Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1912, EXTRA, Image 18
THE A*/LANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: Real Estate For Sale. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Ren ting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1381. FOR SALE. A GOOP two-story, eight-room house in Oakland City, on eaH front, shady lot, 62x240 feet to alley: servants’ house, chieken yard and garden: $5 250; all citj conveniences. See Mr. White. PRETTY five-room bungalow on Ea t on the South Decatur and East TaUte <-ar line, wr have for sale four ••( the pi-ettiest little homos to be foun-i mnywhere Nice arrangement, artistic design and pleasing finish Houses are all built b> da> labor, and have ilk- walks, electric lights and water. Durable I"-, cations, near gn«xl !n a sir-all hom< . dor ? miss <<• ing these Tx>ok at the terms Price |2 150. $250 - ash, balance sl7 50 per month. See Mr. Dews or Mr Radford. CORXER LOT on Mangum street. 50x100. Between the A , B &■ A R. K and W. A- A R. R. House on it rents for sls per month. A pick-up at $2,500. See Mt. While ON SATURDAY, May 18th. at ,1 p. m , we will sell a subdivision of residence lots locate*! on Angier road, Barnett street and Belgrade avenue M- st of these lots are delightfulh shaded. We recommend that you Investigate these lots, as it is un tlon at your own price. IFYOF HAVE MONEY TO LOAN, WE CAN PLACE IT. OR ri N’T S-r h IX9 Ivv 5t547.50 8-r. It . 56 W North «v.- $50.00 i 8-r h 18 W Fifth st ....... r.J.r.O 8-r. H., ::o l-'.nst ave 40Jt’> 8-r. h. 602 Ponce DeLeon ave .'c.ii'i 8-r. !>.. 90 !lighland aw. Ma* 28. 8-r. h. 476 Spring st4S.OU 8-r. h., IRo Highland ave WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of ev erything we have for rent. Get a copy.’ JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 8 WEST .ALABAMA STREET. 16 ROOMS 60i* Washington street, on large, elevated lot, gas, hot and cold water, electric lights, two baths; house in perfect repair; .'■table anil serv ant's room on lot. 875 per month 11 ROOM S- -13 2 _ ( ’ ap ito 1 avenue; lot 50x100; house has gas. hot and cold water, and is in good repair; three blocks from state capital. S4O per month. 'lO ROOMS- 79 ECast Merritts avenue, near the corner of Piedmont avenue; two-story, all conveniences; house in perfect repair, with servants’ house on lot. and in fine location.s6s per month. 8 ROOMS- SO Ponce DeLeon place, one block from Ponce DeLeon avenue. This house has gas. hot and cold water, house in perfect, repair; lo cated in fine neighborhood. $35 per month • Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. I riFUI, pi X' . A loft’ IN WEST y—g-w tatAwt IT* t END PARK. ( T |< H . H. I> ON NIUE ELEV ATED LOT, commanding * *- a splendid view, a nice six-room bungs- low with every convenience, Including fur- tJ A T r p\ T nace. and one of the best built houses in XV 1 ..z I 1 the park This place is new and up-to ’ date, and will make you a homo that you /“N/ —x V T A IV YV 7 will be proud to own Come in and let L < J IV/I I— * I in show you this. Price and terms are - * a » x > right Both Phones 1699. REAL ESTATE. RENTING, LOANS. 511 Empire Bldg FOR SALE J TI TNT T water, gay. bath and electric light- ] IIS I I I Lot 50:.159 to alley. No encumbrance. J J * Price s'.’.loo. WOODSIDE :. w;.?;,'?, ■ ■ :FOR SALE I ANSLEY PARK BUNGALOW THIS is a new 6 room and hal I bungalow, double floored and | storm-sheathed, granite front, hardwood floors, east front, lot 50x300. with all improvements, in block and a hall of car | line. $5,500. Your own terms. Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. GROUND FLOOR, EMPIRE BLDG. % GEORGE P. MOORE REAL ESTATE AND RENTING, 9 AUBURN AVE. ALMOST n'w store house and cottage, In fine neighborhood. Price, only SI,BOO. NICE cottage home on Oakland avenue, near Grant park. Price. s'’.soo. TN edg" of town, brick store house, with two acres of ground, for $4,500 NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW. SI,OOO. RIGHT off Wo’ I’iftlt street, we have a brand new bungalow of five well arranged large room every city convenience, including beautiful elec tric fixtures Teuim el’ about S3OO cash and $25 per month will get you tbir home ORMEWOOD BUNGALOW $1,890. NEAR South \<"rr ,<nd avenue. In beautiful Ormewood, right off car line, we have a six -oom bungalow ; lot ;>Ox'-'47 to ail* > ; drivewai on side also. Thl* is a bargain, and we mak< terms of SIOO CASH and the balance easy monthly payments. * THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton Street. Both Phones 158. Two Genuine Bargains FRONTING BOTH MARIETTA AND WALTON STREET. ONE a vacant lot. 50x104. which can be bought for $26,50.0; the other a two-story Improved brick, on lot Mix 'O, which is paying, a fair rental. and can be had for-$40,000. Thera is money in both of these lots, and both of them will be sold in the next three days. See us at once. Reasonable - terms. B. M. GRANT & CO. Second Floor. Grant Building. 61 X M.L.THROWER A, iJ a 2£ WALTON STREET. GRANT BUILDING 485 CENTRAL A"V E. Eight -r< home on an elevaied. east front lot. with a big garage, for $4,00(1 Owner will be glad to show you through. CORNER ELM AND GENASEE STS., in Capitol View, a five room cottage, on corner lot. 1"t - 81 .-><». ( . as )| mid S2O a month This is s.>oo under it' ta ; n. >.■■■ \|, At.<ui ,y.1..1J50 Ailand 161 » Houses For Rent. FOR RENT. LOFT. AT 291 MARIETTA STREET m have a large second floor of about s’ouare feel This is bright and airy: s would hr- fine for light manufacturing or an> other kind of business. This is < losc rip-ugh in to be in touch with central interest snd ;■ et fur enough from > ih* center of town to uvoid tie ♦•xtrenm high prices that central property com l mands. SEF I’S AT’ ON<’r<. V-ACANT T/>T. ALSO LN THE REAR of 2d and 29X Ma rietta street w»' have a large vacant lot which would be an hHeal p ! ae<* for marbh or any other kind «*f yard. We wiß rent ibis us it stands or build to suit ac ceptable long leas • tenant. F’ (, r pri- » ■_an«l particulars see FOSTER A ROBSON, 11 Edgewood avenue. SMALL STORE AND SECOND FLOOR. NEXT DOOR to the Sixth Ward bank:! splendid little store; < ement floor; a’l conveniences; floor spar e of 20x30, with : nice second floor above can rem sep- , aratolv or together; very reasonable rent ; Wi: HAVE A NUMBER OF’ WELL LO CX'I'ET) BUSINESS PROPERTIES To OFFER JFST NOW. READ FOR PROFIT —GEORGIAN WAIN I ZKL>2>—USE FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale. 255 LAWTON STREET’ BE f WEEN GORDON AND UNCLE REMUS STS. LOT 51 BY 252 FEET. ; ' i HOUSE bin t f.iur years; built bv day labor; cost $5,000; has twelve- r.,.,- i . nu q fi'.-i floor, nine and one-half-foot ceiling -rcond floor; i r<i floor rift pine floors in three rooms tnd hall; double-floored, orin-wbeu! • ■ : shingle.- four ami one-half inches to weather; joiih- -.yi i.i'h. has combination Ta:> and electric lighting flx i r. hot u;u and ojien crates in all rooms! two bath rooms. ..m tiud; first door hue sitting room, library, dining room, butler’s ;,ootry. kit- lien, 6-foot back hall, reception hall, two bed rooms, bath, lim-ti close; second flom’. hall, one bed room, bath, sleeping porch: 1 ample .-'iade. grass and floweis; lot alone worth $2,000; house »• !y painie.i .-xterior and dr-coiated interior. Price, $6,000, subject to $ : oou mortgage du- December. 1914. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR THE IIO! SE you will build, buy op rent will not be a model'll hume unless it is wired for Electricity. 4-18-20 Investment and Homes ?25T9° APARTMENT; up to date: on Washington street; clohc in. good as new. •crii lor S2OO per month. This is a dand> : tile baths and porch.. Lot 30 by 110. 'Phis i; u stone front bungalow, on Morulan«l avi-nue; has six rooms and a b'.iutv, sl.ono cash will handle this. Balance easy. ’7.7.0 ?’h‘<lm<»nl avenuo; clo.