Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1912, EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2
2 ALLEN, GUILTY. ' ID HIE IN ■ First Outlaw to Go to Trial Is Convicted of Murder in the First Degree. Continued From Page One. In the < .is* m n - sons. Claude .on! Vic tor Allen, v iies. trial u ill st.: '! <>n Monday Prank of Boys Started Trouble. The *-a uses that led t*» th« shooting diite hack to the ariv.*t <»f the FM wards bo? s. Floyd Allen’s nephew.* for caus ing a disturbance in a > ho*>! house at which Sunda? services \<*r<- to b* held. Th*- Edwaids ho? s \v» i> summoned (•» cdurf and appealed to Floyd Alien to ro their bond. Alien siaio-d i«» Llillsvil’* in compli ance with the request ami met an odi ter of the law with t • bo? « in lov. . He requested to sc< Hu- papers pc iTiittinu 1 he a rest of t’ne Vhiini: nmim taincers in X -r;h <’a odina a n< mhbw Ing state, and upon the oflirt i > < i,is.. . took his gun awa\ and v.a? later ar rested on a te* hnival charge of resist Ing an oftn er. # Ref »/o ; )>• t ria I of b’loyi Allen on thest ■marges. ift.-f , oiiru . i. <1 with the prosecution Judg< Thornton I. Mu - sic. the C« • nil*)!! Wco It 11* atloiLO and the sheriff evolved mans loiters ■h•onioning viol- me if the inonti^;rn « r was convicted. lit will m v« . ve a jail Hentenci said the ominous noo-s. •Sentence Signal For Opening Fire <Mi 'ho d;<\ ?h< t rnlei cc was lc pronounced. March 13, tin \lh*n> ami their hepchmen tiled .-•olcnin I? in." town, tied their huiscs in front of the Utile court room and thronged into the building. Jndg- Masse a steadily ;ii Flc»?»| \.;*n .-landing in th* dock and pronounced a -■•nt. n< » --c bodying a prison term of one '.car. A(a-ording to « \<‘w itm sses. the h - terne was- the signal tor the -iioMiing. Floyd Mien, reaching f" hi gun a soon as th- words had pa -cd lhe Judge's lips, opened tin. his clansmen’ following suit. With the tir-i voile?,; the jiUlgc. prosecutor, sheriff and clerk i of the court fell, either d<-ad or dcspt r atoly uouiulol. The Adons then tuim-d their attention to the jurors, who. with tee first pi-tol shot, h'lrriedlx h fl their . box and bolted for ih< door, ill, with i the exception of on< «»r two, ■• -aping, injur?. Then followed a pistol duel m-ross the court house lawn, in which F'nyd Xllon was wounded, and the dash through the town to their mountain fafttneitsos, whcr< the m* n hoped to evade capture. Only Two of Band Uncaught. The hunt foi the outlaws l»» on March 11, when tin operative" of De tectives Baldwin and Felts la gan pour, ing Into Hillsville. Va. # and Mount Airy. X <from th< Southern mountain di - ■ Irivts. Thcp ■ men, organized into j posses, procured the -ervha s of ><-a- ! j oned niountaim ei s and began to scout he mountain thickets for their quarry. . I poll whose heads wa re set .« c,ards| amounting to thuusiiiio «»r co’l ■ - The search w a nc- . s-arily long , Caeli < ovv of th' mountain- \\as| uarched thorough!?, a mm being left ' o guard against the return of the >mt ■ aw s. Th< posses hunted by day. -et ing pickets and resting by nigot, ami ; iradua’ly <l:i\mg : ir mountains far- , her and Lnlut from their soum-i of 1 ‘tipply till om after another all \ cpt I w<». the? gave thems- i\e< up. cog- ; tin impo-.-ibilit? of i.mtinuing ht game of hide and -■ < R against such ■ »c-;s Sldna X'lvn am' We,*!.;, HdwardSj i e the on > ’.m mbvis of the band mi- ■ mptured. EATS 52 TROUT AND SENDS FOR A DOCTOR M« »\T’< 'F.1.1,' >. \ V Max 17. Hn - ng dc-daied that i< (ould eat all tin*, ■ at ; vc trout two persons could caicii n a- lishing S anttm F.nnis, a; 4 oceryman ‘ serious!? ill as a re- | -• !’ >d a;t< ■ to make good In* )oast. H«‘ ami coaipanion. I' auk Mitch il, caj (tired a large s;r : mg of trout in Mong.tup r>\er \e-t» d. . \ , the tisi- in number, of xai ious siz» >. were uined •\<! o Hnnis with tin- under -landing that in the . tent of hi- fai ; ire to devour tm.m h- should f.n fctt > . o Mitche’i Famis won but s iikch o he under lilt ;• ' . in's ■ ai. f■. . COTTON MILL CONVENTION. I.A GK \X<;i •’. \ Al \ ■ . \\ : he annual <onveni : -m of \-» ..emt- d •nt:..a Mil! of <; oi - . - .. ■ ! W.. rm Spt ing - i■ • ’ ■ . "i . . <> ■ i .< Joh- w ■ Comiel et •-Mil I nm.OOO, \\ i : he » or. *• n • • F.: . F ■ h:i . he having I- ■ • o the ! • ganizai nm up*".- ■ <• . ■ .» •' t) ftrler.of Atbi.’ o not neglect your health —laxatives are nec essary sometimes. Make sure of the best- then go ahead. Hunyadic Janos oh Water g Natural Laxative ail Recommended p by Physicians lor CONSTIPATION Richeson Told He Must Go to Chair For Slayinq PASTOR BREAKS DOWN AT NEWS I . . ——— ( Richeson as He Looked at Time of Killing, and as He Looks Today MBh I ...\ MMj f Asy IF""aB i -».-<*• E»- '< ■- mb . rw JM' - • • a-., WTOt M tggßtgOi ' • —JMT x - • " ■ ■ w> I Experts Find Him Sane, and Governor Refuses to Grant Clemency. Continued From Page One. I liuy. When lie was seven, he Wils in jured in a hnisebfick imiik-nt. All I J other lime he down, udrs mid i : bump m;i nii-i d. which IS still to la I so'il upon his head. Again Id . binlher ' threw a hammer and -tittek hint on Ihe I head. itii lu son had. he told Ihe alienists many Diluting spells and dyspvpth it-| i tacks al different times. Governor Foss Own Statement. *t*i n»»r l 'ns<‘ - tn t --munt follows ‘ Hx*-t utivr dt-inciH'V \x ill not be « s (• ml. <1 in th<- uus<’ «> t < an in • \ T Iti<■ 11>•><m. Tin piisonci \v;ih sentenced upon his <t\\i: confession Hi a Him i w hi«-lj :t pp< ui's impossible th;;! any noi - | mal in.i n could < tmimil. , Afit-t his . .ml'ssitm .iml s« nteme .11 pi. of insunii \ w ol up b\ Ins | j 1 cotinst , and strongly suppo’. l'*d b\ .ilb- ’ , its: <\p ndinu o\» his ’i:*- Tin ; j charmtci of these iitlidnviis left I Other < 011; st for Hie gut m not than to ! submit those, ;.m1 tlm p: is me. iiimsr.: , io 11 ** \;iiiiination b\ oiu hading .Pit n i> 1 s in ord. ; io pi ob-» . t common ■ I\v r.i 11 h f ■ out th. can . t mil the m;t o ■ was ac: inill\ insam• v lit 11 • h-- • do d u.i* ; • ommitlvd as w e’l as ;l ill.- p •-> nt c\ 1U sIIO.X s I 'ml Ku .iCsOli I jf.imilv !ica\il\ ,tiT’m-icd with insan | ‘n \ . t hut lb- himseit is a .m u; otic, t 1 smmm mlmlist and ;> m-m usi m niu . timt (h’- ’ - ' io c\ll Im■ emotional d 1- • ,:u:imm«- ni.tiked In loss <>;' memo;?.* jwlii.: ; idi.nists i-av di ' hysterical insanity. "m- physician ' mu 11m am rmd i\ e I." a «>f hvst • . n . I | d.|i iml. ind i In* nm.i«n iI \ opinion imd •.: (inu that h. ittacks a ■ h\ stei i< al : a.tack- m.i.Kctl l»v emotional distm l..i m • ..f n f .in 1 a lion, wit •• s of I memo; \ <;m inc the attack, and fm a !\ a \ ii'u sod follow nu l. Not. Insane When Committed Crime ■ Too . \ id. no . ho\v<-\ w hile . h it is li.\i . inu ll >.• aitacks. indicates ih .! a- . : iim- was m»t coniniilioi h\ him .-u . 1 -m ’■ an attack. Tim.'t io •. w hilt llm ;< som diveigcmc of ..pinion tin- a’ienist> as to wheth. these !..t;.oks indican . ;u.. : insm’ty thc . i lis > ili’n i. ui u '.mm' for ’he com disom | ha < !m i- a> < ."’nmh; ■ fo t : ids •:■ me ;i a■ 1 I h.i '.lib - ■ ■.'-a- ol -til i\ e chum, m\ ! ; . :. I >ll < ic U'" !.m Io' -on's mil \ ah', hvnm.u . : m •. in 1 •',«<.• aer: an-, at. m>i 1 < ■ • to t'.ildm at ion ■Ta. . - • ' I • I I , w a i ; I .