Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 30, 1912, HOME, Page 2, Image 2
2 MON FIGHTS TO MDVE CAPITAL Declares That Atlanta Is No Longer a Georgia City in Best Sense of Word. Continued From Page One I g*?ing -o fight t*> rn«kr it ih* i capita “Athnia has rm us f«* - «mimi x- | Trtffn .it does n hi <a* tn a thr * mir. - I trjman speak Im dr«i • H *-<ui ’ rniptuot!sl\ ihrusm him * d*ir .*n*l in sults dm. ■p’om nov nn 1 ;<hi enlisted in tlm au«c *»f Ma* «»n Tim * ipm-d mir I g*. 1 here,” Pendleton Supposes That He Will Accept M V ON. GA M-> < - Ob«n<’l 1 ' It *’rndlet>>n (od«y «»• af=l<r<J fl.c .lire. t question. "Ah’ you coins to Baltimore a« th>- • bairman "f th' Georgia gat inn IP replied. "The natural prou.nption is, of > nurse that I " ill go'' ■Rut ate ton going < <>lonr>l ?” ”1 suppose I "ill. b’tt I don't Mi'.iv "hat "ill happen between no" ari'l then Ju-t say that I say tile natuial presumption is that I "ill accept tin honot bestowed on me. and furl lint than that I do not ear? to talk for pub litation W ell "hat about Watson.’ Rut he had nothing more to. at ’Twas a Famous Victoree T. E. Won Grtm-visage.l " 11 ball) smoothed its " rtnklrd fi mH The captains and the kiiic - have q. parted, including 'IP "rail-headed mu and abhouglt Thoma - !■’. Wats m <a rie- home fen of the spolG of battle. nt« like Marlhoiough’ at Blenheim, was a famous victote*’. m v*-rlhole-a ma y In In lalmet retrospect. It i« ■ t iden enough that Mr. Watson "a- B'' l ’. only such things in th" state Demo cratic contention yesterday as the • city politicians" dated nm tlf-ny. and that hr achieved -llttm if anything of genuine tiiumph There was nothing of sensational o | nerve-tucking int.'ic’t attaching ' convention rave the interest that Wai ( a.-in’ pn settee gave it. Its p o<-erdings minus Watson, "mi , hate been did 1 . A delegation >f ’pi .'•>n , n’’ttt *it ■ ti> would have been fi a mod -up to co to Baltimore, instructed tot I mil l w noil | for president, in a set ..f :csolutions| recking w ith tit' g'ot y of the St.. Spangl 'd Flannm and tin bb- —lnc of I t lie I'll terrified I-emoi racy. and so fort b i anti SO on and that would have been I all. Everybody would Itaye been happy, and tito wnt k would bay- been tho oughly ladyliM mil pleasant f mn E\ hlbit V to Exhibit Z. Watson the Fly tn the Ointment. Watson, the sag< o Thom'on. "a the disttttbing clement In the ruder wood program as tlm leaders would like to hav- seen it cart id out Watson io mandod tilings tn i loud toil, of vol.’. He the ii'lied io kick tp. lid off a lot of political buainc- . unless the "city politt. i ms" carn al I'o- i That was etnba rrassing. for the ' city politicians" dated not tho" Watson down -md they dared not ag'ee to his more extreme demands. So them with them selves 'ran a handsomely decorated an I beflnwered hlphiii- roller ov<-r Watson .rml sent him h->m-- a tn tot without 1 scalp dangling from his p, • He goes to Baltimore delegate at -1,1.