Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 11, 1912, HOME, Image 24

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.... ' ■ — ; — " 1 ' "'■"" -"'■ " Past Brutality Proves Progress! ■dis” “““ ■'V P” I i i — L k-‘ np\ I 'O' y M**® , > *<*■' I JL I T'fffi 1 BM ~ Si '■ -’' '4 ■*• . B 5 I I ~~r.VsK' I '‘iSS I &h' t I - [ J An aboard the’Success, in which convicts were tortured. Men Find Courage Sometimes in Looking Backward and Con templating the Dreadful Cruel ties and Abuses Left Behind. Our World Is Barbarous Still, and Our Civilization a Mock ery. But at Least Things Are Better Than They Were. Copyright, 11*12. by Amer, an-.Toiirri! t laminar. Grtat Britain Hights Beserrad good and beautiful Pictures, stories of heroism and idealism, lift the mind and inspire noble ambition. Study of magnificent mountains and valleys and of great human careers elevates and encourages. The greatest teachers, writers and poets have em phasized the beauties, the great accomplishments, the unlimited possibilities. But there is also a useful teaching that can be done by showing that which shocks and offends, but which ACTS AS A WARNING AND AS A CONSOLATION. You can warn young men against the effect of dis sipation and evil conduct by showing them the result of such conduct. You can encourage human beings to endure the suffering and injustice of to-day—since they must en dure them—by showing them the conditions infinitelv worse endured by men in the past. Usually on this page the effort is to put before our readers, however crudely and simply, some suggestion of an idea elevating, encouraging and pleasing at the same time. 1 o-day, for a change, we call your attention to pictures of conditions as they have been in the past. These pictures are shocking, but they teach a les son and carry a message of encouragement. Those that are pessimistic feel that the world does not improve rapidly enough to suit them. And those dull and unable to read the history cf the past and of the present even dare to say that 'he world is v O ing backward Look at these pictures, study their meaning, and you will see THAT THIS WORLD DOES PROGRESS MARVELLOUSLY, THAT HUMANITY 7 IS MOVING ON FROM CRUELTY TO KINDNESS WITH A SPEED ASTONISHING AND CONSTANTLY IN CREASING. # * a These are pictures of prison life, as it existed on the old Australian convict ship Success. That ship, which carried convicts, miserable victims of the English system of justice, is the only survivor of the old British prison fleet. This vessel now is used as an “exhibition ship. ’ The old scenes that made her a disgrace to this planet are reproduced inside her ,? jlk iu iireiike fashion. • When you study these scenes of cruelty and atro cious torture, when you realize that they have disap peared forever from this earth, except in isolated, sav age corners of the world, where m«n revert to animal ism. and when you realize that <hcse cenes of cruelty, brutal e*rthey are, were as nothing = omnare'l with what preceded them, you realize that this world DOES HERE are two ways of teaching in this world, two ways of encouraging and inspiring hope. One way, and the better way, is to show to young children and to grown men and women that which is I m nA ix®ri «Kt\ * iva »*• JI E ; 1 I 1-®W aA ■■■ 1 Ia j w dlxw : Sm ~nnT&7iMh. ; - A mW M C) -' -----tgpM '■/ /- ■■- 11 * K WUi I Oiii ■' i J f A I ■ “ w ? 'W' x ■>.< w f* I 1 wi * | Thu Lash awd the Flogging Frame ih-Use. /\ CofAtct KucrhztMg 100 Strokes. I ign, i in ' i—' ■! i i i x 3 Ml », i , sSg ■■ hl Iff 1 JfrW ill i ' IS II JJ ? fl Ifr i t » . wV~ F-’.OKtlßai F R| ‘Wji&KSI *vl rfi'm W o 'tw» > w S 3 mW i will fAI K * Ik? I i wf wo®. f& w g®! i f 1313 3 3 -x i\F f-AV i I {' ' I y/Ak''// \\\ vL wi 3HR* 0W ' A gSF 11 va \\ I'. -ii/. ■- • V- '*^l[\. \ \ \ J J’UVtW IJUIII WJ., M Branding a prisoner with a red-hot iron. On that prison ship there were seventy -two cells, and into these cells were crowded one hundred and twenty prisoners. No pris oner ever escaped. Not one ever succeeded in throwing himself into the water to end his torment. Twenty • seven warders, armed with lashes, with red-hot irc>ns for branding the prisoners, with heavy chains and heavy halls of metal, guarded and pun ished the one hundred and twenty miserable convicts. What a scene of terror, degradation and cruelty. And how iong ago did this happen ? it happened AS RECENTLY AS 1852, WITH VICTORIA QUEEN OF E.nS ! « ND ’ WITH INTELE !GENT, KIND-HEARTED MEN RULING THE BRITISH DOMINIONS. YET UNABLE TO RULE ONE SINGjI,- HUMAN BEING. OR TO CONTROL INDIVIDUALS, EXCEPT WITH VIOLENCE, BLOODSHED AND BRUTALITY. * .• .