Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 11, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE NINE, Image 23

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I Strange Facts Gathered From the Wide World Siam ie one of the few countries which boast of a corps of women po lice. The members of thia Amazon guard are al! old and ugly. They wear a uniform, though they are not armed. Their chief duty is to act as gate keepers of the Inner, or Women's pal ace. at Bangkok. They follow any stranger who enters the palace and re main with him until he takes his de parture. They see that there is no mis chief done, and that no one makes love to the royal wives and court ladies. The palace has some difficulty in recruiting these guards, as the work is hard and the pay poor. The bona fide maimed and lame beg gars of Paris streets have formed an association for the defense of their privileges against the impostors who encroach on their beats. The president » has been received by JI. Bourgeois, ’he minister of public works, who promises to consider their demand of a certifi cate after medical examination. This f will hinder, they maintain., an honor able profession from being digraced by bogus cripples who are seldom brought *~~*to justice. j. A unique colony tg that, of the six toed people in Maine, on ’he line be tween Lincoln and Sagadahoc counties. Starting some generations back, inter fnarriage has apparently reproduced the deformity, until there are few families free of the freak foot. Seme of the af flicted ones —for the extra toe. inter feres with wearing ordinary shoes— have resorted to surgery to remove the distinction which s*ts them apart as abnormal folk. A novel method has been adopted by the Prague police authorities for de tecting the perpetrators of crimes and misdemeanors When a person of dis tinction in the annals of crime,is being sought, and the Prague police expe rience difficulty in laying hands on the suspect, lin future they will send to every cinematograph exhibition in Bo hemia a photograph of the person "wanted." During the entertainment the picture will be shown, with some explanatory note. German? has added another to its list of distinctions. It has produced the perfect truant. A boy of Dortmund was transferred from one school to an other; he found out that his name was not entered on the register. That was four years ago. *Since then he has gonc’l from home every morning with his bag | of school books, and each evening at ■ the appointed hour he ha- returned. It has now been discovered that the new school has never seen him. and that h’ has had four yeais of vagabondage. The London museum has just been j enriched by the receipt from Queen Alexandra of man? articles w hich be longed to King Edward. The most in *~teresting rtf these is a wf-tch chain which his majesty used to wear, made of Queen Alexandra's own hair. To the chain, which is studded with dia monds, is attached the following in scription: "Watch chain of Her Maj esty Queen Anexandra's own hair, and given by her to King Edward Mil in 1864." Somebody has figured that an aver age man of 15” pounds contains the constituents found in 1,200 eggs. There is enough gas in him to till a gaso meter of 3.649 cubic feet. He contains enough iron to make four ten-pennv nails. Hi- fat would make 25 candles and a good-sized cake of soap. His phosphate content would make 8.064 boxes of matches. There is enough hydrogen in him in combination to fill a balloon. Canada's government, has appropri ated $38,000,060 to carry out its railway and canal program for the coming year. This includes the 'building of the first section of the Hudson Ray railroad and the construction work on the eastern division of the Grand Trunk Pacific from Winnipeg to Moncton, the Quebec bridge, surveys for tlm deepening of the Welland canal, work on the Trent ca nal and the Intercolony railroad and the Prince. Edward Island rail wav. North Dakota has the world's cham pion long beard, as, one of its citizens can boast of no lea's*.than eleven feet and six inches of beautiful wavy whis ker Mans N. Langseth. a native of Norway, is the possessor of this re markable growth, which has been cul tivated with care and pride for 36 years and has been increasing in length at the rate of almost four inches per annum. ~~~ The horse which the king rode at va rious review s and other functions in India gave such .satisfaction that it was purchased and brought to England. The animal, w hich is a splendid specimen, is now in the royal mews at Bucking ham, palace. To mark the royal visit, the horse has been named Delhi. I || AISE the cover from a Ok. steaming