Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga
fcntered at Atlanta Postoffice as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
One vear. mall, postage prepaid. $s "
Six months. mail, postage prepa d, 260
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. 1
One month. mail, postage prepaid.
Subscriptions P-yable in
Delivered by carrier, one year *o
Delivered by carrier, six J *o
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month
Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Bright girls, between sixteen
and twenty-two years of age. attrac
tive occupation. w*ith excellent opportuni
ties for rapid advancement. Applicants
must have common school education and
be able to furnish satisfactory references
as to character. Apply in person at -a
Auburn avenue, Atlanta.s-l-Z»
WANTED-Ladies to learn beauty cul
ture. We teach rill branches in few
weeks by our original method. You are
sure of a position at top wages.
a splendid held to start your own busi
ness. *'all or write Moler College. a3 W.
Mitchell St.. Atlanta. Ga.»-U-»
WANTED -White woman for house
work; must be good cook. Mobile Mar
ket. Marietta. Ga.
WANTED I,adv stenographer, compe
tent to handle dictation and office de
tail In executive office Reply, giving ex
perience and salary Box 812. care Geor
gian. 2S-14-.1
WANTED—Unincumbered white person
to conk two meal? h day. treated like
one of the family; comfortable room Ivy
1734-.!. 7 St, Charles ave.s-14-19
W ANTED--Steadv girl for general-house
work In email family; good wages and
room on lot if desired Apply 10 W. six
teenth street. 6 ~ lb -6
WANTED—A cook and nurse; good sal
ary to right party, 11 St. Paul avenue
WAN TED- Ros portable woman to cara
for cripple and do light housework for
three weeks Address Mrs .1. .1 Daniel.
Marietta., Ga 40-15-5
WANTED—Housekeeper for small fam•
ilv at once. For particulars apply Jas.
G Feagin. Andersonville. Ga 44-15-5
Wanted Reliable woman for general
housework. Good wages. Main 4230-. T.
341 Cherokee avenues-15 3o
WANTED—A hiffh-class cook and
a combination maid-laundress;
good wages paid; small family;
room for each in yard; new build
ing. references required. Apply
at P>~~ West Peachtree. 5 15 41
colored girls as cham
bermaids. nurses and housekee|s>rs
Call at once Feders Employment Agency,
253-254 Candler Annex. 104 N Pryor st
FIRNITURE for Dining Room,
Living Room; Rugs and Drap
eries of all kinds. You can save
money at Goldsmith Acton-With
erspoon Co., 62 Peachtree. Life-
Time Furniture, 61 X. Broad.
cook and do general work; small farn
!lv; reference? 115 Peachtree street.
"tVANTFT> Yonng lady for office work;
willing to work for small salary. Ap
ply Frida v afternoon 70 J *» Peachtree st.
WA N’T ET» A good cook; room on lot;
references required Apply 251 Ponce
pr i • -'it avenue 43-i
WANTED Woman to cook and do house- j
work, room on Hie lot Appl.v 111 Mr- j
Eendon street.s-16-10 •
WANTED A housemaid Apply 650 I
Edgewood avenue. ’ 15." 1 £• j
WANTED- Girl to work in icing depart-!
ment. bakery and cand> factory. Ap
ple SO Elliott street Frank F Block (’«».
• 5-16-15
ED in experienced cook with ref I
erences Apply 1 Lucile ave. 5-16-20
WANTED A neat colored girl to do room
work and help with dressmaking Ap
ply at once 83 E. Ellis st 5-16-21
W \NTED---Canvassers: new. easy prop
osition salary and commission 23U
Auburn ave. 51-16-5
WANTED- Colored laundry hand.ironer
1018 Century Bldg '5 16-43
salesi.\D) for candy atori two wait
resses. Southern Business Agency. 265
Candler Annex 5-16-37
WANTED A good woman tn do cooking
and general house work for small fam
ily 114 W. Harris st 5-16 16
Help Wanted—Male.
B¥<sf' at Hfliturn hotel? heart ot <4tv;
10'3 Walton st.. If you want a clean,
quiet room, transient 50c. open all night
WE‘ WANT five ambitious young men to
become real estate salesmen; we are
now selling lots on easy monthly pay
ment plan and will give you contract
which will enable you to make $25 to 350
per week, and al the same time afford
you an excellent chance to learn the real
eetate business Apply Charlton Barrett,
SO 1 , N. Broad at. 4-6-18
ffes, Professor G O. Rranning will teach I
you the barber trade tit’s easv). We
teach In one-half time of other colleges.
Courae. tools and position In our simps
only S3O. Why pay more*? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10
East Mitchell street. 5-11-17
YOU ARE tVANTED for government po
sition; SBO month; send postal for list
of positions open. Franklin Institute,
Dept 49-P_, Rochester. N. Y 33-7-5
THREE cement finishers wanted. Apply
Southern railwav freight depot at once
WANTED -Men to learn barber trade; a
good barber makes good money and
makes It easy The .Holer System will
make you a good barber in a few weeks
Seme money earned while learning Call
er write Moler Barber College. 53 West
Mitchell st. 37-11 -5
W ANTED Operator who nnderstands
power machine and ga tanks for carni
val picture show . must join at once
Wire lowest salary 1, A Mac) . Rochelle,
WANTED Machine hand to run sash
and door t enonet. Woodward Lumber
Co- 5 it 14
WANT ED- - Experienced cabi net ~m ei> a n.i
boys to work on padboard Southern
Upholstering <' o . 5-14-23
WANTED Boys between 14 and 16 years
of age to wait on tables Nunnally’s
Edgewood and Peachtree street it ;;i
H ANTED Man to put bottoms In porch
rockers. Apply 72 Waddell street In
man Park. 5-14-33
WANTED Cleaner and presser; one who
can operate steam presser M'l'h I
<’ Robinson. Stat-slmi.. •o-1
WANTED Farm hand for wageiy ~~Ady
dress W A Woodie. Jr.. Stone Moun
tain. Ga 47-14-5
WANTED—Young man to teml~garTien
and milk. room, board and g..,„i wages
to right party: on car line t'all Iw 5192-. I
I_41 _ 4 C'
WANTED - An auto a :...