-c to Tenth street; nine-room house. Lol 50 by 150. H you want a bargain, W.-t us show you this. Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Tliirtl National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 1'276; Atlanta 208. M. L. PETTY & E. L. HARLING Real Estate. 32 East Alabama St. wi-; (il'T'En vol' SOME SMALL SI 11-Dl VISIONS THAT WE CONSIDER ARE Cool i HI'VS. -x. TWENTY' <0) LOTS on i bk'.l street; m 55a Ida nd City. These lots face the park and : Ince Oakland City has been added to the city' we consider these are ■ d buys. Thei ar< 50 by ::u" eaci.. i"i' .xTOr?. AT LA~KEWoof> hi'i<;hts;'"c th< water works roud7 have nineteen (19) In' -.. sti by :!16 each, for $6,500. on i .isy ti-rnis. - SID i';vi'Y-F<»UU <74) lots on Mercer a' < mie7 in College Park, just off the main I'i.lli g" I'tirk i'iiikl; 5u i'.i 150 each: i per 101, on easy teniis, ’aV'IT IE CORN Elf I,f Sprine ,m.| Tcplli strcls we have light. iSt lots that we .■I ns.ider a bargain at 520.000. Keep eye on Spring street. In less than ’ am’lvp months you ‘ ;in not buy ihi k: for double th< arnount,we are offering it. ‘in' y \ .-TeVi ' \ lti<r Vn MadimU;tti\W"c have a biauld'ul 101. 70 by 237. for >’2. 7 .i' \\e will ' xehange this lot for property on Capitol .avenue, Washington street »ir South Pryor street. "LOT "ft? >SI< LN » iNNL<ljN’~STi:Ebri'. 100 by 126; SI,OOO. ‘ 17 BEAUTIFULLY SHADED RESIDENCE LOTS AT AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY iB, 1912, AT 3:30 P. M. In the Ponce DeLeon Avenue Sec-1 tion Fronting Angier Road, Barnett Street and Belgrade Avenue, near the New School on North Avenue. THESE 1 MTS are well located for enhancement, they are right in the path of progress in that r tpidly growing part of the city known to all agents ind fi.’tl • trader a. the Druid Hills-Pone'’ DeLeon section. Till; 1 ‘lll-1 > ,\t 1; x. \t, inurease in VAI.I IS in the section n a fact l.ttown Io all. If is a fait that lots on Ponce Del.eon avenue -only a short divi.anii from ibis subdivision -have advanced within the past live or . ix yea 1 r from le« than s’o to SBO a foot, or from 100 to 500 per cent.* THESE I.'iTS will idvanei iiroportionately when the streets surrounding them have been worked out and developed in accordance with the plans already proposed. It is proposed to work out and grade and i i heft East North avenue from Kennesaw avenue, east, with an under pass at the Southern railway near Ponce DeLeon. This will make a great east and west highway free from street cars-running from the great industrial center along Marietta, street, by the Tech school and Ponce DeLeon, Into and through Druid Hills, and from there to Decatur and East Lake. North avenue is oniv 200 feet from these lots. err Y IMPROVEM ENTS SURE TO COME AT \N EARLY DATE <'!’> u pu up (under tlm bond issue) from Bolg’.ido .8 \ ♦ line up Io Baiiutt slroi’l. Water is already on Bar m-tt utreoi part of the to those lot.- THE TRUNK SEWER LINES to take care of this sccti”n are to be built this summer by the county, NEW SCHOOL CLOSE BY I SPEEI Vl.l. V DESIRABLE FOR DOMES be ruse of the splendid new Norfli Av i ini. school, located only about two blocks away from ♦he-'* lot This i ehool will eattsi all lots conveniently located to become more mid more in demand, and demand makes increase in value. Also be cause this general section is one of the high-class residence com tnuniti. of v tlanta LANDS IN THIS NEIGHBOR HOOD AND SECTION DIFFI CULT TO SECURE Pi;. VLSI; it i- • itln- already in the h inds of kit'd cmupanies. or i- held b\ owners, who realize its gilt -edged future and are holding it for even higher prices which are sure to conic. A LOGICAL CONCLUSION ECtR th* above -ensons. wo strongly recommend the purchase of these lots to Itotne her. th‘* builder and sp< ■ ulator, and e pr» tally to the small in xi teo- bee,litre they will surely and quickly increase in value, TERMS OF SALE Al 1. LOT? will bo -old on terms of