Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1912, EXTRA, Image 16
THE ATLANTA GEUKGIAN AND NEVVrs: THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Fublfshed by The Georgian Company. 20 East Alabama Street K- Atlanta, Gg. K fcotered at Atlanta Poatoffice as second class matter. Subscriptions Payable in Advance One rear. mail, postage prepaid. SJ _0 Six months mail, postage prepaid. - Three months, mail postage pre pain. 1 One month, mail, postage orepaui. «•> Subscriptions P'Table in T'etivcred by carrier, one year Delivered by carrier, six months ... - £ Delivered by carrier, three months - • ft \ Delivered by carrier, one month <• Delivered bj carrier in Atlanta and other cities, one week aOc. j Help Wanted—Female | . WANTED Bright girls. between sixteen and twenty-two years of age: attrac-i five occupation; with excellent opport utii- : ties for rapid advancement Applicants) k must have common s< hool education and be able to furnish satisfactory references ; bs to character. Apply in person at ) Auburn avenue. Atlantas-1-*.6 [ WANTED- Indies tn learn beaut\ rul- | tnre We teach all branches in few . weeks by our original method '>■<l are . pure of a position at top wages A .so . r splendid field to start your own busy , rest* Call or write Moler College. c 3 v Mitchell Si . MJanta. Gfc. 38-tl-a | WANTED ' White’ woman for house | work: must lx good cook Mobile Mar- : ket. Marieifa. Ga ' | W\NTi : t‘ Lad' stenographer. compe tent ban,il. dictation and office de- ■ tail tn exocutivr office Kepi' gninc ex perience and -.-il.'try Box 812. care '' <- or gian. .. r' 1 ’- 14 ' I I WANTED ' nineumbeted white person; to cool two meals a dax . treated Hite Mir of th» lain:!' comfortable room Iv' I 1734 .1 7St < 'liarloe ave 5 -14 -1 9 j i Sv A N TID '<' <■’, ■| ■. Vr’ for g-n<val i.miw- i work in small farnilx good wages and ffjnm on lot if desired V Pl’l‘ I** I tern'l street WANTED ' <i and nurse; gooff sal ary to right party. 11 St Daul avenue j WwillD Rrjpectahle to care for cripple and do light housework for three weeks 'ddre.-s Mrs .1. .1 Daniel. Ma rle 11 a. <la 40-18-5 ilousekeaper tor small fam ih M roce for particulars apply .Jas G I'.atn. Andersonville, tta 44 I ■ . WANTED ifeiudxe woman P" erjeral homicwork Good nape- Main I2S« .1 I 241 Cherokee avenue ..-Ift-;:..; WANTED A high-class cook ami I a combination maid laundress . | good wages paid, small family . room for each in yard; now build j inc references required. Appl} ( at 677 West Peachtree. ■> 15 11 i V ANTED Several colored girls as < ham - j hormalds. nurse® «n<l housekeepers. Oil at onre Feders Kirwin.' nwnt Agency. 253-254 r’and’er Annex. 104 N Pryor st 48 t Fl RXITI'I.’I' for Dining Room. I Living Room; Rugs and Drap : erics of all kinds Yon can save money at Goldsmith Acton With erspoon Co.. 62 Peachtree. Life Time Furniture, 61 X. Broad. 5 10 fl tVA\I!'P S -pHrLf colored WOttian tO I rook and do general n«»rk: small fam- , jh reference* 115 Peachtree street 27-16 5 WANTED Young~Tady f.'.j work willing i»» U 'rk f<»i it Hi Ko piy Frida v afternoon 7O' w . Peachtree st 4 • - P’> WANTED X good ...ok room on lot rrferonne. required Xppb 1?'»1 DeLeon avenue 1 Hi- • WANTI'.D Woman io ••‘•ok and <l«» Imu ■ - | work, room on the lot \ppl.' ill Mr Lendou sired. l*.]u AWANfFD ’ A hoilscmadd ’<i•;.!• Edgewood avniiir. h> I ', t W ANTh ! * ' Ilrl in work H i- nix d'-nerl ' nieut, bakcrv and ramp t.n ini \ At< ; plv F 0 Elliott street Frank E i:b.- k . I A- PM 5 j W\NT ED An experleneed cook with ref ! Appl\ 1 ’'’mhea’p 5-H - . :’0 WaS’TED X neat colored girl to d«» room ■ work an»l help with dt nssniak;ng \p p>ly at nnep 83 E Ellis ».t Ik-21 J WXX'TED Canvassers new. cnsv pmp nsiflon; salary and commission ,n3’, i Auburn ave Si WANTED Colored laundry hand Irnner ‘ 101 F i’enturv Bldg 5-16-43! RAT.ESI.ADA' for candy store, two wait reuses Southern Business Agetno 2-»5 Candler Annex 5-16-37 | V\ fNTED s gnM wnniart to do co iking and general nouse work for small ftim- | Uy 114 W Harris st 6 16 46 Wanted- -Male Mt hotel. "Tiean of . tty. j 104 Walton st.. If you want h clean, quiet room, transient. sOc; open all night WA KT five amhlttouß young men to I become real estate salesmen; are now selling lot® on easy monthly nay plan and vs 111 give vou oon’ra-? which will enable vou to make $26 to S3O per week, and at the same time afford you bp ex< client < hance to learn the real estate business Apply Charlton Bat ret t 604 N Broad et 4 6-is tfs: Y'rofessnr G <> Brannlng will teach you the barber trade ot s casyi We teach In one half time of other colleges Course, tools and position In our shops only S3O. XATty par more? Thousands of our graduates running shops <»r making good wages Atlanta Barber College. l 0 East Mitchel) street 5 11 17 Y'>l ARE WANTED for government po I sit ion. S6O month, sand postal for list 1 of positions < pen Franklin Institute. | , Dept 49 P . Rochester. N Y Rl? 7-5 I THREE cement flm-het s wanted Apply Southern railway freight depot at once 5-9-2 to learn barber tra«le; good barber makes g..M money and makes 1t easy The M<der System n II make ymi a good barber in a tex* nrek*-; ■ Some money earnM while learning fail er write Molcr Harber College <C. We> Michell st 37 , i i W“aNT’FT' -'pr'.vn; who ’•.vd<3 .Tan4i, nower markin' ai.i ia: ; k< to! ..tint vrl picture show mu>< iotn at on,'« Wire lowest ’ar? 1. \ Ma, y, lb .. belle. -13-16 1 AX3 ED Machine hand to run sash : and door tenoner V\ n aj‘d Lumhei ' | <7O - 5-1 4 -14 j W.ANTED Exnerien<<d cabinet men an<’l boys to work 01 va-; board Southern! Vpbolsterlng ’ *<> q ’WWNTED Roy's lwix\7yn h ~u<f : of ag< to wait <>n tabM Xunnalh Edgeu <»»»d and I ’eit ■ nt •. t xtrpi t 3.11 ‘1 I I wTXTT;”~AUn rn pm w toms' h7Vc m rockers Xpplv 72 W . .bfri| : | r , man Pa rk. 5'14 33 WANTED tan operate strain )■?» ■-. P! Apply i •’ Rf’bmson, Stat<vb..' . t . B \v A~xTe7" I'.irm hand >• -.xagr \j '’> dress W. A W.Hitj . stone M./.m : k tain. Ga. f WA NT "rd - "Y <•1 nI g 7ia7r~f . «dM and milk; room. b<«aid and g*>M xx.»r. to right party . on «'ar lin» • 1x x 5 '•?' ’ - ’ ! ~ WANTED An . ,r ■ u hhd some experiem ■ . trav< 1 in attio an-i h nun), state fully Mg'- • Address P. <» Box 2• ‘ Mg. .u . ( All <oidiei - ■ lanta who served in Spanish w ,• (li Philippines to write me at once . thing you should know Address (’ :■ rade. Riverdale. <;a x if, 5 W \\tED Young ii,hp >f gn«>d charactt r who « an invest S3OO and take, charge of office. S3O-S4O a w<’ck guaranteed h- the right pariv <’ah FMe*•- Emt*!<o nenr \gen-w 1'32- .'M I'andler Annex. Ot x Pryor sinri 5 J-. 46 M'.WSBF'YS ;is < ;iri'.isx'i’.s '■.III 111,4 k<■ >:; .'4 <la ' <;i 11 ;i! 21 I ■ IHth:. ■ i<b-l .-if 16-1)5 Help Wanted—Male. WE BTY all kindn of salable second-hand school hooks for « ash Sou Bonk <sm rf>rrL 71 Whitehall (next to 11 igh s>. 515 25 TE.\ good solicitors to work in ij city on newspaper work. A Hsplendid opportunity to enrn big' J money by our unique plan. Call; lat ttfiice of Georgian and ask for; J Mr. Grant, between 8 and 9 a. in.! '(and 5 and 6 p. ni. 5-15-4 | I W VNTI D I'l m ’■/'<. tiiMY AbltYodled i j unmarried men between ages of 18 and 1 I 35. < Hiz» ns of I’nited Stylos, of good char- i I arte* arid temperate habits, who can j | tpeak. toad and write the English Jan guage For information apply to Rp'Tiilt- ' ing < 'ft • '■» J3' : . Whitehall strre;. Atlanta ••r 111 t'herrx street. Macon. <Ja 4-2 1 i ’ '.V'.X’I'ED Good live and responsible. Healer for INDIANA motor trucks j ' \d«ir< Harvoori- Barley Manufacturing j i’’ompanx. Indiana avenue. Marion. Ind. -11-42 | V. A <’l I.D Experienced machinists at ! < it p Am n ioan Machine and Manufar- 1 tiirjng <’on; p.iii'. Greenville. S. <’. -V-J 4-27 I I WANTED Young man to act a sales man and learn Hie real estate business.) : quick promotion S<-o Mr. Riplex . 1107 Empire Lh» Bldg Peachtree ami Broad . ; ! WANTED Local :nd district agents for j the best hi'iuttrial cn- unity contracts on: j ihe market; tine renewal contracts t<» | producers. General Agent, .419 Fetors! j Bidg ’ i WANTED A good job press feeder Dil- j tier Bros. 216-218 E. Hunter si 5 16-23 | TED ■ i et mx\ ea ' prop ositinn: salary and commission j ' Auburn axe J' I wVx’TED Polorod hnllmnn who-« wife; is pastry cook, first-class colored chef cook and second 1018 t’entury Bldg 5-16-12 ■ I ATrf'Tii'.onl-lD cIuTT a' I . :.|sre,l sc. und I cool;. Southern Business Agencv. 265 Candler Annex 5-16-36) | 1 Help Wanted—Male and Female. WSNTED HustHnc book ranva«f<rr on ,nii<'k sellers I'.htirel.y new Good profits. Bell 1054 West 35-13 5 Public Stenographer. MIS : G COHEN IVT 4718. 1002 CANDLER BCILDING 4-15 34 Attorney at Law. GEORGE E. GOBER. | 710 Third National Bank Ride Ivv 2447 2 7 11 Salesmen Wanted. I W ANTED Capable salesman to sell on ihe easy monthly payment plan, finish | rd Jots in our North De-atm residence subdivision Appb Charlton Barrett, ntan i-'.' : 60 's "t t ■ i; ' iji < i ■i' <« 1 4-6-17 i i i: i■ I i o rella represent the sale <>f high grade office nnd electii<al so- -iaitelectrical knowledge not requited, liberal salary or: commission on contract, exclusive terrl- i tor; Electrical Goods Mfg. Co, Wash Ingtnn, D <’ 4-10 45 Agents Wanted. 1 ?25 'f'G ssn per weei easily made tolling residence loin on the easy monthly pay ment plan in our Decatur Heights sub «li\ ision, t xperi uce tinipH eF.sary; im provements <lov> n and artistic homes now •; built \ppi\ Charlton Barrett. | I Manager. 604 N- ®£2®d ■’ '■ . AGI.X TS WAiX'TED In every town In Georgia, to sell automobile tire rernov- ; In. dor. the work hi om- minute what will take D\<> hours to do without thia <c. For sale by A. G Inman, Midville, I < . 2 23 32 | 18l IXI hJ i x I H-.X I 'tart a mail order ; I business in yoqr own homo We , lol; \nn how, and t irin-h eveiylhing’ i mudc'l whoh -ale \n honorable aim irolifahlc bnsme 1 tor a man or woman , I‘articular' free. Manx make $.‘:.000 a J year Murphy \lfg (•. Snuih Norwalk.) • ■■) ill I 5-H- 5 I TITANIC. I ' 'i i\j PLET l< B(h »l< now ready sos ship j ; ineni We I audio throe books, ott thoi moan's Rieatost •’ tsH. r om- entitled i Stor\ of the Wreck of •!;«■ Titanic.", : -dited l»\ Marshall l<'e l < i!. i-qajj price! I (cloth), half tnoroc co $1 So. aitoih • or entitled "Tin* Sinking of the Ti- ; tanie" and “Great Sou Disasters.'' edit-| led by Logan Marshall, retail price itioth* $1.1)0, half inorm < o $1.75. the ' other entitled .Memo-la) Edition. Slnk i Ing of the Thanii'," edited l»\ .lax ilen | rv Mowbray, retail price (« lotlp 51.00. We .Blow out agents 50 per cent com mission on each of these hnok - . so the agents’ prices are one-half of the re tail prices. \\ c pax • xpress charges op ash ord- rr amounting to sls worth or | more at agent- pri< e*-. t't.