Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1912, EXTRA, Page 15, Image 15
ChamberlinJohnsonDußose Company Atlanta We Would Like to Arouse Your Curiosity About REAL VALUES in Muslin Underwear We could write pages about muslin underwear—how we search the market, the precautions we exercise, the rigid inspection that garments—the materials, the trimmings, the workmanship—are subjected to; about the elimination of one maker’s gowns, another’s combinations, another’s pet ticoats according as they vary from a standard that this store must maintain—about quantity buying that brings prices down until there is no further recourse—and about special purchases that now and again we are fortunate enough to make—and yet when we had written all the de tails of all the facts that make this undermuslin depart ment just what it is, we would not have convinced a woman of the values here, as one look with her own eyes will show her. j So we would like to arouse your curiosity about this stock of muslin underwear. See It, disregard our claims, disregard any claims— judge for yourself, make comparisons. We have done it and we speak now what are our true convictions. But we may be prejudiced. You are not. • Value is your only prejudice. Where do you find it? We are so earnest in our con viction that we will welcome your verdict. And we refer not only to the garments below that for one reason or an other are especially priced, but also to regularly priced gar ments that may be bought at any time. Get your curiosity aroused sufficiently to find out for yourself what values really are. The best way, the only way, is to look everywhere, to compare. . Drawers 25c Drawers 19c from our regular and best slock Bps! because we pay more to have them made boiler—two inches wider across the stride than regular sizes are. Os soft cambric, with tucked flounce. 50c Drawers 39c. The nainsook is soft, circular cut and fitted, with convent scallop. $1.50 Drawers 95c. Their beauty is in the neat and dainty trimming.'' of lace and embroidery, the soft nainsook and the tiny tucks, the flat flounces. Also, see the embroidery and lace-trimmed nainsook drawers at ”•»<•. and the Freliefs crepe drawers trimmed with chmy laces their prices are regular- the values are not. Corset Covers Corset Covers at 50c. 'l’hey set a new mark in (.’ orset (’overs at this price. All new and fresh, of a beautiful quality of nainsook, with lace and embroider} edges, medallions, ribbon run headings. All made with the fly front. Princess Slips $2.00 Princess Slips 95c. A bargain of first importance. They arc the few that Were left from a recent sale, in which the} were sl.lß. Perfect fitting. The flounces are either of strips of tine embroider} or of lace. The material is nainsook. Petticoats $2.50 Petticoats $1.19. Not many of these —their numbers were depleted in a recent sale —now further reduced to $1.19 to close them out quickly. The flounces are rich ami lovely with fine embroideries and laces. ’ Ag 79c are new narrow petticoats that have no under flounce, ami have all the beaut}' usually found in SI.OO petticoats. Gowns SI.OO Gowns 75c, of nainsook, low neck, kimono sleeves, edged with embroid elw beading, ribbon-run ami inset with cluny lace. Combination Suits Combinations, priced regularly at $1.39. $1.50 and $1.09. Those at $1.39 are trimmed with linen laces and insertions; at $1.50. with Valenciennes laces, the legs are narrow; those at $1.09. are -nt kiiicklerhocker fashion and trimmed with linen and Valenciennes laces. Pajamas Women's Pajamas at $1.25. of unusual value. In shades of pink, light blue, tan and lavender —splendid for those who sleep out on porches. At $2.75 and $3.50 art 1 pajamas of soft nainsook with lace-t rimmed collars ami cults. SPECIAL BRASSIERE SALE B. & J. Style 144 Brassieres Usually SI.OO for , 75c. They are of fine cambric with embroidery trim mings. All sizes. 50c Brassieres 33c; in large sizes, 40 t 046 indies New York THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS; FRIDAY. MAY 17. 1912. Paris DOCTORS ADVISED THE HOSPITAL Mrs. Herberger, Who Would Not Consent To Go There, Finally Re lieved at Home. St. T.onis, Mo.—-Mrs. M.i y Hi u of this city, says: "I was sick in bed f<> ten weeks. with womanly troubles, and had four of the best doctors waiting on me. "Every one of them said 1 would hav. to go to the hospital and h.ivr in ope a lion, hut I would not consent to that. -I thought I would give e-i am at;:. When I began to take the first bottle I could not turn over in bod, but had to lie lifted. "Before I finished the first bottle my pains wore leaving me. slowly, ami soon 1 was out of bed and walking around. "M v pains have not come back sine". I weigh 155 pounds, and foci fine. Cmdtii saved me from an operation. 1 am go ing to keep it in the bouse, for 1 would not be without it.” Carduis strengthening effects quickly show themselves in many different ways. This is because the ingredients from w hich it is made go to the source of the trouble, and by acting specifically on the cause, relieve or cute and help bring back health and strength. In the past 50 years more than a mil lion women nave been benefited by far litti. Just try it. N. R. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept . Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions, and <it page book. "Home Treatment for Wom en." sent in plain wrapper, on request. Chamberlin Johnson=Dußose Co. Atlanta One Hundred Skirts at Exactly Half-Price The materials are: Serge Mohair Panama Voile Scotch Mixtures Corduroy The colors are: Navy Cream Grey Black Cream and Black Fancy Mixtures The Styles / . • . . Show the favored marks of trimming and fashioning. Some have the raised waist line, others are plaited, an umber of the voiles are trim med with taffeta and buttons. There are several divided skirts of mixed woolens, splendid for mountain climbing. The skirts themselves are all that you could want—only the prices are cut half in two. The $5.00 Skirts are - - . = $2.50 The SIO.OO Skirts are - - s • $5.00 The 6.50 Skirts are • • - - 5.25 The 11.75 Skirts are ■ ■ = ■ 5.88 The 7.50 Skirts are - - - - 3.75 The 12.50 Skirts are - - ■ ■ 0.25 Twenty-Five Dresses at One-Fourth Their Original Prices The reason is this— Thev are the twenty dresses that we carried over from last sea son—and we will sell them as such—with three-fourths of their price marked off. They are mussed and soiled—some more so than others, but none beyond the reclamation service of the dry cleaners. Included are chiffon and satin evening dresses in light shades; white dresses, elaborate with exquisite laces and embroideries, and foulard dresses in serviceable shades and patterns for street wear. These are the new prices: Dresses, originally $35.00 • are $8.75 Dresses, originally $18.75 are $4.69 Dresses, originally 25.00 are 6.75 Dresses, originally 15.00 are 3.75 Dresses, originally 20.00 are 5.00 Dresses, originally 10.00 are 2.50 CliamberlindolinsoirDußose Co. NO matter what your of style hat, you’ll find _ X-Hwafl, it here. ’ You’ll see more shapes, more Ch' kinds of materials, in fact the larg est hat stock in Atlanta, and better values for the price you are asked / to pay, than you’ll see elsewhere. X w/ Stetson Hats are MHay Lh e one fixed quantity 17 in the hat world, be- V fT cause they have been consistently good for A. . half a century. No better hats can be made L and the prices are always right,, $5, $6. \ A great line of English Golf Caps—im- i /X A'/ ' ported fabrics in London checks and tones— ' W/ feather weight silk golf caps—and any other \ | kind you want, 50c to $2. Nettleton Spring Shoe Styles For thirty-two years Nettleton Shoes have stood for true economy to men of A’ moderate means, and the best that money /•’ could obtain to the men of wealth. We’ll like to show them to you at your convenience, $5, $6, $7. A— Daniel Bros. Co. New York 15 Paris