Newspaper Page Text
The Georgian Us the Leading Want Ad Medium of the South
TH Carrying more Want Ads than any other Southern Newspaper. Bellow are the figures showing the number of Want Ads published
by al! the Atlanta Newspapers for the year The Georgian carried 189,411 Want Ads, Journal Constitution 92,009 Want Ads. jJL
This count is for six days to the week-=»for The Georgian prints no Sunday paper-—and seven days to the week for Ihe Journal and The
1% Constitution. 189,411 Want Ads are by far the most ever before printed by an Atlanta Newspaper in a.year. Both Phones 8000.
Publish-d by The Georgian Company.
20 Fas* Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga
Entered at Atlanta Postoffice a-s second
class matter
Subscript ions Payable In Advance
One year. mall, postage prepaid. $5 JJ
Six month* mall, postage prepaid. 2no
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. 1 2t>
One north. T’.nJ pnO.igc prppun. -4&
Subscriptions r table 1n Advance. ,
Delivered by ca-rier. one rear
Delivered by carrier. six months
Delivered by carrier, three months. . MO
Delivered by carrier, one month 4
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week - • lx£:_
Help Wanted—Female
WANTED First class dry sales
lad' must b* experienced, know rnouab
about dressmaking tn plan dresses and
jive number of cards requlrerk r '!"L n l e, l7
work at once P ° Box -2.. Ashburn
tTANTEh I Julies to rail and Ini estimate
our system of teaching hairdressing
with rhe Herrmann permanent wave,
manicuring, facial massage, electrolysis or
chiropody, free clinic, expert Instructions,
demonstrations and examinations. >* w
weeks completes Call or write for 111ns
.rated booklet Moler College, 52 West
jHieben st 35-25-5
- Experienced operators on
children s dresees Apply at once, 63
Paoatur street "-C
WAITED Cook; family of four, room
and bath References 17 East Flex
enth street *
WaJCt'EtV Younrf ladles to enter training
school for nurses: suitable, applicants of
some experience win be considered < all
on or address Superintendent Nurses.
Hospital for Nervous Pfseases, «9. < njf"-
kee avenue, Atlanta IL_£L_
First- Haag cook with recom
mendation Apply 610 N Jackaop at
0- 2 i Z L
WlN'thTi A first ria sis woman cook, no
other need apply 801 reach tree street
b - Z i - Z a
VAhh E1> _ Voung white woman to assist
with housework; good home and wages
Apply at is Orange street. 5 -SI 14
wA\"I l 1 !’! ‘ Good cook Apply 381 Wash
Inytnn st tJA-L?
WAXTFh A reliable colored girl as
nurse: must live on lot Mrs Bolles.
South Kirkwood T'eratiir 88? 4, 28-5
WANTICT>- Settled colored cook for small
family that wants a home and not
afraid of work; servants' house free Call
for Mr Grossman. 98 Whitehall s,ree . L
5- 28 4r>
A colored woman to cook for
family of five, one hour's ride of city:
gprwj servant s’ house. shady grove, fruits,
vegetables, fresh milk and butter, refer
ence» Apply In person. 35 Druid Circle.
Inman Park
WXN’fftf' T'emonstrator In West End.
Kirkwood and College Park, for the
California Perfume Company Apply Mrs.
Branch. 514 Peachtree. Ivy
WANTED—A good cook, willing tn go to
East l.ake for summer Apply H M
Aaha Company
S^' r Eft.AL experienced bonbon .tippers
wanted at once Apply at Nunnally sat
59 Ivy sts-29-11
Mfr Abt TED White girl. IS to 15 years old?
to help with house work In family of
four; a good home. Call Ivy 4284-.1.
WANTED'"Cook . maid or boy, living
near 12 East Kimball. 33 29 "
W'XNTED Experienced white woman to
take care young children while pi.rcnts
are »«»' for two weeks. 110 per week to
right parson For further Information ap
ply Box 938. care Georgian 29 29 5
tv A Scr ED ~A~ neat maid
Washington etreet_ 5-29 20
Wanted a good cook
188 Washington_streel ...
WANTED- -Stenographer Salary small
to begin Telephone 4815 Main. 43-29 5
VfrANTED~SeveraT colored girls as cham
bermaids. nurses and housekeepers
Call at once. Feders Employment Agency,
258 254 Candler annex, 104 North Pryor
•treeL 5 29 83
fctPfcRIENCEb demonstrator must be
young lady of good character and ap
pearance Acme Business kgency. 1018
Century BMg •' - !l 42
tfrA?STED A good nurse for ten months
old baby. Apply 410 Pulliam at. 5-29-44
Help Wanted—Male.
STOP at Hilburn hotel; bean of city;
WaJttm at . if you want a clean,
quiet room; transient 50c, open all night
ProTessor G O Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy). We
teach In nne-balf time of other colleges.
