Newspaper Page Text
Treasurer Shows How State
Could Do Without Separate
Banking Department.
While S:atr Treasurer W. J Speer is
not opposed to the proposal to create
a separate department of banking, he is
opposed to such a program if additional
provision is not made for the treasury
department when tlto banking phase is
In speaking of the proposal <>f the
special legislative committee on bank
ing to create a separate department
for state banks, the treasurer said:
"The limits of the- treasury depart
ment are fixed by the state constitu
tion That constitution was adopted
in 1879. Th* receipts of the stat' at
that time wen tl.fino.uOO. now thex
are Sfi.nfln.nqh We have been able to
handle the additional work only be
cause the banking department in
creased from time to time could be
utilized by this office.
"There is no question but that Geor
gia needs more bank examiners and a
more rigid system of bank examination,,
but If the treasury department is given
more men the work can be done from
this department very easily.
"1 do not oppose a state department
of banking, hut I know that if one Is
created the treasury will have to be
increased, costing the state double
'Tf the legislators want quick action,
1 believe it would bo advisable to give
the treasury department more men for
bank examination. A change in the
treasury department would necessitate
a constitutional amendment—a tedious
ST LOUIS, June 5.- That goldfish
are a magnet for the school truant Is
the theory on which Principal Edmund
J. Vert of the Mount Pleasant school
will strive for the attendance record
during the next school term.
Ry a recent experiment In the school
it was learned the attendance was best
in the rooms containing goldfish
aquariums Mr. Vert, therefore, has
resolved to install the miniature ponds
in each of the twelve rooms of the
school next fall as an inducement for
the pupils tn come every day.
To obtain funds for the purchase of
the aquariums, the Mount Pleasant
S'hord Patrons association has ar
ranged a picnic.
I,l’Mk'X June n.- Not long ago Jet
ornaments were considered dowdy and
early Victorian, but just now they are
In vogue to an extraordinary extent.
The best dressed women in London,
so. h as laidx Alexander, wife of the
aetor-managci. and Mrs. Hwf.t Wil
liams have ippeared recently wearing
jet crowns, tiaras or filets.
The designs in these crowns are al
most as numerous as the designs in
iflilllnery. Among the most attractive
Is one worked entirely in a Greek key
pattern with a great pear-shaped or
nantent in the tenter, giving height to
thi scheme.
WASHINGTON. June s.—Senator
Nixon's condition shows no change
from that of the past 24 hours. It was
announced today at the where
the legislator has been for the past
few days, tn danger of death from
Mood poisoning
, When jour child has whooping cough
be careful to keep the cough loose and
expectoration by giving t'harnber
lain's <’ough Remedy as may be re
quired This remedy will also liquefy
the tough mucus and make it easier to
expectorate It has been used success
fully in many epidemics and is safe and
sure. For sale by all dealers.
Caught in your Kodak will give you
pleasant souvenir.-; of your vacation
trip. .Inn L. Moore <K Son?» have all
Ftyle.” 42 North Broad street •••
On T’"r -’tvs ‘“Hx T ; Os.
ft<?* 8S I’- a< htr-
Diseases of Men
Y rxp.-r . !; T-, ~f years has shown
me that • human wrecks are
, • i-A.I I. .- • > »■ < , ■ z? lw., u - .. •4.. ...
caused bj a chronic 1
r— w-
•p ~ 1
ibk J
i ~ jjzW ?
jg„ . : 7> ’
' ■
n ' 4 *■
w w %
L ~ . «&, ■
Brown • Randolph Bldg ,
Atlanta, ui. < on»< < nttouH treat
imm aie fv, tu*« of my <>H . v Exam
inations (*«•< ofTicr* h»>ur« * tn ~ Hon
da'* ur' : > ih'a's, i«, if i M> mono*
trrii Irpf in <■'*?»-> i» , t >».»*r
NEW YORK, June s.—lnterest In the
j admin stration of the large estate of
I Mr- Mary Baker Glover Eddy. In
v>w of the recent death of General
Henry Moore Baker, whom her will
I appointed sole executor without surety.
' led to the discovery that General Ba
t ker. shortly before he succumbed to a
complication of ailments in a Wash-
I inglon hospital, forwarded to Mrs. Au
i gusta E. Stetson, of this city, the dia
| n.ond i row n pin bequeathed to her by
Mrs. Eddy.