- Rut In goes hound hand and font, obliged I-* be a good lilt!-’ h->y Operating the Roller It evident from tlm beginning that i-ail "as to let Watson 'lad Ins head Oil" " isbed and til. n Io pimn-d to ,|o itm icings -ha-, h»J ho. n agieed upon. -gardleM .M' W a sou did most of i.iiMug, and the 'city pobtii ans' did the ■> -' Thf de -’gat- ■ "• i e -xtir-m-'ly polite to th, Thomson nan. The owds in th. g. . ind on the door of ’lm Convention y m e they had no right to b- whaler m ami front which I'hai'it an lliitcli-'ns ti b -'very effort to -'a ■ ■lm oi - c a ■c i rage >’.i s ' Mi W,is. -i <' ■ on ven: mn. I exp < sse.. gratitm - M Hutclten :. ml Mi \ndcr.'Oi ■ 'h- ffoils -. I get him fa'' play bn' • "as -x. - . :ugly bitt.- tow ,i i ■ ■ m iurry led and h's ■-I him -" ■ He sa'd ic "as -u ■ they oao n- -a par k£d m’ ■ the mol ma irlmr- i fiurpo r, ami by one of Ins tmmirs in I scheduled . .H't'-lant- :’m flm-r Watson’s Resolutions. Ea i e P reding' M- W a son read a b-t- I. f - solution- -w --ing numerous -efo; ip- t-nld s a., visable in state ami national atfait- The' wen’. polite',, enough. ,a v muni —to the committer on resolutions Anu the committee las them yet, presum ably. -it b.asl. nobody eter I '-ai.i i'iy- "nARA TklflPNF* AT TK vaudette again fbidaF ■ ikjrw I» « Wdr B llmi Those who faded to gam admission today to see this won derful picture will surely gain admission Friday. Two other fine first run pictures. Singing, Music. Admission as usual, 5 cents PINION S FATHER SEES SPITE WORK BACK OF BIGAMY PROSECUTION Ljihf! l'i») mW. fathfi »>f <’larrn*n Pinion, ihr boy who married iwi« r and was ihv i>rcr<| one** within ’ w rnt > - f«»ur h*urs and (as-n? a higam? charge as a re «uh, appeared in superior court t*»da> anri i h certified c<»p\ of his son's di- . | vorce decree "If ilu I. ■x ~ insi- • *>ti pressing the ' ■ higam.' • -arg*- aga n«t nv >*»n 't will be 1 <i*>ne nut of spito t'laren'-e has sh’»w!T ' In his sr <ll*l marriag* tha’ hr had n<> | n’»i t:on *f doing wrong I «HI bank •hr Ik.i iix l,<-t <iit< h. aid tlie eldrr. I I ’inion Xssut,• r-'n was given tr>*'a> 'iiat l I ;Lomii s ’ ild press the b'gatn> *-harge ; ■ agamst Pinion tomorrow when Pinion is | arraigned I rfor< .lus’hp <; i»a r*l* w»i for preliminary hearing I Unug . of tm m wat **•>- ishrd ; f ining th n m \\ iim Wat-on UM'i* t <»ok to S.IX he thought of .1 d**!egai i»*n • <unj '•%.<-I ■ *»f Whitson ]' mllrton. F’fldr an i ' B'.niil* . hr v ;i« h'-Hoa. l J ami bubi* .;! into ’ ilopoe not b\ th< -1- -g t* «, how- I, \ »■> |;< i it.- h ft om tloid l n hr-ilow !O’ bu!h Mi Wa: «n, Thr\ w* i ; o<» j polite for that B* M*b t !»•■> km that gem Hina ni \ 'HU*' olh-i \OUldo\* ila ia l«oii b< foi he go! an \ - V- itei n In pa ti< u'a i Il is gene all> ap *d that tin- "< J \ politicians’ of lin I role i*a ood p‘i-ua si*»n g<*t ,-jwa' utth th*- siluaiion i, ( i>-.