Newspaper Page Text
Park Board Expected to Yield
to Mayor's Veto and Lift
Ban at Meeting Today.
Th» recommendation of the play
ground committee of the park board
that Sundax bathing he permitted in
Piedmont park, and Mayor Winn's v**’o
of council's resolution opposing the
Sabbath recreation were today taken
to mean that the park board "ill lift
the ban this afternoon by rescinding its
former action.
The rote is expected to be: F**r Sun
day bathing, t’oehran. Wilby. Pitt
VanH*uten Reynolds. Young and May
or Winn, against. Thomson. Burnett.
Anderson and Bond
The playgrounds committee will also
recommend that swimming be permit
ted only on Sunday afternoons between
2 o’clock and, dark: that every man
must neat a two-piece bathing suit,
that no prison be allowed to stay in th*
lake more than an hour; that a sep
arate imlosurc be m intained for "om
en and children, and that no charge b*
made for going into the lake.
A final count today- of the votes cast
at the Peachtree cigar store shows 737
for Sunday bathing ami ;•.** against the
The llberalists are highly pleased at j
the result ami "ill report it at the!
meeting of th* park board th-is.after
noon They say it is a protest against ;
a 'blur ' .Sunday for Atlanta.
Mandolin and Glee Club.
Th* Glee and Mandolin club of the
T’niversity of Georgia "ill appear in
concert at the Grand opera house Tues,
day evening. May 21. under the auspices '
of the Atlanta' Alumni association.
The members of the club, selected by '
competitive tests of fiOO students in at
tendance, have just returned from a
successful tour **f the sta’e and a nnisi- !
cal treat is promised.
Seats will bo on sale three days In
advance. A number of the host boxes
are still untaken. Prices, 25 cents to
$1 : box seats. $2.
The funds derived from this perform
ance will be applied to the scholarship
fund of the association and used to
pay the expenses of needy students at
A number of well known Atlanta
women will act as patronesses of the.
concert, which "ill have a social side
of interest.
Mrs. Humphries Entertains.
Mrs. W. Humphries w is the host
ess at an afternoon tea today at the
Georgian Terrace in honor of het gu* st,
Miss Robyn Young, of Washington.
D. C.
Miss Young "as charmingly gowned
In a. smart taffeta costume of hl tck.
with Irish crochet eollai and cuffs, an 1 ;
She Wore a big black has trimmed in j
white aigrettes Mrs Humpbrie* win*-:
a brown cttarnieuse satin gown, trim-i
med in plaited ruffles of the satin and
bands of fill* t Im -c. her brown half
trimmed in plumes **f the same i*ilor
with a touch of rose. The in*-iiil>* r.-
of the party were Misses Robyn Young.
Lttliat* Logan. Nellie Kis**r Stewart.
I.u’a Dean .lories, Gobbi** Vaugh in and
Besse Jones.
tin Tuesday afternoon of next week
Mrs Humphries will entertain at an]
afternoon bridge for Miss Young.
M's. Ottley Entertains.
Mrs. John King Ottley was hostos- .-•(
an informal aftmnoon tea a’ tile Geor
gian Terra* today , inviting a group of
friends tn meet Mr. Orton
Brown. A few members of ilm ymmg*'*-
set were entertained *t th*' same tint*
by Miss Passu May ottley in honor of
two visiting girls. Miss Katherine M* r
rill, of Thomasville, ami Miss Emily-
Hart Brown, of Main* 1 .
Famous Pictures Shown.
t'ndpr the auspices of the Atlanta Art
association, * .series * t f world famous
picture-- '.ill be reprodu* *-*i n a 1 their
coloring at the Montgomery theater to
morrow afternoon, stories of the pic
tures to b. briefly v.1.l by lbw W. W
Memmingei. ■ * t**r of All S.* nts . hui - ii.
The Metropolitan Museum of tit.
New York city has ■ "-operated In th*
undertaking which has the indorsement
of the Chamber Commerce, th* At
lanta Woman's club and the Architec
tural League of Atlanta.
LONDON May 16 Selina Smith, the
gypsy, and an inveterate pipe smoker,
who has lived in a caravan all her life,
died today at the agt of 101.
r jUfffe-, How to (.ct a
50c Box FREE
*rl \\ • want to send you
free a 50c package <»f
/ xr-' I >r Cat borine I7 Kel-
/ 1\ s wonderful treat-
/ ment for making the
1 'g \ bust plump and firm.
fl g also our booklet, “The
® Perfect Figure. - ’ I »r.
Kellj used this treat-
Wgi men! herself anti
increased her --wn
and her patients
» jaßr bust measurements
gF from 4 to 7 inches.