Course, tools and position in our shops
cmly SSO Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages. Atlanta Barber College, 10
East Mitchell street 6-11-17
YoT ARE WANTED for government po
sition, SB9 month; send postal for list
of positions open Franklin Institute,
Dept 49-P., Rochester, N Y 33-7 5
WANTED - A few live men of
Itood address to present an at
tractive newspaper premium offer
among Atlanta homes. See Han
k>n, at The Georgian office. 5-20 13
WANTED Two good advertising soli*-
Itors, must be high class men who can
meet the best class of advertisers, and
men who **an earn SSO to $76 per week,
permanent and pleasant situation for the
right men Apply bx letter, giving full
particular with references XU cor
respondence will he treated as confiden
tial Address C <’ S. care Georgian
WANTED Mep to learn the barber
trade Few weeks completes Xnothcr
rush tor barbers this season. Rest trade
In existence today Good nmne' bight
clean. Inside work Call and Investigate
our method or write for catalogue. Moler
Barber College, 53 West Mitchell street
tv ANTED Combination chauffeur, but
ler. careful, nea*. industrious Must
have satiafactorx references App’x at 677
West Peachtree corner Thirteenth
FREE M XSSAGE. hair cuts, shaves.
shampoos All barber work free Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell 7 V
a well digger at once f’b-’tie
Ivx 212 in E Fourteenth street
The FF experienced form carpenters h »
■ once, will allow railroad fare both wa\s
and pa> 35 cents pet hour. Telegraph
Charles P Gaboury. Cedartown. Gs
WANTED A thoroughly competent au
ditor and credit man, one familial with
office work and passing on credits for re
tail store an opportunity for prop* i
part' Address in h <n* wricng of appli
cant with references and salarv expected
P O Box 172*
ICT» hotel < lerk for
small hotel, small salary, would not
employ a man who drinks whisk' <<r pla's
cards Send reference Address Box 4 45.
New nan. Ga 5'7-2> 5
EDITOR-PRINTER, who has bad ex re
Kence in running enut ’t ' week>> new
papers is sober ’d»nhi» and hustle’
state experience
what salar' • ■ r>«» in fir.-’
in immediate nte< *: you 1’ W
«use, Springfield, ua 4Q-29-£
Help Wanted—Male.
stand driving and keeping up Chalmers
car Nnnc but fair).' competent and <are
ful man reed apph Cali after 6<> < I<h k.
B2L! I ,honr 237 p: ' Tv ’ R<dnt r>-29 23
\\ X NTEI» Men .<n<i hoys, whit* and '<>l
ored. experienced as waiters, porlera,
ccefs. bartendet:-, conks. <iisli wa«h»-rs,
cashier - and soda water d’■-•porters. < an
always Dn«l g*-»d paying positions b\ call
ng at Orders Kinplti) m«-nt Xgcnov 253
: 2'*l CaDdier Annex. 104 North I’rym s*
I W ANTED Cylinder press feeders at
once Dittler Bros, 216-218 East Ilan
ter street 5-29-37
FIRST class laundryman, capable of
taking charge. first-Hass hotel baker
and pastry conk At me Business Agency,
JOIR Centurj Bldg 5-29 41
WANTED White office boy; intelligent
and competent to answer phone k<»9
Fourth National Bank Bldg 49 2? 5
COLORED chef cook with wife as pastry
cook, colored head waiter; A l colored
laundryman. two scrubbers 1018 Cen
tury Bldg 5-29-43
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
WANTED A good cook: man nr woman.
A Pply 302 Pom e De 1 >enn 5 29-10
WANTED First-class steno-bookkeeper
must state age and salary expected to
begin. Box 62, < are Georgian 45-29-5
Public Stenographer.
public stenographer at New Kimball
hotel, will he glad to see her former
friends and patrons at 901 Empire build
ing Stenographic work solicited Main
2059 5-29-35
Salesmen Wanted.
HONEBT MEN to sell nursery stock,
experience unnecessary; salary or com
mission weekly \ddress Millburn Adver
tlalng Agency, Mlllburn, N J 47 22 5
WANTED Salesman to introduce new
high grade Kej West cigar Box 7.3.
Key West, Ila 28
good stock sales
men, capable of
earning 25 tn 50
dollars per day. Ap
ply in person at 165
Peachtree street.
26 James Street. Third b’loor.
WANTED Two or 3 good auto
mobile mechanics. Call in per
son. No students. See Mr. Al
mond. 5-29-13
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED In every town in
Georgia to soil automobile tire remov
er. does the work in one minute what
if will take two hours to do without thia
too). For sale by A. G. Inman. Midville.
Ga 2-29 32
BE INDEPENDENT Start a mail order
busincMH in your own home We
tell you how. and furnish everything
needed wholesale An honorable and
profitable business for a man or woman
Particulars free. Many make $3,000 a
year Murphy Mfg Co , South Norwalk.
