Newspaper Page Text
The Geonpan Es the Leading Want Ad Medium of the South
Carrying more Want Ads than any other Southern Newspaper. Below are the figures showing the number of Want Ads published
by ail the Atlanta Newspapers for the year M: The Georgian carried HBS>,4U Want Ads, Journal 1156,259, Constitution. 92,009 Want Ads.
This count is for six days to the week—for The Georgian prints no Sunday paper===and seven days to the week for The Journal and The
Constitution. 189,41111 Want Ads are by far the most ever before printed by an Atlanta Newspaper in a year. Both Phones 8000.
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta, Ga.
Entered at Atlanta .Postoffice as second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
One year, mail, postage prepaid, $5.00
Six months, mail, postage prepaid, 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 1.25
One month, mail, postage prepaid, <5
Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
Delivered by carrier, one yearss.2o
Delivered by carrier, six months...... 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month -4: •
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week...- • • 70c.
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED —Young white woman to cook
and do housework for small family, no
children, in the country. House equipped
with all modern conveniences. Salary sl6
per month and board. Room in house.
Must have experience and be able to give
references. Address McGruder. Midville.
Ga. 6-U4B
WANTED -White middle-aged woman for
light housekeeping. 117 Confederate
avenue. 6 1-26
LADIES—CaII and investigate our system
of hair dressing; Herrmann permanent
wave, manicuring, facial massage, electro
trolysis or chiropody. Few weeks com
pletes. Some money earned while learn
ing Catalogue free. Moler College. 53
West Mitchell street. 37 1-6
WANTED—Colored woman for general
housework. Must know cooking. Serv
ants’ house on lot. Call for Mr. Gross
man, 96 Whitehall, or 670 Washington.
COOK WANTED. 415 Atlanta National
Bank Building. Atlanta phone 3569,
Bell phone 944.29-3-6
WANTED —Competent cook in small
family. Apply 156 Peachtree circle.
WANTED A good colored cook for fam
ily of three: good wages: good room on
lot: references required. 663 Piedmont
avenue. Bel 1 phone Ivy 165. 36-3-6
WANTED—Experienced cook; single
woman: room on the lot: good wages to
the right party. Call Ivy 617 Bell phone.
WANTED —A good cook. Apply at 677
West Peachtree, corner Thirteenth.
EXPERIENCED COOK, small family .'s4
week: room on place. Apply 58 East
Merritts avenue. 6-1-10
WANTET>- Maid. 21 E. Cain.46-_L6
WANTED- Woman to wash and iron on
the place. 155 Peeples street 6-4-20
WANTED—Two white chambermaids,
two ladies for silver pantry, two col
ored chambermaids. Southern Business
Agency. 265 Candler annex.
WANTED At once, several first-class
white cooks. Must be first class Also
several colored cooks and maids. Apply
Feders Employment Agency. 253-254 Can
dler annex. 101 North Pryor street.
6-4 -24
WANTED- Three experienc ed salesladies.
We want at once three bright, active
salesladies with experience in selling wash
dresses, suits and skirts Good, perma
nent positions open for ’he right parties.
Apply at once to G. W. Seay. Southern
Suit and Skirt Company. 43- 45 Whitehall
WANTED Woman to do washing on
premises. Apply 206 McLendon street;
lake Inman Park to <"lifton car.s7-4-6
WANTED Experienced white woman to
take care of two small children, at "nee;
salary $25 per month. Write stating ex
perience and references. Room in house.
Address Box 22. (‘are f teorgian,s6-4-5
WANTED —A position by a reliable white
woman, middle-aged, to take care of
children who w-ant to go away for a trij>
several weeks at a time: an expert with
children: can give best of references. Ad
dress .1. (>.. 15 Cooper street. 58-1-6
Help Wanted—Male.
unmarried men between ages of 18 and
35; citizens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage For information apply to Recruit
ing Officer, 23G. Whitehall street, Atlanta,
or 411 Cherry street. Macon. Ga. 4-2 1
STOP at Hilburn hotel; heart of city;
10% Walton st., if you want a clean,
quiet room; transient 50c; open all night
YES, Professor G. O. Branning will tea h
you the barber trade (it’s easy). We
teach in one-half time of other colleges.
Course, tools and position in our shops
only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages. Atlanta Barber-College, 10
East Mitchell street.s-11-17
YOU ARE WANTED for government po
sition; SBO month; send postal for list
of positions open. Franklin Institute.
Dept. 49-r., Rochester. N. Y. 33-7-5
MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free. Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
WE WANT ten college young men for
outdoor work. Very agreeable situation
and will pay good wages if yon ran meet
requirements. 817 Austell building
MEN Learn the barber trade. Be your
own boss. Best chance in the world
for small capital. Some money earned
while learning. Few weeks completes.
< ’all or write at once. Moler Barber Uol
lege, 53 West Mi£chell_ sjreet 36-1-6
A YOUNG man to act as salesman and
learn the real estate business. Quick
promotion. See Mr. Rupley. 1107 Empire
Life Bldg., corner Peachtree and Broad.
