Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 24, 1912, HOME, Page 13, Image 13

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Society News of X 1 ;l | Atlanta A FAVORED form of entertain: 3 —\ for these ncar-suminer da? i-l i re informal afternoon tea whep ■ ft.w friends gather for a social half liou . Among the tea parties at the Geor- * g’an Terijci this afternoon were scv- , ■ral in wliic.i brides-to-be or visitors wetc tlte guests of honor- Miss Ethel t Wiekershain, who is to be a .lune bride. • was the special guest of a party enter- , tainod by Mrs. Edward Lycett. which ( included a number of the friends of Miss Wiekershain. several of litem to be bridesmaids at her wedding. The honor guest na.- smartlj gowned in a white whipcord coat costume, worn with an American Beauty hat. Miss Manelie Brewster. another is-ide-cleet, w ;qs tin- honor guest of a party which attended the matinee at th I'orsjth before going to the 1 er ia< e for tea. Mrs, F 11. Cayce was j hostess of this group of friends, w hich I includ'd Misses Brewster, Eugenia I Uh hardson, Bessi*- Smith. Via .lack on, I ran. e- McCrory. Lucille Tram mell. > vili> Arnold and Charlie Rose Simms, and M s. < ’la-erne Wickfir ..larn. Mis. George Langford. Mis. Cleve \\ . bb am! Mrs. John Arnold. Mins Marguerite Harper entertained a party <.-f friends in honor of Miss Ma bel Bowman, the other guests being M s. William Jenkins, Miss Lydia Rob bins of. Sharps-, ili't Pa.. and Misses Ba baa Hunter. Laura Belle Gilbert.) Mary Jeter Amy Ward. May Freeman I and Edwina Harper. Miss Florence Kamp' : was a brid' - elect complimented with an afternoon. Pa at the Terrace today by Mrs. ••rai:k| Myo s. A visitor entertained Zt "t, was Al'S. John Roa. h Straton. who w.isl Ibo I I 111 al figure of a group of '•■••n Mrs. WJlliam Worth Martin being dr iiosle-s. Mrs. Johnson Hostess. Mis. Clarence Johnson ■ ntertained a e .up of friends al tea n.t the Geo gi-’nl Ti rim " ibis afternoon in honor of Mi E, G. Thomas and Mis. Harris, of ['th V alley. Tii' guests W l ' special friends of Mis. Thoma-. those in the party being Mi- Howard CullawaA Mr-. U. C. Imp . Si. S. John T. Hail. Ml." H«IT - I'urwii Mt.- John W Hughes. Mrs. Al- ■ oil Trulli, Mrs. Wancn A Candle:. Mis. George Spier,. M -. T. S. Johnson, ' Mrs. Luther Rosser. Mrs. Joseph M. I'errell, Mis. Howard Palmer, Mrs. I.ney Taylor and Mrs. Johnson. Miss Lamian Johnson was hostess at a party of Agnes Scott girls, al the 1 same hour. .Miss Ruth Slack, of J.a- < Grange, being the guest of honor. Informal Bridge Party. !j Mrs. IL E. Bussey entertained in- i formally at bridge this afternoon for i her guest. Mis. T. ,C. Parker, Jr., of Macon. Invited to meet her were Airs, t Ralph Bardwell. Mis. Claude Shew- I make. Mrs. Joseph T. Deny and her 1 guest. Mrs. James Wilson of Little Rock: Air . William Donovan and Miss f Nellie Kiser Stewart. ] Opening German at Warm Springs. I’iie opening german of the At arm hotel, at Warm Springs, Ga.. ,'i | take place on 'he evening of June j I, and representatives of the social con- c 'agents of many Georgia cities and loans will bo among the guests. Airs, i T B. Slade has announced the open- s iug of this popular summer hostelry. ' which is near enough for automobilists and week-end visitors from Atlanta. c Trn- balls of each Saturday night are always largely attended by Atlantans I .luring the season. Week-End Dinner Dance. The dinner dance at the Piedmont Di li ing club tomorrow evening w ill be . . delightful close to the week's gave i:< s. Dinner w ill be served at 8 o'clock f . oti the terrace, and later there w ill bo . dancing. 1 Brookhaven Auto Parties. Among those stopping at the Brook haven club yesterday afternoon for ti i “ were Mr. and Airs. John O. DuPree. Mr. , Eugene Havnes. Air. John J. Woodside, Ji Alt John S. Cohen. Airs. William A Wimbish. Mr. and Airs. Haralson Bleckley. Air. Eugene Kelly and Air. Philip I.Engle. This evening' Air. I-'. M. Myer- Jr./will entertain six guests, at supper. Bride-Elect Complimented. .Mr.