Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate For Sale
Saturday, May 25,1912
Known as Fulton county’s “Old Hum
phries Street Barracks.” Fronting Hum
phries, Stephens, Cunningham and Black
gum streets.
W ill be sold at auction on the premises.
W ithout reserve or “set price” this tract
of Fulton county property will be sold to
the highest bidder in lots 35x100 average
i his is ideal small investment property
near die Southern Shops,. Hightower’s, Will
ingham’s and numerous other large plants,
assuring enhancement of value.
( ar service within one block.
Take Stewart avenue car, get off at
Stephens street (one block to left). .
lake McDaniel street car, get oft at
, Stephens street (one block to right).
I ERMS: Ihe terms offered by the
county on this property are one-fifth cash,
balance, one, two, three and four years; in
terest 6 per cent, payable annually, on or
before maturity.
For plats or additional information call
at the office of
18 and 20 Walton Street
J. W. F ERG! SON & SON, Auctioneers.
Real Estate For Sale
I Hh A l I XS I A GLURHIA* \xj .1 bA I I'KIIAI. MAI 25. 1912.
Real Estate For Sale
Real Estate For Sale.
s ;
j I
is moving righ’ along now and
the place is right in line fm- ar j_
vatuement. This is a good prop
osition for s>>mc one w*bo wants
to buy for uuick profit.
and he will sell at a price that
I is really and truly a sacrifice.
This house ha - six rooms nirolx
papered: beautiful mantel.', anil
a good level lot. ho;r-n faces
south: has hot watpr. combination
. fixtures, and has been built tw.»
.'ears last month. What wo want
is an offer
ba’e a vacant lot that the owner
has no particular use for and has
told ijn tn sell it at a pri« e that
»- low enough, and let the pur
• baser make his <>wn terms.
There's a great future in this lot.
With Exception of May Wheat, 1
List Shows Only Fractional
Price Changes.
Wheat—No. 2 red . 1 12'l'z, .
Corn X 4
Oats 54
I CHICAGO. .Max 24 The wheat mar- '
1 ket was hr to %.c higher this morning
on shorts covering The buying was led I
by shorts, but there was a noticeable •
demand from longs as well, pointing to I
' fictitious prices in order to unload some
iof hie stuff held by some of these peo
| t’orn was up %<■ to - I bC on wc| weather
through lowa and Illinois, which is ex
ported to further retard planting. <
Oats were %<■ to %<■ better in sympa
thy with corn <
Hog products were again higher on <
shorts covering Hogs were 5c lower at i
the yards.
Wheat weak and lower, final prices i
[showing net losses of 1c in Max. %'a%c
lon .lul.x and %<* on September. The firm
| market earix on light receipts and lack <
; of rain in the southwest gave wax sharp- <
: lx later on reports of copious rains in
Kansas and .Missouri. Long wheat came
opt freely - .
Corn closed with the September option
't • higher and the others unchanged. The
i early advance was lost on free selling by
the country. There was considerable
Oats were irregular, final prices ranging
I from %r higher to %•• lower The market <
I x mpat hize<l with the weakness in other <
I gra oi.-.
Provisions showed but little change for i
the day.
Open. High Low Close Close
Max Lin 1.15% 1.13% 1.11 1.15
July 119 I 11 % I 99% 1.10 I 10% .
Sept. I 04% I 05% 1 t».Vu 1.04% 1 04%
De< |o| % 1.06 : .04’- 1.9|% |95 '
Max 81% 82 81% 81% fil’ R
.lulx . 76% 76% 76% 76% 76%
Sept . 73 % 71 \ .'3\ T1 ‘ 73 -‘ 4 .
