Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate For Sale
Peachtree Road
IS THE BES P investment in Atlanta today.-
r rom Brookhaven to Brookwood the fu
ture residence community will develop.
Somehow there is more “class” to this
street than any other in the city. People
prefer it and present prices are.sure of en
e have some choice locations on which
we can give special prices. There is no ad
vantage in saying more here. You have to
see before you buy. If you are interested in
Peachtree Road, we are in position to show
you the best buys because we study condi
tions out there and feel we know our goods.
< 'all us up and find out what we can offer
you. You can certainly make money.
Central Property
Do you know anything safer or surer?
We know a little lot close to the middle that
can be bought for less than SI,OOO per foot.
'Much closer than other lots at higher prices.
The terms are easy.
We have a Walton street corner. 50x100,
that looks mighty good.
sßoo Per Foot
Do you know of a better street to get on ?
Stand at Peachtree and look down Walton.
In some towns if would look like Broadway.
Do you remember how it looked 3 years ago?
JuSt add three more years and what will
it be?
A Sure Investment
If you have about $5,000 cash you want
to place so you can double in two years, we
have a proposition that looks mighty good
to us. It takes that much cash, so don’t
figure unless you are willing to put that
much up.
We think it the safest thing we’ve got
to offer.
If you see our arrow head sign on a
vacant lot that looks good to you. call us up.
for that means live stuff that is fresh on the
market and hasn't been listed a long time.
That’s what you want to buy.
Chas. P. Glover Realty Co.
2 1-2 WALTON ST.
418 Empire Building.
Telephone Connections: Bell Main 2185; Atlanta 652.
S 3 550—FIVE-ROOM house and three-room house; two good houses on lot 75x
inn not far from Marietta street This is undoubtedly a great bargain and .
can be bought with S3OO cash Remember, this is only a short distance from
coming street —Marietta.
"FOVR HOUSES on Rattle street, rented for S3O; will exchange or will sell for
bargain. i
1 900 ACRES of good land in south Georgia; will cut 0.000 feet of good yellow
nine timber will cut 150,000 turpentine boxes: not another piece of land in
south Georgia’like this. X™ is the time. Will cost you S3O per acre. Better
OI S Perera Building Bell Phone Main 2245.
1 orii RARGAIX Fifteen acres with beautiful front on Georgia railroad just
‘ hnmw i-larksGm twelve miles from Atlanta: eight acres in high state of eulti
raS balance in beautiful grove, stream of pure water through this place.
Xo eighteen. acres “went' acres, six acres and other beautiful tracts in this
that km front on new car line to Stone Mountain. Now. if you want*
rrne O the i\r~t tiesFt tie"ra. ts in DeKalb county, take a look at this stuff
ph.L rbTh good terms Better see this at once. for it is going to sell.
wf H\VF I fsTED for a short time 220 acres of land twelve miles from city.
Nothing like it on ihe market If you will look at this, you will be convinced
WF H AVF h some S sman tracts oMantfctose to city, just the place for a summer
W ?ometVher°e n ; e ou Sm cali build you and, fish pond.
WE HAVE three beautiful new homes for sale in Decatur that we can sell on
good terms. See us. INVESTMENT
<->K fast PINF STREET we can sel'l tou 'a good ten-room two-story house
renting for $42.5n Per month Price, $4,500; good terms.
ONE BLOCK from a car slop on the Decatur and East Lake
ear line a brand-new five-room bungalow on a lot 57 by
about 400 feet deep, which runs hack to the street ear right-of
wav This place has not the city conveniences, but we believe
they will he accessible within a few months. Price $2,250 on
terms like rent. We offer this property, bpth as a good home
and a good investment, on account o fits location and the depth
of the lot Before mam 'ears the rear o fthe lot will be more
valuable than the front .as it fronts the car line. See either Mr.
Radford or Mr. J. J. Hook.
11 Edgewood Avenue.
r\rb\VO()D floors stone front, beam ceiling, tile bath, beautiful
.0.1 toll™-. ' -M within rhe next f.» ,l.v«.
6 12 A< RES. with fruit trees, good house, near Gordon road; a bar
gain at $• >.2-><l
10 Auburn Av.. M . All.
TH! 1101 >Bl build. On.' "V ri til will not be a
modern home unless it-is wired for Elec tri
Real Estate For Sale.