Conn. 5-11-5
COMPLETE BOOWnou ready for ship
ment. We handle three bonks on the
ocean's greatest disaster one entitled
"Btory of the Wreck of the Titanic.’’
edited by Marshall Everett, retail price
(cloth) SI.OO, half morocco $1 50; anoth
er entitled “The Sinking of the Ti
tanic” and “Great Sea Disasters,” edit
ed by Logan Marshall. rctai' price
(clnth) SI.OO. half morocco $1.75; the
other entitled “Memorial Edition, Sink
ing of the Titanic.” edited by Jay Hen
ry .Mowbray, retail price (cloth) SI.OO.
We allow our agents 50 per « ent com
mission on each of these books, so the
agents’ prices arc one-half of the re
tail pricojw. We pay express charges on
rash orders amounting *o sls worth or
more at agents’ prices. Credit given If
desired. Send us your orders, state
what author >on want book written by
and we will ship promptly. Agents
wanted in every community. Outfit
sent free on receipt of 10 cents for
postage. A single copy of honk by I
author nf your choice mailed to any ad |
dress on receipt of retail price. Each
of the above books contains 350 pages,
over 500 lllust ra tlnns, except memorial
edition by Jay Henry Mnwhrav which
contains 287 nag. s Phillips-Boyd
Publishing Company, Department No.
l’>. Atlanta. Ga. 5-9-47
;\\ ANTED In. ever) to\vn and country, an
agent for the best selling proposition on
market today, either sex Write to The
Burchard Co.. 1 \ngier axe. Atlanta. Ga.
5-27 8
Teachers Wanted.
ATTRACTIVE positions for state and In
terstate teachers Write for registra
tion blanks to Teachers’ Agency Com
pany, 1012 Empire Building. Atlanta. Ga
3 9 103
Situations Wanted—Female.
, FIRST TjRAPF TEXCHFR wants "place
as governess June 1 have had fixe
years' experience in kindergarten and
, primary xv<»: k will be w filing to take en
tire charge nf children, and will furnish
anx ref’cr- . » . desired Teacher. Bex 44.
Mt Ga2B-2 2 - 5
EXPERIENCED nurse wants position
I either 'ti physician's or dentist's office
Answer Nurse. Box 950. care Georgian
41 25 5
i I - - - -
WAN TEI’ Position as assistant teacher
; i in graded school or country school bx
a young ladx of four years experience
‘Lan fuin'sn good references \ddress S
L S . R F. D No Devereux Ga
7. *> 7- 5
ORTH \N Young iadx .c»enn assistant
bookkeeper’ 4p sires position at once out
’ of ritx urt ferrod \nswer Anxious, care
Georg 14-27 *5
u \ \ ■ • refined 'hristian
lady as sick nurse »'an give best of
referee es Mrs M .1 C. Wellington
46 27 6
NCED > ten«>grapher
wishes position in l-'ourtb National
s I'ank budding Prefer dictaphone Ad
• - >d ■ |4
, , F<‘SITK‘N bx a neat colored girl as maid
; • ->r nurse at once Atlanta phone 5221
i 29 Jg 5
1 \ ' x ’ red girl wAnts a position as
nurse or maid an furnish refe»-ence
Xf’drr.KS 176 Fraser st
I\\ EL! EDI t XTFt., exnf’-tc’. *d t-ar’
■' ,-r U i s ; f - portion ip
i ” ’th x ieu ’ ■ hux ing • t , « n ,
I ■ ■ edential* M; « Sm- ’ >i i.< > n.-'i-m
t s? \\ , JtoanpKc. U-27-fi
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANT FT’ Sex era Ig< «»d cooks and maids
Com** at nn< e Fedors Employment
Agency. 253-254 Candler Annex 101 North
Pryor street 5-29-31
254 Candler annex, supplies fte*» of
charge hotels. »afcs. restaurants with
first . 'ass xxhite and « ’»lor*«i help of all
kinds Phones Iw 1789. Atlanta M 5
DRESSMAKING at reasonable prices at
22'» Houston st Atlanta 41X1 3 21 11
WILL sew at vour hum*-, $1 25 a dav 65
Ontral place. 5-27-16
Situations Wanted—Male.
Rates Under This Classification: 24
1 words, 1 time 10c. 3 times 20c; 7 times 40c
I Y<>l'NG married man desire®, posiflon as
drug < lerk. eight years’ experience; not
{registered, will furnish best references.
I’ G C , 432 Centra! avenue. Atlanta. Ga
i WANTED Pos tfon bj young man as
bookkeeper; employed ai present, but
wishes to make a change fan furnish
good references G F) G, care Geor
gian .38-22-5
WANTED I‘osifinn by young man as
bookkeeper Have had two yen; s' ex
perience as bookkeeper and three years
as atenographer. Will rommeru e on
small salary N f> H , care < ieorgtan
GOOD MEAT CVTTER and salesman,
able »o handle >our market profitably.
