Newspaper Page Text
EWILIMB IMffa , ww j
Perry to Go East After Big
Game If He Beats Robinson
IF one happened to stro’, out
Peachtrei road or sonic other
main thoroughfai" these da? s
in the "early morn" the? would ?•■•
Jimnn I** rry and Jo k Robinson
burning the road- conditioning
themselves for their ten-round fight
at the Gatf ('ll? A <' Il'Xt Tu< --
da? night.
These boys a; < u.lining as though
they neo going to tight for a
championship. But then wti?
shouldn't they " The winner will
have the chance of mcetjng some
nf the best welters in the business,
and thereby clean up quite a bit of
coin around the East.
Roth are working harder than
they cvci did before. Beginning in
HjL me lung. they do m miles
on the ;oad ami follow th*-' up with
six to ten rounds of boxing. Theft
training also includes rope jump
ing. climbing and brisk walks,
p, :t y. who has never been able
Games Today.
.\iobih m \t!an..i
in »■
Nashville in Mviilgonicr).
New Orleans in '’ha:ian«»<'K«i
Standing of the Clubs
\V I. PC VV L. F•:
Bhain p. .'<> \ilnnta .IX IS .500
<' tiooga . I I As Molli . .IS 20 ,174
,M i.iph, I ' t.; mi N. ' >'l If 32 38H
Mol.if 21 It< N'villi 13 21 A2
Yesterday’s Results.
yUatitH 7. Mobile ::
Chattanooga >. New (irlF'an.’ 6.
Memphis .. Birmingham '
Nashville 7, Montgomer.s 1
Games Today.
AlbaiiA in Savannah
Columbus in Columbia
Maron in Jacksonville
Standing of the Clubs.
\\ . L P C W. I. FC
.1 ville 21 10 .677 I’Tnib's 13 17 433
Albanx 18 11 .621 Macon .12 18 400
S van’ah 17 12 .586 Columbia 821 276
Yesterday’s Results.
Savannah 10. Albarn 2
Columbia 15, Coluuihus I
Macon 7. Jacksunviile I
Games Today
Washington in New York.
.Philadelphia in Boston
I »el.r<>it m < ’hi<-ago.
SI Louis in Cleveland.
Standing of the Clubs
w. i. p.c w. l p.c
Chicago 35 8 .758 ( land. IS 15 .464
Boston 20 in 667 I’hila 13 I.> IM
W’ton 16 15 516 N. York 919 .321
Detroit 15 17 169 S. Louis 821 276
Yesterday’s Results.
t "\ \ «>rk 11. W ashington 6
I'.o ton L Philadelphia 3.
* mb lines scheduled.
Games Today.
|;..>ion in Philadelphia
New York m Kr.--‘klyn
* hncinna 11 h< Si I .oip.
<’hicago in Pittsburg
Standing of the Clubs
W L PC w >• i‘ *'
N Vml< J*. • - Phila II 16 107
I'Tiat) 33 io 697 S I •mis 14 21 100
Chicago 15 15 700 Boston. 12 20 27.7 I
F’l-urg It 1 I .700 BrouM’n !♦ 10 321
Yesterday's Results.
I 'it t sburg 7. < - hi< ag“ 3
inrinnati 10, St l mis 6
Now York 6. Brooklyn 3
Boston S. Philadelphia ••
Gaines Today.
'■-liimhus m Louisville
'Toledo in Indianapolis
Milwaukee m St. Pau’.
Kansas t'in in M.uueapoh
Standing of the Clubs
W !. PC W I. P.C
’.M ap ’ - 22 .63’’ S Paul. 18 21 ,462
c’l'inb n. -ji j M’w’kce 13 20 .31'4
Tohdo 21 16 ..70S I vdlv- J7 23 .20.7
K Cit> 18 |X6 I’apolx ' 21 .182
Yesterday’s Results.
' : . h 3. Kansa.- < 'ih 0
* ’olumbus | Andsvdle I
St, I 'a'll '• Mi!\\ aid.i'c 7.
