Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 Elast Alabama Street
Atlanta, Ga.
Entered at Atlanta Postoffice as~second-
•jass matter.
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mail, postage prepaid, $5 no
Six months. mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.25
One month, mail, postage prepaid, .45
Subscriptions P- /able In Advance
Delivered by carrier, one yearss 20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2 60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month 41
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c.
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Bright girls, between sixteen
and twenty-two years of age: attrac
tive occupation; with excellent opportuni
ties for rapid advancement. Applicants
must have common school education and
be able to furnish satisfactory references
as to character. Apply in person at 25
Auburn averiue, Atlanta. 5-1-26
WANT FlD—Demonstrator for the Cali
fornia Perfume Company Apply Mrs.
Branch, 514 Peachtree. Ivy 1499-J.
WANTED —Manicurist to work extra
week or so. Kelly * Leslie, 10 East
Alabama street. 5-22-4:1
WANTED —A competent cook; n»im ~on
lot if desired. Apply Mrs. James L.
Floyd, 35 E. Fifteenth st. 5-23-2
WANTED- A position as stenographer 7 :
well educated. Address Miss I-'.. 35
West Peachtree st., or phone Ivv 1352-L
WANTED—Good cook; colored or Ger
man; unincumbered; room on lot or in
house. Good, permanent place to right
party. Write or phone W. 11. Powell.
Lawrenceville. Ga. 40-23-5
WANTED —First-class cook, with refem
erences. Must be settled woman and
live on lot. Apply 1233 Candler building.
WANTED—First-class white woman:
German preferred; to do cooking and
downstairs housework. Good wages and
good home. Apply 258 Myrtle street.
WANTED —At first-class nurse.
Good wages. Room on lot. 523 Spring
street. 5-23-4-1
WANTED-—Settled colored cook for small
family that wants a home and not
afraid of work; servants' free. Call
for Mr. Grossman, 96 Whitehall street
WANTED —White woman: good . <>ok tot
small family; good home ami wages to
right party. Mobile Market, Marietta.
Ga. 54 23-5
WANTED —First-class dry goods sales
lady; must be experienced: know enough
about dressmaking to plan dresses and
give number of yards required; commence
work at once. P. O. Box 227, Ashburn.
Ga. s_-24-Ll
WANTED -White lady housekeeper. ''.ill
Ivy 1843-L. Splendid home.
WA NTED-Cook: maid or boy, living
near 12 E. Kiniball.s-24-18
WANTED A first-class cook and house
girl; can occupy Servians' room. Apply
at 400 Oakland avenue after 6 p. m
- 17
WANTED—An experienced cook for
small family. Good pay. Apph Mrs
S. Metzger. 52 Washington terrace,
ner Pulliam; apartment 3. 5-25 12
WANTED—Woman to sew by day. \pply
Monday morning, 99 West Peachtree
street; apartment 12.5-25-14
WANTED—First-class cook, with refer
ences. Live, on lot. Half Say's work.
Good wages. 351. Ponce DeLeon. 52-25-5
WANTED—An experienced helper in
dressmaking. Apply 31% Whitehall
street., 5-25-19
WANTED- At once woman for general
housework. Must sleep in house. 175
Bass street. 6-25-20
WANTED —White woman of good char
acter as nurse and maid. Will pay good
wages and give good home. References
required. Address Mrs. J. L. G., Com
merce. Ga. 55-25 5
15 PER Su NDRE D~ "c ol let: ti:n g, copy in g
addresses. Particulars for stamp Sou
Information Bureau, Memphis, Tenn.
WANTED—LadIes to call and Invest gate
our system of teaching hairdressing
with the Herrmann permanent wave.
- Inanicurlng. facial massage, electrolysis or
chiropody; free clinic; export instructions;
demonstrations and examinations; tew
weeks completes. Call or write for illus
trated booklet. Moler College, 53 West
Mitchell st. 35-25-5
WANTED Housekeeper; prefer a widow
without children. Harp, Box 89. Kenne
saw, Ga.7B-25 5
WANTED Experienced house maid:
room anti board on the place Appl?
550 Peachtree street.6-25-4'l
WANTED Cook: for family of two. Ap
ply 115 Linwood avenue.9o-2:>-.>
WANTED—Several colored girls as cham
bermaids, nurses and housekeepers
Call at once. Feders Employment Ageni y.
253 254 Candler annex, 104 North Pryor
street. ;>-2a-11
WANTED —Two experienced waitresses;
experienced pantry lady. Acme Busi
ness Agency, 1018 Atlanta National. Bank
building. 1 55
Help Wanted —Male.
STOP at Hilburn hotel; heart of city;
10M- Walton st., if you want a clean,
quiet room; transient 50c; open all night.
YES. Professor - G. O. Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy' We
teach in one-half time of other colleges.
Course, tools and position in our shops
only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages. Atlanta Barber College, 10
Hast Mitchell street.s-11-17
YOU ARE WANTED for government p >
sition; SBO month; send postal for list
of positions open. Franklin Institute.
Dept .• 4f(-I\. Rochester. N Y • y
WANTED^~A~ few live men of
good address to present tin at
tractive newspaper premium offer
among Atlanta, homes. See Ilan
lon. at The Georgian office. •> 20-13
WANTED — Two good advertlsin g •I ’■ ■
itors; must be high-class men who < ; n
meet the best class of advertisers, ami
men who can earn SSO to s7sj>er work:
permanent and pleasant situation Lt :!.<;
right men. Apply by letter, giving full
particulars with references All -or
respondence will be treated as contideii
tial. Address C. C. S., care
WANTED—EIee tri <- a 1 conduit nun.
Write, stating experience ami pa\ • x
pected, to Stone & Webster Engineering
< Corporation, Col urn b i is, Ga. l '1
WANTED -Good boys, to
work in afternoons, all
sections of city. < all at
Georgian office. Ask for Mi 1 .
Lockhart. ->-22-14
WANTED--Two men capable of ddtiu
dairy and farm work. *V»Pjy E. U. Not :
wood, Decatur, Route 1. Beil phone
«Three cal 1 s ' ‘ll2
WANTED—Carpenters. Apply at
■J. H. Brown, 18 Trinity aye.
