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* l *"*MMraMiMvmvwfwWMMHarw«PWwnrn ,, nramw>vwPQMm»MmaßmHHaNHMHßMnMi i-nnnini ttmw—wiiiiiiiibw ji umnnwi——wi w— —iii.— .uurii—i—in n mi—in—i—i—im
To Be Given Absolutely FREE By The
A Trip For 25 Subscriptions
This i-oiilest is divided into two port', one for the city
of Atlanta and suburbs. and the oilier is imide strictly tor
the territory outside of .vtlanta and suburbs. The contest for
the city of Atlanta is as follows; Bor 25 yearly subscrip
tions Io the daily Georgian al the regular carrier rate. v.'O
will, give you a free trip to Wrightsville Beach, with a six
da; slay at the best hotel. We pay all expenses, including
meals, Biillnian. hotel, etc.
Subscriptions Easy To Secure
Subscriptions will be easy to secure, as you do not have
to secure the full price of the yearly subscription in ad
vance. but all that is necessary is that you get the ne.vv sub
scriber to sign an agreement to take the Georgian for one
year and colled for three months in advance. which would
be *1.30. and the subscriber will agree to pay 10 cents per
wct'k for the other nine months. Th<* price of the Geor
gian is $5.20 per year on and after April Ist when deliv
ered by carrier. This is 10 cents per week whether paid in
advam-e or by the week. Be sure that you understand this
proposition. You secure 23 new subscriptions to the daily
Georgian. io be delivered by carrier in the city of jAtlatita
ami suburbs, for one year each, attd as evidence id' good
faith on the part of the ■ subscribers that they will take the
Georgian for the full turn* they are required to pay for three
months in advance, or $1.30. and after the three months has
expired they are to pay the carrier at the rate ol 10 cents
pm week for the oilier nine months.
Bear in mind that this proposition is open to the White
people of Atlanta and suburbs only, and for new subscrip
tions only. It is not a hard mailer to get 25 new subscrip
tions. '-specially when they do not have to pay for the full
year in advam-e. Bor 50 subscript ions we will give you two
trips. : or one trip to Niagara Balls and Toronto. Canada,
(’all at the Contest Department of the Georgian and full
particulars, together with samples and a receipt book, will
Ik- given you.
«T’-' ..__....
h Ms. >I ij s ? ; i. ®» -t
The Oceanic Hotel
This is a picture of the Oceanic Hotel, where the lucky con
testants will spend their week of outing at the expense of The
i morgia n. This hotel is the largest summer resort hotel south of
O|,| Point Comfort. ami everythin:.'- has been arranged to make
the Georgians party comfortable while there. .Mr. Cojn-h. the
manager. will be al the train to see that every one receives the
best of attention, and up! a single thing has been overlooked
that would add Io flm comfort of the party.
For Further Particulars Regarding This Wonderful Offer Write Or Phone
The Contest Manager, Care —=
BOTH PHONES 8000 ==========-
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Largest Inland Water Boat in the World
The Resort of the South
Wrightsville Beach is kfmw as the mm rc.jl summit' resort of the South. It is
the. snmm.ei pla) ground' for the people of Atlanta ami practically all the South
ern states. The Georgian has no doubt acted wisely in selecting this gi"at resort
to send their party, and the fact that we have secured the Uveanm Hotel for one
wo"k wdl assure the contestants .ho take tin trip the turn of their Iwes. .Mr.
Jesse I omit, mat agt-t of th" .Majestic hotel, of Atlanta, will be the manaeer. and
will have chargf of the part, . which assures ns of the fact that th" pari) will be
well taken care <»!'. The < ><•: inn- Imlel is Ili< Ia: pest stimnier resort h<»i ,, l soutli, of
Old Point Comfort. and the se’wjep is sine to lie of the best. since the belt boys,
‘waiters, maids, etc., will all eonm from Atlanta.
The he.irh :t 1 W rie jij s ill e is one of' Iho timsl in the entire <"'iintrv. and
ImHt’tig. di-m-ing. fishing ami beating wdl be the chief amusements while the
part) is there. Os course there will be man) other features that the part) can en
joy. so you can rest assured that you will have th" time of- our life if yon are mie
of the pari) to take this Pip. if there is a lythuig almirt the i-mifest that is mil
peifectl) plain to you we will gl.adl) explain fiitHier upon application.
Date 191
Please deliver the daily edition of The Georgian for a period of
twelve months and thereafter until ordered discontinued by me. I
herewith hand you $1.30 to pay for the first three months, after which
„i acier to pay your carrier ten cents per week.
Amt. $ Address
Illis contest is open to (’very white person in the city
ol Atlanta and suburbs, ii.d we offer you choice of a. trip
to Niagara Balls for 50 subscriptions or a trip to Wrights
ville Beach lor 25 .subscriptions. The contest opens April
Ist and will dose •lune Ist'. Both trips are open to you and
you secure 2-> or mor'- subscriptions and not secure
enough Io make f: fty. we will give you the Wrightsville trip,
or ii you secure .>0 subscript ions you are at liberty to take
two Wrightsville trips or one trip to Niagara Balls.
Not a Game of Chance
This contest differs from any other contest ever put on
by any newspaper n A.ti.-inla because you do not tai c any
chances, for all you have to do to win is io secure 25 or 50
subscriptions, accorditie Io the trip you <i<-sire to iakc. and
you are sure of a free trip. Some of the other contestants,
can not come in al 'the end of the contest and buy xc’cm-i-'
t ions and thus beat you uitl of the prize for whvh you may
have I working for several weeks, as Ims been ’he case
in a great many contests which have been condueted h.-relo
fore in Atlanta.
Reach Out and Grasp
golden opportunity. for you may never again liave
such an opportunity as we are now offering you. as this
is without a doubt the lx st and easiest proposition ever
given to the Atlanta public, so if you fail to grasp this
golden opportunity you will be the loser. A little effort
on your part will soon tiring the desired results, and ail
that you need to do to secure lie necessary 25 subscrip
tions will he to see the Georgian s friends and they will
gladly give you a subscription in order to help you get
the trip.
Start right away, lor you have only two months in which
Io get the subscriptions. However, yon ought to be able to
get enough subscriptions in that time to gel two trips. You
are not limited to the number of trips that you can get. and
the trips are transferable Io any one you may desire, to
transfer them to. provided they are white, people of good
moral character. The Wrightsville party will leave At
lanta about J uni’ 10th. By entering this contest you are
not barred from entering any of the other (•oldest'- that the
Georgiiln is now running or may run in the future.
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A Beach Without a Peer
The halhitic- al Wriyhtsville is excellent, as this beach is
one of'the finest in the entire couiftr). and those who desire -an
enjoy the surf ever) morning or evening or throughout the da.v,
and tlm beaut)' id this is that the hotel is practical!' on the
ocean, and Hie part) will be right at the waler al all titm-s The
dancing pavilion should not be overlooked, as it will, be one of the
attractions to those who desire to glide to the dreamv strains
of a waltz or the fascinating strains of the militar) two-step.