Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga,
Entered at Atlanta Postoffice as second
rias* matter.
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mail, postage prepaid. ssffo
Six months. mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. 1 25
One month. mail, postage prepaid. 45
Subscriptions P /able in Advance
Oebvered by carrier, one year . . . $5.20
Delivered by carrier, six months2.6o
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1 30
Delivered by carrier, one month. ... 4*
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta anti
other cities, one week 10c
Help Wanted —Female
GERMAN COOK: small family; nice
home; good wages. Amne Business
Agency. 10J8__C > ntury_ Bldg. 6-12-82
TWO experienced waitresses at <>nce; two
nurses, either inexperienced or under
graduates. who wish to finish course.
A' >>ne Business Agency. 6-12-83
WANTED White housekeeper at once.
Coders Employment Agency. 253-254
Candler Annex Bldg.. 104 North Pryor st.
WANTED Good all-round white cook;
foreign woman preferred, good home
and good pay to tight party. Come at
once. Feders Employment Agency. 253-
254 Candler Annex Bldg., 101 North Pryor
street. 6-12-76
WANTED Good colored cooks of all
kinds. Come at once. Feders Employ
ment Agency. 253-254 Candler Annex
Bldg.. 104 North Pryor st. 6-12-75
WANTEI 1 v onc< glook Room on
lot; also good dressmaker by day. 290
Myrtle street. 6-12-68
WANTED A middle-aged woman to
cook, ('all after 11 a. m.. 50 East Ellis.
A GOOD white woman to cook for family
of three; good wages. Phone 6322 Ivv.
50 -12 _6
WANTED —A good cook at my private
summer home near Tallulah Falls:
good wages to good cook. Apply Thurs
day and Friday. 1014 Candler Bldg.
EXPERIENCED help wanted on ladles’
and < hildren’s dresses. Apply 53 Deca
tur street. 6-12-35
WANTED Experienced collar girls Ex
celsior Laundry Company. 40-42 Wall
WANTED—A good servant. Apply 31
Queen street. West End. 6-12-27
WANTED —Experienced bindery girls at
once. Appeal Publishing Company. 136 U
Marietta street. .6-12-23
WANTED —Reliable and settled woman
for cook in small family; references re
quired. Bell phone Ivy 3213-L. 39-12-6
WANTED- Cook to assist with children
and housework. Apply 202 Rawson
s treet. _ _±’" 11 " 6
WANTED—Steady girl or woman. white
or colored, to work cheap while learning
face, scalp and body massage; short hours.
Dr. Daniel Morrison, 414 Kiser building.
W.' NTKI' Young woman f*>r nurse. Must
stay in the house. Good salary. 65
Wabash avenue. 6-11-30
GIRD WANTED as cook and for general
housework. 685 Ponce DeLeon ave
nue. 47-11-6
WANTED— A good cook with references.
Apply 194 Washington st. 40-11-6
WANTED Experienced mammy nurse.
Required to spend summer at seashore.
\pply to Mrs. W. Morrison. 459 Peach
tree. 6-10-30
\VANTED—Refined chambermaid with
references; room on lot. 801 l phone East
Point 291 -L. 6-1 0-1
WANTED—Good colored cook, willing to
do general house work: have unfur
nished servants’ room 229 AVaverlv way
_ J>- 10-H
LADIES We teach hairdressing. Herr
mann permanent wave: manicuring, fa
cial massage, electrolysis or chiropody, in
few weeks. These trades will make you
independent. Big demand for .Holer grad
uates at splendid pay. Some money
earned while learning. Call or write Mo
ler college. 53 West Mitchell street 41-8-6
$4 RENT’S Oliver three months--*4
Oliver Typewriter Agency. 54 Auburn
avenue Phone Ivy 4757. 6-12-45
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED A male nurse Apply 320
Washington. 6 -12-46
WANTED An expert rate man. one thor
oughly familiar with freight tariffs and
auditing. Must know his business. Ad
dress “Rates,” Jefferson. S. C. 6-12-39
WANTED Barber ~ln small town for
white trade only. Apply to S. D. Burge,
Locust Grove. Ga. 6-12-33
WANTED—A young man steno-
Itookkeeper; must be competent
Io get off trial balances and
monthly statements: double entry
books and lots of detail work:
large corporation. Address with
references. Steno-Book keep er.
care Georgian. 6-12-8
WA NT El» A good main To superintend
DeKalb count:y chaingang; must have
. experience with convicts ami road work
uall phone 63 Decatur. 6-
ICE <TJAM and soda watei man: must
be an expert; must leave city. Norris,
Inc.. 267 Edgewood avenue. 6-12-4
MAN to do wall papering by the j<»b.
Call at :>lsh, Peachtree. 6-12-5
WANTED A g»wi«l laundress. 156 Eas;
Tenth st. 6-11-43
give references and be able to manage
help. Apply Adair Hotel. 205 Peachtree
street. 6-11-8
XV ANTMIYUHVyT live mi'll of
good address to present an at
tractive /newspaper premium offer
among Atlanta homes. See Han
lon at The Georgian ofiice. 6-10-28
WANTED- Men to learn the barber trade.
Few weeks completes Come now. Fin
ish at busiest season We control many
excellent positions. Tools given. Wages
while learning. See our offer. City or
< ountry applicants. Call or write. Moler
Barber College, 53 Wes> Mitchell street.
