Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 03, 1912, EXTRA, Image 9

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THE ATLANTA GEQBGTJ.> AND NEWS: READ FOR PROFIT—GEORG!AN WANT ADb-USE FOR RESULTS Poultry, Pet and Love Stock Miscellaneous Poultry. POULTRY* KEEPERS? ' All Need Rust’s Havens Climax Powder It keeps your chickens well. It is the Ohly reliable cure for GAPES and CHOL ERA . It is so different from other poultrv powders . YOUR MONEY BACK QUICK Ts you don’t like Rust’s Havens Climax Powder. Secretary Mifflin County Poultry Show, Mr. J A Carodiskey. says: “After trying various 'tonics’ and ‘con ditioners’ I find nothing to equal Rust's Havens Climax Powders.” GET A BOX TODAY. 25c, 50c. SI.OO, $1.50 and $3.50. H. G. HASTINGS & CO., 16 W. Mitchell St. ATLANTA, GA. We want a DEALER in each town Write for exclusive agency for your town. Get Rust's Poultry Bonk and Egg Rec ord—Both mailed FREE. Address Wm. Rust & Son? Co., Dept. G, New Bruns wick, N. J. 5-4-1 POULTR Y PRINTING. WRITE for samples. Etheridge Printing Company, 188 Madison ave., Atlanta. Ga.l2-16-21 BARRED ROCK EGGS from prize-win ners; first pen cockerel bred. $lO, sec ond pen, $5: pullet bred pens, $5 and $3; eggs from utility birds, $1 per 15, balance of season. $6 per 100; S. C. White Leg horns. $2; S. S Hamburg. $1 50 per 15. M H. Collins. Fairburn. GOLD DUST strain S. C. Ruff Leghorns. the finest exhibition and breeding stock, at bargain prices. Eggs from special matings, sl. $1 50, $2, $2.50 and $3 per seating Oak Hill Poultry Farm, Route 8. Station B. Nashville, Tenn ; F. R. No ble. proprietor. 3-13-37 FOR THE BEST White Orpington stork baby chicks and eggs, write Charley Dobbs, Gainesville. Ga.; 4.000 catalogs ready to be mailed free. Write for one. 3-27-30 FOR THE BEST Single Comb Rhode Is land Red stock, baby chicks and eggs, write Charley Dobbs. Gainesville. Ga.; 4.000 catalogs ready to be mailed FREE. Write for one 3-27-31 FOR QUICK SALE Three trios S. C White Leghorns (oung strain), at $4.50 per trio. Two pens S. C. White Leg horns (four females. 1 male), at $lO each. Two pens S. C. Wyandottes ar $9.50 each; also a few nice hens of both above breeds at $1.50 and $2 each; also first and second cockerel Buff Cochin bantam Georgia state fair. 1911. for sale at bargain. All eggs at half price. D. A. Asbury, Jenk ingsburg. Ga. 6-1-16 WANTED —To exchange 4 Cyphers Fire less Brooders costing $2.50 each, for ten White Leghorn pullets Address Edwin W. Dart. Ordinary. Brunswick. Ga. 6-1-17 Miscellaneous Poultry. Miscellaneous Poultry. HQ HAST INGS & CO. SEEDSMEN FOR THE SOUTH. 16 W. MITCHELL ST. FOUR CITY’ DELIVERIES DAILY—NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE, 9 A. M.; INMAN PARK AND WEST END, 2 P. M. BELL PHONE M. 2568. ATLANTA 2568. ‘‘BUG DEATH” is the surest thing for killing potato hugs and all other insects that bother the garden. It is non-poisonous and is. easily applied. Price, 1- pound package 15c, postpaid 35c, 3 pounds 35c, 5 pounds 50c, 121-2 pounds SI.OO. DTP YOUR FOWLS with Conkey’s Nox-i-Cide. Just the thing for killing mites in the poultry houses; is disinfecting brooders, garbage cans, etc.; is an excellent disinfectant for the household. One pint mixed w’ith water will maki pd t 9O pints of disinfect ant. Price, 1 pint 35c, 1 qu” v 60c. 1-2 gallon 90c, 1 gallon $1.50. CANARY CAGES —All brass, with and without wire gauze. Price $1.25 to $5.00 each. ! ?GUR DUCKS the “Red Comb” Meat Mash. It is a well-balanced food for both young and old ducks and chickens. If fed regular you will see that the egg-production will increase. Ten pounds 25c, 50 pounds $1.15, 100 pounds $2.25. SWIFT'S BEEF’ SCRAPS are good dean scraps, and are the scraps to feed your fowls. Seven pounds 25c, 50 pounds $1.65. 100 pounds $3.25. CRUSHED OYSTER SHELLS are necessary for poultry. If kept before your laying hens regularly you will find that there will be no more soft-shell eggs. Price. 