Newspaper Page Text
Our June Sale of
Spring Suits
J. P. Allen & Co.
The first of June brings us together again, for we
find that our Suit stock contains 265 good Spring
Suits, and we are quite certain many of you are want
ing another good Suit.
And certainly we can ‘get together on the price
when you read this list and then see the kind of Suits
they are. Honestly—and personally speaking—we
don’t believe there’s a bad Suit in the lot. They’re all
well made of best materials, and are all desirable styles.
Every color and combination, including black-and
white, navy blue, gray, all black and all white.
$22.50, $25.00 and $27.50
Suits 9 1 kJ
$30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 &1 £
Suits . 1
$40.00, $45.00 and $50.00
$55.00, $60.00 and $75.00 &<)£
J. P. Allen & Co.,
51-53 Whitehall St.
Don’t Miss Tuesday’s Remarkable Bar
gain Offerings. Prices Lower Than Ever
Day by day we’ve served a host of people since this sale
started—-every one of whom expressed hearty approval of the
absolute genuineness of the sale. If you have already attended you
will know what to expect when we state that tomorrow we will
REDUCE STILL LOWER the prices of the lots already on sale.
We will also offer for Tuesday numbers of equally attractive items,
that, because of our limited selling space, have never been on sale
before. 1 hese will go at Fire Sale Prices Regardless of Cost or
Former Prices.
Among Tuesday’s astounding bargains will be; Millinery, Rib
bons, Flowers, Gloves, Neckwear, Waists, Kimonos, Men’s, Women’s
and Children’s Hosiery and Underwear, Men’s and Women’s Silk
Umbrellas, Corsets, Muslin Underwear, Women’s Silk Shirts, Men’s
Shirts and Silk Neckwear, Children’s Dresses, etc. The only way
we can insure you best choice in' tomorrow’s remarkable bargain
lots is by an early call. Why not be on hand when the store opens
in the morning at 9 A. M.?
49 Whitehall Street
X ,
A Few Applications of a Simple
Remedy Will Bring Back
• the Natural Color.
"Pull out one gray hair and a dozen
will take Its place,” is an old saying,
which is, to a great extent, true, if no
steps are taken to stop the cause. When
gray hairs appear it is a sign that Na
ture needs assistance. It is Nature’s
call for help. Gray hair, dull, lifeless
hair, or hair that is falling out. is not
necessarily a sign of advancing age. for
there are thousands of elderly people
with perfect heads of hair without a
single streak of gray.
When gray hairs come, or when the
hait seems to be lifeless or dead, some
good, reliable hair-restoring treatment
should be resorted to at once. Special
ists say that one of the best prepara
tions to use is the old-fashioned “sage
tea” which our grandparents used. The
best preparation of this kind is Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a prep
aration of domestic sage and sulphur,
scientifically compounded with later
discovered hair tonics anil stimulants,
the whole mixture being carefully bal
anced and tested by experts.
Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur is clean
and wholesome and perfectly harmless.
It refreshes dry, parched hair, removes
dandruff and gradually restores faded
or gray hair to its natural color.
Don’t delay another minute. Start
using Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur a'
Once and see what a difference a few
days' treatment will make in your hair.
This preparation is offered to the
public at fifty cents a bottle, and is
recommended and sold by all druggists.
<>n Monday, May 6, 1912. The San Fran
cisco Examiner and Bulletin published an
offer that is unique in history, as follows:
“To show that the preparation con
taining opium which locks up secretions,
used so nnuch in Diabetes (Codein) is
wrong and that Fulton’s Diabetic Com
pound. which contains no opium or seda
tives but promotes secretions, is right,
we will say that if four physicians of
good standing in this city will' send us a
Diabetic between flftey and seventy years
of tuge, strong enough to call at our of
fice, who shows high specific gravity
thirst and a large quantity of sugar, with
a letter signed by them showing the
above, we will retire the Codein* and
with this mild infusion to help the liver
.oxidize the sugars and starches will at
tempt to return him in sixty days with
half of the sugar -eliminated ami specific
gravity half way back to the normal with
thirst and symptoms largely reduced and
on the. road to recovery. If we fail we j
will publish the fact; if we succeed the
physicians to acknowledge it. We want a
worthy reliable patient whom we can
both trust. This offer is not in the nature
of a contest, but to demonstrate that life
can be prolonged or recoveries had in
many cases of Diabetes that are now dy
ing under codein.’'