-dit given if desired Send us your orders Hate v hat author you want hook written by and ve win chip prompi'v. \geqfs wanted in every communit x f unfit -ent free on receipt of l’t • <-nls for postage. X single cops of book hy author "f ymr choice mailed to any ad- I dress on receipt of retail price. Each) of the a box r books contains 350 pages. I over 600 Illustrations. < xcept memorial edition by ,I.i\ il'nrx Mowbrax. which contain® "87 pages Phillips Boyd Publishing t'ompanv. Department No. 15. Atlanta. Ga 5-9 4 7 Teachers Wanted. i ATTI’, A«*Tl V E position-) for state and In ■ terstate teachers Write for registra- ’lon blanks to Teachp' Agencx Com- i l any, 1012 Empire Building. Atlanta. Ga i 3 9-103 ’THIS san estahll heo agency. Oursevantb ; 'eas«»n. Have filled all c!as-es openings’ ; !n uni \ crsi t ;»y . colleges public and private j sahools Write f'»i literature Foster’s 1 Teachers \gency. Third National Bank Rldg . Atlanta, (la 4 K 39 j ti:‘\ch'i:rs~\<’ Xh'T?D'foi r aTciass nosi? : t!oi>' b’ree i egist th t i««n June I Wriie Hodav for circulars Register Teachers' • • ’> 6 21 HOOT, TEA( j lions and a tus w pru <>f the last se\bn i I state school examinations in print Willi I mail them all tor Descriptive circular I (free B S Holder, Box to. Elliiav, Ga ' 4 Situations Wanted -Female. W \NTED To make daintx embroidered} ’ oid made lingerie for brides; work and j gm ram. . <l. suits complete $lO iq> | B;x s ± 4 't yl' iHi X<’i '• nurse woui<r like pri I vale m institutional work, go<xl tet-r-i .• ” • o>'!‘- •"m tn lepvfng c’tx IT,me ’" > 1’ East Thirl.' eighth st. • >-S-3 r > I A \\ I i I • >11• •. nit'i’ work by young lad\ j " gtmimiies m .bine I’repatc.l f.e ; general t« .o ’’mu ,<nd also piano and voice 1 \Jdrc7- Ro\ : Et ilaines. Ga 42 10-;. I VXTED To o-w at private home. S| 25' .< ■! \ also • aki- sdk dresses Dress-' ’ 'cn’l.d j !.o 4 _ I•; 3] ; )’’• Ai. L \D\ , seventeen, wants a pcisilion 1 as ’SJHS! ran. give reference Phone . i x I - dressmaker <coTort‘d> warn- ><wmg <> do at home er out by' - re,:-, naLle and satisfaetorv-' o fcrer. . p x Riv Ta. 78 Bis-’ ! ,11:.* ‘J.‘ > ■ >ti. Atlanta, Ga 31-14- 5 < A \' ii ' x ‘ : I'l enographtir wants po- j ';a?> experience a-■ a graplmphone , , •’ o .dies- X lx . Box 'ILS. « are ; ;|' T":,'.“T.3,‘T ./'i : Mi ■ 1 >, i r • • ' « ; uu r j ........ cal *>o- lb - u REAL) FOR PROFIT -GLUKGIAN WAN I AU3-USE FOR RESULTS Situations Wanted—Female. I ‘ COM rETE.NT young lady stenographer desh'.s extra, work to do in the atier- • i noons from 3 to 6 o'clock and on Satur day mornings. Address M P \\ . 121 jt’apitol square 5-15-23 ! FEI »ERS~EM PLOY.MEX'I '.M : ENCY?2S3-4 • Candler Annex. 104 N Pryor sfrcct; phono Iv\ 1789. Atlanta !‘ls; supplies free of charge hotels, restaurants, boarding. | apartments and private houses with all ! kinds of first-class help 5-15-50 | I WAN T a position a a nurse or cook tn leave the c?(\. Answer to the. rear of 182 Auburn avenue. Bertha (‘ornmings. 10-14-5 i NICE <’*>L<>REi/ GIRL wants position as maid or nurse J 5 Miple street. Ida 36-16-5 'reFLXIID lad> wants position as col lector; have had seveia! years' experi ence can give j 5" <l reference. Ad<iress *'j l'-- ' ;,rc ( h orgian. 41-16-5 SETTLED Christian woman desires po j sition in small family to assist in work i or a home with elderly couple; don t nb jpet tv the countrv. Address IL. care |Y W < A_.J_’h; . _ 4 L _l Jh sf STENOGRAPHERS WE WILL SITPLY YO( REMINGTON TYPEWRITER < O. 56 N. BROAD ST 5-If, IT | WANTED Si. r ogra phh- position by mar ried lain will.' '' ’.oral .'cars experience; lean assume management of office in j rmplovcr's al. »> go.kJ reference given. Ivy 3275-J Me. H 5-16-14 Situations Wanted—Male, i Rates I'nder This Classification: 24 j words. 1 time 10c; 3 time- 20c; 7 times 40c ’ STEM >- B<)()|< J< EE PER. reliable, sober, position with some reliable firm; ; nothing le-s than 575 per month, can i furp.l I: good references Address (J, S A . I < ar<« Georgian. 5-15-40 *'• »L<dlr.D ciiautTeur wants position with | a private Ltmily; can drive any car i Xddress A. \\ Bonds, 238 Butler St. 36 '' ■ W \NTED Steady position by sober, non union compositor, proofreader, reporter. BjO’:J3L Smrk£. Ida 52-9-5 \\ A.XTED Position as bookkeeper; am exjierjenced in double entry bookkpep- I ing X'ow omploxfTl. hut desire to change; i can use typewriter Address W G Riif lock, I'nion <*'t\. Ga 38-10-5 l WANTED Position by young man as I bookkeeper or stenographer Will work ! all day <>r part of day. (’an furnish good I references. Moderate -alary R. M . care I f 50-10-5 p'('»L’»RET‘ chauffeur wants position in private family. Address Box 896. rare ; Georgian. 53-11-5 WAXTED Situation by young man who I has had 'wo years experience In the i growerv business; host of references. R L L.JG WGHarns -u _ 26 3 ' i: i ll •, i 1 ; ROA thirteen wants a n- •- Phon< H 3287-»J '< 1 14 5 Bl iiii. \i ' '■. • <ii i < ummended, de sires position with busy clothing or custom tailoring establishment; 20 years’ experience with I;>rg' New York estab lishment Address Lc.. F Ra x field, 90 •’apitol five 26-15-5 P(>SlTl<».