one-fourth cash and ti-.e balance on "1 before cme two and three years, with ,7 per cent simple interest. ll''W ii' GET THERE Take Ponce DeLeon avenue to Druid Hills cars, get off at Gai nett street, go south two blocks. Or take Highland avenue cars get .ft at Cleburne avenue, and go north about two blocks. Both routes all o. K. I. \DIES are expected and especially invited to come. Get plats front FOSTER & ROBSON Agents. , 11 151 tie wood Aventie. W |.'j'i;t; I <<>\ <y st >\ \iiviiont'iT's Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Put Your Idle Money To , Work For You I FOR EXAMPLE, AN INVESTMENT OF SI,OOO ON GABBETT’S HILL—IN THE FOURTH WARD WILL PAY YOU AT LEAST $144 A YEAR. THE SAME MONEY IN A SAVINGS BANK WILL PAY YOU ONLY S4B A YEAR. THE-PROBLEM TO DECIDE IS WHETHER YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH 4 PER CENT INCOME AS AGAINST AN INCOME OF A FRACTION OVER 11 PER CENT. WHAT’S THE ANSWER? THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE THE ABOVE INVESTMENT WLLLBB OFFERED YOU NEXT I THURSDAY, .MAY 23, AT 3 P. M„ ON GAB BETT’S HILL. WHERE WE WILL SELL AT AUCTION’ ABOUT 50 LOTS ON TERMS OF $50.00 CASH AND THE BALANCE- SIO.OO MONTHLY. THIS IS ADMITTED TO BE THE BEST NEGRO RENTING PROPERTY IN ATLANTA. This property is surrounded by the following streets: CURRIER STREET on the south. PIEDMONT AV£NUE on the west. PINE STREET on the north. ■ and BEDFORD PLACE on the east. A number of the lots front on Currier street. ASK ANY REAL ESTATE MAN or PROPERTY OWNER IN ATLANTA and they will tell you that those lots are located in the best negro renting sec tion in the city. COME IN and let ns tell more particulars. Plats will soon be ready. FOSTER & ROBSON. Agents 11 Edgewood Avenue. i J. W. FERGUS()N & SON. Auctioneers. ’ Paces Ferry Acreage I HAVE FOR SALE on the magnificent Paces Ferry road and In the heart of its prettiest section, nine and a fraction acres of nicely shaded and wooded land facing 290 feet on Paces Ferry road. 600 feet on a new road that will shortly be cherted and with an average depth of 1.380 feet. 'Diis property fronts and adjoins ttic most pretentious homes on the drive and equid be made a beau tiful • building site. Surrounding acreage has been selling for $1,500 per acre, and I am offering this tract as a whole for a quick turn at $9,000. EMMETT HIGHT REAL ESTATE * , 513-511-515 EMPIRE BLDG. BROOKWOOD .lust a short distance from Peachtree car wc have a beautiful bungalow built for a home; owner is going to leave city and Is forced to sell. Can give you a close price and easy terms. PEACHTREE ROAD, between Buckhead and Brookhaven, we have several ■ choice lots on this road, which as you know is the highest class of real 'estate. HOLMES & LI'CKIE REALTY CO. Phones: Atl. 226, Bell Ivy 4157.34 N. Forsyth St. H. H. H. REALTY COMPANY 418 Empire Building. Telephone Connections: Bell Main 2185: Atlanta 652. ONE ID-ROOM AND 4-R.OOM HOUSE ON WEST HARRIS. $lO 000 ON WEST HARRIS STREET, not a. great distance from the streets nl'<-rc so niui'b real estate has been changing hands recently. The rent on ilio-<' w ill pay fair dividend. We can exchange this for some smaller property. Remember this is a corner lot SIN-ROOM HOUSE AND 6 ACRES OF LAND. $6,000 WE HAVE, one of the best propositions for a home and an investment combined that mu had find Good 6- room house and 6 acres of land that will sub divide into at least 30 lots that will sell for S2OO per lot, certain. Has more than 000 feet frontage on new street. Suburban Homes and Lots in Decatur TIVVl’’ TOU SSOO in cash and do you want a beautiful home at SI,OOO below its real market value? I have, a new 8-room, 2-story residence, on large, level, corner 1o» cverv ■■onvenienc.' and comfort; furnace; built of A-grade malerial ■■■ <1 tv■“i ‘wori.umn--hip well worth $6,750. It I on one of Hu* main thorough fares • Decatur. t 5 minutes by ear to Peachtree. Price $5,750. Only SSOO down. S4O monthly