUNDRED GOLDEN HOURS AT SEA NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK SERVICE Eor particulars and literature, call on or w’rtte 0, P. BARTLETT. Gen. Agent, R. O. BEAN, T. P. A, 1901 First Avenue. 121 Peachtree Street. Birmingham. Ala. Atlanta, Ga, WooL[£rs SANITAMffW OPIUM and WHISKY per? race shcewe tbaao dl»- ea*es are carabta. Pstlanfei also treated at thatr kames. Oaa*> St* I’ lafcoFft R« Bnltation conndegttial. A book op the subject Sm». D3.R. M, WOOKLKY & SOK. Xa. AA Vic ter Santtwmuß, Asma. At. SForWy your business || against a facing off in || trade gg H Every day in the week WONDER WORKERS |g ..yd vtS ' PAGE SEVEN —MAGAZINE SECTION