•> +
4- May 25. 1912. 4-
4- -i-
4* ' Corrected by McCullough Bros.) -J-
Eggs—Fresh selected, no guineas
or dirties, 17$4@18c; miscellaneous, v
T16®16> 2 c; guineas and dirties, 10© -I
--1,2 lie 4-
4- Poultry—Live per nouiid: Turkeys. 4-
•f 124i@15c; ducks. 10&12Hc: geese. 8 -r
•f <&9c; hens. 13(g14c; roosters, S@loc; 4-
Y broilers, 30(g.35c each, owing to size; Y
f fries. 30{f35c each. 4*
4* .Dressed, per pound Turkeys 15 Y
4* 317; ducks. 18<&20c; geese. 10j? Y
tl2s4C; hens. 16@17c; fries, 22®24c, Y
roosters. 10@llc. 4-
BABY CHICKS from high class White
Orpingtons. 25c each, in lots of ten or
more. Charley Dobbs. Gainesville. Ga.
FOR SALE—Fifty White Orpington pul
lets. laying every day: Kellerstrass
strain: $3 each as long as they last tn
make room; ten cockerels, fine birds. $5
each. Southland Poultry Farm, Clarks
ton, Gal-20-3
FOR SALE—Two pens S. C. White
Ofpingtons.- three pens S C. Black Or
pingtons. from 25 to 100 in pen. Prize
winners in all pens. Closing out to make
room for young stock. E. H. Scott, Box
636. Athens. Ga. 4 6-88
EGGS from finest White Orpingtons iKcl
lerstrass) at reduced prices; $3. $2: also
Black Langshan eggs Gresentha Poultry
Yards. College Park. Gal-13-10
Orpingtons. A few trios
at $lO, sls, S2O. $25, S3O.
$35. Also five prize hens,
one cock'and one cockerel,
winning at Dalton, Ga., and
Chattanooga, Tenn., shows.
Write for prices.
Menlo, Ga.
FANCY thoroughbred White Orpington
eggs: $3 for fifteen; my best stock; re
duced from $3, $5 and $lO last season.
P. B. Dexter, proprietor. Sunnyside Farm,
Columbus, Ga.lo-7-2
S. C. BUFF, Black and. White. Orpingtons;
blue ribbon winners at New Ydrk city.
Albany, N. Y., Atlanta. Augusta, Athens,
Columbus, Charlotte, Spartanburg, Ashe
ville. Greenville and Abbeville; as good
as'the best, and-bet tee than most. - Eggs
now ready. Write for free mating list.
I have stamps. Somi good stock for sale
at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Abbeville Orpington Yards,
D. A. Dewey, owner. Box 224. Abbeviue.
S. C. 2-17-9
grand mated pens, every nne headed by
a winner. Fine Illustrated mating list
explains each. Winners over 300 prizes
and cups. Fpr quality write F. S. Bul
lington. Box G, Richmond. Va.. Secretary
American MTiite Orpington Club. 5-6-2
KELLERSTRASS White Orpington eggs
$2 and $3 setting: $5 for 50: six hens
and cockerel, excellent birds, S2O; baby
chicks, 50c each. Shipp Bros, Finleyson,
Ga. 4-6-72
hatching .and to make room for little
Chicks offer the following birds at half
.One trio Buffs (Qwens strain) $ 5.00
One,trio Buffs (Owens strain) 7.50
One trio Buffs (Owens strain) 10.00
One trio Whites (Owens strain) . . 5.00
'One trio Whites < KelUTstrass strain) 500
One trio Whites (Owens strain) .... 7,50
One Irto Blacks (big value) 6.00
One trio Blacks (splendid bargain) . 7.50
One trio Blacks (don’t miss these) .. 10.00
MALE BIRDS in these trios are worth the
price of trio. Order from this adver
tisement. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm.
J, Lloyd. Chattahoochee. Ga. 6-4-13
MUST sacrifice pen of fifteen pure blood
White Orpingtons; comf and see and
rnake us an offer . Cole & George. 33 West
End place. Atlanta, ■ .5-25-4
Plymouth Rocks.
descendants from one of the world's
leading males: eggs, $1 to $3 per 16: ex
hibition stock; strong, healthy birds; bred
to lay. R. H. Elson * Son, Wellsburg.
W. Va. 5-24-10
Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent.