WANTED- A good butler. Apply at.
once. 1209 Peachtree st. 6-3-27
WANTED.--A chef cook and steward,
white, and also a housekeeper. Peach
tree inn. 6-3-18 <
WANTED Take a 30-day course in <>ur 1
sample rooms and enter the cotton busi
ness. High salaried positions. Write for
indorsements. Carolina Cotton School. De
pp ’in it 2, 31 East Fourth street, Char- ,
lotte, N. C. 37 -3-6
ply Magnus Metal Company. Smith Pry- <
-»r street and Southern railroad. 6-3-25 ■
WANTED -Good cook. Alan. Must
come well recommended. Appl> 1089 ,
Peachtree street. 46-3-6 <
CARRIAGE painters to color varnish
bodies: steady position. Blount Car- '
riage and Buggy C 0.6-4-5
der The Georgian’s
new plan several
bust ling boys of 15
to 17 years can earn
good wages. See
Mr. Hanlon at The
< leorgian office. ~7 1
WXNTL’D <>nc A-1 mixer, one colored
second cook, four scrubbers, one carpet 1
cleaner Southern Business Agency, "65
Candler annex
WA NT 171' Bo> for general office work i
and coileeting, aged over 15 Apply , '
.lune 5, 10 a m Pacific Mutual Life In- i '
surance Company, 510-11 Peters Bldg
_ 59 16
A-1 colored baker and pastry cook at ! j
once for .summer resort,, first * la .« < «.|- ; ,
<»red chef-cook, summer resort 1018 <>n
tiir> Bldg. 6 j ,n
IMIUHED V XBI • MAX for Mt-nmer re
soft: colored waller fol Mlllimer j.<ori
|<>lß > 'ent iin Bldg 6 I
ft ANTED Neat • Lied girl a- general
hfiprr A pill> 164 bp I •»
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
WANTED -Housekeeper; also some maids
and waiters at once. Address Hamp
ton Springs Hotel, Hampton Springs, Fla.
WANTED—Colored family to work on
farm, near Macon. Good home and
wages steady. owner, 1409 Candler
building. 50-4-6
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED In every town 1n
Georgia to sell automobile tire remov
er; does the work in one minute what i
it will take two hours to do without thia
tool. For sale by A. G. Inman, Midville.
Ga. 2-29 32
BE INDEPENDENT—Start a mail order
business in your own home. We
tell you how, and furnish everything
needed wholesale. An honorable and
profitable business for a man or woman.
Particulars free. Many make $3,000 a
year. Murphy Mfg. Co., South Norwalk,
Conn. 5-11-5
WHY NOT EARN $5 to $25 daily? Others
do it with our new specialty. Send for
booklet. Chipley Specialty Co., Box 264,
Chipley. Fla. 50-1 -6
COMPLETE BOOK now ready for ship
ment. We handle three books on the
ocean's greatest disaster—one entitled
“Story of the Wreck of the Titanic.” '
edited by Marshall Everett, retail price
(cloth) SI.OO, half morocco $1.50; anoth
er entitled “The Sinking of the Ti
tanic” and “Great Sea Disasters,” edit
ed by Logan Marshall, retail price
(cloth) SI.OO, half morocco $1.75; the
other entitled “Memorial Edition, Sink
ing of the Titanic,” edited by Jay Hen
ry Mowbray, retail price (cloth) SI.OO.
We allow our agents 50 per cent com
mission on each of these books; so the
agents’ prices are one-half of the re
tail prices. We pay express charges on
cash orders amounting to sls worth or
more at agents’ prices. Credit given if
desired. Send us your orders; state
what author you want book written by
and we will ship promptly. Agents
wanted in every community. Outfit
sent free on receipt of 10 cents for
postage. A single copy of book by
author of your choice mailed to any ad
dress on receipt of retail price. Each
of the above books contains 350 pages,
over 500 illustrations, except memorial
edition by Jay Henry Mowbray which
contains 287 pages. Phillips-Boyd |
Publishing Company. Department No.
15. Atlanta. Ga.s-0-47
AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for am
bitious men; prefer experienced and
successful industrial insurance men. Ap
ply 233 Brown-Randolph Bldg.Bß-1 -6
WANTED—Live, responsible agents to
soli memberships in a sportsman club,
including building site located in Florida.
Address Room 104, Aragon Hotel. 98-1 -fl
WANTED—-Agents who can sell
high-class lot proposition on
commission basis, or salary and
commission. Must be able to give
bond. Address Box 771 Post
office, city. 6-3-6
Teachers Wanted.
Ti:.\i’lli:i:s W\NTEI> Mainly Lr prim
Hpals ami assistants. Fall positions
being taken rapidly. Demand exceeds
<up|']y. Free Registration. Write for
blanks and terms. Register Teachers
Agency, Register, Ga. 5-30-25
Situations Wanted—Female.
STENo-BooKKEEPER. rapid and accu- .
rate in both lines and general office
work: several years’ experience, desires
to make change. Position must he per
manent one. Box 97. care Georgian.
