Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 24, 1912, HOME, Image 10

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FUNERAL OF KING UNITES 3 RULERS Scandinavian Monarchs Meet, for First Time in 1.000 Years, st Frederick’s Bier. COPENHAGEN’. May 24—For the firtn time in ten centuries the throe Scandinavian kings of Denmark, Nor way and Sweden met today upon friendly terms, the occasion being the burial of the late King Frederick VIII of Denmark, who died suddenly In the streets of Hamburg. After the fu neral. King Christian, the new Danish nonarch; King Haakon of Norway and King Gustav of Sweden dined together. Two thousand notables were at the ■■fbeequies, which were held in th** Ros- Idlde cathedral. Many royal and no ble houses of Europe were represent ed. The casket was placed In the royal tomb of Roskllde cathedral, where the former kings of Denmark rest. Simplicity marked the ceremonies, n accordam • with the known wish of the dead king. Special choral services by the royal opera singers and by the students of the choral union were given. The interior of the ancient cathedral ras draped in black and white. The body of Frederick had been lying in state In the private chape) of t'hris rlanborg castle since last Monday. It had been viewed by thousands of per sons. As the casket stood In the ca thedral today it was draped with the royal mantle of red velvet on which *vas wrought a magnificent gold crown. The hlstori* silver lions from Rosen borg castle rested beside the coffin on •he black catafalque. The comherness of the mourning rarb was relieved by brilliant uniforms, for many military officers attended. Mart foreign diplomats also were pres w»t Among the attendants were Dowager Queen Alexandra of England and Dow iger Empress Marie of Russia, sisters of the dead king. BRIDE’S SON WILL BE BEST MAN AT WEDDING BOSTON, May 24.—Franats Cushing Green, an engineer, is to bo married •Saturday tn Mrs James A. Garland. ■ whose home Is at Bay End farm, Buz ggrds Bay Mr. Green will b» attended by James A Garland, Mrs. Garland's driest son E WORLD ATLAS PRESENTED BY THE ££*j Si,k ’ C "'°Evlry County. GEORGIAN EVERYBODY g| g Sggi ii!» ' in bi $ i WMMife i s » $ $ frf $ ATLANTA i|«iBOSiI3WK Think of the convenience of al :£$ ! .'•’?;! ilLMt^^ < 4^.yX<A’f??3S?Ae^^-\|f-^^^7.‘>‘lgM-‘. ; .';. : : :$ ways having a handy Atlas at ;£s : $ your elbow I It’s small enough for $ handy use and large enough to •££ ■£.; •* $ ones Besides its authentic maps of every country t-’ate. and r*ov .•.>•;« ,••;« ,;« X IB t QgißiMM I ah I "■• - »•«* «■«’ -■' pi | MwWW^ ! I just fttß whero von put it and w £.v •> THE ONLY WAY # M • TO GET IT B I Six Headings Like This: ||| 11; 11 (Atlanta RBI Iwlllifi ® i ‘nipped daily trod the brat page '••'•''•;<■< ■'■••• - K - of The and p r< -^p n fpd a’ ;; : .;'ti : .?;'^ th* business office with the small snv‘‘ ’tVft v*.’ expense fee I COa gg to defray the necessary items of distribution. REDUCED ILLUSTRATION—ActuaI size 8 3-4x7 inch*.. SAVE YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN READERS INCLUDE 15 CENTS EXTRA FOR POSTAGE FIRST PAGE HEADINGS Addres», THE GEORGIAN, Atlanta. Ga. It*s Up to the Women To Save the Nation From Degeneration CINCINNATI, May 24.—it is the housewives of this country and not the physicians who must co-operate to prevent future generations of America from being puny, undersized and liable to disease, according to Dr. Edwin M. Craig, of Norwood, who spoke on "Food Values” to the members of the Nations] Housewives League. “The nation is threatened with a period of decline, owing to the high cost of living, and unless housewives learn how to buy economically, how to substitute cheaper foods foi meals there are going to be more and mor* divorces, owing to comfortless homes, and the race will suffer,” said Dr. Craig. “Husbands are not going to stand poor meals, at. high cost and unless the housewives learn how to meet the, conditions of life there are going to be more and more desertions. Wives I should buy foods in large quantities. ' should never run bills and. above all. i should never buy furniture on the in-| stalment. plan." WANTS CITY TO STOP BLASTING THAT HENS MAY FINISH HATCH YONKERS, N Y, May 24. —Hairy | Fuller has asked Public Works Con,-I mltsloner Brady to stop contractors blasting tn his neighborhood until his I chickens are hatched. Fuller has several hens setting upon! eggs, and Is expecting about 75 chick- | ens within two weeks. Within the ja.-t j five days several blasts of dynamite i have been set off in making street Im provements neai bls house. He says these explosions rock his hen ! house, and unless they are stopped !;■ ' fears that the vibration and the not e , will he apt to ruin the entire brood ■ f , chickens he Is expecting CUTICURA SOAP SHAVING STICK For Tender Faces ’ Indinpensahle for thos<> subject tored- H ® ness. roughness, and other irritations of the skin. Ashavlng luxury. No mug. | no soggy*oap, no germs, no waste of •SW* tlmeor money In nickeled box. 25c at SHAVIue atorcßorby mail. Liberal sample free. IUW Address "Cuticura," Dept. 2R. Boaton. , THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: FRIDAY, MAY 24. 