ST’)P at Hilburn hotel; heart of <lty:
10’S Walton st., if you want a clean,
quiet room; transient 50c: open all night
-21 _!!•
YES, -*ro*essor G. < > Branning will tea'-h
.'ott the barber trade fit’s easy). We
teach in one-half time of other colleger
Course, tools arid position in our sh<;p<
only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands o'
our graduates running shops or- making
good wages, Atlanta Barber College. 10
Fast Mitoh**ll street 5-11-17 ;
HtEE MASSAGE, han rids, shave .
shampoos. All barber work free Clean
linen. Mlanta Barber t’ollege. 10 East
Mitchell. 5-27-16
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
TR V ' RANEY’s'*llh,od Al< -.licint- for tjooi
rnatism. pellagra. '-Id sores. 850 for a
case of specific blood poison w• fail i*» |
cure. I S. Dobbs, agent. 513 Austell
building Phone 614. office hours. 7 a m
to 6 p. m. Sunday. 9 to 12. 6-3-33 1
Salesmen Wanted
HONEST’ MEN to sell njr.■«•?•> stock ex- I
perienee unnecessary; salat} or corn
mission weekly. \duress .Millburn VI-
vertisjng Agent}. Millburn. N. J. 10-10- •
WA N’TED tleliable rej osentativn in
every town in Georgia for home build
ing • ornpany; reference required. Ad
dress M. I c . care Georgian. 6-8-38
Teachers Wanted
TEACIIKRS WANTHIf -Mainly for prin
eipals anti assistants. Fall positions
• ( •ng taken ranidl.’. Demand exceed®
supply Free Registration. Write for
Mank® and 'ertn* Register Toa’lmrs
Agerr* ' Register, Ga. 6-30 J 5
Agents Wanted.
W.\\T|-;i) Agents who can sell!
high-class 10l proposition on i
( '•ommissinn basis, or salary and
commission. Must be able to
;gi'i‘ bond. Address Box 771.
1 A ll '■ 6-11-18
i AtiLN l> WANTED in every towr in i
ueorg.a to sell amornobile tire remov- I
p”. does the work in cue mm ite w’hat I
it wi|l take two hours to do without thi*
tool For sale by A G Inman, Midville. ,
. Ga 2-29-32 j
BE L\I»EPEN|)EXT--Start a mail order;
business in your own home. We I
; tell voi. ’tow. and furnish everything
I needed wholesale. An honorable and
profitable business for a man or woman.
; : Particulars free. Many make $3,000 a
year Murphy Mfg Co , South Norwalk.
: 5-11-5
: I Situations Wanted—Female.
Rales l nder This Classification; 24
WANTED Good cook at 107 Marietta
■ Btreet - 6-12-71 i
W ANTED Cook and general house girl
. al Rice street. Ivy 1384-L. 58-12-6 I
'NI ED Wonian to go oul of town and I
; - d<> housework. 255~Courtland.57-12-6 I
i.DI t’ATICD. unincumbered lady, under- I
standing linen room, dining room and I
kitchen, wants position as housekeeper ini
. hotel, sanitarium or large boarding house.
HoiisekeeptH'. 94 Washington st. 52-12-6
WANT’ED Position in hotel by lady with;
little girl to support. Must have work
al once. Answer. D. II . Box 3. care |
’ Georgian. 42-12-6 i
W ANTED—By a widow of culture and re-
finement a situation as housekeeper for
widow’er of means or first-class hotel.
References exchanged. Address I’, o. Box
9, Lithonia, Ga. 43-12-6
1 W’ANTED -Position as saleslady in cigar
stand or cashier in or out of city: ex
perience in both lines. Phone Main 1059-
J; Atlanta 3575. 6-12-26
COMPETENT young lady stenographer
desires position; moderate salarv; best
references. Call Atlanta 5801-F. ‘or ad-
• dress Miss AL, 63 AI ar tj n sL3 8-12 - 6
' ’ -M tHI i k.y T. intelligent widow without
incumbrances, age 44. wishes position
■ as housekeeper or companion or take
charge of rooming house: references ex
c^an Box 59, care Georgian. 25-12-6
WANTED Maternity cases bv experi
enced nurse: hospital trained; best ref-
; erences; reasonable charges: no objections
to out-of-town cases. Bell phone 1054
' it Sells ave. 39-12-5
WE]LL-EDUCATED, experietS’ed teach
er wishes position in established school
with view to buying interest, references:
credentials. Mrs. Sinclair. 501 Lexington
avenue, S w.. Roanokfe, \a. 34-27 5
GERMAN GIRL wishes position as hous"-
keeper. Address K. E.. 302 Love street,
between Windsor and Cooper streets.
WANT’ED A position as housekeeper for
widower by a widow’ with two children.
Address Ernestine, 50 Porter st. 27-11-6
WANTED Position as stenographer.
Address A C r.. Hapeville, Ga. 25-11-6
WANTED A position a's dictaphone op
erator. where experience, skill and fidel
ity will win promotion. Mrs. W., 159 E.
Fair st. 27-10-6
Situations Wanted—Male.
Rates Under This ' Tassifica t ion: 24
words, 1 time 10c; 3 times 20c; 7 times 40c
YOUNG MAN of 19 wants a position as as-
sistant bookkeeper: have had experi
ence; good references. Address Compe
tent. Box 6, care Georgian. 48-12-6 '
years experience, who is now employed, |
desires to make change to better future. I
Address ‘Steno..’' P. O. Box 72. <’itv. 1
WANTED Position by licensed druggist.
also M. [». Address Bismuth, care
< ieorgian. 33-12-6
Bright Office Boy,
AGED 13. wants position in some office.
Willing to learn and will work for
small salary. Address L. L L.. care
Georgian. U_?_-22 i
< ’< »M P« »S1 T< HL experienced ip both city
and country, desires position with goo<j.
live country weekly. Address Compositoi - ,
care Georgian. 27-12-6
WANT’ED Young man with experience
wants position as stenographer and of
fice assistant; has some knowledge of
bookkeeping Address G IL K., care
Georgian. 31-12-6
WANT’ED Position h> colored chauffeur;
w ill keep <ar out of sh< p. Wife to do
work on lot. Address H. McLain. 212
Whitehall street. 36 -11-6
WANTED- Home on farm for boy six
teen years old. who will soon be out of
school. Must be an educated. Christian
man. who will advise and direct a young
boy right from wrong. Board and small
salary. Guardian, care Georgian. 46-11-6
SIT I’ATI' 'N WANTED by first-class au- |
inmobile mechanic as repair man or
driver: five years experience; best of city
references. Address (’ W. Bogart. 151
Spring st reel. 49 -11 - 6
B<)Y. aged seventeen, wants io go to work
at once. Always willing to obey or
ders and quick to learn. Any salary to
begin on. Gilt-edge references. Address
IL F’>. J., care Georgian. 6-10-33
WANT’ED Situation by a first-class
salesman in a department store or shoe
store: can give first-class reference. Ad
dress A Kinnes. 55 Nelson st. Bell M.
