Newspaper Page Text
The Georgian Is the Leading Want Ad Medium of she South
rm Carrying more Want Ads than any other Southern Newspaper. Below are the figures showing the number of w »nt Ads published QT
4i by all the Atlanta Newspapers for the year M: The Georgian carried 1189,413 Want Ads, Journal 256,259, Constitution 92,009 Want Ads. JI
This count is for six days to the week---for The Georgian prints no Sunday paper===and seven days to the week for Ihe Journal and Ine
Constitution. 289,422 Want Ads are by far the most ever before printed by an Atlanta Newspaper in a year. Both Phones 8000. L£L
» r- -
I Looking
1 for
• J OB°
: i Houses
1i I • ■
0 I
You’ll find a coni- I
plcte list of all desirable
furnished, unfurnished,
housekeeping roo m s
and rooms with board
in this page today, and
every day.
Read The • leorgian
“ For Reni ” Ads when
yon want to rent any
thing under the sun.
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta, Ga.
Centered at Atlanta Postoffice as second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5 00
Fix months. mall, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid. 1 25
One month, mail, postage prepaid. 45
Subscriptions P- table in Advance
Delivered by carrier, one yearss 20
Delivered by carrier, six months ... 2M
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1 30
Delivered by carrier, one month 4
Deiivere«i by currier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week . ._ 10c
Help Wanted—Female.
W *NTEI» Bright girls, between sixteen
and twenty two years of age; attrac
tive occupati"n; with excellent opportuni
ties for rapid advancement Applicants
must have common school education and
be able to furnish satisfactory references
as to character Apply in person at 25
Aubut ’ aventy Kt Santa ’• ' 26
LADIES Our illustrated catalogue ex
plains how we teach hair dressing In
fev weeks, mailed free. Write Moier
College. 53 W . Mitchell stlß-5
Waitresses to learn better
paying work; hair dressing; lighter,
cleaner, easier, shorter hours; few weeks
practice necessary: desirable jobs waiting
traveling companions ladles' maids, hair
dressers every where want help will ai
range if vou like this work <’all or write.
’ Stole- College. s:’. W MH_£heH_s£ 39-18-5
W\XTU' Deniunsiratoi for the Cal
fornia Perfume Company. Apply Mrs
Branch. 511 Peachtree l<y 1499-. I
5 - 'i
WANTED Xn experienced cook. Apply
2 West Port McPherson 5-22-28
WANTEI’ Manicurist to work extra
week or s<. Kelly & Leslie. 10 East
Alaba ma st reel 5-22-13
\v X T El» l>ad.'. 20 or 25 wars of age,
office work. Call at 121 Williams si
67-22 >
AV'.XTEb X ■ omo.’tent < >»ol- r-.m on
lot if desiied Apple Mrs James L
Fh>yd. 35 E tl lu 2 nlb sl 5-23-2
"W X X I I I \ ]
well edu< at< d *ddr«ss Miss r 35
West Pea entree st., or phone ivy i .152-1.
WANTED \ good seamstress to make
eight shir’s Pill Bell phone Iw
I Wanted '•••■■> ■ •
man; unincumbered room .u ot u in
|1 house Good, permanent place to fight
party. Write or phone W li. I’, well.
Lawrenceville Ga tO-23-5
wTntTj*- 1 rst-cla
erences Must be sc‘. Red woman and
live on lot Xpply R'.t. Candler buildintt
W xX’i i :
German preferred io do «'<>■ .mg and
f downstairs housework Good wag<> and
good home. Apply 25' M- s- .
WANTED—At once first-c!a«> nurse
Good wages Room on lot. 52". spring
street. • $•
WA NTED-Se-’Jed colored cook lot in,. ,
family that wants a home and r ; -
afraid of work; servants' ■ . p. e ■
for Mr. Grosman, 96 Whitehall st reel
WANTED While woman, good < not : >
small family, good home ami wages t.
. right party Mobile Market. Ma- vtu»
Ga _ JT-.
WANTED -Con!- Apply at 62 (’okiuit
avenue. 28-21-<
\i r A?»TED—Reliable woman’'for Nm .
house work 33 West Twelfth ••
CCLORED woman cock at once for ; ir?
n.uu b'uouti Apply Gladiator Inr >■’
< H<vrn- jCerArid a ' c _ ’
WANTED- First-class dry jjoods sales
lady; must be experienced Know enom
about dressmaking o plan dresses am
give number of yards required, comment
Work at once I’ O. Box .?*. Ashburn
Ga 3 24- J -
L WANTED -White lady housekeeper <
.\y 1843-L. Splendid home«
■ WANTED—Colored woman for genera
house work. Apply 81 South Pryor st
at once._s- 21 • 1
WANTED—Cook, maid or buy. livm;
near 12 E. Kimballs 24 1
WANTED -A first-class cook ana h. -
g’.rL can occupy servants’ room Appb
at 400 Oakland avenue after 6 p m
’• 2» ’
WANTED Experienced <merat.>rs <m la
dies’ and children's wash dresses g •
pa' to experienced peri; r
on e Walter Sloan, Taoernacie
6-24 J
Help Wanted —Female.
WANTED Several colored girls as chain ‘
hermaids, nurses and housekeepers.
(\..l a. once. Feders Employment Agency.
