Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale.
THE BUSINESS center of New York is moving as
fast as it can to the district located between the
Terminals of the New York Central, or Grand Cen
tral, and the new Pennsylvania Terminals.
BUILDINGS ranging from four to ten stories are be
ing torn down to make room for the new Hotels,
Department Stores. Theaters. Cases, and the other
businesses that pander to New York’s daily 500,000
floating or traveling population.
THE WISE business men are trying to save this
traveling public “minutes,” and they are profiting
T erminal
IT IS needless to say that I was disappointed when
the livest and best business men in Atlanta and the
“Makers of Atlanta.” stood by and saw the two lots
on West Hunter street knocked off for hardly one
half their reasonable value.
AN INVESTOR can pay up to $1,500 per front foot
for a lot located in the district bounded east by For
syth street, south by Mitchell, west by the Terminal
Station and north by Alabama street, add the cost of
a splendid modern improvement, and then get a
handsome interest return on his total investment.
This is the true test of Real Estate values.
I TRIED to show by. photographs and statistics the
strategic advantages of this district, and I still want
to go on record as saying that any investment in this
district is one of the safest central investments offer
ed in Atlanta, up to $1,500 per foot, regardless of
how it looks todav. Studv the auction plat.
LIST YOUR property with us exclusively, and we
will co-operate with other agents in selling it. and
sat e you the annoyance of a dispute as to who is en
titled to the commission when your property is sold.
THE OLD practice of listing with every agent in the
city is out of date in every modern city except At
J. H. EWING, Manager Sales Department.
JOHN GILMORE. Assistant Manager.
176 Luckie Street
NINE-ROOM, two-story; lot 38x130. Can make special price and terms.
SOUTHWEST CORNER Parker and Williams. Lot 50x120. Three houses
Renting: for $-1 per month. Price $2,000. Terms. We have this property
10 Auburn Ave. Phones: M. 943; Atl. 593.
GROSS rentals, $1,380. SBS will cover yearly expense. Price only $12,000
$6,000 of this can run at 6 per cent: $2,500 cash will handle it.' This is
high-class propertv In block and half of Peachtree, within the mile circle
This property is capable of further improvement at small cost, which will
increase rentals.
JOHN S. SCOTT. Salesman.
Receiver’s Sale of Pine Ridge
CONSISTING of nearly 15 acres on Rock Spring
Ave., with 46 one-room cottages, 3 stables and 1 8-
room house and personal property, as per inventory
filed with the clerk of Superior Court in the case of
R. P. Sorrells vs. Southern Sanitarium Association.
The following is a description of the real estate:
LAND EOT 57 of the Seventeenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, being part
of lot 9 of the Walker plat of the Elizabeth A. Plaster property, more partic
ularly described as follows: Commencing on the north side of Rock Spring ivi>.
nue four hundred and ninety-eight (498> feet, more or less, east of Boulevard
at. line of lot 12. owned by Johnson et al. and running thence east along the
north side of Rock Spring avenue five hundred and seventy-nine (579) feet,
more or less. to Wardlaw's line: thence north two hundred and fiftv (250 feet,
more or less; thence east one hundred and fifty < 150 feet, more or less, to
Searse s line: thence north six hundred and fifty-two <652) feet. less,
thence south nine hundred and two (902) feet, more or less, to beginning
point., being all of lot 9 except one acre in the southeast corner sold to Ward
law by James M Liddell, July 1, 1892, (deed book L-4, page 2391 and containing
fourteen acres, more or less
Separate sealed bids for real and personal property to
he.received by the receiver to be submitted to the
judge of the Superior Court June 1. 1912. and the prop
erty will be sold to those making the highest bids free
from anv incumbrances.
522 Atlanta National Bank Bldg.
Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale.
1912, AT 3:30 P. M.
In the Ponce DeLeon Avenue Sec
tion Fronting Angier Road, Barnett
Street and Belgrade Avenue, near the
New School on North Avenue.
THESE LOTS are well located for- enhancement, they are right in the path
of progress in that rapidly growing part of the city known to all agents
and real estate traders as the Druid Hills-Ponce DeLeon section.
THE PHENOMENAL increase in VALUES in this section is a fact known
to all. It Is a fact that lots on Ponce DeLeon avenue —only a short
. distance from this subdivision —have advanced within the past five or
1 six years from less than s2o to SBO a foot, or from'4oo tn 500 per tent.