-. Eugene Barnes entertained at aj spend-lhe-day party yesterday at. het! home in West End for Miss Leila Moon. ; of Marietta. whose marriage to Mr. Conway Grady takes place June 4. The decorations were of pin! and white w oct peas. The guest- were All s Leila Moon. Miss Nina Moon, Miss Bertha Conway, Miss Inez Conwr Miss Beat- ■ ,ce George, Mi-< Olvi - Robertson. Miss, Po ter. Mrs. Frank Ea .»s ami Mr Guy | Blaines. | ■Dinner for General Woihe,spoon. . , .1,-. ~ mid Mr.. j. W. Scully "nter- ,c; ?. at dinner ' 1 veiling tor Gen- I ■ i.j W. AV. '.Volhcr r-ooti. commander ■h- Derailment of the Gulf. The .cawing room where the guests were eiived was aec.T.itcd in palms and f. ms. v ita ■> j of crimson rannbler Covers were laid for ; .eive at a .s.ndsotneiy appointed tabic. ~ color - heme of whit, and sold oeing ear-; on: in detail The et nte pi :< e for, ;:!<■ table was a large cr v stal bowl filled j >■ ith Mureschal Niel roses, resting on a e-rur. wreathed in smi’.ax. The candle s iocs n.nd bonbons v <tc > ellovv and dw. .It . S. oily g.'Wn p i. 'i black ~ . iin Mi-. Margaicl > ’ill. who ■•I ;. !'■ n t amiiig ’" • '• hl'-e WHAT 1912 GIRL MUST WEAR Fashion Decrees Tighter Skirts an d Jewelled Sh oes Also She Must Hide Her Beauty Under an Aeroplane Um brella of Silk. By Margaret Hubbard. Paris settled the fashions tot the .Summer Girl of 1912 definitely last Sun day. and here they are: Siie w ill wear pink as a favorite color, with black and white running second. She will wear tighter skirts, even though she does wear a pannier above as drapery . She will wear Alcdici collars and Louis XV coats, and get he.r historical dates mixed with delightful effect. She will have puffed sleeves —the puff ’•> ' W» V /7 •• . : ~ f . -valaßraßiP ■ W -a'' w * 7 >1 ■lk . ■ Tilt’ I'*l2 summer girl bide her beauty mill'r an aero plain' umbrella, octagonal .shaped or nimle like a p;igo<l:i ol silk. satin and velvet. Her stockings, of line silk, are alinosl invisi ble. and the shoes are studded with brilliants. f" comes at the elbow or from elbow to wrist, according io fancy. She will place her main reliance on slides and stockings and will spend most of her income on them, for her stockings are almost invisible; they are of such fine silk or they arc of gold and silver tissue embroidered and em bellished with jet, pearls and paillettes, jfer shoes flash brilliants at the heel and toe. and were never more gorgeous in all the world’s history. She will wear an electric coiffure in tile evening, made to sparkle a dozen lights from a small electric battery hidden in her frock. Her frocks will be slit up to the knee, for otherwise she can not walk, and nobody will be shocked because the slit is cleverly hidden by a piece of drapery and only shows when the wind blows. She will wear her sash tied in front. She will wear a great quantity of jewels of all sons, particularly pearls, diamonds and corals. And she will hide all this beauty un der the aeroplane umbrella, octagonal shaped, or made like a pagoda of silk, -attn and velvet. By these things you will know her as strictly up to date. DOZEN DIPLOMAS TO BE AWARDED AT MARIETTA .MARIETTA. GA.. May 24. The grad uating exercises of tlie Marietta High school will bo held at the Auditorium hero tonight. An interesting program lias been prepared. The members "f the class are Robert Awtrey. Leon Blair, David McEachern, and Misses rfloiso Barnes. Josephine Clarke. Virginia Co hen. Ciiitha Dobbs. Dora. Edwards. An gie l-'ieid. Emily Griffin. Ru'li Osborn and Mart Warren ( Dr. Caldwell ’s mail is among the largesi in America and thou- , sands of these letters speak of constipation. There is no question that DR. CALDWELL’S SYRUP PEPSIN is a genuin» cure for the mosi stubborn, chronic constips | tier.. It has to Its