Newspaper Page Text
Experts Are Unable to Open
Strong Box Combination
Died With Owner.
NEW YORK June 12. The late
Colonel John Jacob Astor possessed one
safe of which he alone'knew the com
bination. and therein, absolutely secure
from Are and burglars, reposed such
i secrets of affairs of forttine as he con
cealed from every confidante.
This strong box, said to have been
of peculiar construction and involved
|. mechanism, spherical in shape and
ft hardened to the point of resistance
even to electrical contact, had reposed
for several years in the personal office
• * of Colonel Amr
/At the death of the tnllliotiaite his
-✓executors and ills secretary set in older
such affairs as they could place hands
upon. Rut certain links were found to
he missing, and in each instance the
line of connection led up to and ceased
abrupt!.' at the rounded doors of the
fire and burglar-proof safe.
Nobody hut Colonel Astor had ever
known the combination of that re
markable safe It was said that onlj
one other had been made, and that was
for the late "Al" Adams Surely enough
a safe .similar to that possessed by
Colonel Astor was sold a few months
ago by the son of Adams at an auction.
It brought $Wi. The son explained that
he had not been able to open It be
cause the combination died with his fa
ther. The man who made the purchase
•pent more than the purchase price to
have the groat steel globe drilled into.
It contained only worthless paper.
Having this in mind, the Astor ex
excutors thought to save the safe from
destruction and sent for a safe expert.
Rut this safe was made to tease Just
such experts When Colonel Astor
closed the door he not only turned the
knob which obliterated the releasing
combination, but he also twirled the en
tire door about Just as easily. And
there was then left to the Imagination
the grandest mlxup outside of the Chi
nese alphabet
Aided by the eager executors and
trustees and confidential men of the
Astor menage, the great expert toiled
and perspired and fretted over that
ephericai Sphinx
Finally, confessing that he had been
baffled, the great expert withdrew, and
theri came the steel drill men. The
electrical connections that hud been
lilted to meit ihe huge globe failed to
show any effect upon the polished sur
face. Theie is .( newer system, how
ever. involving aver, cue gas And by
use of this contact, interspersed with
clever manipulation of cold steel.
Chisels and tiles of noted temper, the
great hail of resistance finally was
Now ss to what secrets this gic.i
E safe revealed oil, hat is another .-'or,'
that even the final reports of the ex
ecutors ma\ not reveal.
RERUN June 12. The epidemic cf
child suicides, which was so prevah-nl
in the spring, has broken out again in
Berlin Several cases wee reported
last week, and three fresh eases a: ■
now noted
A school box of twelVi fearing pun
ishment for neglecting his home wort,
threw himself fioni the balioti' of a
second floor flat into a paved coin!
yard. A servant girl, aged sixteen,
poisoned he self because she had lost
a coin, and a school girl, aged four
teen, who hud been kept shut up so
four days, killed hereelf with gas.
SANDUSKY, (MIX’. June J 2 Fire
Btroyed the old Schanit hotel on Kvll\>
island, a met'ca nf Ohio sportsmen Then
was no fire department and a bucket bri
gade a quarter of a mile long was formeo
by men. woman and children, who passed
along pails of water from the lake The
Hammelfn hotel and several adjoining
buildings wete saved Ia »s <■ 000 pa I
Hally covered by Insurance
The Safest Place for
Most Disinfectants
is Where They’re
Not So With CN.
wrong bottle taken from
| a dark room ha* caned manv
* a tragedy—be sate (and ( ein)
bv using only C N 1
Chlorides and carbo he ar d are poi
tonous. Besides, thc\ possess
onlv a fraction <»f the strength of
A drop or two m your cleaning
water will do.
But don't wait til! sicknes* a-d d s
ease come before using ( I *e
it every dav in the rear and see
how sickness and d sease w k»rp
Start on a 10 cent hottie to lav
at your druggist
West •' at
Disinfecting Dru **" :
Company l"c.
Atlanta 'iit-f >soc SI
—.... ...