253-2’51 Candler annex. 104 North Pryor *
st rec t. .>-24 -j]
TWO experienced waitresses S once; ex-
I crieiu-eil pantry giri. Acme Business
0i -. . ! . 5-24-31
Help Wanted—Male.
STOP ii Jli'brrn hotel; hean of city.
JO’-, Walton st., if you want a clean. '
, i<t room a; icnt >oc. open all night
3-21 11) <
NO-LN and bo? for best paying work in
existence, ike barber Lade: we teach
by free work niul careful instructions; our
methods ba «• th' ii advantages. See why
i Write today < * all. Moier Barber Cui
leg»*. 53 W. Mn<fi:» L>. ! t. 38-18-5
I YE>'. t’rofessoi G «>. fkanning will teach
' ii ti e l»:irl’-i ’ idt (it’s easy) We ,
| teach in one-half time of other colleges. f
‘ C(.ur:-c. ami position in our shops \
I nr/;-. W!)?' pay more? Thousands of t
orr grad mites running shops or making
! g«.<»d Whg< Ail inla Bnrtu*r College, 10
’ Lu k M b > m 5-11-17
iV< »L ARE XX A lb » lor government po- 1
s t <>n. ?80 in n’h; semi postal for list
I» f positions pen. Franklin Institute. ■'
■ f)pp, 4'i-c, lbw’h<’sler. N_V 33-7-5 1
:W \ NTEI) A few live men of I
•>'oo<i ailili'i'ss f<> preseiil. an at j
I traet ivc newspaper premium offer i
•ainon" Atlnni-; honn s See Han a
lon. at The < o'orrrian oflice. '>-20-I't [['
i '■ ?v.o K I .ei lining soik' -! ;
■ «.! • i; is - »>• . 'm e:; ui«':’ Wmi (.t n
II m< - • i. • :>• I <>: • 'sers. and j
, > i*-n .vit<> caii .'.-.t n '.>■! <• r> p> r week. (
, -t: m ;i;< ’ ' : d ,>h . ; ’ •>• <■ <ni for the ,
m •i. • v •-i ■ • fid! y
! j •■•!•! )> Illa ! - V. It \|| -
• ..a < . < < .>• ■ • : . hRu. '
‘ ' 1 ’< G . .
I’ RT T(T I I?’. X\ \ Tj-’!> ;»r>' who under- ;
stands .lie Imisum sNo •" oze oriiikei’ ■
' . .u.p’x \1 .>1 anil
F> e<l Vornnan r_lk rnorpsi. Oa. 5-22-3:’
WaTEI» LT-ei ricy f < <uiduii rm n ♦
Write, snit’ng cxpfi .fi mu- and pay ■ x- ‘
ported, to Stone <X- Wcb’-tor Engineering'
<'i o .p.i i H ai. <'•,j i; r i. • ; Ga 'jj::;
WANTED- Competent bookkeeper and L
stenographer. Address W . Box 11. < a’»
(;»■< >rg!a n.lB
(•()LOREI> LAB(»RERS wanted Applv ;
Magnus Metal Company, South Pr\ r 1
and Southern i: *■ ’ w.. -
WANTED—-Good boys, fol
work in afternoons, alb
| sect ions of city. (’all al
Georgian office. Ask for Mr.
Lockhart. 5-22-11 '
I WANTED Reliabh janitor for kirge city I
■ ircl \ i'i'i ■ -tMarietta st 5 !3 ’•<
V» A N’l’Ef» Two men capable of doing '
\ mid farm work. Apply II l‘ 1
w<o«i, l»e<-:iiur. Route 1. Bell phone
• I hree calls)
XX X.xTEi’ Carpenters. Apply a! on-*
.1 ii Brown, 18 Trinity aw.s-2JG2I '
> BON to job pre»sea and run errai h
i Pmdimm Printing Company. 127 Cen-
• ira 1 avenm !3-49
‘ XX ANTEI> An e\p(. >• mrd soda dispen- .
sor ami clerk; mist be hard worker.
, Write, giving relerei •■».. il .1 Weav<i.
i L ( “ ’LlllllL-J ??." 1
l XXa.Vi’El' Experienced inside furniture
imm. Xnswer In own handwriting and
s ate when* employed last Retail Fur
niture, care Georgian. 49-21- •
WANTED Young man who - rapid, a<
curate typist; reliable farmer with fam
ily. Xcine Business Agency. 1018 \t
lanta National Bank building _ ,r ‘*±L2?
i WANTED Good colored fry cook and
second cook, with ref- retires, for sum- .
mer resort; good colored cook, with wife
’ for pastry, colored yard man for summer'
I resort 1018 Atlanta National Bank build
» Ing 6-24-33
WANTED Men and boys, white and col
‘ ored, experienced as waiter.-, porters,
chefs, bartenders, cooks, dishwashers,
i (ashlers and soda water dispensers Can
• always find good pay ing positions by call
, i ii'g at l•fi'(lpr! Employment Xgeney, 253
251 Candler annex. 101 North I’rvor street.
5-24-37 '
Salesmen Wanted.
5 22-35
i1!• »N I'.ST MEN to sell nursen stock.