had some experience in phot.-prat \ 1 .
travel in auto and help ir-.-vug pn-i:ir>-
man; state fully age. exp-ru m<■
Address P. O. Box 293. M. . ..>. <; a
WANTED—AII soldiers ami sailors in v~
lanta who served in Spanish war or
Philippines to write me at n.-.. -.No -
thing you should know Address p. m-
rade. Riverdale. Ga 38-15-5
WANTED—Young man of good character
who can invest S3OO and take charge of
office: S3O-S4O a week guaranteed to the
right party Call Feders Employment
Agency. 253-254 t'andler Annex, lot N
Pryor street 6-15-46
NEWSBOYS as canvassers
'an make $2 a day. (’all at
24 Inman Bldg. 5 o*< lm-k as
tenioon. 46-13-5
Help Wanted—Male.
WE Bl’Y all kinds <»f salable second-hand
school books for cash. Sou. Book <’on
cern - Whitehall /next io High’s). 5-15-25
TEX good solicitors to work in
i city on new-spaper work. A
■ splendid opportunity to earn big
; money by our unique plan. Call
at office of Georgian ami ask for
' Mr. Grant, between 8 ami 9 a. m
and 5 and 6 p. in. 5-15-4
WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY - Ablebodied
unmarried men between ages of 18 and
* 35; citizens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage For information apply to Recruit
ing Officer. 23% Whitehall street. Atlanta,
or 411 Cherry street, Macon, Ga 4-2-1
WA NT El» Good live and responsible
dealer for INDIANA motor trucks.
Address Harwood-Barley Manufacturing
t’omnanv. Indiana avenue. Marion, Ind.
\V 'NT El) Experienced machinists at
once. American Machine and Manufac
turing <’ompany, Greenvl 11e. m S. 5-14-37
WANTED Young man to act as sales
man and learn the real estate business,
quick promotion. See ?4r. Riplev, 1107
Empire Life Bldg . I’eachtree and Broad
WANTED Local tind district agents fnr
the best Industrial casualty contracts on
the market; fine renewal contracts to
producers. General Agent. 419 Peters
Bldg, I
WANTED A good Job press feeder Dit
tler Bros., 216-318 E, Hunter st. 5-16-23
WANTED f’anvassers: new. easy prop
osition: salary and commission. 33U
Auburn ave. 52-16-5
WANTED Colored hallinan whose wife
Is pastry cook; first-class colored chef
cook and second. 1018 Century Bldg.
_'- I _6-42
Ari - cI’rLtWED chef, Ari colored secotul
cook. Southern Business Agency. 265
Candler Annex. 5-16-36
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
WANTED Hustling book canvasser on
quick sellers Entirely new Good
profits. Bell 10&4 West. 35-13 5
Public Stenographer.
710 Third National Bank. Bldg Ivy 2447
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED Capable salesmen to sell on
♦he easy monthly payment plan, finish
ed lots in our North Decatur residence
subdivision. Apply Charlton Barrett, man
ager. 60% North Broad street 4 617
ENERGETIC, reliable party wanted to!
represent the ssle of high-grade office!
and electrical specialties*: electrical !
knowledge not required, liberal salary or I
commission on contract, exclusive terri
tory. Electrical Goods Mfg. Co, Wash
ington, D. C. 4-10-45
Agents Wanted.
$25 T(» SSO pet week easily made selling
residence lots on the easy monthly pay
ment plan in out Decatur Heights sub
division. experience unnecessary; im
provements down and artistic homes now
neing built Apply Charlton Barrett.
Manager, 60N Broad st 4 -6-1•
AGENTS WANTED in every town In
Georgia to sell automobile tire remov
! or; does the work in one minute what
lit will take two hours to do without thia
I tool. For sale by A. G. Inman, Midville,
| Ga 2-29-32
'BE INDEPENDENT Start a mail order
business in your own home. We
tell you how. and furnish everything f
' needed wholesale. An honorable and '
• profitable business for a man or woman. '
I Particulars free. Many make $2,000 a
year. Murphy Mfg. Co., South Norwalk.
Conn. 5-11-5
I’OMPLETE BOOK non ready for ship
ment. \\ >■ handle three books on the
ocean’s greatest disaster on< entitled
"Story of the Wreck of the Titanic."
edited by .Marshall Everett, retail price
(cloth), half morocco $1.50: anoth
er entitled "Th. Sinking ot the Tl- !
tanic” and "Great Sea Disasters," edit
ed by Logan Marshall, retail price
(cloth) SI.OO. half morocco $1.75; the
other entitled “Memorial Edition. Sink
ing of the Titanic." edited by ,hiy Hen
ry .Mowbray, retail price (cloth k SI.OO.
We allow our agents 50 per cent com
mission on each of these books: so tile
agents' prices are one-half of the re
tail prices. We pay express charges on
cash orders amounting to sls worth or
more at agents’ prices. Credit given if
desired. Send us your orders; state
what author you want book written by
and we will ship promptiy. Agents j
wanted in every community. Outfit i
sent free on receipt of Hl cents for j
postage. A single < opy of book by .
author of your choice mailed to any ml.
dress on receipt ot retail price. Each
of the above books contains 350 pages,
over 500 illustrations, except memorial
edition by Jay Henry Mowbray, which
contains 287 pages. Phillips-Boyd
Publishing Company, Depart intuit No.
