Newspaper Page Text
" Help Wanted—Female.
W girls, between sixteen
. and twenty-two years of age attrac
tive occupation:, with excellent opportuni
ties for rapid advancement. Applicants
must have cominpp school education and
be able to furnish satisfactory references
as to character Kpply in person at 25
Auburn avenue^iFanta
MAID WANTED- Must remain on place
Apply 19 West Ft McPherson. 25-11-5
WANTED -tables to learn beauty cul
ture We t« ach all brarn h»v~ in few
weeks be our original method. You are
sure of a pos tion at top wages. Also
a splendid field, to start your own bust
ness Call or T’rite Moler College. 53 W
Mitchell St . \danta. Ga. 3R-H-.'
W ANTED * tn rnok and do
s«ncrai hotisev nrk TH North Roule
tard.. Iva- 1 R43 -.1. _ 5-11-36
WANTED Good cook. App'y 37fi Wash
mgton street. 5-11-2?
‘WANTED Reliable settled woman rook
in -mall family, servants’ hmise free
Apply 670 Washington St or Mr. Gross
mar. 96 Whitehall' 5-11 -.'.0
WHITE chambermaid® wanted Apply
Housekeeper. Room 224 Piedmoijt hotel
‘ 5-13-8
VAN TED First-class nurse with recoin*
• mendations. for day and night duty.
Apply 1233 Candler Bldg._ 5-13-21
WANTED—Mhiie woman for house
work, must be good codk. Mobil** Mar
ker. Marietta. Ga 37-13-3
WANTED A woman to do general house
work; good sal an. 65 Wabash Ave
__ 5-_L3 JO
V» ANTED—Lady stenographer, compe
-tent-to-handle dictation and office de
tail in executive office. Reply, giving ex
'*riehce and salary. Box 812, care Geor
gian 29-14-5
WANTED 1 nincumbered white person
to cook two meals a day. treated like
one of the famih ; comfortable room. Ivy
't 17"4I 7 " 4 7 st Charles aves-44-19
WANTED Colored nurse for baby fifteen
month-. old Apply 362 Pom e DeLeon
avenue ’ 5-14-46
* 35 AN I ED—Steady girl for general house-
work in small family; good wages and
room on lot if des ired. Apply 10 W, six
\ ; teenth street. 5-15-6
AVANTEP A nice, neat house maid at
' Marie Ha street. 5-15-8
WANTED A good washerwoman; good
Phone Decatur 165. 5-15-21
WANTED -Stenographer to do some
copying: mail sample work with reply.
Advertiser. Box 3. care Georgian. 5-15-19
WANTED A book and nurse . good sal
ary to right party. 11 St. Paul avenue.
. - j_'s-15-27
WANTED- Respectable woman to care
fnr ' ripple and do light housework for
three weeks. Address Mis. J. J. Daniel.
Marjptta. Ga. 10-15-5
WANTED Woman tn wash on lot at 218
Angter avenue. 5-15-32
WANTED - Housekeepf" for ?mall fam
ily at one* For particulars apply Jas.
' _ Cea gin. - Ander<nnville. 'la 44 _1A1'"‘
WANTED Reliable woman f"i general
h-Mlspwork Good u'a.gbs. Main 4239-. T
24! < ’’ll e 1 kee avenue. 5 I - 35
W7\XTED - A hiuh ohTss'72. o k an<l
a combination maid-laundress;
good wages paid; small family:
room for each in yard; new bnild
ing: references .required. Appl.'
at 77 West Peachtree. .'>-15-41
WANTED -White waitress ai once: col
order chambermaids. Southern Busi
ness Agency, 265 < ’andlor Hl dg 5-15-_M
WAN TED - Several colored girls as rham
bei maids, nurses and housekeepers.
Call at once Feders Employment Agency. ■
253-254 Candler Annex. 10! N. Pryor st. j
_ j‘ ls ' 4S
y ANTED Two white women as nurses
and housekeepers; must have experience
Call Feder- Employment Agency. 253 251
Candler Annex. 104 N. Pryor st. 5-15-47
Help Wanted—Male.
bl<4‘ at Hdbuin hotel; heart of clVy.
in*., Walton st., if you want a clean.
. .quiet room/.transient 50c; open all night
WE W XNT five ambition® young men to
1 become real estate salesmen: we are
now -oiling lots on easy monthly pay
*ment plan and -will give- ><•□• contract
which writ rnaMFynir to make $25 to SSO
per week, ami at the same time afford
1 you an excellent chance to learn the real
‘ estate business. Apply Charlton Barrett,
k * (> h l ? N Brna d $ t 4 6-18
- YES. Professor G. O. Branning will teach
you the barber trade 'it's easy) We
teach in one-half limp of other colleges
Cours* tools and position in our shops
only ?30 Why pOy more? Thousands of
s our graduates running shops or making
- good wagcry Atlanta Barber College. 10
■' Tart Mitchell streoL 5_11 I 7
! Y<»l ARE V ANTED for government po
-1 -jtjon *BO month; send postal for fist
| cf positions open. Franklin Institute.
3 Y’pp l R.. Roehester, N. V. 33-7 5
■ WTXTED Eirst-ciass
white barber. Musi un-
derstand his business thor
oughly. Sober, and high
toned in every particular.
Address Barber Shop. Lock j
Box t 2. Louisville. t.«a. 5-8-45
THREE cement finishers wanted Apply
Southern rail wav freight depot at once.
- ‘ '«< ‘ 5-9-2
MAN TED Men to learn barber iralfe: a
goM barber makes good money and
makes it easy. The Moler System will
make you a good barber in a few weeks
Some money earned while learning <’all
or write Moler Barber College, 5.3 Most
Mitchell st 37-! 1 -5
DENTIST—-Good all-round man Phone
■'lain 5192 J, \tlanta. Ga.. or 104 Jeffer
son rt . Savannah. Ga. G. E. S. 54-11-5
M ANTED- Mide-a.wakc man with
knowledge of grocery busincs.-. Apply
271 Piedjuont ave. 5-13-17
M ANTED- Onera tor who understands
} now*r machine and gas tanks for ' arni- '
; val r:< tur* show must join at once. '
• Wire lowest salary. 1,. A. Macv. Rochel’e. I
Gg 5; I - J C
MAN I DT’ Machine hand to run sash
and door teimner M’nodward Lunibpr !