*| i xpeifieneo unneeessar . t alary or com- i
! nG -:< a weeldy. Address Millburn Adv, r
' ■ ' 47-22-5 I
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED In every town ini
Georgia to sell automobile tire remov- I
t er; does the work in cue minute what
it will take two hours to do without th>
, tooi For sale bv ?. G Inman, Midville. '
< la 2-29-32 ‘
t BE INDEPENDENT—Start i mail order
busine -s in your own u< We ■
• teli ■o : how. and f«;':. c\t;y thing:
needed wholesale An honorable ana'
i nrofiiable business for a man or woman !
Part uis fret. .hi . • $3.00" a
• y*at Murphy Mlg multi Norwalk.:
' j l\ C •M"LEIT BOOK entitled ’'The |
1 Sinking of tiu’i Titanic, ’ by Logan Mar- ■
*■•> ill. is m-’.v ■•udy foe s; foment. 'I lie
. < ‘s ' ; Afi allow agtuis commis- I
7 <>f 50 per cent gents wanted.
j free on eeelpt of 10< 'i lie book •
1 - : .tins .:.>(• ; ages aiti more than 50 u : - |
f •: ttio- s Hoek'ns Book Concern, 1.'»3
X Uonu Ga '• ' :
■' <■(>_.! I'l.ETl' BOOK r.o.v u uly forsbip- I
nirni. We i'unciie three books on the!
ear, s greatest disaster—one entitled 1
S’oy or ihe Wr c ek of tile Titanic." I
’!ar.'■!'..> 1 > :!. r tail pri «■ i
:< 1 1 ■'i half mot.o $i all; anotli- i
f ' I 0n.,;'.:, a "Tli,- Sinking of the Ti
,,, ’• n: ••. ilrt-ai S. a Disasters," edit-
; ' v I.» Marshall, retail price]
>;h'. fills, half moro'-.-o $1.75: the!
i ’tiler entltOd Men .rial Edition. Sink ’
ing of the Titanic." edited by .lay Hen i
ui O". Moubray, ritaii price (cloth) $1 00. |
:e I Wc allow our agents 50 per cent com- |
>!; I tito-lon on each of these books: so the
tit' i: s' prices are one-half of the re
nii ■ ccs. w, pay , vpr.'s-- charges on
li' I ash '■rc< r> amounting to sls worth or
ul i more ■. pries I'-edit given If
'■ !•<!. Send us your orders, state
eh.i. a:;:-., we. want book written by
ig and «■ wi.l snip |ir<enptlv. \gents
1 * wanted n .'icri . ntn mi:’ Ointfit
; nt fr. e e ... i| • : I" -ents for
pi'Siagi \ j i g., .| . .f book bv
’> , author of your < hoi ■■ n-.c . d :o any ad.
■- i ■ ■ <>t r>" etp: r. . p- ..... E ich
-' | of the allo’., hooks . ot .1 : - pages.
, 0\... f.iid illustration.. ■ \ ■ ■ ■ I’nrial
>„ . -diti t by .1 • . il or ■ "■■■ ” Id. b I
<• I I• 11»’i■ m,.,iny, 1 iep.irio . Ir N . ]
H 15, Atlanta, dr. 5-2-17
Teachers Wanted.
ATTRACTIVE positions for state and in
terstate teachers. Write for registra
tion blanks to Teachers’ Agency Com
pany, 1012 Empire Building. Atlanta. Ga
TEACHERS WANTED for all class posi-
tions. Free registration June 1. Write
today for circulars. Register Teachers’
Agency, Register, Ga. 5-6-21
Schools Wanted.
WANTED Summer and fall schools by
rullpffp ’rained men and women teach
(is. Write us your wants today. Ad
dre s f* (). Box 116, Register, Ga.
Situations Wanted—Female.
YOLNG I,_\DY bookkeeper with several
months’ experience desires position;
-an take charge of entire office; em
ployed at present, but desire change.
Mi‘-s M.. care Georgian. 33-22-5
WANTED A good cook; place In the
country or summer resort, by colored
I P 1,-y a11ey.25-22-5
I 11: - r GR/XDE TEACHER wants place
;■ •••-.!une i: have had five
y»-a» T <x| • riv-nce in kindergarten and
primary work; will be willing to lake en
lire charge of children, and will furnish
:n\ r« >'• r. rues desired. Teacher, Box 44,
X H ’ < 28-22-5
W 5 N'I’EI» Position as teacher or gov
erness for summer months. Willing to
travel. Have had four years experience
and I.old Tost grade license (’an fur
nish exc Dent references. Address Miss
ii aI . 126 High street. Ma-on Ga 22-33
\ LADY well educated, specially fitted to
care for motherless children and keep
hou: ♦* for tlo ro desires that position at
once; also qualified to serve as private
‘a nr hi family: splendid references.
I M I I. -u Flov lil.'i. Ga. 5-23-22
WAN’ 'ED Position as cashier in hotel or
f sia'-rai:! . experienced; references.
Addie s B S . Box !Or care Georgian.
EDER. ’"Pi OYMENT A(’>EN(’Y, 253-
• 1 (’andit-r annex, supplies free of
charge hotels, cases, restaurants with
lit >• ss whit- and colored help of all
fund- Phones Ivy 1789. Atlanta 915.
I'XIMT.'.’BEkED, refined, settled lady;
" ■'ii ' ; ' sition as working housekeeper; i
will assist private family in work; a good
'Di< in the country with Christian peo-'
ill* near Atlanta R . Box 37, care Goor- I
50-24-5 I
S'.xi.- , ai reasonable prices at
y? Atlanta 4181 3-21-11
Situations Wanted—Male.