T»ec k.D" M'l ti3G 4 i»3 :, g
Max u .53’, ..JL ;,3\ '
lulx- .50 AO's
Sept 42G 12b, 41 42 42G ,
Dec 43b. lU, 4’>7 i . t3i a 43
Max is 32G 15.32’ 2 1&.32L 18 32’-. js.n
Julx IS 35 18.50 i 5.25 18 35 18 27b,
Sept. 18 10 8 .5.5 15.27 G 18 37b, 18 32L
i.A RD
Max 10.40 10 17’- io io io 4.5 in 45
July. 10 50 10.10.50 10.57 G 10.55
Dec . . . 10 85
Max- 10 12b, 10 12G 10 12'.. lopji. 10. no
lulx 10 15 10 j; to 10 12b. io 1.5 to is
Sept 10 27’? 1O 37G 10 J 5 io JVC 1° 30
t’HICXGG, Max 24 Wheat No * red.
M I 4<n 1 16. No 3 red. $1 12'<7 1 14 b. No 2
bard winter. $1 14V/1 16; No 3 hard win
ter. S1 12'd1 14K: No 1 northern spring.
II 17'0 120. No. 2 northern spring, SLU h
118 No 3 spring. SI 10" u 1 16
• orn. N‘*-». 2. 82^82’.. \.» 3 xvbite. 82'17
S 3. No 3 xel low, No 3. 78 ’ • 5/79 .
\o 5 nhite. No 3 vrjlow. TOC
80 No t 74 t - u 75; No t white. 76vi •
77 No 4 yellow. 7S’ ? ''(7 77 ’' 1
Gats. No white. 55V/56 No 3 white.
53' 4 ,7 54 b.. No I white. .5277 54. standotaL
5 4 7/ 55' ,
I following are receipts fer Er’dax and
e ’'mated for .-Aiturdax-
I Friday Saturday.
W bra t ?7 17
Corp 79 90
Oat 118
Hogs 13.000 16.000
Th 13 Last Last
Week Meek Year
M heat. '> 7*: nun ;; ,\.nnn
Corn t ,068.000 65.5,n0n
'~ w HEAT 1 'ls f 1 “
Receipts 306.000 61,2.000
Shipments 54.50110 JOB.OOO
CORN— - _’ 19T2
Receipts -88.000 “10,000
I Sh’pments 390,000 484.000
’ \\bea» epened \d lower: at 1 .30 p , n
'was i<d to "»d h'wer Chv-M unchanged
tn ’ 4 d lower
t -'rn -’pened unchanged, at 1.80 p m
vxa.' tn Sd loner Closed ; 4 d to Ud
, x \ ' N N yH . M e 1 1 •?» rent »ne firm
• gt 16 r» ejpt ■ 728
Rc■ n firn, r■ elp’ 4 'IS «<• er white!
4 j . n v ! « gl.t- ,C 40 \ ; 7 \i
; < • 1 * 'A : : ■ H 17 i
p; ’ 1 V 27’. Ll 6 D 56 • t F
Advance Due to Buying on
Expected National Ginners’
Report Monday.
NEW YORK. May 24 The cottnn mar
ket 'ipened steady today. First prices
»anged from I # point low er to 2 points
The opening xvas very quiet, but it was
soon evident that there was little cotton
sci sale and a few good buying orders
tarted an advance. The buying looked
’■> come from the few who are favorable
to the bull siile. while the selling was
scattered The general feeling on the
floor continues bearish, based on good
weather, which now prevails over the en
tire belt. A fpw very strong interests
here favor the bull side, believing that
Dip shortage in the central and eastern
belt will cut the high average in the
West, and many things can happen to
prevent a large crop.
In the afternoon and up to the last
hour the market had a firm undertone,
with prices ruling 9 to 11 points above
the previous close.
The market at the close was steady
net 8 to !1 points above Thursday’s finals.
Spot houses were huxers in the last hour,
and some of the Waldorf crowd was re
ported as < overing.
Tup isible supply of American cotton
decreased during the past week 151.801.
against decrease of 111.412 last year
and a decrease of 89.233 the year before.
