Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 18, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE NINE, Image 33

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PAGE NINE J—MAGAZINE SECTION I ————————————————————l | Do' You Know That | Oats contain a larger amount of flesh and bone forming substances than any other cereal. Budapest doctors report the case of a woman who has not slept for seven years. Frau Hejames. who is married ! and has a little girl of ten. began her | long vigil one night when a gypsy , woman attempted to kidnap the child. . Since then she has not been able to go : to sleep; neither has she had any in- . clination to do so. Yet she is in ex- j cellent health, and has never had a j day’s illness. The largest crane in the world has been erected at Govan, on the Clyde, for the Fairfield ship yards. On slow gear it will raise 200 tons at a distance of 75 feet from the mast, and at quick gear it will carry a load of 100 tons at 133 feet extension. The foundations of the crane consist of four large tubes, 15 feet through at the base, filled with concrete and sunk 75 feet below the surface. One pit popy which was brought up from a mine at the beginning of the British coal strike had not seen day light for 22 years. The average weight of. a man s brain is three pounds eight ounces, and of a woman's brain two pounds eleven ounces. Devices for milking cows by elec tricity are in common use in many i parts of the United States The United Kingdom, the United States and Germany account for abort. SO per cent of the world's total out put of pig iron. As the result of many years of ex perimenting in England, a new substi tute for hal'd rubber, gutta perch-a ami leather has been announced. It is a product of seaweed. The new materia, is said to be especially useful in the new electrical industries, being a non inflammable insulation of high dielec tric strength, proof against heat. cold, oils and weather. Burmah’s government is one of the sufferers from the .Chinese revolution, as China is the chief market for Bur mese jade. Though 50 years ago there were only -50 miles of railway in South Xfrica, there are at the present time 8,000 miles in the Union of South Africa alone Mr Ben Johnson, of New York, has just had returned to him through the post a watch which was stolen from him at Broad street station recently. With the watch was a piece of paper bearing the words. “No good; you can have it.” Nearly 1,000,000 cases of apples have been exported from Tasmania this sea son. In the forests of New England and the maritime provinces of Canada there are employed 00,000 men and 22.000 head of horses in lumbering. There is still a wilderness of forest in that re gion. Argentina’s most notable natural phe nomenon. the famous "Piedra Move diza,” or oscillating reck, near Tandil, has fallen down. The huge rock lay upon another rock near the edge of a cliff It swung to and fro on being touched by the hand, but the fiercest hurricane had been unable to dislodge it. The cause of its collapse after so many hundreds of years Is a mystery. A jury at Grand Forks. N. Dak., who tried a young girl for murder and found her not guilty, has sent her a silver tea service as a wedding present. rnrr Tn Vflll UV CI2TCD Fr «® to You « nd £*<”7 sister Su. rnut IU lUU Wil vlulEll erlng from Woman’s Ailments. ®T am a woman. 1 know woman s sufferings I have found the cure. I will mall free of any charge, mykomslrssf ■Milt with full Instructions to any sufferer from woman’s ailments. I want to tell all women about this cure —yuu. my reader, for yourself, your (laughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to tell you how to cure yourselves at home with out the help of a doctor. Men cannst understand womens sufferings. What we women know from •iM'ltnct. W 8 know better than any doctor. I know that my home treatment ts safe and sure cure for liucachau or Whitish ditchirgoi Ulceration Ois glicomont or Folling of th, Womb. Profvoo Scanty or Pi.ntut Periods, Uterine or Oronin Tumori. or Grewfhs, olu point In hood, bock and bowtit. booting down ftollngs. nericoantii, crooping fooling up the same, anelenchely. desire to cry, ho> flashes, wesrinoss. kidney and bladder troubles wbrri caused by aoaknoosot peculiar to our sex I want to send you a complete ton day's treatment entirely ties to prove to you that you can cure yourself at nome. easily, quickly and snrelv. Remember, wilt cost you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial; and if you Uriah to continue, it will cost you only about 12 cents a week or lean than two cents a day. It willnot Interfere with your work or occupation. Just send me your name and address, tell me how you suffer if vou wish, and I will send you the treatment for yourcase. entirely plain wrap per, by return mail I will also send you free of cost, my book—"WOMAX'S OWI MEDICAL ADVISER'' with