WHITE W(»MAN. first-class conk, wants
position at once. N. S . care Georgian.
WANTED Curtains, blankets, etc., to
wash. Good work guaranteed. Ad
dress Mrs. 8.. 148 Wells street. 35-3-6
W ANTED -Stenographic position; three
years experience. Reference given from
present employer. Address Miss Cannon,
Phone West 241_- L. 6-3-19
WANTED By a thoroughly competent
lady stenographer some extra work to
do al home at nights. This is good <
chance for your stenographer to get a
vacation. Address Box 777, care Geor
gian. 27-4-6
254 Candler annex, supplies free of
charge hotels, cases, restaurants with
first-class white and colored help of all
kinds. Phones Ivy 1789, Atlanta 915.
BEAUTIFUL linen dresses made at mod
erate prices; satisfaction guaranteed.
Call Ivy 2168-L 5-30 1 ■
WANTED Plain swing for children
only, (’all 150 Spring. 6-1-63 ’
Situations Wanted—Male.
Rates Under This itiot 2 4
words, 1 time 10c; 3 times 20c; 7 times 40c
PRINTER desires employment in city or
« ountry office. Address Economy. Box
?>0 L » arc (Jeorgian. 35-31-5
WANTED—Position as night porter by
absolutely reliable colored man. Call
phone West 762. 99-1 -6 I
WANTED Position during the summer .
months by 12-year-old boy; smart and
energetic, lives with parents. Address
Cyril Will',-, ;’.s Btoylps-yt. '
WANTED Position as floorwalker or job ■
i rimer. A-1 references. Address Cor
net, Newnan, Ga.4B-3-6
CORNETIST wishes position in picture
show. Atlanta or elsewhere: references; ,
married; sober. Address Cornet, Newnan. ,
Ga.<49-3-6 |
WANTED By a thoroughly experienced
wholesale-retail bookkeeper, cashier and
credit man, a position in or out of the
city. I am young, active, accurate and
not afraid of hard, steady work; can
check and put your books on a balance,
make balance sheet and keep your busi
ness in good shape; am also in a posi- I
tion t<» accept at once; references A-1;
will thank you for an interview. \<l- I
dress W. R. D., 23 Forrest ave.. city.
Phone Ivy 6257. 26-4-6 ]
YOUNG colored man wants job as cook
and house work: good reference. Ad- I
dress Work. 35 (’lifton st. 35-4-6 I
WANTED Position by experienced *
young man steno-bookkeeper about <
J me '’• B M s . < are < b orgian. 36 i 6
Fl HST-< ’LASS waiter wants work. Good
references. J W , 77 Robins street;
room 8 53-1-6 I
(’'•L''RED WAITER must have work by
Monday \t one place seven years
flood references. 77 Robins street ; room 8 |
pTTsri’Pl.X WXNTED by you'll: <.f elgh- .
teen; u ork of any kind. Can use type
writer, file, <-ollect Also experienced in ,
•’diippmg r<<on Best references. Address
M B x li«. <n< Georgian 5 - 4-6 ‘
FEd . J : 'I J ■ Y Ml :\T ;r\< w ;;
254 Candler annex 101 North Pryor
street, phono Ivy 1789, Atlanta 915. sup
pin-■ free of < harg" hoti-ls, restaurants. :
boarding apartments and private houses
with all kind- of first-class Ixdp 6-4-25 |
Board Wanted.
- X - . , I
W ALTCD Board for a quiet, elderly lady
‘h ruhuib* or near <ln on <ar line nt • I
Mr- R T , cure Georgian 61 4-6
Boarders Wanted.
RATES, $7 to sl2 per week. References
exchanged. 2-28-5
DELIGHTFUL home for summer; all con
veniences. Phone Ivy 6634. Mrs. C. S.
WANTED—Boarders; lovely downstairs
front room, with private entrance; first
class board, in best section of West End.
438 Gordon street. Phone West 109-J.
GOOD BOARD, pleasant rooms. 113-115
S. Pryor. Atlanta phone 4949. 5-28-5
GOOD TABLE BOARD In north side
home. Phone Ivy 2423-J. 5-30-14
Rooms and Homelike Board.
All conveniences; close in. Ivy 6344-J.
Rooms and Homelike Board.
Opposite the Capital City club. 20 West
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
board. 72 Spring Ivy 4860-L. 62-1 -_6
BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, with best meals
in the city: cool house for summer. 17
East North avenue, between the Peach
trees. 6-1-2
BOARDERS WANTED —Meals or regu
lar. 19 Ponce DeLeon avenue, corner
Church street. Phone Decatur 506.
139 W. PEACHTREE -Large, cool rooms,
excellent meals: home comforts for re
fined guests in small private boarding
house. Phone Ivy 5551. Table board.
A CONGENIAL couple can get room ad
joining bath reasonable in private home.
References. 485 Peachtree street. 6-1-39
ROOMS and excellent meals; all conven
iences: select neighborhood; $4.50 per
week. 42 Windsor st. Atlanta phone
301.5 -F. 5-31-30
ROOMS AND BOARD Best home-like
cooking: close in, 121 Capitol Square.