WANTED Position by a registered drug
gist of ten years' experience; can give
the best of reference; now employed. Ad
dress Aspirin, Box 69. Bowdon. Ga.
WANTED Hotel on rent, salary or per
centage. My management always in
creases business. Best of references.
Address H. P., 8 Boulevard. South Kirk
woodstation, 101-8-6
WANTED Poultry farm to nanage on
salary or percentage; < an improve and
Increase business; experience and refer
ence. Address I! . 8 Boulevard. South
I<irkwood Station. Ga •»'*-8-6
I’RINTh;II desires employment in (‘oun
try or city printing office. Address
Experienced, Box 4. care Georgian.
31 -7 - 6
\V ANT 161 ’ Job as butler, or out of town
as waiter or porter. Have good refer
ences Address W. B S . care Georgian.
WANTED Position by German yard
man and florist, etc. Theodor. 636
Decatur st., Atlanta. 29-5-6
Situations Wanted—Male and
t'OM PETENT stenographers
and bookkeepers furnished
iiuiekly. Phone M. 1'241 Reming
ton Typewriter ('o.. .’>6 X Broad
Street. 6-12-38
Boarders Wanted.
IP H»M with excellent meals: all c onven
iences. select neighborhood: $4 50 per
week. 42 Windsor st Atlanta phone
31’1F. 6-12-81
I I I HST-<’LASS BOARD and r« <»rus :7
Poplar 6 72
! Nif’E, cool room, all conveniences; young
■nen or < ouph ; table board. Baker and
(Spring sii'-ets. Apartment 2 6-12-7-1
|Ib’ARDERS WANTED in elegant ®ub
i urban home, all city conveniences; io
couple without children Decatur 270.
G<»OD TABLE B<»\RD in north side
home. Phone Ivy 2423 6-12-55
DELIGHTFI L ROOM and board in pri
vate north sine home. Ivy 1848. 6-12-56
NICE F’RoNT' mom for couple. Phone
Ivy 5079-L. 6-12 57
FEW Nh’E young men can get board
and homcilke meals at 85 Luekie sire* t.
Fo HITO. 6 12-61
NIUE, cool front r>'<>m -Hth fTnard; all
convenances Suitable for -wo young
;,'.*n ot couple. Call Ivy ’339-.I 6-12-3<
it <‘l RRIER. two young men i*>r nice,
i,p g- front room. f‘»tir windows. * ver> ,
convenient* orms reasonable 6 12-29
Boarders Wanted.
BOARDERS WANTED Can take twelve
or fifteen boarders: good rooms, good
j board, good scenery. For other informa
■ tion call on Mrs. J \V. Godfrey. Rabun
Gap. Ga. 44- 1 2 1 6
PARTIES desiring nice r< <un and board
in refined private family, apply 400
Spring, half block from North avenue
6_- 12-6
W \A IED Two boarders tor nice ‘rent
room; close In, ,\ lain 3734 -L. 6- ’ 2 -18
!11 RNISHED RfM'.MF with or without
i board, at 72 Spring street. Ivv 4860-.1. ;
—— 6-1-C3S ;
SX(bhl; Hol Sl*.. 55 l.uckie street. |
Rooms .mil meals for regular and tran- I
i sient boarders. Close in. Rates reason--j
I abli . Atlanta 538f>. 6-11-37 1
I BEACTIFVL rooms and best, meals in the *
city; cool house for 'he summer. 17 i
Hast North avenue, between the Peach- I
trees. 6-11-21 1
COZY room adjoining bath: Peachtree
home: early breakfastno children Ip
ply Belljilione Ivyy’lo3. 6-11-2
OPnji large cool tootn, suitable for men or
business* women. Phone M 2288-.1.
Bl 1A rtn* I'LI.Y furnished rooms, with
board, at 76 West Peachtree Ivy 3767. !
6-8-53 1
WAN'rin i Young man roommate: cool.
I pleasant, room. 254 S. Pryor st. 6-10-7
ROOMS and boarders. 121 Capitol square.
M. 4839-L. 6 8-15
21 \V. BAKER; front room and board for
couple or gentlemen; also room for one.
I Ivy 1788,6-7-26
443 PF7ACMTREFL -elect boarding, rooms
single or en suite. Ideal location for
summer. Ivy 4562. 6-6-55
j YOUNG LADY. pleasantly situated,
i wishes roommate; board same place. 54
1 Baker. Wy 1809-J. 6-6-58
Opposhe Lupita! Cits' Club.
GOOP BOAim. Ivy 5348-1..’ 20 West
Harris street. 6-6-56
ROOMS with or without board. 32 Hous
ton street. 6-6-69
SELECT’ boarding for young men close in.
44 Crew street. 6-5-11
DELIGHTF'L L home for summer; all con
veniences Phone Ivy 6634. Mrs. C. S.
Mcßae. 3-14-42
Board Wanted.
BOAR!) and two looms wanted, with good
family; good neighborhood; full particu
lars. Eciiii*‘o. dare Georgian. 53-12-6
BOARD wanted by young lady in private
home; must be close in. Address Miss
S. H.. care Georgian. 26-12-6
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
376 CAPITOL W’E., delightful rooms;
newly furnished; rates very reasonable.
Bell phone M. 2890-J. 6-12-80
FOR RENT Nice rooms; also light
housekeeping suites; close in. 255 Court
land. 56-12-6
FOR RENT -Comfortable sunny front
room, close in. north side. 100 West
Baker street. 54-12-6
YOUNG MAN wishes roommate, best
north side location; close in. Ivy 6645.