or even $35. .1 own it. Therefore can make my- own price A" BU*.'r r[El L bungalow, on a beautiful lot and beautiful street, in Decatur; 6 rooms every convenience; there isn't a $.5,000 bungalow in Atlanta as well finished as this house. I will sell this house for $3,850 and take as little as 5350 cash. Hardwood floors, too. ix DFCVTI R 2 lots, each 50x250. on a street with tile walks, just 400 feet ‘ from car line I will sell either of these lots for S3OO. Do you know of any other lots similarly located at such absurdly low price? I will build on in” tU’CkTi E \D 50x200, 1 lot 77x200. 1 lot 50x200, two blocks from Peach tree road price $350. $450 and $650. respectively. Easy terms, and they Should double in value in a year. These lots are a certainty. Why not put that savings account into one or more of them and make from 50 per cent Dtrc vTt’R—?lave you ever walked through and around this beautiful suburb? 1 * It will surprise vou 20 minutes ride. 5-minute schedule, fast cars, beautiful xtr-eets ‘beautiful homes and lots, fine schools and churches, splendid social features manv of the best people in Georgia reside tn Decatur. It is tlie home of the finest school in the South. Agnes Scott. Make an engagement with me to show you nronertx in Decatur. 1 OWN these properties You deal direct with the owner. W. H. S HAMILTON Decatur. Ga. Phone Decatur 113. Suburban Property Specialist. - ' - H ■ ■ i.. A Beautiful Decatur Home V. NEW 2-story 8-room home, with water, sewer and electric lights; situ ate<l on" a beautiful, elevated ease front lot covered with large oak trees; close to Vgnes Scott College and public school. Cine-half block of cur line Size of lot 120x240. Price $6,500. J. M. WORSHAM Real Estate and Loans. ’ ' i !’OS Third National Bank Building. hy 5626 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & gOYLSTON SUTHERLAND. THIS is a section of beautiful homes and refined people, less than twenty minutes from the city: all city conven iences; houses have largdots, tile side walks and are close to the best car service in town. We have c/ttages and two-story homes in this beautiful stfb division for sale at very reasonable prices and on remarkably easy terms. Cottages of five and six rooms, ranging in price from $2,750 to $4,500. Two story’ houses of eight rooms, with fur nace. for $5,500 and up. and there isn’t a house in sight that is not worth all we ask for it. Let us show you some of these places. Os course, we want to sell you, but will take pleasure in showing you whether you want to buy or not. EAST ALEXANDER. < GO out this way and see what is gbing on. Then come in and let us tell you about a place we are offering for sale that is right at West Peachtree street. EIGHTH STREET. WE HAVE a dandy vacant lot. on this street that we can sell at a very'close price, east front and runs back to an alley. ' | DAILY STATISTICS . . Building Permits. ‘-ity of Atlanta; house at Lee street and Avon avenue. „43.500—Charles Holder; dwelling at 393 \A illiains street. sloo—Charles Holder, house at 253 Wil liams street. r Warranty Deed*. , Hubbard to William Kuhn, land lot 121, commencing on the south west side of Evans drive, at the northeast corner of lot 2, southeasterly along said drive t>o feet. 60 by 183 feet. May 4 SI,BOO—C. D. Wilson to J. B. Eubanks and ( athenne Eubanks, land lot 21, on the w est side of Cameron street, 45 by 242 feet. May 14. Fretwell to Jefferson I en.t, land lot 16. beginning at. the north west corner of Highland and St. Charles avenues. o 3 by 173 feet. May 10. tr. Cemetery Corporation to Mrs. M. J. Folds; land lots 211 and 213 29 kD ’ ° f Said cemeter y- October •■‘1,750 -H. S. Johnson to W. E. Cason land lot iC an the east, side of Windsor street. 