Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1912, EXTRA, Page 13, Image 13
SEE Niagara Falls On a FREE Trip a J Write the Contest Manager The Georgian.! — FIRE SALE! Everything Must Go Regardless of Cost or Former Prices With our store crowded every day and all day since the sale began, we have dis posed of less than a tenth of this immense slock. Our selling space is limited to the main floor, and we can offer only a fraction of the stock each day. Every day new items are added to take the place of those sold, and the range of selection is just as good now as it was Monday morning. Tomorrow bar gain opportunities galore will be offered in MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, PETTICOATS, SILK KIMONOS, NECKWEAR, SHIRTWAISTS, LADIES’ PONGEE SHIRTS, GLOVES, CHILDREN’S DRESSES, - MEN’S HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, etc.; in fact, unreserved choice of our entire stock at FIRE-SALE PRICES. Store open promptly at 9 o’clock. 49 Whitehall Street The Shoes we are showing this season are typical of Black's Standard / Never have you heard of .y d f a s^oe coming from ijhWfc, YYx Black’s failing to give / Ihe utmost service, ■ V A comfort and / Never have we put more stress on these points than now. Our display is literally teeming with late, smart models that» / y\ create a Feeling of security in the matter of correct- '* J i \ \ ness, and are styles that are positively a \\ necessary adjunct to faultless attire. .Z xbVT/'W' IWv X \ AH Black’s Shoes are fitted F ’’X J! lofx ('rA k- v ex P erts - - * U lifehnl St Mail Order * Given Prompt 1 .aird & ‘>< hob?r Shoes foi Women '' ’ and Satisfactory Attention Edwin < Sh<>p.« for Men ANNIVERSARY SALE OF RUfiS ■ While a limited quantity last C we ”^ cr our regular $16.50 linErl v aUie 9x12 Brus- O4n in sei* Rug al V I 27x60 in. Axminster Rugs; 8f5 53.50 values; Anni- 4* ft rrt versary price vZiUU Reduced prices on all Rugs and Curtains. Terms if desired. Goldsmith-Acton-Witherspoon Co. 62 PEACHTREE LIFETIME FURNITURE 61 N. BROAD THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: EKIDAY, MAY 17. 1912. Chamberliii=Jolinson=Dußose Co. Atlanta New York Paris Specially Priced Silks For Friday at 9 O’clock These being the most wanted silks of the season—and this being one of the best silk seasons of many springs—there should be a crowd here tomorrow when such values go on sale. « Note the different items that are included. Can you afford to miss them when they are priced 39c? '--For 59c Silk Foulards, 23 inches wide; navy, 1 wistaria, Copenhagen, green, brown and black—the best shades—with white figures, dots an d ™gs. Sg 'iilk —Bor 59c checked Taffetas, 18 inches wide; Illplllf iSIC black and white, brown and white, blue and jMV white. J —For 59c changeable Messalines, 19 inches -ZJISB wide; green and black, navy and primrose, ISillliill f|ll| helio and black. I—For 49c Tub Silks, 19 inches wide, every J||j|rsly 1 threadsilk; the best striped patterns in light I and dark shades. I— For one lot of dress Voiles that were 75c, I SI.OO and $1.25 a yard; plain and chiffon finish in blue, black, brown, tan, champagne, I grey, Copenhagen, reseda and red. Some of i these are soiled on the selvedge. Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co. 5 Remember, Friday Bargains Are For the One Day Only £ No Mail Orders Filled S I Tomorrow: Friday Bargain Day No. 1 1 * * * No Tele- Ffc X ?riCCS 5 = In Rich s Economy Basementj 5 Filled V Only * £ ‘ S' jp 9 Bars Swift’s Pride Laundry Soap 25c. Vromen’s and Misses’ $1.98 Lingerie Dresses, * * 4 cans Ola Dutch Cleanser tor 25c. &g c * ' OC , - Ma ,^ h , eSt J'' f l ' a^ bray ' C^° rS j 5C ‘ M omen’s $7.50 all-Linen Crash Suits, $4.95. 3 .y h .r V ?''i S ’ ' 9c ,y d -. Children’s $2.25 Rain Capes for $1.69. 2 J 22c A. C. A. Feather Ticking ISc yd. Children’s 12 l-2c Ribbed Hose, 6c pair. Sr rr , tc ~ c , , .. n . - , .o Women’s 19c Hose; 3 pairs for 25c. 55c Economy Sheets, 72 x9O inches, 39c. 15c Linen Suiting, natural color, 10c yd. Women’s 75c Corset Cover and Drawer Combi- JJ/ £ 15c Fancy Ctetopncs, 36 in. wide, 10c yd. nations, 50c. 12 1-2 c standard Percales, 36 in. wide, Children’s 75c Chambray Dresses, 39c. * 6c yd. 5c to 10c Embt oideries for 3c yd. £ /5c English Longcloth, 36 in. wide, Bc. Children’s 25c fancy Socks for 12 l-2c pr. j to Women’s 15c lace trimmed Vests, 'ls f > ’9 assorted size welts, 15c. 7 l-2c. H lOe Honeycomb Towels, 18x36 inches,, sc. Women’s 39c pure silk Hose, 25c pair. < E £ , c " no 7’.y P-llowCases, 45x36 m 12 1.2 c. Valenciennes and Cluny Laces, 1c yd. J' * ls ‘’ wh ; lc Tmcn, 36 m. wide, 19c yd. $2.50 American Beauty Roses, for hats, 98c. ■ „ Men s 75c Un,on Suits lor 39c. - Oc Scalloped Center Pieces for 29c. J •S n ■ . ■ 5c Pearl Buttons for 1c dozen. as S en s Madras Pajamas lor 69c pair. 50c elastic seam jean Drawers, 39c. Men’s 50c Chambray Work Shirts, 39c. gg- ~ Bb Women’s $1 Gauze Knit Union Suits, 39c. Women’s 12 1-2 c Wash Belts, pearl buckle, sc. . Women’s Fancy Lawn Dressing 10c fancy Dress Lawns for 5c yd. Sacques, 10c. 10c Steel Match Safes for sc. i M. Rich & Bros. Co. E I . *» ' 13