\' WANTED b> expert book keeper; fast and accurate: can furnish best references and bond Address Box 555, t -are Georgian 43-15-5 : WAXTED Position b’ f o|ored man as chauffeur; can give the best of refer ences \ddt<;s John Smith. 305 Peters street. 47-15-5 l-'EI >1 :RS EMPI.r>YME\T A GEM WT'253 4 I'andlcr Annex, supplies free of <‘harg»‘ hoieh;. cases, restaurants with first class white and colored help of aH kinds. I’liu’hs. Jv\ |_7B9; Atlanta 915 5-15-51 WANTED- B\ yourg man of four years ♦xf c-riem e in grocery and meat busi ness. position with wholesale house or I packing enmpanv; best references Ad- - . I, i \ i 1 ,.,. (■ • 3g u; 5 v\ \xr 1j > F’o iti< n b\ ' oung man as • bookkeeper or slenog’iapher. have had 1 four years office < xpericmc; can furnish | good references; employed at present 'A'. . ill G care Georgian 45-16-5 iWANTEI’ Po Mini) as gardener around private nlm.. understand cultivation of i tlowers \ Y_, Box 920. care Georgian 63-16-5 1 WANT ic.d estate office work; will start on 'ir all ><!ar.y to learn the work: best '<•(' references ('all J. B. at Main 9131 55-16-5 Situations Wanted—Male and Female. iT‘ » GET good competent reliable serv ant <. such as conks. maids, butlers. ! nut■ office girls or chauffeurs, please i ipply t<> Rethel Lahm Exchange. I’hone |yy 3H7 M. L Howard. Mgr 5-16-27 Boarders Wanted. BEACHTREE IXX. RATES. $7 to sl2 pei week. Reference* excl 1 ged 2 28 5 OFF. C.yi’ITAL CITY CLI B. G( »< >D board. I\y 5348-L. 20 West liar rh 1 U-50 1 \NSIENT and table boarders wanted; u'cc rooms, excellent meals; close in 't " e 5-7-29 \ til. EXCHANGE room and hoard close in on t’aphol avenue for nintorcvcle or ladies' «liain<•» 'I ring Small cash pay - ment Box care Georgian. I 27-16 r.\ \ a< coinmeeia I o a few boarders. 255) Court land: excellent meals; close In. i Iv.y .>303 5-8-17 ! SIX young ladies can got excellent board; p.riy ito home Mam 5233 L 227 t’en .. X ' G Board and Rooms. 113-115 S. I’ry,.i . REAL »|o o jp; reasonable Atlanta X .. 1 Select Boarding. \X IDEAL PL\t'E, new management 1;:2 South Pryor st 5-8-59 ,•’ \ X accommodate a few more hoard ers. excellent meals HI Washington. I 5-9-16 1- —■ ■- ■ Select Boarding. HF.BT • <»mmoita t ions. 32 Garnett st _ _ 105 T'V<> nice connecting roonys first clh«:r board, private ne 256 Capitnl Ave \tianta phone 1465 5-10-32 ! <"AX accommodate a few boarders Ex ■. 1 i :I ••■ . • 5-11-18 r<m)M \ND BOARD rat< reasonable I 249 if' ”' 'i Ma in 3286 * 5-11 45 I i PRIV ATE H<*ME. north side, will let i two rooms wit!' board to adult- . refer- 1 I oners exchanged Phone Ivy 2080-L 5 1 i_l (I XDER new management, 83 Brotherton street, room and hoard $1 per week; 'furnished rtuims slsn cheap .»-11-3 \\ vx’TED Boarders sot three upstars ■ nicely furnished room.'- one down- •qalvs room with connerting bath, ••lose ; u’. be 1 north snlr neighborhood, all con : vemence ■' ' 5278 5-11 15 ■ DELI’ ;H T! T L home for summer, all enn l vci’icncc’ ’‘hope 1\ y 663 1 Mrs <’’ S Mcßae 5 14-42 X l‘»’l'. young I ».|y tn room y»Jtb another I h. a!-o . • mlemen boarders. 18 (’apt -37 I • 5 |A'Ol <’AN get good board hnd lodging $5 ;i v »'ek 'able board $3 50 a week 227 ' , Whim ct <trf-ct 5-15-33 ' : i w BAKER 1 • • <nd boatd for couple or tw gentlemen. Ivy 1788 5-i6-r F\lTt'»L WF has board for work- _mg gmls. M 2IBX-L WANTED Gen’lciin p or couple to board in private famdv. front room. 75 W. Baker str.s P. one Ivy 5258-.1 5-16-H FI'RXISHED ROOMS with or without I board; hm and cold water. Atlanta Inhone 220’1 psj (.>u’i la ltd st 4 7-16-5 1 WEST PEACHTRL7E Nice rooms with cxc<Jh-nt table. cL -e in; reasonable 1 X’b’E R’X’M ar. i nn als If desired in pi'i y;i e t in dx. one block from Georgian t ’('< ’ 1 .<c« Ix x 2 -»13 •» -1 6- 29 1 ~~ ■ 1 : - —tt : - : rz Board Wanted. Y'M X'G ('< »> PI i . ■ • >q-p board »r pn ni J\ !• Drca’tH Ga must be ■’ ••'i.ux Ad<irc.._ -”■» '>c, c4-X6-5 Summer Resorts. -'PUEASANT VIEW Qinw. country j-Ihcc open rhe year round; consumptive» rood,■ f appl' l or rates, address Mrs I Robert MrClurc, Clarkesville, Ga R. !■ I D 2 •• 8-5 I — — Hotels. I HOTEL HENDERSON; new manage t ment.; newly filled; clean; rooms 50c up; heart of city 41 J 2 Peachtree. 2-20-6? r - - '.r 11 ,.;. ...x t Furnished Rooms For Rent. NEWLY furnished rooms; reasonable ( prices; centrally located; baths free Broadway Hotel, 7% N. Broad st. 3-21-73 ROOMS furnished complete for house keeping; also meals. Main 5333-L 227 ("ontral avenue. 5-8-12 TWo connecting first-floor rooms: fur nished for housekeeping; all rnnxe morn4s W. Raker street. 5-8-14 NICELY furnished rooms close in Ivy ‘ Williams street. 5-8-16 ONE furnished room adjoining bath Phone fyj 2591-j. Nb'ELY furnished rooms and excellent , board, close in. Main 2768. 295 Wash ington 5-9-18 LARGE, beautifully furnished front room with private porch, electric lights; con 'enient to bath: plenty hot water; gen tlemon oplv Call Ivy 3486-L. 62 -9 5 K»R RENT One nr two nicely furnished roomsl ls Washingt •»n st reel 5-9- 59 Nh'ELY furnished rooms; also light housekeeping rooms. 143 Spring st. -9-76 ONE large, beautifully furnished front room. 2 blocks of Capital City Club. Ivy 21 88-J '5-10-21 oppcisltf thlTcahtol - NTt’ELY furnished rooms. P2l ('apitol .■■rim-o ,M. 4838-L. 5 1.0-T7 NICE NEW ROOMS. Block of Candler Building. 