THESE LOTS will advance proportionately when the streets surrounding
them have been worked out and developed in accordance with the
plans already proposed. It is proposed to work out and grade and
chert East North avenue from Kennesaw avenue, east, with an unfler
pass at the Southern railway near Ponce DeLeon. This will make a
great east and west highway—free from street cars—running from the
great industrial center along Marietta street, by the Tech school and
Ponce DeLeon, into and through Druid Hills, and from there to Decatur
and East Lake North avenue is only 200 feet from these lots
AT AN EARLY DATE City water is passed up (under the bohd issue)
from Belgrade avenue up to Barnett street. Water is already on Bar
nett street part of the way to these lots. THE TRUNK SEWER LINES
to take care of this sectidn'are to be built this summer by the county.
ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE FOR HOMES because of the splendid new
North Avenue school. located only about two blocks away from the e e
lots. This school will cause all lots conveniently located to become, more
and more in demand, and demand makes increase in value. Also be
cause this generaj section is one. of the high-plass residence com
,muflitjeX of Atlanta. . .
• » .
BECAUSE it is either already in the hands of land companies, or is held
by owners, who realize its gilt-edged future and are holdthg it for Sven
higher prices which are sure to come.
FOR the above reasons, we strongly recommend the purchase of these lots to
home seeker, the builder and speculator, and especially to rhe small in
vestor, because they will surely and quickly increase in value.
ALL LOTS will be sold on terms of one-fourth cash and the balance on
or before two and three years, with 7 ner cent simple interest.
HOW TO GET THERE—Take Ponce DeLeon avenue to Druid Hills cars,
get off at Barnett street, go south two blocks. Or take Highland avenue
cars, get off at Cleburne avenue, and go north about two blocks. Roth
routes all O. K.
’ LADIES are expected and especially invited to come. Get plats from
11 Edgewood Avenue.
J. W. FERGI’SON & SON. Auctioneers.
$20.00 PER FOOT
1.234 FEET frontage on Highland Ave. by 565 feet deep, at
$20.00 per front foot, in the most select part of, the street.
$20,000.00 profit in this beautiful piece of land. ?ood house on
it: also undeveloped street on back. Terms. Apply 415 Em
pire Building, or 9 Auburn Ave. 45-25-5
The following unclaimed freight re
maining on hand six mouths, one day and
longer, addressed 10 consignees in At
lanta and other cities anti towns in the
state of Georgia, will be sold to the high
est bidder at public auction in the cont
panv’s freight house in the basement of
the Steiner-Emery building, corner of
Peachtree street and railroad. Atlanta.
Thursday. May 23. 1912, unless said freight
Is called' for, charges paid anti property
moved before date of sale. Sale xvill be
gin at 10 a. m. and continue until the
property is disposed of.
Ed Trior, one barrel household goods,
three chairs. Atlanta Gauge Co., one box
castings: Mrs Kellx Rome, one barrel
notions, oh* crate earthenware; W B
Busbe. one sack castings: Dunn Machin
ery Co., one case cans; H. E. Caldwell,
one box household goods: Mrs Rose Mor
ris. one barrel notions, one crate earthen
ware: Rome Scale Mfg. Co. 30 cotton
1 hoppers. 30 bundles wheels: ft. D. Whit
aker, seven boxes medicine, one box ad
vertising matter: Atlanta National Bank,
one box soap, one box tinware; D, R
Wilder X- Co., twelve cases wrapping
paper. George Crom, one box books; Gen.
Mfg. Co., four boxes machinery: Browder-
Mangel, one box advertising matter: E.
H. Johnson Co., two barrels candy: J. B.
Dorsey, one box notions. A. Goldberg, two
bundles chairs, one bundle tables; Geo.
W. Mueller £• Co., one box marble; Emer
son-Smith & Co. one saw; AV. L Reglers,
six crates steel boxes, one barrel tinware;
Shivers Choc. Shop, ten cases grape juice,
M. Rich & Bros , two dressers: Randal
Bros., one porch column, one crate pipe;
Lilly Wood, one box earthenware; Anna
Ware, one crate sewing machine: S. H.
Kress, one box postcards; T. J. Anderson,
one barrel vinegar, one box supplies.
