Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 31, 1912, EXTRA, Page 4, Image 4

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4 DIXIE PHOTO MEN TO GATHER HERE Annual Convention and Exhibi tion Will Open at Auditorium Next Tuesday. What is asserted will be the most complete photographic show ami con vention ever held in the South will oc opened at the Auditorium Tuesday morning- Exhibits are being brought here by prominent photographers of the South and numerous appliances and inventions will be shown by manufac turers Os photographic appliances. The convention held her*- last yeai was somewhat crowded in Taft hall and large: quarters were engaged for this year's exhibition. Photography as a trade and a pro fession has become such a factor in the lives of the people that a conven tion of this nature is an epoch-making event. In order to keep up with the limes the cametta man feels the neces sity of coming in touch with the best exponents of photographic technique, at least once a year. The convention which opens Tuesday will continue through Friday. Then will be a large number of lectures and demonstrations of an educational na ture besides exhibits of over one thou sand photographs. In the center of the Auditorium will be placed the pic tures. which will be judged during the week and eight silver loving cups will • be awarded to winners In the respec tive classes. An "Open to the World" class is a special feature and photographers in every State in the Union will be well represented Photographs of Nature's Colors. Although color photography was once considered to be the "philosopher's stone" of the photographic art, yet like many other seeming impossibili ties it is now an accomplished fact and portraits in color will be made at the convention direct from nature A num ber of these autochromes will be on display and at one of the lectures stereopticon slides, made by this new color process, will he thrown on the screen. A lecture was to have been deliv ered on speed photography, accompa nied by a large number of slides show - ing flying bullets, the negatives of which were taken in one-millionth of a second. The photographs showed bul lets actually passing through such ob jects as wooden boards, plate glass, brass, tin, etc. Unfortunately, the set of slides made especially for this con vention were lost in the sinking of the 111-fated Titanic, but the negatives are all safe in London, and a fresh, sot wijl be made. During the convention a time will he set apart when the Auditorium will be open to the public. Manufacturers of photographic materials have sent their best lecturers and demonstrators for this convention and the decorative scheme combined with the exhibits should afford Instructive entcrtaitis irient. feW 1 C e S 440 MARIETTA ST ll® DECATUR ST *' 438 marietta ST. "WW»>, %©»«*>*>. ATLANTA. UT>y ADDRESS REPLY TO S 3 REACHTREE ST. March Twenty Sixth Nineteen Twelve The H. M. Ashe C 0.,. Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen:- It gives us the greatest pleasure to advise you that the equip ment of L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriters, that we have bought from you from time to time for the past few years, have been entirely satisfac tory and have measured up to our expectations both in adaptability and durability. We formerly used other machines of standard make but after mak ing a careful investigation and the most rigid test we adopted your L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter exclusively. We are glad to add, also, that it pleases us to purchase our machines from ATLANTA dealers, thereby keeping expenditures at home and making a greater ATLANTA. Assuring you of our continued patronage so long as our relations are so