Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 23, 1912, FINAL, Page 21, Image 21

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■THE ATLANTA GIYUattAN AND NEWS: READ FOR PROFIT —GEORGIAN WAIST ADS —USE FOR RESULTS THURSDAY. MAY 23. 1912 Medical. DK~^DM7)NDSaN^I^"'p" nvr '™ i and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and r. I liable treatment for painful and sun pressed menstruation, irregularities and i similar obstructions. Trial box bv' mail 50c. Frank Edmondson & Rr n ', nan . facturlng chemists, 14 South u’-oad Atlanta. Ga. 2-17-14 LADIES—SI,OOO reward; 1 positively guar antee my great successful "Monthly' remedy: safely relieves some of the | nn(t est, most obstinate, abnormal cases Tn three to five days; no harm, pain or in terference with work; mail $1.50 Double Strength $2. Dr. F. G. Southington Rem edy Co.. Kansas_Clty. Mo 4 2-34 listen: I treat any Sliscasc~for~»r"k ‘ week and furnish the medicine fohn T Patterson. M. D.. 44f.U Edgewood ave nue. Atlanta phone 2757. .1-15-45 PILES relieved instant)} bv the use of Bailey’s Pile Cure Guaranteed g, v( , instant relief. If your druggist can’t sup- ' ply you send money order for 50 cents to E W. Bailey. Washington. • ;-, and a full sized jar will be sent you bv return mail _ 5-23-45 j Dr jpsy. DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of breath in 36 to 4S hours Reduces swelling in 15 to 20 days Write for par ticulars Collom Dropsy Remedy Com pany, 512 Austell building. Atlanta 5-25-11 Dentists. 'TFFTH ' iLJJ 111 WITHOUT PAIN DR. H. JENSEN, 23 1 /& Whitehall St 3-21-29 l ’ I Palmistry. PM AUST | camp in tent. 13S Whitehall street ’ ■ ' MISS BECK. WORLD FAMI.D INdTvN PALMIST. A GIFTED WOMAN LO CATED 76 E. HUNTER STREET 5-16-18 Matrimonial. 25c a line for ads under this head. GENTLEMAN wishes correspondence with girl between ages of 20 and 30; view of marriage: correspondence guar anteed personal Address United Slates. P. Q, Box 41 L _ Atlant a. Ga 40-21-5 Milk Depots. THE Houston st. creamery for milk and cream. Call Ivy 1293 Bell 3-9-3? Colored Undertakers. Fountain & Robinson, 223 Auburn. Atl. 5921-F; Night Ivv 3609 > 4-11-27 Hatters. OLD hats cleaned, dyed and reshaped, best work; prompt service; satisfaction guaranteed. Out of town orders solicited Both phones. Acme Hatters. 100 U White hall street. 3-15-$ Fire-Proof Storage. WE~STORE~ HOUSEHOLD goods and pianos. Office and warehouse. 239-241 Edgewood-ave Ivy 2037. John J Wood side Storage Company. . Public Baggage and Transfer M C. FURNITURE transfer; we pack and ship. M 5490-L, A. 1319. 30 West "Hunter. 3-12-7 Sewing Machines. WE REPAIR any sewing machine Work called for and delivered anywhere M , McNair, 229-B Auburn avenue. .3-14-9 WE RENT new machines wit!' complete set of attachments for S 3 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery 1 Toth phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 73 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Building Materials. STEEL BETms” FOR BUILDINGS. AUSTIN BROS , Atlanta, Ga. KING II ARDW ARE CO Builders’ hardware, supplies, equipment and tools of all kinds. 63 Peachtree-sL Discounts On Roof Felts. TOP OF ATLANTA gone m the had. sell roof paints, repair ail kinds of roofs .1 N. Little, 82 Last Hunter st. Phone M. 3927-.1. 4-24-12 Office Fixtures. CARPENTER SHOP. CROCKETT * CARTER. 40-42 PETERS ST. BOTH PHONES. Monuments and Stone Work. ATLANTA GRANITE COMPANY. All kinds stone work. 17-19 Fraser-st. Phone Main 3’40 »_• Al I, kTnDS of cemetery work for t.O days at a big discount. Everything must and will be sold. -I. N Cook, manager 82 East Hunter street. Plumbing. " Plumbing and Steam Kitting. H C Gullatt Plumbing <’o. 89 N - EORST ZM 722 n ' Y Tailoring, Altering. Cleaning and Pressing. __ CLEANING, pressing ano repairing not- Jy done at 226 Houston st Atlanta ft brookwood U’?T.£!;p \vV <G AND V PRESSING COMP ' N i. W. Peachtree and Fourteenth streels Ladies’ and gentlemen s fine garments cleaned, pressed, alteied ■ 10-25 Ivy 5386. Builders’ Column. Contractors and Builders. I Will Finance Yon IF YOU wish to build, all kind. ers’ material for sale B. I 514 Austell Building. . ARCHITECT, contractor Z* n< ’, .jL’iL'hed’ cabinet shop: carpenters . trni.hM ; R. 11. Jones. 190 ll.'ii mn s. •- HOME BEILHERS. ■ HOMES built for cash or terms. archi tectural designs furnished ue Centurv Construction < o. 720 EMPIRE BLDG 4 _ |(i . 3; , Architects and Builders CONTRACTOR, cabinet jEewood furnished John Allen, > 3-22-41 avenue Painting and Tinting FOR THE BERT_PP.Ii’'', ' EMBRS 5' 31b J ( ’’AJS’K BLDG « Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. , . “J' :tai l.ED and repaired. |«gUNTREE-S IHO..ES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654. Mattresses Overhauled. BEST work; reasonable prices: new ticks, if desired. Give us a trial. New Jack son-Orr Company. Both phones. 