Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 30, 1912, EXTRA, Page 11, Image 11
[ “Everything Retailed at Wholesale Prices ' SEWELL’S 113-115 Whitehall St. \Nt, are wholesalers and buy only in immense quantities, mostly in carload lots. Thursday and Friday Specials Regular 30c Cream Cheese, pound 13*4C Regular 50c quart bottle SS'So. 33'Ztc Regular 15c 3-lb. f* can Apples Regular 20c 3-lb. ! can Blackberries . . • V*C Regular 10c familv size "Libby's” ftlZa*. Ev. Milk O'/ifC Solid. Carload CAL. LEMONS Extra Specials 14C DO2L Fresh Dressed Poultry, in cluding a big lot of broilers and fryers, at lowest prices in Atlanta. SEWELL COMMISSION CL 113-115 Whitehall St. “We Undersell All Com petitors’ HAD TETTER FORTEN YEARS; TWO BOXES TETTERINE CURED Mr. Wren, of Chicago, writes us that he had suffered for ten years with tetter, many doctors in nearly every state In the I ninn having failed to cure him. A druggist recommended Tetterine tn him and he bought a box 11 gave him relief, and the second box effected a com plete cure Tetterine at all druggists or by mail for 50c from the Shuptrine Com pany. Savannah. Ga. Ask any business man and he will tell you The Georgian Want Ad columns reach more people and bring better results that, could not be obtained in any other medium in this seetinn. jg A New Sale en Nats At $5.00 z HATS, too, nearly every one of them---l\\ere being only a very <*■' few of the Spring hats left from our $5.00 sale of last week. 7 ‘ 7 his sale is different from anything We have offered you in that these hats have been specially prepared for this sale, having been macle up of all line materials, so far unused, composing the large supply necessary to our mdhnerv business. And this means elegant materials—ribbons, laces, feathers and all the Howers, as we do not carry over anything of I his nature any more than we carry over trimmed hats. The season is well on—you get them now at your own price—possibly much less than you expect, one price, $5.00. Every color is represented—pinks and blues, black and white. Our popular $5.00 Summer hat is also shown in full assortment. Many people have been pleased with the ever present opportunity to buy such a hat at Allen’s for the small sum of $5.00. We have these in great variety always after the middle of May. See about our special offerings for Thursday. Friday and Saturday. We are going to sell 200 hats worth from $ I 0.00 to $25.00 at e J. P. ALLEN & CO. 51-53 WHITEHALL STREET GREATEST MONSTER OF ALL CAPTURED After Suffering From Ravages of Horrible Parasite, Little Woman Weighing Ninety-six Pounds Expels a Tapeworm Ninety-seven Feet Long Mrs J. Lalley. living at No. 4 Ethel street, near High. this city, is now happy. F.our years ago this lady was in excellent health and weighed over 130 pounds. Later she became a weak, pale and discourag'd woman, and her weight was only 96 pounds. What was the ■ ause of the gieat loss W hen she w;if seen sh- said: I began to ha\* stomach trouble about four y*ars ago. I could hloa* and belch after--meab Keadach* and "*'.*= f equent-' j would nauseate at the sight of f < 5 lI||ESX WHITE 57//-.SA7/7///C El •' TS the most talkcd-of car of today. The Mon- ■ j tr 1 obloc Motor, with all manifolds eliminated, • / H would alone distinguish it as the most advanced If:?.. in design. This superlative Six, however, has ;. A | . the logical and convenient left-side drive with .3 | righthand control, together with the positive ■A |IA White electrical starting and lighting system, •' • $ fi ■ making it possible to reach the driving seat, A-A H- ■.;? start and light the car without stepping into / 1 B the roadway. These are advantages which are £ II W worthwhile. > j I.?