Co. 5-H-j4|
WANTED Experienced cabinet nun and!
bo? ? to work on padboard. Southern ■
1 pholst*ring • o 5-11-22 :
AVAN TED -Boy: ‘bptwA«n 11 and 16 years i
of agp to wp . on table;- Nunnally s.
'■ Eds'- w '•'■’d c” i Pea«-htree -11-211
WANT r Man to put bottom® in porch
rocke.s, Appf\ 72 Waddell ln-
mAn Park - ’5 -H- 23
WANTED -Cleaner and pressor; one who
, ogn operate steam presser. Apply J.
C Robinson, Statosbor*-. Ga 5-14-39
, MaS TED Farm hand for wagTl Ad
dress M\ A. Woodls. Jr., Stone Moun- :
tain. Ga_ 17-11-5 |
ANTED Young man to tend garden'
and milk: room, board and good wages ,
' t - right partx ; nn car line. Call Ivy 5192 J
T A ANTED —('oiupctenl and
reliable man to lake;
charge city light and water I
plant Address, with ref-1
cnees. E. N. Willie, Louis-:
; vi]]p. Ga, 40-]4-5 ;
W .A N> T E D- Experienced bookkeeper: i
must come well recojnmended and fur- j
, ri’i-h bond. In your reply state experi-
ti.-'e and ®alary expected. Address I. M !
Georgian. 26-15-5.1
M ANTED- An auto mechanic who hal-:
had some experience tn photography to i
t’ <vel in atitn and help moving picture
man: state fully age. experience, etc.]
Address P. O. Box 293, Alacon, Ga <
WE PI ’ Y all kinds of salable second-hand !
sohnol books for cash. S-m. Book Con ;
• «ern. 71 Whitehall 'next io Higli'si. 5 15 25
W.\NTED’-"-All soldiers and sailors in At-
lania who served in Spanish war or
Philippines to writr. rne at omr. some
thing icn should know Address Com
r 4
M .a ? T? !• -Yf'ur’g man nf good character I
h.- ' r ■ * '.no and ta k* charge r,r
. .ffice . 73f‘- 5 4 " ;. T« f-A'i-; g’W AttUcrJ t ( > t.ho '* i j .’ ’ . re dcr- -• .th
i / 2-c'- ■ : .::a Laxidler i/ H '
■y Vrv. r. street. . - 5-15-45
Help Wanted—Male.
TEX s?ood solicitors to work in
city on newspaper work. A
splendid .opportunity to earn big
money by our unique plan. Call
at office of Georgian and ask for
Mr. Grant, between <S ami 9 a. m.
and .» ami 6 p. m. 5-15-4
NEWSBOYS as canvassers
can make $3 a day. (’all al
24 hmian Bldg. 5 o’clock af
ternoon. p;_i.")_s
washers. Southern Business Agency.
265 Candler Annex. 5-15-43
WANTED Boy. 15 to 16. tn take orders
for grocery store: .*4 week. Southern
Business Agenej. j 65 Candler Annex
5 -1. > -15
M'ANTED -Men and boys, white and col
ored. experienced as waiters, porters,
chefs, bartenders, cooks, dishwashers,
cashiers and soda water dispensers, can
Always find good paying positions by call
ing at Frders Employment Agency. 253-
254 f'apdler Annex, 104 n, Prvor street
Help Wanted —Male and Female.
WANTED Hustling bonk canvasser on
quirk sellers Entirely new. Good
profits. Bell 1054 M’est. 35-13*5
Public Stenographer.
ivy 47i8.
4 15-36
710 Third National Bank Bldg. Ivy 2447.
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED Capable salesmen to sell on
the easy monthly payment plan, finish
ed ’ots in our North Decatur residence
subdivision Appl. v Charlton Barrett, man
ager. 60 1 . North Broad street. 4-6-17
Ea ERGETIC, reliable, party wanted to
represent the sale of high-grade office
and electrical special ties'; electrical
knowledge not requited, liberal salary dr
commission on contract: exclusive terri
tory. Electrical Goods Mfg. Co., M'ash
ington, D. c. 4-10-45
Agents Wanted.
$25 T<» SSO per weqi< easily mad» selling
residence lot' on the easy monthly pay
ment plan in our Decatur Heights sub
division: experience unnecessary; im
provements <lown and artistic homes now
being built Apply Charlton Barrett,
Manager. SOU ,N st. 4-6-lit
AGEbfTF WANTED In every town In
Georgia to sell automobile tire remov
er; does the work in one minute w’hat
it will take two hours to do without this
tool. For sale by A. G. Inman, Midville.
Ga 2-29-32
BE INDEPENTiENT Start a mail'order
business in your own home. We
(ell you how. and furnish everything
needed wholesale. An honorable and
profitable business for a man or woman.
I Particulars free. Ma» > make $3,000 a
yoar Murphy Mfg. Co., South Norwalk,
Conn. 5-J 1- 5
TiT7\ n7< '.
COMPLETE BOf>l< now ready for ship
ment. We handle three books on the
<fcc-an's» greatest disaster —one eniilled
•'Story of the Wreck of the Titanic,”
<'diiod by Marshall Everett, retail price
(cloth) sl/0, half morocco $1.50; anoth
er entitled ’’The Sinking of the Ti
tanic” 7ind “Great Sea Disasters," edit
ed by Logan Marshall, retail price
(cloth) SI.OO. half morocco $1.75: the
other entitled “Memorial Edition, Sink
ing of the Titanic.” edited by Jay Hen
ry Mowbray, retail price (cloth) SI.OO.