BOY to feed job presses ami run errands
Piedmont Printing Company. 12. (en
tral avenue.
WANTED— Experienced inside furniture
man. Answer in own handwriting and
state where employed last. Retail bur
niture, care Georgian...
WANTED- Barbers to know that we
carry full line fixtures and supplies in
Atlanta. Write for catalog. Matthews &
Lively, Dept- <-»♦ Atlanta -
FREE ILIJ ’STKATEI’') BOOK tells about
over 360.000 protected positions in I . >
service More than 4”.000 vacancies c\ vi \
year. There is a big chanw here lor you,
sure and generous pay. lifetime err. p! o’>-
merit. Easy to get. Just ask for booklet
<5412. No obligation. Earl.Hopklm-. ■
Ington. D. C. 4$
LOCAL REP ' ’ ''
No canvassing -r .wiling r. >y ■.
Good income assu’ 0.1. /V
Co-Operative Realtv (... . $ J4J -"/</.
Building. Wasl 'e' I ’ ' .i t ..
BIG MONEY mad- writing words or mu
sic to successful -»mgs Free nook et
with full particulars Dugdale .
652, Washington. D./L.
Help Wanted—Male.
"nnl/ J, ear riers. internal reve-
i. 4 tpnt an <r- custoni . bouse clerks, clerks in
'‘7 s a STi<‘ulture, treasury, army,
ion w2n. ler de l ,a rtnients at Washing
nr i? 1 ,y Sovernment; excellent sal
n,i la.v-offs;” short hours; annual
lib* 1 os ’ T V ,n w °uld be yours for
/’' Tlap 1a • ’ , OX3 miU a t ion S SOOTI.
education sufficient; thousands
.corning. “Puli’* un
‘ ,ir >- rite immediately for sample
im., i‘ and i&n?e illustrated book tell-
V > a P d giving full particulars
kun Institute, Dept. 52 P, Rochester,
immnr’J? r <)R 1 ARMY—Ablebodied
3 r » rntit ed betw een ages of 18 and
‘ 'L 1 ? i,f 1 n ßed.States, of good char-
< and temperate habits, who can
e mlp v id r and write the English lan
\ortoformation apply t-o Recruit
i h 411 Whitehall street; Atlanta,
L_2lL£herry street. Macon. Ga. 4-2-1
' \ t sl f or a D arttnen t house wanted;
i-’ \ C i. . 11 bad experience. Apply A.
‘ Peachtree street. 5-25-26
Students for summer can
id no sam Ples, two-minute talk,
riiZrJ' •?>AA ? v ara P tee - in your ter
r- ,rv 5-00 bond required. Georgia ter-
* Address Box 1381,
- . ... *2d -•>
A Men to learn the barber
- u 'I- 0- J' ew weeks completes. Another
* usn tor barbers this season/ Best trade
n existence today. Good money. Light,
< iean. inside work. Pall and Investigate
our method or write for catalogue. Moler
Barber College, 53 "West Mitchell street.
- 36-25-5 I
AN\ ONG, anywhere, can earn good in-I
come copying addresses. Particulars I
;‘ Rogers, Dept AS. Bos-
ton. Mass. 39-25-5
I W ILL START YOI’ earning $4 daily at
home in spare time silvering mirrors;
no capital; free instructive booklet, giv
ing plans of operation. G. F. Redmond,
I >ep J■ _ BS - Boston. Mass._ 46-25-5
\\ ANTED- \ settled. Steady man for
farm work; good wages. Call Phone
Decatur 469. 46-25-5'
WANTED Train porter for hotel. Call
<it 42M? Decatur 5t.79-25-5
START IN BUSINESS for yourself at
home; he independent; wonderfully suc
cessful mail order plan: your own boss*,
don’t worry about capital; experience un
necessary; free booklet telling how. Boyd
II Brown Co., Desk A ,64, Omaha, Niebr.
\\ ANTED Persons to earn good commis
sions getting members for nests and
auxiliar> nests. Order of Owls, South
Berni, ijnd. 85-25-5
WHY LONGER endure inside drudgery?
Be our representative doing outside,
healthful Work; own bnss; S2O daily profit
not unusual; experience unnecessary.
Davis Toilet Co., 908 Davis Bldg., Chi
cago. S 6-25-5
S2OO MONTHLY I will start you in busi
ness; experience absolutely unnecessary;
spare time at home, I furnish everything:
guarantee success; proofs and sworn
statements free. Voorhees, Desk 346.
< Nebr. 89-25-5
WANTED- Men and boys, white and col
ored, experienced as waiters, porters,
chefs, bartenders, cooks, dishwashers.
Cashiers and soda water dispensers. Can
always find good paying positions by call
ing at Feders Employment Agency. 253
254 Candler annex, 104 North Pryor street
WANTED - Good colored cook whose wife
is pastry cook; good dishwasher: col
ored farm h.'. ils for summer resort. 1018
Atlanta National Ranfr building. 5-25-54
WANTED Four men to work in neach
orchard. Pay sl. Phone A. S. Davis.
Mableton. Ga., or A. H. Neeson, 32
Alabama street 99-25-5
W ANTED A first-class cake baker im
mediately. Apply to D. Zakas, 251
Peachtree street. 5-25-50
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
it is"' to~the A
PANY. 56 BROAD ST. 5-25-30
Salesmen Wanted.
IM ’(0; Y' SALESMA N’’'TO ('AN-
HGN’IIST MEN tn sell nurnery stock:
experience unnecessary: salary or com
mission weekly Address Millburn Adver
tising Agency, Millburn. N. .1. 47-22-5
SALESMAN—An old reliable proprietary
medicine house desires a first-class
salesman; must have experience in spe
cialty line, best references and ability;
bond in small sum required: state ex
perience. references, etc. Box 18. Sta
tion G. New York city. 5-18-17
— A!’ABLE salesman to cover Georgia
with staple line; high commissions;
SIOO monthly advance and permanent po
sition to right man. Jess FL Smith Co., Mich. 37-25-5
ALUMINUM cooking set proposition for
experienced men; premium deals; sal
arv or commission. Aluminum Company.