Rates Under This Classification: 24 i
words, 1 time 10c; 3 times 20c; 7 times 40c j
POSITION WANTED by competent elec
trical ( ngineer. Twelve years experience
with a variety of machlnerx . First-class
references L. R. King, 1014 Meda street,
l! 111 Dt 1 * s ’ Tel 1 58-18-5
'’••IA'RED < ’IIA I'FFEI'R v ints position
In pr ivate famllv . can give good refer- I
cnees Address Box B'.h;, ca»> Georgian.
CLERK must have imtmii'.iu employ- i
menl; salary y our limit. P.cst of refer
ences. Address Clerk, uarc Georgian.
47-21-5 j
Y<)|’NG married man dc-Tres pesition as
drug clerk; eight years’ experience; not
registered: will furnish best references.
P G C , 432 Central avenue. Atlanta. Ga.
30 22 5
i \ i t.ri I ;.\< 'i ;i» delivery drivei gas man
or cashier; last employer as reference;
must have work. Ailanii phone 4109.
Andress G.. 37 Carnegie \v;r . Atlanta. Gu
.y - .2 2-H
MAN FR<»M INDIANA wants work. Ex-
P ’fi( nc* (1 in gr«, drv good -' or iiar<l ■
ware .\<l<lrec< i; | |,i, Mills str>»>i.
■ I
WANTED Po? i I young man
bo< kkcopet . (u;plo\U'i al present, but j
wishes to make a change Can furrush
good references. G I <;.. care Geor
gian 38-22-5
BOX of 16. eight months experience, de
sires position of an\ kind; can use
riter and - an file Address Position.
186 E Pine st 5-23-7
CAPABLE, energetic. hard working
.voting man open for employment as A-1
stenographer, all-round office man; able
io manage office, liandle correspondence.
M 1862 J 32-24-5
X’ol'NG MAN. Italian', speaks, writes
English. French. Italian languages; col
lege graduate, with experience in office
work, wants position in or out Atalnta
Box 19. care Ge<>rg[an.3B-24-5
m >\ ti i' \: once, steady position by
all-rouml printer; position in city shop
preferred Xddress .1 B Goffe. Reids
ville Ga .•■-■24 1?
a\ \ !'i:i • Position by young man by
.Line I. : s bookkeeper, assistant book-
> • oer or general office work: several
visits’ ext'orience and best references.
Call \\ esi ' ’ 153
! EX PERI ENCEI» salesman, general office
i man. cashier, bookkeepe:. bill clerk and
j all-around business man. 33 years of age.
■ open for < ngagemeni Box 882, care Geor-
I ;ui37-21-5
‘ W XNTED Position as bookkeeper, cash
| ier or office assistant by young mar
I -icd man Best references. W. K. S..
| 'O2 A Has' pine street Ivy 2694-. T. |
254 Candler Annex. 101 N. Pryor street.
' i . one Ivy 1789. Atlanta 915; supplies free
i ’ f charge hotels, restaurants, boarding,
i. partments and private houses with all
k ’lds of first-class help 5-24-46
Board Wanted.
i I’OARD wanted by two young men; pri
vale family preferred; state particulars
i V 11.. care Georgian. t>-23jG
WANTED—By three business ladles,
room and board: prefer private family.
| X.ldnss Box 195, care Georgian. 33-24-5
Boarders Wanted.
peachtretT inn?
I RATES. $7 to sl2 per week References
exchanged 2-28-5
\V!L! EXCHANGE loom and board close
■ ue for motorcycle or
j ladies' diamond ring Small cash pay-
I met 803 '' orgiu.m 4-27-16
lai' - t* tor summer; all con-
xenienut. Pbor.e Ivy 6634. Mrs C. S
' n-14-42
CAN accommodate a very few boarders;
( ,1 ni table and good location: ref-
.• . s n iced Main 34H-L 5-17-8
*:9 \\ PE ACH TREE Large, cool rooms
excellent meals; home comforts for re
i lined guests in small private boarding
I Phone Ivx 5551. 'fable board.
BEAI TIFI'L furnished rooms and best
meals in cit\. cool house for summer.
17 E North, ave . between the Peachtrees
W ANt’ED~’ Boarders. lovely downstairs
front room, with private entrance; first-
Hass board, in best • tiun of West End
438 (harden street Phone West 109-. I
Til 21 .! 44
< ’\\ \ru< »M ND d • xTE a few boarders;
nice « r rooms, close in 85 Luekie
lv> 3' je 5-21-_4 B
X ERX B! S’l table board, ill Washington
street Mam 5361-J.
CODDLE gentlemen enn secure front
room ami board at 21 XXfist Baker Ivx
1788. 5 - 22 41
I NORTH Sil nieclx fuimsfied rooms and
i : .m| l , "O!v table board, private family
it) ul»7? L. y 22-22
One cent a word each insertion
unless on agreement. Minimum
10c an ad Ads to appear in ordi
nary’ reading matter type. Ads in
larger type 2c a word.
Ads on contracts. 4c a line for
90 consecutive insertions; 4*£c a
line for 60 consecutive insertions.