6-12 70
NI»’E COOL ROOMS with board. Phone
22 East EHbc 6-12-735.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms;
•center of city; also housekeeping rooms;
opposite postoffice. 41 Poplar street.
TWo light housekeeping rooms: all con
veniences. 58 53-F. 6-12-79
NICE, cool rooms, in excellent neighbor
hood; close in; block of Candler Bldg.
; Atlanta phone 1534,6-12-66
iNh'E front room, suitable for two gen-
I tiemen; close in. 50 E. Ellis. 6-12-65
I LARGE front room: also single rooms;
' conveniences; in pleasant home. 26 E.
Gain. 6-12-63
[Nh'E, cool front room: all conveniences;
close in. 239 Courtland st. 6-1 2-62
TWo newly furnished front rooms: bath
and every convenience 71 Williams st.
<’<H>L front room and board; excellent
neighborhood; close in 109 W Harris
street. 6-12-60
1 NICE, cool front room in Inman Park;
all corfven iences; reasonable. Ivv
5565-J. . 6-12-59
LARGE front rbom on first floor at 145
Spring st. 6-12-58
COMFORTABLY furnished front room;
close in: north side. 192 Courtland st.
6-1 2-• 12
NICE, cool room in apartment; close in;
reasonable. Ivy 5638. 6-12-51
ENT IRE floor of three rooms, completely
furnished for housekeeping: private
bath and phone; $lB per month. Ivy
4682-J. 48 W. Peachtree Place. 6-12-42
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping; also furnished bed rooms for
gentlemen; clean, modern and close in.
81 Brotherton. between Whitehall and
Pryor, 6-12-43
| NH’ELY furnished rooms for rent. Ap-
l 7 -12- 6
F‘ >R RENT- Furnished, two or three
beautiful rooms for housekeeping; fine
exposure. North side. Phone lw 2080-L.
TWO rooms, furnished complete for light
housekeeping. $3 per week. 266 White
hall. 2L' 1 t: 6
• '< »N NE« NG from rooms, furnished
complete for housekeeping; close in; no
children: ever} convenience. 73 Williams
street. 6-12-2
(’(>()L ROOMS; north side; 31 West
Peachtree Place, lw 4606 Reasonable.
»>NIv large furnished front room; ideal
for summer; suitable for gentleman.
Atlanta phone 1298. 217 <’apitol avenue.
- I * •::
FOR RENT Niceb furnished fhont room,
with or without board, in private fain
il\. iii West End. Phone West 707-.1.
6H 1-33
FOR RENT One furnished front room or
would board a couple of gentlemen IS
ect Place 42-H-6
NICELY furnished rooms; close in. 17':
Lucklej<t. _ 6-11-19
NEWLY furnished room; good location";
ail conveniences. Phone Main 2768.
FOR RENT Two blocks from Terminal
station, one or two nicely furnished
rooms with bath 69 Nelson street.
TWO nicely furnished rooms FH jjrivato
home l'» least Harris street. 6-10-34
<»N E large nicely furnished room for rent
n «rth side; close in. Ivy 4399-J. 6-10-37
NICELY furnished front room: gentle
men. 103 W Peachtree st. Phone Ivy
\ LARGE, beautiful tinted front room:
electric lights, hot bath. In refine*! fam
ily; will rent cheap for the summer, one
short block from Peachtree. 29 Currier
<t 1 *llOllO Ivy 1727. 6-!0-17
FOR RENT T’wo roomtL kitchenette and
porch, two doors from Peachtree cars.
54 East Alexander.lvy 235 1 •
FOUR unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping. 255 Iv'y st 6-12-39
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for
gentleman. All modern conveniences.
B* 11 phone lv} 3629-J. .366 Piedmont ave
nu<-. 41-10-6
F< »R RENT' Rooms: single or for house i
keeping Main 3623-J. 243 Whitehall
st re« i. 6-10-31.
TWo pleasant furnished rooms, with or
without housekeeping 24 Ert«t Bak< r.
o.N'E <»r two nicely furnished front rooms
lor rem reasonable Apply 194 South
' 6-10-10
FURNISHED rootntf. with of wlthcri
mentis Maili 399’-L. 6-8-s:'
F< •': RF'.NT' One nit*ely FuFnishOd front
room well scremPd; all Tuodern con
veniences. with bath, breakfast and 6:30
dinner: near in. Northern lady's home.
No children. 252 Ivy street. 6-8-54
FOR IU3NT’ I ♦.i ;• light
housekeeping; separate to gentlemen,
HL.' al l,l 1 v,, bue. .Main 4082-L. 6-e-50
FOR RENT - N’ecly furnished front
rc-onr .lose tn: one party. $8; «wo par
ties. *•“ Phone lv} 4607-J. 6-8-31
RO*»M and board: nice location 17 laist
North avenue. 27-7-6
IN WEST F.ND. home of three large
r<H»ms. one with private bath: first
- Jasc hoard 128 Gordon treet. Phone
West 109-J. 6-7-6
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
NICE, large housekeeping rooms, fur
nished complete for housekeeping; ex- 1
cellent neighborhood; close in. Ivy 6071
6-6-73 |
NEWLY furnished rooms. 331 Courtland: '■
goo,l b<>ard i-’n-f by. 6-5-2 1
FOR FiENT ftooms, or unfur
nished: good neighbo»*nood: five min- I
utes’ walk from T erminal Station: cars .
every five minutes. Write or apply Mrs. ,
Sue F. Johnson. 76 Walker st.s-22-3 ■
.x EWLY 9T ; RN ISH ED rooms, reasonable
prices: centrally located; baths free. |
■ Broadway Hotel. 7 North Broad street.
