Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1912, EXTRA, Image 17
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE —Rolltop desk in good order. Apply front office, Georgian.s-14-29 FOR SALE. CHEAP—One three-artn soda fount and fixtures. L. B Norton. I.i thonia, Ga. 5-14-38 DUNTLEY PNEUMATIC CLEANSERS' remove dirt and germs from rugs, car pets, floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from iv; vacuum sweepers. 59 75 C J Daniel & Co., 416 Fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg FOR SALE—Twenty marble top 50 mahogany finished chairs, three Shannon & McCray refrigerators, 20 floor showcases, 50 feet of wall cares made of oak. also fine shelving. Pawn Brokers Auction House. 51 Decatur street. 5-S 27 SECOND-HAND SAFES—SmaII, medlu n and large home safes sls: Hall's bank and fire-proof safes, vault doors, etc. C. J. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg -7-33 FOR SALE—New Eclipse gas stove; cost S2O; will sell cheap. Call Ivy 3229-L -16-4 FOR SALE—Upright piano and five-room furniture; must be sold nt once. Owner leaving city. 118 E, Fair street. 29-16-5 FOR SALE Valuable contents of six rooms; nearly new: no dealers. 79 Chatham st. 40,-16-5 100.000 TOMATO and cabbage plants; $1.25 thousand: 5.000 to 10,000 lots, si per 1.000. Southern Plant Co.. Rome 2, Box 166-A, Atlanta. Ga. 5-16-9 BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS.. r Yery tine upright piano, only $167. Everett upright piano, only S2OO. Good upright piano, only SBS. Kranich A Bach square, $47.50. Fischer square. $50.00. Several good organs, all in good condition, S2O up. Easy payments. Cleveland-Ma lining Piano Company. SO N. Pryor. HEADQIAR TERS COTTON SEED HULLS. F. R. Logan & Co., Atlanta, Ga. 5-16-33 Miscellaneous. WE BUY all kinds o? Salable second-hand school books for cash. Sou Book Con cern, 71 Whitehall (next to High’s). 5 15 25 Office Fixtures. “carpenter SHOP. CROCKETT & CARTER. 40-42 PETERS ST. BOTH PHONES. 3-22-S Motorcycles. ) aTjFmak'es 's?TaND'up" Largest me-' torcycle dealers In the South; exclusive Southern distributors for Indian Elyea Austell Co. 35 NoHh Pryor-st.l-21-9 - John’D. Miller. MOTORCYCLES, bicycles and supplies. 4? Walton st., opposite post office Al- I ways open. 4-13 28 Automobiles. FOR SALE CHEAP -Two tops for Hup car: best leather, and all curtains com plete. Never used. For bargain, write W. A. Matheson A Co., Toccoa, Ga. 4-19-41 REPAIRING, STORAGE. PEACHTREE GA RAGE TIRES, TUBES AND ALL OTHER SUP PLIES. S2B PEACHTREE. IVY 2272. 4-10-24 “AUTOS REPAIRED. STORED. WASHED AND POLISHED. Magneto and carburetor work a special ty; first-class mechanics. Work guaran teed. Hartrampf * Yarbray Company. Rhone Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenue, just below Equitable Bldg 4-22-5 i'OR SALE Buiek, 6-passenger, model 21. 1911; mohair top. windshield and full equipment; cost $1,850; used only short time; bargain for cash Apply Mr. Cook. i 8 Dover street. M. 328,7-1,. WANTED Second-hand automobile; state make, year and lowest cash price. Address 3-A. No dealers. Box 687. care. Georgian. 4-17-6 1912 NEW EVERETT 36 touring car; ful ly equipped; Brush Runabout 1911 mod el; payment cash, balance monthly. N. (•McPherson, 74 Ivy st., Atlanta. Ga. 48-15-5 WANTED~To exchange my equity in a new four-room cottage, located in Eagan Park, for a Ford motor car 1912 runabout. Write W. D. Hart. 88 North Pryor, or call phone Main 2578. 5-16-2 Money to Loan. MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlanta real es tate. Established since 1889. S. B. Turman & Co., corner Broad and Ala bama-sts. f’AlyO FARM LOANS placed In any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building. »-l>-1 XIIONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEO PLE, women keeping house and others without security; cheapest rates: easy payments. Offices all principal cities. D. Tolman, room 524 Austell building. WE~HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood-ave. Clothing. SPECI AL SALE OF SUITS Trousers. Summer Coats and Rain Coats arc not necessary to the Men and Boys of Atlanta, who buy at W. 11. MOOR’S WHOLESALE .CLOTHING HOUSE. 