’ »ther kinds increased 3,000, against an
in< tea p «>f I 000 lasi year and a de
crease <>f 23,000 the year before 'Fhe
■otal visible supply decreased 148J301.
against a decrease of D 0.412 last year
and a decrease of 112.233 the year- be
fo< e
World's visible supply;
' 12~ 1911. ; 191A
Amerr an “. .. . . . 3.164.989 1.434.579 1.965.
“thor kinds . 1.168.000 1,183,000 1.166.000
LJfll nll kinds 4,332,989 3.117,579 3.131.408
World's spinne rs‘ takings:
' _1912. 1911. I 1910.
For week J 221.000 186,000! 184,000
Since Sept. I 12.189.000 10,304,000 9,364,000
Movement into sight:
1 1912. 1911. ' 1910,
overland w k 12.224 10.059 9.441
Since Sept. I. 927.599 895.543 751.208
hi sight, w k 69.074 75,176 93,744
Since Sept. 1 I 4.991.887 1 1.456,605 9,856.811
> < onsump 3000 29,000 34.000
w c, kiy Interior movement:
Receipts 25,502 15,134’ 29,646
Shipments 46,811 39.001 51,788
Stucks _. 240.696 200.200 253,703
If■“ |? | ssl 5 •:
jO t E jJ I O OiQ
Sfa~~TLO4 11.17 11.04 1 1.17 11.16-18 11.05-08
lune 11.03 11.11 11.02 11.11 11.12-13 11.04-07
July IRIO 11.24 11.10 1 1.21 11.21-22 11.10-12
Aug 11.17 11.27 11.16 1 1.27 11.26-28 11.17-19
Sept. 11.20 11.31 11.20 1 1.31 11.30-32 11.20-22
• >ct II 26 11.40 11 26 11.37 11.37-38 11.26-27
Nov 11.40-42 11.29-30
I >ec 1 1.36 11.50 1 1.36 11. 17 1 1.46-47 1 1.35-36
Jan 1 1.36 1 1.46 11.33 11.4 4 11.43-44 1 1.34-35
Feb. 11.37 11.37 11.37 1 1.37 11.46-48 11.36-38
M'ch 1 145 11.56 1 1.45 IL 56 1153-54JJ 44 -45
Closed steady.
Liverpool was due 3 to 41£ points lower
Gpenod steady at 3’ 2 to 4 points decline.
At 12:15 p m was steady at a net de
cline of 3 to 3’o points. Fair business
doing in spot cotton at 6 points decline;
middling 6.36. sales 8.000. including 7.100
American; speculation and export 1,000:
imports 1,000: American 600.
Tenders, new docket. 3,000 bales
\t the close the market was steady- at.
advances of l tn 1 points above the
closing of Thursday.
Futures opened quiet.
opening. Prey
Range. 2 F. M. C’ose. Close
May . 6.16’« 6.21 6
Max June 6 ISU-6 16’ 2 6.154 <> 21 6T94
June-July 6.L5R-6 164 6 16'.- 6.21 620
July Aug 6]g .6 19 6.184 6.24 6 224
Aug-Sept 618 6 194 619 6.244 6.224
Sept -O<*t
Oct -Nox 6.11 -6.13 6.11 6TBN. 6.174
Nov Dec 6 1.3 612 612 6.17i£616~
Dec.-.lati. 6.12 -6.13 6.12 6.1" " 6J54
Jan.-Feb. 6.12 8 12’,, 612 617 6.154
Feb.-Meh 612 -6.13 6.13’-> 618 6.164
Jkfch \pr 6.14 -6.13 6.14 ‘ 6.184 6.174
dosed steady.
Nl7 W GRL EAN S. Ma y 24. Li v erpool
was poor with futures about 2 points low
er than due; spots 6 points down: sales,
8. non bales. < nit' correspondent < a bled
"Labor troubles again look serious."
English consols 4 lower.
