Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1912, EXTRA, Page 12, Image 12
12 Friday and Saturday I Specials at Rogers’ f Every day is a Os course, we ■ “bargain da' at always try to ■ the Rogers * <k»Ar?l I CnEX ri *’ l 1 ' P 1 ~rdprs I Storrs, hut there promptly, but the H Saturday rush < tai offerings for 35 SHK ■ uses delayed Friday and Satur. deliveries. Let ua I day buyers Note St £ I Ojjj have orders early ■ the money-saver- I’rulay w henever ■ included in this • fig ® 3 possible It is of S advertisement, JI mutual advantage B ’ **' v «rw t ■ Jtr r Sugar and Tea Bargains I ’4 pound Ridgway’s 15c Tea and 5 pounds 9Q p I best Granulated Sugar OczC ’4 pound Ridgway’s 20c Tea and 5 pounds /f l best Granulated Sugar * 1C *4 pound Ridgway’s 25c Tea and 5 pounds A A best Granulated Sugar I'iC Extra 2-Day Bargains | Full pack X<>. 3 vans of Black- O Cans 1 Q g beitirs. worth 20c a ••an. at for •■• v/C 0 Solid pack Peeled and Cored Apples. No. 3 cans, E worth 15c a can O Cans 1 n Finest Georgia Elberta Pie O Cans 1 | Peaches: large, regular 15c cans at “• for l»v ' Finest California Evaporated Peaches. 11 Friday and Saturday, per pound 1 lv Best Standard Granulated Sugar. d? £X /| fj 100-pound hag . Regular 10-cent Brooms, *T9r Friday and Saturday Regular 60-cent Brooms. yj Q Friday and Saturday ifciv FIRST SHIPMENT OF FINE. TENDER GEOR GIA SNAP BEANS 10c QUART Canned Food Specials | J Special sale of new pa<d< Pink Salmon in full net a weight one-pound tins, special al 12c PER TIN. I I At this price Salmon is far cheaper than meat, si and it is just as nourishing and more palatable. Red Cross Brand Polled Burnham A Morrill's Maine |j Meat, ham or tongue tlax packed Blueberries: regular | ors regular 5c cans. sf,, >itary 4 < two cans for lC tins | California Apricots, full S|. Bernard Braud Okra, I pack \o. .’! cans; Fridav small and lender; special, Bi sfe ..- 16c £ 10c || SPECIAL SHIPMENT OF SELECT NEW RED IRISH POTATOES. 10c QUART. TWO FOR 15c. g Housecleaning Specials I Proctor A Gafnble's regular 5-cent cakes of Lenox Laundry Soap- Very special, 6 cakes for 19c | Regular 25<- packages Full size 10c cakes of g of Gold Dust, at 19c. o The 1..„ W.i-liine |«.w- I Sapolio at 7c. | der. Hand or si-rubbing Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses I Schram Fruit Jars, the .Jelly Glasses with dose- H tilting tin lids; Q a cq p,.,. Z4c I per dozen v*7v Ove-half gallons, QQ r »P’ , ‘ s1 Paraffine q per dozen \\ ;lx , per pound . . . g FRESH DAILY AT ALL OUR STORES-HOME GROWN STRAWBERRIES. When You Go Picnicking K 'c O '• • n I'v. t’c It Sardines tin Red Rock (linger Ale. quarts. 13c f , r ’ " 25c Welch’s Grape Juice; pint. 25c; i;x..'kh, N-rwegtan Stnokd Sai [ 't'»"i- 45c: half-gallone 75c dims in olix. " is io ■_•<> ij- ' nderwood's Soused Mackerel a to the van 10c sea-food delicacy, large Royal Scarlet Norwegian Smoked U ll .20c ■l2 1-2 c Marshall's Kippered Herring. Dupont Skit 1, as and Born 1< < ge tin 20c I Sardines 20c Kipps Hi-.- ing small On. 10c It'd (Poss Potted Meat (tongue i 1 in ; . < (or 25c vor). tin 4, Rest Viit, nan Musta'v S>> A; Hour's V.ripest Brand Lunch ■lint» 8c Tongip- .small tin . . 20c Neptun.. B am. Mils:. s.,i Large tin 35c ■ •bn. \rmmii s \ , rilmst Brand Chick.m .Sinai! . . 31-2 c Loaf: tin ... 15c ■ i-' 1 -■ 8c R . naidsoii A Robbins’ Boned ■ ib.s: t;..... 1;,.f a ....... . ..I.ken small tin 35c ■ . Beef, i 171-2 c trge tin ~ . . ,55 c I FULL CREAM CHEESET” - I Quality -557 Pound ' Rogers’ £ Stores ‘-1 It JITIfWMHBIIIMI lll'l II Hill ■■IT-TTI -THU I IJHIIIIIH w |u,i nMnumjF THE ATLAX’TA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: FRIDAY. MAY 17. 1912. i Really, it’s Real Classy to | STODOARD/ZE Io roi)l).