satisfactory, Very truly yours, KING HARDWARE CO. Per ELOPERS OODGE POSSEJN WILOS Oregon Lovers Take to Moun tains When Stern Parents Try to Thwart Cupid. LA GRANDE. OREG.. May 31. Posses today ate searching the fast nesses of tile Blue mountains in a game of hide and seek with a couple of youthful elopers. » T. H. Hopson, aged 22. desired to marry Miss Clara Nor ris, aged 17, of Elgin. Oreg. The girl's parents objected. The couple tried to get a license, but stern parents ap peared in time to prevent the scheme being carried out. Cupid laughe'd'. The couple dressed in th‘e rough clothing of mountaineers and took to the Woods. For days all trace of them was lost, but Hopson, driven by hun ger, was forced to visit the Palmer lumber camp, twenty miles from El gin, to purchase supplies? The girl's father was told of the visit. He called on the sheriff. With a couple of deputies and volunteer posse, he took up the chase and today the searchers are trailing through the woods where the elopers are supposed to be hiding. THE LAX-FOS WAY. If you had a medicine that would strengthen the liver, tne stomach, the kidneys and the bowels and at the same time make you strong with a systemic tonle, don’t you believe you would soon be well? That's "The Lax-Fos Way." We ask you to buy the first hottie on the money-back plan, and you will ask your druggist to sell you the second. It keeps your whole insides right. There is nothing else made like Lax- Fos. Remember the name—LAX-FOS. ••• SEABOARD PUTS ON LOW RATE TO WASHINGTON AND RETURN. On sale June 5,6, 7, only $19.35 round trip. City Ticket Office, 88 Peachtree St. WINDOW BOXES FILLED. ATLANTA FLORAL CO., Call Main 1180. , Hanover Inn, the "new hotel at Wrightsville Beach, already open. Warren H. Williams, manager. Round trip summer tour ist rate from Atlanta to Cin cinnati $19.50, Louisville SIB.OO, Chicago $30.00. Tick ets on sale daily, final limit October 31. Southern.. Rai lway. We are looking for you at Warm Springs. The auto roads are good, and the rail road fare is cheap. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: FRIDAY. MAY 31. 1912. . INDIAN CHIEF ENDS LIFE; SUICIDE RARE IN TRIBE’S HISTORY PENDLETON. OREG., May 31 Umatilla Indians today are engaged in tribal mourning over the death of "Honest John" Wal-Lat-Zi, chief of their tribe, who ended his life by drink ing poison. Suicide among the Uma tiHas is almost unknown, and no one has been able to explain the reason for the chiefs death. Eight years ago the young brave was a student at. Carlisle Indian school and was a star on the football team. After his return to the reservation here he took his place as a chief and obtained many concessions for the Indians from the government. Stewart’s Under-Price Basement Ladies’ White Canvas Colonial Pumps. Ladies’ Patent Leather Oxfords. One and Two Strap Pumps. Ladies’ Tan Blucher Oxfords. Ladies’ Black Satin Pumps. $1.95 96 pairs Remnant Oxfords. Broken Sizes. 95c Z 8 WHITEHALL ST. J? Under-Price Basement THEFT OF $lO TOOLS COSTS COUNTY SI,OOO MUSKOGEE. OKLA.. May 31.—Th theft of a kit of carpenter’s tools worth probably 310 has cost Muskogee SI,OOO in litigation already, and the case is no nearer settlement than when it started on the first of three m’B t rials. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Baars tha S’ “ Signature of ONE DAY SPECIAL TAN LINENE DRESS Regular Value, $3.50 SATURDAY Sale Price k3j!.®kZo OUR OBJECT s Not Profits, but New Friends. This charming Tan Linene Dress ** \ is made exactly like illustration. Tan Linene with latest Spring / side effect.