5c a Une for 30 consecutive inser
tions; a line for 15 times
(Count six average length words in
small reading matter tvpe to the
“Situations Wanted” ads contain
ing not over 24 words will be
printed one time for 10c; three
times for 20c, or seven times for
All ads. such as Boarders Want
ed. FMrnished or Unfurnished
Rooms. Apartments. Houses For
Rent or Wanted, also Lost and
Found. Help Wanted ads that only
get. the benefit of the “city cir
culation” of The Georgian, will be
1c e w-ord for one insertion; three
times for the price of two or seven
times for the price of four.
To secure proper classification of
Want Ads it will be necessary to
have copy in The Georgian office,
before 1 o’clock the day of the
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
should be counted. Each initial
counts one word; compound words
are counted as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 80001 when
it is more convenient to do so, ana
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Altvays ask
that your telephone Ad be repeated
hack to you by the telephone Ad
• taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibilty for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
Out-of-town advertisements must
; be accompanied with cash in full
payment for the same. Note the
? foregoing instructions about count
ing the words and the rates per
word. Agencies’ discounts 15 and
2 per cent.
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given hy The Georgian tn
, patrons making payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as no
mistakes can be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser asks to
show’ references, send a duplicate
of same.
All Ads must be ordered out In
writing or at the office. No dis
continuance notice over te
Boarders Wanted
(.’()(»L front rooms for rent. First-das
table. Central location. $1.50 per day
Private verandas Plaza Hotel. 28
Pear hl rec. 54-22-
WILL TAKE to board couple or two la
dies. Can give front room, attractive!
furnished ami good tabic ’nman Park
Call Ivv 6388-L. References exchangee
_ ‘ 5-J3-3
WANTEI* Board' rs. 188 South Forsyt
st reel ; al! con rues,4B-23-
THREE young men secure h<>nie com
forts by applying al 52 Formwait Htree
1904 Atlanta. 5 23-t
<;<»•>!> Bt*\Rl». Ivy 5348-L. 20 Wes
Ha -s; i <• 01. 5-23-7
R(H’MS with hoard 16 and 20 Eas
•’.iaci Six o’clock dinner. 5-23-7
I ».\ Hi > < JIS W.Wi’IJ:. $1 per day; sub
orb < f Smyrna Address *>. M Ruf
Route 2. Atlanta. 52 23-
M(*ELY furnished front room and boar<
*ve - . e«>nvenience; very close in: p»i
’.r.t. <. Phone Ivy 4339-.1. 5-U-
WELi. tarnished unstairs front room an
tai ip hoard: ten minutes’ walk to cen
ter of city. 327 Whitehall st. Phon
Main J 5-22-4
B(~>~iRi»ERS wanted at 30 E. Cain; rate
reasonable. 5-24-1
ment; newly titled; clean; rooms 50c uj
heart of city H' /2 Peachtree. 2-20-t
Furnished Rooms For Rent
XEXVI.Y furnished rooms, reasonab
prices; centrally located; baths fre
Brdadway Hotel, ? l 2 N. Broad st. 3-21-’
FOR RENT Nicely furnished, large, co
room, with lavatory. 64 Forrest avi
nue. 5-17-'
NICELY furnished rooms; close in; exec
lent neighborhood. 46 Williams. 5-18
MCE rooms, all conveniences: close ii
excellent neighborhood. 143 Spring s
b(»R KENT Two furnished bed Toom
Apply to 188 Windsor street. Phot
Main 2233.5-20
NICE, newly’ furnished rooms. ah
tight housekeeping apartments; close ii
private fa inHy.lsl Sprin g street. 5-20
IT)R RENT--To one gentleman, nice
furnished room on north side; sma
family, no children, bath convenien
Phone Ivy 472-L. 5-20-1
NICELY furnished room: all convei
iences. 61 E. Cain st., Apartment
Bell flhone Ivy 2116,5-20-•
WITHIN five minutes walk of Piednioi
hotel I have two cool and nicely fu
nished rooms for rent to refined peopl
Reasonable rates Apply apartment 4.
East Harris streets-21 -
EOR RENT - Gentlemen only, two room
connecting bath; separate entranc
north side; new house; references e 1
changed. Address .1105 Empire Life Bld
I'l'R REXT One large, nicely fumisht
front room; al! modern convenience
Apply 40 E. Harris st.. Apartment 1.
LOVELY room adjoining bath. stea
heat and very’ convenient. Adria t
Apartments. Main 4064-L.5-22
FOR KENT Rooms, furnished or unfa
nished; good neighborhood; five mil
utes’ walk from Terminal Station; ca
every five minutes Write or apply Mi
Sue E. Johnson. 76 Walker st. 5-22
’I’Wo NICE young men can get nice
furnished room adjoining bath; all coi
venlences. Oglethorpe. 195 Ivy; apat
ent2 5 - 22 -
FOR RENT—-Two upstairs front room
newly furnished, for a couple of gei
tlemen Phone Ivy 1502-L. 321 Courtlat
FOR RENT— Front room. cool, well 1
cated: close in. Phone Ivy 2725-J.