62 W. MITCHELL STREET. where the) get satisfactory prices every business day in the year. COME AND SEE. Tell your friends about it. t ■"> 111 25 Money To Loan. WEYMAN~UcONNORS, ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-8 PURCHASE MONEY NOTES—I will buy for a client either first or second mort gage notes on Atlanta property. Have SIO,OOO to invest. J. M. Worsham, 908 Third National Bank building. Ivy 5626. 2-6-47 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. 8. W Carson. 24 South Broad-st. 4-1-17 Without Indorsement W i t h out Collateral Security Without Rea 1 Estate Securities Money loaned ai LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. EASY MONEY for salaried peo ple. 8 cents per annum at Wesley Banking Co. Purchase money notes bought. 51 Inman Bldg.. 22 1-2 South Broad St. 5-8-5 i Loans on Diamonds PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. "Uolkiteia 1 Bank,” 256 Candler Annex. 8 Per Cent Per Annum. 5-11-52 AND BROKERS /tU' -- 301 peters / Z.?.,. bldg. LOAN PHOTI MAIN 12> C<J '• STRICTLY PRIVATE ' ’ M<»NI<V l«»an al low interest on im proved Atlanta real estate and farms. Eb. T Williams, 518 Hrant Building. 5-15-15 REALTY 'CRUST COMPANY, forsyth Building. Capital $600,000. Surplus $350,000. Can negotiate any good Real Estate Loan on Atlanta or suburban properly. Bring us your applications. ’Phones: Bell, Main 1304—At!. 633. 2-lb-l Business Opportunities. STUDIO SSOO. Other business causes forced sale. Ground fl-H.r, N. sky light. Opp. Candler Bldg R. Math eW 117 N. Pryor. M 4k. F( >R SALE Boarding l.<-’isc; eleven rooms; best location: near in; Washing ton street. Full of boarders. Bargain. Good reason for selling. J. B. It, Box 133. • arc Georgian. 5 9-60 I-iiR SALK Corner grocery; staple stock $500: rent $10; subrenting two rooms makes rent free. Apply 174 Jra st. 1 1 1_ !2 PARTNER wanted to buy half interest in first-class barber shop located in a hotel in Atlanta. Unless you have S3OO, don’t apply, 109 81dg.36-14-5 WANTI’.D Partner with $125 for one-half interest proposition; brings SSOO weekly: give telephone number. .1 . Box 002. care Georgian. 5-15-2 WE Hl V all kinds of salable second-hand school books for cash. Sou. Book Con cern. 71 W hitehall (next to High’s). 5 15 25 ONE to live thousand dollars to invest with services in goo*! established busi ness; several years experience in book keeping and general mercantile business; references given and required. L. .1 \1- niand. (’onyprs. <la 28-16-5 WILL Ill'Ll' good shoemaker to build up a good business in fine neighborhood: will make rent cheap. 700 \V. Peachtree street. 56-16-5 "(■(yrix )n seed ThTlsT CA H LOA I > Jots. 1 >«4ivervd anywhere. F IL Logan A- Co., \tlanto. Ga. 5-16-32 Real Estate For Salo FOR SALK -No. 240 Howell street, six rooms, gas, water, bath, sewer connec tion. alley on side, room for two tenant houses on rear of lot faring alley. Ad dress C. T. Garrett, Williamson, Ga. THE Hol ’sp you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. 4-18-19 !•<»(: SALE By owner; West End; No. 37 Atwood st., between Gordon and Lu cile; one-half IJork from car line: new. six rooms and hall: built by day work under personal supervision. I build for you as I would for myself. porches, beau tiful mantels and fixtures; cypress roof; hot and cold water; electric lights; ele vated lot: shade; $3,500; SSOO cash, bal ance easy. Apply nearby at 361 Oak street, <>r phone West 460-.1, 47-9-5 FOR SALE By owner, on north side, ten- room house, in good condition; $4,500. Eor further information call Ivy 847-. L -9-46 $1,750 < >nc acre lot, new 5-room bunga- low. large bath room and porch, gran ite column??. 8 miles from city, located on Central railroad, at Mountain View. 5c railroad fare to city. Eor a home you can’t beat this at the price. Change in business affairs reason for selling, (’ash or easy terms. C. T. Evans, Main 454. Raga n- Ma lone iCo.S-10-38 For SALE By owner, two houses: eight rooms each; white neighborhood; al ways rented for S3O per month; will sell for $2,500 Inquire 55 East Alabama street. 5-1 1-7 FOR SALE By owner, store and dwell- ing combined. Inquire 55 East Alabama street. 5-14-6 DO YOU WANT A NICE HOME IN DE- CATUR? If so. see us. We have sever al beauties. Prices. $2,500 to SIO,OOO. Georgia Homo Farm Co.. 457 Candler Annex. Ivy 5767. 