Northern man can speak German, wants
position. Address S. 250 Ivx- street
FTRs’i ’ L\ss meat cutter, grocer’s
clerk, collector or painter wants posi
Hon Can furnish best of references Call
Atlanta phones 5634 A or 130;, and call
fur Amassa 47-27-5
YOT’NG MAN. now attending college, de
sires position in office hx June 5; am
experienced, have gilt edge references
!I.AL Rox 7fi * bxford. Ga. 4 8 27-5
WANTED a. position by mechanic; foul
years’ experience as chauffeur (white).
Address 124 \b Donough Road 25-28 5
Fol K -G m\n wants job as Pullman por
ter at once Apply 268 West Fair st
YOf’NG MAN. college graduate, desires
position by June 1. experience*! stenog
ranher. looking for advancement and
willing to apply himself Address Busl
iei Ma n Box care J Georgian 5-28 3
a GOOD tariff make up man wishes po
sition nut of city; good habits If you
want a good, reliable man. write to R V
I' ll ' 2. <aie '.e.Tgian, 5-28-4
A (;<)?>!’ job printer wishes a position in
or nut nf city, good habits; must have
position at once Address R M . Box 1.
rare Georgian. 36-28-5
YTmNNG MA N of t went x, high sob on] ed
ijcatlon, desires position as grocer's
clerk One year’s experience M Page,
Chamblee. <;«. r,j 28-5
WANTED A position at garden and
housework by experienced colored man;
can give references Robert Wright, rear
153 Highland five’ • 26-29-5
w anted \ position b> young man as
cashier or clerk in hotel Frulers Ism
ployment Agency. 253-254 Candler Annex
Bldg, IM N.«r’h Pryor street 5 29 30
EF.I'ERS I .Ml'l < >Y.MENT A<iEN< A . 253“
254 Candler annex. 101 North Pryor
street, phone Ivy 1789 Atlanta 915, sup
f»lies free of charge hotels, restaurants,
•oarding apartments and private houses
w 11 h all kimlF *»f first-class help. 5-29-32
Vol'NG MAN now employed, desires po
sition In office active and accurate in
figures and not afraid of work Rrf.?.
ences Address Industrious, care Geor
gian 47-29-5
Situations Wanted- Male and
GERMAN florist and truck gardener,
married, one child 12 years old. desires
position as gardener; wife is willing
houseworker Box 32. care Georgian
Boarders Wanted.
RATES, $7 to sl2 per week. References
e x changed. 2 28 5
DELIGH 1 i l'l. home for summer all con
veniences. Phone Ivy 6634. Mrs. C’ S.
Mcßae. 5-14-42
WANTED Boarders; lovely downstairs
front room, with private entrance; first
class board. In best section of West End.
438 Gordon street Phone West 109-J
(■ni'Pl.i: or gentlemen can secun front
room and board at 24 West Raker. Ivy
1788 5-22 11
COOL front rooms for rent First class
table Central location. $1 50 per day.
Private verandas Plaza Hotel. 286
Peat J 54-22-5
will TAKE to board couple or two la
dles <’an give front room, attractively
furnished and good table Tntnan Park,
(’all Ivy 6388-1. References exchanged.
-23 30
GOOD HOARD. Ivy 5348-L. 20 West
1 Li i ns str o. t 5-23 72
WELL furnished upstairs front room and
table board; ten minutes' walk tn cen
ter of citx 327 Whitehall st. Phone
'.Dm 4M2 I 5-22-48
B<»\ i:I ’i j :s wanted at ’’ Cain rates
reasonable 5-24-24
LARGE front room ( four windows). also
single room, good board in quiet home.
26 East Cain street. Special rate for ta
ble boa i d 5 27 88
ONE voting ladx and two young men: can
get room and board in private family
22. ‘’• r T ra’ ax enue 5 37-41
Gt u»D BOARD, pleasant rooms 113-115
S Prx or \tlanta ptmnc 491 n
NICELY furnDhed room, with or with
out board, at 25 West Raker Ixx 50* J
5-28 23
WANTED Boarders private home: con
veniences. reasonable, reference- ex
(’bangc.l Main 5623 ,f 241 Whitehall
street 5 28
I KRGE pleasant rooms good table
board, close in. 318 Whitehall st. 4015
Atlanta 59-2 S-5
GENTI EMAN roommate wanted; two
beds exervthing neat 276 Whitehall st
5 28-32
| »oi room for young men I ike
wood Hc’gLts 5657 F 5-29-10
ROOM and board, also table board. >'■ 50
two ”i a room. $5 throe 'n a room r«r
week .i Ast Harris Phone Ivy EG L
5 29-12
TW< ‘ • ung n>en for delightful room with
all (onxenfences also a few table
boarders for best home board 183 Spring
street. '■PL 2 28-29 5,
LoVELy meals and cool moms: all con
veniences 19 Fast Cain 31-29-5
ment newly fitted, clean rooms 50c up:
heart of city <ll4 Peachtree 2-20-67
Summer Resorts.