The weather continues nearly perfect,
particularly in respect to night tempera
turs. which range up to 70 in the north
ern belt. Indications are for increasing
cloudiness in the Western states with
probably some showers hi the northw’est
ern quarter, partly cloudy to fair in the
rest of the belt.
Although bearish opinions prevail, our
market opened at unchanged prices. New
York advanced sharply soon after th*
• •pening and pulled < »• tober here to 1147.
Tins advance was attributed tn buying on
ilie national ginners' report expected
Monday, and Liverpool covering shorts
oxer the holidays.
Lix erpool also follow ed the advance In
NcR York and 1 to 2 points higher than
yesterday (’ablcs said 'be buying was
on prediction of a very bullish national
ginnn ' condition forecast promised for
Monday ■•♦■ Tuesday.
I & I £I 1 * Ih| 1 In
Mac 'll -.a'i i'A6 it 40 'll 66 11.66-68 D 56-57
Jone 11 k 7 68 11 59-61
Juh I’ 62 11 73 11.61 II 73■11.72-73 11.64-65
Aug. 11 55 11 55 11.55 11 55'1! 61 -63’11.52-54
Sept . 11.54-56 II 42-44
<». . 11 39 1 Lso'l 1.38 1 IJ9 11 18 49 11 40-41
Nov .11 48-50 1 1.39-41
Dp. 11 13 11 53 11 40 11,5? 11 51-52 11*2-43
lan 11 50 11 55 1 I 50 1 1.55 1 I 54 55 11 14-46
I eb 1156-58 11.46-48 I
< '|o>rd steady
Atlanta, steady; middling 114
x*\\ York, uulet. middling 11 An
New Orleans, steady , middling 1111-16
1 jx erpool. easier; noddling 6 .36d
Sqxannah. qumt; middling H 4
\ugusta. steady ; middling 12c.
Mobile, steady : middling IL4
Galveston, quiet. middling 11 A
Norfolk, quiet; middling 11 a
Wilmington, nominal
1 ittle Rock, quiet; middling 11%
Charleston, nominal, middling 1L».
Lottisx file, firm middling 11%.
Philadelphia, steady . middling 11 85
Boston, quiet, middling 11 60
Baltimore, nominal; middling 11%.
Memphis, steady . middling 12c
st Louis, stead' - , middling 11%
Houston, steady, middling 119-16
Louisville, firm, middling 11%
The following table shows receipts at
the ports today compared with the same
day last year.
_ _ J_ 1912. 1
e w Or lea i 184
Gaheston . . . 843 25n
Mobile 196 no
Savannah 6.73 qg
Charleston 27 85
Wilmington ... 4
Norfolk .... 86,1 i,‘4
Baltimore .'lt! 643
Ncxx York. . . . 107
Boston. . . ' i'B
Ne n por ’New.:,,. 117
Bruns" k 72.7
r > ■ a . 4 t . % 1
Vs’’ 1 ' 4?n
NETC YORK. May 25. —Due to splendid
conditions in the South and prospects for
. generally fair weather there over Sunday.
1 the cotton market opened barely steady
today with prices unchanged to 5 points
There was no market in Liverpool on
account of Whitsuntide holiday.s
: Quotations in cotton futures.
I I I I 11 I Prev.
i lOpenlHighlLow.'A.M.l Cio.b
' May . . . . 11.13!11.13!11.1011.1011 :i6-18
; June . . .'11.07:11.0’Tt.05'11.05'11.12-1.3
July . 1 1.20 11.33 11 .12 11.23 11.21-22
1 August . . . 11.26'1.26 11.26 11 .26111.26-28
beptember ; 11 30-32
. October . .'11.33 11.40 11.29 71.40 11.37-38
; November 11.36’11.36:11.36 11.36111.40-12
December. .11.41 11.49 11.38 11.48 11.46-47
January . j 11.38'11.46 11.37 11.46 11.43-11
February . i n .46-48
' March ■ ■ 11 ■ 49’11 .501 11 . 49TD .50J 1 .53-51
I• - •
_Q^iQtations In cotton futures:
> I | |ll:00T~Pre»T
' lOpenlHighlLow 1A.M.1 Close.