M. 4839-L.6-1-61
ROOMS and best home-like cooking at
29 E Harris. Ivy J 174£ -L.6-1-62
SPLENDID TABLE; neat, clean rooms;
home cooking 132 South Pryor street.
6 3 35
GOOD TABLE; first-class acccgnmoda
tion. 227 Whitehall street. Prefer
young men. 6-3-36
LARGE ROOMS; excellent cooking; no
colored 'help. 210 South Forsyth. 6-3-37
A FEW MORE boarders can be accom
modated at 109 East Linden street, just
off Peachtree. Just far enough out to
escape the disturbing noises, but not too
far from the business (’enter. Good food,
well cooked Cleanliness and neatness
guaranteed. Bath room, phone. Rate,
$22.50 to S3O per month. 109 East Linden
(’DUPLE or young men for light, cool
room with best home board and every
convenience. Hall Apartment 2, 183
Spring 5t.33-4-6
FURNISHED rooms with or without
board.3l W, Baker. 6-4-3
TWO boarders for large front room;
small, private boarding house; close in;
strictly urst-class. Main 3734-L. 6-4-9
FEW boarders can get nice, fresh, cool
rooms. 111 Washington 5t.45-4-6
BEAUTIFUL rooms with best meals in
the city; cool House for summer. 17 E.
North ave., between the Peachtrees.
FRONT ROOM,and board; young men or
<tmipie 119 Washington st. 6-4-14
BUSINESS PE‘>F‘LE can get good accom
modations, hoard and rooms, at 21 East
(’ain.lvy 3256-L49-4-6
BURNISHED ROOMS, with or without
board, at 72 Spring street. Ivv 4860-J.
SNYDER HOUSE, 55 Luckle street.
Rooms and meals for regular and tran
sient boarders, (’lose in. Rates reason
able. Atlanta 5386. 6-4-22
ment; newly fitted; clean; rooms 50c up.
Heart of city. Peachtree. 2-20-67
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NICELY furnished room; all conven
iences 61 E. Cain st., Apartment 5.
Bell phone Ivy 2116. 5-20-43
FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or unfur
nished; good neighborhood; five min
utes’ walk from Terminal Station; ears
every five minutes. Write or apply Mis.
Sue F. Johnson, 76 Walker st 5-22-3
FoR RENT Nice, newly furnished rooms
close in: private family. 151 Spring
street. 5-27-2
NICELY furnished rooms, single or light
housekeeping; all conveniences; close
in 66 Houston street. Atlanta phone
3505. 5-29-4
LARGE, desirable, nicely furnished room
for rent: all conveniences; close in. 61
E. Cain st.. Apartment 2. Phone Ivy
F< iR RENT < >ne furnished room at 47
street. 5-29-39
NK'ELY furnished rooms for light house
keeping. $lO to $1.5 a month; five min
utes walk from Candler Bldg. 231 Court
land st. 5-30-4
BRIGHT, cheerful rooms; new furnish
ings. select neighborhood, also two un
furnished rooms. 376 Capitol avenue,
near (Georgia avenue. 5 4-30-5
GENTLEMEN (’<,><>l rooms; all conven
iences; walking distance. Phone Ivy
All conveniences: close in 104 Ivy At
lanta 5134; under new management.
One block of Candler Bldg. 102 Ivy st.
’ 22 E. HARRIS ST.
SECOND DOOR from Peachtree for beau
tiful furnished light housekeeping
rooms en suite; light and airy and com
pletely furnished with every 7 convenience;
rates reasonable. Phone Ivy 5450.
FOR RENT (inc nicely furnished front
room; close in. 233 S. Pryor. 59-1-6
NK’ELY furnished room: all conven
iences 61 E. Cain st., Apartment 5.
B(‘ll phone Ivy 2116.6-1 -31
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms
with private bath, centrally located, to
let until September 1. Apply P. O. Box
1493, S. T, E, or Ivy 5893.6-1-6
FOR RENT To two adults, two or three
rooms, furnished complete for house
keeping Courtland street, between East
Baker and Forrest avenue. Phone Ivv
6158-J. 33 1-6
ONE nicely furnished room; all con
voniences. 164 Ivy street. Apt 1 6-1-40
NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; reasonable
prices; centrally located; baths free.
Broadway Hotel, 7 l *> North Broad street.
_ I-- 1 ! 73
NICE, ('< >OL R< )OM.
PRIVATE home, dose in. 311 Courtland
Ivy 6377-J 31-1-6
FOR RENT Large well ventilated fur
nished room, adjoining bath, in steam
heated apartment; electri<- lights, gas
and telephone Phone Ivy 3584 or apply at
apartment 2. 387 I‘each tree street 6 -1-53
GENTLEMAN or business woman, room!
