Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1912, HOME, Page 22, Image 22

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22 *THF ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: READ FOR PROFIT — GEORGIAN WANT AU5 — USE FOR RESULTS FRIDAY. MAY t7, 1912. Real Estate For Sale. 17 BEAUTIFUL L Y SHADED RESIDENCE LOTS AT AUCTION TOMORROW, MAY iB, 1912, AT 3:30 P. M. In the Ponce DeLeon Avenue Sec tion Fronting Angier Road, Barnett Street and Belgrade Avenue, near the New School on North Avenue. THESE LOTS are well located for enhancement, they arc right In the path of progress in that rapidly growing part of the city known to all agents and real estate traders as the Druid Hills-Ponce DeLeon section. THE PHENOMENAL increase In VALUES In this section is a fact known to all. It is a fact that lots on Ponce Del-eon avenue—only a short distance from this subdivision —have advanced within the past five, or ■six years from less than S2O to SBO a foot, or from 400 to 500 per cent. THESE LOTS will advance proportionately when the streets surrounding them have been worked out and developed in accordance with the plans already proposed. It is proposed to work out and grade and „ chert East North avenue from Kennesaw avenue, east, with an under pass at the Southern railway near Ponce Del-eon. This will make a great east and west highway free from street cars -running from the great industrial center along Marietta, street, by the Tech school and Ponce DeLeon, into and through Druid Hills, and from there to Decatur and East Lake North avenue Is only 200 feet from these lots CITY IM PROV EM E NTS SURE TO COME AT AN EARTA PATE, City water L<» passed up (under the bond l«sue) from Belgrade avenu** up to Barnett street Water is already on Rar neft street part nf tlu» wax tn those lots THE TRUNK SKWTT LINES to take < ar** of this portion are to bp built this summer by th** county. NEW SCHOOL CLOSE BY ESPECIALLY DESTBABLE FOR HOMES because of thf splendid new North Avenue school, located only about two blocks away from these lots. This school will cause all lots conveniently located t«> become more and more in demand, and demand makes increase in value. Also be cause this general section is One of the high-clar- residence com munities of Atlanta. LANDS IN THIS NEI GHB OR - HOOD AND SECTION DIFFI CULT TO SECURE BECAUSE it is either already In the hands of land companies, or Is held by owners, who realize Its gilt-edged future and are holding it for even higher prices which ate sure to come. A LOGICAL CONCLUSION FOR the above reasons, we strongly recommend the purchase of tlmse lots to home seeker, the builder and speculator, and especially tt> the small in vestor, because they will surely and quickly increase in value. TERMS OF SALE ALL LOTS will be sold on terms of one-fourth cash and the balance on or before one. two and three years, with 7 per cent simple interest, HOW TO GET THERE--Take Ponce DeLeon avenue to Druid Hills cars, get off at Barnett street, go south two blocks. Or take Highland avenue cars, get off at < Teburne avenue, and go north about two blocks. Both routes all O. K. LADIES are expected and especially Invited to come. Gel plats from FOSTER & ROBSON Agents. 11 Edgewood Avenue. J. W. FERGUSON & SON. Auctioneers. BEA l TIFI L BUNGALOW IN WEST r - % , _- - END PARK I T [4 l-i I-C ON NICE EI.EV ATED LOT. commanding IV. 11 a splendid view, a nice six-room bunga low with every convenience including fur- TjN \ T "N n«ce. and one of the best built houses in JIV ILz 1 I the park. This place is new and up-to date and will make you a home that you /AZAX T a —% < ■%. t■» r will be proud to own. Come in and let (fl j\/T I— ’ z\ jNJ y' ns shov you this Price and terms are '*■' iv » a -*a. 1 right Both, Phones 1899 REAL ESTATE. RENTING. I-OANS. Bit Empire Bldg G R. MOORE & CO. REAL ESTATE, BUILDING AND LOANS. 