FOR RENT -Three nicely furnish<
rooms for housekeeping, close in; $
per month; all conveniences. 138 Pu
iunu or 242 Centra) avenue 5-22-
FOR RENT One furnished room at
Wesi Peachtree. Ivy 5063-j
F€)R RENT Pwo elegant rooms adjoh
ing hath. Marlborough apartment N
5 Rooms single or en suite Ivy 2047-
FOR RENT One nicely furnished fro
room to gentleman 103 West F'eac
tree Phone ivy 2979-J 5-22-
!WII I. T \K F couple in nor’h side horn
• Priva c lumily \ll com tnienc*
Home, care Georgian 62 22
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
ROOMS, connecting and one first floor
THREE to five rooms for light housekeep
ing in beautiful surroundings. 639
Peachtree, Phone Ivy 687-J.34-22-5
ONE. tv.-o or three nicely furnished rooms
with bath; two blocks from Terminal
station. 69 Nelson.s-22-60
iNEMi.V furnished rooms for housekeep-
I ing; close in: all conveniences; north
side. 189 Courtland.s-23-6
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms connecting with bath; private en
trance; by the week or month. 34556
Peachtree st.s-23-5
VERY desirable, nicely furnished front
room for rent; all conveniences; close in.
Phone Ivy 56385-23-8
NICE furnished rooms; $2 per week.
28Gi, 2 Whitehall, Apartment C. 29-23-5
NICELY furnished rooms, complete for
housekeeping; close in. Ivy 3266-J. 70
West Baker.s- 23 -12
ROOMS for rent with or without board.
261 Whitehall.s-23-14
FOR the summer, furnished, downstairs,
reception hail, bed room, dining room
and kitchen cheap. 408 Courtland street,
back of Peachtree inn. Phone Ivy 5469.
L.A BCE. coni front room; conveniences;
close in. 65 East Cain. 36-23-5
EOP. RENT—Two rooms, completely fur
nished for light housekeeping: also bed
rooms for gentlemen. Modern and close
in. 8! Brotherton street.s-23-25
FOR RENT Two connecting furnished
rooms for light housekeeping, in private
family. 236 South Forsyth, near White
hall. 5-23-32
TWO or three nicely furnished rooms
complete for housekeeping; absolutely
fresh and clean. Cheap to parties with
out children. Hot bath: Bell phone; best
location. 2.90 Washington.s-23-43
NICELY furnished room with bath, well
screened and all modern conveniences;
breakfast and 6:30 dinner. Only those
looking for first-class accommodations
need apply. Northern home; four blocks
of the Piedmont hotel. 252 Ivy street
FOR RENTMTwo - nicely furnished front
bed rooms; all conveniences. Also light
housekeeping rooms, ivy 1037-L. 5-23-58
EOF. P.ENT—One nicely furnished front
room; all conveniences. 203 Crew
s t reet. 5-23-57
<iNE"”iarge furnished front room, in easy
walking distance of city. 37 Highland
i a venue. 57-23-5
NICELY furnished rooms: close in. 16
West Alexander street.s-23-78
I,ARGE _ frrmU room; meals across street.
Gentlemen only. Close in. ivy 5863.
ROOMS and homellite board, close in;
iwo blocks of Peachtree, near ear line.
Ivy 6248-3. *i~23-7I
Rill RENT—Nicely furnished front room;
close in. 68 Currier street. Ivy 4607-J.
' 5-23-77
ONE ROOM left in Chesterfield, by the
new Capital Citv Club. Gentlemen only.
' 5-23-76
l-'OR RENI’-Small hall room, neatly fur-
6 nished; $6 per month. 59 East Ellis.
5 5-23-75
7 for BENT One large fumi;died room In
v private family: all conveniences; sß_
Apply 318 Luekie st. 25-24-5
SMALL, neatly furnished bedroom; prt
? vate family; $5 per month. Call even-
I) ings. S 5 I-:. Fair street.s-16-39
5 pTT GENTLEMEN, furnished room ad-
joining bath in north side apartment.
Phone Ivy 512.5-24-6
6 17aTa ; iioT’SE, two or three attractive
’ nnnished connecting rooms; bath,
porch: adults: reasonable. 65 Crew.
: NAT'eTTU furnished bed room with conven
-2 I iences 94 Forrest avenue. Phone Ivy
, | 2670-1. 5-24-20
4 I BYRON APVBT.MENT dining room open
; I to those desiring best service only:
rooms near, ivy 825—1. 47-24-5
5| -- opposite CAPITOL.
■ , NICELY furnished rooms, with or wlth
fi : out board. 121 Capitol square 5-23-54
<1 i
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
8 j’ vGT’VtTr
s room with sleeping porch. North side
t preferred. Box 363, care Georgian. 53-23-5
- WA NT ED —Three good furnished rooms
for light housekeeping with conven
iences near Georgia avenue and Grant
street. Address L.. care Georgian. 29-24-5
i Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT —Two large rooms; closets,
hall: conveniences; $12.50 per month
„ 237 Central avenue.s-20-34
e FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms in
? Grant park section. Main 5211-J.
