Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 01, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE TEN, Image 26

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PAGE TEN '—M A H AZINE SEC TTON. WIIY IS IT?- =Some Things We Would Like to Know By T. E. Powers, the Famous Cartoonist. Copyrftot. 1912, toy AB^cajD-Jwrnal-Examiner. Great Britain Ritfflte Reserved. "T, - " . i caught him X (he nobbed) , f ICOULO COMMIT fiuRQLARY J \ f7\ SMOKING IN THE- A STORE. I wFS l^p^vreAK —J XhUrry? l tBBk ■ c$ A WAV 1 < 1 c— I // / UP' //ty/V ( / /I We N°f\ O, PAYS ON ( V/fol mNU ■ C7 p x<© w / ■"') k\/ NN \ &SeV\ flu ffibm NN W z y • /n” i H f^wb? s tOi B?& \ &OSS OF THE / \ V \jL: ( / V//B-B? C>~ j®*'''-- ARESRORT . IWASWOKKINS A rtA tT Tfro CENTS, A" V*jg k-jHARE N ~~ ' j\ .OmS mvN <T B BB>w f I 1 : B a .3> ■/ iy «M®\ NirnNAN^'" Lr l ß\ i i 81- ; \ Kvftlui ßm/WWh w ii- HXBB’rT W2 4 NN WHILE I .WE To' t 1 ' While agat-abo mke this \ ' 4 J , slave That AN Honest MANCANTSIANDDISGRACI IS GAY EA/ERX MINUTE OF HIS LIFE ~THIS MAH~CAN SPEAK ENGLISH. o WHILE /' /// qloom , (GERMAN FRENCH.SPANISH, TTmS 'x. \ Z / z *vY>l • ITALIAN, Russian 0 . > W< ] J / ° KS UKE E^'s / U Z. / 'Bv r 71\ !H A£s CENT HAT, WHH-r IN AH ** Bs HAI j BBC . c I l ' w\., 5 AN ' W Z#^^- r - ..L ~ j |Wo v? JTSMI # %Jl K t 5 ._. L' 1 n o n—n Dr. E. G. Griffin's De G n ul R C oX 24 1-2 Whitehall Street. Dv<-,- Brown & Allen's Drug Store. Lowest Prices—Best Work. $5 Jk Set of Teeth $5.00 Impressions Teeth Same Day. established 22 \E a r s Crowns, $3.00 Bridge Work, $4.00 To The Sweet Girl Graduate Your class picture and diploma should be framed. Don't let these lay around and get scratched and soiled. (let them framed. Our work will please you. You will be surprised at the neat and tasty frame that can be made at small cost. Try us. Southern Book Concern 71 Whitehall Street IGavan’sl GRAND CANADIAN TOUR McFarland's Seventh Annual Tour] offers one solid week of travel through seven states and Canada, covering 2..>00 miles, including 500 miles by water, vis iting Cincinnati. Detroit. Buffalo. Niaga ra Falls and Toronto. Canada \ select and limited partv leaves Atlanta. Ga . Julv S in a special Pullman train through J. J. A. GWINN FINE SHOE REPAIRING 6 LUCKIE STREET. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT HOTEL. \ BELL PHOf< 2335. ATLANTA 2640. BEFORE M \ MH fl tv\ tj II C\ I * xT"" 1 1* J W tz 4V' J J * ' Good Rubber Hee » 2C :”-n' I. :• . >c ■< .? e, seAed, 7 eent*. Will send for -ind deiver/our shoe* without extra cost AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT. Office open day and night, Both Phones. io Toronto without change $55 pays every necessary expense for the tour. High-class features are guaranteed. Mait\ already hooked. X.lines furnished Send for free picture of Niagara Falls and full information to .1 F McFarland. Man ager. ll‘o Peachtree st.. Atlanta Ga . Phone Main 4608-J THT ATLANTA GEORGIAN AXD NEWS: SATT’RDAY. JUNE 1. 1912. WILTON JELLICO COAL $4.50 El Both Phonws 3668 The Jellico Goal Co. 82 PEACHTREE ST. I TETTERINE FOR POISON IVY. I feel that it is my duty to thank you for what Tetterine has done for my son When he was a small child he was poisoned with ivy. from which he has been dreadfully afflicted for years. not> withstanding we have had him treated by physicians and used many advertised remedies I Have seen him cry from pain caused by the dreadful condi tions of his hands We finally learned of Tetterine. and. after using two boxes, my son’s hands have been cured, no signs of the trouble for five months. Yours very trulv, (Signed) MRS T .1 .IONFIS. 50c all druggists or by mail from manu facturers The Shuptrine Company, Sa vannah, Ga. ••• [ SANTAL-MiDY @ Relieves in 24 Hours (mS) Catarrh of the Bladder All Druggists Beuare oy Counterfeits SANTAL-MIDYI I CHICHESTER S PILLS Tllf DIAMUMI IIUAM), i /iCfrA J i?!* 1 ’? 1 A * u . t’<-«B«l»l Ir /A A.fS i-all <SI .'SM-trr’s IM»m»i,.fTtr«nd>7\\ 4 / :tuW< n'n,’, A W yetr»l.< -n««, k,i, 4 i I. A SOLD BV DRI OGISTS LVLRYWHERE & JJI 1 IJI b_ v«sl i te? IH ImWI IL4 1 'KfSoLi Site i . I H r luT-Wl >/ X VJI f Ik* |!K yj m i W f Fi fs? Come Up—The Sport Is Great JIM, the sport up here is simply great. You ought to see the luck we are having. Lock up your desk and come up. What do you say? You’ll come? Good. Train leaves at two o’clock. Will send the boat over to meet you.” A Long Distance Bell Telephone call from the wild often induces the business man to take needed rest and recreation. When You Telephone—Sniile Oh > SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 11 I COAU COAU ■ Consumers Coal Company WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Shippers of High est Grade Pennsylvania Red and White Ash Anthracite I Coal. ■ All coal thoroughly screened before shipping. Offices and Docks Central Wharf Charleston, S. C. JX Take a O Kodak ' with you To the wildflowers or seashore or mountains. Keep the memories of happy days fresh and ever lasting, We have large ones and small ones —or just the one you have in mind. We have the KODAK Store I of Atlanta. We will gladly show you the way to get the best results or explain the cause of any difficulties gratis. i We will secure the best results from your films by our careful and tried methods. Glenn Photo-Stock Co. 117 Peachtree C C L 1 BOYS’ HIGH and TECHNO- bummer bchool logical highs chools Review of Bth Grade Grammar and High School Work to Prepare for September Entrance Examinations . . . TEN WEEKS: June 24th, August 30th TEACHERS: H. O Smith. Phone Ivy 3301-L; T. H. Smoot; W. O. Cheney NOTICE! ~ 1 am no longer connected with the firm of Lee & Brown, and have moved to 129 Marietta street, where I will be pleased to meet my old friends and make new ones. JOHN W. LEE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER All kinds of repair work , done. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Office 129 MARIETTA ST. Bell Phone M. 1828. Atl. 1453