106 Schiller Bldg.. Chicago. 111. 87-25-5
Agents Wanted.
ag-ents WANTED in every town In
Georgia to sell automobile’tire remov
er: does the work in one minute what
it will take two hours to do without this
tool For sale by A.. G. Inman, Midville.
Ga. 2-29-32
HE INDEPENDENT Start a mall order
business in your own home. We
toll von how. and furnish everything
needed wholesale. An honorable and
profitable business for a man or woman.
Particulars free. Many make $3,000 a
year. Murphy Mfg. Co., South Norwalk,
Conn. 5 -H-5
i’OJIPLETE BOOK now ready for ship
ment. We handle three books on the
ocean’s greatest disaster —one entitled
“Story of the Wreck of the Titanic,”
edited by Marshall Everett, retail price
t. lotlii SI.OO, half morocco $1 50: anoth
er entitled “The Sinking of the Ti
tanic” and “Great Sea Disasters,” edit
ed by Logan Marshall, retail price
icloth) SI.OO, half morocco $1.75; the
other entitled “Memorial Edition, Sink
ing of the Titanic,” edited by Jay Hen
ri Mowbray, retail price (cloth) SI.OO.
We allow odr agents 50 per cent com
mission on taeh of these books; so the
agents’ prices are one-half of the re
tail prices. We pay express charges on
cash orders amounting to sl-5 worth or
nwrq at agents’ prices. Credit given if
desired. Send us your orders; state
what author you want book written by
and we will'ship promptly. Agents
wanted in e\ ehy community. Outfit
sent free on receipt of 10 cents’for
postage. A single copy of book by
author of your < hofee. mailed to any ad
dress on receipt of retail price. Each
of the above books contains 350 pages,
over 500 illustrations, except memorial
edition by .lav Henry Mowbray, which
contains ' 28( pages. Phillips-Boyd
Publishing Company, Department No.
15. Atlant.-u Ga. 5-Q-47
I WANTEI 1 -Agents in every locality hav
ing 1 '>oo or more negro population to
add to their income by selling our guar
antee I hair remedy for growing and im
proving the hair of negroes; no fake;
Is tested and approved of by gov
ernment officials Agents clearing from $6
:to $lB weekly Half credit on each order.
Terms free. J G. McPherson, Dorches
ter. Va. 2-17-35
AGENTS - Big rrmnev to be made: sam
ple” free; a new leader: attractive sum
mer proposition Write for sample. Da
t Specialty Company. P. O. Box 870,
i-'itzgerald. Ga. 63-25-5
“03 PIECES JEWELRY. $5.95; sent e. o.
“ ,1 includes watch, razor, fountain pen.
os. neck chains, studs and novel
ties. Particulars free-. Carolina Bargain
House, Creedmoor, N. C. 38-25-5
Agents Wanted.
WANTED —Live tailoring agents for fall; I
400 styles of woolens: $lO to S3O whole
sale; fit and workmanship guaranteed; m
only those who take at least ten orders ]
per season for made-to-measure clothes I
need apply. My outfits are very elaborate I i
and shipped without expense to you; I
hustlers make big money and establish .
permanent business: exclusive territory, j
Write today. Harry' Sawyer. Merchant
Tailor, 224 South Market street, Chicago. .
AGENTS making $25 daily selling our new ;
improved hosiery direct from mil) at
one-half regular store prices; save mid- j
dieman’s profit: credit given; outfit free. -
New Improved Knitting Mills, Chicago '
MEN and women agents make from 6 to 1
12 dollars per day selling our self-heat
ing sad iron; every household wants one; ]
particulars free. Capitol Sales Co.. Dept. (
3, Springfield, 11180-25-5
CLEVER AGENTS, also crew managers 1
who know’ the game; four-piece alumi- !
num set only' $1.98: good. commission and '
cash bonus; factory now shipping 1,900
sets daily. Aluminum Products Company, t
LaGrange, 111. 81-25-5 <
Teachers Wanted.
ATTRACTIVE positions for state and in
terstate teachers. Write for registra- ,
tion blanks to Teachers’ Agency Com- ’
pany, 1012 Empire Building. Atlanta. Ga. (
TEACHERS WANTED for all class posi
tions. Free, registration June 1. Write <
I today for circulars. Register Teachers’
j Agency, Register. Ga.s-6-21 j
] SCHOOL TEACHERS—I have the ques
tions and Answers of the last seven state ]
school examinations in print. Will mail
them all for sl. Descriptive, circular free. ]
B. S. Holden, , Box Ellijay, Ga. 70-25-5
• ■ - I-
Schools Wanted.
WANTED -Summer and fall schools by I
college trained men and women teach- 1
ers. Write us your wants today. Ad- i
dress P. O. Box 116, Register, Ga.
-21-15 ■
Situations Wanted—Female. |
as governess June 1; have had five ,
years’ experience in kindergarten and '
primary work; will be willing to take en- ,
tire charge of children, and will furnish ’
any references desired. Teacher, Box 44, 1
Alto, Ga.2B-22-5
WANTED - Position as teacher or gov- 1
erness for sm mer months. ’ Willing to
travel. Have had four years experience ’
and hold first grade license. Can fur
nish excellent references. Address Miss
H. M., 126 High street, Macon. Ga. 5-22-33 .
A LADY, well educated, specially fitted to
care for motherless children and keep .
house for them, desire? that position at
once; also qualified to serve as private
teacher in a family; splendid references.
Miss M. L. Johnson, Flovilla. Ga. 5-23-22
WANTED—Position as cashier in hotel or i
restaurant; experienced; references.
Address Miss B. S., Box 10. care Georgian.
