Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1912, EXTRA, Image 8
The Dingbat Family More of the Monte Carlo Spirit O Copyright 1312, National News Association By Herriman | SO PftOUD OF\ WELL uibHT YID SLtJ fOH~Alut> HE isX ~ ~ [AND TELL 41E. IAAS This') fWE'SE GOrNG To f SOt>' AtV GAM6) i\j& J ' UuW'Ak i .ND i A.ET //MiAjE /MIKE i AAb WHAT IS MORE \ (GREAT to A ME. CK- YOUAS '— x I ANOTHER. PAME. OF OR AP5> X RKvfr-w. A..t i, k “RRC 7 TAKE That FIVE.-SPOT \HOHH MERCY ) ( WHAT >s AICRE \ : PLAYED ho The’GRAND SALCA) X BALK OF DE- STABLES \ |! • ' 7_ I YOU STAKE fa ME. To 7._ 7 ' IM AOTTA GOING To \ WHERE ALL THESE FOREHJN , ! 4l|'sTbM DINGBAT BE.TTUH I 7OL .I • /YESTERDAY 4AD DID I I UN-TILL I / 'SAMBLtRS'; AND SPORYS M ( COMEACONg VOU Kamu J I . kOSwTI I /HOU> ’SEVEN I ' CARLO COMBINATION, \ WAS* VA^ l^xT T I zaspeßAt/n M fa -r \ two . •! x rws - t V 7 r- - Vfrom ul 1 - | I ; V 7 \ dollar', and ynv Vhoo-choo dang / r /ajoT Ex actly i r- ’ J i. 1 .;. 'll ’7.. 7,77 tw, V&7 E 7 • tajww ) Waaw«p X. Mt sk%. / x -*»**y Jo, MEy’./rr E. *1 X ’<.■ M ' to to. *T—x Quire. K-' I hl jSL (<1 /.t W/ is ' n 'fc7<S -aW Cw 7 ~JEI L.* JT Hi I Bs*-war \JMLv J \ « jot® i b 18 U ifi# JK77? - , - sri ? | hah | ’ n v7«i 7i>i 75 ' -? ' "-r <“«K K .«v\ \ him/ ■■ \ ? CHIU* KOLNTaJC, j k ) I z z" to ( <r --Cmwk ( i KO/aj_J7 1— -" an ' *%/■ '■'-</) \ p"; (oj n>J a i i-C'A x. ■■■- . - - _ L_ _ ‘W._ Sherlocho the Monk The Episode of the Tedious Wait Copyright, 1012, National News Ass’n. By Gus Mager ! 'IMIIINiBK i ? W| Htfl£ xou A * e I 7 ( MM HM IVHY even! I f and do you smell th.s ' minute for. sheruxkoH I f J||lll T ° TRe * r |A Blind man Tout p see J I Tr ong odor, of Tobacco I - f$:P y 7 TM h 7 hiGNorewsnNcruw 1 Jlf/L llti ? e ' ? 7 this scribfm LC 7 / Come, 1 THtNic 1 ca N take 7 F7 T pTO ANAnT him HERL AT J i ' YOUR NOTE SATS <c AND ■ . ’ &LlN<3 ' I . You T r> THF Pl M-c uucnt C 111 j XNA,r Mrt ’ THE tesHARP, ANO HE»e r here TOU haven't I ,r> I•* NOT handwriting. ’ I TH Re / J *ikE*s' CAPE' _ |l<r WrtT^«Ac^» N <T' FOR “ I I WAITED |Ai 1 EVEN STARTHrtI JV S NOT£ f € A X SHeRLCCKO, HA-'ma’ , r HOURS t I 1 *..- ; zg-\ X J T \ AND INTRODUCE TOU TC / 37vz pi • 3| |1 Y J 'T _ ‘lra s §3i3r* ;i T 1 ' 7 -i \t- ~z < HE AuT “ w ’■ r~r —; :mzj f; \ 7 <r u I ---iyy jf S/ ; /See that noteJ/ j \ -1/ ~ d >1 71/ ; 1 , i - / \JHG limit 1 7. -7 ■*rl)t^k4FW \ 1 mine tou c O ' T !/ !/> / ’ 1 ! x —Y— < j j — r ... p—. I SPEAK <'’ C V L 77 / I I 4 I'l 1 # ... -w *'■£*■'* ' '' I '' ■ . a A i Your man .B.■■ k r l/y ' <• 1 W <y°JL NJ | fegfofo Yb i lish r ~’ Ljr Mi'' I WIIS LA.--.. ■ ■' UUI» real-zE* ... 