13 -31 -«•'» :
THREE connecting rooms for light i
! housekeeping: ail conveniences; vacant i
'June 15 l 83 lor rest ave. . 6-12-51 |
■ $13.50 for third floor of three rooms and !
j ball hi the best house in the Baltimore
| building on Baltimore place, just off West
Peachtree. Large rooms. - ink in kitchen. |
Atlanta phone 1- 8. 6-1;>36 j
ENTIRE upper floor consisting of four
nice rooms, private bath, hall and front ;
porch. 32.: Pulliam stieet. Phone .Man ;
4615-L. 8-12-251
FOR RENT —Three beautiful rooms, sep- :
arate entrance: private veranda: elee- i
• ‘ nk h
' THREE housekeeping rooms and hall: j
modern conveniences. 97 Grant st.
T1 i ri;e nit o l&rge unf <• nish<d ■ onhec
ing rooms: all conveniences. 41’0 Luekie
street. Atlanta 4447. 6-12-10
TWO large connecting rooms and kitch
enette. 417 E. Georgia ave. 6-12-11
FOUR connecting rooms for couple. 74:'.
<; 1 enn st.. Graiit Park 6 -12-12
KIRK Wt»(>D, GA.. three connecting
rooms for rent to refined party. 3:’
Trotti st. 6-12-I.>
TWo connecting rooms: $6 month. 129
Kelly st, 6-11-17
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping; conveniences; vacant
June 15. 114 East Fair.2B-11-6
TWO dandy hoiisekeep ng rooms: con
veniences; adjoining bath 143 Glenn
wood avenue. 6-11-9
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
noj-hihireu 442 East Fair st 6-Hl-10
ONE bright room for a business worvan
83 For t*‘" ' ?i \» 6-10-1 I
I ii ree room# for light housekeepings
convenient to bath. 254 S. Pryor si
TWO ROOMS; 87.60 per month; lor light
housekeeping: with owner; bath, sink;
separate meter and entrances. Ivy 845-L.
FOR RENT Light housekeeping; three
first floor connecting rooms; sink; all
conveniences. Atlanta phone 2738. 6-7-5
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED —Three unfurnished connecting
rooms for light housekeeping, in south
east section of city Address E. W. P..
care -11-6
I-or your convenience. Want Ads will
lie taken over the telephone and bill will
l»e sent -at expiration of ad No matter
what you want or have to sell, a Georgian
Warn Ad will do the work, thus savinr
you time and money.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
TWO or three rooms, furnished or unfur
nished; all conveniences. Main 3941.
237 Capitol ave. 6-12-32
Furnished Apartments For Rent
For RENT--Five-room apartment, com
pletely furnished; north side: two
norches cool. Phone Ivy 5490-J. 6-8-11
TWO furnished apartments. two and
three rooms each, with private baths
and private entrance. 345 «- 2 Peachtree st
FOR RENT Furnished apartment, from
June 15 to September 1. five-room sec
ond floor apartment; nicely furnished;
between the Peachtrees; price, $37.50 per
month. Phone Ivy 3579-J 34-6-3
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
UNFURNISHIH) apartment for rent; con
venient location and comfortable apart
ment at a sacrifice. Apartment A. 11 W.
Baker st. Phone Ivy M 32. L_ 12 r
BEAUTY Ground floor, four hail,
elegant bath; hot and cold water; close
in: cheap: nice, quiet neighborhood.
Phone Mr. (’ouch, M 120737-12-6
FOR RENT—-The new apartment house
at S 3 Hurt street, known as the Bo«co
hel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting for $32.50 to $35. is
now ready for occupancy Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Knox. 1613 Candler
building 5-9-57
Furnished Houses For Rent
WANTED- To arrange with gentleman,
and wife to use my furnished home and
board three who are at present there *»u
dress ‘Comfort,” care Georgian. 6-8-20
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
FOR RENT Four-room cottage, acre of
ground, fruit. Jqst repaired. Ten min
utes walk from College Park car line; SB.
C. Is. K.. Bell phone .Main 4837-L.6-12-20
FOR RE.x’T-~lJy owner, nine-room house,
or upper or lower floor separate; two
baths; highest elevation; nice shade;
walking distance. Ivy 2825-L.6-11 -14 :
FOR RENT Five-roonr house. 107 .Mc-
Daniel street. Apply 14 Hast Hunter
OF Mn in 690. 11 2 -
F'D FrR E N 7 !’ "R y owner, comfor tab I e north
side cottage; six rooms and bath; $lB month; Immediate possession. Phone
Ivy 6432.6-11-20
FOR RENT on September 1. A 1 six
room house, near Gordon street car.
Peeples street school and Howell park. '
(’all Webster. Main -106. 807-808 Fourth |
Nat ional Ba n k building fULI.-
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a medern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
4-iS-H .
FiUl riEN'f No. 27 West Twelftr street.)
se\et' rootns. hardwood floors, furnace j
heat See owner, 25 West Twelfth street.
Phone 2155 lw. 21LL1?
!*'<Ht BENT. HOI'SES Call, write or
phone for our rent biilletin. fhtlph <>.
Cothran. 19 South Broad street 4-1-21 |
Desk Space For Rent
PART of office at 105 Peter* Bldg Main,
525#-J, !
fdCFK SPA C E sot rent at .302 < and lor
building Rent reasonable 6-8-52
Farms for Rent.
TRl't’K FARM under full ( ultivation, 3'.-
miles from <ntrr of Atlanta. Posses- (
.•;icn immediatel} \ddross Box 56. care j
• Georgian 49-12-6 i
Lost and Found
LOST At Terminal station Wednesday!
morning, one silver mesh ’?ag. with
name inside. If found, call G. W Ra- ;
mey. Main 433: <O-12-6 j
LOST Small, black suede purse, crtniaiit- i
ing ven ten dollar bills; probably;
dropped Dr. Block's waiting room; re
v>ar*! Phom* W. RIO-.1, 6-12-31 !