UNINCUMBERED, refined, settled lady
wants position as working housekeeper:
will assist private family in work; a good
home in the Country with Christian peo
ple near Atlanta. R., Box 37, eare Geor- ■
gian. 50-24-5
A GOOD washerwoman wants some
washing to do at home. Address Wash
erwoman. 89 Currier st.2B-25-5
WANTED By’ a middle-aged Northern
woman of refinement, place as house
keeper as companion: no incumbrance
Call Mrs. Garvey. M. 2-J. 26-25-5 >
SUMMER SCHOOL wanted; first grade
license; four years experience. M. 8..
care Georgian 5-25-9
EXPERIENCED nurse wants position
either In physician’s or dentist’s office.
Answer Nurse, Box 950, care Georgian.
254 Candler annex, supplies free of
charge hotels, cases, restaurants with
first-class white and colored help of all
kinds. Phones Ivy 1789, Atlanta 915.
LADY wants position in physician’s or
dentist’s office; best references. Mrs
B. A. W., care Georgian. 97-25-5
DRESSMAKING at reasonable prices at
226 Houston st. Atlanta 4181, 3-21-11
Situations Wanted—Male.
Rates Under This Classification: 24
words, 1 time 10c; 3 times 20c; 7 times 40c
POSITION WANTED by competent elec
trical engineer. Twelve years experience
with a variety of machinery. First-class
references. L. R. King, 1014 Meda street.
Mem ph is, Tenn. 58-18-5
CrVLORED CHAUFFEUR wants position ,
in private family; can give good refer
ences. Address Box 896, care Georgian.
27-20-5 ;
Yol’NG married man desires position as
drug clerk; eight years’ experience; not
registered; will furnish best references.
r. G, (’., 432 Central avenue, Atlanta. Ga. '
WANTED- Position by young man as
bookkeeper; employed at present, but
wishes to make a change. Can furnish
good references. G. E. G., care Geor- 1
gian. 38-22-5
BOY of 16, eight months’ experience, tie
sires position of any kind; can use
typewriter and can file. Address Position,
186 E. I'ine st.s-23-7
CAI’ABLK, energetic, hard working
young man open for employment as A-1
stenographer; all-round office man; able :
to manage office, handle correspondence.
M. J862-J. 32-24-5
WANTED At once, steady position by
all-round printer: position In city shop
preferred. Address J. B. Goffe, Reids
viilo. (4a. 5-24-12
WANTED Position by young man by
Juno 1, as bookkeeper, assistant book
keeper or general office work; several
years’ experience and best references.
Call West 1153.
EXPERIENCED salesman, general office
man. cashier, bookkeeper, bill clerk and
all-around business man, 33 years of age,
open for engagement. Box 882, care Geor
gian. 37-24-5
WANTED Position as bookkeeper, cash
ier or office assistant by young mar
ried man. Best references. W. K. S.,
102-A East Pine street. Ivy 2694-J.
WANTED Energetic ymflpg man. 19 years
of age. desires position as steno-book
keeper immediately. Address James, 109
Washington street. AtlanU 47-25-5
WANTED Position bj young man as
bookkeeper. Have had two years' ex
perience as bookkeeper and three years
as stenographer. Will commence on
small salary. N. D. H., care Georgian.
I WANT work in real estate office. Will
work at small salary to learn. Age 24.
Good references. Phone Iv\- 4799-J. Ad
dress .I B. 46 J'w_elfth s£r«-et.
YOUNG XIAN experienced in restaurant,
gas office, driving or night watching, i
wants position. Gilt-edge reference. At
lanta phone 4109. Address G., 37 Carne
gie way. 5-25-36
F Effl'ii 1S“l: M I ’l.‘ IY M ENT AGENCY. 253 -
254 Candler annex, 104 North Pryor
street, phone Ivy 1789, \t,lanta 915. sup
plies free of charge hotels, restaurants,
boarding apartments arid private houses
with all Kinds of first-class help. 5-25-45
Situations Wanted—Male and
WANTED -Situation by German family
; without children; man to raise chickens
’ ami vegetables. A. B, Box 6, care Geor
gian 72-25-5
Boarders Wanted.
i RATES, $7 to sl2 per week. References
exchanged. 2-28-5
WILL EXCHANGE room and board close
in on Capitol avenue for motorcycle or
, ladles’ diamond ring Small cash pay- |
‘ ment Box 739. care_G<?orgian 4 27-16 j
139 \V PEACHTREE Largo, cool rooms I
excellent meals: home comforts for re- I
lined guests in small private boarding
i house. Phone Ivy 5551. Table board.
> 5-18-49
Boarders Wanted.
DELIGHTFUL home for summer; all con
veniences. I'hone Ivy 6634. Mrs. C. S.
BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms and best
meals m city; cool house for summer.
17-E North ave., between the Peachtree*
WANTED- Boarders; lovely downstairs
front room, with private entrance; first
class board. In best section of West End.
438 Gordon street. Phone West 109-J.
/ 21 L 44
CAN ACCOMMODATE a few boarders;
nice cool rooms, close in. 85 Luckie
Ivy 3.-.0, 5-21-48
VERY BEST table board, 111 Washington
street. Main 5361-J.5-22-16
COUPLE or gentlemen can secure front
room and board at 24 West Baker. Ivy
1788.5-22 41
COOL front rooms for rent. First-class
table. Central location. $1.50 per day.
Private verandas. Plaza Hotel. 286
wTIL TAKE to board couple or two la
dles. Can give front room, attractively
furnished and good table. Inman Park.
Call Ivv 6388-L. References exchanged.
. 5-23-30
WANTED -Boarders. 188 South Forsyth
street; all conveniences.4B-23-5
THREE young men can secure home com
forts by applying at 52 Formwait street.:
8904 Atlanta. 6-23-56
GOOD BOARD. Ivy 5348-L. 20 West
Harris street.s-23-72
ROOMS with board. 16 and 20 East
Baker. Six o’clock dinner.