15, Atlanta. Ga. 5-9-47
Teachers Wanted.
ATTRACTIVE positions for state and in
terstate teachers. Write tor registra
tion blanks to Teachers' .Agency Com
pany, 1012 Empire Building Atlanta, Ga
3 9 103
THIS ian established agency Ourseventh
season. Have tilled ail classes openings
in universities, colleges, public and private .
schools. Write for literature. Foster’s :
Teachers Agency. Third National Bank |
1 Atlanta. Ga 4-8-39
1 TEACHERS WANTED for all class posi
tions Free registration June I Write,
i today for circulars Register
\genry. Register. Ga 5-6-21
: SClb H >l7 Tl:7\ <■ 11 )■: ffs I have the .pies -
1 tions and answers of the last seven
state school examinations in print. Will
mail them all tor sl. Descriptive circular
i free R S Holden. Box 40. Ellijax. Ga
i 54-27-4
1 ="■ 1 ■■■■■ ;
Situations Wanted—Female.
W \NTED To make dainty embroidered
’ hand-made lingerie for brides; work and
, tilting guaranteed, suits complete $lO up.
Bnx 43 • Hoit - Kla 5-9-49
1 EXPERIENCED nurse would like pri -
' vale «»r institutional work; good refer
' , cnees; no objection to leaving city Phone
| Ivy 3750. 12 East Thirty-eighth st.
‘‘WANTED Summer work by young lad\
; : who graduates in .lune. Prepared for
. general teaching and also piano and voice
■ B x 32z, Ft Ga • •• -. Ga 12 10
W ANTED To sew .it private homeL $172.5
per <ia\ ; also make silk dresses. Dress-
■ ! maker. 65 Central place. 5-11-31
Y< d N< I LA I >Y. seventeen, wants a~position
as typist; can give reference Phone
. I lyy 3287-.1.49-14-5
-COMPETENT dressmaker tcolore<i»
‘ j warns sowing to do at home or out by
1 the day reasonable and satisfactory:
; reference. A<Ulress E A Rivilia. 78 Bis
: ! bee ave , South Atlanta, Gh 31-14 5
• A YOCNG LADY stenographer wants po
' sition. very quick and accurate: had
T ! five years' experience as a graphophone
'j operator. Address N K . Box 915. care
t I kleorgia ri 31-15-5
WANTED Position as housekeeper in
e, widowet s home Address Mrs M . 123
~ I ’’OTA 1 ?! 35-8-5
A MH dd .1 <-AGE T,AT ‘Y .cants? a home in
** h --mall fainil} to do light housework
. Call at '.7 Lee street *ity, onlv one da\
' ' «■ 31-16-5
. i •. will accent sub-
I stitute or permanent wu' V ' all Ly 30?
Situations Wanted—Female.
I COMPETENT young lady stenographer
desires extra work to do in the after-
> noons from 3 to 6 o’clock and on Satur
’ day mornings. Address M. P VV.. 121
Capitol square. 5-15-23
Candler Annex. 104 N. Pryor street;
phone Ivy 1789, Atlanta 915; supplies free
of charge hotels, restaurants, boarding,
apartments anti private houses with ail
kinds of first-class helm 5-15-50
I WANT a position as a nurse or cook
to leave the city. Answer to the rear of
82 Auburn avenue Bertha Commtngs.
NICE COLORESt GIRI, wants position as
maid or nurse. 15 Maple street. Ida.
REFINED lady wants position as col
lector; have had several years’ experi
ence. can give good reference. Address
C. A. S.. care Georgian.4l -16-6
SETTLED Christian woman desires po
sition in small family to assist in work
or a home with elderly couple; don’t ob
ject to the countrv. Address H.. care
Y. W C, V._C['D 46-16-9
ST. 5-16-22
WANTED Stenographic position by mar
ried lady with several years experience;
can assuiiH’ management of office in
employer’s absence: good reference given,
ivy 3275-. I Mrs. H. 5-16-14
1 “
Situations Wanted—Male.
Rates Under This Classification: 24
words, 1 time 10c; 3 times 20c; 7 times 40c
STENO-BOOKKEEPER, reliable, sober,
desires position with some reliable firm;
nothing less than $75 per month; can
furnish good references. Addre-s G S. A.,
« «re_Georgian. a-15-40
‘’itlJißED chauffeur wants position with
a private family; can drive anv car.
Address A. W. Bonds, 238 Bntler St.
WANTED Steady position by sober, non
union compositor, proofreader, reporter.
Box 421, Starke. Fla. 52-9-5
WANTED Position as bookkeeper; am
experienced in double entry bookkeep
ing. Now employed, but desire to change;
can use typewriter Address W. G. Bul
lock. Union City, <Ja_. 38-10-5
WAN'I’ED Position by young man as
bookkeeper or stenographer Will work
all day or part of day. Can furnish good
( references. Moderate salary. B. M . care
COLORED chauffeur wants position In
private family. Address Box 896, care
< Georgian. 53-11-5
WANTED Situation by young man who
# has had two years’ experience in
groeery business, best of references
C. L. L., 16 Williams st_
A BRIGHT BOY. thirteen, wants a po-
Phone lyj ' i 51 11 5
BUSHELM \> . well de
sires position with t>usy clothing or
custom tailoring establishment; 20 years'
experience with large Neu York cstab
lishment. A.ldrrss Leo F. Rayfield. 90
Capitol ave. 25-*!5-5
POSITION WANTED by expert book
keeper: fast and accurate; can furnish
best references and bond. Address Box
i 555, rare Georgian. 13-15-5
WANTED Position by colored man as
chauffeur: can give the best of refer
ences. Address John Smith, 305 Peters
street. 47-15-5
FSBeSS ESfPj oYMEN'r AGENi’Y. 25.2-t
Candler Annex, supplies free of charge
hotels, cases, restaurants with first
class while and colored help of al! kinds.