Tibs jewel beiame famous among
iho-f of Mrs. Eddy's when her will was
read, and a codicil, made in 1904. ap
peared. giving it to Mrs. Stetson, who
had been dropped from the roll of the
('hristian Science church.
Interpretations of this bequest to sig
nify an expression of love and approval
by Mrs. Eddy ~f Mrs. Stetson were met
by declarations of representatives of
-he <'hristian Science church who said
that Mis. Eddy had not worn the pin
for six years prior to hqr death, on
December 4. 1910, and that tlie gift to
Mrs. Stetson was merely a restoration.
Mrs Stetson gave the pin to .Mrs. Eddy
In 1901, they stated,
"This is a diamond crown pin.’ Mrs.
Stetson said, exhibiting a very hand
sum' ornament.
Clogged-Up Liver
Causes Headache
It’s a foolish proceeding to suffer from con
stipation, sick headache, biliousness, duzraesa,
indigestion and kindred ail
ments when CARTER 5
PILLS will end all
misery in a few AMgfiSMm f* ADTFIJK
hours. Purely I LK J
on ■ P’ILLS-
and ■■■■■
Small PiH. Small D~a. »m*H Poc.
The GENUINE mint bear signature
M 55,000 owners prove the M
@ unfailing reliability of S
g Maxwell motor cars S
Do you think you would make a mistake by
adding your name to the list?
Convincing proof of Maxwell reliability is found in
the fact that over 17,000 physicians and 2,827 firms
use the Maxwell for business purposes. These owners
must have absolute dependability and low upkeep cost.
1 Maxwell Special S I4BO g
fully equipped, including self-starter, is unquestionably the tin- ?
MH disputed leader of 1912. Its wonderfully cflicicnt 36 h.p. motor, •As W
long wheelbase and luxurious upholstery make the Maxwell - •'
"Special” the greatest motor car value of the season. No car
within S2OO above its price compares with the Maxwell
■MI "Special.” We want you to ride in it —test it everj- way—
carefully compare its value. Just say on a postal "Mail Books”
and we will send de Luxe catalog describing and illustrating it.
Other Models
Maxwell ‘ Mrrcurv" 2
Road Mer. 30 hnrae- , JooWMIIWT i WB ’
power. sllsO. f
.<//r> vej r», Aa<7<>ey. Maxwell “Special" 36 hp, SI4SO. Fully equipped, including Self-starter
® gton United Motor Atlanta Co.,
380-82 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.
'lmMy Auto Co.. Amerleua, Ga. Kay & Power, Jacksonville, Fla.
Walter H. Bishop, Athens. Ga. C.enrne R Namer Miron r.a
C. W. DuPre. Marietta. Ga. Macon. Ga
Dothan Foundry and Machine Co., Do- Valdosta Garage Co.. Valdosta, Ga.
than. Ala. West Coast Auto Co.. Tampa, Fla.
M. H. Haym, Savannah, Ga. R. S. Withers. Jackson, Miss.
There ,s a Maxirell Dealer in your vicinity
Was Chronic Sufferer from Rheu
matism. but as Usual Quak
er" is Again Victor.
)|. . K. iwisch lives .it 17.’> Klrk-
.......I avemi- this i-ity. He is a heavy
r< .tl .■• ownei miti well known in
ti city About lift,’< n .years ago he
lire io<i..,| that the pangs of rheutna
ti. • w. ii beginning to creep into his
i. ■ . < m. is. Irs H' had set ere
i.ions ip the shoulders tower limbs and
i. ok. At Hint - In whs unable to hat e
'.. on ,t. t mint of the misery he
111- . . d Ho would also feel sl< k and
: z/> «i.c wit ■ weakened tn Ibm tor-
H. ■ ■< l> - i-.M.hl. Hi had to Use
I <•< s<t ' . a night uid nils in .ti .ti
tle' a up dill." H« had two
local dibettse than
bj any other. No
'!;<*•;*needs rn< re
careful or scien
v.:< - attention to
< f p't a cure. 1
also kno« there is
r- ■! r. curt for
specific blood pol
r‘ !■ Temporary
removal of sytnp
’ ■ f!;s . - m • a ( are
Experience. care
ful aivi’t o U to de
ta.i> and a thor
<■ Ik’ ! . kt -ovledge of and when to
use th» remedies
known to be be ne
ts d m the treat
ment of this dis
ct >■ ir'dure re
s ih Honest bus
iiH>- methods and
CLEVELAND, OHIO. June 5.—A lit
tle thing like mumps couldn't keep
Herman Vail from getting into the an
nual oratorical contest at University
school. His physician told him to stay
in when his two cheeks swelled out like
circus balloons.