\RI)IZI\<; menus PERFECTION iu Dry Clean ino and Pressing. Il makes Men's and Women’s Clothes look “CLASSY!” Costs no more. fl; A Wagon For a Phone Call Wp pay Express (on> wayj on out-of-town orders of S 2 or over. fiS* | Meet Me at* The STODDARD Where Night's an Bright as Day \ IQ + swsJ T 2 u p^ ch,r ‘ e St T! et Dixie's Greatest Dry Atlanta"Phone 43 Cleaner and Dyer Headquarters for Porch Goods : | t Solid Oak Porch 1 gwranramfflßWimnßSsmß I Swingss2.9B j\ & Brumby Porch / Rockers $2-98 i Fibre Rush Rock- ,| • JiiCHiryy.A’ilsl 4 '‘ rs $3.75 up / Rustic Hickory Furniture .. . $2.75 up | Porch Swings. W. 98. $5.00. $7.00, SIO.OO, sl2.Mi, $17.;,0, $20.00 and $25.00. Larcmsl show ing »f Porch Furnitute in the cit;. Prices the lowest. Terms 1 if (L snort. Goldsmith-Acton-Witherspoon Co. 62 PEACHTREE LIFETIME FURNITURE 61 N BROAD brass BEDS THAT WILL NEVER TARNISH "BRUMBY" POICH | I j 1 A IkS, MADAM, yon can have a Brass Bed now that will never turn dingy nor ROCKERS 'll ’ Al | tarnish—a Bed that \du can wash with soap and water, just like vou Dur special “Brumby'Rocker ; a » \ wash your china—a Tied that neither moisture, perspiration. Hv specks, heat is distinctive in styl< made bli A n<H' cold will affe<-t—a Bed that will always retain its beautiful luster that will especially for us. Thiißocker always be Ut'W. has a double cane set, with A— - rolling front rail—eas-ou the H Style Bed As Shown In Cut see THEM V limurmu' 'F,?,,s s , Made in Ihe absolutely guaranteed finish I 1 ! ', 1 I.v finish, or painted grm. In- springs, fiber lined cushions will always remain bright and’ rn stead of $5.00, I i ± l on l \' V '''' ri ‘512.50 hining. s2.soeash. sl.o(>a week ' | W. OUR WINDOW " e say 3>vOU | ; I ’ - ! I . . READ THE GUARANTEE r■ ■' PRICES ARE NO HIGIER From the Rome Factory: “We guarantee g AJ I _JL_ J|_ Although this gri-at improvement hijbeen that these Beds will not tarnish I'l'olll the effects Jg made at considerably increased cost by i Os atmospheric conditions, such as salt air. mois- factory the retail prices have not been adneed j lure, soft coal smoko or heat. The lacquer is I if "i ()NE t’KNNY in this store. We’ll sell y<>,, n e not affected by cleaning fluids containing alcohol I—-= k—. # —""n r.l r n , . . . ■ , - ~S' ' 1,1 these fully guaranteed Beds at just ... . , , " fcds • Q prices you d have to pay lor old stvle anected by the aeids contained in persniration kJ K ~l_J—.• • > . ~ , ... , , 1 1 11 S, H I © finish. ( erlamly brass Beds are prettieiind ■>- rly specks may be readily removed bv the use of xT Fl • 1 g n ,1111 ■ • • 1 & more sightly than any other kind, and nowhat alcohol ami the Bods inav be cleaned with ordi- t 4 1 . . .. * Q the hnish has been perfected we look lor a rc r( | < nary soap and water without damage. *’ > 4.1 nn ’ sale on the home Process. ■ ■“ ■—— ■■ ——l ~.i — * . • , • R\ ’ rriC r* Eor a * p " ( Fys longer we will continue our free offer of Dinner r-i j-a p-s | 4*171 TI '~i^'/A'^.T ,, 1 KIC SNs ' A niee l-’-l’iece Set like this cut free to ever/ purchaser FK F F TUL> 1 <7151 Baby CabsHJncsi Made of sr>o.oo <>r more. Don't delay if you want one. 1 ■ v Collapsible Go Carts HWraiis'i'iN / I ., 1 -■ ■•■■■ k few fWyfek fe2x2j P , i v. 4 Li tew® do styles of really comfortable '< [( \\ luxurious Reed Baby Carriages &' ■ "n iwt, f •’■■Y ( ) "'<• are agents for the well- wit.h eas\ springs ami vane or Bk.’ J-J '<-■(£ (( ) A. J ® ■' ) known Pulton Go t'arts—none leather autobile tops from J '.’-'ter. More than 20 nrieties HG eul above. -WEB to one exact Iv like SJSJ lit -UM Kz /*/ / / r/ vttvsß : i. ■ HUB K flLfiw/ m ■ i !i) 'fl I.! : <'? ' _fei 1V- 4% Pieces in this Dinner Set. Here’s a Full List: 6 Cups, 6 7-in. Plates. 1 8-in. Dish. M l 6 Saucers. 6 4-in. Fruits, 1 7-in. Nappic, LJ.x Butters, 1 Cover, 1 Creamer, 6 5-in. Plates. 1 7-in. Baker. 1 Sugar Dish. ’’NORTH STAR” “EAGLE” 71 /—X ▲7l REFRIGERATORS . n<h o dGSFvvo o cL 4,n •b'V|| 103-5-7-9-11 Whitehall Street, Corner Mitchell $35 Lawn and Porch Swings * < wlj rm v v \ 11 I Have Your Swings Put Up Before Summer | We are prepared to deliver and put up lawn swings made of oak for $7.50; pine v $6.00. Porch swings, $3.75, SS.GO, $7.50 and SIO.OO. king hardware company | 87 Whitehall St. 53 Psachtres St. | 1- _ I i Onlj Twg| I Dayt Left! Satuoi.iy nln w ill nar« EM tlm close of tl greatest glass opportune ever ofTnretlM the public here.r elsewhere. H I $5 15-year Gokfilled ■ Eyeglasses Yr ! $1.0) I ■H Expel t Eyesight Spialist Hl OK in attendance and al! work guaranteed. Remember, only twojays Eg more. I ton t miss this o, nr . |||| tunity. MBS | COLUMBIAN I g OPIICAL STORE | 81-83 Whitehall S. 8