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SllJc H (it ]l)1VOT*C(? Suit What's the Use of Tryiag To Be On the Level? copyrimt. »». xatiomi Ne»> a>/x Cid
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Hire' Atlanta Has Ball Team Now That Should Finish One-Two-Three
r ”. *rry 11. W’liil iiiu.
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n»us but iivxit st IhhMhiu ,
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Bf *
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teci’.y. th*
■utk<o a bad >5 art And it has
.Jen going any i<».. u<».»<| siin-e
1 tail. But wh'i it ;i|ip.-i' 1
’ - »he club was in for a long.
• slump the directors sort of
\4i.liters into their own hands,
(’allaxxax slipped away
. . y couting trip and things have
r>fU‘ popping »-\ ' T si no
IjM* ‘ outfield has been strength
■■ p by replacing Ganiev with
H Callahan, formerly of Neu
/ ns. True t’allahan has not
going Well this \«al. hut h<-
■.£ better than d.ini-'V. and :f
ikes Ills I'.Hl st!!d<‘ hr will I"
ker Bailey, Callahan and
’ good as anybody’s.
The Infield has hem bolstered up
the purchase of Coleman to play
P'hird. When the Yankees were in
u Lt la nt a this spring' Hmiphi’l .-aid:
r<Coleman is a better infielder than
Uwo who arc playing tegularly on
OiVolverton’s team. I hope he doesn't
by»t wise to how good t'oleman i>
Sta that he turns the man oyer t<»
I ’olverton liked 1i • x oimu.-i ■ > so
I that he took him to New Y uk
| he used him right along x\ hile
'team was shot to pieces. Now
I Y “I Av
■ r sleep better,
eat better,
f ee l better,
jjK-i- Walk better"
*TtrZ more do /'* <;•?.'*” asks M r > M
Mptlth of Sandersville. Ga. 1 thank v-n
tor your wonderful medicine. It is the
best fever tried."'
And we have hundreds of |
just such grateful letters from
former sufferers now cured
>nd happy.
•; i'O bs tin at e blood-diseases
and skin diseases which noth
ing' else will reach yield to the
purifying influence of this
♦remarkable tonic.
Disfigw ' g eruptions am! sort’s
rheuniatifi . catarrh and that rest
less weakness of lr>dy and mind
caused by subi'e poisons in the
bljx d arc completely dispelled by
lits searching and beneficent power
}"rt«r money Part :! />./'. Ji fat t
to help you.
Your druggist wi'd supply you it
you make a point of it, I >•> not
,put up with any inferior substitute.
. .. I*l '
that it is b< ginning to get back to
normal hr ha*- turned Coleman over
Atlant.i. IL will go to third and
Al purman will be shifted to second.
'l’ll'- tumor is that a new man is
corning to take Pete O'Briens
place (>|)«11 will continue at first,
wh'*rr h" is doing well.
With Donahue hatting like a wild
man and Graham playing good-ball,
the (’rackets are getting by mighty
well in thr catching department.
Th« pitching staff, which is the
department of the Cracker organi
zation which has set up most of
th'* wabbling this season, has byen
inateriallx bettered of lat«- The
addition of "Lefty” Russell and dim
Brady should hr helpful. With At
kins and Russell as left handers
and with Brady. Dessau ami Sitton
as thr right handers the Cracker
staff should hr tolerably dangerous
It drprnds a good bit on how Bradx
and Russell show and on how Des
sau gets- going. The last named
twhlfi was more than good early
in tim -<asoii. Lately he has not
been so good. It may be and then
again it mav not br that he is
coming around
Think it over -doesn't this put
Ku* (’rackets in the hunt Well,
maybe not. but It looks as though
It did. \nyhow, then is one thing
about It, the Atlanta Baseball as
sociation isn’t going to let Bit—, and Chattanooga run
a wax with an\ pennant without a.
good protest And thex aren’t go
ing bankrupt over it either. for thr
local association is backed by near
lx as many millions as the Lookout
club is bx thousands.
* ♦ *
'V HI return of the Crhckers from
* Montgomery should l»< one of
the st ison’s big « vents. Em it will
be a mighty different team that
fat - New (»i leans from the one
which performed so feebly against
Birmingham in th- series that end
ed last week.