Bah." said Vai!-—and the "bah" hurt
him. But he called a cab In the even
ing and when his turn came to speak
he turned loose a flood of oratory that
won him first prize over four competi
" * —— ' - T~~ . ......
~ ZM’
J\ if im|
ril UfOfe-J
\fyoz/wonttb&efhe&oss, ch
wbat the Boss did
Reml the nhove nclviee S/i V/i A V / M /£ S,
RIG 11 T A O IV.
Do YOl'K hnnk inn: with I'S.
1 per eent on Saving* Deposits
good specialists, also used dozens of
the patent medicines especially two
very heavily ' advertised kidney reme
dies. but says they were like so much
water. He kept getting worse all the
time, and the pains in his legs yjere so
bad that he began to fear for his future
use of them. He suffered in that way
tor years, always gradually horse, and
lie was attracted to the work of the
Health Teacher and Quaker He was
told to try Quake;- Extract and Oil of
Balm. Mr Karwisch began their use.
and now. after only three bottles of the
Extract lune been taken, he says d
bate never seen the equal of the w mi
llet fu! Quaker remedies tn my life I
•cuff, '.-d foi many years whereas I
could hate been well if I had only
known about these medicines. I timl
that 1 am like a new made man. I have
m> sin h distresses is formerly and .-an
m I about with eas. lam 71 years old
so ion sei it is al' th, mo|< remarkable
My daughtel-in-law wlm had kidney
and stom.oh double Ims .is,,
two bottles of tht Extract utti.l t gtvat-
COLUMBIA, MO., June 5. The aver
age cost to a student in the University
of Missouri in his senior year is $312.50.
The expense of under classmen and
Juniors is less. In the year 1910-11
tV. W. ('barters, dean of the school of
education, kept an accurate account of
the expenses of eighteen men and]
found they ran from $225 to $483 for I
the school year.
JACKSON, GA., June a.—A commit
tee has been appointed to confer with
an architect on plans for a new build
ing for the Jackson Baptist church.
li pleased at results. She can enjoy
Ilf. now. after being in misery a long I
time. I will always have a good word
lor 'Quaker. - "
The Health Teacher said you are
surely missing a golden opportunity if
you persist in allowing yourself to suf
fer with .ini branch of kidney, stom
ach or blood troubles; also catarrh or
rheumatism, when the cures that are]
being derived right here in your own
city are being numbered by thousands,
not dozens or hundreds. Call at the!
Coursey A Munn Drug Store, l'ii Mari
etta street.
Quaker Extract. J7.'ii> for six-bottle
treatment, which is always required in
.my chronic case; $2 50 for short treat
ment "f three bottles, which is the
hortest length of time a fiermanent
disposition can be made in the system;
$1 on single bottle, which is sometimes
:utlii lent for minor complaints and
worms m children oil of Balm for
pains ■>■ mlir- J.- \\ < piepay ex-
on ch.iigf s mi all ord.-i of J:: o.i or
For Tender Faces
Indispensable for t hose subject to red-
J ® t-e ß ’. roughness, and other irritations
of the skin. Ashaving luxury. No mug.
n 0 SO BB.V soap, no germs, no waste of 1
I™** time or money. In nickeled box. 25c., at
WIN 6 stores or by mail. Liberal sample free. |
Until Address"Cuticura,” Dept. 28, Boston.
Enter The
Great I
To illustrate the high standard maintained in Our distribution, we
point out that all of ten S4OO pianos to he given away are of the Cleve
land-Manning manufacture.
I a £ IT 1 ■ ■ —™"
i/oors or Unprecedent
ed Opportunity Are
Still Wide Open; Rich
Rewards for All.
Out-of-Town Readers
Are Urged to Join
Battle of Wits.
Popular interest in The Georgian's
great $16,000.00 Proverb contest has be
come so eager that the contest depart
ment wishes to spread everywhere the
news of the big opportunities which the
competition opens for all.
