Newspaper Page Text
Plans for Public Reception Are
Under Consideration by Old
Cronies in Bath. Maine.
BATH MA! NT. Ma l c - M
Morse, re^nt! 1 pardnned from th* **-
lanta Federal prison. ’».U b* gi' * r a
public r*c*ptir.n b* • ‘»iz*ns •* her h* r* ■ .
turns her* th 4 * month President >. i
Gatz of th> Board of Trad*
called a special meeting th* organ
isation. nhtch •’«!« held ftt T> |* roynrij
chamber Monday afternoon The ii < ard
will Mipervif* th* program « f recep
tion. Metre ■ - e?rpcrt*d h*r* on nr
before May •/'
xfnrs* 1 old fr'«nd th* R*’ Francis
W O'Bri*n of th* Peoples Rap* If t
church, has just *!v*d a letter an
nouncing th* rc«n**mplat*d return of
Mor»<- qnd the prompt’ -
railed together th* latter's old chums
fr. D Brien notified Mors* « Mster,
Mfe« jenn> F M<-rs* -»ho h*» pre
pa r ed the old faml’v mansion for occu
pancy during the summer h; her b-ot Il
er and Mnt ces fourteen year-old |
daughter. Anna who ha? alvm lived
per® ?:n<* the death of her mother
Mors* « fi» st « if*
Mors* f croni* had an inkling of th*
impending •- »y>t. and f Mor?* fulfil'-® aP
th* engagements th*\ ha * planned for '
him he wont ha'* Hm* for eic4
this summer
Trips up and n th* Kenn*b*”" f or
filh and other sport. pi< rn- n at the old
haunJF. out to the Sheep. c <'Ot! and up
that rh *r •■ziH be • ntin’iiß pressed |
upofi tb*m
LO? fGELES. Max 15.. XT- and'
Mre '"huriej l,tn?enbord. e«■ ar* h»r®
on n profrurt*®! honeymoon, to-' and!
married a l ’ in .in minuter.**nbn>d chauffeur ■< ar t'- tnz
start hi? auto when th® crank kinked' ,
bark and his arm ”as injured severely |
Along rams Mrs F-o! 1 ® Rail, widow !
Sh» dressed his injured vm for him i
talking pleasantly ’he while
"Ger. 1 wish I had a xxte® remark'd -
I,lns »nbdM
"Well this is irap year, mused Mrr i
Ball. "Will you mam me'"
For answer Linsenbord. with his rood I
arm. swung h»r to a seat in th® auto ;
dashed to th* court hou® obtained a I
marriage jpense and found a justice of |
th* peSce. who performed Ihe oeremoni
women of < alifornlt have no right to
serve on trial juries, according tn the
opinion of Attorney General Webb
The attorney genera] holds the
am.endmen' tn the state constitution
granting the el* tlx e franchise to worn
en dealt with their political rights and
duties alone. The ruling was given in
answer to a request from ’he board of
eupe visors who wanted to place worn
en on ths pan*! of trial furors recently
PARfR Max- 14. have b®mrde j
as necessary to th* complete afternoon i
toilet of th® women of Paris a= pannier
drapery or the upright decorating of j
hats The most * iiu' conception is to
hax» a dog to match each 'dor of cos
fume worn The most extravagant de
velopment of th® n»,< sty]® ip to be seen
at c'jro's the new restaurant which has
become th® center of fa-hion
'n lunching it the n*a restaurant '
nine out ®f ten women < arrv i-® to!
the table? The Peking' ?® varietx v*em I
to be the favorf’®.' and th® restaurant!
dally ha® the appearance of a tor dog
ben'h show .