James Rosenbloom *. Co., one case shoes;
F H. Warneck, one crate pictures: Mey
ers Royal’Spice Co . one carload animal
food. Southern Bell -Tel. Co., one box
telephone extension, one box rope; Ameri
can Press Association, one box stereo
plates; G. R. R . care Hevser. one box
journal brasses. King Hardware Co.
one box lamps: J. E. Ruff. one box
Southern Bell Tel. and Tel. Co. two
boxes: Goodyear Tire and ft c (J , ~n P
case rubber tires; K Burlogiani, four
cases books: Ginger Julep Co. eight
boxes extract. 29 packages glassware W
Payne, one box quilts: Lillentbal Crock
ery 1 o. one box glassware; E. C Legter
4. boxes signs; McClure Ten Cent Co'
four boxes, one crate wire goods Capital
City Chair Co . one keg. Gate City Elec
tric Co., two boxes: F 1. Stone, two bun
dles [tlows. Cook Hardware Co., one box
hardware, Mrs S. .1. Crook, one barrel
earthenware. Atlanta Leather Co one
box; Kirkpatrick Hardware Co., one box
•' ls “ he ar same time and place
about 200 other packages of various de
D. B CARSON. Agent.
Railroad Schedule.
Ute following schedule figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
No. Arrive From -I No Depart To
35 New V. 5:00 ig>: 36 New Y 12:15 am
13 .laxville 5:20 am’ 30 Col'bus' 5 20 ant
43 Was ton 5:25 am! 13 Cinci. . 530 an.
12 Sh'porf. 6:30 am| 32 Fort V. 5 30 ant
23 .laxville 6:50 ami 35 B'ham . 5:45 am
•17 Toccoa 8.10 am 7 Chat ga 6:40 am
26 Heflin.. 8:20 am 12 R'mond 6:55 am
29 New V. 10:30 am 23 Kan C 7:00 am
8 Chat'ga 10:35 am 16 Brun'k 7:46 am
. Macon 10:40 am 29 B'ham 10:46 am
27 Fort V 10.45 ami 38 New Y.11:01 ant
:T f’ol'bus 10:50 am' 40 Chari'e 12 00 n'n
6 Cine! .11:10 am 6 Macon .12.40 pm
30 B'ham 2.30 pin 30 New Y. 2:45 pm
40 B'ham 12:40 pmi 15 Chat’ga 8:00 pm
39 Charlo'e 3:55 pm 39 B'ham 4.10 pm
5 Macon 4:55 pm,«lß Toccoa. 4.30 pm
37 New Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col'bus 5:10 pm
15 Bruns'k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci 510 pm
II R'mond 8:30 pin 28 Fort V. 5 20 pm
24 Kan. C. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin 5:45 pm
16 Chat'ga 9:35 pmi to Macon 6:30 nm
29 Col'bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash'n 8.4» pm
I 31 Fort V 10:26 j.m 34 laxville 9:30 pm
36 B'ham 12:00 hgt 11 Sh'port. 11:10 pm
H Cinci 11:00 pm 14 .rayville 11:10 _pm
I Trains marked thus <•) run daily, ex
cept Sunday.
| Other trains run daily. Centra) time.
City Ticket office, No. 1 Peachtree St.
Real Estate For Sale.
I I'HIS Is one of the most convenient
north side homes we have on our
list. Has evdry' convenience. and we
: can sell at a price that will make it
I very attractive. Let us show vou this.
I A NICE two-story house with hard
wood floors, piped for a furnace.
i right new. and we can sell on easv
, terms. No loan on this.
$l5O PER FOOT for 100 feet on Chapel
street. Doesn’t this sound gbod? It
adjoins the property of the Georgia
Terminal Company, and we do not
j know of anything else in this section
! that can be bought for a price like this.
I And as soon a.s some one get.s this
piece the price will go up. The owner
lives out of town. Better get busy be
fore he pays us a visit.
BUYS a new two-story house In In
man Park. Has eight rooms, furnace.
combination fixtures, switch in every
I room. .Some class to this place. Terms
: are so easy I’m ashamed to publish
lake avenue cottage— s4,6so.oo.
CLIP AVE.. we are offering
T.nls nice six-room, up-to-date, modern
wl,h all improvements, on terms
nf cash and 135 per month,
this beautiful five-room house, (rooms
very large), with even convenience, on
terms to suit: lot 50x150. has plenty of
shade and fruit, and Is a real nice home
like place.