New contestants everywhere will be
welcome to the friendly engagement of
wits which is being fought out day by day
in so many interested families throughout
the wide territory covered by the circula
tion of The Atlanta Georgian.
This feature of the contest the fact
that any one can enter any time— is being
appreciated by many.
The back numbers of the contest are
going like hot cakes. They are going out
in considerable numbers. If you will semi
for the back numbers now, you will be
right in line for “that prize” you are
looking for.
Again we wish to call your attention
to the little Proverb hook. It is still in
great demand and the countless letters
from contestants include many which
state that the writers are just entering
This hook is on sale at The Georgian of
fice, 20 E. Alabama St., for only 25c, or
will he sent to any place bv mail upon re
ceipt of 30c.
This contest is going in the right direc
tion, hut STILL more should enter.
The plan of the contest assures you
that by entering now you will have just
as good a chance of winning the rich
prizes as any one who entered earlier.
None of the solutions of the Puzzle
Pictures are to be sent in until after the
last Puzzle Picture has appeared in The
Georgian. After that there will be ten
days at least allowed for contestants to
deliver their completed sets.
Thus, by ordering the back numbers
now, and solving them, and keeping up
with the pictures that will appear from
now on, you will have a complete set
when the last picture appears. Your set
will go in at the same time with all other
The question of time should not deter
any one from entering now. There are
io be 75 puzzles in all and you will find
no difficulty whatever in getting all the
back numbers solved long before they
need he ready for submission.
Dr. E. G. Griffin’s
24 1-2 Whitehall Street. Over Brown & Allen's Drug Store.
Lowest Prices —Best Work.
$5 Set of Teeth $5.00
, afe. Impressions—Teeth Same Day.
established 22 years.
Gold Crowns, $3.00
Bridge Work, $4.00
PHONE 1708. Hours 8 to 7. Sunday 9 to 1. Lady Attendant
This Is Picture No. 51
A COUNFOUNQ Z. - -—•/ .
1 BAeneft, it J
I a-UVAYS PouNPINf /*7 AZ ''
mam was
mope ~ ’—
-oMppTEioi 1 ,
HE wo uto sT //
hot s A ,e JLg _
v ■===? P®
What Proverb Does This Picture Represent?
Proverb Contest Editor,
Atlanta Georgian No. 20 East Alabama St.
My solution to Proverb Puzzle No. 51 is
My Name is
Street or R. F. D. No
Town State
Hold all answer, until you have the entire set. No
answer, will be considered if sent in before the publica
tion of the last picture.
Here’s the List
of 1,500 Prizes
Ist prize. $2,000 in Gold.
2d prize. SI,BOO Auto.
3d prize. SI,OOO in Gold.
4th prize. Mitcheil three-passenger roadster,
sth prize, SSOO in Gold.
6th prize. S4OO Piano.
7th prize, S4OO Piano. \
Bth prize, S4OO Piano. |
9th prize. S4OO Piano. .'
10th prize. S4OO Piano.
nth prize, S4OO Piano. Cleveland Manning Piano
12th prize. S4OO Piano. I
13th prize, S4OO Piano. \
14th prize, S4OO Piano.
15th prize. S4OO Piano,
16th prize, SIOO in Gold.
17th prize. SIOO in Gold.
18th prize. SIOO in Gold.
19th prize. SIOO tn Gold.
20th prize. SIOO in Gold.
21st to 28th prize. $75.00 Typewriter.
29th to 78th prize. Elgin Watch.
79th to 83d prize. Beautiful Brass Lamp.
84th to 115th prize, ten-year Knickerbocker Watch.
116th to 140th prize, ten volumes Poe's Works.
141st to 340th prize. Imported Cake Set. hand■ painted.
341st to 540th prize. Imported Berry Set, hand - painted.
541st to 740th prize, White and Gold Cake Set, Imported.
741st to 940th prize. White and Gold Berry Set. Imported.
941st to 1,040th prize, Sterling Silver Mounted Fountain
1,0415 t to 1.066th prize. Silver Watch—l 6 size.
1.066th to 1.090th prize. Seventeen - Piece Imported Choc
olate Set.
1,0915 t to 1.290th prize. Imported Griffon Razo''.
1.2915 t to 1,305th prize. Eight-Piece Imported Steak Set.
1.306th to 1,405th prize, Eight Piece Kitchen Set.
1,406th to 1,500th prize, Decorated Plaques.
Total Value $16,000.00