12 pounds 25c. 100 pounds SI.OO. HAND SPRAYERS for spraying liquid lice killers and disinfectants —50c and up. ~FLIES CAN’T STAY AROUND where Conkey’s Fly Knocker is sprayed regularly. It is just the thing for ridding your stable of these pests. If used on your cow you will have no trouble with kicked over milk, ft will save both the horse and coyv lots of trouble fanning. Price, 1 quart 35c, 1-2 gallon 60c, 1 gallon SI.OO. GOLDFISH. 10c. 15c, 25c and 50c each. Prepared Fish Food 10c per package, postpaid 12c. All size globes. ’ CONKEY’S AND LEE'S LI QU 117 LICEf KILLER. One quart 35c, 1-2 gallon 60c, 1 gallon SI.OO. HEAD LICE OINTMENT is a sure thing for killing head-lice on little chicks —10c and 25c. ONCE TRIED, you will always feed your fowls the “Red Comb” Food. All food, with no grit, shell or waste. A trial will convince you. ALI’ALFA MEAL is just the thing for supplying your fowls with green food. Seven pounds 25c, 100 pounds $2.50. FLOWER POTS, fem pans, pot saucers and plant tubs. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS for vegetable and flow ering plants. Plants are fresh from greenhouse every morning. WE ARE HFADQFARTERS for drinking founts, food hoppers, grit and shell boxes, leg hands, poul trv markers, etc. ""GET CONI<EY'S \VH ITE DI ARPnOEA REM El> Y and von Ygill have no more trouble with little chicks dyiner with tliarrhoea. Price 50c Cows. SALE—Jersey cow 20 Cooper street. 5-30-27 ~ ~ COW FOR SALE. JERSEY COW giving 2tj to 3 gallons of milk per day; young female calf See her at 869 Peachtree street. Telephone Ivy 385. » 5-31-21 MILCH COW for sale cheap. 158 Dill ave., Capitol View. BT-1-6 Horses and Carriages. FOR SALE--Horse and top grocery wagon cheap. Call West 827.5-24-1 AN extremely gentle pony, rubber-tired pony buggy and harness, all $95; fine for children Address Box 10, care Geor gian. 31-31-5 FOR SALE Medium size horse, perfect condition. Will sacrifice, SSO. Atlanta 2641. _5-31-36 FOR SALE—One-horse wholesale deliv ery wagon with top. 313 Cooper street. ’ 68-1-6 Hogs BERKSHIRES Fine registered stock; prices reasonable. Morris Farm, Clarks ton, Ga. 4-24-1 FULL-BLOODED French poodles, two months old; $5 each. Apply 40 Alice street. 6-1-34 O. I. C HOGS—I am offering some nice O. I. C. pigs at sls pair delivered to .your express office. These pigs are from registered stock and first-class breeding. I have one pair beautiful large and growth y pigs almost ready to breed, at S2O. Some classy young boars at $lO each. If you want a herd breeder or a pair to start a herd now is your chance. They are undoubtedly the best hogs I could find after fifteen years as a breeder. Order early. They won’t last long at this price. Pedigrees furnished with ail stock. Wal ter T. Kenner. Spring Place, Ga. 6-1-13 Dogs. AT STUD -Imported Southport Aristotype and Dan 0. Wood lawn. Absolutely the best collies at stud in the South. Write for pedigree. W. M. Stephenson, 30 Ashby St. , 4-13-3 BARGAINS in 30 breeds dogs and stock; catalog. Catalpa Kennels, Shelbyville. Ky. 4-27-4 HOUNDS—WoIf. bear. deer, cat, fox and bloodhounds; 50-page Illustrated cata logue 5 cents stamps. Rookwood Kennels, Lexington, Ky. 49-1-8 Real Estate For Sale. For Rent—Houses. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SALE. ONE BLOCK from a car stop on the Decatur and East Lake car line, a brand-new 5-room bunga low on a lot 57 by about 400 feet deep, which runs back to the street ear right-of-way. This place has not the city conveniences, but we believe they will be accessible within a few months. Price $2,250 on terms like rent. We offer this property, both as a good home and a good investment, on account of its location and the depth of the lot. Before many years the rear of the lot will be more valuable than the front, as it fronts the ear line. See either Mr. Radford or Mr. J. J. Hook. 3 ACRES on River car line; 4- room house; chicken house; fruit trees, etc.; $2,000.00. See Mr. White. A NEARLY new and very at tractive 6-room cottage on Edgewood Ave. in'lnman Park ; on lot 40x180 feet to a 10-foot alley, slightly above grade. This place is a