I ndia nai’*’lis X, Toledo 0
’ ’HP ’•< ‘ -Ma\ 27 Th- fir>' \s mn -
.in’s ya< hl ’;u • >\> held in Lak* Mich
igan v.. > - hrduled to start from the
Jackson Fork Ya< hl < mb late this afl -
ernoon \ numb* r “f boats command
ed 1»\ w- * ,i.• n -h i'• s ha \ ■ !»• * n <-n -
let’ll. A trophv el’!’ '• <1 b\ tht Jack-ori
Park N acht • P I h- nt* .1 -lu
win m i.
■■ ft ffif/rfJ'jZ. W w
/>. ®W'. kM . m~kk\
■ ILI F" P»HI E* i'«J
Iw! Sr* iw
i£Sl At the Game Qv Ice Cold feßa
taw fl
to extend himself in any of his At
.•nta ♦fights on a<a ount of a kune
ba< k. sa\.« he is in better condition
than In ba- been in Fin< <• he fu.'t
boxed in Atlant i. Jimmy’s back is
mending fa.-t and v ill-be (». K. b\
Tuesday. If P< rry is returned the
victor In says lie will go to New
Yoik and challenge Eddh McGoot
t\ and all the other top-notchers in
the welter <‘la Jimmy would Itave
g<m» East foi fights sooner, but h;
has been handicapped so with his
b-ick that ho did not care to make
his debut there until aftei he was
entirely < urecl of his lameness.
Robinson, on the other hand,
knows- that this fight will mean
much to him and it L a cinch that
lu*wil! lie there lighting when th*-
gong sounds.
Eddie lltinlon and Kid Scxuumr
will box in the semi-wind-up. with
Spi<l‘ ; Britt and Joannie Herndon
mixing it in the preliminary. The
curtain will be raised with a battle
i oyal
Games Today.
Rochester in Buffalo.
Baltimore in Jersey Cit>.
Providence in Newark.
Toronto in Montreal
Standing of the Clubs
W 1., PC W I. r.c |
R’stei .18 10 .643 B more. 12 13 180
J. Cite . I7 11 60< M’treal, : 1 1.7 J 27
Buffalo. 12 .520 P denee '0 15 ino
Toronto 13 13 .700 Newark 10 17 .370 '
Yesterday’s Results
Montreal 7. Providence 3 (first garne t
Providence 3. Montreal 0 (second game.)
Toronto 13, New ark 2 < first game. »
Newark .7. Toronto 4 (second game.i
c’nb games scheduled
Games Today
Galveston in Waco.
Beaumont in Fort Worth.
Houston in Dallas
San Antonio in Austin
Standing of the Clubs.
\V. L.IVC W L ’? • ’
II ust n 26 14 .650 Austin 1.9 20 187
B uin’nt 21 17 .763 S Nn’io 19 23 .4.72
Waco 21 19 .725 G’vpsl’ii 17 21 417
Dallas 19 20 187 F W’th 17 23 125.
Yesterday’s Results.
Galveston 3, Waco 1.
1 talliis 1 . I louston 0
\ustin 6. San Antonio l
Beaumont 9. Fort W «»rtli 2
Games Today.< bbu’g in Petersburg.
Norfolk m I >anville.
Newport News in Riehniond
Portsmouth in Roanoke.
Standing of the Clubs.
\V 1 FC. W L. I’ C
Norfolk 16 !• ,6-,'f I’sm’th II 11 .700
P’sb’rg 17 11 607 K’hm’d |3 14 .481
Ro anolx.- II 13 .7|u I I’nville Hl 16 387
j'< N’ws 15 14 s|; L’hb’rg !• 18 .333
Yesterday's Results.
Roanoke 8. Portsmouth .•
Petersburg 17. Lynchburg t
Petersburg 7. L> nehburg 2.
Norfolk I. Danville 2.
Newport News 3. Richmond 1
Games Today.
Ilatilesbui g m Jaeksou
Meridian in Creenwoed
\ i< ksburg in Y;i7.»n» < 'it \
Standing of the Clubs
W. L F C W L. P
,\l rnl n 23 11 622 .1 ’< k on IS 19 486
\ ksb’rg 21 16 70R ll sb rg 17 19 172
> i’it\ 20 17 .7 11 c’wood 13 26 233
Yesterday’s Results.