1111 Cd %sS ~~-CT“T- J YO [ Desperate Desmond ® cla M u a d y e weM Po p k urpo C s h e ip By Hershfield I NOW QaJDE. VIE V =-“ !DCiAA.o*.it>, You I f~“' 'f iHORgpRs! IF I HADN'T WoND MAS LOCKED I ’'LL PygH THE.SC CHIPS Now To - I DOOfC ’ 1 ~Z~~ 1/ <AMC IN ’7'7 If lIAI.T , Mft 7 £ T ?7 j I FROM EWS VhVaiA MV ( Id&SMcNIDSKI I _TWW AVOID DESMON-D3 « 7wAV IL W TRAP DOCK AND ] ^ P Y-ir ?X \ HAVE STEPPEDcw I- limipOKEß CHIPS AND W - JAkc CHARftt- or/ jBfW A-O &x J \ gfIBIBaF <7 V TRAP DOokJ 1 ! I I CARDS LEFT BY THE T IML STAQC ©OOP ■ SOME g ~ _ . ’*>'"lK ?. - :T - jpu« RC&AMOAID /* fgBK flMl -7 117/TOBHrTiP i I MUSIC IANS. I HAVE H BODY READ MY 7-7 .xstolr i CHIP j ffitolL&j > ~ ~ ij a ’ rill ' k OF distress a qamlovich ck)inc t -= 9 |!kV on -them: /T>\7"' on. m. break a- r WYeti xrJY-sW u II z MT \UPSKI AND qRAF ; X AW^-^^cußscV V f F toT toTTI I A B ■ t3Pa la ' yft’to/J J< \ oy - ii®T iYMc - .Lj igiJnijJ l7n /«/| AM - /J'S mi U k<Z Z W7 = W* v»masr ®r iNk \ •■ O\ 7 JL fe--0 7|a fe)& l f =5 T J | clavdc B-ATTyiy F L tcwly \ \ Iz7^-_ 1 >7 - \?<; j i I§Sa t -" L > ,jt u / ithe villmn {/M J to Z I t\ ’to <7 ryu We* iWfa#sF L_ & l_—j 12 ...Yi<Y ~ - J - _J (| ' 11,1 ’ ' l,,n | L not mi. ii—mi i, Tim k, iii.—pokek < hip'-. n T iiopi:. t.—hist: the: t ops: ti sived. »l2.L. rb 2.,d M r^2 m "! .'? •’’■"’•■■♦’• d Ih.-ief..- ■■ , ’'..i»« n d. «ho I,H, „„ „ f I, ir | »lc|„„ ,be where tlhe oreheslrx I. t. x last hope < laude dec to write a I >«.« n lueke accident one of the chip, does 1 • ITh the lto.vt.kl!- ci lev licapernte Dea- • iminr nuo i*<wm<»n<| hiitc conic to erhu< hum inline un liik mtnd to bent < lonite l»i I . . , . ...... Rosamond, oromot,. b . ,br ”- c of * om <' underhanded method. R ‘ M <«» retire Mhen not pla s ln« me."aße on the white chip" and to pu«h , roll out tn the street. "<berc it Nat once mond. -hut I e»» t bent the eop«kf’- In the gii to her loxer w nM»t«tan< > I , r ” " cH ~M ‘ villain known that In r fair, , •‘’<‘ , ‘P' music for the heroine's death. them through the crack in the floor of the | spotted b? a Russian nu’ieeiiinn. He doe> j nl«’k of time for Rosamond, the Russian frnn» doinu so In the inmoiiC t'li**' i ”/•* '*! M,a ”d-oi» Hx'l»t he would lime no chance < iaude discovers cards R nd poker chips. Io Maue. lie hopes tSiat one inn? roll out not stop to rend ar.v hr lUirsseN policeman breaks into B b< theatre and. do«. O hlch tMkcn her for the terrnln * # r” ih "hb our hero. m» hr grinliiiill' works while awa? the tedium of waiting forthelr through the singe door and attract the at- ! there is n game going on and makes up hH ! with drawn rctoKcr. bait* the flight of pin* and insists upon savinu her ° th * toward the trap door In the stage cues, the musicians arc accustomed topla> tcntion of some passer-b?. !