L< >ST in front "c»l Sacred Heart church,
Sunday, June 9, small gold rosary. Find
er will please phone Ivy 1174 or 632 Pe;l« h
tree street. 1
LOST Pin. set with diamond and cn>«r- ;
aid chips: design, star and r.rescent;'
K E in - enter of pin Reward if yv •
turned to .\ H Eidson, Main 2622 or I
321-W. 6-10-35
TENTH STREET, between Myrtle and ,
Boulevard, lost automobile tools. Re- t
wa rd if returned to 209 .Myrtle st. :;p-]O-6 |
LOST On* baby ring: Tiffany setting,!
with a ver\ small diamond in it <>n
Whitehall street. 6-7-2
Ask any business man and ne w’ll tell
jou 'I he Georgian Want \<J columns
.*rtrh. more people ami bring bditcr i-esults
t! a' could not he obtained m an> other
medium in ’his .section.
I AlUsPA xTsh jCmeK fcXx wa7
veterans come to the Audito
; l iuni, third floor, Wednesday at
js p. m._ and bring your discharge
I papers to learn of something for i
j your benefit. Also join national I
I organization similar to the G. I
A. I. b-11-ii
MR. JOHN F. PARROTT, yonr bajrsage.
now held by Miss Ida Smith. 126 Love
; joy street, will be sold if not called for
j in ten days. 6-5-18
i DR. EI>MONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal.
< ami Cotion Root Pill. , s safe and re- i
I liable treatment for painful and sup- !
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
' Lrnjjar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
i "nA. Frank Edmondson A 1 - B»o . nianu
! fnrturing chemists, 14 South Broad st»oet.
, Atlanta. Ga. 2-17-14
I I X DIES reward I positively guar-
antee my great successful ’Monthly”
| remed} . safely relieves some of the long
est. most obstinate, abnormal cases in
three tn five days: no harm pain or in
terference with work: meil *1.50 Double
strength, $2. Dr. F. G Southington Rein
ed} Company, Kansas Citx , Mo. 4 2-34
Dr ?psy.
DROPSY <’ RICH —Relie\es shortness of
breath in 3’’ to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in 15 to -J days. Write for particu
lars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Company.
513 > fstell building. Atlanta. 5-35-11
A F'l ER twenty years of intense agony
from itching piles I discovered a rem
edy which any one can use for the sim
ple asking Send me postal rarcl for in
structions. Box 39. Buena Vista, Ga.
SUBSCRIBE through me. Atlanta busi
ness men know me; high-class publica
tions at lowest prices. G. Haas. 165 Pul
liam st Telephone Main 3344-L. 6-10-5
The Mariv Spirilla Styles.
INt’H'DE a style for every woman: the
genuine skill of our <*orsetleres i« man
ifested in selecting the model thar be
comes too best. Company 'HeadquHrters.
S 4 East North ave.lvy 5176 5-28-36
Eol’NP-The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER. i'all and see Fir. Reynolds Com-
* pany. 21 Inman building. Atlanta. Ga If
you cal)._wrfte. 6-7-86
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wail street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you.
and it means insurance <-24-19
HAIR CUT. 15c.
3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
wnd Rrotd 8-21-88
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian hlinds.
metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or nhone W. R Cal
laway. manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga Main 5310.
NOTHING but first -class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, nhone lw 1436
ACME LETTER CO., 417 Wesley Memo
rial Bi 'tg. 6-0
STILL another nig dnpmen’ of new wall
papers. Prices right. All work guar
anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Ra--
nett <Rr Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st.; 30 sec
onds from Whitehall. 4-13-45
«?l’<'l' MBEft and peroxide creahi. espe
cially used for sunburn; guaranteed one
of the best skin foods on the market;
nothing like it for whitening the skin
For sale bv Ulavton A* Zahn. 36U Whjte-
11 ‘ • ’ 2
CARPET? and RUGS clean as khen new
4 r process insures satisfaction.
2 cents per square foot 5-23-38
MISS NORRIS will open her summer
school Monday. June 24. 191.2, at 641
Highland avenue. 77-8-6
(rYPSIU W\ll’
'2E r 4 rr '’ 138 WHITEHALL ST. 4-29-1
; REVEALS past, present and future < 'an
l»e consulted on all affairs of life; read
ings. :sc. 50*‘. 17 East Mitchell street On
tent). 5-29-5
DON’T lei your friends suffer; bring them
Drs. Holmes and Sewell.
iaf 7'. ? W. Mitchell street, for rheuma
tism. dropsy, piles and cancer. Oansul
tation free Diseases of men a specialty
4 13 4
Bookt Wanted.
■< \SH PAID ft t all kinds salable
.MAIL LIST. Phone .822 Main, or bbtter
* still, bring books to store.
| 71 Whitehall St. (GaVftfl’s.)
6 - 10-25
j W ANTED Colonial l ostmne immediate
! ly, 512 Candler Bldg . to fit man fi\ei
feet eleven inches. 140 pounds: elaborate,
one desired 28-12-6 i
I\\ A.Xi ED X go* >4 second-ha i.d upright ‘
Everett piano for cash Address <’ M. ,
E . 1 * lias i '>;ji ti> -I 12-6
NTED > rei g >lh eor steam en- *
gine. Twelve or fifteen-horsepower.
! Address S. M 57 South M< Daniel i 1
■ street. 6-10-32
painti x Have tfoui <> •» Minted:
best work, cheapest prices Call At- ■
' ianta phone 5332 6-5-27
i p,t \ old • - d s.,'>*‘«
_ Drop a ‘‘arm ' Jb>ck, ,1? Bell v. 8-1-J4
DROP A CARD -Will bring cash for old
clothes ano’ shoes ’ sr Vestaire 166
Dr-catiir street. 3-7-8 i
BEST CASH PRICES for furniture, 1 '
househon? goods and mfee furniture ‘ ;
t . v *mhrole Sales Co. 14, S Prx or street.
‘■i * _ 4-5-1.5 j ,
I WANTED We f»a} highest cash prices!
on hoir-ohohi goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments Springer's Xuction if.’use. 25
South Pryor street Bell phone Main 1526,
household goods, pianos and office fur- '
nitui'c «’ash Advanced on consignments
♦ ’entral Miction Uompdny. 12 East Mit*-h-
rll strec’ Bell phone Main 2424 8-26-26
For Saie—Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE—One grand square ’’bickering
piano and all kinds of household goods j
at 255_Uourtiand. 55-12-6
NlN’f' good Jersey milch cows, giving
from to 4 gallons a day. Shippey
Bros. & White, 968 Marietta st. Both
I phonbs 516. 6-12-49
I PR A 4 "l'l< ’A LLY new; only used a short
while. S6O cash, balance monthl} Ivy
1774. 6-12-41
MUST '-ell diamond r ng. ? i-karat; pure
white, sllO. Address ». L . care Gem-- t
i g : an. 45-1.2-6!