THI 'DEA! Pi XCF <nr '<mr vacation.
< freeing, healthful excellent!
I : ”■••• «!:<’• n arrange with the HerHng |
I'. i| >»a'L'n ’.
1 t Kates (2 per aaj.
f The Last Week
Un the Months
So be sure and insert
your For Rent Ads in
The Georgian at once
—Mnrp people move the first of the month.
-—More people read The Georgian For Kent
—Moro places for rent are offered in The
—That’s why you ran rent so quickly, for
The Georgian is the leading For Rent me
dium. The number of For Rent Ads in
The Georgian speak for themselves.
No matter whether it is a room, apartment,
house, farm, or what, an Ad in Tim Georgian Want
Ad pages will quickly get you an occupant. Try it
and see.
Georgian Want Ads cost only ONE CENT a
word each insertion.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NEWLY furnished rooms; reasonable
prices; centrally located; baths free
Broadway Hotel. 7u N. Broad st. 3-21-73
NICE, newly furnished rooms, also
light housekeeping apartments; Hose in;
private family. 151 spring street '> - n 1
NICELY furnished room ail conven
iences. 61 E Gain st.. Apartment 5
Hell phone ivy 2116.
FOR RENT Room?L Furnished or unfur
nished; good neighborhood; five min
utes' walk from Terminal Station; cars
every minutes Write or apply Mrs.
Suo F Johnson, 76 Walker st 5 22-J
FOR RENT <'no furnished room a'
West Peachtree Ivy 5063-J. 5-22 37
FOR RENT Two TTpstairs front rooms,
newly furnished, for a couple of gen
tlemen. Phone Ivy 1502-L. 321 Courtland
street. 5-22 29
THREE to five rooms for light housekeep
i Ing in beautiful surroundings. 639
I’eachtree. Phone Ivy 687-J.34-22-5
R« »OMS for r ent with or without board
261 Whitehall.s-23-14
Nh’ELY furnished room with bath, well
screened and all modern conveniences;
breakfast and 6:30 dinner. (>nlx those
looking for first-class accommodations .
need apply Northern home; four blocks,
of the Piedmont hotel. 252 Ivy street
FOR RENT One nicely furnished front
room; all convergences. 203 Crew
street. L"- 22
ONE ROOM Ipft In Chesterfield, by the
new Capital City Club. Gentlemen only.
Opposite capitol.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or with
out board 121 s-iuare 5-23-54
FOR RENT Three rooms, connecting,
nicely furnished for light housekeeping,
modern conveniences, with owner. Grant
park section. 317 East Georgia avenue.
FOR RENT Nice, newly furnished rooms
close in; private family. 151 Spring
street 27-2
FOR RENT Three or four first floor fur
nished rooms: all conveniences. 178
Forrest a \ enue ‘ 5-27-5
F» ’R RENT One newly furnished room;
close in: references exchanged: price
sls 406 < kmrtland street3o 27-5
TWO or three nicely furnished rooms,
complete for housekeeping, suitable only
for couple without chihlren; cheap if taken
at once, hot water. Bell phone; best lo
catinn 290 Washingtonj'2 2 ll 2 2
FOR RENT Two first-floor connecting
front rooms, furnished for light house
keeping Conveniences. 45 West Raker.
5-27 28
NICELY furnished front room; al! con
veniences. private family 255 Court
land street.lvy 5603.5-27-39
ONE large room with kitchenette, fur
nlshed f<>r housekeeping 52 Williams
TO GENTLEMEN, furnished room ad
joining bath in north side apartment
Phone !xy 512. ?_1 2 L 1R
’■•H? RENT One nice room for two gen
11 emon. close in_ 1xJ1 134 5 28-44
ROOMS for rent, with or without board, i
6<)6 Fdgexvood avenue. Inman Park At
lanta phone 5192 30-39-5
NICELY furnished rooms, single or light
housekeeping all conveniences; close
in 66 Houston street. \tlanta phone
3505. 5 19-4
ROOM for gentlemen. $7 p • month; pri
vate familx 109-\ Richardson street.
5 29 9
LARGE, desirable, nicely furnished room
for rent , all com eniem rs; close in 61
1 Caln st.. Apartment 2. Phone Ivx
5638 5-29-21
F< »R RENT One furnished room at 47
\rmstrong street 5-29-39
FOR RENT «Sne ni> elx furnished fmnt
loom to gentleman 103 M est Peach
tree Phone Ivy 2979 1 48-29-5
Furnished Rooms Wanted
W ANTED One unfurnished front room
by two young ladies, on North Boule
xard or vicinitx Address B F. care
W ANTED Andee room in prix ate fam
ily. with or without board, by young
‘ladx references exchanged. Address M..