I’liom |\\ 1789; Atlanta 915 51
WANTED By yourg man of four years
experience in grocerj and meat busi
ness. position with wholesale house or
packing company; hest references. \d
dress L F. A .Bo*_ 337, < Tty_3B-16-5
WANTED- Position by young man as
bookkeeper or stenographer; have had
four years office experience: can furnish
j good references; employed at present. W. i
;i. g . care < leorgian 45-16-5
WANTED Position as gardener around
private place: understand cultivation of
flowers. X. Y,, Box 920. care Georgian
j w xN'r real estate o?flce work; win start
I on small salary tn learn the work: best
of references, (’all J. 8.. at Main 9131.
Situations Wanted—Male and
i'(» GET goo»l. competent, reliable serv
ants. such as cocks, maids, butlers,
nurses, office girls or chauffeurs, please
iappl\ to Bethel Labor Exrhang**. Phone
ivy 3117. M L. Howard, Mgr 5-16-27
Boarders Wanted.
RATES, $7 to sl2 per week. References
exchanged 2-28-5
GOOD board. Ivy 5348-L. 20 West Har
ris.4G 1-50
TRANSIENT and table boarders wanted;
• nice rooms, excellent meals; close in.
92 S. Pryor street 5-7-29
i W fLL EXCHANGE room and board close
in on Capitol avenue for motorcycle or
| ladies’ diamond ring Small cash pa\ -
| nient Box 739 rare Georgian. 4 27-16 j
CAN accommodate a few boarders 255-
(’ourtland; excellent meals; close in.
Ivj 5603 5-8 17
SIX young ladies can get excellent boards
private home. .Main 5333-L. 227 Cen
tral avenue. 5-8-10
Board and Rooms.
113-115 S. Pryor
REAL close in; reasonable. Atlanta
phone 4949. 5-8-54
Select Boarding.
AN IDEAL CLACE. new management.
’32 Soutli I ’ \ st 5-8-59
CAN accommodate a few more board
ers. excellent meals. 11l Washington
-9 1C
Select Boarding.
, BEST accommodations. 32 Garnett st
I TW< l nice connecting rooms, first-class'
j board, private home 256 Capitol Ave. I
Atlanta phono 146,5 5-10-32 1
| (’AN aeeom 'io»iaie a few boarders Ex-I
collem meals. 261 ii Hunter. 5-11-18;
ROOM \ND BOARD rate reasonable
249 Whitehall Main 3286 5-11 45 |
PRIVATE HOME, north side, will let ;
twp rooms with board to adults; refer
ences exchanged. Phone Ivv 2080-1.
5 - H -4
UNDER new management. 83 Brotherton
street; room and board $4 per week;
furnished rimms also cheap. 5-11-3
\\ vN'I'ED Boarders for three upstars
nlct-ly furnished rooms; one down
stairs ronin with conno ting bath: close
in; best north side neighborhood; all con
veniences. Ivy 5278. 5-11-15
DELIGHTFUL home for summer, ail con
veniences. Phone Ivy 6634. Mrs C S.
Mcßae. _ « r > : l4-42
Nice, young ladj to room with another
one; also gentlemen boarders 18 Capi
tol I‘Jaeu.
YOU CAN get good board and lodging $5
a week; table board $3.50 a week 227
' street.
i 2! \Y. BAKER Front room and board for
iample or two gentlemen. Ivv 1788.
*>- is-1
cXPITOL \VE has board for work-
• ing girls. At. 2183-L.39-16-5
WANTED Gentlemen or couple to board
In private family; front room. 75 W
Baker street. Phone Ivy 5288-.1.5H6J1
FURNISHED ROOMS with or without
> board; hot and cold water. .Atlanta
‘ phone 2206 162 Court land st, 47-16-5
‘ 4 WEST PEACHTREE Nce ooms with
excellent table: cb’se in: reasonable
1 NICE ROOM and meals if desired >n pti
? vate familv . one block from Georgian
* Terrace Ivy 2543. 5-1 3-29
1 -r— -r—-’:. ... . —7— —: —rr
Board Wanted.
Yol‘NG COUPLE desires board in pri
vate famll? in !>ntur. <-a.: must be
private fa mil.' Address Reasonable, tare
j Georgian. 54-16-5
Summer Resorts.
PLEASANT VIEW —Quiet country place;
open the year round; consumptives
needn't apply. For rates, address Mrs.
Robert McClure, Clarkesville, Ga., R. F.
D. 2. 44-8-5
ment; newly fitted; clean; rooms 50c up;
heart of city. 4116 Peachtree. 2-20-67
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NEWLY furnished rooms, reasonable
prices; centrally located: baths free
Broadway Hotel, N. Broad st. 3-21-73
ROOMS furnished complete for house
keeping: also meals. Main 5333-L. 227
Central avenue. 5-8-12
TWO connecting first-floor rooms: fur
nished for housekeeping, all conve
mences. 45 W. Baker street. 5-8-14
NIC’ELY furnished rooms close in. Ivy
ql4B-J. 46 Williams street. 5-8-16
ONE furnished room adjoining bath.
•_ Phone -8-,33
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
board, close in. Main 2768. 295 Wash
ington 5-9-18
LARGE, beautifully furnished front room
with private porch, electric lights; con
venient to bath: plenty hot water; gen
tlemen onlv. Call Ivy 3486-162-9-5
H)R RENT _f>ne or two nicely furnished
r °nnis. 115 Washington street. 5-9-59
NICELY furnished rooms; also light
housekeeping rooms. 143 Spring st.