PARK; ONLY $4,000.
ABOUT one block from Piedmont avenue
car line you cun get three 50-foot lots
at « cost of less than S7OO each This
Is cheap. Don t delay. Monev in this
One-half cash
S. B. TURMAN & (’().
$3,260-NEAR GEORGIA AVE You can
get this nice 1%-story' house with all
conveniences, for above low price on
terms of SSOO cash and $35 per month.
$5.500—0N BROOKWOOD AVE. fust off
of PEACHTREK ROAD, we are offer
in< this jam-up cottage, with every
convenience, on terms of $750 cash and
$35 per month. See this.
$2.500 —-TATTNALL ST., very close in. you
eAn get a good six or seven-room house
on terms of SSOO cash on each house, and
balance easy. Rent for S4O per month,
good investment or home proposition See
Cor. Bmad and Alabama Sts.
Wheat—No. 2 red 123%®>124
Com st
Cats 55%
Wheat closed lower today on general
reports of Improved conditions of grow
ing w inter wheat, weak cables and bearish
foreign news Final prices showed net
gains of %c on May and l%c <,n Julv and
September ('ash demand was less active
Heavy profit taking by shorts held the
market steady for a time and caused a
temporary rally, but final prices were
about low point for the day.
Corn closed with prices from unchanged
»o '«®%e lower Wet weather in the belt
was s strengthening feature earl' The
market gave way in sympathy with the
weakness in wheat.
Oats were irregular, final prices ranging
from %®%c higher to %c lower. The
market was narrow and very weak at the
Provisions were higher Trade was
small and featureless
Grain quotations:
Open. High. Low Close Close
Mav 1.16% 1.1.6% I 16’, 1.16% I 17
July 1 12*, 1.12% 1.1.1% I.ll’, j 12%
Sept. 107 1.07% 105% 1.05% 107’,
Dec. t. 07% 1.(17’, 1.05'- 1.06% 1 07’,
May 80% 81’., 80% 80% Bu% i
J uly • < 17 < 6■, ~% .,’,
Sept. 75 75', 2 75 75 75
Dec. 64% S3*, 63% 63%
May 56’, 56’, 56’, 55', 56
Jul) 52% 53 52*, 52% 52%
Sept. 34% 43% 43% 43% O’-
Dec. 44% 44% 44 44 |3%
May 1915 19.15 19.15 19.15 13.25
July 19.45 19.47% 19.37% 19.37% 19 47' 1
Sent 1.9.55 19.62% 19.52% 19.52% 1960 ‘I
Mav 10.85 10.86 10 85 1(1.85 10 72%
Julv' 10 90 11.00 10 90 10.97% 10'92%
Sept 11.10 11.20 11.10 11.15 11.12%
Mav 1.0.47% 10.47% 10.47% 10 47% 10.42%
Julv 10.52% 10.60 10 42% 10 57% 10.52%
Sept. 10.67% 10.75 10.65 10.72% 10.67%
Cotton seed ofi ouotattons:
I Opening 1 Closing
Spot . I T ~ 77 7.26® 7.4"
May .. 7 27(87.50 7,27ffi7.34
June .. 7 2«0t7 33 7 26® 7 3:1
July 7 30® 7.35 7.32® 734
Augu5t7.11.87.43 7.38® 7.40
September 7 45®7.47 7.43'37.44
October 741 v ~12 7.37® 7.38
November 6.85® 6.92 6.82® 6.87
December 6 73®8 75 6<9®672
Closed quiet: sales 8.500 barrels.
NEW YORK. Max ML—While early
news on cotton was rather bullish, in
cluding firm cables, unfavorable crop ac
counts and further overflows in the lower
Mississippi valley, the cotton market I
opened quiet and featureless today with
first prices unchanged to 3 points higher j
Prix ate Liverpool t ables reported buying
by spot houses on po<»r crops. After the.
call trailing here was large!} professional
English tables reported futures and
spot strong in Liverpool.