1912. LINEMAN ELECTROCUTED. MARIETTA. GA.. May 24.—Lewis Shumate, a lineman tn the employ of the Southern Bell Telephone Company, was electrocuted here while he was re pairing wires on a telephone pole. In some way lie came in contact with elec tric light wires and was instantly killed He leaves a wife and one child. Suffered With Stomach Trouble and Indigestion for Years Gas, Heartburn, Heaviness, Sourness and Acidity Quickly Abolished with MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets. Some stomach remedies are pre pared for the sole purpose of giving relief to a distressed stomach. They do not cure—they simply do the work your stomach Itself ought to do and there their usefulness ends. MI-O-NA stomach tablets give quicker relief than any other stomach remedy, but they do more; they tone up the stomach, put elasticity Into the flabby walls, cause the gastric Juices to flow normally, and in a short time make the stomach strong enough to di gest anything without artificial aid. Anv drugglet will supply you with n 50 cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets —the real cure for indigestion This HOME Bank Start You Right) rDTF to every tJwpoaitwr in rK r r onr Savings Depart- men t, CaH at the Linnh and deposit OlfE DOLLAR to y onT credit and vnn get one of tHoee HOME TELLER ' Sbv ing« Brinke free. It '-Mints yonr money «nd lets yon see it grew We Pay YOU 4 % Interest City Savings Bank 16 East Alabama Street FAIR TO RUN FULL WEEK. COLIMBUS. GA.. May 24 —The fair to be held in Columbus next winter will last six days, and there will be ex hibits of live stock, poultry, agriculture and manufactured products gathered from various counties interested. It is expected that the fair association will be organized within the next two weeks. and instant reliever of stomach misery. Read this letter: "I feel it my duty to write you about MI-O-NA. I suffered with stomach trouble for three years I paid a hun dred dollars for doctors' bills and medi cines. I lived on buttermilk, and when T ate my stomach would ache. I doubt If there Is any person living who can recommend your MI-O-NA more highly than myself. I had been a great suf ferer from stomach troubles for many years I took half of one box and feel as if I am a new man. and all of my friends speak of it." Daniel Anderson. 220 Jones Street, Petersburg, Va, Feb. 11, 1912. 9C SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 TRIP EQUAL ‘ TO Wrightsville Beach You Do Not Have to Collect All the Money in Advance A Trip for 25 Subscriptions This contest is divided into two parts, one for the city of Atlanta and suburbs, and the other is made strictly for the territory outside of Atlanta and suburbs. The congest for the city of Atlanta is as follows: For 25 yearly subscriptions to The Daily Georgian at the regular carrier rate, we will give you a free trip to Wrightsville Beach, with a six-day stay at the best hotel. We pay all expenses, including meals, Pullman, hotel, etc. - V- ■ - J Jk . ■ '■ . « . >? . : " v uSHb ' ' * : *.*c : -i i: { aSaST ‘ •’Tv.F <-i»: : J+- , •*» v. ■J«l***' ■■ -y; . '. ~t-> PL] 11 yn ■ H-t* . *■•l i ' b dy W-. ’. i * „ . , UfKW2K> ' . '*>'• • •:■ • •f: C - ~ WVf V I .| ~ .-1r 1..7H f A Lgg— _ ■ d OCEANIC HOTEL, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. FOR LOCAL CONTESTANTS Subscriptions will he easy to secure, as you do not have to secure the full price of the yearly subscriptions in advance, but all that is necessary is that you get the new subscriber to sign an agreement to take The Georgian for one year, pay for three months in advance ($1.30), and agree to pay 10 cents per week for the other nine months. The price of The Georgian is $5.20 per year, 'delivered by carrier. This is 10 cents per week whether paid in advance or by the week. ? This offer is open to the white people of Atlanta and suburbs only, and for new subscriptions only. It is not a hard matter to get 25 new sub scriptions. especially when they do not have to pay for the full year in advance. Call at the Contest Department of The Georgian and full par ticulars. together with samples and receipt book, will he given you. FOR OUTSIDE CONTESTANTS To those residing outside of the city of Atlanta and suburbs we offer a free trip to Wrightsville Beach for 20 paid-in-advance subscriptions to The Daily Georgian at the regular rate. $5.00 per. year. The Georgian will be sent by mail to all subscribers who pay $5.00 and by carrier where same is paid for at the carrier rate of $5.20. Subscriptions must he paid in advance or they will not count on this offer. This offer is open to any white person of good moral rharacter over fourteen years of age. Those who enter the contest now can easily secure the number of subscriptions required without much of an effort. Three old subscriptions count the same as one new subscription. Address All Subscriptions and Communications to the Contest Manager, Care of The Georgian, A G a " ta