<r. and I > Isidoi H t i• t , .. mu r.e . • def. ns. . I ' I. V. mm j Hi'• u 4 -■ a. a u •; tin pc 'Oiiisi rr-.juest ; snot i I) Heni\ R S <, G o y. T Tuttle and Hrii: ,r I Spends Reading Bible. <: ■< -rn o ■ up.. . P. ” | m .:. ’ ■ .a: w u m mon. and a pl i>oii I. II m.. a. O. ~ a.•• U o\ | <o a <nm A e;c h .j t'xpia ;- op of his | THE AT LANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: — - . I SUMMARY OF EX’ENTS IN RICHESON SLAYING ♦ (h-tobor 14 Avis Linnell found dead from cyanide poi soning in bath room of Yonng Women’s Christian association. October is Druggist liahan tells of selling Rev. ('. V. T. k’icheson poison. October 20 Home of kielieson s fiancee. Violet Edmands, surrounded l»\ police to pre\eiit his escape. October 21 Richesow surrentLei'.ed and submitted to arrest. October 25' Bod.t of Avis kinnell* exhumed for autopsy. November 1 h’icheson indicted for murder in first degree. November 2- h’icheson presents resignation to his congre gation. November 13 Kieheson arraigned, pleads "not guilty.’’ 'l’rial date set at .January 15. November 24 Resignation of Richeson as pastor accepted by his former eongregation. December 20- Richoon cuts himself with improvised tin knife in cell. December 27 Special venire of 275 called t'or Richeson 1 rial. • I aiuia.m (> Confessed his guilt. •January T - Sentenced to ileath in electric chair. — lom e ■ whvlhi r ch'ctroeution was an I | “oas\ death ’’’ Thus* who talked with the • on j iirinii.-d man toda\ said that tln rc has ! be.-n a gi‘*ut moral ami physical .ianu<- lin th. young p ■ acb.« r. Hi mis grow n 'o’-'.-r and mor- .-ah-wtirn his in. a coralion. mid tile 'angfroid t, at p naldcd him to poach two sermons in h. Immanuel Hm-iis: church after lie had given the death potion to his s w oct - heart has disappeared, lie is now d< - viiiii’v religious and his faith, his friemis - i\. will can) hiii| t" the caair w ith imfalti ing step Riches.m - last h«mrs will be sp.mi in spiritual preparation for liis Journex to 1 h.e great i».\.md. His r-iigimis ad \ isor wi‘- be summoned, ami before the I bison guards perform tlmir last serv b.s to (he doom, d mon he w ill h« al lowed an houi for meditation and pray. Witnesses to Death Chamber. Tins o\ ; . the death wa. ram wiii l.v I lead to : ’• -ga’ v itm >-• -mll moiled I Ito i . <m : tm- c\< cm ion. ano t«-■ • \ w■; ’ . W.a ... IT idg. s to •io d. al -i ' ■. i amb, i H. Im > w 1 awa:; the ; . 0 mug of ’ -c c. cased. \|o..i v m.« I - prison guard s w i h:is\ Ihl ii'-'-lsf. Wi'a lib pr.-p.i a i ion ; of :m- miriKlei- toi ..oath He w ill be ■ dr. -sed in 1 pa 11- .•: .g ; ll.m>. s. sdt .o’ ; h«- appiicatiou of lib 'Tetrodes.! ill d a soft sail I. This done. I To doomed n an aecompanii d b\ his -id itua’ ad- I \ and hi- gna’d-'. Wi'a b. gm hi-- sol- ' ' ‘. ini. unit ah to death. COLUMBUS TEACHERS NAMED. ■ - ' >l.l' M '.CCS. May 17 P|.>Cs<oi 11. ' I 'I Diinivl l.;is b<-<-n i-u-eleeied superin- ! ; an.lriii o? < ’oimnbus s. boo's. I‘rim i i | I < G ci- . . ii .* T • ' K- ndi ieks. V. \ . , \|. . S I I ■m’erwoo.i, id. dei \| v- 1 r. .. i \| - _ s ■ • i .lorn- ,\l K lb; - i ' '.end am. <' A. Maupin .1 \ Hi’ean Who Io; !h last live* j ? .a- I i p; it. ips< lofi -m high I -• ’‘a’! t.sigm-d to a. . opt t’c --uperhi-l j i ri.u.-iu \ <>f ; ’i.tols 11 Thom - j ■; . . I I Special Train Carries Ad Men of Atlanta To Dallas Convention Bound lor the live day convention in I'alki.-. Tcxa-. ol" the As-oeiated Xil \erti-iiiy Clubs of Ameiiea. a largf delegation of the Atlanta Ad Mell's club will leave this -Jl'ieinoon in a spe cial train. Many of the delegates nil! b< accompanied by their wives. \ I arty from North Carolina reached Atlanta last night am! Mill join the At lanta men on the trip. At Bimpngham tonight the ranks Mill be further re cruited by ad men front Alabama. ''rite Atlanta Special" Mill remain in Birmingham for several hours and the ; delegation oil lie entertained a: a bamim-i. Tlu r. a ill be a breakfast in Memo n« tomo roM morning, and the ! 