In attractive home; call or wrlt( ::j5 i
My rtle st. 6-1-48 j
Nb’E. cool rooms with board. Bell phot c |
22 l-i Ellis _ ‘• J.: ■
I HAVE *evon large, beautiful, r:*‘wly !
hn nished rooms for rent at t igl < pr i« »• ,
D E Evans, *(» B Carnegie aay I (
5558, Atlanta 3900. 6 1-68
Georg San Want Ads Work Won=
ders on Ad Kinds of Ways,
EXHIBIT NO. 2. Fla.. May 30, 1912.
The Georgian Company, Manager Want Ail Department,
Atlanta, (la.
Dear Sirs—lnclosed is $1.62, to pay the account, of ad
vertising which you hold against us.
If all advertising was as profitable as the ones which we
' are now paying, we would do nothing else but advertise.
Yours verv trulv,
• Help Wanted—Female. Personal.
vv ai i. ir-ivi i m.rv INSTRt'I’TOR FOR YOUTH. MAN
PUBl jcatk »ns. sample mailed
V\i ■ 9i- in i.c DUVAL PUBLISHING CO., 217 DU
; SONVILLE, FLA. 52-11 5 5-11-20
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
• BRIGHT ROOM; north side home: close
in; middle-aged business woman pre
fyu-rck Ivy 6281. 6-1 57
i NICE, cool front room in brick apart
ment; all conveniences; north side, six
‘ blocks from Candler Bldg. Bell phone Ivy
TO YOUNG MAN, nicely furnished room
adjoining bath on West Peachtree near
: Linden. Phone Ivy 1495. 6-3 •13
TWO ROOMS furnished complete for
light housekeeping; $3.50 per week. 266
• st.2B-3-6
CENTRAL, well located rooms; also
housekeeping: north side Phone Ivy
• 27 25-J.6-3-24
J YOUNG LADY at home wishes a room
mate; nicely furnished room, with use
of phone and parlor; $5. 437 Capitol ave
nue. 6-3-20
’ FOR RENT One nicely furnished room
' with all conveniences. 320 blast Hunter
■ street. 6-3-16
Nl< ELY furnished r.oom adjoining bathl
all conveniences; gentlemen only. Ogle-
■ tltorpe. 195 Ivy. Apartment 2. 6-3-34
i FOUR furnished first floor rooms; con
veniences for housekeeping: no chil-
• dren; near in: private bath. 166 Uourt-
; land. 54-3-6
‘ T\V() nicely furnished rooms 1n private
■ home. 19 East Harris street. 6-3-38
WANTED- -Boarders; nice rooms, electric
lights; hot water at any time; best of
( meals: up-to-date accommodations. 135
Ivy’ street. 6-3-40
; FOR RENT Three furnished rooms;
large front room, suitable for Iwo or
1 three young men Appl.v 193 Washington
street or phono Main 3237.
• FURNISHEfi room for rent. Phone Main
4844-L.113 Richardson. 3 4 1-6
! ’I'WO nicely furnished front rooms, com
plete for housekeeping; cheap to par
ties without children; hot bath; Beil
phone; best location. 290 Washington.
’ _ H-l-6
NICELY furnished, cool sleeping
, also housekeeping rooms. 152 West
; Feachtree: vuikinLr distance 6-4-13
TWO separate light housekeeping rooms;
every convenience; vacant on the 12th.
, Atlanta phone 5853-F.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished upstairs
front rooms. ITivate poreli. Modern
conveniences. Close in. North side. Iv\
I'• * R RENT Nu ole furr ishe< I ■ "- . ■ ■ li
ter of city: also housekeeping rooms;
• opposite postoffice. 41 Poplar street.
F< »R RENT "no extremely large front
room for one or two gentlemen; very
close in. Reasonable. 74 Luekie street
Iv\ 66£2 - _ 6-1 ;.-1
F< >R RENT F< ' ■ mpletely fur
nished for housekeeping; new home in
West End. 95 I ["!■!'me street 52 I 6
FOR RENT Two rooms completely fur
i nished for light housekeeping; sink,
bath and use of garden; $12.50 191 Pul-
liam street. Phoi e Main2B
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Two or three furnished rooms
' for light housekeeping, in West End. by
■ couple with year-old child. Address Box
' 211. care Georgian. 30-3-6
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE or four rooms; every' conven
ience. 425 North Jackson st. 5-28 I
FOR RENT Light housekeeping; three
first floor connecting rooms; sink; all
conveniences. Atlanta phone 2738.
5-31 24
TWO connecting rooms and kitchenette
sink, large porch and shady yard; ref
erences. Ivy
FOR RENT Two connect ng unfurnished
first floor rooms; newly tinted; close* in.
33 Eugenia street, off Goopcr
FOR RENT Three unfurnished upstairs
rooms for light housekeeping: ball; sop
aratc gas and use of phone. Between
Formwait and Richardson streets. 154
Richardson street 6-3-29
FIVE second floor rooms and bath; new
house; $17.50 month. 167 (L’rew street.
i■» one Ivy 2807 L 53 3 6
ENTIRE lower floor, living room, <lining
room, bed room, kitol.on, bath, veran
das; sl6 month. 173 < »ak st. 30-4-6
FOUR connecting unfurnished rooms;
sink in kitchen; use of phono; <<n car
line near N. Jackson st. 59 Irwin st.