The opening day of thr rejuve
nated (’lackers, Wednesday, will be
a notable one also for the reason
that It will be Shriners day at the
! *
X I nNTiaiMERY, AI.A . .tune 3.
ill Manager Hemphill an
nounced this morning that
lie expected to ust Dessau in the
box today, with Donahue behind
the bat. Otherwise the Atlanta
line-up nil! remain as it was Sun
l-'or Montgomery. Radabaugh will
pitch and Hribbens catch. The
weather eaily today loomed up
cloudy and cool, with the prospect
of showers later on.
Although tomorrow is a sched
uled off day. it has been decided to
play off the Atlanta-Montgomery
ganw which was stopped by ram
on Salm da\
A shower of rain beat Atlanta
ir Sunday's game with Montgom
Atlanta S new pitcher. Brady,
was sent in to work in the con
test. and in the !ii“t two innings
he blanked tin Billikt ns and had
them breaking their necks and
standing on their heads. It was a
cinch for him Then came the
rain It lasted m arly a half bdur.
and while it was in progress overr
uling got misty and wet and Bra
dy s arm got i old When the game
>vas n slimed it took an inning for
Hinds tn get going again And
while Io was tiring to control a
sloppy ball and get his stiff mus
■ os in working >idet th*' Billlkens
imig i'lth thi next inning be was
* .»*i«l i»p»' nii'h-
THF. ATT avt-a /-vnPGT.AN AKG vfws- MONDAY. JUNE 3. 1912.
park and 1,50 f» <>f them will bo
thru A Masonic tinge will be
given to the affair in every possi
ble way and one of the banner
mid-week crowds of the season will
be out.
To stimulate the players to in
trrrst in that game and the SU(-
i ceding ones of the New Orleans
series a couple of prizes have hern
offored, a f Iwatch by Maier Ar
Berkele, and $5 worth of clothing
by Parks-* ’hambrrs-Hai tlwlck Co.
'Phe former prize goes to the player
whose hits drive in the most runs,
thr latter Io thr player with the
best batting average.
Coach Alex Cunning
* ham, of the <’Diversity of Geor
gia tells a funny one. In the spring
Cunningham coaches thr Georgia
Reserves has. ball tram. This is a
gondfellowship organization that
goes around to thr prep schools,
plays the prep teams, and promotes
good feeling. Says the coach:
”(»f fourse. the object is not to
\\ in any games That would de
feat our purpose. 1 instructed fhp
boys that they were not to kick on
anx decisions.
“On*’ day, at a certain town in
Georgia, we played a prep team.
One of our men stole second. His
slide to the bag was awkward, but
he sure got there, sliding about
half-wax across it and then stop
ping Yet the umpire called him
“I stood it until the inning end
ed. Then I xvent to the umpire
ami said. ‘Of course, old man. it
doesn’t piatter in the least to me.
but just for curiosity and in the
interest of higher education, would
x ou mind telling me why you call
ed that man out who stole second?*
” ‘With pb asurr,' the umpire re
plied. 'The rules say distinctly that
a man is safe at second when he is
touching th* 1 bag xvith his feet or
hands Your man. as you saw your
self. was touching the bag with his
stomach only. He was therefore
out? ”
whih* the contest lasted.
Altchlson pitched fairl\ useful
ball against the Crackers, and held
them as safe as was necessary.
Manager Hemphill didn't play
\rsi»-nlay That put o’Pell tn
field and Syk,es at first. The for
mer Cracker regular at first g<»t
bat k in his batting stride, after a
long spell of slump, and mangled
the pill f<>r a couple of beauts.
PIT rslU'Ui l PA . June 3. Owners
rnd representatives of six clubs of the
United States league met here yester
day to formulate plans fog a reorgani
zation Another meeting will be held
today, after which a formal statement
regarding the future of the league will
be given out.