FOR SAI E Bungalow bed spring and
mattress; clean and new $3.50; also i
go-cart in good condition $1.50. 392
Spring I’ 1 -- 1
i For sal;' One coal two-eye hot water:
heater. No. 8: aln ost new 22 Rlplev st. i
BOR SALE- bloor showcases and cigar!
wall case; whole set. at 55 East Ala- |
by ma <u, 6-12*14
4 9. < ’lipper lawn mower in good condi-
tion; cost new 17.50: will take $3.00 for
same. A. G Wilson. Lithonia. Ga.
„s 6-8-37
FOR SALE One butcher's refrigerator,
good condition; price, S9O; easy terms.
Browder-Mangel Co.. L. and N Terminal
Bldg. I; 11 _42
FOR SALE Rolltop desk. 5 feet long: !
practically new; big bargain; oak fin
ish. '*o East Fair street. 43-11-6
Buy Your Coal Cheap
DIRECT from mines; a saving of over
$1 per ton: join me and order now
P. E. Kelley. Phone Ivy 3433- L. 6-11-22
ONE merr}-g«>-round for safe or ox~-
change. M efry-go-round, care Geor
gian. 37-11-6
CLAY HOLDER, 5x7. one- kodak 3Gx3 l , 2 .
one 3 cheap 173 Walker st.
FOR SALE At sacrifice, counter system,
soda fountain and drug fixtures; prac
tical!} new; fountain has eight syrup
pumps with white Italian marble counter
College Park Pharmacv. Both phones
tOO. College Park. Ga 6-11-14
FoR SALE. Engineering books, office
and household furniture. 48 Crew street.
F< »R SA LE Gun an*’ t.i. 'i ip qnn
Box 122, Newnan. Ga. 29-11-6
FOR SALE Writer press, stand and type
used in multigraphing letters. Anplj
.Mr Kell\, 2’A Walton st. 6-10-6
n C“ntTjTy pnei;ma tic “cl i ers
remove dirt and germs from rugs, car
pels, floors, etc., vacuum cleaners front
V’2.50 up; vacuum sweeners. $9 75 C J
Daniel & Co, 416 Fourth Nat Bk Bldg
One Price No Commission
LET us niukt’ you an eslinuih‘ on
your work. Ohl pianos made
new again as moderate prices.
The only complete piano shop in
the city.
< ’leveland-Mamiiny Piano
< ’onipati}.
Bell phone Ivv 2’240. SO Pryor.
FLy PAPER formula by mail 25c. rnaTr
your own fly paper al home: 150 sheet*
tor 25c. Madame Luke, 29 N. Willington
st,, Atlanta. Ga. 6-10 16
Beaut} and Providence varieties. $2
per 1.000 f o. n. shipping point Enter- ,
prise Plant Company. Meggefts. S. <’.
i J-8 - 6
WE RENT good pian**.”. >8 month up.
We sell good pianos. $5 month up
Bargain In second-hand. SIOO up.
R. P Becht Company, 110 Temple <7ourt
building. Bell phone 667 Main. 4-23-20
BE SURE ami see our screens mid ger
our prices before buying Kane Blind
and Screen Co., J. I Crawford, 202 Kiser
Bhig AT 1929. 3-20-11
Atlanta Tent and Awning
MANUFACTURERS high-grade tftnt? and
awnings 39'A Luekie St. Ivy 5667
• 4 -|6 -54
Ti IE “at! Ax TA I I’ 11 o I .ST ER ■
ING co.
BEG to announce the opening of their
new shop at 17’ Whitehall street, where
they make a specialty of REPAIRING and
REFLNISHLNG of all kinds of furniture;
all work done by export mechanics Esti
mates cheerfully furnished. Phone Main
2475. or call in person
F( »R SALE Second-hand at>. 26x1 »|
inches inside. Bishop-Babrdck-Becker !
Co. 5-27 18 1
POPE S SPECIAL Best dollar watch in’
the world sent prepaid, only 86c. i
Full} g<iaranlee<l to keep correct time
two \ears or money refunded. New watch
given free if it breaks. A more servicea
ble watch can not be had at any price
Mono? refunded immediate!} if you art
not highly pleased. Order today without
fail Pope Watch and Diamond Company.
151*. Main street. Dallas, Tex. 6-1-14
NEW rT’BBER TIRES put on your bal»'
carriages; repalrhie’ Phone Ivy 3076
Robert Mitchell. 229 Edgewood avenue
SoDa FOUNTS Bargain m nen and sec
ond-hand soda fountains: easy terms;,
write for prices P O Box 1022, \tlanta
Ga. 3-16-76
.MAX WELIT TwNABOriCfunj 'o.|Uipt.e.l
in good running order; almost at your
■ ■Wil price. Uall Main 9177. 6-12-69
A U’l < )A1( )BILE tout ing car for sale cheap
Address “Autocar.’’ care Georgian.
FOR SALE Four-cylinder two-passenger I
roadster. Good running condition |
Price $250. Apply 78 Auburn avenue
42-10-6 |
bib* for sale; seven-passenger: 40- >
horsepower; luxurious touring car; full}
equipped: very low price u I ‘lately.
818 Empire 81dg.6-7-14
.'•'OR SALE National roadster, tft good ’
running order atid tires all fn perfect i
condition (»n account of the ow ner irmv- 1
ing a wax . this car must be sold, and the
i first S *75 cash order gets it. w. J. Zahn. :
3 ; 11 ull street, Atlarlla. 6-6-16
u.\RBURETOR woi < a -m<ialt}. \\
give eareful atteniiofi to Elm-tib Auto
and Bitterv v. orli. Ilut tramps A? Yar
br:ty <’o. Phone Main 3.510, 56 Edg.?-
xx ood Ax e , just below Equitabb Bldg.