« ® Write today and in-
elose 10c to help pay
w JRfi distribution expenses
H anrJ a *’ fu Moment
? he mailed at
j. ? jrfBMR on. e n plain pa< k
** age
KEI -J v <".
l 'hi'
Buffalo. X Y
r ■*?. t Sww
** *
Kir jfii
' W
J I’lioto by Stephenson.
Miss Martini Francis is the possessor of a lovely voice,
which has rei-cived the best training, and has been warmly
praised by famons teachers and singers. While Miss Francis
sintfs often for her friends she has only,been heard once or twice
al public charity affairs, on which occasions she has been enthu
siastically received. Slit* is a singer if Genuine talent.
Semi finals air being' played this after
noon in the Women’s Southern Gold as
sociation's championship tournament.
As a nsult <»f yesterday's elimina
tion I'li’. Miss Alexa Stirling. Mrs.
' IL Paine. Mis Na/h Broyles.
Sirs. Georg, Harrington, all «»f Atlanta.
Mis. G. D Mason, of Louisville; Mrs.
Prank (5. J'»n< and Mrs. K. J. Duffield,
of McmphD. and Mrs. E. W Daley, of
Nashville, qualified for today’s semi
finals and are maH bed against the win
ners from tin other cities. Miss Stirling
has proven herse|f the wonder of the
tourney, thm mere slip of a girl playing
golf that bids lair to make her a con
tender for the t hampionship.
I e.iving ! '■ bulk of the property,
comprising three houses at. PU and 404
('entral avenm and 19.’» < 'runilcx street,
to he* four daughters and two grand
children. tie ,\iL of M»s. Mary Govan,
who died Saturday, was filed for pro
bate in •h< l ulton < our’ of mdinary to
•:-i' The b. iwt i ■■?.< ries arc Mrs. Mamie
Jmies. ,\| s i<ati>\ Annie and Jennie
<l.i .in and M's-ic.. WHlie and Nellie
Reynolds. Mrs. Ga\an was the widow
of John G <van.
H< >M ,\S\ ILi .1< :.\ Max 16. The
switchboard at the '-entral •*•» of the
loK-ph-air exchange here wan burned out
when the wires became <'Vercharged. S'l-
P< rintenarm DeLane', of Vtlania. 's re
pairing the damage, which is rsiimated at
LEATHER GOODS. w ithout reserve or restriction are marked DOWN
DOWN, DOWN, for this one big sale.
Wardrobe Trunks. Traveling Trunks. Steamer Trunks.
$45.00 values $35.00 $22.50 value sl6 50 $17.50 value $12.50
35.0(1 values 27.50 14.50 value 10.00 12.50 value 9.50
30.00 values 25.00 10.00 value 7.50 7.50 value 5.00
Hat Trunks. Leather Suit Cases. Leather Traveling Bags.
$35.00 value $27.50 $30.00 value $23.75 $16.50 value $12.50
20.00 value 15.00 18.50 value 13.50 10.00 value 7.00
11.00 value 7.85 10.00 value 6.75 6.75 value 4.50
The Trunk Store 92 Whitehall St.
The lunch room being conducted for
’’iii'le Xo. 11 of Park Street Metho
dist church will give a concert for the
benefit of the church building fund on
this evening at 8 o’clock in the
auditorium of the I,ee Street school.
Memorial Office’s Chosen.
Mrs. W. D. Ellis has been re-elected
pii'sident of th** Atlanta Ladies Memo
rial association at the annual meeting
held at ('arnegle library. Mesdames W.
A Wright. J. H Morgan, W. F. Wil
liams and W. P. Anderson were chosen
vice presidents; Mrs. J. Olmstead
was elected treasurer, and Mrs. Robert
Grier Stephens, seeietarx. Those ap
pointed to servo on the cemetery com
mittee are Mrs. \\ . P. Anderson, chair
man; Mrs. Haiiw Ellis and Mrs. A.
McD. Wilson. Jr. A motion by Mrs.
Joseph Morgan, that the organization
adopt a distinctive flag, was adopted,
and Mrs. Morgan was made chairman
of a committee to look after this mat
\ resolution of thanks to Mr. John
I’orter. superintendent of the Oakland
* I'un tery. so manv favors, was adopted
by th*- association.
Ml. Sit - NOTES
The piano pupils from the class **f
Mi Lotti*- Gray Browne, of the At
lanta i'onst i-xatoi v of Music and Ora
tor*. assisted by pupils from the classes
of Miss Mabiv Ward Arnold, oratory;
Miss Sarah Adelle Eastlack, oratory,
and G -oig Fi. Lindner, violin, will give
two *■* itais. Hie first bv the children
on l-'iiil,**. Max 17. and the second by
mo! -nlviin* *-*l pupils on Thursday,
iM i* -.; in (’abi*- concert hall.