ONE large, beautifully furnished front
room. 2 blocks of Capital Citv Club.
Ivv 2188-J. 5-10-21
NICELY’ furnished rooms. 121 Capitol
Square. M. 4839-L 5-10-17
Block of Candler Building. 102 Ivv St.
FOR RENT Two newly furnished front
rooms for two o> three gentlemen. ?21
{ n’jDland street. 5-13-12
TWO nicely furnished front rooms com
plete for housekeeping to parties with
out children, sl6; hot bath, Bell phone,
i best location; good bargain. 290 Wash
ington st. 5-13-18
TWO or connecting nicely furnished
rooms; in nice locality; cars everv ten
JDjndtea 191 East Pine st 30-14-5
under new knanagement 83 Brotherton
street: room and board $1 per week;
furnished rooms also cheap. 5-14-2
LIGHT, airy furnished room in north side
private home; convenient to bath: hot
water; beautiful locality; excellent meals
across street. Ivy 6358-. I 5-14-17
SUITE, two rooms, private bath, com
pletely furnished to couple, near Geor
gian Terrace; meals near. Call 2617 Ivy
or 90 East North avenue. 5-14-5
i 11 RI e furnished rooms for housekfeep
ing with owner; sink and bath on the
same floor. 178 Forrest avenue. 5-14-26
FOR RENT Furnished three-room flat,
with bath, (’all 24 East Baker street.
TWO rooms with kitchenette, completely
furnished for light housekeeping; fur
nace. electricity, telephone and gas 88
Park s treet, 5-14-40
SINGLE and double bedrooms; also light
housekeeping rooms; opposite Lyric
theater 37 </arnegie waj. 15-9
TWu ROOMS, small kitchen, furnished
for light housekeeping. 357 (’apitol ave.
NICELY furnished front room for rent;
all conveniences: close in. 61 East Cain
street. Apartm ent 2. 5-15-20
NICELY furnished room to let. Private
family; north sale _Main 4170-J. 39-15-5
NIC’ELY furnished front room; close in.
68 < ’urrier street. Ivy 4607-J. 5-15-24
OF (TTY. MAIX 2120-L. 333
' TWO or three nicety furnished from
rooms. complete for housekeeping;
davenport in dining room: sink in kitch
en; hot bath; Bell phone; best location;
can be had at once. 290 Washington.
M 5-15-36
ONE large front room: five minutes walk
of Candler Bldg. 71 E. Alexander.
NH’ICLY furnished room for rent; close
In. south side. Apple at 101 Windsor
street. 37-16-5
FOR RENT Two connecting furnished I
rooms for light housekeeping: everything
furnished; all conveniences; price $lO. 236
th street. near Whitehall. 5-16-24 |
WILL RENT two beautiful rooms in m>
home to. refined gentlemen: every con
venience; delightful summer home; shade
and fruit: three car lines near: reason
able. Plume Ivy 1762-L. 5-16-28
(’LEAN, comfortable room for gentle
men; private family: walking distance
1 98 Eorrest ave. 5-16-30
SMALL, neatb furnished bedroom: pri
vale family: $5 per month. Call even
ings. 85 E. Fair street. 5-16-39
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
T\V( > large and one small rooms; every
modern convenience. 560 South Pryor
1 -8-60
I 3 LARGE first floor connecting rooms
for rent. (Jail J vy 398:u L. » 5-11-37
THREE nice rooms for rent; convenient
ly louated. (’all 3D Law ton st. 5-14-9
A U(>UPLE wishes to rent to another
couple two rooms for light housekeep
ing: partly furnished if desired; refer
‘J x< ‘ han '3<'I■ Gall M. 2381-.1. 5-14-11
TWO or three nice, cool upstairs rooms;
fine neighborhood: all conveniences.
Copenhill. Phone Ivy 6373-L. 33-14-5
FOR RENT A new six-room house for
rent. $lO per month. Phone Main 4245-.1.
FOR RENT Three large connecting
rboms; unfurnished; sink in kitchen; on
car line: rent reasonable. Call 95 N
Lawn street. 5-15-26
U(‘NNE(’TIN(j rooms for housekeeping:
all conveniences; close in; excellent
neighborhood Ivy 6313. 95 Forrest Ave.
ENTIRE second floor; four rooms; phone
I and bath. 435 N. Jackson. 5-16-8
IFOR RENT On north side in splendid
neighborhood, two or three upstairs
I connecting rooms: splendidly suited to
' light housekeeping; hot and < old water;
phone service and fights furnished; very
I reasonable < alj at 1 \ngtai :l v °.
j TWO large connecting rooms foi light
housekeeping; all conveniences; sepa
rate entrance Phone Main
Ga r« Icn st.. near < leorgia ave.s-16-26
F(»R RE*x”r Three nice connecting
rooms. $8 per month; with water: on
i one of the best streets in Kirkwood. Ualj
Atlanta phone 264. 5-16-45
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
> .. . .. _ . --w
ROOAIS Furnished or unfurnished; sin
gle or light housekeeping; reasonable;
very quiet. 27 4 Whitehall.2s-14-5
FoR RENT Furnished or unfurnished:
! ni< e room. Phone Ivy 2819.5-15-34
I OXE. two or three large rooms; e'ood as
new. with every modern convenience;
three blocks of center of city: best street.
f Phone AL 2879.
CHOICE front rooms or an apart!
Modern conveniences, walking distance.
‘ Private residence; reasonable. 66 High
i land ave. Phone Ivy 4809-I. 5-16-38
t Furnished Apartments For Rent.
7 FoR RENT Beautiful apartment con
" sisting of bedroom, dining room, kitchen,
bath, back and front porches; north side.