5-14-47 FOR SALE My lot on north side at a sacrifice; must have money reason for selling; small < ash payment , terms easy. Address Investment, Box 15, care Geor gian. 5-15-14 Clothing. READ FOR PROFIT-GLUKGIAN WAIN I ADS -USE FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale. IF YOU WILL AGREE to put down tile sidewalks owner will sell you either of two beautiful lots ai East Lake at about half the price asked for adjacent lots: prefer selling to club member. Terms if desired. Address Box 190, care Georgian. _ 35-15-5 FOR SALE—Five-room new bungalow; all conveniences; beauty; one block of North Boulevard: large rooms, veranda, plenty closets; built for home; will ex change for larger place; no loan to as sume. Address Carl, care Georgian. 5-15-28 LAWTON ST.—soxlso, vacant. 200 feet from Cordon St. All improvements down. $2,000. Terms. Lucien Harris. Phone W. 563. M. 730. 5 15-31 $1,500 BUYS new suburban cottagp; five rooms and ball; lot 150x50; more land if desired: no smoke, railroads or factories; good waler; schools, churches and stores convenient; strictly white locality: terms. Owner, P. O. Box 150. Atlanta. Ga. Phones Alain 4027. Atlanta 322. 5-4-7 FOR SALE Home: $1,000; water, gas, sewer, sidewalks', bargain. Home, care Georgian. 30-16-5 FOR SALE- tine five-room house: five acres of land: good pasture and orchard, with running water: good shade; will sell at bargain. Address Mitchell & Beattie. Vinings, Ga. 33-16-5 FOR SALE - Beautiful bungalow: just completed; every convenience; Inman Park; $3,000. J. I. Christian, 318 Empire Bldg. Main 4747. 5-16-16 NICE little cottage, cabinet mantels, tile hearths, four rooms and two porches; lot is elevated and level; in good neigh borhood and close to car line; less than 1.5 minutes' ride from center of city; $1,600; small cash payment and sls monthly will buy it. It is rented for sl2. IT. C. Bailey, owner. 601 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell phone Alain 1514. 5-16-31 NORTH SIDE HOME. ON GOOD STREET’, eight rooms; well built and finished: handsome china clos et built in; all rooms large, with specially ample closets; gas and electrh- lights; both furnace heat and grates; piazza 16 feet wide. Will sell for $6,000 and take a lot in part payment. <’. R. Haskins, owner, 507 Gould Building. 5-11-60 LAKE AVENUE COTTAGE $4,650.00. NEAR EUi’LID AVE., we are offering this nice six-room, up-to-date, modern cottage with all improvements, on terms of SBOO cash and $35 per month. MTLLEDGE AVE. G<»TTAGE $3,150.00. C( iRNER C>F <»AKLAND You <’ah get this beautiful five-room house (rooms very large), with every convenience, on fprms tn suit; lot 50x150. has plenty of shade and fruit, and is a real nice home like place. \ (’HKAK LOT, 150x180 ANSLEY PARK; ONLY $4,000. \ ROUT one block from Piedmont avenue car line you can get three 50-foot lots at a cost of less than S7OO each. This is cheap. Don't delay. Money in this. < Hie-half cash S. B. TURMAN & GO. BR(>AD AND ALABAMA STREETS. Real Estate Wanted. W \NTET> To buy four or five-room rot tagc in good neighborhood: must bo in good condition: modern improvements; good size lot. on improved street; within fifteen or twenty minutes’ walk of Tab ernacle; will pay two or three hundred dollars cash, balance on easy terms. Vl drossl, giving particulars, J. IL, P. O. Box 1058, city. • 32-15-5 Farms For £aie. SEVERAL NICE FARMS Neat Barnes ville. M. P. Owen, Barnesville, Ga Auction Sales. SEVE RA L ( ONSIGN MINTS. INCLUDING A FINE LOT OE HOUSE HOLD GOODS EROM 8 ST. CHARLES AVENUE. FRIDAY. MAY 17, AT 12 EAST MITCHELL ST. COMMENCING AT 10 A. M.. Fridav. we will offer to the highest bidder a fine lot of household goods, including two genuine brass beds, fine springs, felt mattresses, mahogany and Circassian wal nut dressers anxl chiffoniers, refrigerator, gas stove, quartered oak sideboard, ped estal dining table, leather seat dining i hairs, mirror door wardrobe, Wheeler & Wilson drophead machine, davenport, la dies’ writing desk, Crex rugs ami art squares, bookcase, oak dresser. Vernis Martin beds, brass costumer, hat rack, mahoganj- and early English rockers, up holstered in genuine leather; reception room furniture, .'enter tables, porch rock ers. blankets, pillows, china, bric-a-brac, pictures and many other things too nu merous Io mention. Sale starts promptly at 10 a. m. Friday. May 17. CENTRAL AUCTION CO., 12 East Mitchell Street. 