Jaok.son 6, Greenwood 2.
> ;izoo Cit\ 9. Vicksburg 7
llattiesburg 11, Meridian 3
Games Today.
’ irenusboro in Charlotte
Spartanburg in \nders«»n
c.recnville in \\ mstmi-Salem
Standing of the Chibs
W. L F.‘ ’ W I. P C
A tiers’n 18 8 .692 C. sboro 10 1.7 40’
Sp’brg 13 12 .720 G’nxille 911 .391
CTlotte 17 IK .486 W -S’l’m 720 .259
Yesterday's Results.
Winston-Salem 6, Greenville .7
Xndersnn 6. Spartanburg 3
Greensboro 6. Charlotte .7
Games Today
Johnson Cit\ in \sheville
Bristol in Knoxville
Mnrrixtown in Cleveland
Standing of the Clubs.
W L P < ’ W» L. P C.
Bristol 6 I .600 .1 4 .7 in
Ashexille 5 I .77»6 C \ eland 4 > 144
Kxvlllv 6 5 ..74,7 M’town 1 6 100
Yesterday s Results
Asheville 5, Johnson Cltx 3
Bristol 7. Knoxville 5.
Cleveland 7. Morristown
' !IE A fl. ‘ " SATURDAY. MAY 25.-IM2.
/ -i
ylwD/ '
■a ! wWi
W i \\®L\
'AC \\\ < t y
■w*- x -£! / M 7 w
OKm \\wrA\ .is'l
Crackers’ Batting
Averages, Including
Yesterday’s Game ROPE
times up yesterda? and shot Ins aver-
rXu.':- .' ! j must beat it homeward at ponce dcLEON park
llemphir.. if. 36 141 -I 47 .333 ——
D- p .... 7 <’» 6 J'»n p as ,.p a ij game this afl- rn”<m at. Jum .7 will he Shrimns' day atfl’om --
'T’T'' 3b 'iT IT 7- l-el-on park-will be called at DcL. on ball park
' .' ' ■ ' '.ii: 3 :13 o'clock.- The Shrine -of the stale wifj be in
’* io ~x i,, i I'h is change i n time is made in ordei < ( ssion here tlia t : <tu ,• and will ixmie to
Tk.-’lb ?7 I! IS .234 io allow the Gulls to catch a train for h) ba | rp;irU in a body some' 1,500
• . *. liuinc, where ibey aiv to phy Sunday.
. •- ' • • • J ‘ Atlanta ha> no gam- Sunda\ and the
,7 .. , -’t pmvers Will get abi je<' rest. An vff’.r: will be made to giJV’- the
i’to uh. . . • - i ■ -■» •- - whole affair a Ma.sonlc tinge. Aji um-
D-’igt .i- . . s - •' pin- who is a Mason will be iired,
■Miller. P. 12 1 1"2 FLEMING HOPS LANNIGAN. and Tomin? Atkins, a Mason, will pitch
Johns, p. I" ■" ■■ 3 I." IPICKLAND. MAINE. May 25.- Bill for Atlanta. John A. Hynds. ilhistri-
'tl'ini " 11 1 ' 1 1 Fleming, of Oldtown, won his tliird ous potentate, will pitch tin first bull.
T<4 VFSTFRDAV "Ouse, utive tight of the w eek last night \fl. '■ the game the Shriners wifi have
li°J7 ER R e'ae'i' TS YEb ERDA In ■ nocking out John Lannigan in tic a barbecue in the old Ponce IVLeon
xT.Jieos''T.'rd.T -('i mi.'i round. amusement park.
By Ed. W. Smith.
C hicago. May Bin? Pap
k.' has gr.ibbed off the rich
(••y boxing ix-uin in l-Tanec at
the present times. He has secured a
niateh there wait Georges ('arpen
tier. sensation of all Europe. Al
l.ippe, vh<> Is not tv handling the af
fairs of .the Kewanee jnan. secured
the niateh by carle. Lippe being
widely knovxn on the other side
because of the several trips he took
there while managjng Hart? Lewis.