--tt• fair si< p. . ai things ••■•ri'id* e<J F’or ■* tinie. John M Slaton. * andi ■ i.'ite foi go\f n*i! ami fiknrl of both I’* dll and Wnison found hiin-‘if skating I'ound on p'r-tlx thin i* < Hi fi if n<| - \|r-a rd with aiai in in about n\p]\ fin*. ti*»n th* ' viewed ai a’ 1 , f**i some ’•! iiouis *n more. E\ * d Lilli' .lo* P.iowii was app*«!**l Io I** -a \ • 111 f *I a v Ami up nm sid* ni*l down the oih- Hr- da- finally v. a sa\ed afl*-i a fa ion ami thing un*|ii*‘stionablv ar* n • as um <nn foi iahi \ sir*! up in lh* Sla!«m . a Tip loda\ a Ih* y might hr \oil in i M I .’lde, m* M t Wai *m f \ prr - d bit t*inr - s or *x* ■ six» r- • gi**t afl»i the (onv'iHi'in hid a*ljoii,i' rd lin<’ and ih* \ had thought thing | lor a lini* both W*’|F a trifle Ivuil- ' *lei *<i and appar* ii 11' \\ ond*' r* d vital; all th*' ho\\ had h* rn about, an.'vax I Km as ( |,h\ fudrd into mglil rat h s' id Im would stand b\ lit* * ami go I to Kaltiinor* ih*i*' to he a happv as both might In the < ii * umstan* e« of hi i going Watson Compliments Pendleton. The talk in the hole' l*»l»l»f - ] , i:i : moi*' t*» the humorous ih I tight than otherwise last night and th tn*n ning I *' ■* S’"' > ami visihe imni* .< > hound agi r* d i | IH | j t u H pi , tr> ni)j ■ ,nd -"iiiising i ~f . ,„ lo mmn. o I the results ..f ih* steam k.l|. op* . I veir approx, d. in Un- main A IHI ll ’ ' drama li. and mt* •- i• .. | ' dr '" ''”’l' phi* * in tip. meeting *. ' u ’ , ‘ ,h '• 'Ht* i ih- . *.n\* nti m h ■ i a*iJoni m d Tl "' 'l' be.,,,. „ , , , , (|i , d H.j.,,!,,. ' " 1111 I’urpos.- ..f oi gHuiz iriou. arm d "' 'I" 'em of .1 UMliomrj , ommill. . ■ I man. I h-- m* *‘i ing took pla* e m Ihe *»).; I di »'f’'g *oom of tlm Aiamm, \x <> , ! ' 1 '• I"l*'d h\ f\ • \ delegat. m lln * it.-. I: "■' I' ' i'l* <1 "vei h 5 (-| :uk Hou .. !• U. ': Ihe of |||,. delegat* < Aft*r tcmpoiarv *n ganizat i*»n hud le’i ii effected. !h. delegates pr«»( e.’ded I*» the “I*-* I mn ol a • na i rma n Mi \\ a ison had nm id <ai |\ ip th* gnin' ilia! h* should, and \\*nild. ’ P ! h'. e 'oi know the rein- m\\ iiy ” His name was pla* r*| m nomination I h\ a frirml. Hu n ihe num*'- of < hilonel <’ R. I’r p | dl- ton, \\ i; |;, ;,|U I* y and <; R Hm* h ”11- -• i-o w *• adx ■m cd Mr Wats, hi aio-e. amid intipSM si tu* r. .md hegg* d i hat hi> name be "hlidiawn ami Hiai his iTI-nds \<»f I "t ' *t*.in-1 I ’* ndl*- ion. Pendleton Named Chairman. ll* In th* mstor of Georgia iouriu.'- i*m. and an old. t and bottei know n man ihai I. I hop* m\ I’rlemls wil’ join me in elcriitig < 'ohm*d I’.mdl. -m. ’ An I fh* n \\ 1 wa - \ *‘h*men! I \ rlierrol M* n ruslii'ii I*, him ami hug ged him. ami * «»ngi a : ulal*«d him np*m hls fin* attilmi* m this matter. Seeing Ih» trend •>! th t.g - all nam* < woe |iii kl\ withdrawn » \« e| t that *•' Pendleton, ami m \>a'- * <<ie*| • hair man of the Georgia d. !* gati-m to Ba ilmor* wuh a \\ hoop. The <.’H i 'n: > r.t hi 11 *'i <mm. i > b* 1 w ♦‘••ii \\ .>• mi ar . I’, lidh hm has |.*ng lie n tn .i •♦pt**- f.*( t m <h o, g i.