Box 599. 25-29-5
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
F* >R RENT Unfurnished connecting
rooms, bath and kitchenette Conven
iences 85 ("rru street 5-23-56
THREE nice, large unfurnished rooms:
with two large balls ar 59 West Peach
tree pla< e R D Cochran. 19 South Broaxi
street 25-25-5
TWO or three unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping, close in, references ex
changed. price U 5 and 4<t6 Court-
I land sfree’ Ivx 1075 * U ?7 5
i . ’ ■ . ! .. i. . f’’ -
lente 4-j North Jackson st. J-i S-l
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
ONE large unfurnished front room, reas
onable for summer, al! modern con
venlences. Phone Ivy 1 9• 4- L 5-27_-_ 43
FOUR connecting rooms, three large, one
small; vacant by June 1; bath. 377
Whitehall street. 5-28-7
COOY. pleasant light house
keeping rooms. 263
Whitehall street. 5-28-31
FOR RENT Two rooms. Tight housekeep
ing. hot water connections; gas stove
connected. Main 480-J 26 Orange street
FGR RENT Two unfurnished and fur
nished rooms for business ladv or gen
tieman. with all conveniences Very clean
and coni. Phone Ix x 4082-L.5-28- 46
TWO larg*» connecting unfurnished rooms
suitable for light housekeeping. ten
minutest ’walk center nf city. Apply 73
Walker 5t.55-28-5
T\YO unfurnished bed rooms with small
room and hall; privileges of home;
would bo quiet home for nurses or busi
ness women. Apply 97 Grant st. 5-28-28
; FOUR first-floor rooms, private entrance,
separate gas meter, with owner. 332
I Houston street Call during day not later
than 5 p. m. 5-29-1
FOUR connecting rooms; gas stove,
kitchen, sink. 8° Whitehall terrace
TWO large connecting rooms for house
keeping; nice for summer. 304 Raw
son street. 5-29-6
THREE rooms and bath, light house
keeping, sl4 month. Main 2502-J. 104
Windsor street. 5-29-8
FOR RENT Three rooms to a couple;
water, gas and bath. 691 Woodward
F<>R RENT Five second-floor rooms and
bath; new house; 167 (’rew street: $17.50
month Phone Ivy 2807 L. 46-29-5
FOR RENT Three unfurnished upstairs
rooms for light housekeeping; every con
venlence. 154 Richardson street. 5 29-40
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Two connecting upstairs
rooms with conveniences, in private
familx by lady xvith no incumbrances;
references exchanged Mrs W. C . care
Georgia n. 32-28-5
\\ \NTED Four unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. near in. Main
3535-J 40-28-5
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
ONE nice, cool upstairs room; furnish
ed or unfurnished; all conveniences; by
owner. 756 Highland ave. Phone Ivy
6373-J_, 26-23-5
F( >R RENT Two or three rooms, partly
furnished or unfurnished. Phone 401
Decatur 26-25-5
F( >R RENT Three large, cool upstairs
rooms, two furnished, one unfurnished;
qll crmvenlenres: near Druid Hills 520
St Charles avenue Atlanta phone 3163-M
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
TWO large, beautiful rooms, kitchenette
and bath: modern conveniences, nicely
furnished, north side Phone Ixw 2478 •
FOR RENT During summer months, six
mom furnished apartment. 11 Marlbor
ougb Phon« Ivy 2958 J 5-27-6
F< »R RENT one five-room apartment
161 Richardson 5-29-23
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR- RENT The new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bosco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, w’tb every known mode r n conven
ience and renting for $32 50 to "$35. is
now ready for occupancy Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Kncx. 1613 Candler
buildjr.g 6-9-57
F()R RENT Apartment of six rooms;
close in. bath electric and gas lights
h nn e Main 5070 5-22-23
FOR RENT Four-room apartment, fac
ing Grant park, private entrance and
bath gas and electricity Wil! not rent
to family with children Bell phone Main
2205. Atlanta phone 2245 5-29-26
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
FOB RENT- An attractive 5-room apart-
ment furnisher! or unfurnished for the
summer Hardwood floors, two bed
I’.'oms, every convenience North side
Ihonebj -2S-4
Furnished Houses For Rent
FOR RENT Furnished house for sum
mer in excellent neighborhood. Ivy
1316 56-23-5
MY hom* of ten rooms, furnished; large-,
cool and in splendid neighborhood: best
car service; reasonable 503 Washington
street. 5-2 5 ’t 9
EIGHT-ROOM house, in excellent neigh
borhood; nice yard. Call Ivy 1135-J
FOR RENT All or part of eight-room
house, reasonable, until September 1.