It is said that probably two Western
cities will be taken into the league in
the places of Next York and Cleveland,
tin tw< clubs not represented at the
nicei ing today
Captain Ma-shall Handerson. of this I
city. was elected pr< sident of the United I
Stales league as successor to \V A 1
Whitman, of Reading. Pa
BIRMINGHAM \I.A , Jun- 3. - The
report that Prank Smith may pitch fori
oi manage the Barons is without foun
Owner Woodward said lonighi that I
ilthough Smith had been offered toi
Birmingham, he had been refused a-|
Hittrongham was satisfied with both j
m i n.ty ■■ in ' pitthing staff
Crackers* Batting
Averages, Including
Yesterday's Game
These are the (’rarkers’ batting av
e! arcs, including yesterday's game:
J ‘layers lidA® - ' i H. Av
I )on&hue» c.. 7 21 3 s 381
Hemphill, cf. 42 163 23 154 331
Dessau, p 8 23 1 7
Sltt<»n, p 6 18 1 5
Alperman. 3b 44 170; 28 46 .271
<>'l>p|) lb 40 138 20 36 .261
Bailey, 1f....' 14 165 30 40 258
Rrad\. p.. 1 4 0 1. 200
Svkes. 1b 28 82 13 20 .214
East, 2b 34 107 9 24 .233
Graham, e 15 39 4 9 .231
O'Brien, ss 38 139 14 30 .216
Paige, p 8 25 2 5 .200
Johns, p 10 20 3 3 .leo
Atkins, p « 21 2 3 .43
Callahan. < f 2 9 11 -111
AMERICUS. GA., June 3.—That box
ing (even of the Imitation variety»
finds no favor in Americus is evident
from the protests made in interviews
by all the Americus minister as the
result of a bout at the local theater
Eridav night between Mike Sit'd and
Billv Kerr, both of Atlanta.
The "contest" was a dreary affair.
Kerr knocked out Stul in three rounds
The Ti tnes - Recorder yesterday car
ried interviews with local ministers
and without exception they were em
phatic in their opposition to such af
fairs In Americus.
The women golf players of the At
lanta Athletic club will begin a handi
cap tournament over the East Lake
course W ednesday, June 5.
B M Blount has offered a. cup for
the contestants. A qualifying round
will lie played Wednesday, in the event
that there are more than sixteen en
The entrance fee will be sl. All
players must be ready to start by 2
o'clock Wednesday.
■ '<>I.IMBUS. GA.. June 3—A trap
shooting tournament will he held at
Warm Springs June 5. 6 and 7, unde:
the auspices of the Meriwether Gun
This is a registered tournament, duly
- ttßUt ayt Xq papjooaj pun Pazt uSo.taj
state association for the encouragement
of trap shooting. The association has
contributed SIOO as a part of the Squire
money-back special fund.
Free to
Many People Have Blood Polson and
Don’t Know It. Remedy Alao Cureo
Eczema. Rheumatism. Catarrh. Which
Come From Poisoned. Diseased Blood.
Eor twenty-five xears Smith’s Blood
and Liver Syrup has been curing yearlx
thousands of sufferers from Primary,
Seccndary or Tertiary Blood Poison and
all forms of Blood and Skin Diseases.
Cancer. Rheumatism and Eczema We
solicit the most obstinate cases, because
Smith’s Blood and Liver Syrup cures
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?us Patches In mouth.-Sore Throat. Pim
ples, Copper-Colored Spots. Ulcers on any
part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fall
ing out. Itchina. watery blisters or open
humors. Risings or pimples of Eczema.
Boils. Swelling Eating Sores. take
Smith’s Blood and Liver Syrup. H kills
the poison, makes the blood pure and
rich, completely changing the entire
body intn a clean, healthy condition,
nealing every sore or pimple and stopping
all aches, pains and Itching curing s he
worse < aj»es of Blood Poison. Rheuma
tism or Eczema
Smith's Blood and Liver Syrup is pleas
ant and safe to take; composed of pure
Botanic ingredients It purifies and en
riches the blood
It cures constipation.
This coupon cut from The Atlanta
Georgian Is gnod for one sample of
Smith's Blood and Liver Syrup mailed
It. plain ra kage Simply fill in x our
name ana address on dotted lines be
low and mall m SMITH'S BLeOD
SYRUP CO . 34 Wall St , Atlanta. Ga
State name of trouble, if you know
Hard to Protect Players, as Game Has Exciting Effect on Mind
By W. W. Naughton.
SAX FpANt'lSt'O, June 3.—Was
baseball or Ty ' 'obb justified
for Inflicting corporal punish
ment on a spectator who shower
ed personal abuse on him? The
writer has read and listened to
oodles of argument in the connec
tion, and is satisfied there is still a
deal to he said on both sides.
“A man's personality is sacred to
himself and he should not suffer
hllmself to be called vile names."
say those xxho take the Cobb end
of it. "Resides, this thing of hound
ing a player is far-reaching in its
effects. It rattles him and prevents
him from showing the best that is
in him. This means that the team
to which he belongs is made to
Those who view the matter from
the opposite angle contend that,
rooting or roasting at a baseball
game is largely a birthright, and
that seeking to curb the vocal out
put that causes the atmosphere in
rhe neighborhood of a ball park to
vibrate would be interfering with
the liberty of the subject.