102 Ivy St. -11-2 L’ >R RENT Two newly furnished front rooms for two or three gentlemen. 321 (’ourtjand street 5-13-12 TW<> nicely furnished front rooms com plete for housekeeping to parties with out children, sl6; hot hath. Roll phone, best location; good bargain 290 Wash ington st.s-13-18 I’W < > or three connect Ing nicely furnished rooms; in nice locality; cars every ten m.n'He< 191 East Pine st. . 30-14-5 1 NDER new management, S 3 Brotherton st reel; room and board $1 per week; furnished rooms also cheap. 5-14-2 LIGHT, airytfurnished room in north side private home; convenient to bath; hot water; beautiful locality; excellent meals « *d v v *>3sß- J 5-14-17 SI 1T1.., two moms, private hath, com - pletelx- furnished tn couple, near Geor gian Terrace; meals near, ’’all 2617 Ivy or 90 East North avenue. 5-14-5 THREE furnished rooms for housekeep ing with owner: sink and bath on the ’nr floor 178 Forrest avenue. 5-14-26 FOR RENT Furnished three-room fiat, w ith bath < ’aII 24 East Raker street. TWO rooms with kitchenette, completely furnished for light housekeeping, fur nace. elec*rich x . telephone ami gas. 88 F^L 1 ' 5-14-40 SINGLE and double bedrooms: also llgiit housekeeping rooms; opposite Lyric theato’- 37 Carnogie -15-9 TWo ROOMS, small kitchen, furnished for light housekeeping. 357 Capitol ave NICELY furnished front rodm for rent; all conveniences; close in. 61 East Cain si reel. A pari ment 2. 5-15-20 NICLTA furnished room to let Private family, north suje. Main 4170-.1. 39-1.5-5 NH’ELS furnished front room; close in. 68 Currier sired Iyy 4607-. T, 5-15-24 \l< l< BOOMS. WITH OR WITH • OIT BOARD. ALL COX i \ b:\IE.\CES. AND iX WALK IXG DISTANCE TO CENTEK OF CITY. MAIN 2120-L. 333 WHITEHALL ST. . 5-14-44 TWO or three nicely furnish* *i front rooms. complete for housekeeping, davenport in dining room: sink in kitch en. hot bath; Bell phone; best location; can bp had at once 290 Washington. 5-15-36 ONE large front room; five minutes walk of Candler Bldg 71 Fl. Alexander. -15-37 NICELY furnished room for rent; close in: south side. Apply at 101 Windsor st recL 37-16- 5 FOR RENT Two connecting furnished looms for light housekeeping: everything furnished; all conveniences: price $lO. 236 s Forsyth streci. near w ii.o iiaii 5-16-24 w ILL RENT two beautiful rooms in my home to refined gentlemen; every con venience: delightful summer home; shade, ami fruit: tbrc3 car lines near; reason able Phone Ivy 1762-L. 5-16-28 (’LEAN, com fort a bln room for gentle men. private family ; walking <listance. :’*B Forrest ave. 5-16-30 SMALL. tieiKil' furnished bedroom; pri vate family: $5 per month. Call even ings 85 E Fair street. 5-16-39 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. Tn<» large and one small rooms; ever.N /modern convenience. 560 South Prvor sheep 5-8-60 I J LARGE first floor connecting rooms h»r rent. 2’ all J v > 5 H -37 'THREE nice rooms for rent: convenient |y locnier] '.'all 311 Lawton st. 5-14-9 \ <’< >1 PLE w ishes io rent to another couple two rooms for light housekeep ing. partly furrdshed if desired; refcr enres exchanged ’’all M. 2381-1. 5-14 11 TWO oi ' ree nice, cool upstairs rooms fine neighborhood; all conveniences. < ’opehh ill. Phone Ivx 6373-L 33-14-5 F(»R RENT A new six-room bouse for tent. 810 per month. Phone Main 4245-. L -J FOR RENT Three large connecting rooms; unfurnished; sink in kitchen; on car bne; rent Call 95 N. I,aw n street. 5-15-26 <’< )N NECTING rooms for housekeeping: all conveniences; close in; excellent neighborhood Ivx 6313. 95 h"orrest Axe -11-7 ENTIRE second floor; four rooms; phone and bath. 435 N Jackson. 5-16 8 FOR RENT On north side in splendid neighborhood, two or three upstairs l connecting rooms; splendidly suited to : light housekeeping: hot and cold water; | phone service and lights furnished; very | ’_jdl ; <t 1 Angier ave. 3^1 6-P* 1 iTW o- large connecting rooms for light housekeeping, all conveniences; sepa. rate entrance Phone Main 5162-J. 43 Garden s t.. n rar ('.co rgia avc,s-16-26 FOB RENT Tiue e nice connecting rooms. $8 per month with water; on one of the best streets in Kirkwood. Call Atlanta phone 261. 5-16-45 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. ROOMS I-'ut riished or unfurnished; sin gle nr light h. usekreping, reasonable; very quiet 274 Whitehall- 25• 1 4-5 IFOR RENT Furnished er unfurnished, uiie room Rhone ix\ 2819 15-;‘.4 i ON~E. two <>r three large rooms, gotxi as new. with everx modern convenience. ' three blo< ks of center of city; best street. ' PI-,-in- M. 2879. _ s< ’-Pli l CHOICE front rooms or an apartment. Modern conveniences, walking distance. Private residence; reasonable. 66 High ‘ land ave. Phone Ivy 4809-J. 5-16-38 Furnished Apartments For Rent. IFOR RENT Beautiful apartment con- I sisting of bedroom, dining room, kitchen, I bath, back and front porches; north side. ( | Phone Ivy 3478. 5-15*22 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent isL' I IRS I’ FLOOR, three rooms: new If i pa trM and painted: sl2. three rooms land kit-henettr housekeeping convert rr,. p-5 $lO n erly furnished first fionr I rr»'»m ”>• B dressing room attached water, phone 4»f’l pat lc* e for eithe’ nf ab>>xr and board tn if • all ins Li.wJei .’irri. between Hunmcipt > and Fine, for further information. Unfurnished Apartments For Rent AN apartment. 