splendid value for $4,100. Very attractive terms. See Mr. White. IN KIRK WOOD—Right at a car stop and on a corner, a very at tractive suburban home on a lot containing about three acres of land; house has 7 rooms, city wa ter, electric lights and sewerage connections; beautiful shade and great variety of fruits, etc. We consider this place a good buy for $6,500. Any reasonable terms can be arranged. See Mr. Dews. ON AVER Y~DRI VE-—TnAnsley Park, a lot 55x210 feet; this is about 1 1-2 blocks from end of Piedmont Ave. car line and we have a price of $2,000, but the owner has instructed us to see it. owner has instructed us to sell it. and make us an offer. See Mr. Radford. ; IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. 7-r. h., 45 Currier st $45.00 7-r. h., 119 Broyles. June 15525.00 7-r h.. 263 North Boulevard 40.00 7-r. b.. 188 West. Fair. June 20. 25.00 7-r. h., 50 West Twelfth st 35.00 7-r. h . 240 Glennwood ave 21.00 7-r. h., 18 West Third st 27.50 7-r. h.. 204 North Boulevard 21.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of ev erything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 613. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 218 SOUTH FORSYTH STREET, ten rooms two stories; all conveniences; house in good repair: only a short -walk from center of city; only $35 per month 9 BALTIMORE BLOCK, between West Peachtree~and" Spring streets, nine rooms, three stories, brick: first-class location with all city conveniences; S3O per month. 354 CAPITOL AVENUE, near corner of East Georgia avenue, eight-room two story house, in perfect condition; fine location, all conveniences; $35 per month. 64 EAST GEORGIA AVENUE? near Washington street, seven rooms, two stories, This house has all conveniences; splendid location; house in good repair, $27.50 per month. 27 EAST ALEXANDER STREET, between Peachtree and West Peachtree streets, we have this first floor five-room apartment; gas. electric lights, steam heat; S4O per month. NO. 49 W EST HARR IS ST. ON TUESDAY, JUNE 4, AT 10:30 A. M., before the Fulton county court house, we will offer for sale to the highest bidder, the following described property: Fronting 50 feet on the north side of West Harris St., near Spring St.; running back 192 feet to alley; has 3 good houses, renting for SSO per month. This property is well located and is fast becoming central property; being only 1 1-2 blocks from CAPITAL CITY CLUB, PEACHTREE AND THE CHESTERFIELD APARTMENTS. This property is just 100 feet from the Crew property, which has just been sold for $50,000, at the rate of $500.00 per foot. The southwest corner of Williams and Harris sold recently at $300.00 per foot; on the northeast corner of Williams and Harris, Mr. Sisson is erecting a 4-story stone and pressed brick modern family apartment at a cost of $30,- 000.. Terms of sale, 1-3 cash, and balance 1 and 2 years, at 7 per cent interest. For further particulars, call at office. S. B. TURMAN & CO. Broad and Alabama Sts. Administrator’s Sale THE REAL ESTATE of Mrs. M. M. Morris’ estate will be sold at auction before the court house door next Tuesday, June 4 Terms, 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. 7 per cent. Plats ready. C. F. Morris, administrator. 26-1-6 For Sale or Exchange ONE of the nicest homes in College Park; large house and lot. on one of the best streets, will sell on terms to suit purchaser, or exchange fora smaller home or vacant property in College Park. Title o. k.; no loan. J. B. Webb, owner, Bell phone 251-1,, College Dark. 5-31-7 Good Home and Investment Propositions NORTH SIDE 6-room home. $3,750; North Boulevard district; a modern home and beautiful shady lot. 50x175 to alley. ON beautiful Plasters Bridge road, a continuation of Piedmont avenue to Buckhead. On this beautiful charted road we are offering a couple of 3to 12-a< re tracts at S6OO per acre Buy now before the car line is extended and this propeity is cut up into sma'l lots at high prices. This property will double in value quicker ttian anything we