> As i • . < ’ohm*.] l hmd if't i >ii - »• ■ • tin h m l»e*m i rompbG’* .1 ‘ hark Howell Ida* ed in ron ination as tis own u< < n ; h,p nano’ial I’*mo*!H :* om mit t*“- H • wa - • ■!”. i«d una ni m- . \ Hr-' t* rm »f H'lAi* - no’d-- for , 'pT \< a <. W’tli ill*' elerlion How- Ii io ihe f».x»“. mix ' <nmmi:i*’» tie u* ><t - • -n\“ti lion gjibeting >f *l*'b'gat es Hlj*nr'm>«i. ard th*- g- rat sh*»n x\ a< ad «>\ •• . I had been « funnx sir»w in larger : uart m-.-tlx pin* fat**- nme*i\ Sm-h |! ag< *l\ .*'- aitailr-d * pr.»l»abl\ will | i»*»: n* far reuching u its * H'.'. ts on ! Gro- g. mi t i*ma ’ poht i THUNDER BRINGS MAN OUT OF' STUPOR EROM SHOCK OF LIGHTNING I• X I I' >N G \ Max T ■ rr . ' i -<m ug ur- *>i. ’"’is f*r ?.*; h.’uis a ; . ’he ’ *'-u it of t susi ai m< i when tight ii c •’rm k ;> ' ’ •■• n*',n him XX* 11 Rii m?nt farmet lix ing a few | mi *\s smith of h* ’r. w.i> atoiised from the stupoi timing a sexerr rle*trlc;i! Nturm The Ih a\ \ iaps <>t thund* t‘ aroused him. i.. ii ii »—■ „ I, ~y I Hi: ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANTA'EWSiTHURSDAV. MAX' ,30. 1912. mows KLIMI Continued From Page One. | lire rhunge lim* f"r ■” h axhn less | * *ha a hi «> « • •nd'- Witti hr p . -sing of !IH J'HH h n-. ' ! *irix*a- began t*» '•how the < flc« i *»f ’th: iri'voib Mliaiii .md tine* mciurnts i followed in <iu ; * k su< * *Eh* In-i |w ;t M;*i -in* t: . in a M< I *.* iL- nd. I ho hold of a thrilling *s*ap’ H- hit tin- • itei wall of the track and skidded ; along on t"| of it. run jpg *|ow n * -I. graph pole l>* f*e* nis mar’un *p ped Gil Andeisoii. in a Stutz • * i r* • > tin on the ba* k sir* ’t h. ami his *at iijrned ( f.mplfi* ly *'v* r. putting • m •■»»!• of Ihe ' 3 *•. Hr ;• ml hi m* ■ia im ian hsraj'd without Injur' ,\ *\ • V • J Whalen turned ox* with hi • a * * ar. He '-u.-laim*i bruises, hm t* polled only slight I’ in in • d I tePalma w * Gill I miing il Ih* .'""lh mile his limo bring 11 which is 15 miniH*9 fasir; tuan to* time fm Ji'<» mil**' in hi.-l xrar'- ia* r Eight * ai«- noxx aie out of th* ra* t. leaving but sixte* n in < *n.ip* iit rm. Sprm ci W izaii. the X• \\ Yoi K mll honair* -pmismaii with a SL’.noh Mor . « *lri- was pm our of the ta*r in Ihr • igiiM -'*'*'Hid 'ap ft* br*>k<* a v.atri ■ * >ii m-.i i*»Ti and !•' radiation wont t** tip- had I. i- * , in hi* ,\l <r*i u*’t c-1 hi i * I ■ * ■< ent .mt of l Ih- ia* * Hi - - ngin* . r-vk - • d a * i x limb i ho id III’-, r. .1 lluili’ii \ylin was I'lci’li'il |ii’i'sii|<'iil of th<‘ ('it.v I" ■•<l<• rn ti • >l* of \X "nil'll s Clubs - LB. HITS PEOPLE “ASLEEP ON JOB" ■ <;ett Ysni rg. r \ .\i <\ '.o SiatKline on t!ie liisl-’in Gti Ix ' inirg battlefield ,'iilax. <*ol*'nvl I’<m»-**x • 1 • •iiiuh'd .* all !■• s'*lx*-, “vxithoul ran <•!• ■■ th* sr.ix f p«»lili* ;i.l pi «»bl*’in> Lu - ing flu- * (Hiniiy. Th* * \-piesidont ■l ined a bal'i at th*»s» " Im, failing to ' * aliz.e the 1 inporl;. ih of Ihe exist ing *ri-i-, maintain * pl.oid jndiffc!- "Higiu’-t :•!*'.*!