"A player should he deaf, dumb
and blind to outside influences."
say those of the latter way of
thinking. "At the worst, he should
regard roasting as one of the ac
companiments of a calling that en
ables him to draxv down big money."
And there you are.
In support of the free speech
phase of the matter, it may be
stated that there are certain forms
of outdoor sport, the world around.
LONDON, June 3. Englishmen are
much chagrined ever the announcement
of two American Rhodes scholars that
they will compete for the United States
Instead of for England In the Olympic
games They are \V. A. Ziegler and R L
Lange, first string men for Oxford against
Cambridge for the past two years Thex
have written to Secretary James E. Sul
lixan of the American Olympic committee
asking him to enter them as members of
the American team
Lange, whose home is in Oklahoma, is
a ten-second sprinter, while Ziegler, who
hails from lowa, is a weight thrower.
Both men were asked to join the tryouts
for the English team before they ex
pressed their preference for the American
team. The men have been training hard
with the Olympic contests in view and
hope to be able to score points in the big
meet at Stockholm
NEW YORK, Jun? 3.- Matt Weils,
the British lightweight champion, on
Wednesday night will make his first
appearance in the ring here since he
was defeated by Packey McFarland.
Wells will box ten rounds with Young
Brown, an East Side lightweight, at the
Royale Athletic club. Brooklyn.
Greatest interest, however, centers in
the lightweight contest between
Knockout Brow n and Leach Cross, both
of New York, at Madison Square Gar
den tonight. This may serve as a pre
lude to a championship battle, as an ef
fort will be made to match the winner
with Champion Ad XYolgast.
LITTLE ROCK. ARK.. J.une 3.—-
Manager Mike Finn and thirteen of his
Mobile baseball players arrived here
last night for the three-game series
with Nashville, which begins here to
day. The Nashville team arrived this
morning. The games will count in the
championship standing.
These will be the first Southern
league games in Little Rock since 1909.
at the close of which season this city
lost its franchise, and it is expected
that business will be practically sus
pended this afternoon.
NEW YORK. June ", —Columbia uni
versity will be the first institution to
begin training ar Poughkeepsie for the
big annual intercollegiate regatta on
Jtme :.'9. Coach Jim Rice loft today
with a squad of 30 men. They will
train a' I, •House Dock." which the
Columbia Row ing < luh purchased las:
year for training quarter* The men
may get th»Tr initial tryout this week
on the rivbf.
that would languish if there were
any attempt to muzzle spectators.
No one, of course, becomes emo
tionally insane at a game of crick
et. and I have never heard of a.
man being ejected from a golf links
for becoming excited to the point
of turbulence.
With baseball in America and
football in Great Britain it is dif
ferent. In Australia the "barrack
ers,” as the rooters are <alled, are
allowed plenty of rein. They may
abuse the players with whom they
are not in sympathy both indi
vidually and collectively, and it Is
only when something in the na
ture of an incipient riot begins that
the noisemakers are squelched by
the strong arm of the law. There
"barracking” is regarded as a con
comitant of football.
And what would a baseball game
be without the uproar that ema
nates from the many-throated
bleachers? It seems silly to pro
pound the question, anyway, as it
is not the concerted turmoil, but
individual vituperation that is com
plained of in the Cobb case. But
where there is general excitement
there is sure to be an occasional
violation of the laws of enthusiasm,
and that is what the fellow who of
fended Cobb was guilty of.
The clamor which prevails at a
baseball game is a form of hysteria
Americana. It is born of a deep
rooted love for the grand old pas-
Trusses Like These Are A Crime
Get Rid of Eleetic Bands, Springs »np
Leg-Straps, Such Harness Has
Forced Thousands to Undergo
Dangorous .Operations.
Trusses like those shown above —the
oelt and leg-strap, elastic and spring
contraptions sold by drug stores, sur
gical supply houses and many self
ttyled "Hernia Specialists’’—make life
miserable for everybody who wears
And —even when drawn so tight you
can scarcely stand to keep them on—
they do no good whatever.
Instead, they often do Immense harm
—they squeeze the rupture often caus
ing strangulation- —dig into the pelvic
oone in front —press against the sensl
:lve spinal column at the back.