dish of FAUST ' pk\\\\ ® SPAGHETTI and watch the BJJ ||L smile run 'round the table. To 111 keep the family smiling, repeat 111 Hl / often. v U It! 3c anti We pecfcaij*3 V i J at ycur grocar’s, H \ MAULL BROS. St. Lonis, Ma. V % i NEXT WEEK AT THE THEATERS - - —— ; ; ' _ I Six O’Connor Sisters, who tjill be a feature on next week's Forsyth hill. They are hilled as the only six real sisters in vaudeville. | • / x Xz * rRS / > B ** 1 Ft / Hk Jr OB *“ JI at 'Wragk Jr W Jf w IF p ' ’ WWBbL I \ Illi BIG FEATURE BILL BOOKED FOR FORSYTH NEXT WEEK The Fadettes of Boston. Caroline B. Nichols' famous orchestra of young la dies. will be the star feature at the For syth next week, and the others on the bill promise to make a program that will be one of the treats of the vaude ville season at the busy theater. The Fadettes first came into promi nent position in the vaudeville world at ’ B. F. Keith's theater in Boston, and | after a tour of the circuit won the honor of creating a number of attend ance records. There are eighteen young ladies in the musical organization, and programs of exceptional merit and in- I teiest will be used during the engrge- I ment. The act has appeared with great success in best vaudeville theaters in the land, and the engagement here will be a special event. Caroline B. Nichols, the conductor of the orchestra, is a skilled and careful director of musical successes. She has won the attention of some of the great music masters, and will prove her abil- It.v during thp engagement of the Fadettes at the Forsyth. Kellar Mack and Frank Orth, the well known song w rlters. have scored a great success this season In a coined?- singing sketch that has been classed with the headline features In every city. Both these men are clever in song writing and the'-e is hardl.v a cleverer comedian than Kellar Mack. He will he recalled as one of the best laugh winners that has appeared on the cir cuit and with Frank Orth will be in on the honors at the Forsyth. Another feature will be the Six O'Conner Sisters, a sextet of real sis ters who have won attention because of their vocal talents. The young la dies have recent!?- appeared in the best Keith theaters and with some of the best headliners and have won attention | and created interest. A clever act will be the presentation of Arthur Sullivan and Charles Bartling in the sensational sketch. "The Fight er and the Boss." This is a sketch founded on a political game and is in tense in sensational climax. Ben Smith, a comedian of some prominence and who is. declared to he one of the best singers in vaudeville, is on the bill. The Three Josett? Brothers, clever and original acrobats, and Captain Poyvers, the Irish ventriloquist, make up the bill. The Forsyth is charmingly comfort able these warm afternoons. The house is equipped with a splendid cooling sys tem and every audience has been de lighted with the comforts. Next week- that is, the week com mencing Ma? 27—the Forsyth will pre. sent for the first time in Atlanta Hus ky's greatest success. “In 1999."’ a pla? by DeMille that has attracted more interest than anything in vaudeville. On the same bill Pat Rooney and Ma rion Bent will be extra added features, and it may be predicted that the bill will be up to th® Forsyth standard. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AXD NEWS: SATURDAY. MAY 11. 1912. 7/// , Caroline B. Nichols, who conducts the Fadette Orchestra, the Forsyth’s headliner next week. DIVING VENUS HEADS BILL AT THE BIJOU NEXT WEEK The management of the Bijou, on the lookout for sensational novelties as head line features, announces for next week the coming of Mermafda. the diving Ve nus. America's most scientific woman diver, in a series of shallow water dives, featuring a dive with both hands and both feet tied together. Mermaida is one of the biggest drawing cards on the vaudeville stage today, and the booking of this act for bargain vaudeville will certainly- be appreciated by natrons of the Bijou. There will also he Bessie Brown ing. character impersonator, with a most FACTORY GIRL GIVES UP Too Sick to Work Doctor Advised Operation. Re stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Compound. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. —"I run e see ing machine in a large factory and got ™ .... a ]| run own . j had to £’ ve U P wor k ter I could not stand the pains in my hack. The doctor said i ; needed an operation for female trouble but Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound helped me more than the doctors did. I hope that every one who js suffering will get the Compound. My P a ' n? - nervousness and ' • 'hackache arc gone and I ... \ • I have gained five pounds I owe my thanks to your .BMM medicine for it is the working girls friend, and al) women who ( suffer should write to you for special ‘ ! advice.”