♦ It ts not necessary to enumerate in detail the cruel ties inflicted upon the miserable creatures, huddled into this prison ship of death and sorrow. They were flogged until the blood ran for the slightest offense, and then bathed in salt water to add to the suffering. They were branded with red-hot irons, strapped down while petty officers holding the branding iron burned the marks deep into the flesh. They were packed twenty and thirty at a time in one single cell, known as “the tiger’s cage”—-a cell barely big enough to accommodate one human being. .And there they were left to practise upon each other a brutality and savagery excelled only by the bru tal treatment that a “civilized” government inflicted upon them. They were loaded with heavy irons and chains and S ; I©l K' • | > W ’ I’A/ /’Ta EfF -M F* \ *. . aF--> The old Australian convict ship Success. breaa when driven by hunger, and others, thousands of the:.;, were hanged for thefts very little more im portant. ... .j The world and its historians, poets and sentimen talists mourn the brutalities of the French Revolution. They talk of the horrible massacres of v hich the French Revolutionists were guilty. They forget that while the Revolution lasted, for every man executed legally in France for outrageous injustice to the poor, there was another man hanged in England for some pettv crime for which a man to-day would scarcely be sent to jail. And remember that they hanged those men, thousands of them, in England for taking petty sums of money, whereas in France, the leaders of the Revo lution, that set the whole world free, executed human beings as a punishment for centuries of oppression and despoliation. It is suggested that this prison ship be brought tn America. A sad but r valuable lesson it would be. It shows what government did to the poor, the ig norant, the helpless—making them infinitely worse than they were at first, even though they were the worst of criminals And one exhibit on this same ship shows that even the horrors and cruelties of the English prison ship were as nothing compared with the terrible cruelties The compulsory bath in salt water after flogging:. compelled to drag a “pun ishrnent ba!!” weighing sev enty-two pounds. * * * No mind can imagine the horrors of such a prison ship —and she was only one of a fleet And remember, in order tn realize how recently we have emerged from absolute, unmitigated barbarism, that a man was sent aboard this ship, sentenced to transpor tation for life, “for stealing a two-penny pic.” Men were subjected tn this horrible punishment for stealing a pie or a loaf of HMMBH f 7- - I imwijjiiiw7iii»»».iiiW»* •" 3 .0 ’ r 1 : y ., ? v / I I MSB IF m I r? / KBH I w* y h J|! / I z J I B I ... j ■M 88811 P . '. : XpS : P-. The iron jacket, and the punishment ball, weighing seventy two pounds. Men Were Tortured in Days Past With the Lash, the Red-Hot Branding Iron and with Every Infernal Device of Torture, They Arc Punished and Tor tured Still with Anxiety, Worry and Overwork. But CONDI TIONS ARE BETTER. of the past, the vile and shameful tortures bom of re ligious bigotry and superstition—the dreadful suffering to which thousands and hundreds of thousands of hu man beings have been subjected—-BECAUSE THEY WOULD NOT SHARE THE RELIGIOUS BELIEF OF SOME BLOODTHIRSTY HUMAN TP .ER. « A $ This old ship carries a reproduction of the famous “iron maiden.” That instrument of torture, which may still be seen in the Castle at Nuremberg, is a big figure of a woman, hollow, lined with sharp spikes. The human being to be punished was put inside of thia figure, and the figure was closed and the spikes entered the body at every conceivable point—the blood run ning out at the bottom. THAT PARTICULARLY ATROCIOUS CRIME WAS COMMITTED OVER AND OVER IN THE NAME OF RELIGION If religious brutality inspired such crimes, you can imagine what other forms of brutality were accom plished in the way of cruelty. a « e The entire past history of the race on this planet, the story of the rule of the weak by the strong and the cunning, is dreadful beyond description. Lucky for us that we read and do not entirely realize. But while we cannot know what unfortunate men and women and children have suffered in the past, we can at least be grateful for the progress that has been made. We can thank God that burning alive and boiling alive and tearing with red-hot pincers in His holy name HaS BEEN STOPPED. We can thank God that the prison, ship, with the men tortured, flogged and branded, is to-day an exhibition intended to educate and no longer a dreadful reality planned to punish and to brutalize. As you look at these pictures, and consider the crimes of government against human beings, think how wonderful the progress of the race has been during the last century. Think of the marvels accomplished since th»t great day when the French attacked and tore down the Bastile, and when the great leaders of French inde pendence and thought abolished the torture of wit nesses, abolished special privileges for special births, abolished the rights of men to rule and tax and torture in the name of religion or heredity. The pictures that you see here were pictures of real life while Victoria was ruling in England, whik the educated men whose intellect added so much tc knowledge were witnesses, indifferent, callous or hplr, less, cf shameful brutality. A * .• Be glad that there has been so much progress Rejoice that physical torture sanctioned by eovern ment has ceased. REALIZE THAT THE WORLD DOES MOVF FORWARD. Vt But don’l forget how much REMAINS TO BE DONE. Don’t forget that the long drawn out torture cf hunger anxiety and overwork, to which millions ol mothers and fathers and children are subjected, is ax brutal as the brutalities of a prison ship in the long run and as disgraceful to the human race. J ’