Wo allow our agents 50 per cent
mission on each of these bonks: so the
agents’ prices are one-half of the re
tail price.©. M’e pay express charges* on
cash orders amounting to sls worth or
more at agents’ prices. Credit given If
desired. Send us your orders; state
what authoi you want book written by
and we will ship promptly. Agents
wanted in every community. «uitfii.
sent free on receipt of in cents for
postage A eing’e copy of book by
author of your choice mailed to any a«l
--dress on receipt of retail price. Each
of the above hooks contains .350 pages,
over 500 illustrations, except memorial
edit if m«l.> la.-.- Manry Mowbray, which
contains 287 .paKos. Phillips-Boyd
Publishing t'ompany. Department No.
15. Atlanta. Ga. r.-9-17
Teachers Wanted.
ATTRACT IVE positions for state and in
terstate teachers. Write for registra
tion blanks o Teachers’ Agency Com
pany, 1012 E npire Building. Atlanta, Ga.
THIS is at. established agency. Ourseventh
season. Have filled all classes openings
in univers’iie®. college®, public and private
sahools Write for literature Foster’s
Teachers Agencv. Third National Bank
Bldg . Atlanta. Ga. 4-8-39
TEACHERS WANTED for all class posi
tions. .Free registration Jure 1 Write
today for circulars. Register Teachers'
Agency. Register, Ga 5-6-21
Situations Wanted—Female.
V AN I'ED Ry a young woman, position
as housekeeper in wealthy family; $5
■week. Box 3C. «are Ge<»rgian. 31-7-5
I M’AN I’ED Tn make dainty embroidered
! hand-made lingerie for bride® work and
fitting guaranteed; suits complete $lO up.
I Box I L Holt, Fla.
j EXPERIENCED nurse would like pri
' vato or institutional work; good refpr
i ences: no objection tn leaving < it\ Phone
i l.v,'. 3750. 13 East Thirty-eighth st.
jWAXTIib Summer w-uk by young Jafly
j who graduates in June Prepared for
general teaching and also piano and voire
Address R"X 322. Ft Gaines.
M ANTED To sew at private‘home. $1.25
per da> . also make silk dresses. Dress
maker. 65 Central place. 5-11-31
NICE GIRL wants job a® nurse or maid.
Apj.J\__2l TlighjV \ . D. p. 13-13 7
YiH/NG LADY, seventeen, wants a position
as tvpist; can give reference. Phone
: Ivy 3287-. r 11L1L?
COMPETENT dressmaker "oioird'
wants sewing tv do ai home or out by
hjie <lay: reasonable aryl satisfactory;
!’<sfpren< ,p . Address E. A Rixilia, 78 Bls
! Ppp ave.. South Atlanta, Ga. 31-11-5
I M ANTED Position by colored woman as
i maid in office, or would do <ooking
11<i Butler st. 27-15-5
’a Y<M NG LADY stenographer want-; po
sition; very quirk and sv' inatn. j 1; pl
five xears’ < xperipiu e as a graplmplmnr
operator. \ddress N. K., Box 915. <are
Georgian 31-15-5
IBfSINEFS woman with Northern edwa-
I. lion wants position as teno• hnokkrep-
cf. local referenc' S4 f \ < are Georgian.
I ••-'■■- 1 '
I\\ xN'i ED Position as housekeeper in
J widower s home. \ddress Mrs. M.. 123
| Bellwood avenue. 35-8-5
COMPETENT young lady stenographer
desires extra work to do in the after-
I noons from 3 to 6 o’clovk and on Satur
' da\ mornings Address M P. W.. 121
Capitol square. 5-15-23
I EDERS EM PL<»YM EN r l’ AGENC Y, 253-1
Candler Annex, lot N Pr\or street:
’phone Ivy 1 789. Atlanta 915; supplies free
-»f charge hotel.®, restaurants, boarding,
apartment® and private houses with all
kind® of firat-Hass help 5-15-50
Discounts On Roof Felts.
1 TOP •■<F A I 1.4!.ta . ...... •- (he b,<i i
i -.1 ... r<"p, r a!! kind.? • f
i yf-. I I ”'ly e j Last Hu"'. '
Phone 11. 3;.i J. J -i 12
Situations Wanted—Male.
Rates Under This Classification: 24
words, 1 time 10c; 3 times 20c; 7 times 40c
STENO-BOOKKEEPER, reliable, sober,
desires position with some reliable firm,
nothing less than $75 per month: ran
furnish good references. Address G. S. A.,
eare Georgian. 5-15 - 40
Y<ST'NG MAN. 23, desires position with
reliable realty company; excellent tes
timonial®: will accept salary and commis
sions. Address Box 193, Blackshear. Ga
COLORED chauffeur wants position with
a private family: can drive any car.
Address A. M'. Ronds, 238 Butler J?t
36- 9-5
\V \NTED- Steady position by sober, non
union i om pos it or. proofreader, reporter
Box 4-31,
WANTED Position ns bookkeeper; am
experienced in double entry bookkeep
ing Now- employed, but desire to change;
ran use typewriter Address W. G. Bul
lo<k. Inion <’ity. Ga. 38-10-5
WANTED Position .by voting man as
bookkeeper or stenographer. M ill work
all day or part of day. Canjurnish good,
references. Moderate salary. R. M.. care
< Jporgian. 50-10-5
c<>L‘>RED chaurfeur wants position in
private family. Address Box 898. care
1 ieorgian. 53-11-5
MANT ED Position by male bookkeeper
and office, man 12 years experience
Phono 5261 -L. 5*1.1-16
xTT\VS _ REI , '>RTEK -Five years’
experience, gonv] references,
wants position in Georgia or Ala
bama. “0,” care Tribune. Rome.
