Newspaper Page Text
Why Premature
Gray Hair?
There ar«- many causes of prematur*
fT* hair—sickness, a nervous temper
ament, impoverlsbe'i blood, defirien’
scalp nutrition, sometime- it is heredl
tary and the daughter Anns here- t
Quite gray tn her early thirties We
oon’t always know the cause, but n e do
know that gray hair adds at Hf 10
years to the age of a >’• .he she '
nr young, and when a young woman s
flair begins to fade and e r it; 1 it
Is very foolish for her to let It go r.
uiAeeded Tn a year or t” ' she 'till be
an old gray-heeded woman. And jus’
a little care and treatment ran save
hnr hair and her youth.
Our Robinnaire Hair Dye Is not a
vulgar bleach or artificial coloring f r
the hair Tt is a pure s. ientifi prepa- .
ration of tonic virtue whi< h restore'
your hair to its own natural color and
beautiful healthy cond;t <u.s. if your
hair is losing Its life and .ot r. there is
no reason at a’’ why yon should hesd
twte to use this pure reftnra’he. any
more than that you should r»f tee to
use a cure for dan<iruff The fading
gray hair and the dandruff both re
sult from scalp diseases and both
should be treated.
Robinnaire a Hair Dye we make in
our own iabmatory and personally
guarantee to be pure and harmless
Non sticky and does not stain skin or
scalp. T*se 1t at once if your hair is
turning gray, and you will he won
drously surprised and pleased at the
result. Retain your youth as long as
you can. because when It slips away
you never can get it back.
fS-epared for light, medium and dark
hmwn and black hair Trial size. ?no,
regular large size. 75c. sent postpaid :
anywhere. Jacoba Pharmacy. Atlanta
Anything? i
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“Lost and Found" in the
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To Find It
L ” cjr AV i
W1 I ■=- .....—,-■=-
—Madam, Buy Here al Wholesale Prices
* . O * I jBT, SEWELL’S
M MsiaSs M
M I *' ;,r< “ hi th<‘ wholesale business, buy every
. J y,J.A thing in the largest <|U.-intities and sell everything
w .i lls > , < ‘ rc '' die bellowing, which will be on sale
X '\F fl X '. Solid carload of Poultry and Eggs.
i Solid carload of Mixed Vegetables.
U I Solid carload of Florida Pineapples and Tomatoes.
rN fly i Solid carload of California Lemons, which will be
SlimmCl* MllliElCFy W on sale at 12c doz. Not over 2 dozen to a customer.
X -Do you know that wemak e and X FRESH DRESSED POULTRY
X hatstoorder? iZ L< - 3 .ixiS
MReadyAo-Wear Hats H»>''»ltv. We dress fresh dadj nfflit here on the
Hats to Order 7\ premises Bi ff lot r. a< |y for Eridio and Saturday at low-
The Latest Shapes a!so ' lot of fiup ilers -
</ Open An Account If You Wish ay i FT( . FRU )AY AMD SATURDAY BARGAINS TN
ay Q: Our Delicatessen Department
llt ' & L 1 |fl i ' a 11 ' ’*'l > 3-lb. ar of table pear.- 14r
Mb *Lv »k I k J *’ c Milk ’ c 'St- 'lb *an of table pent be? 14c
i':'.' ... J 10 ' ' n nf b' nl ' ‘-■Cnwn |<».
H7B Whitehall Street Q • ' , .X.
VX , n ~t rt i„,t, p w.icb grape I ~ , . . ,
3113 c pound ■ > . iniery butter for 25c
Shf ^ ^z J Sfr /|1 'Sjp*Xdte** 1 Siz e ' ,tra operial 30 pound cream . -ee.e 18' ,c
READ FOR PROFIT- ||| Retail Store 113-115 Whitehall St. ||
Fire Sale
Tomorrow we will make still greater reductions in
several of the remaining lots and add a number of impor
tant items which our limited space has not permitted us
to offer before. Under the pressure of the last few days’
tremendous selling, occasioned by the most wonderful ag
gregation of bargains ever offered to the trading public,
this stock is rapidly melting away; but the store is still
teeming with opportunities. If you have already attend
ed this sale, it will pay you to attend again tomorrow, for
it will undoubtedly be the greatest day of all
Everything in stock .it Fire-Sale prices regardless of
cost or former prices.