<' \x a s the ke\n*»l« of !he <'olei'el'- 'p<• * h. \\ hi* Ii x\ a- delix - e'eii bet'.»re <ioo prisons assembled in : 1 • • me!* ”\ Tm ex -Fi - -id* nt « a im lieif as in*- uurst of th* brotherhood of Loe**m*»tix< Engin-e's and in a teal mad* tn rnldros to 'lie members hi \x I: : i io liimeial* <1 the principle of -.t| D.i l *|e.i ‘ W U IT' n S Si oile, • . ; >i nm e.• ■ - ia: i »dm •<1 the < .do - mi •» <he I’ i• oi . \x ho gax ♦ him a : ■■ i; - m >.;■ \\ 1 to. >u. In his i em-■: r\ addr» >- ■'.■ •• * |.* n .i r*»x\ ir.g on he * 'ix il \\ a r f* t t P meijie t*i adepi m th* siriigu :• of lodax . >h-t : \ ♦•• i. a- ihoti;-. i taking a '-hot a ; his p*>iitb ai mix er-a .i* > . ‘l'll \\ai < .ml*! on|\ h;ixe he* n fought I m. * p' .»>■ |« mdm*'d with ;* . a p.i* :*»i Hu- l iglH'»i idealism, ami xci ii could • nix ha x • I*, a ’••<.qln h\ a prop *• xv hi oh j•* •s- * d -* »u ml .■•. i mi* »i j > • i * ‘So in ■ ix il life a’ i iim moment the prime neits-iiies o' id's uitnm are ilia! oci (tco|t • -h.-*!| sh<»\\ o.h , iollx idealism in insisting -m the rule *>f m-'iice and ha: d-L* med p .*cli*.*; com mm -en-« in r* * *’gm/.mg :h.*i xx e m - j-*<iire material jrosperux mm tliat - far from then being inx n*’i* b-atv .m mg-»nism be'\\e*m in 11* • an.i m ’*’!.* p-• 'Spcri!' neitl'F' * •> 1“ ui'-m r full iex ciepirn m uni* sk- Hu- .. \ *»!■ r o j !»• »* h go s ha nd n ha mi W 'rat xx r- ■ oi’< : iit ’ •* .. ’’..l u ; President xx a the <’olonel • re mark ‘T'he trm ’ est *»f a *a n - \. a.. i *»f the i aspect m xx hich ho >houh* '•* Ls Id h\ his felloxxs is not the i >»'i’ion 'i xx hich he holds, but the xx a > ir. xx hich j In doe> his duty in ;ha p*»sition.” ■■ I ■MRS. C. J. HADEN HEADS ; FEDERATION OF CLUBS w'Cdr ) I Sr r ■> * * Mrs. F. L. Seely Resigns Be cause of Leaving City for the Summer. Mrs. Gh'arlec .1. Ilari- n auc elect* *; | president of the I'itx I ’edeiat mn cfj W om. n . <Tubs at th* semi-innual! meeting held yesterday al ilm Woman - club Mm H ad.’ll Slice, e* I - MI- E I, Seeix XX ho resigned be* alls' she xx ill be mit *»f the ci! x 1 Ins siimm* r Mr- Scdly's xx il hdi axx al \xa> ire-ived with*'! She ha*l mad. a forceful and inlei . <'*•<! ji*• -• id* nI. the reports dioxxiim great m tiviiy during her teim of otli- • . 15;... tally n<d exx * »rl h x in the work a* ■ .miplisln <1 iindei h< r regiim xx a- the < b ailing up camp <ign. I'll*’ clecimn of Mrs. Haden \\ a- re ceixe.l with unanimous- approval. Siu is one of the ai*»st able club xvmn* n *» f the •it \. a*! ix •• ami earm-st in hei work. an*l univeisaHx popular in club and social life Mm Ila <i* u ... held. * • fli • in I iie l Worn n - * mi' 'nd has seived as ■ laii . man ■•!' important commitm*”-, of ihai oi ga niz.i l ion and of the f*-*ieia lion. Sim has ably assisted Mi' ll.ul. n in hi< work as chairman of ilm <om-i mittec mi sanimimn "I im- \Uinmi < ‘hamber of « ’mnmei * *■. S- xumix -six 1 hd>s xxcit r* pi *s. nted : at th*- two s*’S'i.>ns of th** semi annua! : nu eting. xx hi* h wn- piesided oxei h.\ ; Mis. Sc* !x . T';.