7"" 1 ' ;■ ' r " Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAILWAY? ‘•PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From No. Depart To— -35 New Y, 5:00 am 36 New Y. 12:15 am 13 .iaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus 5:20 am 43 Was'ton 5:25 am 13 Cinci. . 5:30 am 12 Sh’port. 6:30 .tin 32 Fort V. 5:30 atn 23 .laxville 6:50 am 35 B'ham . 5:45 am •17 Toccoa. 8:10 am 7 Chat’ga 6:40 am 26 Heflin.. 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am 29 New Y.10:30 am 23 Kan. C. 7:00 am 8 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Brun'k. 7:45 am 7 Macon 10:40 am 29 B'ham. 10:45 am 27 Fort V 1O;|5 am 38 New Y.11:01 am 21 Col’bus 10:50 am to Charl’e 12:00 n'n 6 Cinci .11:10 am 6 Macon .12:40 pm 30 B'ham,. 2:30 pm .30 New V. 2:45 pm 40 B'ham 12:40 pm 15 chat’ga 3:00 pin 39 Charlo'c 3:55 pm 39 B'ham. 4:10 pm 5 Macon. 1:55 pm;*lS Toccoa. 4:30 pm 37' New V. 5:00 pmj 22 Col’bus 5:10 pm 15 Bntns’k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci. . 5:10 pm 11 R’mond 8:30 pml 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm 24 Kan. C. 9:20 pm! 25 Heflin . 5:45 pm 16 Chat’ga 35 pm 1o Macon . 5.30 pm 29 Col’bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash’n 8:45 pm 31 Fori V 10:25 pm 24 laxville 9:30 prr, 36 B'ham 12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port. 11:!0 pra 14 Cinci. .11:00 pm 14.Iaxville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (*) run daily, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run daily. Central time. City Ticket Office, No. 1 Peachtree St. Why not begin today and take ad vantage of the numberless opportuni ties that daily appear in the Want Ad columns of The Georgian? Bargains galore are there that mean a big sav ing to yon. Answer quickly any ads you may see tha l offer’yoti' things at bargain prices. Remember that all At lanta is watching these pages, and the fir t one I" answet the g'>'d; POULTRY, ~PET AND LOVE STOCK •I’V-H-W-i-T - ;—l—j-cn—li 1 $• -I' •£• ATLANTA QUOTATIONS. + May 16. 1912. -r 4- 6* < Corrected by McCullough Bros 1 4- Eggs—Fresh selected, no guineas or dirties. 19@20c; miscellaneous. 4* •- 16<(t 17c; guineas and dirties, 12’r'lt • • 14c 4- 6. Poultry—Live per pound: Turkeys, -b -- K’i'qlSe; ducks, 10@1214c; gees®. 8 -J -- fg9c. hens, 13@14-. ; roosters. 8© 10c; 4- •• broilers. 30@35c each, owing to size; + 4- fries. 30®35c each. + 4- Dressed, per pound: Turkeys. 16 4- @l7; ducks, 18@20c: geese. 10@ 4* 4- 12Hc; hens. 16@17c; fries, 22@24c; 4- 4- roosters, 10@llc. 4- 4-i , 4*4-b4-<-b4—i-4^‘4*4-'-4—l-i-J-I—K-i—»r LATE-HATCHED CHICKS. We have had a very late spring a and the weather has been every thing but favera- —, ble to incubation, A fn IT) whether by artitl- ‘ cial means or nat ural. and reports y J. .front breeders lUC generally indicate that the crop will yj be vert short as compared wit It previous yea rs. and that, too. when / conditions demand A-- zl 'Lttzz that our poultry men prepare for the large increase in business another season, which is sure to follow the impetus that has been given to the industry by reason of the publicity through the press and show room. Many of our most prominent breed ers have been handicapped this season by lack of breeders to supply the de mand which they have created for their eggs and stock, and now that the spring operations have, proved so unsatisfac tory, it behooves them to continue in cubation later than usual, which can be done successfully if the right care and attention is given to the operation. It is a well known fact that Northern breeders have been advertising and selling ''systems," so called, for suc cessfully raising late-hatched chicks. These systems and secrets arc no se crets at all, and only embody the in junctions to feed judiciously, give plen ty of fresh drinking' water, keep the houses and runs scrupulously dean and Hie birds free from insect posts. To accomplish this the free use of disinfectants and germicides is neces sary. Abundant shade is necessary also. One cause of failure with late hatched chicks is .the carelessness