4-22-4 Stove and Range Repairing. DAX THE FIXER? sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep j < hiinney?. V\ e fake down heaters. We / wick and wickless oil stoves. We sen gasoline «toves and ranges. Atlanta 'Vf ??nn 23a - 121 Whitehall st. Bell phone ai. -bys. 4-4-7 Mattresses Renovated. I cr?. ''• • MAKE OVER, old mattresses; also furnish now ticking: best work; give us e trial Acme Mattress Company, Jack son and Irwin streets. Both phones. -4 -8 Shoe Repairing. STRI(TLYI E\ ND WOR K' I. J. SMITH, 36 E. Hunter. , 4-25-6 For Sale—Miscellaneous. NEW rubber tires put on your baby carriages; repairing Phone Ivy 3076 I Robert Mitchell, 229 Edgewood avenue. -5-9 SODA FOUNTS—Bargain in new and sec ondhand soda fountains; easy terms; write for prices. P. O Box 1022. Atlanta, . 3-16-76 WE RENT good pianos, $3 month up.’ We sell good pianos. $5 month up. Bargain in second-hand. SIOO up. R I’. Becht Company. 110 Temple Court building Bell phone 667 Main. 4-23-20 FLY SCREENS. RE SURF] and see our screens and get our prices before buying. Kane Blind and Screen Co.. .1. J. Crawford, 202 Kiser Bldg. M. 1929. 3-20-11 Atlanta Tent and Awning Co- manufacturers high-grade tents and awnings. 39% Luckie st. Ivy 5667. -16-54 SEE our line of Wagner go-carts. We also re-tire go-carts. 415 Marietta st. Atlanta phone 1797. ’ 4-22-44 SWEET potato plants. Golden Beauty and Porto Rica varieties. Two dollars thou sand. express 25 cents thousand and less. South Island Plant and Seed Co., Meg getts. S, C. 5-10-43 THE ATLANTA UPHOLSTER- ING CO. BEG to announce the opening of their new shop at 171 Whitehall street, where they make a specialty of REPAIRING and REFINISH ING of all kinds of furniture; all work done by expert mechanics. Esti mates cheerfully furnishejl. Phone Main 2475. or call in person. ATLANTA UPHOLSTERING COMPANY. Cotton Seed Thills. F. R Logan & Co., * .Atlanta, <la. 5-20-1.2 WILE SACRIFICE for cash or exchange two Regina music boxes; $430 and $250. Mahogany and oak. Five-cent slots. Practically new. < »perate anywhere. Great money makers. Box 361, Greenville. S. C. 77-18-5 FOR SALE A $45 bicycle; wilftajce $lO. Phone Atlanta 2703. 5-22-6 FURNITURE FOR SALE- Swell front sideboard, extension table, china closet, six spring seat dining chairs; all quar tered oak and of good appearance; also one handsome velour couch, one parlor settee, and one large, new rug; very low prices to close out. Can be seen at 677 West Peachtree, corner Thirteenth. Take Bm-khead ear. 5-22-27 ~iwn furniture?— $lO Solid Oak Swings, full bolted $7.50 $6 Solid Oak Swings, forest green $4.50 isls Fiber Rush Swings, ex- tra large . . .• $12.50 I S.3S Fiber Rusli Suits, three pieces $27.50 $9 Fiber Rush Tables, round top $6.50 sß’ Fiber Rush Rockers. large $4.25 $7 Fiber Rush Rockers. .. .$3.75 Also special discount on all rugs and art squares. Our Special Porch Rocker, worth $4.00. for $2.75 CHAS. S. ROBISON FIRNI- TFRE COMPANY. 25 and 27 E. Hunter Street. 5-22-24 FOR SALE. Two double drays. Three single drays. Two double sets harness. Three single sets harness. ’l'w-i good top buggies. Two sets buggy harness. (me American rnultigraph. One Rotary Neostyle. <»ne .\<idressngraph complete. Seven head good work mules. In first-class order. Apply at J. I». Frazier A Co.. Corner Foundn st. and W. and A. K. R. Both phones 1424. _ 5-22-1 F(>R SALE—One. new Royal typewriter machine, one refrigerator, one bed. for sale cheap, on account of leaving town. 142 Crew street. LIME, cement, wall plaster, pias ter paris, fire clay, terracotta stove thimble, etc., in small quantities at 18 N. Forsyth St., Dunning & Son. Main 483. At lanta phone 578. 3-15-1 i-”i 1< ■' >N D-H AND SAFES —Smail, medium and large home safes sls; Hall's bank and fire-proof safes, vault doors, etc. C. I Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg 9-7-33 Ei'li SALE-Contents of nicely furnished four-room flat; new: bargain; together transfer of lease expiring September 1 an.! ran be renewed: cheap rent i every convenience; close in: Just the place for eouple wishing to go to housekeeping; or will sell furnishings separate from lease. \,h|ress N Y. Z.. Box 33, care Georgian. NEW Glory heater, in good condition; also ■ kitchen range, parlor suit and one oak ■ bookcase, will sell cheap. Phone 1557. • 5-23-20 S\\'EET potato plants of our famous Na'nev Hall variety at $1.75 per thou sand. |.rompt shipment made or money ii.fimded immediately Bear's Hear! Farm. Dine Uastle. Fla. 37-23-5 F< >R SaLE-Two white enameled gas lamps: good as new Will sell eheap j f,, r . ash. L. 8.. Box 1, ''are Georgian. d I'l iR S\LE Upright piano in good con dition Write for particulars. P i». i: v 2_77f Iw 35T3-L_. 