♦ Is a slim mind to raid it. with the well-founded be- | Desmond, the internatioiial crook. I’osn- honad dors ever* niirbt In the nlt.% "* '“* " nd ,l,r « n *»'"Pr<’t Ing hero plunges straight the Vmcricnn game of poker for small chance, but then our hero Is unable to dis- lief that he con. in the resulting confusion. mond is saved nnd how ( laude avenges through. i stakes. Ilhcy ha*e left behind the chips. enter an.t other plan. I pick up some of the stakes. , her capture will he shown Us BoyS You Can’t Get an Argument From Some Folks Registered in U. S Patent Office By Tom MclSJamara piEY THE OIEANOri?-.. tb TUT RIGGEsKk 'tMIG.&UY VAN vmHAT lb fHE CAPTAIN ’KtHE 'COULD TIE ONE > ll _—— IT I THE- UINKY DINKL KIN B‘.Af ANY " fl JOKE TAM IN IWE LEAfcUF DO J DOnT KNOW AJO MORI ARoyT HAND IN BACK Os BiEMSELVES AND IkAlrtUU in IWf LEAGUE ill HET / j ' 70U KAIOW THAT ! -7 &ASE BALL A 5 YOU OQ H<M AND THE OLBAMDERS vNiTh TXEiR CHFn.* Lt AGUE., ILL W r HIS TEAM OUGHT r O 6F CHUCKED j F^fe sHoT VO U CANT PUT uPr WHVIM • > fjUßel : T T,7"«r EA6ut '~ rrevro . A7„ E nr on X: to-S •|TA.K.n' 1 f yiITL./-' • , LiSgl [about. 1 J \n. <7 r , w ,-ra, ■ 4/to «.. ' ' '.y ~—7 Ywto Vto (h ’ pw Tix vv ’} l/ ’ i 1* ! ” 7 7M. i ■'-kky Me k' w g> Bp>to tu Ok ■ k/ y- A-- w- ! T d gB sB h ,x£J^'■ gife/ --x -■ DOYOUTWiMK THE fans iu UO/N TTR. 1 v J ~~DC> YOU MEAN To SAY THAT EVEN |F tuc pf A imT ITF FAI I A~Cm — C UOT ii D SVANO FOR THEM ‘SISSY OLEANDER. h L THE OLEANDE Rs HAD A FIRST CLASS 2727’ dL,. ! oHUI U G I GOOSENECK. VNANKINS WHO WAS A PITCHER. FELLERS? ILL eeTCHLR THEY WON! BE||: tCTi I ' TWIR LER LIKE Ol E EAGLE BfcAKIE (' 1 7 A ms ,V - YOU DONF KNOW I lAsT TEAR. BUT WHO TOOK UP CATCH IN G two ouYb im the Bleachers at the , 2ip\ Spruder they codud Put up a 1F ■ i NOTHt/u • this Season, he will be seen in SEXT GANt WHAEDOYOU SAY ?J M —t • REGELER GAME of BALL ? , OPENED KAY tutpf H 7 * ACTON nils AFTERNOON ON THE , —x ~ S J 7- /7a<V ' —— home GROUNDS as THE OLEANDERS ; / / -~ i ~7 kJ~ ’ BACK, srop and (AHU. DO his BEST To- fi-, 7 ;A/OFE ’ I™° L ' B,~N. ASSIST LAWRENCE SASCOMAOIDER THe z 2 **'■'. o J 7- —«~<aiy~., z- —-x z-« 77 s - ' T?* OLEANDERS SPEED MERCHANT in KEEP' l\\\ r \to* - T" i ( J "? /A * C HINKY DINKu under control ’■ 7- fwZv W '' / : ■ ?■ r .T\s * ‘ t MVY y ■7. , 7 Kl-nr '-TD.yv 7 <.; ;. - ?) |/ -IOTiCE THE DEVELOPMENT-of l-oose- —L. **OT -.- :'.... -' ..I. . ('-clci/- -- /'Z/-T1 c' 1 S‘\ 7; v-c J IT NECKt> ric-ht* arm tiify say u F 's a \v-H Q ' i'th -'■' K W2M. 77 ! '7 wonder AT wrowinf to second . l-r':. 7 Jf ,W' Ml’ #' *>., JW* ,1 al .. ,—., . -L- , . THifffi „ , ■U.- „„ ~ ,„ ,J -3 li 1 i PQvim BTt (3 A : /;q bk S. IKK ATLANTA GEOKG IAN AM) NEWS: FRIDAY, MAY 17. 1912.