Mat. . . .’11.63'11.72:11.66-68
June . . . I ....: . ... ’ ... .: .... 11.67-68
July. . . .11.68 11.72 11.63'11.72 11.72-73
August 11.61-63
September ... 11.54-56
October . .11.43 1,1.47 11.38 1 1.47 11 . 18- 19
November ....! 11.48-50
December . 11.43 11.50 1 1.11 11 .50 11 .51-52
January . .'1 1.47’11.47 11.47 1 1.17 1 1.54-55
February .... 11.56-58
March . ,11,58 11.58 1 1.58 11.58 11 .62-01
NEW YORK, May 25. Practically all
the speculative interest was centered In
a few specialties at the opening of the
’ stock market today. People's Gas was
the. most prominent of these, opening at
; 115 5 ,, or a gain of l%.over last night s
closing New York traction stocks also
’ ranged fractionally higher.
Business was on a limited scale and
' confined to comparatively few issues The
tone was firm and price changes were
generally directed toward higher levels.
Brooklyn Rapid Transit gained > 2 Inter
boro was up other gains were Steel
common Reading a s , Canadian Pacific
%. and fnion Pacific % Pennsvlvanla
lost H.
The curb was stead?.
The Whitsuntide holiday was observed
in London, and there Was no stock mar
kets in that city.
Stock quotations:
STOCKS— lop’n IHighlLow
Ama! Copper. 83
Am. Ice See...' 29 29 : 29 i 29 29
Am. I’an 40 40 1 .39341 39%l 39%
Am. Smelting ! > 2 86 l <-i St;
Am T. and T. 115^!1456 R 1456, 145\ 14SU
Anaconda 42>4 42\ 12' 2 12 5 s 12'-
Beth. Steel . . 38 38 38 38 37t>«
R. R. T. . 891, 90 89', 89’x SU’J
B and 0 109 109 109 109 108-1 S
Can. Pacific .. 261', 264 5 s 264', 261 s , 263 7 s
C. and 0 71", 79', 79 '., 79', 78 s ,
Consol. Gas .. 142'6 142 5 , 1 42'■. 142'4 ll' I ',
Distil. Secur 33 * 33 33 " 33 33'x
Erie 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
Goldfield Cons’ ’l', 4', 4’ B ’ i';,
111. Central ... 1.2644 126'4,126L 126'6 126
Interboro 21 21 s i 2i 5 « 21 L 21%
do. -pref. . . 60% 61 60'A 61 " 60%
I\. a tul T 2, 2i%' 2< ' 4 2. '4 3 * ■'«
Lehigh Valley 177% 177% 177 177 176%
Mo. Pacific ... 39 39 3!' 39 38%
N. Y Central 118% 118% 118% 118% 118
Northwestern 138% 138% 138% 138% 138'.,
North. Pacific 120%’120% 120% 120% 119%
O. and W .... 37 37 37 37 ’ 37%
Peo. Gas C 0... 115'4 118 115%. 117'. 111
Reading 174% 174% 174 17t% 173%
R. 1., pref. ... 55% 55', 55 55 55%
So Pacific ...111 111 111 111 110%
So. Railway .. 29 29% 29 29 29
do. pref. .. 75% 75'/ 2 ' 75' 2 75», 75%
St. Paul . .. 105'4:105',4 105% 05'- ; 105%
Tenn Copper 46% 46% 46% 16',' 45%
Union Pacific 170%'171 % 170%’171 170%
f S. Rubber 64% 65% 64% 65% 63%
Utah Copper 62 5 , 62% 62% 62% 62%
U S Steel 69% 70% 69% 701,
W Mar.'lanri 58% 58% 58% 58% 59%
CHICAGO, May 25. Wheat was l 2 1,1
higher. Northwest were
smaller, but this was offset by good rains
in Kansas, where most needed. Cash
wheat was active ar.d strong
Corn was ’« tn higher with the May
neglected earix.