explanatory illustrations showing why women suffer, and how thev can easily cure themselves at home. Every woman should have it. and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says-* “You must have an operation, vou can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselree with my home remedy. It cures all old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhoea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Ladles. Plumpness and health always results from Itl! HAP* Wherever yon live. I can refer you to ladles of your own locality who know and will gladly tell mt sufferer that this Homa Trsstmsnt really cures all women’s diseases, and makes women well, strong' plump and robust Just ssnd as your sddruss. and the free ten day's treatment is yours, also She book. Write to-day, as you mar not see thia offer again. Address MRS. m. summers, Box h • • Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A. ' LOWEST PRICES - hEsFwORK" GUARANTEED A AA Geld Crowns j) HU /■ jLJL oiher FRIGES JUST “ AS REASON- able s gT OF TEETH $5.00. ALL MY WORK GUARANTEED. OR, E, G. GRIFFIN'S DE^I E L & S S4!/j WHITEHALL ST—OVER BROWN AND ALLEN’S 1 | Found Out |i Hubby was in a bad temper He was late in getting up. and then he! , cut himself while shaving So he! reached the breakfast table scowling) blackly. "Look here, Mary." he said crossly to his wife, "you’ve made me late, .gain, and I asked you specially to wake me up,at 8.” And I did call you at ’ 8 by my watch." said Mary calmly. "Then your watch must b<- slow." "Well. I can t help that. 1 asked you what time It was when you came home last night. My watch said it was 2 o clock. but you said it was only mid night. So I set my watch right by you!” Whv do th«v an say. "As good as Sauer’s”’ SAUER'S PURE FLAVOR TNG EXTRACTS have received thlr , teen highest American and European t I'll lUN. \\ II V /Al QHbA Rf - - W\ tag BF** // v //j] ■v. Q, J II II .J ' X 7 AkZJi wivi - «\\ H '. --gal A WnilAfe ilm WA C/ / >Srfj JLivßw /\ TMBBKlraXfci,' > V x AJ® ®?R®h ' \J® \ n /Al A ii /I® RPHisI ■./HR Adele Ownld Th'- [’ink I,ml- z' / \ Til 'jflrTW \ Xk| I of Vaudeville at the For-yth X ,z r Hj \ 8 next week. /JsL Xk 'I "IN 1999” IS THE FEATURE OF FORSYTH BILL NEXT WEEK Following very recent Metropolitan | triumphs, "In 1999.” the problem play of ’he future, written by William C. DeMille for vaudeville and produced with great success by Jesse Lasky. "the Belaseo of vaudeville." will be offered as the headliner of the program that will be next week's ntertainment at the busy Forsyth With Felice Morris and Edmund H. Reardon in the principal roles, the play let will be one of -he event attractions of the Forsyth season, and another mark in favor of the policy of the thea ter to present at all times, absolutely the very best that vaudevill? affords. "In 1999" Is conceded to be the clev erest and funniest satire staged since the advanced days of Hoyt successes, j It is deliciously ironical, as whimsical j as a Barrie playlet, ptesents extremely; laughable characterizations, delightful | contrasts, and is one of the strongest ; box office winners in all the history of j modern vaudeville. The bill that will be presented along j with this great feature has other star! acts, any one of which could be placed in headliner position and sustain the honor. Pat Rooney and Marlon Bent. “■The Busy Belt Boy.” will make their first appearance in Atlanta in the act that for several seasons has been the star of Broadway bills so: weeks in THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWS: SATURDAY. MAY 18. 1912. Dorothea Sadlier. who appears “In 1999“ al the Forsyth. : succession At the beginning of this season Pat Rooney responded to many : requests for the appearance of the act | by arranging a tour of the first-class I theaters and is now en route to New I York after appearing in every city on ;he Keith-i irpheurn circuit. There are no better entertainers than this livest of the live wires of vaudeville. l-'red Bond, Fremont B.nton and com pant' will present "My Gay Papa." a sketch that has won admiration all over the circuit. These people are Clevel and popular and interesting. The sketch I is classed with the best that vaudeville i o« ns and will add value to the bill. Meehan's dogs, the best of all dog acts, win be a feature that will appeal .to the ladies and children and that will interest the men folk, too There are dogs that perform some wonderful i stunts and Meehan owns and exhibits the cleverest leaping hounds known to the profession. The introduction of Adele Oswold, "The Pink Lady of Vaudeville," will be another feature that has value, and Fred Gray and Nellie Graham, iff their musical sketch, will contribute a good -hare to the real entertaining of the week Belle Onri, a pretty trapeze ar tiste, and the Pathe picture make up the bill. Coming to the Forsyth. Willa Holt Wakefield will be the