■ -
I Sergeant- Rice,
I The marriage of Miss Nettie r Ser
geant* and Mr. Fountain Rice. Jr., of
Richmond. K> . was quietly solemnized
tiiis morning at 6:30 o'clock al the
home of ihe bride’s father, ,M Charles
Edward Sergeant, on Washington
street. Rev. c T. A. Pise, dean of St
Philips cathedral, officiated, and there
| were present only the relatives and a
few ‘ lose friends.
The ceremony was performed in the
drawing 'oom. where the decorations
wore of palm- and fems, with vases of
pink and white flowers. The bride en
tered with her father, who gave her
away. The bridegroom was attended
by his brother Mr Charles Rice of
Kentucky, ns best man. The bride
wore her traveling suit of blue sorgo
with chiffon blouse and hat of blue
straw adorned with a white aigrette,
nnrt carried an armful of American
Beauty roses
The living room and hall were deco
rated with ferns and palms and vasts
of white flowers A wedding breakfast
was served Miss Lute Sergeant, of
Kentucky, tho bride's sister, wore while
lingerie. Miss Edith Rice, of Kentucky,
the bridegrooms sister, wore white
mull and lace
M. and Mrs Rice left soon after ihe
ceremony for Chattanooga, where Mr
Rite makes his home al present, and
they have taken possession of an apart
ment In the Elizabeth.
Lupo - Bell.
The marriage of Miss Irene Lupo of
Americus, and Mr Ernest Clark Bell,
of Atlanta, was solemnized today at
high noon at the home of the bride's
parents Mr and Mrs. Edward Lupo, in
Americus The house was decorated
In growing plants with Vases of cut
flowers The bride, who had as her
only attendant her sister, Miss Lillian
Lupo, as maid of honor, was married
in a traveling suit of tan cloth, with
hat to match, and carried a showei
bouquet of bride roses and valley lilies
Mr. Uillyer S Smith, of Atlanta, was
best man.
Mr. and .Mrs. Bell went North on
their wedding trip and on their return
they will be at home with the bride
groom’s parents at 103 Richardson
st reet.
Mason - Sparks.
Miss Marie Mason and Mr Andrew
Horace Sparks, of Jasper Gn. w ere
married last evening at the home of
Ihe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M
Mason, in College Park. Rev A. F.
O'Kelly officiated and the wedding par
tv Included Miss Luelle Mason, maid
of honor: Miss Alma Burnett, Miss
Mamie Sparks and Miss Elva Cren
shaw. bridesmaids; Mr. Battle Sparks,
of Sandersville, best man. Mr. Harry
Rheberg. of Jaspei Ala., best man: Mr.
Water DuPree nnil Mr Robert Riley,
groomsmen, little Misses Eddie Marie
Pursley, Irene Knight, Virginia Creel
and Mayme Olds, bridesmaids
Tile bride entered with her brother,
, _ ....
bS Do you know that, a new [’layer Piano has Bi
Vfl been invented which is such a vast improvement re7<
KIU over old style Player Pianos that it absolutely kl[n
P/J overcomes all technical difficulties, leaving you
X-Z free to produce beautiful, expressive music? It
I is the Aja
i ViMF* I
i I
| ] g
Expression in playing is guided In your
/M fingers on buttons, which enable you to gain Kai
volume and accent by the simple application of K2Z
ZTJ pressure—just as the pianist makes loud music Ml
by striking the keys harder. BS/
\v\ No other Player Piano but the Virtuolo ad j/j
mils of Instinctive Playing And no other Player
Bl Piano has the Aseelo buttons. That's why you [J
Hi ought to see. hear, play the Virtuolo before you Lgs
decide definitely to buy the other kind. bj
H Hallet & Davis Vtrtuolos $750 to SS(X). (’on |H
fM way Virtuoios $575 to $650.
Call at our store. You will be under no obli g|
M gat.ions. for the salesmen will he only too glad Bl
to have you demonstrate the Virtuolo to yourself.