credit permanent Thousands Say DR. CALD ; c ; ir ' s °r ri nien il/ri r vnun ornr.'ii z- eighty The writers are not speaking WcLL 5 SYnUr rtrSlN Cures ' from hearsay. but from personal ex ' perience. The reason is that SYRUP worst i.ases or tonsTipanon pepsin is a scientific preparation, i 1 Unlike Halts, cathartic pills or pur gatfve waters, its effect is not tem porary for that day. but a brief use of It. gradually :rains rhe stomach and bowel muscles so that they again do their own work. In this waj a perma ner.t cure ir brought about, for soon medicines of a'i kinds can be dispensed with DR. CALDWELL’S SYRUP PEPSIN ’» effective at all ages, and is for that reason the best family laxative obtainable. A flfty-cent bottle will - keep r family in good health for many months. It can be given with safe ty to an infant, and yet grown people will find it prompt and satisfactory. Its action is mild, it works gently and never gripes, and is pleasant to the taste. It is all that can he asked of the ideal family laxative Use it for any disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. Let every membe ■of the fam ily use it. and that family will be in good health. There will be no consti pation. sick headaches, gas on the stomach, drowsiness after eating, sal low, pimply complexions nor any of the other disorders that folios' in the ' train of bowels that are clogged with matte - that should be eliminated. Dr. Caldwell: , Dr Caldwell: 1 received your trial bottle of Syrup , received voUr sample of Svrup ' Pepsin, and have been taking it right p ep «i n . and bought a SI.OO bottle from Vve found It in our local drug s c t- io dg e » and am taking it now store, and I have bought a half dozen j tfimk It is a grand medicine. 1 have /a tn Tr,u<, h wth recommended your medicine to some the effect a, I find your Syrup Pepsin n f friends who suffer as I did. is the best thing I have ever tried . _ „ . D. H. Harburg. R Buchanan. ,lr.. 251 W. Wade-st . Charlotte. X. C I Coronaca. S. C. Any one wishing to make a trial of this comedy before buying it In the J regular way of a druggist at fifty cants or one dollar • large bottle (family si-ei tin have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge by wmply addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 405 Washington St., Monticello, 111. Your r.aree anrl address on a poa'al card will de. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: ER I DAY. MAY 24. 1912. -4 K v i ' ' — 'ySL' IB r jjjSjflh 'I FUTURE EVENTS || Mrs. Fred Shaefer will entertain at : her home in College Park on Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Manelle Brewster, u June bride, and Miss Vera Jackson, who is to be one of Miss Brea - ster's attendants. Mrs. Shaefer’s guests will include only the bridal party. Airs. Warren Boyd will entertain in formally tomorrow afternoon for Mis. Floren' e Kelly, of New York, seerelai.t of the National Consumers league, who will spend the week-end in Atlanta. Mrs. Charles Bovnton will entertain at an informal tea next Friday after noon for .Miss Eliza Candler, a bride elect of June. The tea will be given al Mrs. Boynton’s home on Piedmont av - nue. Assisting in entertaining will bi Mrs. W. S. Pattillo, Mrs. J. R. Pat tillo, Mrs. W. S. Pattillo. Jr., Miss Martha Boynton. Miss Kate Milledge and Miss Hallie Milledge .Miss Nan Jo Young, of Bhiiisc a 1 . who will be an attendant at the wed ding of Miss Margaret Welch and Mr. William Otis Ham on June .’>. wid er tertain at tea at the Georgian Terrace Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Welch. Invited to meet her are Miss Rosa Willingham of Maiietta. Miss t.'ilo Carmichael, Mirs Nancy Iliil Hopkin.