Quotations in notion futures,
I . . -- n j pre *
Ma.v 7m 1.30 11 .yoTl - 30TL30Tii73073i
Jul.' ■ ■ 11 .10.11.40 1.1.32 11 .35 11.37-311
Aug . . . . .11.46 11 (6 11.46 11.46 11.43-45
beplll .50 I | .50 11.50 11 50 11.45-17
■ ''J' l . U .57 1 1.57 11 .48 11 .51 11.55-56
TV"'' . . . . . 11.61 11.61 11.61 11.61 11.58-60
Dec. . . 11.65 11.66 11.58 1 1.60 11.65-66
Jan 11.61 1! .61 11.53 11.55 11.60-61
Feb. 11 .61-63
Mar. 11.70 11 . 70'1.61 1, .65 11 69- 70
_Quotaiio n sjn cotton futures:
t ~T 111:001 Pre.?'
iQpenlHlghlLow 1A.M.1 Close
Max . . .11.82 11.82 11.80111.80 11.81-84 1
June. 1 1.83-86 1
July. . . . 11.95 11 .95 11.88 11 .90 11 .96-97 I
August 11.81-B'l
September 11.71-72
October . 11 .64 11.65 11.58 1 I .59 11 .65-66
November . . 11.66-68
December . 11.67 11 .69 11.60 11.62 1 1.67-68
Januar.) . 11.70 11.72 11.70 11.7'1 11.69-70 i
February 11.71-73
March. . . . 11 81 84:
Futures opened barely steady
Opening. Frev.
Range 2 R M. Close. Close.
Max ..6 .11 -6.30 6.31 6.26% 6.29%
Max-June 6.30 -6.32% 6M1% 6.26% 6'29%
lime-.lni' 6.29 -6.36 6.32% 6.27% 6.30
July-Aug 6.32 -6.34 6.33% 6.29 6.31
Xtig.-Sepl. 631 -6 33 6.33 6%8 6.29%
Sept.-Oct 6.25 627
Oct -Nov 6.25 -6.28% 6.28 6.23 6.25
Nov,-Det*. 621 -6.26 6.25 6.21 6.23
Dec.-Jan 6.22%-6.23 6 20% 6.22%
Jan.-Feb. 6.23%-6.26 6.26 6,20% 6.22%
Feb.-Mar .... 621 6.23
Mar.-April 6.24%-6.2.3% . .. 6.22 6.23%
Closed harelx stead.'.
NEW YORK. May I‘i Practicallx all
the stocks on the list were under pressure
at the opening of the stock market today.
The heaviest loss was sustained by Ca
nadian Pacific, xvhich at th<> outset sold
at 267’e. or 1•"» unde* last night's closing
'Phis was the first lime this, week the
market failed Io show a strong tone at
rhe opening There was almost a com
plete absence of demand, Steel yielding
about half a point in the first few min
utes. Lehigh Valley opened off, but
later rallied. American Smelting de
clined lz 2 be same gain was made in
Amalgamated Copper, but prices subse
quently reacted Erie common an<i
Southern Railwax started with losses
of 1 g .
The curb was irregular. Americans in
London were irregular.
Canadian Pauiiic in London sold be-
I neath Nexv York, but the tone was steady.
I The London market was affected bx
< dosed exchanges in Paris and Berlin,
where a holiday was observed.
Stock quotations:
I f | 11 IFr«»
STOCKSt. IQp'n IHighlLow.lA.M JCt - .
Amai (Topper. fl.'L'L S 3 83
Am. Ire Ser 27 ’ « 27‘« 27\ 27 L i
\m. Sug Ref.. 131-* s 131 L 131 131 131 L
Am Smelling 85 a 4 85 : S 85 X 5 85 7 «
\m. Locom ... L.’ 2 -I- 1 ’ L’U <'. 2
Am Beet Sug 71 ’ j 74 \ 73\ 74 L
Am. Col oil . 54’h SU- s ..t 1 -, 5451’ 2
Am Can 40L 40‘ 4 38%, 38L 40 1 -.
Anaconda 13 IJ 42\ 42\ 42* s
Atchison .... 106 L !')(>L 106’8 106 L 106'i
Beth. Steel .. 38”., 38\ 38 ;! . t 38\ 39
B. and O. .. '»!i\ IO!! ’, lO'i'aj IO9V> 10!''$
Can. Pacific 267’ 2 2671.67 267 r 268 7 h
Corn Products Di'L ifi'L 16-\ 16" H 16 5 R
C. and 0 80 1 /» 8080 80 80'«
Cen. Leather . 26’ 4 26‘ 4 26L 26L 2«’ H
D. and H 170ȣ 170V 2 i 7<d 2 DOVo 170 S i
Den. and R. G. 20L 20% 20% 20% i
Erie 36% 36% 36 36% 36L.