14 West Pine street. 5-29 25
Furnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED l>arge. furnished house; close
in; less than ten rooms will not answer
Address M G.. care Georgian 31-28-5
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT. HOUSES -Call, write or
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph o
Cochran, 19 South_Broad-«t. 4-1-21
THE'HOT’SE Fou build,
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
FOR RENT No. 27 West Twelfth street
seven rooms, hardwood floors, furnace
heat See owner. 25 West Twelfth street
Phone 2155 Ivy 5-18-29
7 Mills street cor. W. Peachtree
5 rooms $30.00
48 Rogers street, Kirkwood, 5
rooms sls 60
240 Ira street. 4 rooms . $7.60
122 XV. Alexander street. 6
rooms $15.60
110 .Jones avenue 5 rooms. SIB.OO
Hills Park. 5 roomssl4.oo
1613 Candler Building.
5-23-50 |
Unfurtiished Houses Wanted.
WANTED To care for home for sum- :
rner months for the rent. Can furnish 1
best of references. .Address S.. 250’ ivy 1
street. 39-27--5
WANTED -By June 1. a five or six-room
bungalow with all conveniences and
porch, suitable for sleeping porch; state
price Address W E. R. P. (». Box 1415,
: city. 5-28-2
Desk Space For Rent.
FOR RENT To congenial party desk
I space with use of both phones sls per
month. 1124-25 Candler Jfldg. 5-25-23
Business Property For Rent.
FOR RENT Business space, 98l£ White
hall street; fine location for pool par
lor. Price only SBS month. Will have
twm years and four months lease. Ad
dress Box 92, care Georgian 5-3-1.4
i Lost and Found.
STOLEN—Set black buggy' harness with
long, heavy lines. Reward if returned
. to D W. Yarbrough. 734 North Boule
vard Double reward if with evidence to
1 convict.s-27-42
[ LOST A Girls Higli school pin at Pled -
( mont nark Sunday. Return to 1605
■ Candler Bldg and get reward 32-29-5
LOST—A mileage book on Whitehall-st.
Saturday, (’all Main 5557-J Reward
■ Bought at Sanford. N. C. 5-29-7
LOST Roll of money containing $9 or
I $10; one $5 bill on outside, rest in $1
: bills Reward Address E. B. R.. 296
Crew street. Main 4269-J. 42-29-5
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
Improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34
. Wall street, has an expert fitter and 1t
will cost you no more to have him fit you.
I and ItJ m^ kns ,irance - 6-24-19
Ha AIR CUT, 15c.
I 3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
and Broad. 3-21-36
• SCREENS -Wood fly screens, metal fly
► screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds.
■ metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R <’al-
i laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
. NOTHING but first-class work and
, prompt service. When you am ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436.
; ACME LETTER CO.. 417 Wesley Memo
; ria! 81dg.5-6-33
STji.T, another mg shipment of new w’all
[ papers. Prices right. All work guar
( anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar
. nett & Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st.; 30 sec
onds from Whitehall. 4-13-45
j STENOGRAPHERS desiring to increase
their speed in shorthand and typewrit
ing may do so by joining classes at the
. office of the Royal Typewriter Company.
46 N. Pryor street. Monday, Wednesday 1
and Friday’ from 10 to 11 a. m. Tuition
• free. 5-16 -41
> CUCUMBER and peroxide cream, espe-
cfally used for sunburn; guaranteed one
of we host skin foods on the market;
> like it for w’hltening the skin.
: For sale bx Clayton A- Zahn 364 White-
hall pt *. M - 17fi9 5-30-22
i DON’T KEEP a dead clock In your home.
Get It running Don’t make your nelgh
» hors swear because ' our piano needs tun
ing Get it tuned Ramsey repairs
clocks and pianos Just < all Bell phone
West 71? Will call for work 55-22-5
WHITE CROSS toilet articles The rouge
► gives a natural onjnr. The cream is a
fine skin food, and rhe powder makes you
look beautiful Woman’s Exchange. 56 1 ?
; Peachtree street Dy 5546 5 22-46
CARPFTS and RUGS clean as when new.
; Our process insures 'satisfaction.
2 cents per square foot. 5-23-38
i Spirfila Corset Headquarters
84 E. North Ave.. Iw 6176.
’ . 5-28-36
’ _ 2 Dr3 P s L
DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of
’ breath in 36 to 48 hours Reduce!
swelling In 15 to 20 day s Write for par
ticulars Collom Dropsy Remedy Com
pany. 612 Austell building. Atlanta
1 5 25-11
i Dentists.
Whitehall St. 3-21 29
DON’T let .vour friends suffer, bring them
‘ to
j • Drs. Holmes and Sewell.
at 7’- : > W Mitchell street, for rheuma
tism, dropsy, piles and cancer Consul
tation tree. Diseases of men a special*,
i 4 13-4
One cent a w*ord each insertion
unless on agreement Minimum
10c an ad Ads to appear in ordi
nary reading matter type. Ads in
larger type 2c a word.
Ads on contracts. 4c a line for
90 consecutive insertions; a
line for 60 consecutive insertions.