fea ture headliner for the Forsyth bill for the week of May 27 and for the week of June 3 dainty Mabel Taliaferro has been induced to visit Atlanta. Some of the best acts in vaudeville are being contracted with for appearances during the summer The Forsyth demonstrated the value of its cooling plant last sum mer and a test, this season shows th* arrangement to be In perfect working order. It is easy to reduce the temper ature in the. theater to a degree of real comfort and the Forsyth will continue merrily along entertaining its host of patrons with the best the vaudeville world can supply ANOTHER GOOD BILL IS BOOKED FOR THE BIJOU Probably the most interesting and pleasing vaudeville bill of the season will be brought to a close tonight at the Bijou theater. Patrons of the house who have been in regular attendance have been surprised at the class of en tertainment furnished at this house during the week. The clever work of the different performers showed that a more expensive and selected line of acts were being booked. The clever diving act of Mermaida . has proven one of the strongest acts of | the season, T'he musical act of Quigg land Nickerson and the classy juggling of Al Leonhardt have al! combined to ! make a most interesting and pleasing performance. For next week the management an nounces another classy bill, which wili equal, if not eclipse, last week’s offer- \\ jfl W- -, Vv// wl « -wMr / / LV\i Bk VWB W7 I\ iB 3k • // I vyTH® Hk > C. x rBF/ —\ 1 I f/Z Ao, i I I O/ / k\ 7 i \ 7 / p Felice Morris, who will be seen next week at the Forsyth in the feature of the bill. "Tn 1999." ing. The special headline feature will be dainty Margaret Ryan and company in a distinct novelty, "The Balloon Girl." This will prove one of the most startling and '•harming offerings of the year and will bring many new faces to the already immense clientele of the popular little theater. The added at tracting will be William Sisto and com pany. in a comedy act entitled "His First Speech.” Others on the bill will be Milt Wood, singing and dancing comedian, and Morse and Clark, in a S-JL'-l _ .!■!■■■' ■■ I The Road of a Thousand Wonders SUPERIOR SERVICE Via NEW ORLEANS to TEXAS. OLD and NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA CALIFORNIA. OREGON and WASHINGTON TWO dailv TRAINS to PACIFC COAST with connections tor PORT LAND and SEATTLE Leave New Orleans 11:30 A M. and 9 20 P. M THREE dally trains to HOUSTON with direct connections for NORTH TEXAS POINTS Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars The Safest Route, Every Inch Protected by Automatic Electric Block Signals Oil-Burning Locomotives—No Smoke—No Dust—No Cinders Best Dining Car Service in the World LOW ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES T- California And * Oregon Washington In effect during May, June. Julv, August. September. October DELIGHTFUL OCEAN VOYAGE ONE HUNDRED GOLDEN HOURS AT SEA NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK SERVICE For particulars and literature, call on or write 0. P BARTLETT. Gen. Agent. R. O BEAN. T. P. A. 1901 First Avenue. 121 Peaehtree Street. Birmingham, Ala. Atlanta. Ga. _ piano and singing act These four acts will undoubtedly make one of rhe strongest bills yet booked at the Bijou. There will be, as usual, the splendid motion pictures to open and close each performance Patrons of the house are advised that from this date there will be only one matinee at 3 o’clock every afternoon, except Saturday, and on Saturday aft ernoon there will be iwo matinees as heretofore at 2:30 and 4 o'clock. Even ing performances will take place as usual at 7:30 and 9 o’clock KEELY'S K E E L Y ' S •—— —~ ' T -- . ...i,. i i «.i / WWd I .. . mA 71 W sl ° I \ 1 ' b 11 WI3II IW‘ w ■ Model 408 Model 191 $4.00 $1.50 Corsets for 1912 Not every woman realizes the impor tance of the corset. On the corset depends everything. If the corset is not right in every detail, and if it does not fit per fectly. the foundation of one's gown can not be right, and. consequently, one’s ap pearance can not be correct. ' t herefore, it is necessary to choose • • carefully the corset; and. if you would have the smartest in corsetry, buy one of the new modish models of American Lady Corsets —the corsets acknowledged best, in style, most comfortable and most durable the corsets worn by best dressed women everywhere. The new spring and summer models reflecting the latest fashion dictates con form to rhe lines of the natural figure, producing the graceful straight-hipped sil houette. Every correctly gowned woman should look supple, and. as it were, un corseted. ’This is difficult, generally speaking, but easy with American Lady ('orsets. , Let our expert corsetieres fit just the right model for your figure. Special 9 $5.00 Lyr-a to Models G $12.50 '’Xi /A" ' #loo tfuFb / a \ to i ®!flrd|fi i ' \l M I lM ' 1M Model 327 Model 325 $3.50 $3.50 KEELY' S