Oats were up '4 to r rc on shorts buy
ing. There were no cables from Liver
pool. owing to the Whitsuntide holiday
Provisions were fractionally Inner with
Open. High. Low Ila m
May .. 1
July 1.10’4\ UO’r
Sept 1.045 R 1.05’4 1 (Mn 1 05
Dec. . 1.04’- 1.051? 1.04’., 1 05
May 82 82’, 82 82
July , . 78*8 70 R 7fi3 p
Sept ... 74 741- 73L 73?8
Dec. . . 63 \ 63?* 63^ 4 -633 4
May 53 7 * 54 > 53 7 a 5
Juh - . . 50’t 50-4 nO’4
Sept . 4.: <2*B L* 421 4
De<'. 43 \ 43*i 4 Ma 43L
July . 18.30 18.35 18.2215
Sept . 18.35 18.35 18.25 ‘ 18.25 ‘
Jul' 10.55 10.55 1?.52’0 19.521-
Sent . in. 75 10.75 in.7o 10 ;o
-slax* in in 10.07’" 10.07i 2
July . .10.121? 10.15 10.10 “ 10.10 “
Sep’. 10.27’? 10 ?7’ ? 10,25 0.25
CHICAGO. May 25. Hogs R e^e ipt~
11.000 Market weak tn 5c lower; mixed
and butchers $7 ;l0t& 7.75. good heavx 57. k()
f&7.77, rough hea'*' $7.15^7.55, light C< .1
'6 7.K0. pigs $5.75(fi 7.10, bulk 17
Cattle- Receipts Jon Market stead' .
beeves 56r§)9.40. cow • and boifei-;- >? 50t&, stockers and feeders ss'“fi.9O. Tex
Sheep- Receipts 1,000 Market stead' - ,
native and Western ss@6 40., lambs ik'd
Miller A- Co.: W* still continue our
belief that sales made on strong spots
will prove profitable as long as favorable
weather continues
Thompson. Towle £ C’n The tnarkpt
’ appears to be having a tone and
max have a further rail?
Hayden. Stone A Co.; it i- a question
Inf the weather
Rail' & Montgomer': Snuthcrn mar
kets remain x er.x stead' , and there D no
pressure tn sell an> w here
Pell & Co.. Bull side advoctaed.
NEW YORK. Max 25. Our advices b\
wire from the South are nn the whole of '
a quite favorable tenor. 1 »r\ weather has
prevailed almost everx where, and the crop
is doing well generally. Texas reports
indicate that « otton is up to a fine stan<J
throughout the State The Mississippi
river is falling rapidly, and planting is
being pushed as fast as the water leaves
the overflowed land
Louis B. Magid & Co.
Investment Bankers
1014-1034 Candler Building, Alania Phoms hr 44 r i3 4*59
Scores Sharp Advance—Activ-
, ity Shown in Number of
Other Stock Issues.
NEW YORK. May -4 The American
Tobacco common was agam the feature at
J rhe opening of lhe s’c k market today
: This issue opened at 278, against 273 at
* ; the close on Thursday.
? Although recession were shown in a
.• few issues ai the beginning, the general
? tone was good and the majoritx of ac
! live stocks showed an upward movement.