6 rooms and nice bath, corner Eighth and Juniper streets, 3d floor, nwax from noise, heat and dust: can be rented for SSO a month until Septem bet then must he made for $65 t ii- m 111 Phone lj' 1269. o-9-l I • »*l REN T The new apartment house at s.; Hurt str mt. known as the Bosco bel rotuMing of three and four rooms - with every known modern ennven o’r c mu-I Tilting for $32.50 tn $35. is row ready for ocvupan< x. Apply on prem- <’i FitzhtiKh Knox, 1613 Candler building. 5-9-57 3.3 <’KE\V, five-room apartment. first floor, block from capitol; garden; ref eirnres Ixx EGO-.1. 5-14-22 F< >R RENT I’nfurnished sots-room apartment in Corinthian until Sept. 1, with privilege of renewing. Call Main 4116. 5-15-5 SA \ E MONEY on Baby Carriages and Go-Carts. Goldsmith-Ae ton-Witherspoon Co.. 62 Peach tree. Life-Time Furniture. 61 N. Broad. ' 5-10-41 | A FOR RENT THE BEST LOCATED, best lighted, most spacious six-room apartment, with ser vant’s room, in the city; occupies half of entire second floor. 43 reachtree place, corner of West Peachtre* 5-15-3 Furnished Houses For Rent. FOR RENT—Nice five-room cottage with in 5 minutes walk nf East Lake on car lino. Ivy 5474 5-9-10 F« >R RENT -For a year or less, a beau tiful and convenient home eno door from Peachtree, eight moms. furnace, large veranda, garden, artistic and beau tiful Apply .3 East ICighth st., or phnne Ivy 4258-_W_ 2B-14-5 Eor Rent—Furnished House in New York. 23 Lefferts Placf. Brooklyn. 3 story, basement, brown stone, 12-room bouse in Hill sect inn one block from L and Trolley. 20 minutes fmm city hall. N. Y. Well furnished, hardwood floors, running water in bed rooms. Large, coni living rooms. Rent reasonable for summer months. Reference required. Address E S. Croft, 525 Grant Bldg 5-8-4 WILL RENT furnished, from June 1 to Septrinbri 1. downstairs, consisting of reception ball, bed room, dining room and kitchen. 108 Courtland st . back of Peach- : tree Inn. ’'heap. Phone Ivy 5469 5-16-7 Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FOR RENT. HOUSES -ciil,,wrH» or phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O Co hran, 19 South Rroad-et. 4-1-11 THE HOUSE yon build, buy or rent will not be a medern home unless it is wired for electricity. 4-18-18 FOR RENT Seven-room cottage; 217 E. Fair strcei; near Capitol avenue. Bell phone Ivy 6419-J. 5-14-43 HOUSES. 7 Mills slreet, corner West Peachtree $35.00 48 Rogers street. 5 rooms. . 15.60 Hill’s Park. 5 rooms 11.00 ; 238 Ira street. 4 rooms... 7.60 770 I 2 Marietta st.. 3 rooms 5.00 STORES. 532 Decatur street $15.00 FITZHUGH KNOX, 1613 ('andler Rldg. 5-14-1 FOR RENT Five-room new bungalow: .lust completed: living room 15x20; two ; bedrooms, plenty largo closets: veranda ■ 12x36: all conveniences; beauty; No. 39 Rankin street, onp block east of North Boulevard ’’all Ivy 3590 J after 7 o'clock p. in. Price $27.50. 5-15-1 R FOR RENT Nice summer home in West End: ten rooms; suitable for iw<. cou ples: rent reasonable. Atlanta 4300 THREE-RO( >M cottage; every conven i» iuc 77 Crew st. Main 3545 5-11-1 F’>R REN T 391 Woodwart l avenue; cot tage; three rooms; bath. Furse, 22 East Alexander street. 41-15-5 F?>R RENT Six-room house; modern im provements; new barn and stable. 74 W. Harris street. J. 11. George. 26-16-5 Business Property For Rent. FOR RENT Business space, 98!« White hall stree’: fine location for pool par lor Price onlx- SBS month. Will have two years and four months lease. Ad dress Box 92, care Georgian. 5-3 19 Desk Space For Rent. NICE, largo, desk space for rent with use of both phones. 1301 Empire Bldg. 5-1-21 For Rent —Stores. FOR RENT One store on Peachtree streel; best location in city. 18-foot front Rent $275 per month. Address E. D care Georgian 5-J6-40 Lost and Found. FOUND W M. Cox cleans all kinds of carpets; rugs a specialty. Ivy 3135-J. Atlanta phone 1818 145 Auburn-ave -5-18 LOST Thursday evening, the 9th in stant. a silver card case, marked on one side with initials ”M. V. A.,” in mono gram. and on the other numerals ” 07" in large characters Liberal reward for return to owner, 1110 ’Third National Bank Bldg 5- i t -18 LOST Sunday morning, between Third 1 street and Piedmont hotel on Peach -1 tree car or between Piedmont hotel and : (’able hall, cameo and pearl pendant. Phon” Ivy 3708-.1. Reward, 5-14-12 ' L(. ‘ST Gold breastpin Saturday evening; amethyst setting; up-town. Pine street car or Ivx street. Reward. Call Ivx 5469 ; 5-14-24 ; $5.00 REWARD for return or information red Irish setter (female), white spot on chest. Lost in West End on May 11. Phone Main Ido or write Thomas 11. Pitts. . 98 Oak 5t.50:1-2 LjOST White female bulldog, answers to name of ’’Beaut.'' L G <»n collar Return (o 297 Grant st. and gel reward. 5-15-39 ' LOST Lady’s watch with dragon pin: small diamond, between 450 Central ave nue and Echols’ store, either on Georgia avenue. Glenn or Pulliam streets: fair re- • ward. Call Mam 8419-J 41-16-5 LOST Tuesday morning, oblong mosaic bro<’ch about the size of a quarter; fig- ■ ure of a bird on top. (’all Main 3621 -J. Reward. 5-16-14 ; LOST—One gold cuff button; liberal re ■, ward given if returned to the matron : I at 'Terminal station 5-16-12 Specialists. ‘ Di'N T let ? our friends suffer; bring them to l)is Ihilrpr. and >enr|l r 's» { ; ' V 'l’’. b.