Just a Few of the Saturday
Fire-Sale Bargains
ONE LOT of Tailored Suits that A nr
were up to $29.5(1, <dmi<-e ipT’ey/O
OXE LOT of Serge Dresses that <t* O /i Cl
were up to $1K.50, choice Saturday ***
OXE LOT Silk Dresses that were n l’
to sls. choice Saturday < ~r»«/O
OXE LOT of Wash Dosses that (M QCJ
were $3.50, choice Saturday V ■* •
OXE LOT of Lingerie Dresses that
sold up to $1.50, choice U*zC
OXE LOT of Ladies’ 50<- Silk Hosiery . . . .33c
OXE LOT SI.OO and $1.25 Middy Blouses. 69c
OXE LOT SI.OO Lawn Kimonos at 39c
OXE LOT 50c Men's Silk Tics27c
The store will he crowded tomorrow, so come
as early as possible.
Open at 9 a. m. sharp.
49 Whitehall Street
A Regular 90c Bon-Bon Dish FREE
t®l Introducing the World's Supreme Sg
Leader in Chocolate Candies f™
ELKIN’S Sale Saturday Through Monday LIGGETT’S
I I kUiM’K We WHf it every one in Atlanta to know Liggetts, the HgGFTT’S
fivim’q new leader of all Chocolate Confections, sold emphatically i iggftt s
F l KIN’S aS woldd ’ s k es h an< l h n °f as represented, the LIGGETT'S
ELKIN’S purchase price will he returned. LIGGETT’S
Fl KIN’S * 18 something new in the highest standard ot < boro- LIGGETT’S
ELKIN’S hde pffL'i-tion. exquisitely rich, delicious and wholesome. LIGGETT’S
ELKIN’S P ri<?ed at 80c P er P o,md - LIGGETT'S
m LUIV’C ET £> E* ET With each 80c purchase of Liggett's Choco- i JgGFTT’S
ri iziim’c ■" Kt t lates we will give free a regular 90c I: on- I rrcUTT’Q
ELKINS J,, ——, —, Bon dish (quadruple silver-plated, gold-plated LlUUr,l l 3
ELKIN’S inside), an elegant, worthy article, fit to LIGGETT’S
ELKIN’S grace any home in Atlanta. One Bon-Bon LIGGETT'S
FI KIN'S dish with each pound of Liggett's. 2 dishes with 2 pounds. 5 j (GGETT'S
ELKIN S dishes with 5 pounds. But. COME SOON. I IGGETT’S
Agents for M jfe -■w’' V Agents for
Waterman Ideal ||hll H ONOTO
Fountain Pens g g Fountain Pens
Tbe popular leader in leading imported
F'ountain Pens for pres- Fountain Pen, with
M. RICH i BROS. CO. I| M. RICH & BROS. CO. II ,\l. RICH & BROS. CO. 5?
“ U U •
s Bathing Suits and Caps |
| For Women, Misses and Men
15* Whether you’re bent on the seashore or only to“ Piedmont
* Park, you’ll naturally want the best looking bathing suit—one Jy
that is individual like the suit worn by the little lady in the ac- JJ
£ companying picture.
Sjj Such are the bathing suits which the Rich Store brought out J{>.
S --styles that are out of the commonplace, but with no premium
* placed upon them because of this fact.
WFor Women B'
-■ ■■■■— _
y®* y- z - Ihilhiug Suits of Mobair. Silk and Satin, m
i ' blue, red. lan and brown —sonic trimmed in laney
. lb .' . . ... m; colors, others in fam-v si ripe or polka dot effects.
-S' ’ jiOKW ’’ 4 All sizes, from 32 to 41 $2.50 to $15.00. J->
For the Miss J-
Prett\- Mohair Bathings Suits l<u girls of 12.
• - few ll.lbor IS rears a varu tv oT st;, les at $1.89,
1 " $2.50, $3.00 and $3.75. ’
£ - - <’»; For Men S
£ '•■'arniiA. Bathing Suits in 2-piece styles—all sizes.
' *" 1 WB fi°rn 31 to 11. in plain color, or fam \ trimmed-- -
s■■■ Wei W> ' S:
- s
• '
. W . T ■■ •■■■■- ''
. * ■ x ’ .S :
■ s *
5 w3»S S:
•ET^ff l TF R w -x. - v «.
1 «"■ '-o •fT
1 M. Rich & Bros. Co. I
. - £