- The White Company Er T H y Manufacturers of Gasoline Motor Cars, Trucks and Taxicabs. I Local Branch, 132 Peachtree St, J sometimes. Again I had a ravenous ap petite. often having to get up at mid night to eat. I’ains in my stomach and a soreness in the back and around m\ sides kept me in misery. J treated for indigestinn. but gm no relief. I kept getting weaker and thinner, until I had to stop most of my house work. I u>od many of th* 1 remedies. but was really wnrsr after them. Jh friends told rm I must have lung trouble. E«mi ppi -of thi** suffering redu<“d mv weight <»v» 3b pounds. I was discouraged and thought,- 1 hert cure for me. I THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS;THURSDAY. MAY 30. 1912. ‘•ailed at t’ouisey & Munn’s drug stop I explain' d my trouble and they icrom mended the use of Quaker Extract. 1 began using it, and aftc four days’ use felt a slight dizziness < onm ove< rm , after which I expelled this horrible parasite, which is ovei 97 feet long I hav» eaten the tlr-t rm al that I « an sav I enjoyed in four years. and foe| like F have a new stomAch 1 win alwa - praise ih- wonderful Quaker Extra't.' ThV- d r 'i th-dealing monster w'a? hrou«ht to the drug store The sevo d parasites biought we*.., j n many in- ■tam*-.-. largo, hut this worm expelled by Mrs LMley Is the inonstet of them all. and is now harmless, after having been the <-ntite cause of all her four < ai s of suffer ing. it is att rart tng jm.n attention and will be explained > ou suffer from any branch of stomach trouble. if you hav< kidney, bladder <" blood xou -mould « ail at once at i’ouhmu a Munn’s drug tor* :_'9 Marietta -f ee: ami obtain Quaker Ex’ act. ?; »•“ f ’ 8 fop t.'j.fui \\c prep,' « * .'• og r : on all - r-Pr> of $3.00 -u user Men’s $25 Suits ?' • ’T’HE test of value in the suit you buy 1 * s satisfaction it gives you in 4 W\V /4 v - Bt X Ie ’ f** wear you get V \ from it. In these $25 suits made for 3^l-Il rflU^ ÜBby 1/ I7 ¥ Rogers, Peet & Co., Nev; York In 1/ 1 and JT ■ Hart Schaffner & Marx, Chicago /j fVi II 17 you’ll find the best clothes made; nu \ 1 31 merous exclusive fabrics in styles that 1 I Ira! are supreme. Hand-tailored by most \ \ 1 fabk skilled workmen in the world. \ daSSr Blue Merges and unfinished Worsteds in grays, tans and I MbFw fancy mixtures. Models in the English, box and con- servative styles. Pretty hair-line stripes in the English Ucf model, with high-cut vest. Come in and let us show you A Hart Schaffner Ar Marx YOUR SPRING OXFORDS Try on a pair of these new model Shoes, and see how comfortable they fit you; how stylish they look on k your feet, and then after you’ve bought them, give them any kind of service you please; they’ll wear to / your satisfaction. Black or tan, all leathers. Shoe prices $4, $5, $6, $7. DANIEL BROS. CO. M. RICH & BROS. CO. M. RICH & BROS. CO. M. RICH & BROS. CO. U g The Clearance of Women’s Suits | » Comprises Our Entire Stock. None 5 Reserved 3 .n« Every wool suit in this big stock is included in the clear- JJ -J ance. Not one is excepted. You can select from the entire JJ pjj stock—black, white, colors or mixtures—all go at greatly reduced J prices. t SF Ba O *• 7CI For any suit in Q C For any suit for- S'- K* 1 merly $25 tO s3sf W XM °merly priced °up alß ° some that 2 to S2O. were $39.50. SB* Ba Pretty new Suits of Serge, of Cheviots, Whipcords or fancy Worst- JF ■J e<ls -all the styles now in vogue will be found in the collection. Severely na plain tailored Suits or fancy trimmed Suits —all with Coats silk lined and 5? | Skirts cut along the narrow lines now so fashionable. Jp» 5 Dresses That Were $19.75 • Choose from entire stock of serge dresses that were formerly priced at $19.75 —select the one like best—ami pay the sales- 11 person $9.75. They in pretty styles— ?>• serge dresses in black or colors—many are ZJIB trimmed, while some are plain. And you may choose from the entire lot at 5 Cotton Voile Dresses; Something New S; ,IB Perhaps you noticed the display in our window—pretty new summer dresses of cot- 3? ton voiles in nav} black and Copenhagen. Some are set off with large lace collars which <2 lend an attractive touch of style. Here arc the smartest of mid-summer dressesthere 'dj will be nothing more, fashionable. E Tomorrow $19.75 and $23.50. I pH. RICH & BROSCOI i I WWVWW EVERY VI/ANT AR HAS A MEANING GEORGIAN lIMHI ALL ITS OWN BOTH TELEPHONES 8000 11