’ The rard coal stocks were also pronii-
I nent. Lehigh Valley lost ’ 2 at the outset,
< but rallied later, gaining * - V Reading
I advanced The New York traction
■ stocks also were in good demand Fnited
States Steel common was up ’*. The
same amount of gain was made in I’nion
Pacific and American Smelting. Cana
dian Pacific and Atchison advanced ’i
The curb market was dull and stead'
American railroad shares and Canadian
Pacific were steady in London on proses-
; sional suppor-Tr"
. Activity was shown in a number of Is
, sues in ’he late forenoon. Reading was
I prominent, although the majority of rail
. road issues were quiet Pittsburg coal
i issues were strong. A better tone was
. shown in Cnited States Rubber, whi'h —-i
» advanced 2 points The Hill stocks also
• were strong, both Northern Pacific and \
I Great Northern preferred making frac- \
. tional advance. The traction shares were
. in good demand
Business continued dull in the late aft
ernoon trading, but the undertone re
mained firm. Price changes wero gener
ally for the better. Virtually all of the
speculative interest was centered in ’he.
I specialties Local traction issues re-
1 sponded slightly to the announcement “f
■ approval of subwax- contracts b v the
: board of estimate. Seaboard Air Line was
active and strong.
; The market closed steady
1 Governments unchanged; other borfl?
i Stock quotations: _____
’ || ILast 1 Clos iPre - *
’ STOCKS— iHighlLow ISaie.l Bid.lCl’sa
Amal. Copper 83’-4 82% 83% 83% 82%
Am. Ice Sec 29% 29 29% 29 29
I Am Sug. Ref. T 39 %'130% 1 30% 120 130
Am. Smelting 86% 86% 86% 86 .86%
Am. Locomo.l2" a 42% 42% 11%' 11%
Am. <'ar Fdy.. 59 59 59 59 58%
Am. Cot. oil .... 53% 53%
Am. Woolen 1 27% 30
Anaconda ... lj-’n 12% 4251112 1 - 42%
Atchison 106% 106 106% 105 7 g 1C5%
A. C L 40%' 39% 39% 39-% 39%
Am. Gan . . 40% 39% 39% 39% 39%
do. pref. .. 117% 117% 117% 117 Ll7
Am. Beet Sug. 73% 72%i 73 , 72% 72%
Am. T and T. 1’5% 1t5% 14 5% I's'. 145%
Am. Agricul... 62% 61% 61%, :'•! % 61%
Beth. Steel . 38% 38 I 38 27-% 37%
R R T 89% 89% 89-% 89% 88%
R. am! O. ... 108% 'IOB% 108% 'og% 108%
Can. Pacific 264 % 262% 261 26.3% 262%
Corn Products 16% 16% 16% 16 ’5%
C. and <» ... 79 78% 79 78% 78%
Consol Gas 113 141 %112%T42 %I 4 I %
Cen. Leather 26 26 26 2525%
Colo. F and I 28% 28% 28% .'B'. 28%
Colo South ! . 42% 42
D. and H 170% 170 (
Den. and R. G . 19 19
Distil Secur.. 33% 33% 33% 33% 33%
Erie 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
do. pref 53 53%
Gen Electric 171% 171 171% 171 170% /
Goldfield Cons.l ... 4% I )
G. Western 17% 17%
<?. North , pfd. 132% 131% 132 132 131%
G North .Ore 13% 43% 13% 13% 13%
Im. Harvester 1’22% 122’* I’.'L’ 1 - 122 122%
111 Central ..127 126% 126% 126 126
Interboro . 21% 21% 21% 21% 21
do. pref. ,| 61 60 60% 60% 59%
lowa Central i ...J 12 12%
K (' Smith.. ’ 25% 25 fjj
K. and T ’ ' 27% 37%
do. pref . . I 59 60 \
L. Vallpx . . . 177% 176% 177 176% 176% (
L. and N. . . 158 158 158 158% 158
M< Pacific . 39’-. 28% 39% 38 7 . 39% >
N. V. Central 118% 118 118.% 118 11.8% '
Northwest . .'138% 138 138 138% 13R%
Nat. Lead 59 58 : g 59 5R% 59
N. and W 112%T12%
No. Pacific . . 120% 119% D’fi*. 119% 11?