NORTH SIDE HOME t > w -w tT'- XT
north of Ponce ."DeLeon avenue, we havp y
a nice six-room cottage, with all modern -4 /\ j I y/
improvements, oij nice lot with alley in 1\ Av-**-■*-Z * *
rear, with nice garage. We have a price
on this for a few days that will sell it z AA. f A "N.T \7
So. if you want a home in this locality, L J £ £~ 2"X IN 1
come to see sis at once. Terms. *
511 Empire Bldg. Both phones 1599 Real Estate. Renting Loan*
SIX-ROOM granite front home in Pome DeLeon district; a beauty; quartered oak
floors, tile bath. etc. Level, east front corner lot. 50 by 190 to alley. Price
$5,500. On terms, or would consider uaxmctit
50 ACRES, or a part~of it, tn exchange for a $6,000 to $8,500 home. The land is
‘ on Heards Ferry road, near Rossville mad, and is level and under the highest
state of cultivation.:
INVESTMENT— Strictly white neighborhood. close in. we are going to sell a
three-room cottage, on a lot 40 by 150; water and sewage; one and a halt
blocks from car line Always rented. The lot is worth the price. SSOO, on terms
of $75 cash and $lO per month
701 Empire Building.
Main 4411-J. Nicht No Ivy 4070-J. j
A Beautiful Decatur Home
A NEW 2-story 8-room home, with water, sewer and «?le« trie lights, situ
ated on a beautifui, elevated cast front lot covered with largo oak trees;
close to Agnes Scott College and publie school. one-half block of car
line. Size of lot 120x240. Price $0,500.
Real Estate and Loans.
908 Third National Bank Building. Ivy 5626
■a. .... ——— . '
ARE TOIJ tn the market for a home’ If so ft will bo to vour Interest to confer
with u« at once LISTEN Do you own a lot anywhere In the rlty or nub
urbs paid for or half paid for? If so. las us build a house on It to suit your Ideas
and arrange terms like rent or easier Houses we build range second to none Ln
point of workmanship, material and beauty Ask our customers Plana and
specifications will cost you nothing
809 Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 3047 j
Plymouth Rocks.
AS MY BIRDS have proven their supe
riority for me at every show they were
ever entered, they will do the same for
you. Every pen is headed by a prize
winning cock or cockerel that is mated
to pullets and hens of known quality.
< »n account of the lateness of the season
1 I am going to reduce my prices to $2.5f
per 15 Baby chicks a matter of cor
respondence. . Elmhurst Poultry Earm.
Jefferson. Ga 3-2-8
that my birds have won over 60 regu
’ lar prizes, nine silver cups and cash spe
cials. in five shows this season, including
the sweepstake for best pen of solid col
ored birds in show at the big Southern
International, should determine the real
quality of our birds and place them as
champions of the South; our pens are
now all mated and ready to furnish you
eggs that will hatch you winners for next
season: eggs from matings of exhibition
birds. $3 and $5 per 16; sls and S2O per
100; eggs from highest scoring birds in
the South, $lO per 15; $lB per 30; birds
for sale at all times; Buff Orpington eggs
from high-class exhibition matings, $3
and $5 per 15; J 5 and $9 per 30. Send for
mating lists. Patterson Farm. Fitzgerald.
Ga. 1-6-55
DAY-OLD Barred and Buff Rock chicks
for sale, 15c each. Eggs balance of sea
son. $1 for 15. Charles W. Davis, Ander
son Hardware Company. Residence phone
Ivy 3978-.1 5-20-15
FOR - SALE— Twenty White Rock hens,
one year old; laying; $1.50 each. C. O.
Harwell, care Georgian « 5-25-17
R. I. Reds.
BABY CHICKS from high class 8. C.
Rhode Island Reds, 25c each, In lots
of ten or more. Charley Dobbs. Gaines
ville. Ga_ 3-27-23
SINGLE-COMB REDS now leading all
breeds In New York egg-laying con
test, and leading- all utility breeds in con
test at Storrs, Conn. Our Reds big lay
ers. good shape and bright color; Tomp
kins strain; $8 a setting: reasonable fer
tility guaranteed. P. 'Whiting, care Geor
gian 3-29-7
QUALITY REDS. J. I. Hosford, East
Point. Ga.,4-35-31
ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; won at
Southern International and Georgia
shows Eggs. $2 and $3 per fifteen. T. L.
Wright, 649 Hlghland-ave.. Atlanta.