can offer you anywhere at any prii ■ . Cal! us up now. WILSON BROS. REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS. 791 Einplra Building. Main Hll-J. Night No. Ivr 4078-J FOR RENT. 292 RAWSON STREET OUT ON RAWSON STREET at the above number, on the corner of Cooper street, situated on a high point of Raw son street, and on a corner lot with plenty of shade, we have a nice two-story ten room residence with an attic. This house is in nice clean condition, has several nice cabinet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, gas. three baths, stationary wash stand, sink in the kitchen, china closets, nice hall, lovely front ami side porches; in a good neighborhood; on a ear line, convenient to schools and churches, and within close walking distance of the busi ness portion of the city Price, $55. 82~PARK STREET (WEST END). ON THE LEFT, going out Park street, in West End. we have a nice two-story ten-room residence, with gas. baths tone on each floor), sink in the kitchen, sta tionary washstand. This house has lovely cabinet mantels and in nice flrst-class condition Has servant’s room in the basement. situated on good lot. 50 by 150 feet, in first-class neighborhood, on rar line: convenient to schools and churches Has nice front yard with shade. Price. SSO BEAUTIFUL east front lot 75x 175 feet, right at Piedmont Park and on car line. Only $2,100. See Mr. White. ON KING'S - IIIGIIW AY, n ear College Ave. and convenient to the North Decatur ear line, a 6- room bungalow on lot 50x208 feet. This house has every modern con venience except gas; piped for furnace; handsome mantels; good plumbing. We consider it good value for $3,750, and can arrange for easy terms. Would exchange for vacant lots in Atlanta. See Mr. Dews. IN DECATUR, on McDonough St., we have an 8-room house, nearly new, on large shady lot 160 x 240 feet, on a corner. Price. $6,500. Would trade for a cheaper piece of property. See Mr. Rad ford. ONE OF the most attractive lots on Moreland Ave., 50 by over 200 feet, with easterly frontage, not far from the Druid Hills prop erty, $2,100. This is the cheapest lot on the street. Terms can be arranged. See Mr. Radford. Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale. FOR SALE 200 FEET front on railroad close in. running hack to another street. If yon want to speculate, this is your opportunity to buy this piece of property, as it is a sure money-maker. PONCE DE LEON AVENUE —Eight-room house; has everv modern convenience; lot 50x220, Price $10,500.00. ‘ PINE STREET —Six-room house. This is a beauty and very attractive, lias all improvements. Terms, cash $750.00. Carries a loan of $1,500.00, balance $35 per month. ~SOuflF house, all improvements; lot 50x210 feet. Price $4,000.00. RICHARDSON STREET- Six-mun house, all im provements. Price $2,800.00. POSTELL STREET —Six-room, double house. Price , $1,000.00. SMYRNA, GA.—Five-room house. 9 1-2 acres of land convenient to street car. Price $2,750.00. TEN-ROOM house, close in; all improvements. Price $3,000.00. Terms to suit. CLOSE IN—One 8-room, 6-room and 3-room house. Rent for $31.50 per month. $2,600.00 buys it. ('HTR FIE STREF7F I’R()PEKTY—We have 2 Very desirable and attractive homes. They have everything to make them desirable, comfortable, and can be bought very reasonable. See J. M. Bishop for particulars. WE CAN OFFER in West'End. in the way of 6 and 8-room houses, at attractive prices; also a vacant lot. 173x173, at the low price of $1,500.00. "BETWEEN PEACI ITREEand Itow7ll Mill road, from $12.50 to $35.00 per front foot on Plaster Bridge road. W. E. TREADWELL &CO North Jackson JUST SOUTH of the Intersection of Jackson and Merritts ave nue. 1 am offering a bargain in a seven-room, two-story house with all conveniences. This place is located In the prettiest and most de sirable section of the street, fronts east and can be bought for the next few days for $3,259. EMMETT HIGHT REAL ESTATE 513-Sl4-515 EMPIRE BLDG. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phone 3106 Main. HERE IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR—Six rooms, hall and bath, double-floored, storm-sheathed, tile floor on front porch, tile 1n bath room, steam heat, large lot. beautiful fixtures, gas and electric, stone steps, tile walk, lot fenced This beautiful home Is new. Owner has covered it with best cy press shingles, bookcases, beautiful stone mantel, exposed ceiling beams, hard wood floors. The price Is cheap. Terms easy, LET US BUILD YOU A HOME; w ill arrange to suit your own taste. Make easy terms. 75 FEET FRONT on West Feachtiee street, south of North avenue This ’s a bargain. Make terms. HERE IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE on Myrtle street; will make terms, too. Come to see us about It. ~WE HAVE”A BUNCH of north side bargains. See us. NEWTON COUNTY FARM 287 ACRES of fine cotton, corn and grain land at Starrsville. Newton county. Georgia. Will sell cheap or exchange for Atlanta property. Has nice seven-room house, all necessary outbuildings sin.ono. LOT 100x280 East Lake junction. Cheap for cash, or can make terms. LOT 100x195 at Buckhead; elevated, shaded, fine Investment proposition. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. Phones: All. 226, Bell Ivy 4157. 34 N. Forsyth St. Small Farm For Sale 11 ACRES on Peyton Road, three-quarters of a mile of city limits; good six-room house and two-room house; on cherted road adjoining A., R & A railroad, for $4,000. Terms to suit the purchaser. An ideal location for suburban home or truck and dairy farm. Telephone me, Main 3422. MARCELLUS M. ANDERSON REAL ESTATE DEALER. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES BOUGHT 26 Inman Bldg. HOME SEEKERS ARE TOTT In the market for a home? If so. ft wtll be to your Interest to confer with us at once LISTEN: Do you own a lot anywhere tn the city or sub urbs paid for or half paid for? If so. let us build a house on It to suit your Ideas and arrange terms like rent or easier. Houses we build range second to none Ln point of workmanship, material and beauty. Ask our customera Plana and specifications will cost you nothing. GATE CITY HOME BUILDERS REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. 809 Third National Bank Building. Phono Ivy 3047. r -a JT NT PER STREET HOME vJAvll/l-y C/IX in THE best part of Juniper street we have a beautiful two-story eight-room T T a-tta x r house with five bed rooms, downstairs M /\ I I Y finished in mahogany, furnace and flre- xv* place in every room This is one of the prettiest places nn the street, and is on • «- -r-™. < tk TA. F a large lot 50x300 to alley Price. SB,OOO. C < > X/1 F® 1 ZX V Terms Let us show you this -*■ -a*- a. A Real Estate. Renting. Loans 511 Empire Bldg Both Phones 1599. H. H. H. REALTY COMPANY 418 Empire Building. Telephone Connections: Bell Main 2185; Atlanta 652. $2.550--FIVE-ROOM house and three-room house, two good houses on lot 75x 100 not far from Marietta street This Is undoubtedly a great bargain and can be bought with S3OO cash. Remember, this Is only a short distance from coming street Marietta. fUuRHtTUSESi on Battle street, rented for S3O; will exchange or will sell for bargain 1 ana’ JCRES of goo-« land In south Georgia will cut 6.000 feet of gKpd yeilo pine timber will cut turpentine boxes not another piece land south Georgia like thia. Now Ma the time. WHI cuttle- 30 per acr , Bet xr. A ’ r" 4 Real Estate For Sale. $25 CASH, $5 MONTH. - BUY’S two lots on Ashby St., 50x100. This is mighty cheap when you con sider that these lots have car line in a front. $400.00 CASH. BUY’S a lot on Simpson St., 40x120. These have car line In front, paved J street, and all improvements down. J BIG BARGAIN. | $200.00 CASH. $20.00 MONTH. BUY’S a good six-room cottage on Chestnut street. This plaxie has all city improvements, with a big barn, and the lot is 70x168. The owner is go- 4 Ing to sell, and the place is well worth g all we are asking for it. No loan to assume. AN IDEAL HOME. THIS place is on the Marietta car line and has every convenience you find in