Ga. 5-11-40
WANTED Position on fruit or truck
farm or superintendent country plac* l :
agricultural college graduate. Andress
rh»\ 798, care Georgian. 26 -13 -a
NOTICE Young man. 20. must have po
sition. good character, where can learn
a business: salary nn object. A knowl
edge of office work. Address M’illing. Box
63, carp Georgian. 25-19-5
W A N’l ED Position by registered grad
uatr druggist: number or years’ expe
rience \ddross at nnep, W., Rox 90L
<‘are Georgian. 31 -.13-5
p< >SUTI< LN as presser:’~two ynurs’ expe
rience: want good salary, can press
ladies’ fine garments. A. A., 172 East
Harris st 11 ~ 13-?>
WANTED Position as chauffeur; Two
> ears’ experience: good recommenda
tion. Address Jean Hamilton. 58 Hunni
cutt st. 39-13-5
WANTED Situation by young man who
ha.® had two years’ experience in the
grocery business; best of references.
C I' Yt*lll iams st. 26-14*5
A BRIGHT BOY. thirteen, wants a pn
slLLn!2- Ph°ne Ivy 3287-J. 51-14-5
BI’SHELMAN. w'oll recommended, de
sires position with busy clothing or
custom tailoring establishment; 20 years’
experience with large New York estab
lishment. Address F. Rayfield. 90
Capitol a\e 25-15*5
'PDSIT so N M’ ANTED~ by expert““ book -
keeper; fast and accurate: can furnish
best references and bond. Address Box
555 rare Georgian. <3-15-5
WANTED Position by colored man as
chauffeur: can give tke best of refer
ences. Address John Smith. 305 Peters
street. <7-15-5
Candler Annex, supplies free of charge
hotels. cases, restaurants with first
class w’hite and colored help of al! kinds.
Phones; Ivy 1789: Atlanta 915. 5-15-51
Boarders Wanted.
HATES. 17 to sl2 per week. References
oxchanKed 2-28-5
GOOD board. Ivy 5348-L. 20 M’est Har
ris. _±HdL°
IDEA I. HOME for couple desiring to
spend summer away from the heat and
noise of the city; city conveniences De
catur 270.
TRANSIENT and table boarders wanted;
nice rooms; excellent meals; dose in
92 S. Pryor street.s-7*29
DELIGHTFI'L room; excellent meals. 26
E Cain street. One-half block nf Peach
tree. 5-7-45
33 Forrest. Young men. Ivy 6344-J
_ 5-7-30
M ILL EXCHANGE room and board close
in on Capitol avenue for motorcycle or
ladies’ diamond ring Small cash pay
inent Rox 739. rare Georgian 4 27-16
<‘AN accommodate a few boarders. 255
f’onrtland; excellent meals, close in.
l'A_36n.3. 5-8-17
six young ladiesl can get excellent board:
private home. Main 5333-L. 227 Cen
tral axenuc. 5-8-1 C
Board and Rooms.
1 {3-11.5 S Pryor.
REAL close in; reasonable. Atlanta
phone 4949. * 5-8-54
Select, Boarding.
AN IDEAL PLACE, new management.
132 South Pryor st. 5-8-59
CAN accommodate a few more board
ers; excellent meals. 11l Washington
Select Boarding.
REST accommodations. 32 Garnett st.
TM < i nice connecting moms, first-class
board, private home. 256 Capitol Ave.
Atlanta ph<»no 1465 5-10-32
CAN accommodate a few boarders Ex
collrm meals 261 E Hunter. 5-11-18
<>N E nice large room with dressing mom
for two young men. Main 1616-.1,
ROOAI XN D BO ARD: rat es rea son able.
249 Whitehall Main 3286,5-11 45
2.4 W. RAKER Front room and board.
couple or gentlemen Ivy 1788 5-13-1
PRIVATE HOME, north side, will set
two rooms with board to adults; refer
ences exchanged. Phone Ivy 2f>Bh-L.
i NDER new matftfgetpent, 83 Brotherton
street: rnoni and board <4 per
furni -hed also cheap. 5-14-3
M ANTEL* Boarders for three’ upstats
nicety furnished rooms. one down
stairs room with connecting bath, close
in: best north side neighborhood; all con-
I veniences. 5278 5-1 <-15
T »ELI( :HTFUL home for summer: all con
veniences. Phone Ivy 6634. Mrs. C S
Mcßae. .
R< » \ RDERS M’ANTED Country home
with large, shady grounds <>n Marietta
car line between’ Smyrna and Marietta
Address Mr® D . care. Georgian. 5-15-lfi
1 Nl<*E young lady tn room with another
one; also gentlemen boarders 18 <’api-
I tol Place.
i Y<U' CAN get good board and lodging ?5
a week; table board $3.50 a week. 227
j Whitehall street. 5-15-33
I ■
Board Wanted.
' YftUNG MAN wants ronin In private
1 family on north side, two meal® peri
■ <>ay. 11. J R . earn Georgian 5-10-27 |
Summer Resorts.
jPI.FSSANT A’l EM’ Quiet countrx place; •
I nppn the \ ear round . consumptives
I nncdn * apl'b l' n ’ rale®. addrr«« Mr®
Robert McClure, Clarkesville, Ga.. R 1.
| D. 2 << 8-5 '
’HOTEL HENDERSON; new manage
ment: newly fitter!, clean; rooms 50c up.
I heart of city. IIH Peachtree. 2-28-67
i Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NEWLY luiiiilshed rooms, reasonable I
prices; centrally located; baths free
Rtoadwav Hotel, N. Broad st. 3-21-73
Nlt.'El-V furnishe*) room’, ah ■->n'e
niei'cc- nailing distance 343 Luekie
I A’’anta 4211 5-7-16 '
i tv.-i , .-■? fumf-hed complete fer light i
hou *«l to ecup’e without < hil
I'l'c-’ «pMif and ali come- 1
niences. Call Main 53-IJ. 5-7-2
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NICELY furnished rooms tq gentlemen;
ah conveniences 255 Courtland street
Rail phone Ivy 5603. 5-7-3
EXT REMELY large room; closets, sep
arate beds: meals if desired; young men
or couple. 74 West Peach Bree. Ivv 1040
NICELY furnished rooms with or wlth
out bos rd 60 E Cain street 5-7- 4
ROOMS furnished complete for hou«e
keeping: also meals. Main 5333-1,. 227
Central avenues-8-12
TIVO connecting first-floor rooms; fur
nished for housekeeping all conve
niences 45 <V, Baker streets-8-14
NICELY furnished rooms close in. Ivy
3148-1 46 Williams street. 5-8-16
ONE furnished room adjoining bath.