5 23-4 t 1 PUMP water tank and small electric ! motor for sale cheap Phone Main 47_ * ; 46-23-5 HOP <\LE Waltham watch, seventeen levels ’• carat: double rase; also fob, Diamond New Beauties Reason " , , m,.g si. kne'.- Valued $125 ««’. in ,1b ■ full brail . Ilk kens Golden < m s , r’linU'. are Georgian. 55-23-5 Auction Sales. An' ; Restaurant Equipment. Atlanta Terminal Company. i At 10 a. m., Tuesday, May 28. 1912, on basement floor under baggage driveway; [north side; Atlanta Terminal station. At , lanta, Ga., we will sell at public outcry j to the highest bjd.<ler for cash, all of a lot of high-grade chinaware, glassware, coffee urns, dishwashers, plates, and other kitchen fixtures. R. T. RACE. Superintendent of Terminals • ■_ > .• ■■ .. W anted—Miscellaneous. WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer's Auction House, 28 South Pryor-st Bell phone Main 1526. -10-10 .WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for household goods, pianos and office fur niture. Cash advanced on consignments Centra! Auction Company. 12 East Mitch ell-st Bell phone Main 2424. 8 26-28 1 BUY’ men's old clothes and shoes. Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell st. 5-1-14 DROP A CARb—Will trlng cash for old clothes and shoes. The Vestaire. 166 Decatur street. 3-7-8 BEST cash prices for furniture, household goods and office furniture. Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 S Pryor street. Bell phone Main 187, UL’ 25 I XA'ILIj GIVE roasonab'le price for sec ond-hand suit men’s clothing; size coat about 37. Address D. \. Y., Box 20. care Georgian. 35-21-5 T WANT to place an upright piano with reliable family that will consider pur chase later if satisfactory. Must move same at once. Address P., Box 65, care Georgian 5-23-15 \\'ANTF]f> A second-hand upright piano of standard mnke; must he in good tune and condition; state price, make, lowest cash price and telephone number. C. L Boone, 403_ Walton Bldg. 5-23-40 WzXNTEI) To rent or buy cheap a sec ond-hand one-drum ground skidder, not less than 15-h. p. Give price and ship ping point. GFeen & Coon, Stockton. Ga. -23-42 WANTED—One-horse wagon; second hand; cheap for cash. Phoner West 838. 51-23-5 Miscellaneous. SEVEN-PASSENGER touring car for rent by day. hour or trip. Long distance trips a specialty Phone Main 3381. or addres* ‘ Automobile,'' No. 1, care_Georglan. -22-20 Automobiles. iYw^XSSENGEICY?LMORE—36- hbr power; 1911 model; practically new. run less than 3.000 miles; fully equipped; in first-class running order; cost $2,000 when new: z>wner out of city and must sell; bargain. Hartrampf & Varbray Company, Phone Main 3810. 56 Edge-wood avenue, j ust below Equitable Bldg. 4-22-5 • 'AN store few automobiles. Call and see W. O. Jones, 35 South Forsyth street. WANTED To buy a good second-hand automobile: must be in good shape and cheap. Apply al4 Empire Bldg 5-21-36 BEAUTIFUL Baker electric: new batter les; ear in splendid condition; $250. Ad dress Box 523, care Georgian. 41-22-5 AUTOMOBILES for rent by day, hour or trip. Sterling Auto Service Phone Main 3381. Sunday phone. Main 468. -22-21 HAVE vacant lot to exchange for small used car. 1912 model. Write “Auto," care Georgian. 35-22-5 FOR EXCHANGE—Good six-room house; all improvements, for good automobile. Horace, care Georgian. 30-2-3-5 Motorcycles. ALL MAKES sfs AND UP —Largest mo torcycle dealers in the South: exclusive Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea- Austell Co. 35 North Pryor-St. 1-21-9 FOR SALE CheapT Twin tnotorcycle; guaranteed in absolute perfect condi tion. Call or address 507 Gould Bldg. 5-22-12 Business Opportunities, s STUDIO —$500. Other business causes forced sale. Ground floor. N. sky light. Opp. Candler Bldg T. R. Math ews. 117 N Pryor. M. 2769. 4-18-56 I NEED A PARTNER for my rapidly growing business. It is a splendid chance for some young man of good character and ability; small capital nec essary; only young man who cares for that'kind of a business need inquire Feders Employment Agency, 253-254 Candler Annex, 104 N. Pryor. 5-22-4!! WANTED A partner with S6OO cash to take active part; paying proposition: in vestigations solicited. French. Phone Ivy 5938. 5-23-11 OFFICE man in business with us. Paying investment. Good sal ary. Permanent, eftre Georgian. ' 25-23-5 l NEED A PARTNER for my rapidly growing business. It is a splendid chance for some young man of good char acter and ability; small capital neces sary: only young man who cares for that kind of a business need Inquire. Feders Employment Agency, 253-254 Candler An nex, 104 N. Pryor. 