HATCHING—Strain winning
first pen. International Show; 15
utility for $1.50; 15 fancy for
$3.00. Utility cockerels, bargains
for $2.50. Address Morning
Glory Farm, Kirkwood, Atlanta,
' Ga. ' 12-28-5
WHY NOT BUY the best? Shipp's S. C.
• R I. Red eggs. $2 and $3 setting, incu
: bator lots, $6 100: nice hens, $2; babies.
25c each. Shipp Bros. FinlOyson, Ga
, 4-6-73
- FOR SALE- Best strain Rhode Island
, Red pullets and cockerels. H. D. Bolles.
j 120 Lucile avenue. 48-21-5
' FOR SALE- 500 S *C~ White Leghorn
; yearling hens at $1.25 each. Young's
strain. L. M! Solomon, Route 1, Macon.
; Ga. 42-23-5
J Box E, Centre, Ala We breeddJfrds to
lay and win. The kind that both fancier
• and farmer need. Our birds have made
■ sensational winnings. winning North.
■ South, East and West. Our show record
■ shows us to have the best birds In the
' South. It has been proved that the best
show birds are the best layers Write
; for prices. Catalog free. 11-4-1
; , Houdans.
I FOR SALE —"Faultless" Houdans; this
i strain has been egg bred from trap
i nest records since April, 1890; I have bred
i them twenty-one years for great layers
i and twelve years for large size chalk
i white eggs. These fowls are extremely
i hardy; have neither comb nor wattle to
, freeze and are the best all winter layers
i In open front coops. "Faultless” strain
, Houdans have won every blue ribbon at
New York, Boston, Chicago and Phila
delphia shows for past six years; eggs
and stock sold on honor; send 10c for the
• largest illustrated poultry catalogue ever
Issued It tells you how to breed these
fowls, which, average 250 eggs a year
apiece. It tells, you how to net $3,000 a
year from 100 hens. E. F. Macavoy, sec
retary Houdan club. Cambridge. N Y
HOIIDANS from the best exhibition and
egg strains in America In our pens are
winners from the leading shows in Ten
nessee. Write me your wants. Dr. Leep
er, Lenoir City, Tenn. 280
Cornish Indian Games.
prize-winning stock; $3 and $5 for 15.
Gaymont Farm, Box 1711, Atlanta. Ga.
DARK CORNISH Bred from the best
Imported birds in this country. Won in
Atlanta January. 1912; first and second
cockerel, first and second pullet; American
Cornish Club ribbons for best cockerel
and best pullet and other good prizes;
limited number eggs for hatching; $5 and
$lO per setting Write F. S. Cates, Doug
las. Ga. 1-17-36
White Laced Red Games.
WHITE Laced Red Cornish Indian Games
A limited number of eggs at $5 for 15;
no stock for sale at any price. Gaymont
Farm, Box 1711, Atlanta, Ga. 3-27-1?
G<LiT7eN" LAPfT amUCoiiiinhian Wyan
dottes. S. C R I. Reds; eggs. $1 and
$2 per Ilk W. D. Bennett, Molena, Ga.
FDR SALE—I2S Ancona F'ebruary chicks
to sacrifice quick. Bargain! Bargain!
Box 84. Arabi, Ga. 5-18-3
Minor cas.
tiI,ACK MINORCAS—Pape’s strain; "lay
ers of large white eggs and many of
them;" eggs. $3 for 15. Gaymont Farm.
Box 1711, Atlanta. Ga. 3-27-10
BANTAMS—Game Bantams, Sebrights.
Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb. Athens,
Ga. *-26-3*
Ducks. .
NOW is the time to set White
Runner duck eggs, and Ren
dotte Farm is the place to get
the best. SIO.OO eggs the next
two weeks for $5.00. Rendotte
Farm, P. 0. Box 300, Atlanta.
Ga. 4-24-16
EGGS from heavy-laying strain Indian
Runner Ducks. $1.25 for 13. This 1s the
best time of year to set duck eggs. Chas
W. Davis, Anderson Hardware Com
PURE White Runners that lay pure white
eggs; $5 for 12. Gaymont Farm. Box
1711, Atlanta, Ga 3-27-9
ciled nr fawn and white at $1 each; good
ones; time yet to raise stock: order today.
. Munnimaker Poultry Farm, Normandy.