_ Iv > 2591-I. 5-8-33
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
board, close in. Main 2768. 295 Wash
ing! on. 5-9-18
LARGE, beautifully furnished front room
with private porch, electric lights; con
venient to bath; plenty hot water: gen
tlsmen only. Pali Ivy 3486-L. 62-9-5
FOR RENT -One. or two nicely furnished
rontns.Os Washington street. 5-9-53
NIUE, coni room®, 21 meal tickets, 15.
NR'ELY furnished rooms: al«n light
housekeeping rooms. 143 Spring st.
**>NE large, beautifully furnished front
room. 2 blocks of Capital Cltv Club.
Ivy 2188*J 5-10-21
NICELY furnished room*. 121 Capitol
s< -iuare M. 4839-L. 5-10-17
NICELY FURNISHED front rooms, with
or without board All conveniences.
Close in. 7? Spring St4B-11-5
NICELY furnished front room, upstairs,
electric lights anT” phone and all con
veniences, on Capitol Ave. Call Main
5261-1,. 5-11-13
ONE lovely front room in excellent neigh
borhood. Opposite Park. M 5548-.1.
Block of Candler Building. 102 Ivv St
FTTINISIfED rooms for rent 31 W. Ba
ker. Ivy 501-.1. 5-11-33
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping. 141 Ivy street.s-11-32
EOR RENT—Furnished room, adjoining
hath: all conveniences: north side; pri
vate family. References exchanged
Phono Ivy 3913. 5-ID4B
WANTED—Two refined ladies to share
room with another; dose in: north side
home. Ivv 6033-. I 5-11-56
GENTLEMEN can get nice room in quiet
home. Close in. On north side. Ivv
60.38-f. 5-11 55
• ’NE small hall room; close in $6 per
month. 59 E. Ellis St.j*' l3 ; 4
FOR RENT- Two newly furnished front
rooms for two or three gentlemen. 321
Court la nd street. 5-13-12
NICELY’ furnished room for gentlemen;
all conveniences; optional board: ref
etences, 17 W. Cain St Ivy 665 b. 5-1.3-22
Two nicely furnished front rooms com
plete for housekeeping to parties with
out children. sl6; hot. hath. Bell phone,
best location, good bargain. 290 Wash-
Ir.gton st 5-13-18
TWO or three connecting nicety furnished
rooms; in nice lo< alit> : cars every fen
minutes 191 East Pine «t. 30-14-5
new management, 83 Rrnthertnn
street; room and board $< per week:
furnished rooms also cliea p, 5-11-2
LIGHT, airy furnished room in north side
private home: convenient to bath: hot
water: beautiful locality; excellent meals
across sireet. Ivy 6358-J,5-14-17
SUITE, two rooms, private bath, com
pletely furnished to couple, near Geor
gian Terrace: meals near. Call 2617 Ivy
nr 90 East North a venue 5-11-5
THREE furnished rooms fnr housekeep
ing with owner; sink and bath an the
same floor. 178 Forrest avenue. 5-14-26
FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms
nished for housekeeping; also single bed
rnom 58 AVPeachtree street 5-14-27
FOR RENT Furnished three-rnarn~flaV,
with bath, fall 24 F7ast Baker street.
TWO rooms with kitchenette, completely
furnished for light housekeeping: fur
nace. electricity, telephone and gas. 88
Park street. 5.14.40
SINGLE and double bedrooms: also light
housekeeping rooms opposite Lyric
theatej.37 t'arnegle wa.'. 5-15-9
TWO WOOJIS. small kitchen, furnished
for light housekeeping 357 Capitol ave.
NICELY furnished front room for ren’.
all conveniences; close in 61 East Cain
street. A part merit 2‘ 5-15-20
NICELY furnished room to let; Private
family; north side. Mam 4170- 1. .39-15-5
NICELY furnished front room; close in.
68 Currier street I_vy_46O7- T _5- 15-21
OF (TTY. MAIN 2128-L. 333
TWO or three nicely furnished front,
rooms. complete for housekeeping;
davenport in dining room: sink In kitch
en; hot bath; Bell phone best location;
can be had at once. 290 Washington
ONE large front room; five, minutes w-alk
of Candler Bldg 71 E. Alexander.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO large and one small rooms: overj
modern convenience 560 South Pryor
street.s-8-60 i
F<>R RENT Three first floor connecting
rooms, two large, one small: gas and
water; sink in kitchen. $9 per month. 91
Orange street, near Flood 80-11 5
TM’O or four unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping Phone Ivy <OB2-1.
FOR RENT Ry couple in suburbs, large
front ronm tn widnw with ‘laughter.