5-23-64 JACKSONVILLE, FLA. JACKSONVILLE is conceded to be one of th.e fastest growing cities of its class in America. Jacksonville Is doubling its population 'every ten years. Jacksonville is a hustling all year town with a permanent population of 75,000, and a. winter population of 125.000. You can succeed in Jacksonville. Investi gate business opportunities in Jackson ville, other Florida cities and elsewhere in the Southern states. Jacksonville l being the Gateway to Florida, and one of the most popular Tourist Cities in the Country, offers exceptional oppor tunities to make money in the hotel business, looming liquse, hoarding houses, restaurants, etc. This is the time of year to get busi ness bargains in Jacksonville on ac count of Northern people going home. Good propositions in hotels, boarding houses, rooming houses, restaurants, millinery stores, bicycle stores, garage, book and stationery store, drug store, grocery and general merchandise stores, manufacturing, etc. Write today for full information. Southern Sales Investment Co., Sellers, Promoters, Fiscal Agents. City Real Estate, Farming J.ands. In. dustrial Investments. Hotels every where. Phosphate and Timber Proper ties. Main office. 909 Bisbee Building. Local and long-distance telephone No. 5473. Jacksonville, U. S. A. 45-23-5 Wanted—Bids. fort McPherson, ga . May 22. 1912 Sealed proposals for furnishing mate rials and labor for constructing sewage purification plant will be received here until 11 a. dl, June 15, 1912. and then opened, envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed “Proposals for Con struction of Sewage Purification Plant." and addressed Constructing Quartermas ter. 5-23-23 Purchase Money Notes. SIO,OOO for Purchase Money Notes on Hand. Fulton Investment Company. Gre*n. Tilson A- McKinnex. Vttx i 1201-6 Atlanta National Bank Building Money to Loan. M< >RTGAGe"I7>ANS on Atlanta real es tate. Established since 1889. S. B Turman & Co., corner Broad and Ala bama-sts. 8-1-80 ; FARM LOANS placed in any amount on : Improved farm lands in Georgia. The ! Southern Mortgage Company. Gould building 7-18-1 MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEO ■PLE, women keeping house and others without security: cheapest rates; easy payments. Offices all principal cities. D H. Tolman, room 524 Austell building. WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur- i chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood-ave. WEYMAN «- CONNORS, i ESTABLISHED 1890 Mor t gages on Real Eat ate. 4-1-1 I PURCHASE MONEY NOTES—I will buy' for a client either first or second mort- : gage notes on Atlanta property. Have < SIO,OOO tn invest J. M Worsham. 908 Third National Bank. building. Ivy 5626. ’ 2-6-47 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. 8 W. Carson. 24 South Broad-st. lIFH Without. Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Money loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATION AT. DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. J-8-B5 * Loans on Diamonds PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. ’’Collatera'. Bank," 256 Candler Annex. 8 Per Cent Per Annum. 5--11-52 EASY MONEY for salaried peo ple. 8 cents per annum at Wesley Banking Co. Purchase money notes bought. 51 Inman Bldg.. 221-2 South Broad St. r>-8 ."> JEWELERS AND BROKERS 301 PETERS BLDG. LOAN "-jy (V - PHONE MAIN ill . STRICTLY PRIVATE REALTY TRUST “COMPANY,’ FORSYTH BUILDING Capital $600,000 Surplus $350,000. Can negotiate any good Real Estate Loan on Atlanta or suburban property. Bring us your applications. ’Phones: Bell, Main 1304—At!. 633. 2-18-1 Real Estate For Sale THE HOUSE you build, buy. or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. 4-18-i9 DO YOU WANT A NICE HOME IN DE CATUR.?. If so. see us. We have sever al beauties. Prices, $2,500 to SIO,OOO. Georgia Home & Farm Co., 457 Candler Annex. Ivy 5767. _'_ • 5-14-47 ■WEST END Between Gordon and Lu cile. one-half block from car line, two attractive and; substantially built houses: six rooms; new and modern in spect; bpltt by day labor: access to Pee ples Street .school; your choice for $3,500; terms: houses' ready for Inspection Take West End or 1 Walker street car; look at 33 and 37 Atwood street Apply W Strong. J 64 Oak. Phone W. 460.1. CLOSE IX NEW BUNGALOW. JUST BEING FINISHED. With all modern conveniences, solid brick foundation, gas and electric lights, handsome china closet. Will tint to suit- purchaser. Within the 3-4-mile circle; easy walk of all business and railroads. For quick salp will take SB,OOO. Terms. C. R. HASKINS. 