'fennc.-S'■ clubs M ill join repi-esenla ;PO of otltm states tiler-.-. At an eally iiom Sunday morning lite special Mil! ' -a i I>all <s Vfte. the eonvi ntion. most of th' At .<m»i party .'ill take advantage of the I t'in mound Toxas offer d by the rail morn'B tilth "o:. i m.-rci t' imbs. and Mil! mo i- I - \\ > r . W.-u o. I lorn- toe. I la It. ton. Au-11, S. m" Amniiio ami oimr point . iurnmg in ibont Imclvc day . WIFE'S PICTURE. $23,360: HUSBAND'S. ONLY $3,305 Ijc\ I>« ».X. ai. \l7 \ts<ii ht by s the 1 i ■'i ti .< its of Ai’isi Ictubiirn s friends, i ■ Mi and M s. (h -'igt Thomson, of E.iin- . : burgh. pi« sciiicd a (cmarkabic contiast m i’:c n olle; of \\duu-. Mi.-. Tiiom* 1 -m. - poii c . a gift from the artist, wa' brought b\ Wu’tibeimur for SIT.:;C.u, iW ; ! ; b he husband's was sold to Mi. :V- io ’s fo’ M’ l'di. Ti’.i'i s,m Was v • k 'of •' : .:ird .. • s . |-a.h> ■ ’g I* .II! »N " ; j , j ms i. n< , : ~. . • FRIDA?. MAX' 17. 1912. LADWHOSHDTHIS BROTHER IS FREE i Inquest Shows Killing of Young Gibson Accidental—Mother Prostrated Over Tragedy. William E. Gibson, the sixteen-yca.- old boy nho accidentally -hot andkilltd his brother. Harry Gibson, v. ith a .22- epllber rifle in their home at 76 Ten nille street, has been released from cus tody. Voting Gibson Mas a- ested shortly after the shooting, pending a coroner's inquest. The testimony given the au [ thorities by Albert Gibson, a y ounger | brother, proved conclusively that the ‘gun was fired unintentionally. Police Chief Beavers ordered Gibson released land he retu ned to his home. Dead Boy Favorite Son. Mrs Maggie Gibson, mothm of the boy s. is prostrated by the shock of the shooting am! refuses to be consoled. She has confided to neighbors that Har. I ry was het favorite son. The shooting occurred about 2:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The tMu boy s bad gone to an unused oom in the bouse to clean a title. William, in passing tlie gun to lla,ty. caught the trigger upon his clothing so that the a capon Mas discharged. The bullet] struck his brother on the tip of the! dose, traversing the bridge tind piercing] tim forehead. Young Gibson died in an ambulance on tile May to Grady hos pital. The funeral se: vices will be eonduct ; ed at the home today. HUSBANDS FOR WORKING GIRLS CLUB WOMEN'S AIM I'illt'AGO. May 17. A plan to estr.b- I lish a downtown registration bureau.] where wot king girls may. be assigned ! to ptivate homes instead of being forced , to go to rooming ami boarding houses. I M ill, it is believed by the members of i various m omen's clubs Mho arc behind ,|the project, materially aid tin- girls, |in finding husbands. If they are Hr- I ing jn private families, the club , say . the working girls can meet and I entertain young men much mor. easily. I i than they can a bile living in rooming | houses. COMMISSION MERCHANTS PREDICT 70-CENT BUTTER .\K\\ V< >Rlv. Ma.- H'. 'Flic pred'c’ion i is made by commission men tbat the re tail price of butler next winter will be Kat" 70 rents a pound. Butter is selling . wholesale at 36 rents a pound, or 16 cents more than a year ago. The late i spring and the Sullivan law. w hich lim ! its the time in which butter may b<- kepi , in cold storage to twelve months, are re sponsible for th'- present high prices, ac cording to H. I. Preston, editor of Pm-! -• News NEW SCHOOL FOR MARIETTA. MARIETTA. GA.. Mac 17. Marietta] übl issu. of bonds io erect a I ucm public school building, giving the! cfiy three- I", "il: be bub- .m the met!. A so.