F'OR RENT Two largo connecting first
floor rooms, SB. 26 Broyles street
Atlanta phone 6037-M. 6-4-17
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
COUPLE desire two <»r three rooms;
conveniences for light housekeeping;
'private family: Inman Park preferred:
I Julv 1 Address Ji. W. L, < are Georgian
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent,
H’H'ib’E front room, furnished or unfur
nished; nu'dein conveniences; private
I porches, walking distance, private home
166 Highland ave. Ivy 4809 J 6 1-55
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT During summer months, six
room furnished apartment. 1] Marl-
j borough. Phon* l ivy 6-1-27
1 BEA I "I'l I‘l’L. completely furnishr<l three -
room apartment with sink m kitchen,:
(•onnc'-ting bath; first-class; hot water,
; steam heat, Janitor servh • ready to
I move your trunk in and g<» to living
D E i:v;ins, 20-B ’’atnegn- way Beil
I Ivy 5558 J. Atlanta 3900 6-1-»i7
*lO Near the Tech school l''urnished
apa: tmerit. Thrto rooms and bath At
lianta !«hone 5828-B
X -.. . ’ ■ 1 >
you 'l’be Georgian Want Ad columns!
, reach more people and bring better results
i that could u”i b»« ■ btaincd In any ulher |
•••vdiUtn in this dectiun.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
1 FOR RENT- The new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Boaco
bel, consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience, and renting for $32.50 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem-
I fses or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
i building 5-9-57
• FOR RENT Apartment in lovely resi-
I donee section, furnished or unfurnished.
: Suites of two, three, four or five rooms.
• Private hath: new house; by the month or
; year. Phone Ivy 2432, 6-1 -42
i Furnished Houses For Rent.
I’OR RENT Furnished, for one year or
5 less, beautiful modern home; eight
t rooms, furnace; most desirable: one door
J from Peachtree. Apply’ 3 East Eighth st.
i Phone Ivy 4258-1,. 29-4-6
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity,
"-is 18
[ FOR RENT No. 27 West Twelfth Street,
seven rooms, hardwood floors, furnace
; heat. See owner, 25 West Twelfth street.
Phone 2155 Ivy. 5-18-29
i i Mills street, cor. W. Beachtree,
5 rooms $30.00
; 4S. Kogers street, Kirkwood. 5
; rooms ,$15.60
> ‘240 Ira street, 4 rooms . . . $7.60
122 W. Alexander street, 6
i rooms $15.60:
; 110 Jones avenue, 5 rooms.slß 00
Hills Bark. 5 rooms $14.00
Hilo ('audler Building.
5 31-5
: FOR RENT’, HOUSES (’all. write or
i phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph o.
< ’ochran, 19 South Bn• ad street. 4-1-21
F(»R RENT In suburbs, near two car
lines, brand new five-room house, with
water, electric lights and all conven
fences. ('all Main 1822. 71 Whitehall.
(I. \ Ledbetter. 96-1-6
!•’< »R RENT By owner, nine-room house;
upper or lower floor separate; two
baths; high location; shade; 15 minutes'
walk. Ivy 2825-L. 6-1-59
i ‘ '
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WA NTED To rent new eight-room house
with three or four bed rooms, between
’ West North avenue and Sixteenth street,
west of Peachtree; rent not to exceed
SSO. Class A tenant. Four adults. Phone
Ivy 2318. 6 3-28
Office Space For Rent.
OFFICE SPACE for rent. Peters Bldg.
Phone Main 4258-J. 6-4-29
Desk Space For Rent.
FOR RENT Tn congenial party desk
space with usp of both phones sls per 1
month 1 124-25 Candler Bldg. 5-25-23
I >ESK R<)()M F(; if RE NT~G ond 1 oca tT7n
in room and use of phone. Terms rea
sonable. 210 Equitable Building. 5-30-53 :
Lost and Found.
LOST Greek letter sorority pin. Middle
initial in diamonds. Owner’s name on
Phone Ivv 1316. 6-1-51
LOST—Either at Rich’s or
iligli's store or between
there and Linden street,
gold flat link bracelet, set
with diamonds. Reward if
returned to Mrs. J. M.
Flynn, Byron Apts., 208 W.
Peachtree. 6-3-17
L< 'ST (laid horseshoe pin. between the
Forsyth theater and Auburn avenin 1 .
Saturday. Please return to 1207 Empire
Bldg Phone Main 3065. Reward
I KEVEALS past, present and future. Can
, be consulted on all affairs of life; read
ings. 25c. 50c. 17 East Mitchell street (in
I t<>nt _ 5-29-5
Dropsy. J
DROPSY ci RED Relieves .shortness '
breath r; 36 to 48 hours Redin cs swell- '
1 ir.g In 15 to 2*' da - Write for pa,rtlcu»
l«r v <'ollon Drops\ Romedv Gompnny, I
| I
o’- Au t<H building. Atlanta
• Personal.