BOARDERS WANTED, $f per Jay; sub
urb of Smyrna. Address O. M. Ruff,
Route 2 ,_ Sinyrna, Ga. 52-23-5
NICELY furnished front room and board;
every convenience; vdry close in; pri
vate family. Phone Ivy 4339-J. 5-24 9
WELL furnished upstairs front room anti
table board; ten minutes’ walk to cen
ter of citv. 327 Whitehall st. Phone
Main 4812JL 5-22-48
BOARDERS wanted Sf 30 E. Cain; rates
A FEW MORE boarders can be accom
modated at 109 East Linden street, just,
off Peachtree. Just far enough out to
escape the disturbing noises, but not too
far from the business center. Good food,
well cooked Cleanliness and neatness
guaranteed. Bath room, phone. Rate.
$22.50 to S3O per month. 109 East Linden
street. 5-18-36
WANTED—Three more weekly boarders.
Also one monthly. Pleasant, homelike;
all conveniences. Apply at 223 East Fair.
Board Wanted.
BOARD wanted by two young men; pri
vate family preferred; state particulars.
W C. IL, care Georgian. 5-23-7
WANTED —By three business ladies,
room and board; prefer private family.
Address Box 195, care Georgian. 33-24-5
GENTLEMAN desires sleeping porch and
board. Call Main 2764-L. 56-25-5
ment; newly fitted; clean; rooms 50c up:
heart of city. 41% Peachtree. 2-20-61
Summer Resorts.
the" hoteu
Clarkesville, Ga.; improvements com
plete. Offer special June rates. $5.50;
children and nurses, $3.50 week. Regular
rates, $6 to SB. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Orme.
FINE SURF BATHING—I have several
delightful furnished cottages on beach
for rent; all conveniences. Mrs. O. L.
Merrifield, St. Simon Station, Ga. 27-25-5
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NEWLY furnished rooms, reasonable
prices; centrally located; baths free.
Broadway Hotel, 7% N. Broad -21-73
NICELY furnished rooms; close in; excel
lent neighborhood. 46 Williams, 5-18-5
NICE rooms, all conveniences, close in,
excellent neighborhood. 143 Spring st.
FOR RENT--Two furnished bed rooms.
Apply to 188 Windsor street. Phone
Main 2233.5-20-8
NICE, newly furnished rooms, also
light housekeeping apartments: close In;
private family. 151 Spring street. 5-20-1
FOR RENT—To one gentleman, nicely
furnished room on north side; small
family; no children; bath convenient.
Phone Ivy 472-L.5-20-20
NICELY furnished room; all conven-
iences. 61 E. Cain st.. Apartment 5.
Hell_ji_hone. Ivy 2116. J>- 20-43
WITHIN five minutes walk of Piedmont
hotel I have two cool and nicely fur
nished rooms for rent to refined people.
Reasonable rates. Apply apartment 4, 44
East Harris street. 5-21 -13
FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or unfur-
nished: good neighborhood; five min
utes' walk from Terminal Station; cars
every five minutes. Write or apply Mrs.
Sue F\ _Johnson,_ _WaH£er st.s-22-3
FOR RENT Two upstairs front rooms.
newly furnished, for a couple of gen
tlemen. Plfone Ivy 1502-L. 321 Courtland
street. 6-22 29
FOR RENT- One furnished room at 52
West Peachtree.lvy 5063-J.5-22 37
THREE Jo five rooms for light housekeep
ing in beautiful surroundings. 639
Peachtree. Phone Ivy 687-.L34-22-5
NEWLY furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; close in: all conveniences; north
Side. 188 Courtland. 5-23-6
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms connecting with bath; private en
trance: by the week or month. 345%
Peachtree st. 5-23-5
VERY desirable, nicely furnished front
room for rent; all conveniences; close in.
Phone Ivy .-.638, 5-23-8
NICE furnished rooms: $2 per week.
286% Whitehall, Apartment ('. 29-23-5
NICELY furnished rooms, complete for
housekeeping, close in. Ivy 3266-J. 70
West Baker. 5-23-12
ROOMS for rent with or without board.
261 Whitehall.s-23-14
FOR the summer, furnished, downstairs.
reception hall, bed room, dining room
and kitchen cheap. 408 Courtland street,
back of Peachtree inn. Phone Ivy 5469.
LARGE, cool front room; conveniences;
close in. 65 East Caln.33-23-5
FOR RENT - Two rooms, completely fur
nished for light housekeeping, also bed
rooms for gentlemen. Modern and close
In. 81 Brotherton street. 5-23 25
FOR RENT -Two connecting furnished
rooms for light housekeeping, in private
family. 236 South Forsyth, near White
hall. 5-23-32
TWO or three nicely furnished rooms
complete for housekeeping; absolutely
fresh and clean. Cheap to parties with
out children. Hot bath; Bell phone; best
location. 290 Washington. 5-23-43
NICELY furnished room with bath, well
screened and all modern conveniences;
breakfast and 6:30 dinner. Only those
looking for first-class accommodations
need apply. Northern home; four blocks
of the Piedmont hotel. 252 Ivy street.
-- 51
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front
bed rooms; all conveniences. Also light
housekeeping rooms. Ivy 1037 L. 5-23- 58
FOR RENT -one nicely furnished front
room; all conveniences. 203 Crew
ONE large furnished front room, in easj
walking distance of city. 37 Highland
a y ’.mi". 57 - 2 3 - 5
NICELY’ furnisher! rooms: close im Ff>
West Alexander street. 5-23-78
LARGE front room; meals across street.
Gentlemen only. Close in. Ivy 5863
-23 73
ROOMS and homelike board, close In;
two blocks of Peachtree, near car line
Ivy 6248-.1. __/ 2 LZI
FOR RENT - Nicely furnished front room:
close in 68 Currier street. Ivy 4607 J
, 5-23-77
| ONE ROOM left In Chesterfield, by the
i new Capita! City Club. Gentlemen onlv
I’OR RUNT Small hall room, neatly fur
nished; $6 per month. 59 East Ellis
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT one large furnished room In
private family; all conveniences: SB.
Apply 318 Luckie st.'
To GENTLEMEN, furnished room ad
joining bath in north side apartment.