I Hallet & Davis Piano Co. I
I WM. CARDER,Manager I
Mr. J Walter Mason, preceded by the
flower girls, and stood with her attend
ants under an arch of daisies flanked ;
by lighted tapers in fiont of an altar;
of ferns and palms. The music was !
rendered by Miss Alice Cox and Miss;
Caroline Crenshaw. The bride's gown ,
was of white eharmeuse satin trimmed I
in point lace and carried,a shower bou
quet of white sweetpeas. The brides
maids wearing marquisette over pink |
satin, carried garlands of smilax. The;
maid of honor wort- white marquisette]
over green satin, her flowers pink ]
sweetpeas The flower girls wore whit'''
lace gowns with pink sashes and ear- '
ried ropes of daisies.
For the reception ’he house was dec
orated in smilax. foliage plants and
white flowers. On the bride's table
were pink and white sweetpeas, with
minor details in those colors. Th»
bride's cake was embossed in pink
roses. Mrs J C. Selman kept the
bride's book and Mi c srs Norma Pritch
ard and Mary Gray served punch on
the piazza.
Others assisting in entertaining were
Mrs J. Walter Mason. Mrs. Jack Al
fred. of Davisboro, the bridegroom's
sister; Mrs. Leonard Smith, Mrs. Gor
gon Burnette, Mrs. L. D. Smith. Mrs. A.
S - Foster, of Rutledge; .Mrs. C. W.
Jackson and Miss O'Neill Lindsey.
The bride and bridegroom left during
the evening for a trip to the moun
Norris- Hayes.
The marriage is announced of Miss
Blanche Norris, of Decatur, to Mr.
Sandford Hayes, of Atlanta, on Tues
day. June 11, at the home of the bride's
unde, the Rev. W. P. King, of Lithonia,
Ga. The young couple will he at home
to their friends after June 20 at their
residence on Peachtree road.
Milady’s Toilet Table
By Mme. D'MILLE.
"Dull and lifeless hair makes a woman
look older than she should. Dry sham
pooing makes ihe hair bright, fluffy and
clean full of life and lustre. Put four
ounces of powdered orris root in a fruit
jar and mix it well with an original pack
age of therox. Sprinkle a teaapoonful of
the mixture on the head once a week and
brush it out thoroughly. Therox makes
hair grow when everything else falls
"The natural beauty of a person s fare
is marred by thin and straggly eyebrows
and lashes. Rubbing gentlj with plain
pyroxin will induce them to grow long,
thick and silks The eyebrows should
be brushed daily to train them to grow
into an arch
"Instead of powder and paint, use a
simple complexion lotion made at home
by dissolving an original package of
mayatone in a half pint of witch hazel.
Gently rub over the face in the. morning
and all day your skin will be as clear,
soft and satiny as a baby's with no dark
or muddy discolorations
"Delatone is equal to the electric needle
fur the removal of superfluous hair, is
positively painless, and nut nearly so ex
pensive. Just mix a little delatone with
water; cover the wild hairs with this
paste, let it remain two minutes: then
wash the skin, and the hairs will be
’twenty-five secure
SAVANNAH, GA.. June 12.—At the
examination of candidates for licenses,
conducted before the state board of
pharmacy, with President Herman C.
Shuptrine presiding. J. B Woodcock,
of Register, carried off the highest hon
or—being given a license as pharma
cist Sophie V. Gaines, a negress, of
Macon, and R. A. Novit, pf Ashburn,
were licensed as apothecaries.
Those licensed as druggists are N.
S. Arthur, Athens; W. A. Blisingame,
Moultrie: J. B. Carter, Nichols; Thom
as Clark, Jr., Jacksonville: J. C. Crum
ble'. Blitch; Jack Davis, LaGrange,
.1. I Giggins, Americus; R. H. Green?
Milledgeville: L. E. Goodwin. Plains;
W C. Harper. Anderson. S. C.: W. W.
Holt, Savannah: G. M. Parkerson,
Eastman; W. T. Perry. Manchester: c.