Goldfield Cons. I 4 I 4 4
G. North., pfd. 131% 131% 131%131L 131%
G North Ore.. 42% 4:L H % 41% 42
Im Harvester 120% 121 120% 121 11!D 2
Interboro 20 20% 20% 20% 20’.*.
do, pref. .. 59% 59% 59% 59% 58%
K C. South 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Lehigh Valley 176 D, 176% 175% 175 L 176%
L. and N ... 159% 159% 159 160
Mo. Pacific 40% 40% 39% 39% 10%
N Y. Central . 11!♦’•.'119 1 ■> H9Vo !19% H 9%
Northwestern 138 138 137%> 37% 138%
Nat Lead ... 57 57 57 57 56%
N and W . ... 113% 113% 112% 113 113
North. Pacific 119% 1 11'-'% 119% 119'%
P. Steel Car . 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
Reading ... 17K% 176% 175% 176 !77
Rock Island 28% 28% 27% 28 28%
do. pref 57% 57% 56% 56% 57%
Rep. I. and S. 24% 21’, 24% 54% 24%
So. Railwax 29 28% 28% 29‘ t
Term. Copper . 13% 13% 13% 43% 42’%
Union Paoific . 172% 172% 171% 171% 172%
U S. Rubber 3‘« s!' 59 59 • 59
Utah Copper . 63% 63% 63% 63% 63
U. S. Steel 70%. 70% 70 70 ; L 70% !
V -Car (’hem. 52% 52% 52 52 52
West. Union . 83 83 82% 83 83
Wabash, pfd. . 21 % 2 % 21 %2J % 21 %
CHICAGO. Ma - 16 Wheat opened un
settled and a little lower on continued
favorable crop news and further rains in
the winter wheat belt. \il the losses
were soon regained, however, under mod
erate buying 'Trade was small. Con I
siderable support < ame from shorts Liv- }
orpool <ame %d higher to %d lower :
Broomhall attributed the strength to cox - '
ering by Ma shorts and reports of the
reduced crop prospeci
Corn was fully sustained to a shade
higher at the opening by wet weather. I
There was little doing
oats were % to ’. u higher. A good de
mand was the strengthening factor.
Provisions opened unsettled with pork
lower and rtbs and lard stronger. ’l'heru
was a fair cornrnsision demand early, but
selling by longs soon began and the mar
ket eased off
Open II gh. Low. 11 a n
Max . . . ’ 15% 1.16 I .16% 1.16
Julv . ..11l 1.11'2 111 111%
Septl -05% 1 .06% 1 .05% 1 .05%
De< . 1.05 4 1.05% 1.0,5% 1.05%
May ... . 81 81 81 si
Jul.' .... %% 127“ IP’' 77%
Dec ... 0 i 63% 63% 63%
Max . . •• 56 56
Jnlx ... 52% 52% 52% 52%.
tfept. . . . 43 43% 43 43%
Dec 44 14% 44 44 %
July .... 19.40 19.40 19.37% 19. 10
Sept. . .19.55 19.60 19.47% 19.57%
Max . . . .10.92% 10.92% 10.90 10.90
Sept . . .11 .25 11 .25 1 1.22% 1 1.25
Ju1x10.57% 10.60 10.57% 10.60
Septlo.Bo 10.80 10.72% 10.77%
Why not begin today and tak« ad
x'antage of the numberless opportuni
ties that daily appear in the Want Ad
columns of The Georgian? Bargains
galore are there that mean a big Sav
ing to you. Answer quickly anx ads
you may that offer you thing< at
bargain prices Remember that all At
lanta is watching these pages, and the
first* one to answer gets the goods.
NF." YORK. Max- 15.—Overnight aell
in« orders caused rhe cotton market to
open with prices ranging from unchanged
to > points lower todax-. Despite the flrm
i n ?. ss o> cables prices continued to decline
attcr '-he call Local traders were in
clined to believe that Tuesdax-’s sharp ad
vance had eliminated the shorts from the
The opening was marked with fair buy
ing by some .if the bullish element, but.
it soon was evident the ring had selling
orders and the offerings were rather heavy
-nu wh,le ' which caused some decline.
I he bears were encouraged by prediction*
of better weather and some who bought
xesterdax took profits. The selling wits
well taken (he buying seems to come
trom good sources. , -
In the afternoon there was a rally
of . to 9 points on buying by spot Inter
i ests.