The contest, wthix h should be one
of the best, decided in Europe this
season, will take place June :>O. ac
cording to the nxfxlccs Lippe lias
r.‘ecir.MjPapke n.nd hVs new man
ager .will sail for the othei side
toda? on the Olympic, the club
having already furnished two first
class tickets and expense money.
Papke Has a Bad Hand.
Papke was beginning to show in
earnest in New Yr«rk that he could
"(ome back" whetn-his right hand
collided with tin hard skull of an
opponent and .tlitjl‘useful member
Kewanee Man Will Sail for Paris Today
went i ntirely out of commission.
As a result Lippe had to cancel
-evctal excellent dates that he hail
in the East for the Illinois fighter
and arrange to sail at once. It
will take at least three weeks for
tie- bruised weapon to get back into
good shape.
This Carpentier battle is the teal
plum on the other side because
G 'orq. < is the big card over there
and is capable now of drawing the
heaviest kind of houses. That's
why Lippi turned dowrf an offer of
52.500 and accepted instead 23 pet
> > nt of the house and exnenses.
Illinois Man Confident.
No mention is made of the weight
agreement, but it probably will be
180 pounds several hours before the
contest begins, which is the Euro
pean standard of measuring mid
dles eight -.
Papke is firm in the'belief that
he has a grand chance with the
<'level Frenchman and thinks he
can get in the finest of condition
over there. He is no stranger to
the country, having trained there
for several contests, although he
jliii not have very good luck in
gening on during his previous
McGoorty to Dublin.
There is little doubt now that
Eddie .McGoori? will trail Papke
to Europe for the purpose of get
ting a shot at the winner. As soon
as the Oshkosh man has finished
"Kid" Wilder, Georgia's wonderful
southpaw of this season, will go to
Washingion and Lee university next
fall and will pitch next spring for the
W. & L. club.
Wilder was declared ineligible thi
sluing li? the S. 1. A. A. for playing
professional ball. At the time it was
i liiimed that there was only one offense
charged against him and that he would
be reinstated and used again by Georgia
'’next spring.
It now develops that Wildei. who bus
been forced to work his way through
school and college, has been receiving
money for playing ball off and on for
several years and for this reason, sees
no chance of getting back in the good
graces of th" S. I. A. A. At Washing
ton arid Lee there are no eligibility re
quirements and Wilder can play in spite
of his professionalism.
Pitcher Brady, the man secured by
the <'tuckers from the Boston Nation
als, has wired baseball headquarters
that he will lie here in time for Mon
day’s game.
It is likely that Brady will get on
immediate tryout, for Manager Hemp
hill will soon be forced to make a de
cision about his twirling staff, and he
i will want to ascertain right away what,
i Brady has to offer.
NEW YiiHK, .Ma? 25. — W ith the nine
■ .insi i nt i v<- victories behind him. Piteh
•■r Bub. M.i.uuard. the " beauty"
lof Hu- New York Giants, ex) is to set
a new record for games won during the
I IIH2 baseball season. Marquard has
i won every game be pitched during tin
i first six weeks of the season. He hopes
■io oust Christ? Mathewson from the
high niclii' w liieh he holds in the base
ball hall of fame.
white hope McCarthy
SPItINGI'IELD. MO.. May 25.—Lu
; tie r Mct 'arlhy. the young Missoni i
giant who aspires to light Jack Jolin
.-oii for the championship, lias added
another knockout to his string. He
put Jack Reed, of Toledo. Ohio, asleep
in the third round here last night.
McCarthy recently Knocked out Cail
CH ATTANt H IGA, TENN'.. Jme 25.
Harry Steinfeldt. ex-Cub; lingered just
one day as a member of the Chatta
nooga team.
Bill Smith gm him out just once.
! worked him. saw that Ids arm was all
I gone and returned him forthwith.
up his engagements in this coun
try. which include contests with
Bob Moha next week, somebody
near Chicago a little later and
probably Mike Gibbons in New
York, he will clinch arrangements
to go to Ireland w ith his manager.