- ri-ports of work d*»li* bx the xarioii * bibs sh*»xv*al a won derful rang- *>f mi'iivm *n*l nm t sm *.\sful a-’, ix it \ ’Flu r.-pm I. of th* commiru'r on rm oluliom. xviii.-h w;*' a*l*»pt»*l. •' a < .* summing up *• I wha t the G -dm ■* * i.m ml u-k *>f th*- • ity government in u xx • of impi *»\ ;nc h \ gicirn ami .< ni mi \ ( ondirion- These Tsomtmii are ad I I dressed t*> t"• • itx coun- il. I'he -. ei"'' 1 '*f the elub.v . • • ce] • pii> women o' •!>.• cif\ *re doing Mode I *»f|im.* t mm* .heritable, ph ilanthi wf i* i* format ixe an*l other ! m*' f'T the w--. fa’-*- of the « hihlren. the old aml inti: i u the xx ay ward l"*x . and impi ■•’ •-.•! •u- I young xx omen. Ma\«n Winn imide an a di*s> at Hu pnornmg s* ssion w hich xx is opened bx j R* \ R S Mm-A ■ ihur. wi o deliver' d tl’.** inx ■*»< a I ion. \i tiie at'torimon -• s sion Rabbi l.»ax •*! Mai\ made a slun ' talk and tin- inx **< a: i*»n v a offer d L*' I i’lu•! Rapic; FOR PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION Take Horsford’s Phosphate Esnc- ialb rouoinnu-ii«l*-<l for pl. x •-■•.*! and m* nml * .xhaust ion. iiervousims-s aihi w• a k •,! i g f ■ J p * e Get That KODAK Today T' w !"■:•■ 0111*10" a aits you i K ' •'..* k. I' s. < mini-:'. Pi* ui’ V.rna i imrn in-' a ; *■ :m *»mpi. i* wit lunii a Ko* m c • m w v-’.-T p< •• K< -mm ami tin- I "Iding I ’ • > .-. n - ire sma J and p; n t h i!. The 1 i •; Ko.’a ks .i' ’• • naii.' in si -•■ ami spei ia | ff|uipments in so ii your *-xa* t i •■*|iiir*-- nunts. S' ■ I.«i 1 ■ • ■ ('. ieg "f l< <>■L* t. *?. "< .■•mm in and mok 1 ium>, ox • r. Wh* du expert .ping him- mg ami eul ■ ”ging .* nd calix full Jim *»f f *• sh a D.l '*'lll -11 pI ■ •■ '. A. K. Hawkes Co. KODAK DEP T I'i Whitehall 51. “On (hr Viaduct" • LAWYER S FINE PLEA FOR NEGRO CONVICT GANGS SOME AGLEE Attoi nc' Lr*» Suddeth appeared in police court t<>da\ to represent Homer Strick land. a negro Suddeth pm up a hard tight to frre his client, placing the prose cuting xsitnossfs on the grill, and vig*>r- • ■ ish arguing the *ase from start to msh WTien ho was through. Recorder Hi ■•'les showed his sympathy by sen*hng ;i f defendant !*• he st*»rkade for 30 <la> ■ without a fine and binding him over to ilt state •••ur’s m bond of 11.000 *»n the • larges of Nhootmg a* another and carry ing a • om eal* <1 pistol Attorno.x Suddeth gaspod. turned to l ourt <»ffi* er Georg* (‘mm it. an*l asked. "<’an I £••’.’ I’o \on suppose hell got inr, to*>. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PLANNED FOR CHILDREN Workers in the Mon and Religion For ward m**vcmon! will m» ei at the X*. M. • ’ \ building on Sutklay afternoon to <ugimizc iit *lail> vHcaiifjn Bible s« ho*»l ;•>»■ Ailania The varntimi Bible school is a move ment t*» Keep the churches open six days out of the week fluring the summer niorillis and prox i*le a place foi children to rcrcixe Bible instruction 'l’he school contemplates als«» thr organizati»»n among iiir children of baseball teams