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you.
and it meanH msuranc-- 6-24-19
”Hair ( U'eTscT
3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
and Broad 3-21-36
SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fly
| screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
i metal weather strips, furnisned anywhere
lin the South. Write or phone W it Cal-
I laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436
ACME LETTER Co., 417 Wesley Meino
rtul B: ig 5-6-33
STILL another oig shipment of new wall
papers. Prices right. All work guar
anteed. Bettor bo safe than sorry Bar
nett & Gordon, 22 E. Mitchell st.; 30 sec
onds fi-oni Whitehall. 4-13-45
CUCUMBER and peroxide cream, ('.spe
cially used for sunburn; guaranteed one
of the best skin foods on the market;
nothing like it for whitening the skin.
For sale by (Mayton &• Zahn, 36F. Whlte
hall st. M. ,1769. 5-20-22
CARPETS and RUGS clean as when new.
Our process insures satisfaction.
I 2 cents per square foot. 5-23-38
Spirella Corset Headquarters
84 E. North Ave., Ivy 6176.
DEAF PEOPLE Can help 99 per cent
of the worst eases No drugs. Not in
jurious. Guaranteed. G. A. c . care
Georgian, 38-1-6
OLD-FASHION I’D home-cooked meals;
the very best in the city. Woman’s
Exchange. 56\. Peachtree st. 6-3-12
By Mrs. A. Lee Champe, 56 Howell Place.
Phono 428. West End. 3-21-62
LA IRES Ask your druggist fo»* Chirhes
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble; buy of your druggist. Take no other
C’hichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1
DR EL>M< iNDSON’S 'l’ansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe ahd re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar, obstructions. Trial box by mall,
50c. Frank Edmopdson & Bro., manu
facturing chemists, 14 South Broad street,
Atlanta. Ga_ 2-17-14
LAI RES SI,OOO reward. I positively guar
antee my great successful "Monthly'’
remedy; safely relieves some of the long
est. most obstinate, abnormal cases in
three to five days; no harm, pain or in
terference with work; mail $1.50. Double
strength, $2. Dr. F. G. Southington Rem
edy Company, Kansas City, Mo 4 2-34
2314 Whitehall St. 3-21-29
1 BUY men’s old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock. 32 Bell st. 5-1-14
DROP A CARD—WiII bring rash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestaire, 166
Decatur street. 3-7-8
BEST CASH PRICES for furniture,
household goods and office furniture.
Pembroke Sales Co., 143 S. Pryor street.
Bell phone Main 187. 4-5-25
WANTED We pa\ highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. (’ash advanoed op consign
ments Springer’s Auction House. 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
I 10 10
WE P' Y iii'Hil-'ST <’x si i prices fm
household goods, pianos and office fur
niture. ('ash advanced on consignments.
Central Audhui Company. 12 East Mitch
ell street. BeU p! ■ne Main 2421 8
W x.NTi j' Roll top office chair and
office table. Box 714, care Georgian
WANTED Visible typewriter; good con
dition. W., Bell phone 1127 Main
is t 6
Books Wanted.
CASH PAID for all kinds salable
MAIL LIST Phone 1822 Main, or better
still, bring books to store.
71 Whitehall St. (Gnvan’s.)
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
WE RENT good pianos, $3 month up.
We sell good pianos, $5 month up
Bargain In second-hand, £IOO up.
R. P. Becht Company. 110 I'emple Court
building Bell phone 667 Main 4-23-20
BE SURE and see our screens and get
our prices before buying Kane Blind
and Screen Co., J. J. Crawford, 202 Kiser
Bldg. M. 1929. 320 H
Atlanta Tint and Awning
MANUFACTURERS high-grade tents and
awnings. 39’/ 2 Luekie st. Ivy 5667.
4-16 '<
BEG to announce the opening of their
new shop at 171 Whitehall street, where'
they make a specialty of REPAIRING and ;
REI'INISHIN* 1 of all kinds of furnUure;
all work done by expert mechanics. flCsti
mates cheerfully furnished. Phone Main !
24"5 or rail in person.
FOR SALE Second-hand saf>. 26x1 ♦ I
inches inside. Bishop-Babcock Becker j
Go. 5-27-18 |
l’i U’E'S fU’EGIAL Host ilnll.-ir watih ill!
the world sent prepaid. only 86c. i
Fully guaranteed to k»-<-p correct time
two years or mono retu?;<led New watch
given free if it breaks A more servicea
ble watch can not be had at any price
Money refunded immediately if you are
not highly pleased < »rd»-r todax without
fail Dope Watch and Diamond <*omianv.
1514 Main street. Dallas 'D \ 6-1-il|
NEW, RUBBER TIRI S pu’ - n your baby
■•arriagos. repairing Phone Ivy 3076. |
Robert Mitchell, J-’ avenue
TUESDAY, JUNE 4. 1912.