of breeders and negligence in providing •shade, fresh water and in keeping tile birds and premises free of vermin. Where chicks have free range in mid summer—that is, very young stock they are apt to get more bugs, etc.. than are really good for them, which cause bowel trouble. This is one of the drawbacks to this mode of raising them. In summer time insects abound, and young chicks get more bugs, etc., than they should have, for which rea son we prefer to keep them in shaded runs, where their feed may be regu lated to suit summer conditions. A good friend of mine incubated and hatched 124 White Leghorns in July, of which he raised 111 to maturity. We would be glad to have experi ments made by some of our readers, with a view to further testing out this question, for if we can raise our birds as late as June and July, and even at a. greater cost in time and labor, it will revolutionize the business in this sec tion. just as the day-old chick busi ness is going to revolutionize the pres ent mode of selling eggs for incuba tion. To give litis matter the attention the subject deservgs, I am going to conduct experiments along the line above indicated, not alone with the more active breeds like the Leghoms, hut with the larger breeds as well, for I do not believe that it would be a fair lest to use the Mediterraneans alone in arriving at conclusions which should cover the whole range of poul tr\. The co-operation of our friends ev erywhere is earnestly solicited in the interest of the fraternity, and The Geor gian will take pleasure in giving the results of your experiments for the benefit of the thousands of breeders ’ throughout the country who are inter ested in it. and who at the present time take it for granted that late hatched birds can’t be raised profit ably. All letters and communica tions on poultry matters and for the question and answer column should be addressed to POULTRY DOCTOR, THE GEORGIAN, Atlanta, Ga. Orpingtons. BABY CHICKS £rom high class White Orpingtons. 25c each, in lots of ten or more. • Charley Dobbs, Gainesville, Ga. MY !•; KLLI J;>L P. ASS White (>rpinglons won fourteen prizes at two shows, in cluding six firsts, three seconds, one sweepstak**. They are winter egg ma chines. Produced $590.54 from a trio in 16U months. Eggs, $1.50, $3, $5 for fif teen. Kennamer Farm, Columbus City. Ala 602 SACRIFICE S.\T>E -Account of moving, twelve Buff < irpington hens and five cocks, sixteen baby chicks: all for sls; must be sold before Saturday. L. G. Mor gan. 70 Avon avenue. 42-15 -5 FOR SALK Fifty White Orpington pul lets, laying every day; Keilerstrass strain; $3 each as Jong as they last to make room; ten cockerels, fine birds, $5 each. Southland Poultry Farm, Clarks ton. Ga. 1-20-3 FOR SALE Two pens S. C. White Orpingtons, three pens S. C. Black Or pingtons. from 25 to 100 in pen. Prize winners in all pens. Closing out to make room for young stock. E. 11. Scott. Box 626. Athens Ga JJL 88 K KLLERSTRASS Cry stal White Orping tons. Kggs from all pens at $.2 per set ting. Baby chicks from all pons. 25c rat h. (’ockerels. pullets and hens for sale. Dr. (’. V. Ward, 220 Gordon street. lilkl 2 FOR SALE. S. C. CRYSTAL White Orpington. 0 . A few trios at $lO, sls, S2O, $25,* S3O, $35. Also five phze hens, one eoek and one cockerel, winning at Dalton, Ga., and Chattanooga, leim., shews. Write for prices. GEO. M. MOSELEY. .Menlo, Ga. R. I. Reds. BABY CHICKS from high class S. C. Rhode Island Reds. 25c each, In lots of ten or more. Charley Dobbs, Gaines 'fifie.jGa, _ 3-27-28 SINGLE-COMB REDS now leading ail breeds in New York egg-laying con test. and leading all utility breeds in con test at Storrs. Conn. Our Reds big lay ers, good shape and bright color: Tomp kins strain: $3 a setting: reasonable fer tility guaranteed. P. AVhiting, care Geor gian. 3-29-7 QUALITY REDS.. .J. I. Hosford, East Point. Ga. 4-25-31 CALLAHAN'S - famous Reds always wtn. They will win for you in the strongest shows. Send for mating list and photos of Ideal Reds. Stock and eggs for sale. Callahan & Son. East Point. 