CHK AGG Max 14 Th® public plav
ground? m the < i ininn of m I!V j, n e
Ahdam*. e the great'st agen*’ so far'
brought forth for 'he improxement of
,n® eltx box
has been th® decided de. reuse in 'he
number M drtend.«>u brought before i
the juvenile courts. - .id Mis- Addflma, I
before tn. '1 rnil-.r, .9 „f . , , , r ., rk
Parents and Te , hi ' s i-®.Tia i lon
"R.-.v< no;. sp® nrt 11-- rl® ,\rne
continued th® m healthful ■ x
arcine at • ® u. i.-,,i ~f
getting into mis.hief in tj.p sl , rrt:i
This • un'om hi ■- det eloper --m n'" t
mor® skf'ifu ar ■ ■ ,pi. ~
the box brought uj n the street;
KAN’f AS CITj fl vt, r<
trolmen should b* cquirpr-1 » .t - pad.
dies or clippers to prank member® of
boy gangs, acr-.riing ■ p, R
Goddard, judge of th® juvenile ( ip-.
Th® suggestion . am® af<®- n.®
had disposed of a xoung •■ ■r'-' ®r j
bean- c hooter regiment,
A printed sheet -. .irrj -.rg tip- -
lowing rules of • ondu. t. xx <■ yr- -mied
by the judge to every box who ■ >r be.
fore him yestc-rdnx
"Don't go to Sundax h.'i g.v>
"Don't jump street tars. It p
"Don't lead smallei box® ,\, . ,
with boys your own agi
"Start a bank ac’ount I i-e p., ,
helps his mother i? alxvays . ( .' .;
another • han ®.
Rid ho- houlri be s« it'-li.-i h ■ .-
imprint of th, switching «h"ti! . • n
thr ”'‘!"1 not 'U! tilt b -u> "
- *
'' ’V
\ i —, _ —rx
W /z ,'* • •. x .\
Rumnr Has it That ’Billy” Hitt.
Seems to Have Best Chance
for Her Affections,
Are /ou going to mflrr/?"
This ! tn® question 'ha' is put to
Xfb.o S -‘r.r Elkins, daughter of th®
Mat® I nlt®d Stater. Senator Stephen B
. E'klny almost r.x-r-r. dav of h®r lif®
i ,"-inc® th® fjrrr rumor of her
•n®nt to to® Duke of th® Abrural "a"
■ nubiirhed mor® than four "pars ago,
I 'fits FJkin» bar. probably b*®n a?k®d
| this question a thounand tim®r New®-
■ paper m®n of two continents have
I asked the question on the ground tha'
] th* ptibll® •• 1 interested her friend®
I have ask»d her In th® strictest ennfl
! d®-n<'». and persons who nex *r sa-a her
j before but recognised h«r from her
I published picturca, hax® asked her out
of curiositx .
kt first, xx hen she didn't know h»r
--i ! *lt xx nether or not she w ould be the
I bride of th® Italian duke, the question
|ixa* embarrassing. Later, -x hen it h«-
| catne apparent that she xvouldn't, it b®-
I came a joke, and now . when she is
"Are you going to marry?" she takes
it as a Joke
It bar- b*en reported recently that she
is engager) to Rllly" Hitt, who has b»®n
in almost constant attendance upon her
Since th® death of her fathei An»««.
paper reporter saw her and. before she
couldl escape, had asked
"Are you going to marry?”
There was a ringing peal of laughter.
The parted lips showed two rrnvs of
Post Toasties Jingles
$20.00 to each of 50 persons who send in the mo&t acceptable
Jingles in May, 1912
An entertainment for boys and girls, and older folks, as well.
an example only) Out of bed hopped the kidlets, the clock had struck
The Wiedergeim Kids were tucked up in b®d, 6
x Soon ♦he school bell would ring and they shouldn't be
Then wh«spe-ed to mama. 'Twits this that they said: late.
Tomorrow for breakf’st <this will be our dream) "p or yO u kids to b® tflrdy. Mother said 'twouldn't do.
W» get some Post Toasties with sugar and cream.'“
hers • i ,p this line, mentioning Toasties, and nrife plainly i
Name Date
Street and No
City State
I .'- of abovo form of answer is suggrstod. but i>"! I'wimrod.
Address and mail ymir Jingles to
W® will buy >f* Post E>.istws Jingios, ar
o-rpi qblo for n<,r jp ,-, Jinglfl Rook, rmf-it ml dur
i uig Ma'. 191?, al nacb
i tn]\ |he Jingles wo pax for will br used.
