Newspaper Page Text
An Unusual Offering of Allen s
Pumps and Colonials
At $2.50, $3 and $3.50
Maiiv of the 82.50 <iiies were formerly sold by ns at $3.90, and some at $4.00 even; and in addition, we
offer 117 pairs <>f the Goodyear Welt, black satin SI.OO pumps at $2.50, which were'on sale last Friday
and Saturday.
At sJ.ihi we are showing an unusually large stock of new this season’s pumps. Colonials and Oxfmds.
both button and lace, in black, white* ami lam
\t 53.50, we offer unrestricted choiee of every Pump, Colonial. Oxford, or Slipper in our shoe de
partment which were received prior to 1012.
This dees not mean a great mativ pairs, because we closed out last -Inly and August praeti<allv 90
per cent of our spring ami summer ,
Ax 1911 purchases, but it seems almost nn-
/ - possible to completely sell out all the 1
V sizes and discontinued styles of shoes. J
Vlfex x<!r\ We may not have more than a half dozen ••
pairs of some styles, while in others Hf
\ / /'"\* may have twelve to liftv pairs; but - r®? nW*
I there are all sizes in the group. ( IL iiiiiiirnrr"
’rhe materials included in this sale are
Black. Tan, and hi^'’k s; "'" ; "" 1 velvet, black and brown Black Satin Welt
ti t n .. suede, buck-skin, patent, gun metal. vici r> j
White Button kid, tan Russia calf. white burk-skin T Ump,
Oxford, $3.00 ami w hile canvas, t hough mH so many Value, $2.50
white shoes.
J. P. Allen & Co.
51-53 W hitehall Street
■■■ 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 '
Tin' purthaser of diamonds has the satisfaction of possess
ing in tangible, useful, form, an amount of genuine wealth.
Aside from the favorable al tract ion. commercially. by
those wearing diamonds, they form an investment that
second to lev. indeed. They liaie successfully v fathered
every depression without a single break in price.
The constant increase in value has been remarkable. Ten
years ago you could have bought the nifor half, or less, of
what they cost today. The conditions affecting their value,
such as the cost of mining and I lie decrease in quality and
ipiaiitit.y found, will undoubtedly force the price higher.
i tar partial pay plait enables one Io possess diamonds
without the inconvenience to pay all cash might occasion.
Talk the plan oyer with u< It means money invested that
yy ill pay yon a handsome profit.
, .
Anniversary Sale of Library Tables
• --- —~~yriTTyr?!, 1 £ i■ j -■ 1
L M -
J -lU S
F llaf J
■ if ■ • ■ t 't. u* . cak and ♦■arlj I 'Jigli -i ’1
' ‘' • < . ■ -1 , ■kl •• \\» ; 1.? ”i , ;t i h (.11 the 1- r
iTins if •it sti i <1
Goldsmith-Acton-Witherspoon Co.
I’l M II IKI I llt I I IMI 1 I RXI I I R| 6 1 X. BROAD ?
Moiwy-Making Opportunities
■ tpput tuntt'.>'» now t*>
make iwy than •■'. ■ ■ f.. ■< , n -li- >crx ~r th. xorta
• ■ 1* ■ .>ns . .; \ :tn; ... V'ts I An !
thousar ;> .if nW', a ... ■ . x... , ( , nj „K 'lvlr ' ill
luck "
>o’4- <o - noy*.—
then "Pi" ■ <. ■' \*"i ■ t 0’.’ 1 . 1 . 1> thunk.
Sa here. Ap j . . t e 1 » I*s’ up Sax'tng. ,\r"ount> start. • . . \y ■ ax. t>. n ... -ter..,;..,| I’nll.d
States < ~g > s
tl JI O'•n.'- 4 U»
Georgia Savings Bank & Trust Co.
60th D BLDG.
1 . - - 1
j n t e
Jtt> cotton
Tn'-.tcfld of swelling the profits nf buyers
snd brokers by accepting false grades,
farmers can now commit their cotion to
the bonded warehouses of the Cotton
Crowers Co-Operative Society and gel th"
exact government grades.
And they can determine these grades for
themselves—by comparing their cotton
with the official T’niteil States Or,aders at
each warehouse of the society.