Season Begins at
Cox College
The commencement exercises of Cox
college begin tonight and continue
through next Tuesday. The initial en
tertainment is a recital tonight by the
certificate students of the conservatory
from th*- classes in piano, violin, voice
and ensemble. The program will be as
Piano, concetto, second movement
(Weber). Miss Lurline Lawson: piano,
valse "A la bien aimes" (Schuett)„ Miss
Edna Humphries; piano. "If I were a
Bird" t Hens* It), Miss Blanche Armi
stea-d: piano, fantasie impromptu (Cho
pin >, Miss Myrtle f'ook; vocal. "Sing.
Smile, Slumber" (Gounod). Miss May-
Ellen Rafter; piano, etude, F sharp ma
jor (Arensky), Miss Bernice Cook; pi
ano, valse (Chopin*. Miss Pauline
Mertz; piano. "Hexentanz” (MacDow
ell), Miss Prances Clio Kendrick; vio
lin, "Ritornell”, (Drdla), Gould Chap
man; piano, prelude (Chopin). Miss
Charlie Mae Dodd; piano, "Caprice Es
pagnol” (Chaminade), Miss Matilda
Etheredge; vocal, "Thy Songs”
(D'Hardelot), Miss Barbara Harless;
piano, “Elfentraum” (Hattert, Miss Lu
cile Mobley; .ensemble, trio, two vio
lins amt piano (Godard). Miss Miriam
Madden, Miss May Rafter and Mr.
Lindner; piano, "Espana" (Chabrier),
Miss May- Rafter (second piano. Kurt
Muellert; ushers, Miss Nell Johnson,
Miss Hazel Holmes, Miss Matilda. Eth
eredge and Miss Emma Hampton.
Next Sunday has been set apart by
the East End Baptist church as “home
coming day." It is the purpose of the
church to assemble as many of the char
ter members and former pastors as pos
Dinner will be spread on the ground,
and beginning with an address by Ed
ward Christian at in o'clock, the exercises
will continue until about 1 o'clock in th?
afternoon. Among the speakers will be;
Dr. Hugh R. Barnard. Rev. E. B. (’rill.
Rev. William A. Babb. Rev. J. B. Boze
man and Rev. John t’awhorn.
The music will be led by Rev. A. <'
H end lev. present pastor, and Mrs. T. J
Lochridge, .fr.. organist.
Mrs. Herberger, Who Would
Not Consent. To Go
There, Finally Re
lieved at Home.
St. Louis, Mo.—Mrs. Mary Herberger,
of this city, says: "I was sick in bed for
ten weeks, with womanly troubles, and
had four of the best doctors waiting on
"Every on" of them said 1 would have
to go to the hospital and have an opera
tion. but I would not consent to ’hat.
"T thought 1 would give C’ardui a trial.
When 1 began to take the first bottle I
could not turn over in bed, but hail to
be lifted.
"Before I finished the first bottle my
pains were leaving me, slowly, and soon
I was out of bed and w alking around.
“My pains have not come back sin*
1 w eigh 155 pounds, and feel tine. C’ardui
saved me from an operation. I am go
ing to keep it In the house, for I would
not be without it.”
Cardui's strengthening effects quickly
show themselves in many different
ways. This is because the Ingredient
from which it Is made go to the source
of (he. trouble, and by acting specifically
on the cause, relieve or cure and help
bring back health and strength.
In the past 50 years more than a mil
lion women have been benefited b\ t'ar
dui. Just try it
X B Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dept..
*'hat tanooga Medicine C**.. t'hattanooga,
Tenn for Special Instructions, and 64-
page book. "Home Treatment for Wom
en." sent in plain wrapper, on request.
Mr . <'harles B Willingham has re
turned from Montgomery.
Miss Maria Price has returned to her
home at High Shoals, after a visit in
the city.
Mrs. Fairfax Motague has returned
from a visit to Mrs. William Gray in
Mr. Augustus. West, of Waco. Texas,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
E. Caverly.
Mrs. N. C. Prim has returned from a
visit to her daughter, Mrs. Earle
Stamps, in Rome, Ga.
Mrs. Richard ElllAtt Miller is improv
ing after an illness of six weeks with
a severe attack of the grip.
Miss Vera Cone, of Washington. D.
C„ arrived today to visit Mias Dorothy-
High. Miss i'line will be entertained
during her visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sisson enter
tained informally tonight at dinner for
Mr. and Mis. Bohannon, of Louisville.
Ky., guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. High
tower, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and
children leave Tuesday for a tour
abroad sailing from New York Satur
day. They will return to Atlanta about
October 1.