507 Gould Building. -21-33 ~54 Fast Eleventh St. Remodelled Throughout. PAINTED, tinted, new mantels, new plumbing, new furnace. Will sell $4,500,00 On terms or will exchange Apply owner, 509 Atlanta National Bamk Bldg. 5-18-18 FOR a well located, well built, modern seven-room house, good terms, see owner, 816 Peachtree street. Phone 80 Ivy. 5-18-30 FOR SALE Two new four-room bunga lows in good white neighborhood; south side; city water; good lots; bargains at $1,400 each; SSO cash with $lO per month; might exchange for vacant lots. Address • twne I '. Box 100. care Georgian. 5-20-18 DO Y<»U WANT a picturesque home lot? See those choice opes at Copenhill on Copenhill avenue, Sinclair. Lake, High land. Noilfi. Blue Ridge ami Linwood ave nues. Prie s attractive. Terms very easy, exactly to suit you. Also beautiful 5-r. bun galow. just finished. Price $2,850. Terms, SIOO cash and S2O month; no mortgage on this'. Just the home you want. See Co penhill Land Co.. 836 Equitable Building. Phone Main 603, or your real estate agent. 5-21-25 NEW 8-room 2-story residence in Deca tdr. beautifully finished, furnace: large, level corner lot. Will refuse no reason able offer. Price $5,750, SSOO cash, bal ance easy terms, or will take vacant lot or automobile as cash payment. A hanil some home at much below its value. W. H S Hamilton, owner. Decatur. Phone Decatur 413. 5-21 -1 FOR SALE -Three nicely elevated lots on north side; will sell all three together or single, cheap. Address Lots. Box 80. < are Georgian. 5-21-26 NORTH SIDE HOME. ’ ON GOOD STREET, eight rooms, well built ami finished; handsome china closet built in; all rooms large, with, specially ample closets; gas and elec tric lights. both furnace heat and grates; piazza 16 feet wide. Will ■sell for s6.on and take a lot in part pay ment. C. K. HASKINS. 507 Gould Building. -21 -.M LITTLE HOMES West North avenue place, good terms; Twelfth street home, right at I’eachtree. Law street home, near A . B and A R R and Bellwofxl ave nib two homes on t’hastain street, near Grant park: terms, almost an acre, cor ner. serpi-central; worth all the money asked for it: rental makes it pay 6 per cent net Mills street, nine rooms, well worth the money Address me at Box 1580. Atlanta, Ga 59-22-5 ,VN IDIIAL five-room cottage on nice lot. • lose to school and churches and tine rar service. nothing hut homes in that lo <a!it’ has beautiful shade and lawn ■an b<- 'old on easy terms: no loari on this nbi. r Price, 12,750 * >wper, 908 Third National Bank Bldg Call Iv\ 5626 PooHtry, Pet and Live Stock •b ATLANTA QUOTATIONS- + May 22, 1912. -I- •9 + <• •Corrected by McCullough Bros ) + Eggs—Fresh selected, no guineas +or dfrlies. 17%© 18c; miscellaneous, f •i- 16(fJ16%c: guineas and dirties. 10© %• T 12 lie. v 4- Poultry—Live per pound: Turkeys, v 12'i@15c; ducks. 10@12$4c: geese. 8 T ®9c; hens. 13@14c; roosters. 8*5l0c; + V broilers. 30ig,'35c each, owing to size: fries. 30®35c each. J .- Dressed, per pound. Turkeys. 16 4- (9 17; ducks, 18<?>20c; geese. 10@ y Y hens, 16@17c; fries, 22®24c; •L roosters. + CARE AND FOOD FOR POULTS. The egg season for the turkey hen A , is from March 10 to June 16, to hatch and raise j--. them successfully, rfnni and when we lose 1 M. B. turkey eggs in the spring, it is >7. a Loss the whole lUt season; unlike cbieken liens that /-» lay and set the FOUttrV whole year, tur keys are by nature farm birds and / can not be raised successfully i n confinement. . A semi-confinement works all right •luring the breeding season. My tur keys have been yarded during the breeding season for so many years that domestication iS inherent in the flock and they drop right into the habit of going into their two-acre breeding yards as naturally, as stock goes into the pasture In which they have grazed for j long time. In this way 1 have very little trouble getting all of my turkey eggs. 1 also use these yards for hatch ing and starting my young poults off in. It is not a difficult problem to raise the young turkeys if one knows the art of feeding and caring for them, con trolling' their wanderings by seeming to let them have their own way. I keep them confined in a large airy coop at night with board pen 10 by 10 feet square in front of the coop, on a grassy slope. I keep them in this pen for three to five days, according to the weather, and then they are allowed their liberty ttfter the dew is off in the morning, till about 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when they are fed and driven back into their coops. Tlie coops are moved u little each day. so that the poults have clean roosting ground, as they are by nature the cleanest fowls known and can not live in filth. Each morning if we will notice, the coops have a bad odor, espe cially in rainy, bad weather. This odor seems to be poisonous to the young poults. * I keep them in these coops until they are large enough to fly up to roost. I then use brush or small poles over coops for them to roost on, until they are* large enough to go to trees. For the first six 