There wll be .'0 -Tingles purrliaseil and the
nim®. and addresses of th® writers will be
printed and niailed to ea-'h enepiirri- who send.,
ns a 1 'ampn’l and adder ■ .-ul onxel®>pp for |
I turn.
Ihe .| .ii_i® |ip nidged honesflx upon
i merit, so if yon are a sensitive person and not a
! good port -man don't try, for we have n®> time
Ito i" i up tli'>' v hir o Jiuglrq are not aoeepted
Post Toasties
the delicious, ready to serve, crisp bits of toasted Indian Corn.
Trv a dish with some milk or cream and a sprinkle of suga.
7 /
„T wr'lßSr
jbA <s>
"TS -or <3
'list Katlici'iiio I‘ilKin... 'lauo-liior of th? late- I nit'-rl States
senator, who wa . ri'p'irted erijaood to the Duke of th® Abruzzi,
is now r*reiving attentions from PoDy" Hitt, and her friends
exoept the annonncemei. of her engagement. She has been asked
about her intentions so often that she regards the question as a
joke, and has a heartx laugh whenever it is put to hoi’
pearly teeth, and two do®;, dimple®
x« ore apparent. There xxas a note of
genuine merriment in the laugh.
"Am 1 going to marry?" he re
peated. when she had controlled her
laughter. .
Th»n '-he ; farted laughing again, and
ih® .i?t'ini'--hed newspap®r man fled. She
xx as still Laughing when the camera
caught her. oid the accompanx Ing pic
ture rhoxxs the h.ii'py exprtsslnn 'in !v-r
Thi, erx happlnef xonxinces her
I'iU in the missing Hue of the incomplete
.lingb l printed aboxe, making the last line
"n'bid® th name " Toast ir.s.' with correct
rhyme and met°r.
Or, write an original Pont Toasties
Jinglr of not less than 4 linos, any line
of whirl) must r onta-ii.i “Port. Toasties”
or “Toasties.”
V many Jingles nn; be submitted ar, de
• bi' ■'m make thi? i pleasant form of entm’-
t.i’ noi.-nt. in.)' make ome extra money, and in
• addition become acquaint! d with
friends that there is somethin® more
than gossip Behind the persistent re
ports that the beautiful and wealthy
sin i®tx girl has lost her h®art to young
Hitt It xxas recalled that, at'the time
Mis- Elkins. ■' nt abroad tilth her fam
ily. xhfle the question of her marriage
xxlth Abruzzi waa still very much up in
the air. "Billy" Hitt broke several en
gagements to play polo and baseball,
and was a passenger on the same
50 Subscriptions
Equal 1 Trip
f.‘ * •
You Do Not Have To Collect All the Money in Advance
A Trip for 25 Subscriptions
This contest is divided into two parts, one for the city of Atlanta atrd
suburbs, and the other is made strictly for the territory outside of Atlanta
and suburbs. The contest for the city of Atlanto is as follows: For 25
yearly subscriptions to the daily Georsian at the reemlar carrier ~ate. we
will give you a free trip to Wrightsville Reach, with a six-day stay at the best
hotel. We pay all expenses, including meals. Pullman, hotel, etc.
~ ~ ~ ' ~~ --iJ . -
: - -vw ■' -■. -y i "
;. / - ‘ / \
.. *■■ ; . , . xL"' : ■-. . ■ ’ • ■k- . ■ u-c .Xi >. y-p
‘ W . * . - . . J
'..-jN jWfc. ’ " ■ ■ N : ■. . ■ -NYU.
; * z - < '■ ■ *T ? "
cWHKstSBh ■' ' - --■ - .