F. Rowell, Macon: R. H. Sapp, Doug
las: A. M. Swift, Metcalf, J. W. Ealler,
Ma-on: R. H Weaver, Mays. Fla.; Em
ma L. Webb. Sumter; Ella L. StiUson,
Atlanta, and S. L. Thompson, Albany.
The last two are negroes. Thirty-eight
took the examination.
A meeting of the one hundred and
twenty-odd University of Georgia men
who are members of the University
club has been called for tomorrow night
for the purpose of arranging the details
of a trip to the annual commencement
and to discuss other matters of interest.
Alumni day will be celebrated at
Athens on Tuesday, June 18. Many
members of the club are planning,to go
to Athens on that day.
M. Rich & Bros. Co.
Economy Pursued is a Fortune Wooed
“RICH” Bargains Are Rich in Values!
Please Take Justifiable Note of the Following Items
On Special Sale Thursday
Women’s Neckwear
A Big Variety of Stunning
This sale includes Lace and Lawn Dutch Collars, Em
broidery Linen Dutch Collars. Wash Stocks, Lace Yoke
Collars and Lace Tabs, Lace and Lawn Jabots; all
fresh, clean, crisp, new goods; regular 4
25c and 35c values, now | OC
This sale includes Lace Yoke Swiss Embroidered Dutch
and Coat Collars, Holland Lace Dutch Collars, Hand-
Embroidered Tabs. Xet and Lawn Fichu Collars, I’luten
Lace Stocks and Haud-Embroidered Wash Linen
Stocks; regular 50c and
75c values, now wfc«C
This sale includes Shadow Yoke Net and Lawn
Guimpes. Hand-Embroidered Tabs, Hand-Embroidered
Stocks. Hand-Crocheted Tabs, Hand-Crocheted Collars.
Net and Lawn Fichu; regular SI.OO
and $1.50 values, now f faiC
‘ ‘ Cluny ” Specials
All-Linen Cluny Bands and Edges—from
2 1-2 to 6 inches wide. Regular 45u to 75c
var.l values. or
N<»w yard vJwV
IS-ineh A Hover Laces in Shadow Cotton
Cluny s and Nottinghams, Maerame and
Ratine effect>. Regular
values to $1.50 yard. Now. yard Ot/C
35 Box Robes of White Voile embroidered in
colors. Former price $8.50. CQ
To dose out at
M. Rich & Bros. Co.
Mrs. Edward Hafer leaves tomorrow
to spend the week-end with her par
; ents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Calvin, at
Experiment Station. She will be ac
companied by Miss Gladys Calvin, who
has been her guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Dowdell Brown will go
to East Lake for the summer Saturday,
and their apartment in the Hampton
Court will be occupied during 'heir ab
sence by Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Clarke
Mrs. William Hull gave a theater
party at the Forsyth yesterday after
■ noon for Miss Annabel Love, a bride
elect. The guests were Miss Love, Miss
Hattie Wynne, Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Roy
Sanders and Mrs. Tracy Newton.
Mrs. Richard Johnston has returned
from Macon, accompanied by her little
daughters. Isabel and Pamela. She left
yesterday for Athens to attend the
wedding of cousin. Miss Rosine
Thomas, and Mr. Wiei, an interesting
event of last night in that town.
Mrs. Homer McAfee entertained at
bridge this morning for Miss Eliza
Candler, a bride-elect. The decora
tions were of sweetpeas and the prizes
included decks of cards and an Arme
nian lace handkerchief for the honor
Miss Ruth Reid was hostess of a
1 tea party at the Georgian Terrace this
afternoon for Miss Christine Hooper’s
. guest. Miss Mildred Hollis, of Ameri
cus. and Miss Bertha Moore’s guest,
Miss Edith McKenzie, of Montezuma,
the party being completed bv Misses
’ Rei’tha Moore and Gladys Miller and
Mrs. William W. Reid.