Marty Forkins.
The purpose of this trip will be
to accept tlie offer made by Mar
tin Fitzgeiald to box either Car
pentier or some other good man in
August during the big Dublin horse
show. Billiard Croker. Hie spinier
Tammany boss, who now lives, in
Dublin, is a stanch admirer of M< -
Goorty ami lias personally asked
that ho return to Ireland and ac
cept the terms offered him for the
Irish Fans Like Him.
If Carpentier beat' Papke and It
is found impossible to get him off
his native heath, some other good
man will be secured for McGoorty.
The lattci is immensely popular
in Iceland because of the fine
showings lie always made there, to
sa? nothing of his breeding, and
there are man? who believe lie i'
toda?- the greatest boxer of an? of
t hem.
In the meantime McGoorty says
be would be delighted to be the
first American boxer to get crack
at Bombardier Wells, the English
heavyweight champion, who is now
in this country. McGoorty tried to
get <m witli him while in England
some months ago. but failed.
Three memhcis of the Vanderbilt uni
versity baseball team, champions of th"
South, have received offers to play pro
fessional ball with major league teams
Tile? are I.ouis Hat dago, left lieide:
Ro?' Morrison, catcher, and Wilson
Collins, pitcher.
Haulage has received a flattering of■
for fioin th. St. Louis Nationals. Coi
lins from the Washington Americans
and Morrison I com lite New Yor'<
Americans. None of the offers will lie
accepted this rear, since Morrison is
tile only one of Hie three to finish col
lege and expects io teach. Hardago
and Collins may pla? professional bal’
after next ye-ji. however.
louie laudermiliThas
I. B. Laiidurinilk, known familiarly
as ‘‘Louie,'’ has reported to the Mobile
Laud< rmilk comes fr«>m the (’
nais. where he worked with no great
success last year.
Finn believes he should be a wonder
in the Southern and will us-- him soon.
Mobile. ab. r. ‘h. po. a. e.
Malone?, cf. . . 5 (I 1 2 0 0
Stai'r, 2l> 5 i) o :> o 'i
Walsh. >s .10 11 .1 "
Jacobsen. If. , . :l 11 3 2 "
Patllet. lb. ... I 11 S II II
Gardelhi. 2b. .3 11 2 I I
ciaik, i f I a t 2 0 "
Vance, c 4 0 1 ;t 1 e
Berger. |i. . . . 3 "10 4 "
Totals . . . 3 S 2 1 11 1
Atlanta. ah. r. h. po. a. e.
Baile?. If. .11 2 2 1 0
Gaul"?, rs. . . . .’> 1 2 2 0 "
Hemphill. (T. . . I S 3 I 0 "
AI perma n. 3b. . . 5 II 3 1 II "
i I'Dell. lb I 11 9 1 ii
East. 2b. . . I 1 0 3 4 •'
< I’Brien, ss. ... I ii 3 2 2 1
Graham, e. . . . 3 0 1 g " 0
Miller, p. . . .1 o a 0 2 I
*Syk<s. .... I 0 0 0 0 ii
Ilessuii. p .. 2 " <! 0 1 a
Totals ... .31 7 I 5 27 11. 2
Batted for Miller in th" fourth.
■ Score by innings:. It
Mobile 000 300 000 -3
At lanta ' ... 103 0] 0 20" -7
Sy tn ma ry—Two-base hits—O'Brien.
Ganiev. Paulet. Home runs—Hemp
hill. Bailey. Double plays--Jacobsen
to Star:. Innings pitched -By Milh
L with " hits and 3 runs. Struck out
B? Berger 3. bv Dessau 5. bv Miller 1.
Bases on balls—Off Miller L off Des
sau 2. off Berger I. Sacrifice hits —Ja-
cobsen. East 2. Stolen bases—Jacob
sen. Hemphill. Alperman, Gardella.
Sykes. East. O'Brien. Walsh. Time of
game. 2: 15. Umpires, Hurt and Rtld