Tenn 5-25-3
INDIAN RUNNERS Fawn-and-whlte
and white ducklings. 25c to $1; eggs,
. $1.50 tn $5 Satisfaction guaranteed
Georgia Duck Farm, South Kirkwood, At-«
lanta 98-25-5
THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs,
best strain, $1 per 15; guaranteed fer
tile. 285 Euclid ave. Phone Ivy 958-J.
: 3-12-49
EGGS for hatching Single setting, $1.50;
two settings. $2.76; 50-egg lots. $4 00;
100 iota, $7.50; Buff Orpingtons. R. I. Reds,
8. C. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks.
Larne flocks. Able to ship incubator lots
promptly. Choice stock at low prices.
I R. duck eggs. $1.50 per twelve. E. W.
Burke. Macon 12-22-41
THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs.
$1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor street.
Phone Main 3588 4-27-25
EGGS from high class S. C. R. I. Reds.
Now is the time tn set eggs to get the
best colored Birds. Write at once for my
illustrated catalogue and reduced prices.
Joe L. Wallace. Dalton, Ga. 5-1-8
at $2 and $3, per 15. White
Leghorn eggs. $1.25 per 15. Coke
Davis. Box 934, Atlanta, Ga. 2-27-2
EGGS FOR HATCHlNG—^fottled Anco
nas. $2 per fifteen; Rose and Single
Comb Reds. W’hlte, Partridge and Sliver
Wyandottes, $1.50; Ruff Orpingtons and
Black Minorcas. $1.25: S C Brown Leg
horns. $1; Indian Runner ducks, $1.50 per
twelve A few more trios of ducks, $6
W E Bailey. Commerce, Ga. 722
FOR SALE —Single Comb Rhode Island
Red eggs, extra fine selected birds, non
fading heavy laying strain: $3 for fifty.
$5 per hundred Mrs. Philopena Lowe,
Route 6, laYanon, Ind. 3-9-62
Tompkins' S C. R. I. Red uggs. $2 per
sotting; utility eggs. $1 per setting. Black
Minorcas, $1 per setting D J Galloway.
Prop, 17 Campbell-st., South Kirkwood.
EGGS FOR ~SALE from snow' white
Wyandottes and Callahan's strain of S.
('. Rhode Island Reds at $2 and $3 per 15.
Single Comb Brown Leghorn eggs, $1 per
fifteen. My birds are all good layers
Wordle Dixon. Fayetteville. Ga. 223-33
EGGS for hatching from high-class Kel
lerstrass Crystal White Orpingtons My
birds won prizes In Spalding county show
$2 and $3 per fifteen eggs; can ship im
mediately. S. H. Wilson, Griffin, Ga
BLUE Andalusian and Kellerstrass White
Orpington eggs. $1.50 and $2.50 per fif
teen. Imperial Poultry Yards, Summer
ville. Ga 61
15. In lots of 100 or more. 3 cents each.
Mrs. T. R. Roberts, Route 1, Franklin.
Tenn 65
FOR SALE—-Eggs for
hatching from pure full
blooded standard breed
stock. B. P. Rocks. Rhode
Island Beds, Buff Orjiing
tons. Cornish Indian
Games: fifteen eggs for
$1.50; 100 for $6. Mam
moth Bronze turkey eggs,
120 cents each. AJI orders
shipped at once. Porieo
I Poultry Earm, Cortez. Fla.
EGGS from pure White Runner ducks,
Spencer strain; breeders direct from the
Pacific coast, fine type and excellent lay
ers of large white eggs, price, $5 for 12;
infertile eggs replaced free. L. H. Fer
guson, Taylors. S. C 4-26-36
E’JGS from fancy Single Comb Brown
Leghorns or White Plymouth Rocks. 15
for $1 . from Iridian Runner Ducks,
eleven for $1 L 1» King, Covington, Ga.
Miscellaneous Poultry.
FOR THE BEST White Orpington stock
baby chicks and eggs write Charley
| Dobbs, Gainesville. Ga,; 4,000 catalogs
ready to be mailed free Write for one. .
FOR IHE BEST S C. Rhode island Red *
stork. hab\ chicks and eggs, write '
Charley Dobbs, Gainesville, Ga.; 4.000'
catalogs ready to be mailed FREE
Write for one 3-27-31
WRITII for samples. Etheridge Printing
Company 18S Madison-ave., Atlanta.