While there may be no perceptible
harm noticeable with the first few ap
plications of the numerous so-called
superfluous hair ‘‘cures" other than
causing slight skin troubles and an in
creased growth, real danger and disfig
urement lurk in their frequent use.
which, if continued, will produce ecze
ma or other serious skin diseases
Furthermore, after each removal, the
hair grows out again more rapidly,
< oarser and stiffer than before and
eventually It will become so coarse that
no preparation will be strong enough
to remove it without ruining the skin.
It is surprising that these unknown
and uncertain means should be em
ployed when there is such a reliable
and trustworthy preparation as De-
Miracle, the only absolutely non-pois
onous depilatory that dissolves hair,
thereby taking the vitality out of it,
consequently retarding and preventing
an increased growth.
Beware of the imitator who resorts to
copying certain phrases of the De-
Miracle advertising to inveigle you into
using a worthless, poisonous concoc
tion. When ‘a faker tries to deceive
and delude you by alluring and im
possible claims, tell him that DeMiracle
chemical Company will forfeit Five
Thousand Dollars if it can be proven
that any so-called superfluous hair
"cure” ever eradicated one single
growth of superfluous hair. Insist on
proof when a claim is made that such
a preparation is "indorsed by the medi
cal profession.”
DeMiracle is the only depilatory that
has ever been indorsed by reputable
Use Georgian Want Ads
Bargain Gems
From the Jewelry Department
Heavy Roman Gold-Plated Bead Edge Signet Designs
with Hand-Engraved Script Initials. Yet get the whole
set. Scarf Pin, Link Buttons
and Tie Clasps, for vvC
This is one of the most popular items in vogue thie
season. The collection we show is the very latest up
to-date style, and priced far below the usual prices
asked for similar goods. See them on display on
our special sales counter. QQa
center aisle front vOCr
These are made with the Solid Gold Tops, which are
guaranteed to wear. They look as well as Solid Gold
—instead of 25c and 39c. 4
Yon get them for I vv
We guarantee these to be the best gold-filled goods
made, and every piece we sell is hacked by a manu
facturer's guarantee :
Lockets at 75c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 to $3.50.
Chains at 50c, 75c. SI.OO, $1.25 to $3.50.
Bracelets at 50c, 75c, SI.OO, to $6.50.
Our stock of fine imported French and Oriental
Pearl Bead Necklaces is the largest in the South.
Ranging in price from SI.OO to $25.00.
Hat Shapes
Radical Reductions
$5.00 Values d* 1
NOW, <P 1
In Hemp. Milana. Neapolitans and Java, black, white
and in colors. This ad will get quick response.
Come early for choice.
physicians, surgeons, dermatologists,
medical journals, prominent magazines
and newspapers. To substantiate otir
claim, we will send copies of the testi
monials on request.
Only goods of merit can stand the
test of time. The mere fact that fake
dangerous preparations are short-lived
should alone be sufficient warning to
avoid the use of any depilatory but that
of proven merit. DeMiracle was the
largest selling depilatory ten years ago
and more of it has been sold each year
since than tfie combined sales of the
All reliable dealers sell and recom
mend DeMiracle, knowing it to be the
best and safest depilatory. Some un
principled ones will tell you they can
not procure it so that they may more
easily influence you to purchase their
own or possibly some other dangerous,
worthless substitute under another la
bel for a few cents more profit. To
protect you from just such imposition,
if your dealer will not supply you, mail
us' SI.OO and we will send you. ail
charges paid, in plain, sealed wrapper,
a SI.OO bottle of DeMiracle, and we will
make you a present of a full-size jar of
DeMiracle Cream. If you care to, give
us the name of the dealer who tries to
sell you a “Just as good” imitation or
substitute. Write for free booklet,
which will be mailed sealed in plain en
velope. The DeMiracle Chemical Com
pany. Dept. 16. Park Ave.. 129th and
130th Sts.. New York. You can al
wavs procure DeMiracle without argu
ment in Atlanta from Chamberllp-
Johnson-Dußose Company.