g and W 37% 37%
Penn 123% 123% 123% 123’ 123%
Pacifn Mail . 33% 32%' 23% I 33< R 32
P. Gas Co.. . 114 111 % 1 13% 114 110%
P. steel Car . 35% 35% 35’ : 25 35
Reading 174% 173% 17:;% 1% 172’,
Kock Island ‘27% 27 27 %; 27 27
i do pfd.. 55% 55*4 55% 55% 55%
R 1. and Steel 23’.. 23%
do. pfd ’ . 78% 78
S. -Sheffield 50 50 50 pi 49%
So. Pacific . . 111% 110% 111 110% lit
So. Railwav . 29% 28% 29 29 :R%
do. nfd 75’.. 74 % 75% 75% ,4%
St. Paul 105 7 r 105% 105% 105% 105%
Tenn Copper 46 c. 45 ‘, 1.. t 45
Texas I’aejfp “ I t%
Third \ venue 41 "4 2’*% 11 % 49 29
Fniop I’m ill.- 171% 170' '170% 179% i;o\,
I* S. Riibhei 64% 62 64 % 63% 6j %
Ltab ’'upper . 62% 6.’, 62% 62% 62%
I - F Steel 70% 69% 69% 69*% 69%
d«» pfd . . 110% 1 10% 110% 1|0%%105%
V. -< - < ’hem 51 % 51 > 51 % 5| % 51 %
Mesl. I niop 84% «4 84 83% 83 %
Wabash . 7’> 7% 7 1 - 7% 7%
do pfd 1R * ia%
West Electric ... ... .1 ... ' 73% 73
W is. (pntral I ... 51% 51%
u Maryland ' • % 59%,
Total sales, 306,000 ?hare
BOSTON. Ma* 24 Boston
Corhir 7 7 i. Allouez 44. Sant? Fe 4%
Butte Superim 38. Copper Ranee 58%**
North Butte f® 1 ?. Shannon 15, Swift 105,
East Boston 15.
Bid Asked. j
Atlanta X- West Point R R 149 145 /
American National Bank 205 ?jrj
AUarHc Coal & T< e common. TOl 102 •
Atlantic <"al A- Ice pref . 9? 95 V
Atlanta Brewing A- Ire Co.. 175
Aiie»n‘a National Bank . 325
Central Bank Trust Corr.. 150 4
Exposition Cotton Mills . ’6.1 lfi -
Fourth Nationa’ Batik 245 '-n V’
Fulton National Rank . . 125 f % O X
Rv (V L !<=•■' stamped.'.. 124 105
Ga Ry. A- F<«w. Co. common 28 L . ---r
/io Ist pfd so
do Ld pfd 4 3 44
uiliver Trust • nrnpan' . L ‘ *
Lowrv National Rank . ... 24® 250 I j
Realtv Trust Company ton ijn *
Sixth Ward Bank 9914 jot
Southern Ice common. 71 7xl/
Third National Rank. new. o-. n to
Trust Co of Georgia 225 235
Travelers Bank Trust Co . 125 i?n
Atlanta <ia? Light l?t ss. ini?.
Georgia State 4%5. 1915 .. 1M
Georgia Midland Ist fa
Ga Ex* S- E’er Gn , ini
Ga Rx At Flee ipf 5s .... 99
Atlanta <'^’nsolidated ns. .. IT'%
Atlanta citv
Atlanta City 4%5. 1921 ... in • £93
Southern Bell 5s 99%
Cotton seed nfi quotations:
I Opening
1 Spot 6 917~n 7r "
I May 6
June 7.0(47794 6 95 'a 7no
Jul.' ..... 7.‘K'u 7.12 7.96<7 797
August ..... 7.’8'u719
September. .... 7.2iu7.:’l 7.18417.20
< )ctobe r . . . . . 7.21 'a 722 7
November h.H4 </6 75 6.626.5
December 6.59'0 67G g 49
Closed ca.' v Sale - . 19,399 barrels.