Phone_lvy 512. ; 5-24-6 '
NICELY furnished bedroom with conven
iences. 94 Forrest avenue. Phone Ivy
2670-. T. 5-24-20 1
BYRON APARTMENT dining room open '
to those desiring best service only;
rooms near. Ivy 825-J. 47-24-5
NICELY furnished rooms, with or_ with
out board. 121 Capitol square.s-23-54
FOR 'ttENT - Three rooms, connecting,
nicely furnished for light housekeeping,
modern conveniences; with owner Grant
park section. 317 East Georgia avenue.
FOR rY:NT -One nicely furnished frpnt
room to gentleman. 103 West Peach-
Phone Ivy 2979-J.5-25-lh
TWO first floor light housekeeping rooms,
connecting bath. Atlanta phone 5853-E :
FOR RENT—Two ’'furnTshecT'roonis for
light housekeeping to refined couple
without children. Apply Owner, 282 Baw
son street.
NICELY furnished outside room; every
convenience; strictly private family; for
gentlemen; near in; north side. Phone
Ivy 4281. 73-25-o
NICELY furnished rooms with private
porch, also housekeeping suite. Xv.
I ’ ree. 44-4,5 -_5
BEAUTIFUL furnished front room for
one or two young men. Apply to 119
North Moreland avenue. 45-25-5
NICE BED ROOMS, also light housekeep;
ing rooms, opposite Lyric theater.
Carnegie way 5-25-3 <
FOFTr’ENT -Two nicely furnished front
rooms: modern; reasonable; north side;
close_i n. _4 9_W est Cain. 74-25-5
FOR RICNT—Two connecting furnished
rooms for housekeeping. Close in. 109
Walton street. Call Sunday or on< 2 ay
feR RENT—Earge front bedroom; cen
tral locality. Terms reasonable. 14<
THIfEE nU« rooms, furnished or unfurn
ished; single or for light housekeeping,
gas and water. Apply t l Williams street
or Bell phone Main 2597. 95-25-q
E7UHLr~large~cool rooms for young men.
115 X\ashington_street. 94-25-5
FOR-RENT--X’nicely'furnished room, de
lightfully located for summer. 170 N.
Jackson street. Phone Ivy 3504-J. 5-25-4<
FOR RENT- Nicely furnished room, ad
joining bath; gentlemen only. Call Ivy
4035. 5-25-57
n/.'.. ■'■■■■• .... 11 -’’-r-
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
room with sleeping porch. North side
preferred. Box 363, care Georgian. 53-23-5.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two large rooms; closets,
hall; conveniences; $12.50 per month.
237 Central avenge. 6-20-34
FOR RENT—Two nice, cool unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping, to refined
couple without children. Apply 205 Gor
don st., West End.s-23-4
TWO unfurnished connecting second floor
rooms at reasonable rates. Address S.
H. P., care Georgian. 6-23-1
NICE, liright rooms and apartments for
light housekeeping 21 Fortress avenue.
33-23 -5
THREE unfurnished upstairs rooms for
light housekeeping; every convenience.
154 Richardson street. Phone Main 4248-
For RENT—Unfurnished connec ting
rooms; bath and kitchenette. Conven
iences. 85 Crew street.s-23-55
FOR RENT Two or three beautiful un
furnished rooms for light housekeeping.
No children. All conveniences. North
side home, near In. Rent reasonable. 411
Piedmont avenue. Bell phone Ivy 5669.
6-23 59
CON NECtTncF rooms for housekeeping,
all conveniences; close in; excellent
neighborhood, ivy 6313. 95 Forrest Ave.
5- 11-J
THREE unfurnished rooms for ’ light
housekeeping to couple without chll
dren.63 E. Ellis st.s-24-2
FOR RENT -Four connecting rooms and
bath; conveniences. 253 Grant street.
Main 1253-J.5-24-36
FOR RENT -Entire upstairs; every con
venience for housekeeping 179 Oak
land. Main -24-35
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms;
water, hall, closets entirely separate. 87
East College avenue, Decatur. Ga. 48-25-5
THREE nice, airy rooms for light house
keping; private bath; hot and cold wa
ter. Near capitol. 141 East Hunter
FOR RENT —North side: three connect
ing first floor rooms, bath convenient;
hot and cold water, lights and phone,
to couple only. No children. No serv
ants. Phone Ivy 3352.5-25-28
Til REE nice, large unfurnished rooms
with two large halls at 59 West Peach
tree place R. O. Cochran, 19 South Broad
TWO or three large, nice rooms for rent
at 76 Martin street. Phone M. 5297-J.
; 5
FOR RENT Two upstairs front rooms,
with private bath. Instantaneous heat
er. steam heat, elegant location, in pri
vate home. Ivy 6164. 58-25-5
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Three dr four unfurnished
second floor rooms, just outside the city
limits; gas and water. Phone Ivy 3205-J.
L_23J ?
WANTED--Tw'o, three or four unfur
nished rooms for light housekeeping:
state particulars and when can occupy;
private family preferred. Address E. U.
care Georgian. 5-24-29
WAN’I’ED Three connecting rooms; close
in, by June 5. Address M. H. K . 233
Uentral ave. 5-25-3
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT- Four large furnished rooms
or unfurnished; close in on the corner
Crumley and Cooper streets. 205 ('ooper
street. 5-2 2-30
F( )R RENT Two or three furnished or
unfurnished airy rooms on north side;
suitable for light housekeeping: modern
conveniences. Address Principle, care
Ge o rgia n. 50; 2 3-5
ONE nice, <;oo1 upstairs room: furnish
ed or unfurnished; all conveniences; by
owner. 755 Highland ave. Phone Ivy
ONE OR TWO furnished or unfurnished
rooms; modern conveniences; use of
both phone and parlor 31 Ripley
street, between Piedmont avenue and
Bedford pl a c -25 -15
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; con
veniences, with board. .177 Woodward
avenue 93-25-5
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
I FOR RENT Nicely furnished north side
apartment with two porches. Phone
d 490 J Ivy 18-55
NIUELY furnished five-room apartment;
al! conveniences, to couple without chil
dren; north side. Phone Ivy 4394-J.