- 2 2 - *'.
A TWIN Indian motorexde for sale; big
bargain: out of city all the time and ;
can’t use 11. Main 157-L 153 Centra);
ave. 6■ 1 2-21 |
ALL M \KES. SSO .AND i t’ l.argeu mo- j
torcycle dealers in the South: exclusive’
Southern distributors for Indian Elycji
Austell Company, 35 North Prxor street.
1-21-9 1
Real Estate For Sale
LOT in (’openhill, good neighborhood;
one block from Cleburne avenue, just
off (’openhill avenue; S7OO cash. Phone
1 v tLJ 51 - 1 2 - 6
C(»LLEGE P.\RK six-room bungalow
nearing completion; all conveniences
and a lovely home; price $3,250; only $250
casl'.. balance easy. W. H. S. Hamilton.
Do-.-itur. Ga. Phone Decatur 413. 6-3-2
TIMBER EAXI) in Richland
I’urisli. 1,a.. near Rayville. 1,500
* acres. Will cut 8.000 feet to the
aciT. Land hitfh and fertile.
; Titles perfect. To quick buyer
i will give close price on this ex
ceptionally fine tract.
Phone 1889. M IGrant Bldg.
6 11-11
SIX LOTS in oil and gas district; Hallett.
Okla.; sell or exchange for lot here. 173
Walker st. 38-11-6
i DIRECT from owner in Inman Park six-
Foom bungalow or cottage with all con
ven*ences. Give location, price and terms.
Must bp reasonable. Bungalow', care
Georgian. 6-11-3
16% RENTING PROPERT Y—57,256 will
buy seven houses in best colored sec
tion; practically new. no lean; $3,500 cash,
balance one. twn and thi?e years at 7%.
Sep this bargain. <’. D. Galloway. Main
t7. 1001 Atlanta National Bank Bldg
NINE thousand acres nf land for sale.
houses and buildings; tenants installed:
land m Washington county; price. $12.50
tier Her*' Write James L. Sibley, Mil
ledgeville. Ga. 6-10-21
FOR SALE By owner, new bungalow,
five rooms ami hall; water, gas. sewer,
cabinet mantels, large bath room, big
lot. tile walks; near car line; splendid
neighborhood: am going awaj' and will
sell cheap: price. $2,250; SIOO cash, S2O
monthl}. like rent. .Address Owner. Box
~8 7. care Georgian. 6-6-9
'THE HOI.LSE you build, buy or
rent will not he a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
-18 IO
EDI,’ h np|l lovaied. waII wiilt. mortWn
seven-room house, good term©.
'»wner. 816 Peachtree street Phone go
Ivy 5-18-30
. : -V ■ - “ -' "T ’iG
Real Estate Wanted.
I WANTED Strictly modern home: all im
provements; six or more rooms, with
large, improved, high, level grounds,
good irahspi.rtation. within 30 minutes of
business center: must be first-class neigh
borhood; want easy terms and must have
all particulars in first hitter or no atten
tion. Address F. S. W., carp Georgian
Farms For Saie.
Eanii lA»p Sale At a
313 ACRES, live miles from <ounty site.
Samlersville. Ga.. four miles from
Worthen, surrounded by good farmers
that own their land and homes, in reach
of church and schools; has nice ten-room
dwelling, good well water on porch, up
stairs ami all around downstair poren;
variety of fruit large: scuppernong arbor,
35 pecan trees bearing; large clover patch;
two large barns, four good tenant houses;
about 250 acres cultivable, open land;
nice fish pond; plenty of water and pas
ture. a nice home; desirable for stock,
poultry or corn and cotton. For further
information write T. R. Duggan. Worthen.
Ga. 6-1-20
Money to Loan.
MONEY by the thousands; money by the
lens of thousands: monCj by thp mil
'ii< ri: first-class first mortgage real estate
and farms; mortgage purchase mon
ey notes, (’oine direct to us. Randolph
Loan Co . 821 Candler Bldg. Ivy 5069.
Cl \s p company!
loans on real estate.
Established 1899 2’. Walton street.
: 18 -15
MONEY on hand for immediate loans, on
property in or near Atlanta. J. E. Van
X’alkenburg. 501 Equitable Bldg. 6-6-22
WE HAVE plenty of money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
’Straight or monthly payment
plan. Also for purchasing pur
chase money notes. Foster &
Robson. 11 Edgewood-avp,
w lyman S' connors; ’
Mortgages or. Real Estate 4-1-8
amount; 6 per cent Write or call. 8
W. (’arson. 24 South Broad-st. 4-1-17
Loans on Diamonds
■'('ollatera' Bank."
256 I'anrilPi Annex
s Per Cent Per Annum.
I —_
As ' 301 pete»s
I OAN - (R*
Withour Indorsement
W i t h out Collateral
Without Real Estate
Money loaned at
301-2 Fourth 'Nation
al Rank Building.
I >-»*■ 5»
j mW- »[7; , \ (:"’*7 uia NS on Xt’an.ta real ea
'ate. Established since 1889. 8. R.
'Turman Co., corner Broad and Ala
bama streets. 4-1-20
J'ARM I t'ANS placed in any amount on
improved farm lands in Georgia. The
1 Southern .Mortgage (’ornpany. Gould build*
i ing. 7-13-1
PLE. women keeping house and others
without security; cheapest rales; easy
payments. Offices all principal cities. D.
H Tolman Room 324 Austell building.
Stocks and Bonds.
FOR SAI I Eagle Mining Company
Ht<> 1 have 9VO shares of Eagle Min
ing slix'l; for sale to the highest bidder
Mail me your offer. 1., R. Sams. New-
* horn. <la 6-12-41
nrirrri ~
DI?. 11 -IENSEN,
’3% Whitehall St.