—Miss Tillie Plenzig, 3 Jay I i St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. When a remedy has lived for over ' thirty years, steadily growing in popu i larity and influence, and thousands upon ; thousands of women declare they owe ■ their very lives to it, is it not reasonable I to believe that it is an article of great merit ? i We challenge anyone tn show any ! other one remedy for a special class of disease which has attained such an enor | mens demand and maintained it for so many years as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s i Vegetable Compound. If you want special advice writs to Lydia E. Pinkhem Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will ! he opened, read and answered by a . woman and held in strict confidence. elaborate wardrobe, Al Leonhardt, eccen tric juggler, and Quigg and Nickerson, ■iiubl-ii.ii.ujm— wwawn . Bmu.. , ~ mni iim . i i iwfsw manßue.iwsw.- ■■■.■ .aywy.i. J_J-i m i———w (j , ftiSsL drudge o\ n r 1 V! n rni A \ / I \J / \ /x 4 Ji Z ’ u O 1 i G ° ° o a O Isqrv® 'pe y ° a k J W-4 yijtyk&ty I o o ° o o o Anty Drudge on Vaccination. Health Department Doctor—“ Give me your arm, Mrs. Malone, I have been sent to vaccinate you. Mrs. Malone— On me’arm? How will I be able to wash wid me arm the soize of a horse’s leg?” Anty Drudge ‘‘lf you’d use Fels-Naptha soap, you’d be able to do all the washboard rubbing necessary with one hand. ” How much of Monday do you spend at rhe wash-tub' Far too long if yon wash clothes any way except the Fels-Naptha way. One of the greatest blessings of Fels-Naptha soap is its quick action. W hen you use Fels-Naptha, a half hour's soaking in cold or lukewarm water will thoroughly loosen the dirt. While the clothes soak you are free to do other work. Then rub lightly, rinse and the clothes are ready for the line. Fels-Naptha soap robs Monday of it’s drudgery. But it must be used the Fels-Naptha way —no boiling, no hot water. Follow directions on the red and green wrapper. blackface comedians and musicians. In addition 10 the. four acts above men tioned, the usual run of selected motion pictures will open and close each per formance. The week which will he brought to a close tonight is proving one of the most successful of the season. A most entertaining vaudeville bill Is being offered, each act on the bill being a dis tinct hit The feature act, the Gordons, is one of ihe most pleasing and sensa tional bicycle acts that has been offered in Atlanta of late Record-breaking crowds are expected at the two perform ances today. Matinees are given daily at 2:30 and 4, and "night shows at 7:30 and 10. KINEMACOLOR EXHIBITION AT THE GRAND NEXT WEEK "The Durbar," or coronation of King George V and his consort, Queen Mary, as emperor and empress of India, and attendant exercises, pageants and cere monials, as exhibited tn Kinemacolor at the Grand for the past week will enter into the second week of the ■en gagement Monday next, with matinees daily at 2:30 p. m. and night perform ances at 8:30 p. nt. i"hicago mothers, anxious, for the welfare of their daughters have de cided to form a "card index" of eligible bachelors. KEELY'S K E E L Y ' S v / J * \ t l - 00 ii WO to ' Wr'Hr? $lO I \ 'Sil I I m >w\ mi • , \ LL-g IVIII Model 408 Model 191 $4.00 $1.50 Corsets for 1912 Not every wnmaii realizes the impor tance of the corset. On the corset depends everything. If the corset is not right in every detail, and if it does not fit per fectly. the foundation of one’s gown .can not he right, and. consequently, one’s ap pearance can not be correct. Therefore, it is necessary to choose carefully the corset; and. if you would have the smartest in corsetry, buy one of the new modish models of American Lady Corsets —the corsets acknowledged best in style, most comfortable and most durable —the corsets worn by best dressed women everywhere. The new spring and summer models reflecting the latest fashion dictates con form to the lines of the natural figure, producing the graceful straight-hipped sil houette. Every correctly gowned woman should look supple, and. as it were, un corseted. This is difficult, generally speaking, but easy with American Lady Corsets. Let our expert corsetieres fit just the right model for your figure. - - - --- -1 - - - - - - - - -—. _ 4t _ L _ twJ q Special 0 $5.00 Lyra to Models $12.50 --. ■ ' 7 owl sl ' oo ! u WA ■ AW4 7 /■ f\ to fjffiwi // \ I I 1 J I I $lO 1 7 UrJ ’ Wwz Model 327 Model 325 $3.50 $3.50 KEELY'S PAGE NINE MAGAZINE SECTION.