- -ia! ■ ■ etion u ,s .>m ...... ), s ... Iltl . I jo: ay. |WED« WITH THE CZAR St. Petersburg Demands Re call of French Envoy and Paris Wiil Retaliate. i PARIS, May 17.—Diplomatic relations between Russia and France have been J broken off. Premier Kokolsoff, of Rus j sia. has demanded the recall of M. Georges Louis. Fiench ambassador to I St. Petersburg. It is likely that France will take simi lar action in reference to Ambassador General Sasanoff. the Russian envoy here. The situation is, decidedly acute and the relations of the two countries greatly strained. Aeeotding to a statement published by The Echo today, the crisis- was caused by the failure of M. Louis to make sufficiently clear to the French government Russia’s proposals regard ing mediation in the Turko-Italian war and maintenance of the political en tente cordiale in the Far East. Efforts are being made today to have Russia withdraw her demand for JI. Louis’ recall. MAN DEAD THREE YEARS APPOINTEE OF GOV. FOSS NORTH ADAMS, MASS., May 17. Governor Foss presented the name of Dr. Homer Bushnell as associate med ical examine, for this district. Dr. Bushnell has been dead three years. EVERYBODY PLEASED AND SOME TAKE TWO I The First Days Distribution Shows That Our Readers Ap preciate the Great Offer. The opening daj- of The Georgian's distribution of the Standard Atlas and Chronological History of the World plainly evidenced that everybody in I Atlanta will want this useful volume. | The distribution ' will now continue I every day until the books are all gone. I So call at the office of The Georgian l and get your book as soon as possi ' ble. I The Georgian's Atlas is full and com i plete in every respect. It contains all ! the information to be found in a high | price Atlas, with added features that go ito make it just that much more useful. ; It has another advantage in that it is of convenient sixe and can be placed on the desk or table, or upon a shelf within easy reach, to be used for quick i eference. One of the most interesting and in structive subjects In the Standard Atlas is the chronological history of the world, which treats historical events according to dates from 7.000 years be fore Christ down to the present year of 1912. Nothing could be more useful for the child at school, and there is not a man or woman who reads The Geor gian that can not be benefited thereby. The colored maps in this volume ate all printed from new plates and cover every known portion of the entire globe. The names of railroads are all given, as well as cable and steamship routes and the routes of polar explora tions. Such a book should be in every home in Atlanta. Al! you need to do to get The Geor gian's Atlas is to clip six consecutive headings from the first page of The Georgian and present them at the bus iness office, together with the small ex pense fee to cover the necessary ex pense items of distribution. Readers who got their books yesterday were so pleased with them that some took the sleeond copy, one man said he wanted one for his business desk, and ar he had children attending school, he took another copy tor home use. Clip the headings from the first page of The Georgian and get your Atlas before the offer is withdrawn. . . ■ — .. i ii M .iinn wim ii j an— iw mi.. , ■ ————in ... , , , . ... ■ v r T , I •1 j FLINDERS ’ & .Luu.mobiles EMr ’i ’ fl M ’ *®u'o 3fo«?c6r 'Bo' I 31 I > S Do You Want Your Money’s Worth? $ rig it- o • i I I fl . ir tl “I' fl., 7 Al Flanders “20” Touring Car, 1800 *1 M The next time an automobile salesman tries to sell vou a car *1 | 111 ; The best automobiles in the world are sold for their list !