5c a line for 30 consecutive inser
tions; 514 c a line for 15 times.
(Count six average length words in
small reading matter type to the
‘ Situations Wanted” ads contain
ing not over 24 words will be
printed one time for 10c; three
times for 20c, or seven times for
All ads. such as Boarders Want
ed. Furnished or Unfurnished
Rooms. Apartments. Houses For
Rent or Wanted, also Lost and
Found. Help Wanted ads that only
get the benefit nf the “city cir
culation" of The Georgian, will be
1c a word for one insertion; three .
times for the price of two or seven
times for the price of four.
To secure proper classification of
ant Ads it w ill be necessary to
have copy m The Georgian office
before 1 o’clock the day of the
Every word in the adx’ertlsement.
including the name and address,
should be counted. Each initial ;
counts one word; compound words
are counted as two words.
Telephone your Want .Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when .
it is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accommoda- ?
Hon service rendered Georgian
M ant Ad patrons and payment
should always bp promptly made
on presentation of hill Always ask
that your telephone Ad be repeated
back tn you by the telephone Ad
to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
! responsibilty for errors of any kind
i occurring in telephone advertlse
; mer»ts.
; Out-of-towm advertisements must
I he accompanied with cash in full
j payment for the same. Note the
I foregoing instructions about count
j ing the words and the rates per
word Agencies’ discounts 15 and
I ? per cent
.ADVERTISERS should retain re-
I ceipts given by The Georgian to
I patrons making payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as no
mistakes can be .rectified without
them in answering advertise
ment- addressed in care of The
Georg an. if the advertiser asks to
show references, send a duplicate
c f same.
AH Ads must he ordered out in
writing or at the office. No dis
continuance notice taken over tei
DR rennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
60c. Frank Edmondson & Bro , manu
facturing chemists, 14 South Broad-st.,
Atlanta. _Ga_. 2-17-14
LADIES—SI,OOO reward: I positively guar
antee my great successful "Monthly”
remedy; safely relieves some of the long
est, most obstinate, abnormal cases in
three to five days: no harm, pain or in
terference with work; mail $1.50, Double
Strength $2. Dr. F. G. Southington Rem- -
edy Co . Kansas City. Mo 4-3-34
LISTEN! I treat any disease for $1 &
w’eek and furnish rhe medicine John
T Patterson, M D., 4 45’ 3 Edgewood ave
nue. Atlanta phone 2757. 2-15-45
camp in tent. 138 Whitehall street
CATED 76 E Hl NTCTt STKEET. 5-16-18
REVEALS past, present and future. Can
be consulted on all affairs of life, read
ings. 25c. 'o<‘ 17 East Mitchell street (in
tent >, 5-29-5
“TTydwtampT -
W K HEIIEBY make application to city
council for renexval of near-beer and
pool room license for colored oniv at 21
and 23 Ivy street. Victor Mitchell.
t 5-28-21
I HEREBY make application to city coun
cil for renewal of near-beer license For
colored only, at 9 !vy st. Austin & Lav -
son. 46 28 5
WE HEREBY make application for te
nexval of ncai-Leer license for whites
only at No. 7 E. Alabama st Oppenheim
Cigar Co. 5-29-15
WANTED -We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer's Auction House, 25
South Pryor-st. Bel! phone Main 1525.
4 -10_10
WE PAY HIGHEST rash prices for
household goods, pianos and office fur
niture Cash advanced on consignments.
Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitch
ell-st Bfdl phone Main 2424 8-26-26
I BLY men’s old clothes and shoes
Drop a card. I. Bock. 32 Bell st 5 I*-
DRop a CARD Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestaire. 165
Decatur street 3.7 9
household goods and office furniture.
Pembroke Sales Co, 143 S. Pryor street.
Bell phone Main 187 4-5-25
WANTED—One second-hand street sprin
kler. J B Bozeman. Ashburn. Ga
WANTED Lot of second hand bi -.
lumber, doors and windows with frames
for brick walls. Address H R . care
Georgian 37-28-5
For Exchange—Miscellaneous.
W’ANTED Will trade lots in Atlanta for
grind fi'-e passenger Ford car. 71,
Newborn. Ga 58-28-5
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
NEW rubber tires put on vour baby
carriages; repairing Phone Ivy 3076.
Robert Mitchell. 229 Edgewood avenue
* J-5-9
SODA FOUNTS—Bargain In new and sec
ondhand soda fountains; easy terms;
write for prices. P. O Box 1022. Atlanta,
Ga 3-16-76
M E RENT good pianos, $3 month up
We sell good pianos. $5 month up.
Bargain In second-hand. SIOO up
R P Becht Company, 110 Temple Court
building Bell phone 667 Main. 4-23-20
BE SI RE and see our screens and g’t
ottr prices before buying Kan» Blf-d
and > i • «n Co , J, J. Crawford, 202 K'ser
Bldg M. 1929,. 8-20-1 -