TXVO large, beautiful rooms, kitchenette
and bath; modern conveniences; nicely
furnished; north side. Phone Ivy 2478.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT —The new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bosco
bel, consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience, and renting for $32.60 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 161.3 Candler
' Hd m g 5-9-57
F< >R RENT Apartment of six rooms;
close in; bath, electric and gas lights.
Phone Main 5070.5-22-23
WE HAVE for rent several desirable
j apartments for summer months and
| longer at redm-ed rental Charles P
j Glover Realty Co., 2 1 /3 Walton street.
Furnished Houses For Rent.
EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE for summer: ex- 1
cellent neighborhood. 32 St. Charles
FOR RENT—Furnished house for sum- ]
mer in excellent neighborhood. Ivy
1316. 66-23-5 1
FOR RENT—Furnished house to refined !
couple, part of my residence near Ans- ,
ley Park, living room, dining room, kitch- ’
en, large porches, one bed room, $25: two !
bed rooms $35. Ivy 3284. 5-25-22 ;
RENT FOR SUMMER—Six-room. . furn- j
ished cottage in Decatur. 21 South Can
dler street; orchard, abundance of fruit, ■
garden, chickens, June, July. August.
Possession May 31. Kerosen cooking out
fit complete. I’hone Decatur 505. Call '
above address. 43-25-5
MY home of ten rooms, furnished: large,
cool and in splendid neighborhood; best
ear service; reasonable. 503 Washington
street. 5-25-49
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
lOH KENT. HOUSES—CaII, write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O
Cochran, 19 South Broad-at 4-1-11
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
FOR RENT No. 27 West Twelfth street,
seven rooms, hardwood floors, furnace
heat. See owner, 25 West Twelfth street.
Phone 2155 Ivy.s-18-29
FOR RENT—No. 62 Crew street, six
rooms anti garden. $25 a month J. H.
Estes, 514 Temple Court Bldg. Bell phone
Main 4256.5-23-69
7 Mills street cor. W. Peachtree
5 rooms $30.00
48 Rogers street, Kirkwood. 5
rooms $15.60 i
240 Ira street. 4 rooms • .$7.60
122 W. Alexander street, 6
rodhis $15.60
110 Jones avenue 5 rooms. SIB.OO
Hills Park, 5 roomssl4.oo
1613 Candler Building.
FOFt RENT - Eight-room two- s t ory
house; all conveniences; close In. 17
Pulliam. Apply 7 Pulliam. 5-25-16
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
TO RENT —Small three to five-room cot
tage. with shady yard, in suburbs: good
locality. Address with description and
price, A. N. D„ care Georgian. 35-23-5
Store and Cottage For Rent.
FOR RENT- New store room and five
room cottage with city water and sew
erage connection; good south side corner
Phone M, 1304.5-24-23
Offices For Rent.
FOR RENT—Part of nice office,
with use of phone, to accepta
ble party. Apply 308 Peters
Buildings. 5-24-30
Desk Space For Rent.
FOR RENT —To congenial party desk
space with use of both phones sls per
month. 1124-25 Candler Bldg. 5-25-23
Business Property For Rent.
FOR RENT —Business space, 98% White
hall street; fine location for pool par
lor. Price only SBS month. Will have
two years and four months lease. Ad
dress Box 92, care Georgian. 6-3-J9
Lost and Found.
LOST —On Georgia avenue car or be
tween Alabama and Hunter streets,
child’s gold bracelet, engraved Marguer
ite. Finder please return to Mrs. Ander
son, at Georgian office, and get reward.
LOST- Tuesday afternoon, small pearl
pendant with small diamond In center.
Finder return to 900 Austell building and
get reward.s-23-21'
LOST—32 degree Masonic charm, between
Ellis and Ivy street and West End
Reward for return to 400 Austell build
ing. 43-21-6
LOST At Alamo theater, Tuesday night,
two gold hatpins; one Is engraved with
letter C. Return to Alamo and receive
reward. 6-23-61
LOST—Solid gold, perfectly, plain tie
clasp, between Georgian office and Wal
ton Bldg. Return to this office and re
ceive reward. 5-25-2
FOUND —One bulldog wearing collar;
owner. Apply 404 Courtland si. 5-25-35
LOST- Gold brooch; diamond in center;
going from Elks club, Peachtree to
Edgewood. Liberal reward. 43 West
Twelfth street. 76-25-5
AT ABOUT 10 .o’clock Saturday I went
to the bank and cashed a check for SSO
for my employer, consisting of two S2O
and one $lO bills, and a few moments
later I missed the money I will gladly
share same with the finder, although 1
am office boy, working for small salary
and am heart-broken. Fred Allen, P. O.
Box 1096, Atlanta., 5 25-51
LOST—On Whitehall street Friday silver
purse marked "Z. E. A.” Reward if re
turned to 131 >East Tenth street. Phone
Ivy 897.5-25-48
LOST -Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity pin*
Liberal reward If returned to 302 Peach
tree street. 5-25-59
SERIOUS RESULTS come from truasea
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and It
will cost you no more to have him fit you,
and it means insurance 6-24-19
3 VTADUCT PLAGE, between Peachtree
and Broad 3-21-36
SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fly’
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
in the South Write or phone W. R Cal
laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436.
ACME LETTER CO., 417 Wesley Memo
rlal_Bldg. 5-6-33
STILL another big shipment of new wall
papers. Prices right. All work guar
anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar
nett & Gordon, 22 E. Mitchell st.; 30 sec
onds from Whitehall. 4-13-45
STENOGRAPHERS desiring to Increase
their speed in shorthand and typewrit
ing may do so by joining classes at. the
office of the Royal Typewriter Company.
46 N. Pryor street. Monday. Wednesday
and Friday from 10 to 11 a. m. Tuition
free. 5-16-41
CUCUMBER and peroxide cream, espe
cially used for sunburn; guaranteed one
of the best, skin foods on the market;
nothing like it for whitening the. skin.