- Phone Ivy 2478. 5-15-22
; Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
_* sls. FIRST FLOOR, three rooms; newly
papered and painted: sl2. three rooms
and kitchenette; housekeeping conven
’ences; $lO. niceb furnished first floor
- room with dressing room attached water.
- Phone and parlor service for either of
e above and board in house if desired, ( ’all
ea» 105 Fowler street, between Hunnicutt
5 and Pine, for further information 53-b-5
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
AN apartment. 6 rooms and nice bath. !
corner Eighth and Juniper streets. 3d ,
floor, atvaj' from noise, heat and dust: can i
be rented for SSO a month until Septem- i
ber; then leaae must be made for $65
month. Phone Ivy 1269, 5-9-1
FOR RENT—The new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bosco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms i
each, with every known modern conven- '
fence, and renting f*r $32.50 to $35. is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler ‘
building.s-9-57 I
33 CREW, five-room apartment, first !
floor, block from capitol; garden: ref- '
erences.lvy J930-.1, 5-14-22 I
FOR RENT Unfurnished four-room!
apartment in Corinthian until Sept. 1,
w'itn privilege of renewing, t’all Main 4116
SA V E .MO.X EY on Baby Carriages
and Go-Carts. Goldsniith-Ae .
ton-Witherspoon Co.. 62 Peach- i
tree. Life-Time Furniture, 61 X. i
Broad. 5-10-41 j
THE BEST LOCATED, best lighted, most
spacious six-room apartment, w’ith ser
vant’s room, in the city; occupies hal f
of entire second floor. 43 Peachtree place,
corner of West Peachtree. 5-15-3
Furnished Houses For Rent.
F(>R RICNT Nice five-room cottage with '
in 5 minutes walk of East Lake on ‘
car line.(’all_lvy 5474. 5-9-10'
FOR RENT—For a year or less, a beau
tiful and convenient home one door
from Peachtree, eight rooms, furnace,
large veranda, garden, artistic and beau
tiful. Apply 3 East Eighth st., or phone
1 v >’ 4258 ~ w - 28 1 14
Eor Rent—Furnished House j
in New York.
23 Lefferts Place. Brooklyn.
3 story, basement, brown stone,
12-room house in Hill section
one block from L and Trolley,
20 minutes from city hall. N. Y.
Well furnished, hardwood floors,
running water in bed rooms.
Large, cool living rooms.
Rent reasonable for summer months.
Reference required.
Address E. S. (Toft, 525 Grant Bldg
WILL RENT furnished, from June I to
September I. downstairs, consisting of
reception hall, bed room, dining room ami ;
kitchen. 408 Courtland st., back nf Peach
tree Inn. Cheap. Phone Ivy 5469.
t , 5-16-7
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR "rENtT write nr
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O
Cochran, 19 South Rroad-at. 4-1-31
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a nu dern home I
unless it is wired for electricity.
' 4 18-18
F( »R RENT -Seven-room cottage; 217 E.
Fair street: near Capitol avenue. Bell
' l ,h,,nP 1V V •_ 5-14-43
7 Mills street, corner West
I’eachtree $35.00
48 Rogers street. 5 rooms. . 15.60
Hill's Park. 5 rooms 14.00
238 Ira street. 4 rooms. .. . 7.60
770 1 2 Marietta,st.. 3 rooms 5.00
532 Decatur street $15.00
1613 ( andler Bldg.
FoR RENT -Five-room new bungalow;
just completed: living room 15x20; two
bedrooms; plenty large closets: veranda
12x36; all conveniences: beauty; No. 39
Rankin street, one block east of North
Boulevard, (’all Ivy 3590-J after 7 o'clock
p. m. 5-15-18
FOR RENT Nice summer home in West
End; ten rooms; suitable for two cou
ples; rent reasonable. Atlanta 4300.
THREE-ROOM cottage: every conven
ienre 77 (Tew st. Main 3545. 5-11-1
I F(»R~:eNT 391 Woodward avenue; cot
tage: three rooms: bath. Furse. 22 East
Alexander street. 41-15-5
FOR RENT Six-room house; modern im
provements: new barn and stable. 71
W. Harris street. J. H. George. 26-16-5
Business Property For Rent.
FOR RENT Business space, 98>,j> White
hall street: fine location for pool par
lor. Price only SBS month. Will have
two years and four months lease. Ad
dress Box 92. care Georgian. . 5-3 19
Desk Space For Rent.
NICE, largo desk space for rent with use
of both phones. 1301 Empire Bldg. 5-1-21
For Rent—Stores.
FOR RENT One store on Peachtree
street: best location in city: 18-fom i
front. Rent $275 per month. Address E.
D.. care Georgian . 5-16-40
Lost and Found.
FOUND—W M. Cox cleans all kinds of
carpets; rugs a specialty. Ivy 3135-J.
Atlanta phone 1818. 145 Auburn-ave.
LOST -Thursday evening, the 9th in
stant. a silver card case, marked on one
side with initials ‘ AL V. A..” in mono
gram. and on the other numerals “ 07"
in large characters. Liberal reward so;
return to owner, 1110 Third National
Ba n k Rldg. 5 ’l-18
LOST Sunday morning, between Third
‘ street and Piedmont hotel on Peach
‘ tree < ar or between Piedmont hotel and
(’able hall, cameo and pearl pendant
Plume Ivy 3708-J. Reward. 5-14-12
LOST Gohl breastpin Saturday evening;
amethyst setting; up-town. Pine street
, car <»r Ivy street. Reward. Call Ivv >169
! n-14-24
1 $5.00 liEW ARD for return
or information red Irish
.’ setter (female), white spot
: on chest. Lost in West End
on May 11. Phone Main 435
■ or write Thomas 11. Pitts.
; 98 Oak St.s-1:1-2
j i,OS'l’ While female bulldog; answers to
name of "Beauty " J. C. on collar.