1409 CANDLHR BUILDING PHONE IVY 4975. ?7.600 FOR AN ELEGANT HOME near Peachtree and Fourteenth streets, which is now renting tor $65 per month on an elegant street ami in the best neigh borhood Has eleven rooms, five large and one small bedrooms, living room, par lor, dining room, kitchen and butler’s pantry on first floor A servant’s room and laundry in basement Gas and electric lights: house thoroughly fly screened and newly painted Can be bought on reasonable terms Call Mr Field $5,500 FOR A BEAI’TIEI’I. nine-room borne on 50x296 east front lot and al most new The number is 303 East North avenue, near Jackson and Boule vard cars. Has overt convenience and we are instructed to sell at once Call Mr. Hambiey. $1,500 FOR THREE HOUSES rented for $16.50 per month Have not been vacant for two cars This is colored property and pats . . per cent net on the investment, ('all Mr Moore THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. 4-18-20 NORTH SIDE INVESTMENT GROSS -■ ntals. $1.35" SK. will c.ivi'i trariy expe.nst Price only $12,000. $6,000 of this can run <t 6 pei cent. $2,500 cash will handle li.‘ This is high-rlass propertv tn block and half of Peachtree, witinn the mile <drcl> This property is capable of further improvement at small cost, which will increase rentals. WALDO. REDDING & OTIS GRANT Bl'll-DINil. BELL PHONE \[.\lX 321. • HHIX S. Si'OIT. Salesman. 176 Luckie Street NINE-ROOM, two-story: : •• Ar.lja. Can make special pie. and terms I N VES TMENT PRf »P<>SlT[< IN SOUTHWEST HORNER Pm Io 1 ,n,,| Williams I .uixl.'u The. nmi-« • Renting tot s2l per month. D i<s 2.inm T-mis. \\j uu ,. this pimp. cv exclusively. LITTLE & GREEN 10 Auburn A- J’lmnw. M. 943. All. .?9J. Real Estate For Sale. Real £state For Sale. A Beautiful Decatur Home A NEW 2-Story 8-roorn home, with water, sewer and electric lights; situ ated on a beautiful, elevated east front lot covered with large oak trees: dose to Agnes Scott College and p üblic school. One-half block of car line. Size of lot 120x240. Price $6,500. J. M. WORSHAM Real Estate and Loans. 908 Third National Bank Building. Ivy 5626 CAPITOL AVE. HOME NO. 421 CAPITOL AVE.—Nine-room, two-story, east front home, on lot 50x200, owned by a non-resident, who must sell. Here is your chance for a bargain on easy terms. Price only $4,000. MARTIN ST. cottage, near Haygood avenue, for $1,200; SIOO cash, balance monthly. DUNSON & GAY REAL ESTATE AND LOANS, 409 Equitable Building. H. H. H. REALTY COMPANY 418 Empire Building. Telephone Connections: Bell Main 2185; Atlanta 652. ONE 10-ROOM AND 4-ROOM HOUSE ON WEST HARRIS SIO,OOO- ON WEST HARRIS STREET, not a great distance from 'the streets where so much real estate has been changing hands recently The rent on these will pay fair dividend. We can exchange this for some smaller property Remember this is a corner lot. SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND 6 ACRES OF LAND. $6,000 WE HAVE one of the best propositions for a. home and an investment combined that you hud find. Good 6-room house and 6 acres of land that will sub-divide into at least 30 lots that will sell for S2OO per lot. certain. Has more than 2,000 feet frontage on new street. BROOKWOOD- Just a short distance from Peachtree car we have a beautiful bungalow built for a home; owner Is going to leave city and is forced to sell. Can give you a close price and easy terms. PEACHTREE ROAD, between Buckhead and Bropkhaven, we have several choice lots on this road, which as you know is the highest class of real estate. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. Phones: All. 226, Bell Ivy 4157. 