You write lor full particulars about the
society today
Cotton Growers
Co-Operative Society
Third Floor---! h,rd National Rank Building
Anniversary Sale of
Dining Room Furniture
fir ■ -
o wl b .w,
t-' fl
Mor. -MVing H diH t ion- on Hieing Room Eurniltir, in Mahogany,
l-’om-d I mi,. I-...: .» English and '.to ion this, in suits ami o.i.i pieces,
T. rm- if <l, siii d
Goldsmith-Acton-Witherspoon Co.
, .11 ■
Use Georgian Want Ads
Millinery r ~T~] / / Millinery
Cut Price Sale In Our History!
1 hrough our sincerity in the past our patrons have
confidence in us, and a statement of facts like those be
low causes an early visit to our store.
■ ■> - ■ ———
We have now on display in our shop a remarkable col
lection of beautiful summer hats. Ihe display is comprised of
novel pattern hats, our own exclusive designs and importations
of the very latest styles.
We have placed practically all our stock in this sale and
arc offering you fresh, new, up-to-date styles, nothing soiled or
We are selling one lot of hats that range in value from
$12.50 to $28.00 for
Another lot that regularly sell for $7.50 to $ 1 0 00 for
One collection of hats, valued at $5.00 to $8.50, we are
selling for $2.50
342 Edgewood Avenue
Davison-Paxon-Jtokes Co.
Miss geausejour. ths Corset Expert, Js fare this Ideek
Jlnd a post of (gJomen ls)i(l profit by Our
Demonstration of Memo Corsets
The Xemo line is practically new this Spring. There are several splendid new models, and
great improvements in some of the old favorites. For example:
\ new kind of Lastikops Bandiet, which gives even better abdominal support than before.
Xemo Relief Bands now have elastic attachments which double their efficiency. Xew form
of the famous Self-Reducing Straps. The wonderful Auto-Mass* ge device. The new elastic'"
Holtite Straps, especially useful in corsets for slender figures. And other-valuable new inven
tions. Come and see these new models:
NEW NO. 522 A\ ith the famous Lastikops Bandiet, greatly
improved, and the new double Reducing Straps. Skirt
A4/ longer than before : medium bus*. For tall, stout figures,
•f? anr ' a '' women who need perfect abdominal, support J#
j from below $5 00 '
.NEW NO. 523 -Same a« Xo. 522. but v ith low bu«t. . . .$5.00 A
/ NEW NO. tO3 —ith improved Relief Hands, which now !
/C vb? havP en<l<s ot ” bastikops W ebbing, giving more ca-e and I AW
/ support than before. Long skirt, low bust. Also Xe« Xo. '.’ /
I j 405—same with medium busts4.oo '' . /
\ \ j:: .d\ NEMO NO. 353 \uto Massage Se'f Reducing Corset, m.t \*■ L. s a
\ V'/Mcj 5 oniv rp, b lcp< the figure by the usual means, but makes it ' . !
i!j A/fCj permanent!} smaller; very long skirt, low bust. \!s.,, \ O , J .'X
sarne w ’ tk medium bust ; and No 355, same with high si I ' F
bust ' ■ s3 ‘ so
NEMO NO. 306 X model for slender and medium figures; p * e
I fJ? ba? ne " e l ast ’c Holtite Straus (in«ide the c.rser'i and m'-’fC'JnR
f* 522 Double-top hose supporters. \ marvel of comfortable *ff 30v
slenderness. Verv long skirt, low bust. ALo. :>iK.
We need hardlx remind nur customers that Xemo Self Reducing- Corsets are the '•orM’q
' standard tor -tout figures. The later models for SLENDER figure- are just as superior in their
way. A Xemo expert is here to fit you accurately- at tour service.
LEATHER GOODS, without reserve or restriction arc marked DOWN’ !
DOWN, DOWN, or this one big sale. |
Wardrobe Trunks. Traveling Trunks. Steamer Trunks.
$-15.00 \alues $35.00 $22,50 value $1650 $17.50 value ... $12.50
:’>s.<)o 'allies 27.50 11.50 value 10.00 12.50 value 9,50
30.00 values 25.00 HUH) value 7.50 7.50 value 5.00 i,
Hat Trunks. Leather Suit Cases. Leather Traveling Bags.
$35.00 value $27.50 $30.00 value $23.75 $16.50 value $12.50 s
20.00 yalue 15.00 18.50 vahte 13.50 10.00 value 7.00 j,
11.00 value 7.85 10.00 value 6.75 6.75 value 4.50
I The Trunk Store 92 Whitehall St, §