town but gas, and just think of the pleasure you would have in living where you have all the advantages of the country, with all the advantage the city, In a home that has hardw floors, two sleeping porches, two ba a two-room servants’ house and a that is a beauty, 270x500. If you » a home that is a home, look at place. Can sell on terms, with as> cash payment House has five rooms and a dandy little break room, and a living room that is so li that It is a genuine pleasure to be 1 The front veranda of this house, tends all across the front and is I mense. Let us show ycu this prop tion. ONE of the most beautiful homes if city to be sacrificed, lot 100x40$; p of shade, fruit, etc.; a fine home; *ll plate. See photograph in this issue SIOO cash and S2O per month. W q PRICE $3,250. 11 GARDEN STREET, near Georgia | nice five-room house: has sewer, ■ 1 gas and on a lot 50x140. See this t ■ $250 cash and $25 per month. . . _ NO. 166 LUCILE AVE. If you will go in this home you J one of the prettiest five-room houstJ ever saw; has every convenlenc< ranged for four more rooms at a cost. See this. jw S. B. TURMAN & c 4. BROAD AND ALABAMA STREE* ATTEND THE AUCTI SALE. of Mrs. M. M. Morris’ estate court house next Tuesday, Ji 4. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance-t, 2 years, 7 per cent. Plats re> C. F. Morris, administrator. 25- i Legal Notices. “state County- Mrs. Mamie Branson vs. W. F B-anson. Superior Court. July term, 1912. To W B. Branson, Greeting. By order of court, you are hefraby* no tified that on the 19th day of April. 1912, Mrs Mamie Branson filed suit against you for total divorce, returnable to the July term, 1912, of said court. You are hereby required to be and a; pear at the July term, 1912, of said cour To he held on the first Monday in Julj 1912, then and there to answer the plain tiff's complaint. Witness the Hon. George L. Bell, judgf of said court, this . ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. W H LEWIS. Attorney 6-1-, STATE OF GEORGIA -Fulton Count'' Mrs Donnie Marshall vs. Walker M* shall Superior Court, July term. 191 To Walker Marshall, Greeting: By order of court, you are hereby titled that on the 27th day of March, lb Mrs Donnie Marshall filed suit againt you for total divorce, returnable to the | July term. 1912. of said court. Y’ou are hereby required to be and ap pear at the July term, 1912. of said court. To be held on the first Monday In July, 1912, then and there to answer ths plain tiff's complaint. Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of said court, this . ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. -1-t GEORGIA —Fulton County; Sllvle Dor ris vs. Lee Dorris. The verdict for total divorce granted th sixteenth of March, 1909. Notice is hereby given to all concerns that on the 27th of March, 1912, I file with the clerk of the superior court o, said county my petition returnable to th July term. 1912. for the removal of tl disabilities under the verdict in the abov stated case. Application will be heard the July term, 1912, of said court <• SILVIE DORRIS. -1-u GEORGIA —Fulton County. Dora ~ Brown vs. J T. Brown. Superior Coun' To J T Brown: By order of court yv, are hereby notified that on the 12th n May. 1912. Dora A. Brown filed Bg, against you for divorce, returnable to t_ September term You are hereby requir’ to be at said term of court, to be h first Monday in September, to ansv plaintiff's complaint. Witness the H J. T. Pendleton, judge of said court, \ May, 1912. 6-1-11 ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. Stove and Range Repairing. HE'fIXEK ™ sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. We take down heaters. We sell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone 2235. 121 Whitehall st. Bell phone M. 2699. 4-4 7 Georgian Want Ads Get 1 . -n tai;' ciilclien >nn<| Ln.-i . i..<rii.-rt specials IB** <■,. 1 I r.-r, Id's. State daily (fil. I I"-rc.-ials 1 ■ t ,-. r-.:rlo white fancy 26 bi , . ~¥!i ’ i :n.\ 2d l ;'■l 21, extra fusts 18’lt I9‘t.