'reeks or two months of a turkey’s life is the most particular period of its existence. A great many people seem to think they must have something to eat the moment they are out of the shell, when the fact is they bring theif- food along with-them in shape of the yolk of the egg, which is absorbed into the body just before they leave the shell, and which is enough to sustain them for 36 to 48 hours. The first thing I give them is water in a shallow pan with pebbles in it to keep them from getting wet and* to “make like.” nature effect. At the same time I scatter some kind of fine grit or sand, as this is preparatory to the food that will follow as goon trs. the yolk of the egg is absorbed in the body/ When they do get hungry, the least little bit does them for a while; some people feed five or six times a day, but I feed only three times, just the amount I think they will eat up clean. For the first thiee days I feed hard boiled eggs, chopped up fine (one egg to about 25 poults) mixed, with chopped onion tops or lettuce leaves for green stuff; over this mixture I sprinkle pulverized black pepper, as a stimulant while they are so weak and young. As their appetites demand it. I add a little cottage cheese or stale bread crumbs, but at all times I want them to eat up what I have before them quickly and cry for more. There are more turkeys killed by over-feeding while young, giving too much artificial food, not giving them room in their coops, for insects, which is so materially necessary for them to thrive on. If over-fed on artificial food, they will take Indigestion. causing liver trouble, and as the liver is the largest organ in the body, we must give plenty •>f green stuff and Insects with exercise to keep the liver in action. My way of feeding so much green food and food that acts directly on the liver is the reason that 1 have such good success. At ten days or two weeks old, I tty to get them on a grain ration mixed with table scraps, occasionally giving Real Estate For Sale. FOR KA LE BY OWNER RESIDENCE of nine rooms, on best part of North Boulevard; modern and com plete, with all improvements, including furnace* heat ami screens throughout. This good home can be bad < heap, and upon easy terms LOT 50x185 in Delaware avenue, in beau tiful Ormwood park. It lies well, on car line. Price $750. F-Zasy terms. LOT 50x200 on Henderfeon avenue, in Cas cade Park, near car line. Price SSOO •Lasy terms. LOT 37x100 on Eads street, near McDan iel. This is right in town and ready for a small house. For quick sale. $350 will I buy It. .1 FRANK Bl*>’K. 805 Empire Bldg -23-39 F 6.256 -Ninth and Myrtle streets. H-room 2-story house. Owner anxious to sell. Got a bargain Christian. 318 Empire Bldg Main 4747. 5-23-37 FOR sale or exchange for good vacant ready for improvement. ■NINE-ROOM HOUSE 280 E I.inden street: value $5.5(10; equity $3,250; rents for $37.50 per month; occupied; will sell on easy terms to good party, or exchange for good ,dear lots in good neighborhood: north side pri'fernd; will give or take cash difference. •Ino. R. Scott. •Phone Main 1869. sl4 Grant Bldg. For Exchange —Real Estate. Wild, exchange II feet on Gordon street, West End. just off Lee street, for farms or rit\ proper! v Address .1 H.. 26 \\ esl Mitchell street s<::-i9 Real Estate Wanted. WANTED -On north side near Peach free. home with modern ronveniences. Must be in good condition and not more fi.ap ?4.;>no \ddress Cash, Box 100. •■ar* ' Georgian 5-23-36 a little copperas. A half teaspoonful of sulphur- each day will ward off disease and help to drive off lice, which should be seen after from the first. I use a little pure hog lard with a few drops of kerosene, used Tn the top of the head and under the throat as they are taken off of the nest, using only a very little, as too much weakens the poult. At a week or ten days old. just before they go to roost. I use a little, more of the oil as before and rub a lit tle between wing quills which have come out by this time, and are probably bedded pith little white lice that will soon weaken their vitality, and cause ideath unless removed. 1 put this oil on at night so that the’ greater part of it will be rubbed off on hen by morning, as I always use a turkey hen to carry my poults, even when hatched under chicken bens. I have followed this plan for 25 years with great satisfaction and have writ ten on this subject before, but still find a number of my customers who ask me for my advice on “Care and Food of Young Turkeys.”—Mrs. Shafner. in In dustrious Hen. — All letters and communica tions on poultry matters and for the question and answer column should be addressed to POULTRY DOCTOR. THE GEORGIAN, Atlanta, Ga. Orpingtons. BABY CHICKS from high class White Orpingtons. 