6a. 1-31-20 BARGAIN SALE Rhode Island Reds. four yearling hens (laying): handsome two-y'ear-old cock; red to skin: Callahan strain: to make room, only $7.50. Eggs reduced to $1 setting. Ed L. Culver. Sparta. Ga.s-1-3 HOSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; won at Southern International and Georgia shows. Eggs. $2 and $3 per fifteen T. L. Wright, 649 Highland-ave., Atlanta., Leghorns. healthy birds, 15 for $1; also some good breeding stoeft for sale at 81.50 each. R. C. Fuller, 419 Whitehall St. 4-9-8 WHITE LEGHORNS Day-old chicks that live and will lay by September: $12.50 hundred. E. A. Dough man. Tele phone Decatur 314, Decatur, Ga. 5-14-16 Plymouth Rocks. AS MY BIRDS have proven their supe rlority for me at every show they w'ere ever entered, they will do the same for you. Every pen is headed by a prize winning cock or cockerel that is mated to pullets and hens of known quality. On account of the lateness of the season I am going to reduce my prices to $2.50 per 15. Baby chicks a matter of cor respondence. Elmhurst Poultry Farm, .Jefferson. Ga 3-2-8 FOR SALE- beautiful Barred Rock hens, 95c: lwo cocks, sl-$2: 30 common hens, tine layers, 65c: all one year old this spring; 40 chicks almost large enough for broilers, 20c each. E. Sa inters, Scottdale, Ga. 34-16-5 GOLDEN LACED and Columbian Wyan dottes. S C. R. ’ Reds. egg*. $1 and $2 per 15. W. D. Bennett, Molena. Ga. 12-13-33 BARGAIN SALE- White Wyandottes. four young hens and unrelated grown cockerel: to make room, only $7.50. Eggs reduced to $1.50 setting. Ed L. Culver, Sparta. Ga. 5-1-2 Games. DARK CORNISH Bred from the best imported birds in this country. Won in Atlanta January. 1912; first and second cockerel, first and second pullet: American Cornish Club ribbons for best cockerel and best pullet und other good prizes; limited number eggs for hatching: $5 and »$l.O per setting Write F. 6. Cates, Doug las, Ga. 1 -17-36 DARK Gornish eggs remainder of this season. $1.50 per 15: ••hicks for sale. Mrs. A. G. Miller, Louisville, Ga. 39-11-5 Cornish Indian Games. CORNISH INDIAN GAMES Eggs from prize-winning stock: $3 and $5 for 15. Gaymont Fann, Box 1711, Atlanta, Ge. 3-27-11 White Laced Red Games. WHITE Laced Red Cornish Indian Games. A limited number of eggs at $5 for 15; no stock for sale at any price. Gaymont Farm, Box 1711. Atlanta. Ga. 3-27-12 Houdans. FOR SALE—“Faultless” Houdans; thia strain has been egg bred from trap nest records since April, 1890; I have bred them twenty-one years for great layers and twelve years for large size chalk white eggs. These fowls are extremely hardy; have neither comb nor wattle to freeze and are the best all winter layers in open front coops "Faultless” strain Houdans have won every blue ribbon at New York, Boston, Chicago and Phila delphia shows for past, six years; eggs and stock sold on honor; send 10c for the largest Illustrated poultry catalogue ever Issued. It tells you how to breed these fowls, which average 250 eggs a year apiece It tells you how to net $3,000 a year from 100 hens. E. F Macavoy, sec retary liouda.n club, Cambridge. N. Y. 3-21-49 HOUDANS from the best exhibition and egg strains in America. In our pens are winners from the leading shows in Ten nessee. Write me your wants. Dr. Leep er, Lenoir City. Tenn. 280 Minorcas. BLACK MINORCAS Pape’s strain: “lay ers of large white eggs and many of them:" eggs. $3 for 15. Gaymont Farm. Box 1711. Atlanta, Ga. .2-27-10 Bantams. BANTAMS —Game Bantams, Sebrlgtits, Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga. 4-26-38 Ducks. NOW is the time to set White Runner duck eggs, and Ren dotte Farm is the place to get the best. SIO.OO eggs the next two iveeks for $5.00. Rendotte Farm, I’. O. Box 300. Atlanta. Ga. 4-24-16 11A TCII WIIIT E RUNNER DUCK EGGS NOW. FIFE’S PURE WHITES WON Southern Internation al, 1911, first and second pens and special; Georgia Poultry Association, Atlan ta. 1912. second, third and fifth pons in eleven pen class. Every bird a. prize winner. Write todav. EGGS. $5.00 PER 12. GEORGE C. FIFE. Box 1181-G, Atlanta. Ga. 4-5-54 PUj>E White Runners that lay pure white ♦ggs; $5 for 12. Gaymont Farm, Box 1711, Atlanta. Ga. 3-27-9 .HAVE 5 LIMITED number of select ducks aaul drakes for sale: standard fawn; alsy Penciled fawn; order now; supply litnned; they are now laying. “Mod el Poultry Farm, Colbert, Ga., “The Farm of Quality.” 