For sale by Clayton & Zahn, 36% White
hall st.M. 1769 5-20-22
1 DON'T KEEP a dead clock in your home.
Get it running. Don't make your neigh
bors swear because yaur piano needs tun
ing. Get it tuned. Ramsey repairs
clocks and pianos. Just call Bell phone
West 712. Will call for
wiii-rE CROSS toilet*articlea.’tlierouge
gives a natural color. The cream is a
fine skin food, and the powder makes you
look beautiful. Woman's Exchange, 56%
P> aclitree street. Ivy 554 H. 5 22-46
CARPETS and RUGS clean as when new
Our process insures satisfaction.
l<“ Mrs. A. Lee Champe, 56 Howell Place I
Phone 428. West End. 3-21-62
LADIES—Ask your druggist for Chiches
ters Pills, the'Diamond brand: for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble; buy of your druggist. Take no other.
Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1
MADA M HOLDEIi, India's Greatest Mys
tic, reads past, present, future. Ad
vice on all subjects in life.,. Send birth
date and dime. Dept. 64, Box 835, Sagi
naw. Mich. 68-25-5
25c a line for ads under this head.
GENTLEMAhI wishes coft"espondence
with girl between ages of 20 and $0;
view of marriage; correspondence guar
anteed personal. Address United States,
P. (> Box 411, Atlanta. Ga4o-21-5
WEALTHY, retired gentleman, 60, would
marry. D., Box 35. League, Toledo.
Ohio. 33-25-5
SEND NAME, address, description, etc.,
for entry in our Marriage Directory
without charge. A. S. C. Club, Box 177,
East Point, Ga. 92-25-5
cl a i r vo y ant~"antT r/f/n/i/7/psy
camp in tent. 138 Whitehall street.
-29-1 '
138 Whitehall Street.
She will tell you if the one you love is
true or false: tell you whom or when you
will marry; in fact, she will tell you every
hope, fear or ambition better than you
can tell it yourself; advice on business,
speculation, investment, love, marriage,
divorce; reunite the separated and cause
speedy marriage with the one of your
choice; the secret of power and personal
influence; how to win in business, love,
health and all affairs: make no mistake
when seeking the advice of a clairvoyant
or palmist; it pays to consult the best;
as a seer of things hidden to man or
woman, Foneda has no equal; many pro
fess the gift of clairvoyancy, but few’, In
deed, are so gifted. One visit to a genuine
Gypsy scientist will repay you for many
disappointments. 5-25-8
DR EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mall.
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manu
facturing chemists. 14 South Broad-st„
Atlanta, Ga.2-17-1<
LADIES—SI,OOO reward; I positively rua£»
antee my great successful “Monthly”
remedy; safely relieves some of the long
est, most obstinate, abnormal cases Tn
three to five days; no harm, pain or in
terference with work; mall $1.50. Double
Strength $2. Dr F. G. Southington Rem
edy_Co.. Kansas Chy. M 0.4-2-34
LISTEN! I treat any disease for $1 a
week and furnish the medicine. John '
T. Patterson. M D., 445% Edgewood ave
nue. Atlanta phone 2757. 2-15-45
PILES instantly by the use of
Halley's Pile Cure. Guaranteed to give
Instant relief. If your druggist can't sup
ply you send money order for 50 cents to
E W. Halley. Washington, Ga.. and a full
sized jar will be sent vou bv return mall.
DON'T let your friends suffer; bring them
Drs. Holmes and Sewell,
at 7% W. Mitchell street, for rheuma
tism. dropsy, piles and cancer. Consul
tation free. Diseases of men a specialty.
_ . , .
DROPSY CURED. Relieves shortness of
breath ' in 36 to 48 hours. Reducsa
swelling in 15 to 20 days. Write for par
ticulars Collqm Dropsy Remedy Com
pany, 612 Austell building. Atlanta.
I 1 TJ / r r TT Isxtra cm/''
23% Whitehall St. 3-21-29
WANTED—We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer's Auction House, 25
South Pryor-st. Bell phone Main 1526;
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for
household goods, pianos and office fur
niture Cash advanced on consignments.
Centra! Auction Company. 12 East Mltch
efi-st_ Bell phone Main 2424. 8 36-3«
I BUY men's old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell st. 5-1-14
DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestalra, 168
Decatur street. 3-?-g
BEST CASH PRICES for furniture,
household goods and office furniture.
Pembroke Sales Co , 143 3. Pryor street.
Bell phone Main 187.4-5-25
I WANT to place an upright piano with
reliable family that will consider pur
chase later if satisfactory. Must move
same at once. Address P., Box 65, care
Georgian. 5-28-15
WANTED —A second-hand upright piano
of standard make; must be In good tune
and condition; state price, make, lowest
cash price and telephone number, C. L.
Boone. 403 Walton Bldg.
WANTED —One-horse wagon: second
hand; cheap for cash. Phone West 838.
WANTED (ine second-hand street sprin
kler. J. B. Bozemftn, Ashburn, Ga.
WANTED Refrigerator; 200 to 300
pounds capacity. Must be “Cheap. Call
Charles Kennedy, both phones. 5-25-13
tical newspaper man desires to lease
a county seat paper somewhere in south
ern Georgia, with the privilege of buying
it. Address P. O. Box 156, Alachna Fla.
WANTED- To keep piano for use. or buy
if cheap; no children. Phone Ivy 2360.
-25-39 '
WANTED Second-hand push cart, in
good condition. Call 297 Decatur.
For Exchange—Miscellaneous.
WANTED—To exchange two office fans;
D. C. current: for two A. C. current. 53
Courtland street. A.
LOST AND FOUND —First-class white
renting property, now bringing in an in
come of $1,500 per annum, to trade for
first-class stocks or bonds, or will give
this property for a central or seml-cen
tral piece of land in the city of Atlanta up
to $40,000 to $50,000. Will assume your
loan, giving you this property clear. Ad
dress “Equity,” Box 46, care Georgian.
69-25-5 •
The easy way to get help for house
work office, store, factory or anywhere
else Is to insert a small ad In the Help
Wanted columns of The Atlanta Geor
gian Just phone 8000 (either phono)
I '
and the Want Ad will do th® rest