'3 5-22-38
31 FOll RENT Two very nice unfurnished
- rooms at 160 Crew street.s-22-55
'2 FO R RE NT Tw o nice, cool unfurnished
I- rooms for light housekeeping, to relined
■5 couple without children. Apply 205_ Gor
,; don st.. West End.s-23-4
t. TWO unfurnished connecting second floor
>6 rooms at reasonable rates Address S.
si rari * Georgian.s-23-1
■e NICE, bright rooms and apartments for
•8 Tight housekeeping 21 Fortress avenue,
m 33-23-5
v. THREE unfurnished upstairs rooms for
■I light housekeeping; every convenience,
v 154 Richardson street. Phone Main 4218-
il L. 5-23-52
t FOR RENT - Unfurnished connecting
■’o rooms; bath and kitchenette. Conven
>. iences. 85 Crew street.s-23-r>s
5. FOR RENT- Two or three beautiful un-
furnished rooms for light housekeeping
it jNo children. All conveniences. North
. 'side home, near in. Rent reasonable. 411
P : Piedmont avenue. Bell phone Ivy 5669
(4 I 5-23-59
Ilf j CON NECTING rooms for housekeeping,
s ! all conveniences: close in; excellent
■ neighborhood. Ivy 6313. 95 Forrest Ave.
£ - | 3-11- ■
g. : THREE unfurnished rooms for light
15 I housekeeping to couple without chil
,’,l I dren. 63 E. Ellis st.s-24-2
s. IFOR RENT —Four connecting rooms and
I bath, conveniences. 253 Grant street
_2 Main 1253-.1.5-24-36
m FoR RENT—Entire upstairs; every con
ic venfence for housekeeping. 179 Oak-
G land. Main 4768-J. 5-24-35
r •
7 Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
-3 I
WANTED Three or four unfurnished
, I second floor rooms, just outside the city
limits; gas and water. Phone Ivy 3205-J.
3] |6-2’3-18
r i
j' I WILL RENT upper floor with porch in
!,j I house. Clean, care Georgian. 30-24-5
29 I
y; FOUR or five housekeeping rooms with
porch: north side preferred. Select.
.5 care Georgian 31-24-5
15 WANTED —Two. three or four unfur
i_ nished rooms for light housekeeping:
state particulars and when can occupy:
I private family preferred. Address E. C.
| C . care Georgian. 5-24-29
i- j
o ■ Wiiy not begin today and take ad
l. vantage of the numberless opportuni
li’ ties that daily appear tn the Want A l
columns of The Georgian? Bargains
galore are there that mean a big sav
-52 j ing to you. Answer quickly any ads
I you may see that offer you things at
p : bargain prices. Remember that all At
s 'lama is watching these p,:g-s. and tht
-5 first one to answer gets the goods.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent
FOR RENT —Furnished or unfurnished
room, with hot or cold water and phone
and ga Apply 40 West Baker street, or
Phone Ivy 2819.5-21-21
F(>R RENT —Four large furnished rooms
or unfurnished; close in on the corner
Crumley and Cooper streets. 205 Cooper
si reet. 5-22-30
FOR RENT —Two or three furnished or
unfurnished airy rooms on north side;
suitable for light housekeeping: modern
conveniences. Address Principle, care
ONE nice, cool upstairs rbom; furnish
ed or unfurnished; all conveniences; by
owner. 756 Highland ave. Phone Ivy
6373-L. 26-23-5
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished north side
apa-tment with two porches. Phone
5490-J Ivy izl_ 8 ‘ 5 _ s
FURNISHED apartment to couple with
out children; everything first-class; all
conveniences; cheap. Main 4064-L.
AN APARTMENT of two or three rooms,
completely furnished, reasonable; oppo
site Lyric theater, 37 Carnegie way.
- 5-22-13
FOR RENT--Four-room furnished apart
ment in the Corinthian, for three
months. References required. Phone Ivy
3082-. T or address Box 937, care Geor
gian. 46-22-5
NICELY furnished five-room apartment;
all conveniences, to couple without chil
dren; north side. Phone Ivy 4394-J.
TWO large, beautiful rooms, kitchenette
and bath: modern conveniences; nicely
furnished; north side. Phone Ivy 2478.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT —The new apartment house
at S 3 Hurt street, known as the Bosco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting for .$32.50 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem
ises or- Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
building. 5-9-57
FOR RENT -Apartment of six rooms;
close in; bath, electric and gas lights.
Phone Main 5070. 5-22-23
Furnished Houses For Rent.
EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE for summer; ex
cellent neighborhood. 32 St. Charles
FOR RENT —Furnished house for sum
mer in excellent neighborhood. Ivy
1316. 56-23-5
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
NINE-ROOM HOUSE, furnished or un
furnished, for rent. Call Ivy 3694-L.
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENtT' HOUSES—CaII, write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad-»t. 6-1-81
THE HOUSE you build, buy'or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
FOR RENT—No. 27 West Twelfth street,
seven rooms, hardwood floors, furnace
heat. See owner, 25 West Twelfth street.
Phone 2155 Ivy.s-18-29
FOR RENT —No. 62 Crew street, six
rooms and garden. $25 a month. J. H.
Estes, 514 Temple Court Bldg Bell phone
Main 4256.5-23-69
7 Mills street cor. W. Peachtree
5 rooms . . . . $30.00
48 Rogers street, Kirkwood. 5
rooms $15.60
240 Ira street. 4 rooms . .$7.60
122 W. Alexander street. 6
rooms $15.60
110 Jones avenue 5 rooms. SIB.OO
Hills Park, 5 rooms $14.00 I
1613 Candler Building.
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
TO RENT —Small three to five-room cot
tage. with shady yard, in suburbs; good
locality. Address with description and
price, A. N. D.. care Georgian. 35-23-5
Store and Cottage For Rent.