25c each, in lots of ten or more. Charley Dobbs, Gainesville. Ga. 3 1 2J7-29 Plymouth Rocks. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS-My en tire flock on forced sale. Every one a winner If ybu want something fine that's cheap, address Walter M Rogers. Ocilla. Ga. 33-21-5 DAY-OLD Barred and Buff Rock chicks for sale, 15c each. Eggs balance of sea son. $1 for 15. Charles W. Davis, Ander son Hardware Company. Residence phone Ivy 3978-. I 5-20-15 R. I. Reds BABY CHICKS from high class S. C. Rhode Island Reds, 25c each, in lots of ten or more. Charley Dobbs, Gaines _L 2 L’ 2g SINGLE-i ’• >MB REDS now leading all breeds In New York egg-laying con test. and leading all utility breeds in con test at Storrs. Conn. Our Reds big lay ers. good shape and bright color; Tomp kins strain: $3 a setting: reasonable fer tility guaranteed. P. Whiting, care Geor gian. 3-29-7 QUALITY REDS. J. I. Hosford, East Point. Ga. 4-25-31 ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; won at Southern Internarional and Georgia shows. Eggs. $2 and $3 per fifteen. T. L. Wright. 649 Hfghland-ave.. Atlanta 2-1-41 Houdans. FOR SALE- "Faultless” Houdans; this strain has been egg bred from trap nest records since April. 1890; I have bred them twenty-one years for great layers and twelve years for large size chalk white eggs. These fowls are extremely hardy; have neither comb nor wattle to freeze and are the best all winter layers In open* front coops. ‘'Faultless” strain Houdans have won every blue ribbon at New York. Boston. Chicago and Phila delphia shows for past six years, eggs and stock sold on honor: send 10c for the largest illustrated poultry catalogue ever Issued H tells you how to breed these fowls, which average 260 eggs a year apiece. It tells you how to net $3,000 a year from 100 hens E. F Macavoy, sec retary Houdan club. Cambridge. N Y. 3-21-49 Anconas. FOR SALE 125 Ancona February chicks to sacrifice quick. Bargain! Bargain! Box 84. Arabi, Ga. 5-18-3 Leghorns. Udi GaLE-Aoo S U. White Leghorn yearling hens at $1.25 each. Young's strain. L. M. Solomon. Route 1, Macon. Ga. 42-23-5 Ducks. NOW is the time to set White Runner duck eggs, and Ren dotte Farm is the place to get the best. SIO.OO eggs the next two weeks for $5.00. Rendotte Fann, P. 0. Box 300, Atlanta. Ga. 4-24-16 INDIAN RUNNERS Fawn-and-white and white; ducklings, 25 cents to $1: eggs, $1.50 tn $5; satisfaction guaranteed Georgia Duck Farm, S. Kirkwood. Atlan ta, Ga. 81-18-5 Real Estate For Sale. WEST PEACHTREE ST. HOME. NEAR HOWARD STREET we have a good two-story slate-roof twelve-room house, on an east from lot; has furnace, electricity, servants’ house, stable and all conveniences. This is close in and can be bought on reasonable terms. Owner wants an offer, /’all at office. SOME CHOICE BUILDING IX>TS. PRICES LOW. Fairview avenue (Druid Hills). 100 by 250 $3,650 Corner Park and Dabney. 100 by 147. 4,160 Avery drive, 75 by 178 2,000 St. Charles avenue, 50 by 210 .. 1,900 Westminster drive. 50 by 200 2,500 Jackson street, near Ponce DeLeon avenue, 50 by 130 • 2,500 Royston street, near McLendon. 50 by 132 L 350 Kuhn street. 50 by 180 1,350 Ponce I >cLeoii av <nue. 50 by 240 ... 3,500 PETERS S TREET. BETWEEN Whitehall and Forsyth streets, cheapest property in Atlanta; has good brick building on it; side and rear alley, lot 40 by 100. $20,000. on easy terms S. B. TURMAN & CO. BROAD AND ALABAMA STREETS FOR EXCHANGF. for good va- cant, lots or equity worth the i money. SI,BOO PUR' HASE MONEY NOTES First mortgage. 6 per cent. Prefer north side, but would con sider south or west if extra good lo cation. • Ino. R. Scott. Phone Main 1869. 814 Grant Bldg ' Ask any business man and he will tel’ ' you The Georgian Want Ad columns reach more people and bring better results I that could not b* obtained in any other medium in this section. Ducks. - ■**•************- SPECIAL bargains in true fawn and White Indian Runner ducks for next 15 days, as I must have room for growing stock; are lay ing now. Model Poultry Farm. “The Farm of Quality,” Colbert. Ga. ‘ 4-23-7 PURE WHITE Indian Runner duck eggs fur short while at $4 per setting. Eng lish Pencil Runners, laying. $6.50 trio. C Stewart. Decatur, Ga. 41-21-5 EGGS from heavy-laying strain Indian Runner Ducks. 51.25 for 13. This is the best time of year to set duck eggs. Chas. W. Davis, Anderson Hardware Com- ’ 5-20-16 Eggs- THOROUGHBRED Buff'Orpington eggs, best strain. ?1 per 15; guaranteed fer tile. 285 Euclid ave. Phone Ivy 958-J. -12-48 EGGS for hutching Single setting, $1.50; two settings. $2 75; 50-egg lots, $4.00: 100 iots. $7 50; Buff Orpingtons, R. I. Reds. S. C. White Leghorns. Barred Rocks. Large flocks. Able to ship Incubator lots promptly. Choice stock at low prices. I. R. duck eggs, $1 50 per twelve. E. W. Burk*. Macon 12-22-41 THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor street. Phono Main 3588. 