At the close the market was barely
steady at the low levels of the session,
net 9 lo 13 points under the final quo
tations of Tuesday.
Semi-weekly interior movement
i IMI. I 1910.
Kefeipts I 1.3,951 11,5721 9,014
Shipments 22,992 27,559! 28.000
—°.'' kK _ 201.552 178.828 211.265
TTit 5 i
|° j ® -5 x-iSC Q
JllH 'IIIIUO-Sl 11.42-48
un.- 110 11.40111.35111.35|11.80-32 11.42-43
i J' l1 .' H.5L11.51 11.37 11.37111.87-89'11.50-51
Aug. 11.04 11.56 11.48 11.51 11.43-45 11.56-58
Oct 11.65:i1.60 11.54 1 1.55 11.55-56 11.65-66
Nov. 11.«« (1 lltis 11.65:11.58-60 11 68-70
De. 11.72 11.75 11.65 11.65 11.65-66 11.75-76
lan. 11.65 11.68 11.59 11.60 11.60-61 11.70-71
', ph 41.61-63 11.70-71
| Mao lL ' 2 H "7 11,69 11.69 11.69-70 11.78-79
Closed barely steady.
Liverpool was due 8 to 10 points higher.
, opened steady at to 8 points advance.
I At 12:Li ni. was steady at a net ad
: xance of i' 3 to st* points. Fair bust
| ness In spots at 10 points advance; mid
idling 6 .-.6(1 sales 8.000; American 7,300
speculation and export 500; imports 4,000:
i American none
Late cables up 1 to !■» points over 12:15
p. in.
At the close the market was easy. 3tj
to 4> 2 points higher than Tuesday's clos
Futures opened firm.
Opening. Pr«T.
Range. 2 P. M. Clos*. Close.
Max 6 29% 6.26
Max-June 6.34 -6.32*4 6.5414 6.2914 6.26
July-Aug 6.35 -6.34 6.36 6.31 6.27*4
Aug.-Sept. 6.33’,-6.34'*, 6.35 6.29*4 6.26
Sept.-Oct. 6.30 -6.30>4 6.304 627 623
Oct.-Nov 628 -6.29 6.29%
Nov -Dec. 6,27%-6.27 628 ~ 6.28 619
Dec -Jan. 6.27 -6.26 6.22% 6TS%
lan -Feb 6.27 -6.25% 628 6.22% 618'-
Feb.-Mar. 6 26% 628 623 619
Mar April 6.28 -6.27 6.28% 6 23% 6.30
Closed easy.
c x, I - S -• e
15 5 ’ S?
o t = | j u
Ma v 11 85111.88 111 .83111.83111.81-84|11.90-91
June 11.83-86111.92-93
July 12.01 12.04 11.94 11.96 11.96-97 12.05-06
Aug 11.81-83 11 89-90
Sept 11.76’11.76 11.76 1 1.76 11.71-72 11.79-80
'tel 11.70 11.73 11 63 It 66 11.65-66 11 73-74
N0v11.66-68 1L74-75
1 'e< 1 I 70 11 76 11 65 1 1.66 11 67-68 11.75-76
Jan 11.74 11.77 11.68 11.70 11.69-70 11.77-78
Feb 11.71-73 1180-81
Mat 11.K5 11 85 11 S 3 11.83 11.81-84 11,87-88
Closed steady. •*.
NEW YORK. Mmv 15.—1 n response to
the long-deferred settlement of the New f
York subwax situation, by which both
the Interboro-.Metropolitan and the
Brooklyn Rapid Transit will benefit
through contract awards, and the Inter
borough-Metropolitan preferred was one
qf the most active stocks on the list at
the opening of the stock market today,
advancing 1 % to 58. Fractional gains
were made in the common and also in
Brooklyn Rapid Transit.
Prices in the important railroads and
i industrials in man)’ cases were at sub
stantial gains at the outset, although a
reaction set in after about 20 minutes of
The hard coal stocks were again In de
mand as a result of continued optimistic
reports rgearding the anthracite situa
tion. Reading gained % and Lehigh Val
ley advanced 1*.,.
I’nited States Steel common opened at
71. a gain of over Tuesday s closing,
but spiling carried MT the gain and caused
a loss within a few minutes of the trad-
I ing.
The market closet! steady.