Frank Edmondson & Bro.. 14 South
Broad street and 10f> North Pryor street,
are agents for Fulton’s Diabetic Com
pound. Ask for pamphlet or write to
.John -I. Fulton Company. San Francisco.
♦Where patients are addicted to Codein
(contains opium), it is often necessary to
give a non-habit forming sedative for a
Jacobs’ Pharmacy Company deserves
praise from Atlanta people for intro
ducing here the simple buckthorn bark
and glycerine mixture, known as Adler
i-ka. This simple German remedy first
became famous by curing appendicitis,
and it has now been discovered that A
SINGLE DOSE removes sour stomach,
gas on the stomach and constipation
INSTANTLY. It is tile only remedy
which never fails.
i rr." -
Many Places Nearer That'
Few Know Any More
About Than That
Remote Point.
A man who has been around the 4
world says lie. has seen everything that
is worth seeing on this planet, and
now he would like to take a trip to
the moon to complete his education.
Is this one man in a thousand, or
what is the ratio? To those of us
who have never been outside of our
own state, there is much to learn about I
places nearer than the moon.
The Georgian Is distributing the I
Standard Atlas ami Chronological His-!
tory of the World, which contains all
the information you need to know about
states, countries and continents. In
fact, it gives detailed information re
lating to every principal city in the
world. There are also maps of every
state and territory in the I'nited States
and every country in the world.
Al! you have to do to get this won
derful book is to clip oi- tear out six
headings from this paper and present I
them with the small expense fee named I
In the announcement. Save the head
Want Ads
“The Chest With the Chill in It” »
White Mountain Refrigerators p
Cut Your Ice Bills in Half |
White Mountain Refrigerators are made of the
vcr y best white oak, elegantly finished and pol
ished. Inside lining, dead air walls and mineral f
wool. The two together give the best resistance of |
heat known to refrigeration. I
* ' Duplex” or double circulation is produced |
' ■ Ih’U only by that superb masterpiece in refrigerator |
fflßg construction, the "DUPLEX” ice grate. It dou- 'I
bles economy and manifolds sanitation. We have ;|
23 styles and sizes to select from, in white enamel |
$ v and s °Hd white stone. J
I Prices sy.sO to SgJ.SO |||
J n
Tin JhffiMmESoSfr
125-Lb. Ice Capacity. $25.00.
Stone White Refrigerators—walled with massive kJ#’ rfU ap&PMiajk, pHJ
slabs of quarried STONE—WHITE as SNOW— feLgC. <0 F
indestructible—sanitary—cold and cold-retaining 4! ' lit
—non-absorbent—-joined absolutely air-tight BE c ;/J|s|
LOW THE SURFACE, making one continuous IB * E
wall of gleaming WHITE--its luster deep, rich ' V MB 'V •
and permanent. This beautiful chamber, practi- r ’ kl
cally hewn from solid rock, is cleanable as a china | i ■ ’ ?
teacup. |||| > L-" o v I;
The WHITE surface can not chip, crack or r|M ■ /T J
break—a grand improvement over the old tile, ■
porcelain, opal glass and their strips of metal or ". IKI
other joining arrangements.
Out-of-town trade write for catalogue. White Enameled. $26.50, Solid Stone, $45,00, R
| JJHfflCTtOifflCTYl I
I Spend Your Rest Period Com- 11
$ I
| fortably and Peacefully in o'
One of Our tL
<fi) (0> 1
(0) (0> I
co) e t
(0) ... e
Ns> 165 95~' W T ~ CU1.N2L495
(0) <
® Our Stock Is Complete-Prices Reason- ©
® able—Quality Best ®
® ©
© Price of Hammocks from $1 to $7.50 ©
© ©
© . ©
| Couch Hammocks and Stands—Prices |
© ranging from $lO to $25
(6) (®
(0) ©
i King Hardware Co. j
CO) ® .
53 Peachtree St. 87 Whitehall St.
Ob Jq
CO) ■ ■■ ■■■"' ■I-Mll'M— I IK—— I
• * 3
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