Near car line. Terms reasonable. Mrs
R_ /ar p Georgian 27-13- 5
3 LAR’JE first floor connectjng morns
for rent Cal 11 vy 3983-L. 5-11 -37
THREE nice connecting rooms; water
ga®. bath: close in; ten minutes’ walk
Piedmont hotel, private family. Private,
care Genrgian. 33-13-5
THREE nice rooms for rent, convenient
1\ located. < ’all 311 Law ton st. 5-14-9
A UOI’PLE wishes to rem tn another
couple, two rooms for light housekeep
ing; partly furnishe/l if desired; refer
ence* exchanged. Call V 2381 -j. 5-14 -11
TM’O or three nice, cool upstair® rooms:
fine neighborhood: all conveniences
D'openhill Phone Tv. v 6373-L. 33-14-5
F< >R* RENT A nex\ -ix-rnum house for
rent, sl ft per month Phone Main 4245-.1
i FOR RENT Three large connecting
room® unfurnished, sink in kitchen, on
car line, rent reasonable Call 95 ,\*
I attp -15-26
\ ICE rooms for rent. 21
Moreland Ave. 5-1 *>-!()
Furnished* or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT Three furnished or unfur
nished rooms. 417 East Georgia ave
1 Bell phone Main 2145-J. 5-11-25
{TWo nice large, unfurnished front rooms
suitable for light housekeeping also
on* nicely furnished; close in, north side.
ROOMS—Furnished or unfurnished -in
gle or light housekeer’ng reasonable.
I 2-4 14 '»
Ft’R RENT--Furnished or ’infu'-ny-hsd:
iip.e icvni. Phone bi -51? a-xj-oi
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
M’ANTED-*-Furnished light housekeeping
rooms near Moreland Avenue Phar
macy while home is being built. Cnuple.
Box 10, rare Georgian. 33-15-5
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT—Five-room apartment, fur
nished. Can be had June i. Address
apartment 3. 53 Capitol avenue, nr call
Main 220-J. ' 60-11-5
JR RENT —Beautiful apartment con
sisting of bedroom, dining room, kitchen,
bath, back and front porches, north side.
Phone Ivy 2478. 5-15-22
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
sls, FIRST FLOOR, three rooms. newK
papered and painted; sl2. three room.-i
and F Kitchenette; housekeeping conven
iences. $lO. nicely furnished first floor
room with dressing room attached: water,
phone and parlor service for either of
above and board in house if desired <’all
at 105 Fowler street, between Hunnicutt
and Pine, for further information 53-8-5
AN apartment. 6 rooms and nice bath,
corner Eighth and Juniger streets. ?.d
floor, away from noise, heat and dust: can
he rented for SSO a month until Septem
ber; then lease must be tna<ie for $65
month Phone Ivy ’ 269. -M
F<ar RENT The new apartment bouse
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bosco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting fnr $32.50 to $35. Is
nptt ready for occupancy. Apply on pretn
Ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1»13 Candler
build i n g. 5-9-57
33 CREAA’. five-room apartment. first
floor, block fmm ra*pitol; garden, ref
erences. Ivy 1930-. I 5-11-22
FOR RENT Unfurnished four-room
apartment in Copinthian until Sep’ 1.
ttith privilege of renewing. <”811 Main 4116.
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR fix with
in 5 minutes walk of East on
rar line. Call Ivy 5474. 5-9- jj)
FOR RENT—For a year or less, a beau
tiful and convenient home one door
fmm Peachtree, eight rooms, furnace,
large veranda, garden, artistic and beau
tifnl. Apply 3 East Eighth Rt.f or phone
Ivy 4258-W 28-14-5
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
for' rent; w7it«
phone for ovr rent bulletin. Ralph 0
Cochran. 18 South_Broad-st. 4-1-23
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a medern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
.FOR RENT Seven-room eottage: 217 Fk
Fair streel . near Capitol avenue Bell
phon* Ivy 641 9-. I ■ 5-14-48
i Mills street, corner West
Peachtree $35.00
4S Rogers street. 5 rooms. . 15.60
Hill's Park. 5 rooms 14.00
238 Ira street. I r00m5.,.. 7.60
770 1-2 Marietta st.. 3 rooms 5.0()
532 Decatur street $15.00
1613 Candler Bldg.
5-14 1
’R RENT—FIve-room new hufianlow;
jus’ completed: living room 15x2n; two
bedrooms: plenty large closets: v-randa
12x36: all convenience.®: beauly: Nn. 39
Rankin «tree(. one block oast of North
Boulevard. Call l\ \ 3590-J after 7 o’clock
“_ 7 _ s ’ ls J s
F<)R RENT Nice sdmmer home in M'est
End; ten rooms: suitable for two cou
ples rent reasonable Atlanta 4300
, : 5J.5J
i TH REE- R C »OM cottage: every con ven
ienep 77 Cretv st. Main 3545. 5-11-1
FOR IaENT 391 M'oodward avenue; cot
tage; three rooms; hath. Furse. 22 East
Alexander street. 41-15-5
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
M’ANTED To rent five or six-room cot
tage: desirable location, all conve
niences, good yard: describe and give
rental. Hansel, care Georgian, 36-15-5
Business Property For Rent.
F<»R RENT Business space. White
hall street, fine location for pool par
lor Price only SBS month. Mill have
ttto years and four months lease. Ad
dress Rox 92. care Georgian 5-3-19
Office Space For Rent.
FOR RENT office space on first floor,
with use of phone. 25 Meet Alabama
street. Main 5562 5-11-58
Desk Space For Rent.
NICE, large desk space for rent with use
of both phones. 1301 Empire Bldg 5-1-21
Lost and Found.
FOUND W. M. Cox cleans all kinds ot
carpets: rugs a specialty. Ivy 3135-J
Atlanta phone 1818. 145 Auburn-ave
LOST line red Irish setter, female. wTth
white spot on chest: reward. Phone
Main 435 a; <> a l< street. 5-13-2
L<>ST Thursday evening, the Mb Tn
slant, a sliver card case, marked on one
aide with Initials “M. V. A..” in mono
gram, and <>n the other numerals ' 07"
in large characters. Liberal reward so
I return to owner, 1110 Third National
: Bank Bldg 5_- 14-18
I LOST Sunday morning, between 'l'htrd
s'reet and Piedmont hotel on Pearh
it ree car or between Piedmont hotel and
j Cable hall, cameo and pearl pendant.
P h one liy .1708-. llt eward 5 -14 -12
LOST Gold breastpin Saturday evening:
amethyst setting, up-town Pine street
ear or Ivy street Reward. Call Ivv 5461.