The Plain Truth Is This,
Rupture—as explained in our free
oook—can't be relieved or cured —can't
even be kept from growing worse—un
less constantly held in place Just as a
broken bone can't "knit" unless the
carts are held securely together.
And—just as a bandage or splint Is
the onlv way a broken bone can be
- e ]d_the right kind of truss is the
only thing in the world that can keep a
•upture from coming out.
What a difference It will make when
you a»t that kind of truss
And you can get exactly that kind
of truss—without risking a cent of your
It's the famous Clvthe Truss or
Cluthe Automatic Massager.
Far more than a trues —far more than
merely a device for holding the rupture
n place
So different from everything else for
rupture that it has received 18 sepa
rate patents.
Thousands say it is as comfortable as
their clothing
No belt, elastic belt or springs around
your waist, and no leg-strap—nothing
to pinch, chafe, squeeze or bind. Self
regulating. self-adjusting It is held
tn position by suction —can't shift or
slip—the only truss in existence that
is honestly guaranteed to hold your
rupture every minute of rhe day
Sent on 60 Days Trial to Prove It.
W» have so much faith In the Cluthe
Truss— we have seen It work wonders
for so manv others that we want to
make one especially for your case and
let you try It at our risk. . ,
time and a desire to see it played
in a flawless manner. It is what
the effervescence and the bubbles
are tn a newly uncorked bottle of
champagne, and. without said ef
fervescence. the wine would be as
vapid as ditch water.
Incidentally, in many of its char
acteristics a baseball crowd is
unique. At a prize fight a specta
tor who vilifies one of the contest
ants unnecessarily frequently finds
some one close at hand who dis
agrees with him, and an impromptu
scrap is the result. On the base
ball bleachers a man may rail at a
player in the most florid language
and not offend the sensibilities of
those around him. It would seem
as though a baseball player is al
ways either the common enemy or
the idol.
So long as baseball has the ex
citing effect on the human mind it
has at present, it will be hard to
provide against such instances as
that which moved Ty Cobb to
blows. In the meantime, it would
be a grand thing if some one
would discover a lymph which
would render baseball heroes im
pervious to the Jibes and jeers of
the bleachers. Until the discovery
is made it might not be a bad idea
for the stars of the diamond to
school themselves in the belief that
occasional abuse is a part of the
penance that attaches to being
We’ll give you SO days time to test
ft—if it doesn’t keep your rupture front
coming out. when you are working and
at all other times—ls it doesn’t put an
end to the trouble you’ve heretofore
had with your rupture—ls you don’t
get better right away—then the trust
won't cost you a cent.
How It Strengthens and Heals.
In addition to holding the rupture, the
Cluthe Truss or Cluthe Automatic Mas
sager Is constantly giving a soothing,
strengthening massage to the weak, rup
tured parts.
All automatically—the massage goes on
all day long, all without any' attention
whatever from you.
This massage—which strengthens Just
as exercise strengthens a weak arm—is
so remarkably beneficial—so remarkably
curative —that in 199 eases out of every
200 rupture begins to get better from ths
day a Cluthe Truss is put on.
The World's Greatest Book On Rupture.
Don't go on letting your rupture get
worse—don’t spend a cent on account of
your rupture until you get our book oi
advice- which two cents for a stamp—ot
a penny for a postal—will bring you.
This remarkable book —cloth-bound, 9!
pages. 21 separate articles, and 19 photo
graphic pictures—took us over 4h years
to write —took us that long to find out all
the facts we’ve put in it.
It explains the dangers of operations
and why they don’t always cure to stay
cured Tells why-for the protection of
the public—drug stores should not be al
lowed to sell trusses.
Explains why belt, spring and elastic
trusses can do no good. Exposes the
humbug ’’methods. 'appliances.' plas
ters,” "systems.” etc.
And tells —absolute!' without mlsrepre
sentatlon—all about the Cluthe Truss
lust how It holds—how it gives the cur
ing massage—how it Is waterproof—how
it ends all expense—how you can get It
on *0 days’ trial—and gives names and
addresses of over 5.W0 people who have
tried it and want you to know about it.
Write for it today—don’t put It off—this
book may be the means of adding many
years to your life and of restoring vou
to full strength and usefulness
Just use the coupon, or simply say in a
letter or postal. "Send me your book."
In writing us. please give our box num
ber as below—
-125 East 23rd St.. New York City.
Send me your Free Book on The
Cure of Rupture
Name .
——■■ ■! ■" ■■■■■ —II '■! ■! —M———M—