Gal 2-16-21
l’(»R SALE SC U. I Red, S. C Brown
and White Foghorn and B P. Rock
! :it $1 50 per setting, all first-clans stock;
day »dd chicks a specialt.s ; sls per 100.
Miscellaneous Poultry.
BARRED ROCK EGGS from prize-win
ners; first pen cockerel bred. $10: sec
ond pen, $5; pullet bred pens, $5 and $3;
eggs from utility birds. $1 per 15. balance
of season. $6 per 100: S. C. White Leg
horns. $2; S. S. Hamburg, $1.50 per 15
M. H Collins. Fairburn, Ga.l-17-30
GOLD DUST strain S. C Buff Leghorns,
the finest exhibition and breeding stock,
at bargain prices. Eggs from special
matings, sl. $1.50. $2. $2.50 and $3 per
setting. Oak Hill Poultry Farm, Routs
8, Station R, Nashville, Tenn.; F. R. No
ble. proprietor. 3-13-37
FOR SALE Eggs, oay-old chicks,
choicest stock; Black, White. Buff Or
pingtons; Black I.angshans; Buff Orping
ton: Pekin. Runner ducks; small amount
of good stock cheap. Satisfaction guar
anteed. W. E. Lumley, Tullahoma, Tenn.
BILTMORE strain Barred Rocks and S.
C. White Leghorns; eggs for hatching,
fifteen for $1.50. BILTMORE Jersey
calves for sale. Address BILTMORE
Farms, BILTMORE. N. C. 1-27-76
EGGS—Day-old chicks and ducklings of
quality, from the five greatest egg
breeds known—Ringlet Barred Rocks, Sin
gle Comb White Leghorns. White Indian
Runner ducks. Buff Orpington ducks and
fawn and white Indian Runner ducks.
Our chicks and ducklings are hatched In
a mammoth hot water Incubator Two
thousand laying hens on this farm. Write
for catalogue and price list No. 30. Hunt’s
Poultry Farm. Valdosta. Ga 525
M R TURKEYS. Black Langshans; win
ners at Appalachian Exposition; R C.
White Wyandottes; Fishel strain; B P.
Rocks; E B. Thompson's Indian Runner
ducks; stock and eggs; Poland China
pigs Ona Waters. Walnut Grove Poul
try Yards, Lebanon. Tenn. 382
All Need Rust’s Havens
Climax Powder
It keeps your chickens well It Is the
only reliable cure for GAPES and CHOL
It is so different from other poultry
It you don’t like Rust's Havens Climax
Secretary Mifflin County Poultry Show,
Mr. J. A. ('arodlskey. says;
"After trying various 'tonics' and 'con
ditioners’ I find nothing to equal Rust's
Havens Climax Powders."
25c, 50c. SI.OO. $1.50 and $3.60.
16 W. Mitchell St.
We want a DEADER in each town.
Write for exclusive agency for your town.
Get Rust’s Poultry Bonk and Egg Rec
ord--Both mailed FREE. Address Wm.
Rust & Sons Co., Dept. G, New Bruns
wick, N. J. 5-4-1
Miscellaneous Poultry. Miscellaneous Poultry.
11. G. H AST INGS & CQ
Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street.
Four city deliveries daily; North and South side at 9
a. m., Inman Park and West End 2p. m. Bell phone
M. 2568, Atlanta 2568.
NO FLIES AROUND where Conkey’s Fly Knocker is
sprayed regular. It will settle the fly problem. Farm
ers, dairymen, stablemen and horseshoers find it too val
uable ever to be without it. Can be sprayed directly on
the animal, or can be applied with a. cloth. Sprayed on
your horse before going for a drive it will keep the flies
away and prevent the fretting so wearing to a nervous
animal. If used on your horse or cow during the summer
it will prevent lice and grub during the winter. There is
nothing better to rid your stables of flies. Price, 1 quart
can, 35c; 1-2 gallon, 60c; 1 gallon, SI.OO.
both good and either of them will give satisfaction; 1
quart can, 35 c; 1-2 gallon, 60c; 1 gallon, SI.OO.
with “Bug Death.” It is a non-poisonous preparation
and is sure death for potato bugs and other insects that
bother vegetation. Price, 1 pound box 15c, postpaid 35c;
3 pounds 35c; 5 pounds 50c; 12 1-2 pounds SI.OO.
HEAD LICE will keep the little chicks from growing off
fast. Get Conkey’s Head Lice Ointment and see the
difference; 10c and 25c.