-. Miss Malian Fielder, Miss Evelyn Rag land. ’Miss Jane Stanfiel. Miss Mir. garet Rushion. Miss Allim Park- M's Stewart R. Roberts. .Mrs. Max Wright. Mrs. John VV Moore and Mrs Owen Phelt: n. I The dr r e >n be gi, n lomorrow | -i* evening by Master Moody and Mastei Joseph Crankshaw at the home of M’s. John T. Moodv on" Fourteenth street will be. a happy event for tiie members of the young school set. As sisting in entertaining will be Miss Mary Helen Mood). Mrs John T Moody. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crank shaw. Mr. and .Mrs. Eugene Black, Mr. and .Mrs. < "harlcs R. Winship, Mi. and ■M>-. John Owens. Mrs. William c 1 Rawson and Mrs. W illiam Perrin Nn <> son. Mr-. Stacy Thornton will ' entertain on flic afleinooii of June 2 for ’Miss Ethel VViekersham, a bride-elect for whom many prizes are being given RAILROAD EXTENSION PLANNED. VIDALIA. GA.. Mat 21 Bondhol'l ;■ s of ii|c Georgia Coast and I’i' dtnont railroad iiav- authorized an additional issue of 53.500,000 for extending the road from Darien to Bianswiek. on the south, ami from Reidsville to V idaiia. lon tin nor; h. These extension:-: will i give tiie road trunk lino connections at I Vidalia and a pori outlet al. Brunswick 4 f * MRS J I. HAYNES Dr. Caidwell Last summer I suffered with indi gestion I went to our local doctor and he gave a course of treatment, which gave me no relief, in a short while 1 received one of your samples of Syrup Pepsin, it did me so much food 1 decided Id get a larger bottle think it the greatest medicine for ■ndlgesPon and constipation ths I ever Mrs. J. L. Ha; nee R R No. 1. Box "8. Spencer. Vr ’ Dr < a inx\ ell Your • ledTciriA did u>* n ore i | then an;, thing I have ex er taken in | mj lit* I <»a’ anything I nan' t<» • And *» dn<*sn'r ’urt m* a' a’l .! r Lev * ro’r'L G* Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. Summer Gloves, Hosiery and Knit Underwear Women who know and appreci ate value and refinement in the small apparel accessories, turn in stinctively to our Glove, Hosiery and Knit Underwear department— for there, they know, is to be found at all times just the high order of style and value that appeals to their sense of correctness. No part of our store is more in teresting at present than this sec tion, where everything that is new and desirable in the way of sum mer comfort needs is provided for your inspection. Special Pricing for Saturday Just the popular and fashionable Gloves and Hosiery, most wanted now, are to be had at special pric ing Saturday. Eor instance: Gloves l(i-liutton rhanioisette Gloves; white and natural shade; 75c ) >a i r. Kayser's and Eownes’ 16-button. double-tipped silk Gloves: blaek. while, navy, tan and pongee shades; at SI.OO pair. Hosiery Specials Kayser's all-silk Hose: good, heavy quality; lisle top and sole; extra high-spliced heel: the kind that wear: black only: SI.OO pair. •‘Onyx" sheer, gauze lisle H ose. double hem garter top: double sole: high-spliced heel: three pairs for SI.OO. Slicer gauze silk-lisle I lose, a broken size range—only 8, <S 1-2 and 9 in the assortment; Hose of beautiful quality, priced regularly at 50<-—for Saturday at 39c pair. Hlack Silk-Boot Hose, with lisle top; of very special value at 25c pair. Chilaren's and Misses’ 25c Hose at 19c Pair---Three Pairs for 50c Eiiie. oiie-and-one ribbed Hose, black only, for misses and children. Regular 25c Hose: special for Saturday, 19<- pair. I liree pairs for 50c. Summer Knit Underwear for Women ( ombinalions. good quality; cool, comfortable, low neck, sleeveless, titled knee or loose, laee trimmed style. Most wom en will want a number of these at this price—soc suit. Reg ular and extra sizes. W omen's gauze cotton \ esf s of good value are to be had Saturday at 11c each. W’omen's knitted Bants, loose, lace I rimmed, or with fitted knee: priced al 25<- pair. Men’s Night Shirts and Pajamas Cool, comfortable, summer Night Shirts, of good cambric; they are collarloss: several stylos to select from; 50c and 75c. Men's Ba .jamas of soft, line cheeked or striped madras, or plain nainsook: attractive in stylcand finish: SI.OO and $1.50 suit. 13