FOR RENT New store room and five
room cottage with city water and sew
erage connection; good south side corner.
Phone M. 1304.5-24-23
Offices For Rent.
FOR RENT—Part of nice office,
. with use of phone, to accepta
: hie party. Apply 308 Peters
Buildings. 5-24-30
Business Property For Rent.
EOR RENT —Business space, White
hall street; fine location for pool par
lor. Price only SBS month. Will have
two years and four months lease. Ad
dress Box 92, care Georgian. 6-3-19
For Rent—Garage.
i FOR RENT —Stables and garage
formerly occupied by Kam-
: per’s. 362 Peachtree. Ivy 6668-J.
Lost and Found.
LOST -Monday. May 20. on Currier street
between Piedmont and Ponders alley.
I Elgin double case gold watch, fifteen jew
els; numbers on case and works, H. L.
9187519. 82240. 427-RA, 918759, 146934X3.
; Finder please call Atlanta phone 2184
■ Frank Williams. 37-22-5
i LOST—On Georgia avenue car or be
, tween Alabama and Hunter streets,
child’s gold bracelet, engraved Marguer
ite. Finder please return to Mrs. Ander
son, at Georgian office, and get reward.
: 5-23-24
LOST—Tuesday afternoon, small pearl
pendant with small diamond in center.
Finder return to 900 Austell building and
get reward.s-23-29
LOST—32 degree Masonic charm, between
i Ellis and Ivy street and West End
- Reward for return to 400 Austell build
ing; 43-21-5
• LOST—At Alamo theater. Tuesday night.
. : two gold hatpins: one is engraved with
j I letter C. Return to Alamo and receive
5 reward.s-23-61
. FOUND—Today in Grant park, a pocket -
book. H. W. MeGath. Norcross.
, |
iIX»ST Ladies’ ring, twin diamonds; re
ward hl 231 Equitable building Pi
Ivy 1501. 5-24-28
Yoo Saw Hh
Ad m The
Insist that he advertise
your property in the
paper the class you
want to reach read the
That’s The
Tn this vicinity, because
it goes to the man at
practically the only
time he has to read—in
Quick sales the rule
from Georgian Real Es
tate Ads.
- I ♦
SERIOUS RESULTS coma from trusses
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you,
and it means insurance. 6-24-19
HAIR CUT, 15c.
3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
and Broad 3-21-36
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436.
ACME LETTER CO., 417 Wesley Memo
rlal Bldg. 5-6-33
STILL another big shipment of new wall
papers. Prices right. All work guar
anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar
nett & Gordon. 22 E. Mitchell st.; 30 sec
onds from Whitehall. • 4-13-45
STENOGRAPHERS desiring to Increase
their speed in shorthand and typewrit
ing may do so by joining classes at the
office of the Royal Typewriter Company.
46 N. Pryor street. Monday, Wednesday
and Friday from 10 to 11 a. m. Tuition
free. 5-16-41
CUCUMBER and peroxide cream, espe
cially used for sunburn; guaranteed one
of the best skin foods on ths market;
nothing like it for whitening the skin.
For sale by Clayton & Zahn, 3614 Whlte
1-all at. M. 1769. 5-20-22
DON’T KEEP a dead clock In your home.
Get it running. Don’t make your neigh
bors swear because your piano needs tun
ing. Get it tuned. Ramsey repairs
clocks and pianos. Just call Bell phone
West 712. Will call for
WHITE CROSS toilet articles. The rouge
gives a natural color. The cream is a
fine skin food, and the powder makes you
look beautiful. Woman’s Exchange. 56'A
Peachtree street. Ivy 55 46 5-22-46
CARPETS and RUGS clean as when new.
Our process insures satisfaction.
2 cents per square foot. 5-23-38
IN EXCHANGE for violin instruction
would give attractive furnished front
room; conveniences. 65 Crew. 34-24-5
25c a line for ads under this head.
GENTLEMAN wishes correspondence
with girl between ages of 20 and 30.
view of marriage; correspondence guar
witeed personal. Address United .States,
P. O. Box 411, Atlanta, Ga. 40-21-S
camp In tent. 138 Whitehall street
DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities end
similar obstructions. Trial box by mall.
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manu
facturing chemists. 14 South Broad-st..
Atlanta. Ga. 2-17-14
LADIES —$1,000 reward: I positively guar
antee my great successful ’’Monthlj?’
remedy; safely relieves some of the long
est, most obstinate, abnormal cases in
three to five days; no harm, pain or In
terference with work; mail $1.50. Double
Strength $2. Dr. F. G. Southington Rem
edy Co., Kansas City, M 0.4-2-34
LISTEN! I treat any disease for $1 ~a
week and furnish the medicine. John
T Patterson, M. D.. 44554 Edgewood ave
nue. Atlanta phone 2757. £-15-45
PILES relieved instantly by the use of
Bailey’s Pile Cure. Guaranteed to give
instant relief. If your druggist can’t su -
ply you send money order for 50 cents to
, E W. Bailey. Washington. Ga.. and a full
sized jar will be sent you hy return mail.
DROPSY CURED. Relieves shortness of
breath tn- 36 to 48 hours. Reducea
swelling in 15 to 20 days Write for par
ticulars Collom Dropsy Remedy Com-
I l»ny, 512 Austell buiiaing, Atlanta
5 35-11