'V' k ■ -..xev-
? *
Largest Inland M ater Boat in the World
Subscriptions Easy to Secure
Subscriptions will be easy to secure, as you do not have to secure the full price of the
yearly subscriptions in advance, but all that is necessary is that you get the new subscriber
to sign an agreement to take The Georgian for one year and collect for three months in ad
vance. which would be $1.30, and the subscriber will agree to pay 10 cents per week for
the other nine months. The price of The Georgian is $5.20 per year on and after April Ist
when delivered by carrier. This is 10 cents per week whether paid in advance or by the
week. Be sure that you understand this proposition You secure 25 new subscriptions to
The Daily Georgian, to be delivered by carrier in the city of Atlanta and suburbs, for one
year each, and as evidence of good faith on the part of the subscribers that they will take The
Georgian for the full time they are required to pay for three months in advance., or $1.30.
and after the three months has expired they are to pay the carrier at the rate of 10 cents
per week for the other nine months
Bear in mind that this proposition is open to the White people of Atlanta and suburbs
only, and for new subscriptions only. It is not a hard matter to get 25 new subscriptions. '
especially when, they do not have to pay for the full year in advance. For 50 subscriptions
we will give yon two trips, or one trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto. Canada. Call at the
Contest Department of The Goergian and full particulars, together with samples and re
ceipt book, will be given you.
For Outside Contestants
To those residing outside of tbe city of Atlanta and suburbs we offer a free trip to
Wrightsville Beach for 20 paid in adyance subscriptions to the Daily Georgian at the
regular rate. $5.00 per year, or for 30 subscriptions to the Daily Georgian paid in ad
vance we will give you a trip to Niagara Falls and pay< all your expenses. The reason we
offer you a trip for less subscriptions is because of the fact that you must secure the full
price of the paper for a year in advance. The Georgian will be sent by mail to all sub
scribers who pay five dollars and by farrier where same is paid for at the carrier rate of
$5.20. Subscriptions must be paid in advance- or they will not count on this offer. This
offer is open to any white person of good moral character over fourteen years of age. It
is not a hard matter to secure the necessary number of subscriptions, arjd those who enter
the contest now can easily secure the number of subscriptions required without much
of an effort. Three old subscriptions count the same as one new subscription.
Monday—Leave At'anta 4c. m. in a special Pullman train. Special suoper lunch en t®ain,
Tuesday—Arrive Cincinnati 7 a. m, fLeave baggage in your berth, and take street ear uptown.) B-eak
fast and dinner (any hour) a' the famous Manhattan Case. 15 to 23 West Fifth, half block from Fountain
square. Leave Cincinnati 4p. m. via C.. H. &D . f-om C.. H. & D. station. Special supper lunch on t®ain
Wednesday—Arrive Toronto 8 a. m. iWe take charge of all baggage and transfer free to steamer
dock.) Breakfast end luncheon on fifth floor in the famous g®il.l r oom of Eaton s mammoth department
store, 190 Yonge st-eet. (Present your tour book at time of giving orde®.) Leave Toronto 3'45 p, m. \?ia
Niagara Navigation Cpmnar.y’s steamer, foot of Yonge street. Arrive Niagara Falls 7'lo p, via Great
Go~ge Route. (Change from steamer at Lewiston.) Ca®« will stop in front of each hotel. On arrival at
Niagara Falls, supper and ledaing at International, imperial and Temperance hotels.
Thursday—Breakfast, dinner, supper and lodging at International, Imperial and Tempe-ance hotels,
Friday—Leave Niagara Fai's 3:30 a. m. in special electric cars, from corner by Internationa! and Im
perial hotels. Arrive Buffalo 10-45 a. m. at D. 4 C. dock. (Bring all baggage to baggage room.) Dinner
at the famous Statler Cate, Ellicott square. Leave Buffalo 6 p. m. via D. S 0. steame® foot o< Main street.
(Get baggage before boarding steamer.) Supper in main dining ®oom on steamer. Stateroom berth.
Safu®day—Breakfast in main dining room on steame®. Arrive Detroit 8 a, m, (B®ing baggage from boa 4
to dock and we will transfer free to Union depot.)_ Steamer trip from foot of Woodwa®d avenue e'/ery half
hour schedule—to Belle Isle and return. Special dinner at Leave Detroit 6 p, m, via C., H, & D .
from Union station (Fort street) in special Pullman train, using same berth as going trip. Special supper
lunch on train.
Sunday—Special breakfast lunch on train. Special dinner en route. Arrive in Atlanta 4 p. m.
Address All Subscriptions and Communications to the Contest Mgr., Care of
The Georgian, Atlanta, Ga.