-MI |.>r ill? urn? I tiyni If’;- . P’lr~ Hid ( 4F|I cr t’np—)!. tation tree. Diseases el men a spec-ialn ’ 4-13-4 Personal SERIOUS RESULTS come from trjssee improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 i I W’all street, has an expert fitter and it i : will cost you no more to ha ,- s nlm fit you, i and it means Insurance ttUl? “HAIRCUTTSc. i 3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree and Broad. 3-21-88 I FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds, metal weather strips, furnished anywhere in the South Write or phone W. R.. Cal laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National Bank building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310 -30-19 ACME LETTER CO. NOTHING but first-class work and H prompt service. When you are ready for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436. ACME LETTER CO.. 417 Wesley Memo '' 5-6-33 I STILL another mg shipment of new wall papers. Prices right. All work guar : anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar ! nett Al- Gordon. 22 E. Mitchell st.; 30 ser j onds from Whitehall. 4-13-45 WHITE (’ROSS toilet articles. The rouge gives a natural color. The cream is a fine skin fnn«l. and the powder makes you look beautiful. Woman’s Exchange. 26’2 Peachtree street Ivy 5546,5-13-14 WE Bl Y all kinds second-hand ’ school books for cash Sou Book C’on cern, 71 Whitehall <next to High’s). 5-15-25 : TO SAVETTONEY on Refrigera tors. see Goldsmith-Acton-With i erspoon Co.. 62 Peachtree. Life- I Time Furniture. 61 N. Broad. 5-10 41 ' ORDERS TAKEN F<TR~SPIRELLA CORSETS By Mrs. a Lee Champp, 56 Howell Place Phone 428. West End. 3-21-62 LADIES Ask your druggis’ for C’hirhes ters Pills, the Diamond brand: for 25 years known as best, safest, always relia ble; buy of ynur druggist. Take no other Chichestcrs Diamond Brand Pillft are sold by dru ggiste every where. 5-2-1 STENOGRAPHERS desiring to Increase their speed in shorthand and typewrit ing may do so by joining classes at the office of the Royal Typewriter Company. .46 N Pryor street. Monday. Wednesday’ and Friday from 10 to 11 a. m. Tuition free.s-16-41 Cotton Seed Hulls. F R. Logan & Co., Atlanta, Ga. 5-16-34 Medical. DR ErAiONDSON’V-lAnsy. PeimyroyTl and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful anff sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions Trial box by mall, 50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro . manu facturing chemists, 14 South Broad-st., Atlanta. Ga. LADIES—SI,OOO reward; I positively guar antee my great successful "Monthly” remedy: safely relieves some of the long est, most obstinate, abnormal cases in three to five days: no harm, pain or in terference with work: mail $1 50. Doubla Strength $2. Dr F. G. Southington Rem edy_Co.. Kan-as City. M 0.4-2-84 LISTEN'. 1 treat any disease for $1 a week and furnish the medicine. John T x Patierson. M. D.. Edgewood ave ’ nue. Atlanta phone 2757. 2-15-45 Dropsy. DROPSY CURED. Relieves shortness of i breath In 36 to 48 hours. Reduce! swelling in 15 to 20 days. Write for par -1 tlculars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com pany, 612 Austell building, Atlanta 5-25-11 I ■ ■ Palmistry. camp in tent. 138 Whitehall street 4-29-1 MADAME ZILKA PALMIST. REVEALS PAST, present and future; consulted on all affairs of life Satis faction guaranteed. Readings, 25c. HOU ' | North Forsyth. In tent.s2-10-5 "MISS RECK, WORLD FAMED INDIAN ' PAI.MIST A GIFTED WOMAN 1,0. . .CATED76 E. HUNTER STREET. 5-16-18 ! PALMIST AND LIFE R EADER, REVEALS past present and future Can bp consulted «in nil affairs of life: read ings. 25c. 50c. 17 East Mitchell st. (in . tenTL 5-16-17 Dentists. H’UFTTT EXTRACTED IJjJulll WITHOUT PAIN. DR. H. JENSEN, 231 i Whitehall St. 3-21-29 Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING at reftf=onab|p price* at 226 Houston st. Atlanta 4181. 3 21-U WANTED Plain dressmaking. Atlanta 5386 55 Lu. k’p st. 5 < M FINE dressmaking. Trices reasonable Phone Ivy 5352 L. 5-10-25 Collections. I NOTES AND ACCOI NTS collected No i I collection; no charg«. Atlanta Collec- ! tion Company. 604 Gould building 4-20-57 Milk Depots. THE Houston si. creamery for milk and cream. Call Ivy 1293 Bell. 3-9-32 Colored Undertakers. Fountain & Robinson. I 223 Auburn. Atl. 5921-F; Night Ivy 3609. : 4-11-27 I . ... Hatters. ’ OLD ha’s cleaned, dyed and reshaped; best work; prompt service: satisfaction guaranteed. Out of town orders solicited. Both phones Acme Hatters. 100'4 White , hail street. 3-15-1 Fire-Proof Storage. WE store" HOUSEHOLD goods end pianos. Office and -warehouse. 239-241 i Edgewood - ave Ivy 2037. John J. Wood- I side Storage Company. ! j Public Baggage and Transfer. IM. C. FURNI I I’RL transfer; we pack and snip. M 5490-1,, A 1319 30 West ’ ’ Hunter 3- 12-7 , ! Sewing Machines. WE REPAIR any sewing machine Work called for and delivered anywhere M ■ McNair. 