34 N. Forsyth St. Faces Ferry Acreage I HAVE FOR SALE on the magnificent Paces Ferry’ road and In the heart of its prettiest section, nine and a fraction acres of nicely shaded and wooded land facing 290 feet on Paces Ferry road, 600 feet on a new road that will shortly be cherted and with an average depth of 1.380 feet. This property fronts and adjoins the most pretentious homes on she drive and could be made a beau tiful building site. Surrounding acreage has been selling for $1,500 per acre, and I am offering this tract as a whole for a quick turn at $9,000. EMMETT HIGHT REAL ESTATE 513-514-515 EMPIRE BLDG. Investment and Homes $25,000 APARTMENT; up to date: on Washington street; close in; good as new; rents for S2OO per month. This is a dandy; tile baths and porch. Lot 50 bv 140 $5,500 This is a stone front bungalow, on Moreland avenue; has six rooms and~a beauty. SI,OOO cash will handle this. Balance easy $7,750 -Piedmont avenue, close to Tenth street: nine-room house.~iLot 60 by ISO? If you want a bargain, let us show you this. Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 1276; Atlanta 208. Saturday, May 18—52,500—52,150 ONE 6-room. four 5-room houses; SSO cash, $17.50 monthly. Must be sold on above date. These houses are now. have water, lights, car service, stone fronts. These are real bargains, located in A-l growing suburb. Take either East Lake or South Decatur car at Pryor and Alabama streets and get off at South Kirkwood. Our representatives will be there to direct you. GILMER & WILLINGHAM 6 WALTON ST.. THIRD DOOR OFF PEACHTREE. GROUND FLOOR. Saturday, May ONE 6-room, four 5-room houses; SSO rash, $17.50 monthly. Must be sold on above date. These houses arc now. have water, lights, oar service, stone fronts. 'Those are real bargains, located in A-1 growing suburb. Take either East Lake or South Decatur car at Pryor and Alabama streets and get off at South Kirk wood. Our representatives will be there to direct you. GILMER& W ILLINGHAM WY; 6 Walton Si., I Hird Door off Peachtree. Ground Floor. 8% LOAN WANTED I W ANT from one to l our loans of $1,5(10 each at 8 per cent, payable 2. 3 or 5 years, on new houses built in Kirkwood. Titles perfect. BUILDER. Care Georgian ' 1’ . r.i j «;<\ to get help for hone work offlc store, faetori or anywhere ■ ■ . i to in .i t n small ail in tile Hi Ip Want'd I'oltnntn of Th' Atlanta Gon man. Just phone '■'tlOtt (either phone) and the W ant Ail will do the test. Real Estate For Sale. I’he east war to get help for house work. office store, factory or ani where ■I-. i to insert a mail ad in the H-lt W anted ' "lump of Tin Atlanta Geor gian Just phon o Sono {either photic} and the Want Ad will do the rest. FREE X Vacation Tour To CANADA and NIAGARA FALLS JULY 1912 1 A solid special train through without change from Atlanta to Cincinnati to Detroit, then 300 miles through Canada tn Toronto. Returning by steamer from Toronto to Lewiston, Great Gorge route to Niagara Falls, then to Buffalo. Leave Buffalo via D. and C. steamer for 300 mile ride to Detroit. Leave Detroit for Atlanta in special train. This Trip Is Free All you need tn do is to secure 30 new yearly paid in advance subscriptions to the daily Georgian, or 300 to the Weekly News Briefs at 36c each. Two 6-months subscriptions or four 3-months subsenptions count the same as one for a year. Do not hold the subscriptions until you have the entire 30 subscriptions, hut send them in as fast as you secure them. Do not hesitate about not being able to secure the necessary 30 sub scriptions. for it is an easy matter to get them, and you have plenty of time to do the work. The number of this party is not limited, as we can take five hundred as easy as we could take one hundred, so do not be the least afraid that you will be left. We will give you not less than seven days of in tensely interesting travel, traversing seven states and 300 miles of Canada, covering more than 2,500 miles, in cluding nearly 500 miles by water. Trip Is Open To All All that is necessary for you to get the trip is to secure 30 new yearly subscriptions to the daily Geor gian, or 300 subscriptions to the Weekly News Briefs. Cash must accompany all orders or credit will not be given on the trip nor will papers be started. The con test closes July Ist and the trip will start about July Bth. For further particulars write or phone the’Con test Manager, care The Georgian, Atlanta, Ga.