TEEBIIiE ALlN<rc>u7 Tnd GALITcURE is just the
thing for barb-wire cuts, harness and saddle galls,
sores, cuts, swellings, burns, bruises, etc. Price 50c.
ELOWER POTS, fem pans, pot saucers and plant tubs.
CONKEY’S PI-NO is a disinfectant for home use, prop
erly called a Breath From the Fragrant Pines. An an
tiseptic, parasiticide, insecticide and germicide. Fine
for the bath and laundry; also fine for face wash after
shaving. Price, 7 oz. bottle. 25e; 1 pint. 50c.
EASY TO KEEP LICE out of nest boxes with either
Conkey’s or Lee’s Lice Powder. 25c and 50c.
HAND SPRAYERS for spraying liquid lice killers and
disinfectants, 50c and up.
ANI)REABBER(IER CAN A R IES. a beautifiiTlot~on
.hand, all guaranteed to sing or be exchanged. Price
$3.00 each. Cages $1.25 and up.
RUST’S HAVEN ROUP PILLS, for roup and pigeon
diseases; a box of 50 pills, 25c; box of 112 pills, 50c.
15c each, or two for 25c. •
CONKEY’S NOX-l-CIDE is what you need for disin
fecting brooders, poultry houses, garbage cans, etc.; is a*
fine tiling for making a dip for poultry. One pint will
make 100 pints of disinfectant. If used for mites it will
certainly rid the premises of these pests; 1 pint, 35c; 1
quart, 60c; 1-2 gallon, 90c: 1 gallon, $1.50.
EDIES are both good. Get either of them now-and
cure the little chicks. Price. 50c.
KNOX MEDIC Al ED NESI EGGS, 5c each, or 6 for 25c.
L.W ING I’ONIC, canker remedies, cholera remedies,
limber neck remedies, etc.
PHONE I s\ Ol R ORDERS. A remedy for all poultry
SATURDAY. MAY 25. 1912.
BERKSHIRES —Fine registered stock;
prices reasonable Morris Farm, Clarks
ton, Ga. 4-24-1
' BERKSHIRES: fine registered stock;
prices reasonable Morris Farm. Clarks
, ton. Ga. 4-24-1
FOR SALE Fine cow, with young calf
99 Mills street 5-24-34
FOR SALE—Female black-and-tan toy
terriers Perfect little beauties. H.
Roquemore. Mansfield. Ga. 50-21-5
! ONK collie bitch in whelp to ch. stud.
She is a Golden Sable with full whits
; [ markings For prices and particulars
, write Ivory Collie Kennels, Springfield.
1' T_£h£L . _ ‘ 94-4-5
‘ AT STI D—lmported Southport
- Aristotype and Dan O. Wood
; lawn. Absolutely the best collies
’ at stud in the South. Write for
i pedigree. W. M. Stephenson, 30
, Ashby St. 4-13-3
j BARGAINS in 30 breeds dogs and stock;
J catalog Catalpa Kennels. Shelbyville.
THOROUGHBRED fox terrier puppies,
just the thing for children. 273 Ashbv
; street 5-25-3?
t SOME very fine Berkshire and mixed pigs
for sale Inquire at Springer’s store.
> Howell Mill road, for the Perry place, or
- write S. A 8., care Georgian 5-25-1
Horses and Carriages.
For SALE—Harness of every description?
5 sets of extra nice second-hand car
, riage harness. Piedmont Hamess Com
; pany. 189 Marietta street 2-27-14
FOR SALE Horse and top grocery wagon
r cheap. (’all West 827.5-24-1
ONE second-hand rubber tire runabout
for sale cheap. Phone 5345. 5-25-21
£ FOR SALE 6R RENT-Good Wagon?
cheap. 231 West Mitchell street. Beil
' Ptmne 2743. 62-25-5
- WANTED—To buy for casn a Shetland
’ pony and buggy; must be gentle and a
bargain. P. O. Box 37. Vienna, Ga.
A HIGH-CLASS Kentucky thoroughbred
horse line stepper. A buggy animal
of the better class to sell at a sacrifice
Cleveland-Manning Piano Company. 80
North Pryor street6-Wk-88
A HIGH-BRED Kentucky stepper No
better horse In Atlanta Will sell or
. exchange for auto. Cleveland Manning
■ Plano Company. 80 North Pryor street.
1 5-25-58