103 feet south of southwest cor ner of Crumley street, 35 by 81 feet. May Airs. Kate Lovette to Dickinson I rust Company, land lot 104. of block 34 on the west side of South Prvor street’. L.a feet, more or less, south of son street. o 0 by 135 feet. May 10 $16,000 Mrs. Daisy E. Ryan to Dick inson I rust Company, land lot 78, on the north side of Marietta street, 130 fee*-—~ more or less, south of Junction of Walton and Marietta streets, 45 by 80 feet May . Awtre Y to W. P. Jones, land! lot 250. being lot 485 in block E, plat 1, at Hollywood cemetery. Afky 11. i ? L 2S T; A d!F McC »rrey to J. s. Wallace, land lot_ 149, on the west side of Grave street, 270 feet south of Ethel street, 50x88 feet. April 27. 1909. SI,OOO and Other Valuable Consideration - Harry H. Kelley to Louis 1.. Arnold land lot 47. beginning on the south side of North avenue, 500 feet west from the southwest corner of Johnson street, 40x195 feet. May 14. $1,700 Eugene Dodd to Dickinson Trust Company, land lot St, beginning on the west side of Nelson street, 41x69 fe»t May 15. Si.loo Same to same as above, same property. Same date Warranty Deeds to Secure Loans. $1,750- A. O. McDonnald to Etnma T. Brown, land lot 44, commencing on the cast side of Grant street. 150 feet north of the northeast corner of said street and Brian street, 50x165 feet. April 23. $875.73- Emily H Harvil to W. M Mc- Kenzie. land lot 117, beginning at a point on Gordon street. 152 feet from W L Stanton's spring lot, 50x200 feet. May 6 Bonds For Title. SI6,OOO—W. T. Gentry to H. C. Worthen, land lot 106. beginning on the west side of Columbia avenue. 49x200 feet. May 1 $6,960 - S. C. Orr to E. H. Odom, being .part of land lot sam,e as above, on the north side of Brookline street and at the northwest corner of said street and Stew art avenue, 50x200 feet. September .1, SS2O—C. G. Hannah and John S. Owens to J. S. Wallace, land lot 187, on the west side of Springer street, 382 feet of the northwest corner of DeFoorS Ferry road and said street, 50x270 feet. 1912. $5,000- R. E. Hinman to - Charles' C tones, being part of land lot 106. on ths west side of Piedmont avenue, 40X162L feet. May 14. $3.625--Lillian and Laury Lacy to W. O. McDonnald, land lot 44. commencing on the east side of Grant street, 50x165 feet. May 10.—Paul Goldsmith and Arthur T Smart to David H. Kirkland, land lot 42. beginning on the west side of Peachtree street, 50 feet north of the northwest corner of said street and North avenue. 50x100 feet. March. $600,000 - George M. McKenzie to J. Car-<~ — roll Payne and Eugene V. Haynes, 39 and 41 Whitehall street. Quitclaim Deeds. ss—Mrs. c. M. Johnson to Mrs. Laura E. Buchholz. land lot 79. commencing on the west side of Marietta street, known as No. 506 Marietta street. sl95 —A. P. Herrington to W. O. Mc- Donnald, land lot 44, commencing on the east side of Grant street, 150 feet north of the northeast corner of said street and Bryan sireet, 50x165 feet. April 23. sl—George K. Johnson and John W. Hamer to E. J. Perkcrson. land lot 106. commencing at the southwest corner of Tenth and Myrtle streets, by Si feet May 6. 81—George Westmoreland to Jack D tlayes. land lot 17, on the north side ot Vt Charles avenue, 47x190 feet May 14. Loan Deed. > S2.OOO—E. J. Pcrkerson to George K. Johnson and John W. Hamer, land lot 106, cemrnencinc at the southeast corner of Tenth and Myrtle streets, 3714 bv 81 feet February 28. 1907 Mortgages. $5—J B. Eubanks' and Mrs. L. C. Eu banks to the Merchants and Mechanic* Banking and Loan Company, land lot ‘2- on the north side of Pickert sire<N; feet east of South Boulevard, 50 by 166 feet. May 4. $lO—C. D. Wilson to Atlanta Savings bank, land lot same as above, 45 by 243 feet. July 20. 1910. s+24 Mrs. Hester D. Boylston to At lanta Banking and Savings Company, land lot 20. on the southwest corner of Es toria and Gaskill streets. 40 bv 110 feet May 13, 1911. $424- Mrs. Hester D. Boylston to Atlan ta Banking and Savings Company, same property. May 13. 1911. SB6B Mrs. Maggio M Thigpen to At'a.t«4 ta Banking and Savings Companv. land lot. <3. nn the west ride of Conngtlv «tree' x tn by i?o feet Ma* 11 x