Mrs. E. G. Ballenger entertained six
Millinery T’l t Millinery
1 he Greatest
Cut Price Sale In. Our History!
Through our sincerity in the past our patrons have
confidence in us, and a statement of facts like those be
low causes an early visit to our store.
We have now on display in our shop a remarkable col
lection of beautiful summer hats. Ihe display is comprised of
novel pattern hats, our own exclusive designs and importations
of the very latest styles.
We have placed practically all our stock in this sale and
are offering you fresh, new, up-to-date styles, nothing soiled or
We are selling one lot of hats that range in value from
$12.50 to $28.00 for
$ 10:00
Another lot that regularlv sell for $7.50 to $ 1 0 00 for
One collection of hats, valued at $5.00 to $8.50, we are
selling for $2.50
342 Edgeulood Avenue
Davison-flaxon-J takes Co.
Miss the Corset S-xpert, J? /sere this ideek
.find a /fast of Women Witt Profit by Our
Demonstration of if emo Corsets
The Nemo line is practically new this Spring. There are several splendid new models and
great improvements in some of the old favorites. For example:
X- A o e ,"\ k n d , of Lastikops Bandiet, which gives even better abdominal support than before
Nemo Relief Bands now have elastic attachments which double their efficiency New form
ot the tamous Self-Reducing Straps. The wonderful Auto-Massage device. The new elastic
Holtite Straps, especially useful in corsets for slender figures. And other valuable new inven
tions. Come and see these new models;
NEW NO. 522—With the famous Lastikops Bandiet, greatly
improved, and the new double Reducing Straps. Skirt
y-MrfJp longer than before: medium bust. For tall, stout figures.
and for ail women who need perfect abdominal support
7 from below $5.00 T
SNEW NO. 523—Same as No. 522. but with low bust. . . $5.00
NEW NO. *o3—With improved Relief Bands, which now /
have ends of Lastikops W ebbing, giving more ease and | djL
support than before. Long skirt, low bust. Abo New No.
405—same with medium.bust $4.00 ! * \\'f; J
i NEMO NO. 353—Auto-Massage Self-Reducing Corset, not \ 1
only reduces the figure by the usual means, but makes it \y / '-M
' permanently smaller; very long skirt.. low bust. Also. No. i.ift
354 same with medium bust; and No. 355. same with’high s" ’ f
bust I I L
Tt- *~s<*
NEMO NO. 306 - A model for slender and medium figures; 1 ]OT
has the new elastic Holtite Straps (inside the corset) and
- Double-top hose supporters. A marvel of comfortable
tenderness. Very long skirt, low bust. Abo. No. 308.
same, with medium bu«t $3.00
'' e need hardly remind our customers that Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets- are the ' Id'
standard for strut figures. The later models for SLENDER figures are just as cupe-or biVhmr
way. A Nemo expert is here to fit you accurately—at your service.
guests at luncheon today at the Driv
ing club complimenting Mrs. Thomas
Berry, of Birmingham, the guest of Mrs.
Bulow Campbell.
Mrs. William Charters and Miss Isa
bel Charters, of Gainesville, who have
been in the city for several days, after
attending the reunion* in Macon, left
today for their home.
Mrs. Simeon Shaw has returned to
her home in Texas, after a visit to rel
atives in Atlanta, LaGrange and Madi
son. Mis. Shaw, who was formerly
Miss Ada Woo*ten. was head of the art
department of the LaGrange Female
college several years ago. After her
marriage she went to Japan for six
years and for the past four years has
been living in Texas, where her hus-
Really, it’s Real Classy to
ing and Pressing. It makes Men’s and Women's O
Clothes look “CLASSY!” Costs no more. C’
A Wagon For a Phone Call
We pay Express (one way) on out-of-town orders of $3 or over. EJ
I Meet Me at**TheSTODDARD Corner" Where Night's os Bright as Day
O e J J J p ‘° chtre , e St ” et Dixie's Greatest Dry
.Atlanta Phone 43 Cleaner and Dyer
band is presiding elder of the Sweet
water district.
Mrs. Foreman Gives Luncheon.
Mrs. Robert L. Foreman was hostess
at a luncheon this afternoon at 1:30
o’clock for Mrs. Ortpn Bishop Brown.
The guests were seated at five tables,
each table having an effective decora
tion of Paul Neyron roses. Thirty la
dies were guests of Airs. T-oieman.
A Music Recital.
Mrs. Jessie Davenport Jones will give
a music recital at the Woman s club on
Baker street Friday evening at 8:30
o’clock and again on Saturday after
noon at 3:30 o'clock. The pupils of
Mrs. Jones will present an attractive