4-23-7 Eggs. MONTVIEW FARMS—lncubator eggs. $5 per 100; hens with chicks: turkey eggs, Turkey torns, $5 Phone Decatur 27-J. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orptngton eggs, best strain. It per 15; guaranteed fer tile, 285 Euclid ave. Phone Ivy 958-J. 3-12-49 Eggs. EGGS for hatching. Single setting, $1.50; two settings. $2.75; 50-egg lots. $4.00; 100 lots, $7.50; Buff Orpingtons. R. 1. Reds, S. C. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. Large flocks. Able to ship incubator lots promptly. Choice stock at low prices. I. R duck eggs, $1.50 per twelve. E. W. Burke. Macon.l2-22-41 THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs, $1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor street. Phone Main 3588 4-27 25 EGGS from high class S. C. R. I. Reds. Now Is the time to set eggs to get the best colored oirds. Write ar once for my illustrated catalogue and reduced prices. Joe I , Wallace. Dalton, Ga. 5-1-6 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK eggs at $2 and $3 per 15. White Leghorn eggs, $1.25 per 15. Coke Davis. Box 934, Atlanta. Ga. 2-27-2 EGGS FOR HATCHING Mottled Anco- nas, $2 per fifteen: Rose and Single Uoinb Reds, White, Partridge and Silver Wyandottes, $1.50: Buff Orpingtons and Black Minorcas, $1.25; S. C. Brown Leg horns, $1; Indian Runner ducks, $1.50 per twelve. A few more trios of ducks* $6. AV. E. Bailey. Cninrnerce, Ga 722 WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs from high class birds that are white to the skin, at $2.00 per fifteen; high fertility guaranteed. A, G Wilson. Lithonia, Ga. FOR SALE Single Comb Rhode Island Rod eggs, extra fine selected birds, non fading heavy laying strain: $3 for fifty, $5 per hundred. Airs. Philopena Lowe, Route 6, Lebanon. Ind 3-9-62 KKLLERSTRASS White Orpingtons; two years a breeder: showed four times; won ten firsts and nine seconds; eggs re duced from $5 to $2 balance of season. J. W. Fincher, Buchanan, Ga 4-27-12 Hogs. BEHKSHIRES: fine registered stock; prices reasonable. Morris Farm, f'larks ton, Ga 4 24-1 SOME very fine Berkshire and mixed pigs for sale. Inquire at Springer’s store. H<«well Mill road, for the Perry place, or write S. A. R.. rare Georgian 5-16-6 Miscellaneous Poultry. FOR THE BEST White Orpington stock baby chicks and eggs write Charley Dobbs, Gainesville, Ga.; 4,000 catalogs ready to be mailed free. Write for one. _ FOR THE BEST S C. Rhode Island Red stock, baby chicks and eggs, writs Charley Dobbs, Gainesville. Ga.; 4.000 catalogs ready to be mailed FREE. Write for one. 3-27-31 LARGE size colony brooder with heat and 90 thoroughbred White Leghorn chicks for S2O This brooder cost me sl7; it's good as new and will raise your chicks. U ''■ b’ufier. 419 Whitehall St. 5-9-7 G<>LT> I>UST strain S. C. Buff Leghorns, the. finest exhibition and breeding stock, at bargain prices. Eggs from special matings, sl, $1.50. $2, $2.50 and $3 per setting. Oak Hill Poultry Farm, Route 8, Station B. Nashville, Tenn.; F. R No ble. proprietor. 3-13-37 “POULTRY PRINTING.” WRITE for samples. Etheridge Printing Company, 188 Madison-ave., Atlanta, Ga. 12-16-21 For SALE S C. R. I. Red, S. C. Brown and White Leghorn and B. P. Rock eggs at $1.50 per setting; all first-class stock; day-old chicks a specialty; sls per 100; directions given for raising them; will furnish hens to carry them when wanted at $1 each. E. J. Williams, Ty Ty. Ga. 3-21-34 Real Estate For Sale. INMAN PARK—Lot level and a beauty, 50x190. $1,500. on easy terms. INMAN PARK 8-room home, double floored, storm sheathed, electric lighted, etc., on level east front lot In best section, at a bargain, on easy terms. t —— NORTH SIDE 6-room cottage, double floored, storm sheathed, electric lights, 2 sets of folding doors. Nice level east front lot. Price only $2,350 on terms. SPRING ST. lot, 58x250. east front; a beauty, at SOS per foot, A BEAUTIFUL 5-rom cottage on Highland Ave. at $4,250. Must sell. Easy terms. . WILSON BROS. REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. 