$5.00 HF WARD for
<»r information red Irish
setter (female), white spot:
on chest. Lost in West |<nd,
on May 11. Phone Main 4:>oi
or write Thomas H. Pills,'
9H Oak St. 5-13-2;
,< >ST ’! uesday Httc-*noon, a bunch o* j
keys -temr-.vlu-i'c briween “andl*!' l»ui’<l- i
•ng and Five l’«dni® h<*ttteen Five Points
and Spring street on Marietta nr on Broad
street, between Marietta and (’niton
Sla’e.® Supply <’• Finder piea®*» return
to T. J. Fleicher, Sijpt office Seab«»ai<i.
OST M'hi’e female bulldi-g anstt. »-s t •
name of “Reau!.' J U. ’’ <»n collar
Return tn 297 'bant ®’ and get rettard.
5-15 39
DR EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation. Irregularities and
similar obstructions Trial box by mall.
50c Frank Edmondson A Bro . manu
facturing chemists, 14 South Broad-st .
Atlanta. Ga. 2-17-14
LADiES—SI,OOO reward: 1 positively guar- I
ant" my great successful "Monthly"
remedy: *afel> relieves some of the long- ;
est. most obstinate, abnormal cases in ‘
three ’o fi-.e da.’ s no harm, pain or in
terference with work: mail 51.50 Double
Strength ?? Dr ’’ G. Southington Rem- ;
edl Co . Kansas City. !!• 4-2 34 !
LJSTF.2 ' I *rea' ar. disease for «1 a
" eel. and f'irnteh 'he n'Adietr* John:
T p a tt»>-«or. M D ts.-i. Edgewood s »- 1
uue Atlanta phone 2757. 3-15-45
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trussag
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Rail street, has an expert fitter and It
will cost you no more to have him flt you.
and it means insurance 6-24-18
HAIR CUT, 15c.
3 viaduct PLACE, between Peachtree
and Broad. 3-21-86
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screen®, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
meta! weather strips, furnished anywhere
in th* South. Write or phone SV. R. Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Rank building, Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310
No'I'HING hut firs!-class work and
prompt service, When you are
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436.
ACME LETTER CO., 417 Wesley Memo
rjUJßldg 5-6-33
STILL another mg shipment of n*tt - wall
papers. Prices right. All work guar
anteed. Better he safe than sorry. Bar
nett A- Gordon. 22 E. Mitchell st.; 30 sec
onds from M'hite Ii a 11. 4-13-45
THE ONLY woman detective indorsed by
hoard of police commissioners and li
censed in Atlanta, work for men only
Main 1059 J. Woman Detective. 15 Wood
ttard avenue. 5-8-11
M HITE CROSS toilet articles The rouge
gives a natural color. The cream is a
fine skin food, and the powder makes you
look beautiful. Woman s Exchange, 26’ s
Peaehneo street. Ivy 5546 5*18*14
WE RUY all kinds of salable second-hand
school hooks for cash. Son Book Con
cern, 71 Whitehall (next tn High’s). 5-15 25
DROPSY CURED. Rellbves shortnens ot
breafh In 36 to 48 hours. Rfiducsg
swelling In 15 to 20 days. Write for par
ticulars Coilom Dropsy Remedy Com
pany, 512 Austell building. Atlant*.
ramp in tent. 138 Whitehall street
I (REVEALS PAST, present and future:
I consulted on all affairs of life Sails
faction guaranteed Readings. 25c 60’ ?
North Forsyth, in tent. 52-10-5
n’lriZ'TLr extracted
X-Hj-T-J-LXI without pain.
2354 Whitehall St. 8-21-29
DRESSMAKING al reasonable prices at
22_6 Houston st. Atlanta 4181. 3-21-11
WANTED Plain dressmaking Atlanta
5386 55 Luckte St. 5-9-84
FINE dressmaking Prices reasonable
Phone by 5352-1. 5-10-25
i =============================
i NOTES AND ACCOUNTS collected. No
collection; no charge Atlanta Collec
tion Company. 604 Gould building 4-20-57
I i n 7^..,=L-=r7r-xa;.
Milk Depots.
' THE Houstvn st. creamery for milk and
cream Call Ivy 1293 Beil. 3-9-82
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain & Robinson,
I 223 Auburn AH. 5921-F; Night Ivv 3609
, 4-11-27
OLD hats cleaned, dyed and reshaped;
best work; prompt service: satisfaction
guaranteed Out of town orders solicited.
Both phones. Acme Hatters, 100 White
hall street. 8-15-5
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos Office and warehouse. 239-241
Eogewood-ave Ivy 2037. John J. Wood
side Storage Company.
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. C. FURNITURE transfer; we pack
and ship M. 5490-L. A. 1319. 30 West
Hunter. 8-u-r
Sewing Machines.
WE REPAIR any Rawing machin*. Work
■■ailed fnr and delivered anywhere M
McNair. 229-B Auburn avenu%3-14 9
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month:
1 Alan machine.” repaired; prompt delivery
Roth phones 1,893. Singer Setting Machine
I Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Builders’ Column.
Contractors and Builders.
J Will Finance You
IE Y<»U wish tr» build: all kind* r»t build
ers' material for sale. R. F. Mitchell.
514 \ustell Building 4-25-14
ARCHITECT, contractor and builder,
cabinet shop, carpenters ’ furnished
R H .Innes. 190 Houston st. 3-21-12
HOMES built for cash or terms, archi
tectural designs furnished free.
Century Construction Co.
Architects and Builders.
I CONTRACTOR, cabinet ehop; carpenter*
furnished. John Allen. 106-A Edgewood
avenue. 3-22-48
Painting and Tinting.
F.MBR. M 1455 318 4TH NAT I.
BANK BLDG. 5-11-24
Building Materials.
AUSTIN BROS.. Atlan’a, Gs
4 ’9-7
Builders’ hardware, supplies, eoulnmen’
and tools of all kinds. 53 Peachtree-st.