«I * price, not a penny less. They are worth it. But the lame ducks <3 the second rates, the nondescript and assembled automobiles ‘ Sr » n th S PU . bhC markct lo °king for the highest bidder. Look M tX out they don t get you. W gold-brick cars are not worth their M X’S.'S KL"' ' w " ? "**>-'™'- <=•• But X you wa . n s a car 01 on ' P r >ce to all and worth everv Flanders ”20 fl v S,udebakrr E-M -F "30." MIOO, or 'Q . Handers 20, SBOO. You can trust them. You get all that >?5 you pay for and that ls more than you get with anv other S ar a ’ ncar thelr Price. Studebaker guarantees them. ' c?" Ute big reason No matter what price temptation falls in XV your way, Studebaker E-M-F ”30” and Flanders "20” ca£ '> V' are far bigger bargains, because in years of good service and satisfaction, they pay big returns. service and »Ve can prove .f-Send for our new catalogue g. 3 The Studebaker Corporation q Detroit, Michigan i 'CI i ’» i E=M=F Atlanta Companv-45 Auburn Ave t 4 PHONE IVY 1691. * G W. H ANSON. M gr’ J it 'MJSOSSSjfS .< Atlanta Elks to See Western Wonders On Trip to Convention The Atlanta lodge of Elks will send a delegation to the national convention in Portland, Oreg., on a special train from New’ York, with .Brooklyn lodge - o. No definite date for leaving Atlanta has yet been decided on. but the one most likely to be selected is Ju'y 3 The delegation will arrive in Portland on •July 8. - ... The business of the reunion • «H1 probably be concluded by July 12 and the party will then epgage in-a series of sight-seeing tours, to include a five days stay at Yellowstone Park, a trip to the Grand canyon of Arizona. Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak, Cripple Creek, the Garden of the Gods and other places of interest. The return trip will embrace some of the largest cities of the West. The At lanta partj- "ill probably number abou’ 25. Members desiring to take the tnp must send in their applications b> June 1. Two White Hairs Poking OGt under the curl! A.f< you tr?ing to cover up your hair? with puffs and curl preceeft seldom succeeds. Better far to restore ow n hair to its original color and beauty Rob i nn ai re Hair Dye restores lifeless, colorless, 'faded gray hair to its original color and beautiful, healthy condition. ' • It is not a preparation to change the color of the hair. Simply a re storative that puts natural color and life and lustre into the hair.. TRY IT. The hair respond* quickly to proper care and treat ment. Non-sticky and does not stain skin or scalp. Prepared for light, medium and dark brown and black hair. Trial size 25c. laig* size 75c. postpaid. Pure and Harmless Jacobs’ Pharmacy Atlanta, Ga. FRECKLES New Drug That Quickly Removes These f Homely Spots. There's no longer-the slightest ixeed of feeling ashamed of } oyr frecl>>,. iis a new drug, othine- double strength. been discovered *hat positively ‘retwJves’’' these homely spots. Simply get one ounce of ■ oihine*' ifwible strength, from Jacobs’ Pharmacy. and> apply a little of it at-night, ahd fn the morning you w ill see that oven the xyorst fre-kles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an -ounce is needed to completely Hear the skin, and gain a beautiful clear Complexion. Be sure to ask for Hie double snrepgtH othine. as this is. sold undei- guarajitee of money back if it. fails to remove freck les. CUTICIIRA SOAP SHAVING STICK For Tender Faces Indispensable for those subject to.reci- 2 .S ness, roughness, and other irritatiqns of the skin. A shavingluxury. No mug. germs, no wistebf Jxw* time or money. In nickeled box,‘Joe. .at iftAVINC storesorb majl. [STICK Address •Cuticura," Dept. 2S, Boston • •• - ■'' —_______—.