741 Umpire Building. Main 4411 J. Night No. Ivy 4079-J. BUILD YOUR HOME WE BUY ANY LOT TN ATLANTA OR SUBURBS FOR YOU OR PAY NOTES ON YOUR LOT AND BUILD YOU A HOME TO SUIT, ON EASY TERMS LIKE RENT OR CASH. SEE US FOR EVERYTHING TO BUILD. ATLANTA CONSTRUCTION CO. First Floor Austell Building. Phone Alain 5534 A MONEY MAKER 81 ACRES on Cambelton road, eight miles from car shed; 45 acres cultivated; five-room residence; two tenant houses; all necessary outbuildings; 500 bearing fruit trees: eighteen acres pasture; just a nice auto trip in the early morning. At bargain price. GEORGIA HOME & FARM CO. 457 CANDLER ANNEX. PHONE 5767 TVT. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phone 2106 Main. $6,200 FOR an eight-room two-story furnace heated home on north side. $6,500 FOR a beauty on Myrtle street; furnace heat. $6,500. ON GOOD TERMS, for steam-heated home on Cleburne avenue; hard wood floors, tile porch, tile bath, ft's a beauty. DRUID HILLS Here is a beauty with east front: furnace heat, large lot, tile floors, hardwood floors, stone front. Terms attractive. BARGAIN in West End: six rooms; new; close to car line; double-floored; dan dy neighborhood; S3OO cash, balance $25 month. Get busy. $20.00 PER FOOT 1,231 EEET frontage on Highland Ave. by 565 feet* deep. at $20.00 per front foot, in the most select part of the street. $20,000.00 profit in this beautiful piece of land, good house on it : also undeveloped street on back. Terms. Apply -115 Em pire Building, or 0 Auburn Ave. 45-25-5 Saturday, May 18—52,500—52,150 ONE 6-room, four 5-room houses; s.*><• cash, $17.50 monthly. Must be sold on above date. These houses are new. have water, lights, car service, stone fronts. These are real bargains, located in A-l growing suburb. Take either East Lake or South Decatur car at Pryor and Alabama streets and get oft at South Kirkwood, our Representatives will be there to direct you. GILMER & WILLINGHAM 52 I WALTON ST., THIRD DOOR OFF PEACHTREE. GROUND FLOOB, Miscellaneous Poultry. BA iTI’.KD iUx'K EGGS frorn~ n-ars; first pen cockerel bred, $10; sec ond pen. $5: pullet bred pens, $5 and $3; eggs from utility birds, $1 per 15. balance of season, $6 per 100; 8. C. White Leg horns, $2: s. S. Hamburg. $1.50 per 15. M H Collins, Fairburn. Ga.l-17-30 H. G. HASTINGS & CO, Seeds men for the South, 16 W. Mitchell St. Four city deliv eries daily. North and south side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell phone Main 2568. Atlanta 2568. DON'T LET FLEAS BOTHER the dog; get a cake of Dr. Johnson’s Flea and Shampoo Soap and rid them of those pests. Price. 25c; postpaid, 30c. ARMOUR'S FLOWER FOOD will make all potted plants grow off fast; easy to use; just mix witri water and pour oner soil 14-pound package 25c; 1-pound package 50c: postpaid. 35 and 60c. GRIT AND SHELL BOXES—Two com partments, 40c each; three compart ments, 50c. A LLRIgTit. ECLiI’SE - and Star W afi Founts, I-X-L Dry Food Hoppera. LEE’S GERMOZONE—The poultry medi cine for roup, canker, cholera, swelled head, etc. Roth liquid and tablet form, 50< Tablets can he sent by mail. FEIID Y<>UR RABY CHICKS the Red Comb Chick Food until they are three or four weeks old, then the Coarse Chick Food until thev are too large for that, then the Red ( 4 omb Scratch Food for the rest nf their life Red Comb Meat Mash pan be fed to all—the youngest and the oldest. CANARY CAGES. $1.25 to $,5. Bird seed, sand, gravel, manna, cuttie bone, mite exterminators and bird bitters. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS for all kinds of vegetable and flowering plants. Horses and Carriages. FOR SALE- -Harneßß of every description. 5 aetH of extra nice second-hand car- rlage harness. Piedmont Harness Com - ' pany. 189 Marietta street. 2-27-14 WANTED To buy a good, gentle horse. 719 Empire Bldg. Phone Main 4081. 5-11-31. FOR SALE-A stallion; age three years old < all Phone Main 4242-J. 5-t5-12 FOR SALE One seven-year-old import ed English thoroughbred stallion; color, bay: black points; or would ex change for mules. John S. Brown. Ijocust Grove. 29-15-5 FOR - SAT.E -Nice buggy, harness and cab for sale cheap. 312 N. Jackson st. 49-16-5 D °gs. FOR SALE—Four fox terrier pups, seven weeks old; beauties. Call Ivy 5106-. T. -14-20 AT STUD —Imported South port Aristotype and Dan 0. Wood lawn. Absolutely the best eolliei at stud in the South. Write for pedigree. W. M. Stephenson. 30 Ashby St. 4 13-3 BARGAINS in 30 breeds dogs and stock; catalog. Catalpa Kennels, Shelbyville. Ky. 4-27-4 Real Estate For Sale.