229-B Auburn avenue 3-14-9 ' WE RENT new machines with complete > set of attachments for 12 per month; i also machines repaired; prompt delivery. ■ ’ Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing .Machine . i Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, i I RETAILED AND REPAIRh?D? ^ ll PHONES: Bell Main 1576. At’anta 1654 .... . -- , Shoe Repairing. STRICTLY H XNI ‘ V ORK ' T. J. SMITH, Jb L. Huub'r I 4-25-6 Builders' Column. Contractors add Builders. I Will Finance You IF TOT’ wish to build; all kinds of build ers’ material for sale. B. F. Mitchell. ' 514 Austell Buildmg l4 : ARCHITECT, eontractor and builder? I cabinet shop, carpenters furnished. R. H. Jones. 190 Houston st. 3 21-12 “HOME BUILDERS. HOMES built for cash or terms; archi tectural designs furnished free. I Century Construction Co. 720 EMPIRE BLDG. I 4-10-35 Architects and Builders. 1 CONTRACTOR, cabinet shop; carpenter* furnished. John Allen, 106-A Edgewood avenue. 3- 22 41 Painting and Tinting. FOR the" BEST PRICES CALL R.,8. EMBR . . Al. 1436 318 4TH NAT L BANK BLDG 5-11-24 Building Materials. ■ 7 BEAATS FOR BUILDINGS. AUSTIN BROS., Atlanta, Ga. 4-19-7 KING HARDWARE CO. Builders’ hard—are. supplies, equipment and tools of all ainds. 53 Peachtree-st 2-IS-7 Discounts On Roof Felts. 1 TOP OF ATLANTA gnne tn the bad. I sell roof paints, repair all kinds of roofs. J. N. Little, 82 East Hunter st Phone M. 3927-J. 4 24-12 Monuments and Stone Work. ATLANTA GRANITE COMPANY, , All kinds stone work. 17-19 Fraser-st Phone Main 3540. 1-5-47 ALL KINDS of cemetery work for 60 days at a big discount. Everything must and will he sold. J. N. Cook, manager. 82 East Hunter street. 4-17-71 Plumbing. Plumbing and Steam Fitting. H. C. GulUtt Plumbing Co. 89 N. FORSYTH ST. IVY 4379, AT LANTA 722. 4-18-57 Tailoring, Altering, Cleaning and Pressing. , WE do French dry cleaning, pressing and altering, also suits made to order, C i Holt, the Tailor, 2 South Forsyth street. -11-53 I CLEANING, pressing ano repairing neat , ly done at 226 Houston st. Atlanta 4181 i 3-21 10 BROOKWOOD DRY CLEANING AND ' ' PRESSING COMPANY. : W. Peachtree and Fourteenth streets Ladies and Gentlemen’s fine garments Cleaned, pressed, titered and repaired Ivy 5386. 4-10-25 Mattresses Overhauled. BEST work; reasonable prices; new ticks if desired. Give us a trial New .Tack . son-Orr Company. Beth phones. 4-22-4 Stove and Range Repairing. DAN TTTEI’IXER. sell second-hand gas ttoves We sweep chimneys. We take down heaters. We sell wick and wickless ott stoves We sell gasoline stover, and ranges Atlanta phone 2235. 121 Whitehall st. Bell phone : M 2699 - 4-4-7 , WE SELL gas stoves s«'up~sK We buy ; stoves. Blanklnshlp Stove Company, -j!49 Walker street. Phone Main 4761-J .Atlanta 1850. 4-13-23 Wanted—Miscellaneous. WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign merits. Springer s And inn House 25 South Pryor-st. Bell phone Main 1526 I 4 10 id , WE PAY HIGHEST cash ~6?ic«s for ■ household goods, pianos anff office fur- niture. Cash advanced on tonsignments Central Auction Company, 15 East Milcb ell-st Bell phone Ma'n 24:4.' 8-26-24 ! 1 BUY men 7 ? old clothes and shoes' ' | Drop a card. L Boel:. 82 Hell st 5-1 14 I DROP A CARD' Will h> Ing', -ash for old I clothes and shoes. The Vfestalre 166 I r >eca>u r street. 3-7-8 I 1 VAT 1 PRICES for furniture, household goods and office furniture Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 S. Pryor street Bell phone Main 1.87. 4 5-25 WE BUY ail kinds of salable second-hand school hooks for cash. Sou Book Con cern. D Whitehall (next to High’s) 515 35 I BUY BEI T. PHONE M 1849. ATLANTA 1176 , 25-16-5 I WANTED A black and tin 'puiroy I (male) < all 6fn7p. ni . ro<yni 122 Ara i gon Hotel Bring puppy. 57 5 I I For Sale—Miscellaneous. NEW rubber tires put on your baby carriages; repairing, rhone Ivy 3076. | Robert Mitchell, 229 Edgewood avenue SODA FOUNTS—-Bargain In new ,nd sec- I j ondhand soda fountains; ease terms' write for prices. P. o Box 1022.' Atlanta, 3-16-76 WE RENT good pianos, 83 month up. Me sell good pianos. $5 month up. . Bargain in second-hand. SIOO tip R. P. Bccht Company, I|6 Temple foprt building Bell phone 6'17 Main t-23-20 FLY SCREENS. BE SURE and see our screens and get our prices befote buying. Katie Blind and Screen Co., J. J. Crawford, 202 Kiser J Bldg. M. 1929. 3-26-11. * Atlanta Tent and Axvniiig Co.. ° , MANI’FACTITIERS high-grade tents anti awnings. 39>4 Luckle st. Ivj' 5667 SEE our line of Wagner go-carts. Wo, I also re-tire go-carts. 415 Marietta st i Atlanta phone 1797. 4-22- 41 I FLY SCREENS, doors, rcfrlgerat ors stoves. We. are selling same at rorii'iced I prices. See us before you buy <j a ii : . lanta 2653 and our man will come to see I you. Harrison HdW. Co . 213 Peters st I 4 12 38 i SM EET potato plants. Golden Beatttv and Porto Rica varieties. Two dollars thou sand. express 25 cents thousand and lwt° : South Island Plant and Seed Co . Meg- ■ gotta, S. < 5 m 4 , i FQK Porch Fiirnitiire of all kinds, i save money at Goldsmith Acton Witherspoon Co., f>2 Peachtree. ; Life-Time Furniture, 61 N. Broad. 1 5-10-41 MISSION oak dinner set; cost $175- al -1 I most new; sell for 875. Ivv 3500-L ' I 32-14-5 ’IFOR SALE Safe, four showcases and cigar wallcase at 55 East Alabama st. _ I ; 5-14-8 WE BUY all kinds of salable —und-hand | school hooks for cash. Sou Rook Cun , corn. 71 Whitehall ' next to High's,. 5 15 25 LIME, eein'iit. wall plaster, phis ’ ter pa> is. fire ela.t. p-n a mdta ■ I '.tin o thimble. e|- . in -midi quantities at IS X Forst th St., Dunnino A . Smi Main 1-I \t , iauta vd.oße Jia. 3-15J* r