1 Return to 297 Grant st. and get reward.
; 5-15-39
’ LOST Lady’s watch with dragon pin:
small diamond: between 450 Central ave
• nue and Echols' store, either on Georgia
■ avenue. Glenn or Pulliam streets; fair re-
s ward. Call Main 3419-J. 44-16-5
LOST Tuesday morning, oblong mosaic
brooch about the size of a uuarter; tig-
- ure of a bird nn top. Call Alain 3621-J.
’ Re" at 'd. 5-16-14
; L(fSr -One gold cuff button; liberal re-
- ward given if returned to the matron
- at Terminal station 5-16-12
5 DON'T let your friends suffer: bring them
r to
Drs. Holmes and Sewell.
f at 7’■ \V Mitehell street, for rbeuma
-1 tism. droes-y, piles and canter Consul
t tation iree. Diseases ut men a special!.v
» 4-13-4
' SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. «ohn B. Daniel, at 34
• Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost yoi» no more to have him fit you,
and it means insurance. 6-24-19
’ HAIR CUT. 15c.
3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
and Brdhd. 3-21-36
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds.
: metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National
I Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
i 4-30-19
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436.
ACME LETTER CO., 417 Wesley Metno
ritil Bldg. 5-6-33
! STILL another mg shipment of new w r all
I papers. Prices right. All work guar
. ar.teed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar
[nett <><- Gordon. 22 E. Mitchell st.; 30 sec-
I onris frnm Whitehall. 4-13-45
WHTTF7 CROSS toilet articles. The rouge
gives a natural color. The cream is a
fine skin food, and the powder makes you
look beautiful. Woman s 26U
Peachtree street. Ivy 5546. 5-13-14
W E BUY all kinds of salable second-hand
school books for cash. Sou. Book Con
eerlL_L! Mtehall_Cnext to High’s). 5-15-25
TO SAVE MONEY on Refrigera
tors, see Goldsmith-Acton-With
erspoon Co.. 62 Peachtree. Life
i Time Furniture. 61 N. Broad.
i 5-10-41
By Mrs. A Lee Champe, 56 Howell Place.
Phone 428 West End 3-21-62
LADIES Ask your druggis* for Chiches
ters Pills, the Diamond brar ’; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia-
I hip; buy of your druggist. Take no other.
IChichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
I>y druggists e\ erywhere. 5-2-1
STENQGRAPHERS desiring to increase
their speed in shorthand and typewrit
ing may do so hy joining classes at the
office of the Royal Typewriter Company.
16 N Pr\or street. Monday, Wednesday
and Friday from 10 to 11 a. m. 'Tuition
Cotton Seed Hulls.
F. R. Logan & Co.,
Atlanta. Ga. 5-16-34
DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mall.
50c Frank Edmondson & Bro., manu
facturing chemis’s. 14 South Broad-st..
Atlanta. Ga
LADIES—SI,OOO reward; I positively guar
antee m.v great successful "Monthly”
j remedy: safely relieves some of the long
' est. most obstinate, abnormal cases in
I three to five days; no harm, pain or in
' terference with work: mail $1.50. Double
Strength $2. Dr. F. G. Southington Rem
edy Co.. Mo. lAAJ
LISTEN! I treat any disease for $1 a
week and furnish the medicine. John
T. Patterson. M. D.. 445% Edgewood ave
nue. Atlanta phone 2757. 2-15-45
DROPSY CURED. Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours Reduces
swelling in 15 to 30 days. Write for par
ticulars Collum Dropsy Remedy Com
pany. 512 Austell building, Atlanta.
camp in tent. 138 Whitehall street.
REVKALS PAST, present and future;
consulted on all affairs of life .Satis
faction guaranteed. Readings, 25c 60%
North Forsyth, in tent.s2-10-5
REVEALS past, present and future Can
he consulted on all affairs of life: read
ings 25c 50c. 17 East Mitchell st. (in
23% Whitehall St. 3-21-29
DRESSMAKING at reasonable prices at
226 Houston st. Atlanta 4181. 3-21-11
W \ N’HID Plain T1 ressmaking. Atlanta
5386 55 Luckie SL .5-9-84
FINE dressFnaking. Prices reasonable.
Phone Ivy 5352-1 . 5-10-25
collection: no charge. Atlanta Collec
tion Company. 604 Gould building. 4-20-57
Milk Depots.
THE Houston st. creamery for milk and
cream. Call Ivy 1293 Bell. 3-9-3?
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain & Robinson.
223 Auburn. Atl. 5921-F; Night ivy 3609
OLD hats cleaned, dyed and reshaped:
best work; prompt service: satisfaction
guaranteed. Out of town orders solicited.
Both phones Acme Hatters, 100% White
hall street. 3-15-1
Fire-Proof Storage.
I pianos. Office and warehouse. 239-241
Edgewood-ave. Ivy 2037. John J. Wood-
i side Storage Company.
i '
i Public Baggage and Transfer.
M C. FURNITURE transfer; we pack
and ship. M. 5490-L, A. 1319 30 West
’ Hunter. 3-12-?
Sewing Machines.
WE REPAIR any setting machine. Work j
called for and delivered anywhere M
j McNair. 229-B Auburn avenue 3-14 9
1 >VE RENT new machines with complete
■ i set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired: prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine
. Company. 7S Whitehall. 9-14-44
Trunks. Bags and Suitcases.
; ROUNTREE’S 77 w 4Vreet kll
PHONES: P.ell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654
; Shoe Repairing.
T. J. SMITH. JG E. Hunter.
I 4-25-6
Builders’ Column.
tractors and Builders.
Will Finance You
If to build: all kinds of build
-iJ rS A ?rial for sale. B. F. Mitchell.