Monuments and Stone Work.
! AH kinds stone work
j 17-13 Fraser-st Phone Main 3540 1 -5-4" I
| ALL KINDS Os cemeter' w-n k for SO da s ■
a* a big diseoun’ I erpthing must and j
.«. ill be .sold ' N Cook, manager. 82 I
East Hunter atreet. 4-17-71
Plumbing and Steam Fitting.
H. C. Gullatt Plumbing Co.
19 N. FORSYTH ST. IVY 4379. AT
LANTA 732. 4-18-57
Wood Patterns.
Robertson Pattern Works,
Ivy 6026. 140’4 Edgewood avenue.
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1554.
Tailoring, Altering, Cleaning and
WE do French dry cleaning, pressing and
altering, also suits made to order. C.
Holt, the Tailor. 2 South Forsyth street
CLEANING, pressing ano repairing neev
ly done at 226 Houston st. Atlanta 4181.
W. Peachtree and Fourteenth streets
Ladies’ and Gentlemens fine garments
cleaned, pressed, altered and repaired
,Ivv 5386 4-10 25
Mattresses Overhauled.
BEST work; reasonable prices; new ticks
If desired. Give us a trial. New .Tack
son-Orr Company. Both phones. 4-22 4
Mattresses Renovated.
WE MAKE OVER old mattresses, also
furnish new ticking; best work; give ue
a trial Acme Mattress Company, .lack
son and Irwin streets. Both phones
Stove and Range Repairing.
“dan the fixer?
sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep
chimneys. We take down heaters. W'e
sell wick and wickless oil stoves We
sell gasoline stoves and ranges Atlanta
phone 2235. 121 Whitehall st. Bell phone
M. 2699 4-4-7
WE SELL gas stoves set up $5 We buv
• loves. Blanklnship Stove Company,
149 Walker street. Phone Main 4761-J.
Atlanta 1850 4-13-22
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
NEW rubber tires put on your baby
carriages; repairing Phone Ivy 3076.
Robert Mitchell, 229 Edgewood avenue.
SODA FOUNTS- Bargain In new and sec
ondhand soda fountains: easy terms;
write for prices. F. O Box 1022. Atlanta,
Ga 3-16-16
WE RENT good pianos, $3 month up.
We sell good pianos. 65 mnntn up
Bargain in second-hand. 8100 up
R. r Reclii Company 11.0 Temple Court
building Bell phone 667 Main, 4-23-jO
BE SURE and se» our screens and get
our prices before buying Kane Blind
and Screen Co.. .1. J. Crawford, 202 Kiser
Bldg M. 1929.3-20-11
Atlanta Tent and Awning
MANUFACTURERS high-grade tents and
awnings. Luckie st. Ivy 5667
SEE our lino of Wagner yo-carts. We
also re-tire go-carts. 410 Marietta st.
Atlanta phone 1797 4-22-44
FLY SCREENS, doors, refrigerators, oil
• loves. We. are selling same at reduced
prices Sec us before you buy. Call At
lanta 2653 and our man will come to see
you. Harrison Hdw. Co., 213 Peters st.
foR SA LE—National cash register and
barber's looking gla«s. 53 Decatur st.
SWEET pota’o plants. Golden Beauty and
Forto Rica varieties. Two dollars thou
sand. express 25 cents thousand and lea
South Island Plsni and Seed Co. Meg
getts, S, C. 5-10-42
Know this one thing—an advertised
bargain at Cleveland-Manninga U
worth your time to investigate.
J6OO Everett uprights2lo
140 b Vn«e A Sons upright J 127
1450 Kranich A- Bach squares 47
$350 Schubert uprightsl6s
These, pianos iraded in for
our popular Holmes & Son Player
Our Easy Payment Plan
Applies on all sales.
PIANO CO., P s 4c?:
On* Price. No commissions.
for SALE Home-made German coffee
cak* mad* in order: any size Let us
have a trial order. Bell 1054 West
cEosTng OFT SALE Showcases? shelv
ing. office supplies, filing cabinets, etc.
Highest offer takes them. Only three
days left Fincher A Norman Co.. 39 E.
M i i c hell_B t._ 5-13*10
FOR Porch Furniture of all kinds,
save money at Goldsmith-Acton-
VVitherspoon <'o., 62 Peachtree,
Life-Time Furniture, 61 N. Broad.
MISSI’»N oak dinner set; cost. $175: al -
most n«tt : sell for $75. Ivy’ssoo-1.
FOR SALE -Safe, four showcases and
cigar ttallcase at 55 East Alabama st
F< »R SALE Rolltop desk in good order.
\pply from office, Georgian.-5-14-29
EoR SALE. <’HFAF -One three-arm soda
fount ami fixtures. L. B. Norton. Li
thonia. Gas-14-38
I-: Rl Y all kinds of salable second-hand
school books for cash. Sou. Book Con
cern, 71 Whitehall <next to H’gh «> 5-15-J5
WANTED--W# pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments Springer's Auction House, 25
South Pryor-st. Kell phone Main 1525.
4- 10
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for
household goods, pianos and office fur
niture Cash advanced on consignments.
Centra! Auction Company, 12 East Mitch
el!-*! Bell phone Main 2424,3-26 ■2B
i Bl'Y men> old clothes and shoes
Drop a card. 1. Bock. 32 Bell st. 5-1-14
DROP A CA RD—Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestaire. 15S
Decatur street 3-7-8
i REST CASH PRICES for furniture,
i household goods ar.<l offi.-e furniture.
■ I'emhroke Sales Co.. 143 S Pryor Street
i Bell nhono Main 187 '-5-25
i ANTED - Yattcnat ea-h register small
i or medium sije. F B , cate Georgian
I Rt - all kmd? of salable second-hand
I ecl’ccl books for .-ash Sou Rook Con
cern, 71 Whitehall ‘.next to High s). 5-la-2S