One cent a word each insertion
unless on agreement. Minimum
10c an ad. Ads to appear in ordi
nary reading matter type. Ads in
larger type 2c a word.
on contracts. 4c a line for
90 consecutive insertions: a
line for 60 consecutive insertions,
oc a line for 30 consecutive inser
■ zl? ns: a Hne for 15 times.
(Count six average length words in ’
small reading matter type to the
line). ’
Situations Wanted" ads contain
ing not over 24 words will be
printed one time for 10c; three
times for 20c, or seven times for
40c i
All ads. snob as Boarders Want
ed, Furnished or Unfurnished
Looms. Apartments, Houses For
Rent or Wanted, also Lost and
Found, Help Wanted ads that only
got the benefit of the "city cir
culation” of The Georgian, will be
ic a word for one insertion; three
times for the price of two or seven
tunes for the- price of four.
• n secure proper classification of
want Ads it will be necessary to
have copy | n The Georgian office
before 1 o’clock the day of the
livery word In the advertisement,
including the name and address,
should be counted. Each initial
counts one word; compound words
are counted as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it Is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This Is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
'Jant Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always ask your telephone Ad be repeated
hack to you by the telephone Ad
taker to make sure that It has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
rcsponstbllty for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
Out-of-town advertisements must
be accompanied with cash in futl
payment for the same. Note the
foregoing instructions about count
ing the words and the rates per
word. Agencies' discounts 15 and
2 per cent.
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given by The Georgian to
patrons making payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as no
mistakes can be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, If the advertiser asks to
show references, send a duplicate
of same.
All Ads must be ordered out in
writing or at the office. No dis
continuance notice taken over tel
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
SQDA FOUNTS Bargain tn new and sec
ond-hand soda fountains; easy terms;
write for prices. P. <) Box 1022, Atlanta.
< I a.3-16-76
EXTRA fine sweetpeas. 25 and 35 cents
, per 100. White rabbits for sale. Bell
I■l h■ i • r k 6 -2-3
and large home safes sls; Hall’s bank
and fire-proof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
I J. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg
One Price. No Commission
Wellington—upright oak ... SB7
Fischer —square grand $47
Vose & Sons —upright ma-
hogany $137
Everett—upright walnut... .$267
I vers & Pond—upright ma
hogany ...$l9O
Player Piano—Fine condi
tion $367
New Pianos, easy payments,
$lB5 tip. Organs, S4O up.
Rent Piano $3 up. p
Tuning. Repairing. ” r tp
('leveland-Manning Piano
SO N. Pryor.
FOR SALE At a bargain, one upright
piano, dining table and chairs. No. 2
I -las t 1 ? <>rt McPherson.2s-4-6
F< »R SA LE Fifty-foot round tent, nearly
new, now standing at 79 Capitol ave
nue. Ulysses Lewis, 206 Temple Court
Bldg. 37-4-6
SPECIAL $5,000 accident and health pol
icy $lO per year. Covers auto accident.
Write for application blank. District
agents wanted. Box 180. Loganville, Ga.
FOR SALE < >no second-hand mantel and
two folding doors. In good condition.
Mrs. E. D. Davis, 376 North Boulevard.
Bell i > hon e 124 L 51-4-6
F< >R SALE -1200-lb. ice capacity oak re
frigerator; a bargain for restaurant or
boarding house. Phone Main 3915. 626
Austell Bld 60-4-6
For Sa I.E Piano that has only been
used a short while. S6O cash, balance
monthly. These terms if sold at once.
Call Mis Y Ivy 1774 or at 52 North
Broad street. -6-4-32
Magneto and carburetor work a special
ty; first-class mechanics. Work guaran
teed. Hartrampr Yarbray Company.
Phone Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenue,
just below Equitable 81dg.4-22-5
FOIFs.XLE Keo runabout in perfect con
dition. If you want a car at a bargain
that you can “do it with,” write .J, W.
Henderson. -30-23
.;ri<at REI tl CTI< )N IN TIRE PRICES.
W. have secured near 1.000 seconds in
(the standard make casing; 28x3, $7.90;
-8 j.o, 32x3. $8.50; 30x3 $11.90;
>l2 -0: 34x31 a , $13.90; 32x4, $17.90;
:: Ix 4, ”sl9 !‘O. We also have large stock
FIRSTS at prevailing list prices. Send
us your ciders for either first or seconds,
j McPherson Auto Tire Co., 46 Auburn ave
' ‘ u ' ’ X I ' ;inta »_ ( * a 90-1 -6
I WANT Id' To buy second-hand Ford
modi I T tw<>-passenger roadster at a
[bargain. Let me know what you have
for sal- Address S C. H.. care Geor
j gi a 11 *6-3-1
FOR SALE Five-passenger 1911 model
overland, in first-class condition; new
oversidos. tires and three extra casings.
Address <»wner. Box 757. Atlanta, Ga.
K< >K SALL Locomobile. in first-class
<»■ 1>1:11<>>>; run loss than 9.000 miles;
, 51,1.';.. I’. i_> Box 75”, Atlanta. Ga.
6 3-22