Governments unchanged: other bonds
Stock quota‘lons:
I I ILasti Clos jPrev
-STOCKS- IHi ghlLow ISaie.l Bld.lCl'o
Amai. Copper. 83% 82% 83 83' j 83%’
Am Ice Sec.. 27- 1 , 26’, 27%i 27%l 26%
Am. Sug. Ref 132% 130% 131 >4iU1%i131%
*m. Smelling 86% 85% 85‘'J' 85% 15%
\tn l.ocomc . 43 13 43 42% 13%
x.m. Car Fdy 59% 59 59% 59% 59%
’ Am. Cot. Oil 54% 54% 54% 54*4 54%
Anaconda ... 43 42% 12% 42% 42%
Atchison 106% ! ne , 106%11.04%‘106%
Am. can 41 * a 40% 40% 40% 41%
do. pref. 119% 119 119 1)8% 119*4
\m Beet Sug 74% 72% 74 74% 74%
Am. T. and T. 146% 146 146 145%.146
Am. Agri.’ill. . 60% 60% 60% 60% Sit*
Beth. Steel .. 39% 38% 38% 39 39“
R R T 851, 83% 85% 85% 83%
B. and O 110 109% 109% 109%109%
Can. Pacific 269 264 268% 268% 263%
Corn Products 16% 16% 16% 16%, 15%
xConsol. Gas . 142% 142% 142% 142% 143%
Cen. Leather 26% 26 26 26%1 38%
I'ol.. F and 1 29% 29 29 29 , 28%
!l> and H ,70% 170% 170% 170% 170%
i lien, and R G. 20% 19% 20 20',, 20
Distil. Secur... 32% 32% 32% 32%. 32
I Erie .. 36% 35% 36%i 36% 35%
do. pref 54% 53% 54% 54% 54
I Gen Electric . 170 170 170 169%‘169%
(Goldfield Cons. 4 4 4 4 3%
... North . pfd. 132% 131% 131% 181% 132%
c. North, (ire 42% 41% 41% 42 42
Ini. Harvester .120', 120% 120% 119%.120
111 Central .. 127 124% 126% 125% 12S
Interboro ... 20% 19% 20% 20% 19%
do. pref .. 59% 58% 59% 58% 68
K. C South... 25% 25% 25%! 25%’ 25%
K and T ... 28>, 28% 28% 27% 28
L. Valiev . 178% 176% 177% 176% 177%
1. and N . 159% 158% 159 160 158%
Mo Pacific 40% 40', 40% 40% 40%
N V Central 120% 119% 119% 119% 120%
Northwest . 140 138% 138% 138% 139%
N and W. . . 113% 112% 113% 113 113
No. Pacific . . 120*, 119% 119% 119% 120%
c. and W. . . 38% 38% 38%' 38%' 38%
Penn . . . 124 122% 123% 123% 123%
Pa. ifie Mall 33 33 33 32% 88%
P Gas Co . . 109% 109% 109% 109% 109%
P. Steel Car. . 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
Reading . 177% 175% 176% 177 176%
it Island . 28% 28% 28% 28% 28%
do. pfd.. 58% 57'.-. 57% 67% 58%
R. I and Steel 24% 23% 23% 24% 24%
do. pfd . . 80% 80% 80% 80 80%
S -Sheffield. 51% 51%
S<>. Pacifb 112% 111% 112 112 ill’%
So. Railwax 29 28% 29 29% 28%
de pfd.. 74% 74% 74%, 74% 74%
St. Pa.ll . 107% 106% 106%i!07% 1107%
Tenn Copper 43% 43 13 42%. 41%
Texas Pacific 24% 24 24% 24 24
Third Avenue 40 40‘
Cnion Pacific 172% 171 %. 172% 1172% |l7s%
f. S Rubber 59’., 58% 58%’ 59 59
I'tab Copper 63% 63 63% 63 63
t S Steel. . 70'% 66% 70% 70% 70%
do pfd .111% 111 111
V-C (them . 52% 52*»i 55% 52 52%
West Inion 84 83 83% 83 83
Wabash . . . 8% 8% 8% 9 .9
do. pfd 22 21% 21% 21% 31%
Weit Elec. '75 75%
Wts Central 58 |.
*A'. Maryland 59 gp
Total sales. 691.200 shares. x-Ex-dtvi
dend. 1% per cent.