and gym nasium teams. ATLANTA YOUTH KILLED BY FALL FROM A TRAIN |<X(?N VILLE. TENN.. May 30. t’urtis .Inn*- -, ago*! oventoen. son of <’ L. loiics. i.f Xii;iiT’. died in Uio <it\ hospiial as th, result r s injuries sustained by fall ing tr'-Hi a Lriiisville and* Nashvillo fr. igi’i train Hear Armona. Ho was rn mule to Xtlanta “Pettier Wate” Baggage For your summer vacation. MATTING, CANE .m<l FIBER GRASS SUIT CASES. $1.00,52.50and $3.00 LIEBERMAN'S TRUNK STORE The House of Guaranteed Baggage 92 Whitehall ~r’--v’^n.n~r'- , TiKTiriiiiiNiiii»iiii BANKRUPT SALE I Saw tel I Millinery H With nil its stock, including Trimmed Huts. Braids. I'cnthers, Flowci’s. X’clvets. etc., ni <’onsidcrably less jt than cost. jl Bids will In- received on the bysiness. as a goinjr concern, including the patronage of th school, lo- ;b gpllmr with all stork, fixtures and good will. l-'nr full information and inspection, apply to I PHOEBE RAINWATER. Receiver I I 86 1-2 North Broad Street Goldsmith-Acton-Witherspooii Co. A TWO DAY RUG SALE H To close a dupli cate shipment of Axminsler lings raetory ad vises ns Io sell them at cost. So. lor two days only we offer our Ri Lfiilar *OO and $27.-’>o lAxminsler Rups ai $17.75. h’l’U’iilar s4..'•<• 36x72 Axminster Ku*s al $2.98 lii’L’iilar $3.0(1 J7x6O Axminster fines at $1.89. \ll iii’w ami attrae’Dr patterns. Oriental and Floral Hp- -iens. Sec Display in ovr windows. (io!dsniith=Actoii=Witherspooii Co. . ()2 Peachlree Lifetime Furniture 61 North Broad | I II II II! I! I l>* HUTCHENS SLATED TO SUCCEED MADDOX AS CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE There is an interesting and apparently well-founded rumor going the rouiuis in Atlanit I'jday to the effect that <l. R Hutchens, of Home, on.? of Georgia s big four to the national Democratic conven tion. and maraget of the Underwood cam paign in Georgia, is to he appointed judge of the Home circuit when Judge John W Maddox resigns to accept the position of president of the State Life Insur anee Company, of Home, to which he was ?lecied the other day. Mr Hutchens himself "ill not dis< n-s " c matter; but it is known that Governor Brown holds him in very; high esteem. : as a lawyer and a man. and his ap pointment would occasion no.surprise. Judge Maddox will go out soon, it is thought, and the governor will have rhr appointment of his sueccssnr until the next regular clccticn. If Mi. Hutchens should l>e appointed, i’ G thought he will accept without doubt Your Blood Xceds puiifyine and your whole \v-- tein renovating in the spring as pitn piop. boils, eruptions, dull lie "inches, dyspeptic troubles, loss of appetite ami that tiled feeling annually prove. I The most effective and successful i ijiodicim for the complete put’ifii ation of the blood and the complete renova tion "f the "hole system is Hood’s Sarsaparilla Ii "ill make you feel better, look bet ter. cat and sleep better. Get it today in usual liquid form r . iiocolated tablets called Sarsatab*.