4-27-25 EGGS from high class S. C. R. I. Reds. Now is the time to set eggs to get the best colored nlrds. Write at once for my illustrated catalogue and reduced prices Joe I Wallace, Dalton, Ga. 5-1-6 Miscellaneous Poultry. FOR THE BEST White Orpington stock baby chicks and eggs write Charley Dobbs. Gainesville. Ga.; 4.000 catalogs ready to be mailed free. Write for one. -37-36 FOR THE BEST S. C. Rhode island Red stock, baby chicks and eggs, write Charley Dobbs. Gainesville, Ga ; 4,000 catalogs ready to be mailed FREE Write for one. 3-27-31 H. GF. HASTINGS & CO., Seeds men for the South, 16 W. Mi<tchel! St. Four city deliv eries daily. North and south side 9 a. m„ Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell phone Main 2568. Atlanta 2568. A GOOD IDEA to plant more buah and pole snap beans, bush and pole Lima beans, beets, radish, lettuce, mustard, kale, onion sets, cucumbers, squash, car rots and okra. ■ BUG DEATH" can’t be beat as a bug killer. It Is just the thing for killing all kinds of insects that bother the garden. It is non-polsonous and is easy to apply. One pound box. 15c: three pound box. 35c: five pounds. 50c: 12>/fe pounds, SLOO. If by mail, add 10 cents per pound for post age. SINGING CANARIES —We have just re ceived a beautiful lot of St. Andreasher ger Rollers. They are all in full song. I’rlce. $3.00 each. Cages. $1.25 and up. HAVE you noticed any of your hens drooping around picking themselves for some time and finally dying on the roost? If so. and you will notice more closely around the poultry houses and the nest boxes, you will find, the cause, which will more than likely be either mites or lice We can supply you with Conkey’s Liquid Lice Killer. Nox-f-Clde and Lice Powder, it will pay you to start war now, instead of waiting too late. IT IS TOO RAD to have little chicks to begin to die off after yon have had such good luck with them. It is a good •den to keep careful, watch and see tlfay they are noi troubled with head lice, in digestion, white diarrhoea, etc. If you find that they are troubled with any of the above, just phone us and we will tell you what you need for them Dogs. FOR SALE--Female black-and-tan toy terriers. Perfect little beauties 11. Roquemore. Mansfield, Ga. 50-21-5 Hogs. BERKSHIRES- Fine registered stock: prices reasonable. Morris Farm, Clarks ton, Ga. 4-24-1 Mules. FOR SALE—Nineteen head of good mules and grading outfit, carts, scrapers, har ness Phone Main 676, Atlanta 831 S M. Davis, 224 Decatur street. 5-23-70 Horses and Carriages. FOR SALE—Harness of every description. 5 sets of extra nice second-hand car- riage harness. Piedmont Harness Corn pan>. Is 9 Marietta street. 2-27-14 WANTED-To rent good hors* or mule for three months for light farm work No peddling and no public work. Best care will be taken. Address J. T. Rustin, Route I. Dunwoody, Ga 5-21-45 FAIRLY good work horse; price, S3O For Information, inquire at 11 Kennett st. John W. Gammon, Atlanta phone 1969 5-22-61 Railroad Schedule. SOUTITERN RAILWAY. "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH" ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub lished only as Information, and are not guaranteed: No Arrive From— No. Depart To 35 New Y. 5:00 am 36 New Y 12:15 am 13 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus 5:20 am 43 Was'ton 5:25 am 13 Clnci. . 5:30 am 12 Sh'port. 6:30 am 32 Fort V. 5:30 am 23 Jaxville 6:50 am 35 B’ham . 5:45 am •17 Toccoa. 8:10 am • 7 Chat'ga 6:40 am 26 Heflin.. 8:20 am 12 R'mond 6:55 am 29 New Y.10:30 am 23 Kan. C. 7:00 am 8 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Brun'k 7:45 am 7 Macon 10:40 am 29 B’ham. 10:45 am 27 Fort V 10:45 am 38 New Y.11:01 am 21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 Charl’e 12:00 n’n 6 Clnci .11:10 am 6 Macon ,12:40 pm 30 B’ham 2:30 pm 30 New Y. 2:45 pm 40 B’ham 12:40 pm 15 Chat'Ka 3:00 pm 39 Charlo'e 3:55 pm 39 B’ham. 4:10 pm 5 Macon. 4:55 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm 37 New Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus 5:10 pm 15 Bruns'k 7:50 pm 5 Clnci . 5:10 pm 11 R'mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm 24 Kan. C. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin . 5:45 pm 16 Chat'ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon . 5:30 pm 29 Col’bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash'n 8:45 pm 31 Fort V. 10:25 pm 24 Jaxville 9:30 pm 36 B’ham 12:00 ngt 11 Sh'port. 11:10 pm 14 Clnci, .11:00 pm 14 Jaxville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run daily. Central time City Ticket Office. No 1 Peachtree St. Georgian Want Ads Get i Results ■ 21