014 Air Building. 4-25-14
ARCHI.rp contractor and builder,
» c^? ln r*hop; carpenters furnished
190 Houston st. 3-21-12
HOMES t for j-ash or terms; archl
*f ctura -.igns furnished free.
Ceuti, Construction Co.
ArcLts an d Builders.
sh °Pl carpenter*
furnished. , n A]leni 106 . A Edgewood
avenue. 3-22-4$
Paint an< j Tinting.
Ff r^IRlK K mGrices call r. b
bankb’ldg.’ 6 - 318 4TH
Build Ma terials.
austin O rr< ldings
ALbTIX BRI Atlanta Ga .
K JS G . beware co.
and tools of all k^ U 5
=============• 2-ls-7
Discounts O^ oof Felts
roofs ail of
Phone M 3927 J. ’ baßt Hun 4
Monuments and ine Work.
All kinds stone work, -dmfani.
17-19 Fraser-st. Phone 35<# l-S-,7
ALL KINDS of cemetery. v en j_ ~
wft a b« Wg so^ CoU r nt N E^ngTnttst d a a t'd
East HuX mana^’ 7 J?
Plumbing and
H. C. Gullatt Plurr (t? p 0
89 N. FORSYTH ST. rs.-a . T
LANTA 722. 43 j.
Tailoring, Altering, Cl^ n g an d
WE do French dry cleaning. TmUTrid
altering, also suits made t'JU? r
Holt, the Tailor, 2 South Street
CLEANING, pressing ano rem- npa 7~
ly done at 226 Houston st.
—— 3-31-19
W. Peachtree and Fourteenth..,.
Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s fine
Tvv , s3Bk' l ' ’’"’’s 6 '’- altered and tT*ed
Mattresses Overhaule
BEST wqri; reasonable prices; nTUvi
if desire!. Give us a trial. Net,. ’
son-Orr Cbmpany. Both phones. 22 -4
Stovi and Range Repair-
sell second-hand gas stoves We
chimrff’s. We take down
sell wi-k and wickless oil stoves x-i
sell gasoline stoves and ranges A\.
phon, 2235. 121 Whitehall st. Bell i ta
M. 2(99. ne
WE IELL gas stoves set upYff We
~os tv e ? .- Blsnkinshlp Stove Como*
W. street - Phone Main 4<T
Atlana 1850.
WAN’ED—We pay highest cash price
on tousehold goods, pianos and offlc
re ‘ Cash advanced on consign
rnetits springer’s Auction House. 25
South Pryor-st. Bell phone Main 1526
houscold goods, pianos and office fur
niture. Cash advanced on consignments
Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitch
ell-st. Bell phone Main 2424 8 26-26
1 P'' y nen’s old clothes and shoes'
Drop ;card. 1. Bock, 32,8e1l st. 5-1-14
DROP CARD—WiII bring cash for old
clothe, and shoes. The Vestaire, 166
Decatur treet. 3.7. J
Bl, i ST c PRICES for furniture,
househld goods and office furniture.
Fembrok,Sales Co , 143 S. Pryor street.
Beh phon Main 187. 4-5-25
WE BI Yill kinds of salable second-hand
school toks for cash. Sou Book Con
cern, ,1 \\jtehall (next to High’s). 5-15 25
: 25-16-5
\VANTEUa black and tan puppv
(majel- <ll 6 to 7 p. m.. room 122 Ara'
gon Hotel. Bring puppy. 57-16-5
For &le—Miscellaneous.
NEW rubb, tires put on your baby
carriages: epairing. Phone Ivy 3076.
Robott Mitclß, 229 Edgewood avenue
, 3-5-9
SODA FOUNS—Bergaln tn new and sec
ondhand sta fountains; easy terms;
write for prio. p. o. Box 1022, Atlanta
\A E RENT got pianos, $3 month up
tv e sell gootpianos. $5 month up. '
Bargain in setnd-hand. SIOO up
B P. Becht Cnpany, 110 Temple Court
building. Bell .hone 667 Main 4-23-20
BE SI RE our screens and ret
our prices be T e buying. Kane Blind
Bldg SCr^ n i92°9:- J - CraWfOrd ’ a ° 2 B-2o!u
Atlanta Tint and Awning
MANUFACTURES high-grade tents and
awnings. 39% uckie st. Ivy 5667
SEE our line of Vagner go-carts. We
also re-tire go-Tts. 415 Marietta st.
Atlanta phone 1.9 4-22-41
FLY SCREENS, <ors. refrigerators, oil
stoves We are Jling same at reduced
, pri^eS ', cc S , ee U a bete Jou bu Y- Call At
lanta 2653 and our aan will come to see
you. Harrison Hdvco., 213 Peters st
S W !■: I'.T pot ato plan. Golden Beautv qn"d
Porto Rica varietH Two dollars thou
sand. express 25 cen thousand and less
.South Island Plant kJ ’ Seed Co Mee
getts. 8. C. 5-10-43
FOR Porch Furniire of all kinds,
save money at hldsniitli-Aeton-
Witherspoon Co. 62 Peachtree,
Life-Time Furnitip, 61 X. Broad.
M I SSIoN oak .linier't - cost sl7B’ al
most new; sell for » lvy 3500-L
- 5
EOR SALE—Sae. sou showcases ami
cigar walka?< at 55 -last Alabama st
WE Bl’Y all krtds of stable second-hand
school bookstor cash Sou. Book Con
cern. <1 U hiteJll ‘nextto High’si, 5 15 25
LIME, eemnf. wal plaster, plas
ter pfliisfire cla, terracotta
stove thiffile. efe.. in small
quantities it 18 X. Forsyth St.
Dunning : Son. 31am 483. At
lanta phae 578, 3-15-]