- Trimmed with con- 1 trusting shade of striped blue 1 far xA: linene. { Trimmed with gold buttons. New \ est panel back skirt. | |z A bargain any time at $3.50. ■ The chance of a lifetime, Saturday $1.98 |! IL iiil J H Il I ! I I L * J men as well as women. Menter & Rosenbloom Co. CASH upstairs r c A ; H 11 I cRFniT Over 71 Whitehall St. °« ! CREntT ; j CREDIT ■■■■MMMiiiiiiMBiMMMiMMMMBMMMIWWMWiIiiiIIMI MIIH I Ml 1 > 111 RiH l|| Oimir T W«WM—— |~ PRESENT IT’S a present worth while, for there’s pleasure as well as profit in reading the Standard Atlas. It contains interesting descriptions of the world’s large cities, gives their latest population and shows their locations on the map; it acquaints you with important events from the very beginning of history; it tells you of the workings of the official machinery at our seat of government. You’ll find pleasure in coming into possession of this information, and the instruction gained will certainly be profitable to all. ' KedUCe BOUND IN -X SILK-FINISHED (This U CLOTH Id ./ ii .|1 1 J ijt > • •/;»,» /,'**/» V* *ft V 1 ? * *y ? ' *7 .**«!» * a ** J 7 fZ**'* *? '* ft**?*'*M ? •'.V* 1 / • 8*•••*•*• t•• ftft.**.**J •*X*’v.*•• *•!••* ••**••*••••*••*"••• *• **••****•**•***********•ft*ft* ’•»••****•**•*«*’••/• * *ft** ’•*•*••***•* *V."*** •••*« •*•*«! .. '&■ Vs. w W it $ >1 ■lß® iHBIIiMMi! »M ■■ t f®aßPi B®SM#SBMs®B! M®SS 1 *•** **«m * ** * ” ’•**v»*'*z*Z**z*** ••• *t*?***z* **•••*•*?••*••*•• *•♦*•••**•*••“ *•* • •*••♦*• *z •••••• •« **»* ******** '•*• W $ MS•: WWi I MB S ■‘•'•‘•V'i.~4 •; .• *»’<*.’i •'.’••• »t*** •*•** -' *vV.* * *«*/* ££> Jt • *»*.*-*•***.* »ttll*A* I******** >l*. !**’**• !*»***»*??*-*»*_**.*** *_<*.*.'* *\ l *\t* »jjSffirMff\sA**.*ft.« *•*•*• '•■*, • •*•’•••<' ’?•;• / t *'.••••••I**.*••*• •?»**J**» , *******;**i*»**«*•••••••• *Z*V*r^»* •?•••»•**. ‘.wK*y**•• V•' »*•• '.•/.•‘.•‘.■r X‘’ : . •?. : '.?•’• :X' ' •>*.*•*.*i A*’ 1 .* • • • •'• r* : '■*. ***•'• •***•*.•'j l ’**•* *•*< m ' »*-K*i*^Y*F"•*»*• •*•’?••*.**• •^A** *• •• • vT**»?T*R®2l*ft*^• • 1 ’ • *v* *•.••• •*•*« . ••• > • racMWlff* •• • • •.•. • *.•* •* •.• • .•• *i* • *.•/• . •• • •.» • • W B Aw WS ® V- ’.*••• *.*•• *c.’r.K’’ld ßh ••{••*• *.lkx*’****< *i*Hft**’****.‘<**J ••••*:/?*.' •?•• * •.•■: - .<A .•.•:• ••••• 7 ? U.T- r**—yr*.j : V-V* ■J.yjfin •••.*•.• !•••• .••<• .v^. : ’<-7 w ® wtew® ® tai $$ ■< /EZRk I I For only six headings clip= 11i V I I W ill W I I i I P ed from the first P a^e of vJI ▼LI I V I W THE GEORGIAN, like this: Orders By Mail Satlanta Georc y»I MOKatAir AND NB-Wl’ >N<«A»r Every reader of The Georgian may have this useful At- las by enclosing the expense fee and headings, with 15c i»»—>4 j— «!»' tor postage. Address The GEORGIAN. Atlanta. Ga. **2< L—_———— ——— Low Summer J Excursion Rates CINCINNATI, $19.50 LOUISVILLE, SIB.OO CHICAGO, - $30.00 KNOXVILLE - $7.90 Tickets on Sale Daily, Good to October 31st, Returning City Ticket Office,! Peachtree ONE OF ATLANTIC CITY'S LARGEST AND LEADING ALL-THE-YEAR HOTELS. HOTEL RUDOLF On ocean front; close to all attractions; capacity 1,000. The location, large rooms and open surroundings have established this as the most comfortable hotel summer. All baths supplied with sea and fresh water; running water In guest rooms; spacious promenade; verandas overlook the famous boardwalk. Orches tra, high-class restaurant, American and European plans. A. S. RUKEYSER, Manager. JOEL HILLMAN, President. TETTERINE CURES ECZEMA Haynesville, Ala., April 26, 1009. J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah. Ga. Dear Sir: Please send me another box of vour Tetterine. I got a box about three weeks ago for my wife's arm. She has eczema from wrist to elbow and that box I got nearly cured it, and she thinks one box more will cute her arm well. 1 have tried everything I could get hold of and nothing did any good. Yours truly. T. RYALS. f,oe all druggists, or by mail from manu- I faeturer. The Shuptrine Company, Sa vannah. Ga.