Newspaper Page Text
b c For 12 l-2c Ginghams. Toile du m » »• 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c Laces. Match c
| y No<ds, Red Seal, etc., in lenghts 2 I SUft fll Y : S Set Laces, including Linen Cluny [Z
»~J t 0 10 yards. Regular 121-2 c qual- AH ifwß II IB .1 B/iMn Wam |S|| If and Torchon. Round Thread and ®B i
•y d ities, 7.. per yard. AI AIOH WOIOMI I®| H Vais, worth „p to 15.- d
« ■ • *
Semi-Annual Pre-Inventory Sale
z Tomorrow, Thursday Morning, with the opening of the doors, we launch our Semi-Annual Pre-inventory Sale—A monster Merchan- I M .. .
7 Maliy HUB dise Movement which means much to Atlanta Shoppers and patrons scattered over Georgia and throughout the South. Our entireS floors 30(1
:i< Bargains —some forty-odd departments—participate in this money-saving event. PhORB
jp On July Ist of each year we take inventory. It has always been our policy to reduce stocks prior to the inventory, in order to Q[(jg|s
$ Furniture r ’ght stocks and get all departments in good shape and not show too much merchandise on hand on July Ist. WE REALIZE we must hurry p rnmn f| v
rUrniiUlu out lots of merchandise that are not now moving fast enough. Full purchases and an unprecedented backward season compel us to use ''
Included drastic measures and we are going to force things. During the next few days we shall offer most unusual values in Spring and Summer 311(1
| ip this Merchandise. There will be remarkable Bargains every day of the sale. CaiOftllly
■ c a | p This advertisement should bring you here in a hurry tomorrow; many of the best bargains are not advertised. COME SURE—SALE Fillpri
oaiß BEGINS 8 O’CLOCK. nilBU
| Continuation of Our Sale of [J nUSUa | Offering" Os Lingerie trimmed flits
j Muslin Underwear Drpws at $705 w 75 and tIO 7S v a i ues to ss
A great opportunity; splendid bargains. The business in our muslin Ul VUuvv £ll tpli’tlc/ £lllll Tomorrow. Thursday, A/ /
;» underwear department has doubled within the last three months. another great disposal of * K
7We are doing the business of the city, the reason being that our as- A NEW YORK MANUFACTURER, who specializes ill high-class fine, new, fresh, untrim-
s: sortments are greater, qualities better and prices lower. A great Zjk dresses, found himself overstocked, and offered us his entire surplus med shapes, bought at a tremendous con-
, list of bargains for the Pre-Inventory Sale. p r j ces that barely cover the cost of materials. We were quick to cession in prices: in medium and large
At Half of Real Values take advantage of the opportunity, and we place the whole purchase on sale white, Mark, bund and
| New Lace Trimmed Skeliton Skirts .... 1 Monday in three great under-prM groups. $5.00. .t 98C XT ;
:::::::: A f|c dresses are exact dupZfcafes of mod- Women’s Hosiery Specials
I SSh.;::: L IX in many instances but one of a kind, we advise KIIO-1 BIT TlOSiery
; Embroidery-Trimmed Dorothy Drawers . I early selection, This famous guaranteed hosiery—in the correct
» Chemise, corded band or trimmed J * weights for Summer wear—well sustains its name. We f
I $1.25 and $1.50 Garments At S7JkI '’‘womenJ’Kno’-ui? Lisle Hosiery, reinforced heel,;
| New Princess Slips in ten styles ; Presses worth Up to double sole, toe and dee}) garter top —white, black,
| New Combinations in lace or embroidery. I mX and tan. guaranteed for three months —3 Pairs fors
v New Skeleton Skirts, beautifully trimmed ' fafgJSjBSC beautifully trimmed in Vai, SI.OO
i nn ■ Gauze Lisle Hosiery
M Drawers m every style, very elaborately \ V_X
$ . finished ■ styles, a truly wonderful Lisle Stockings on the market —the
I Gowns, Empire. V ,<'hemise or neck. WPf off ™ " f Wafer, the Gordon. Ihe Not-a-Seme, ZfOC
New 3-Pjece Suits Reailtiflll Garments 3)14./5 double reinforced heel, sole and double
$8.50 Value, A. $1.50 /-'M V " fee Silk Ho.lery
i< ; , Lovely match sets, consisting of $2 00 and $2.25 Values //'WBW' med lit beautiful embi old- ‘VI Another shipment of the splendid Silk xfw
X gown, combination and skeleton ah kinds of ne«, lovely things 1 , pwSigjffiL ery. embroidery edgings Jj/a> i, /, ip fiwTX Rnsp flint have nro vod qo t)< *1 >ll In r wit I) zl 1
>1 ,n..a.. of soft sheer >riin here for the fastidious lonian- Ip and all manner of the new - MUA IL. ' ,/ llOSeill.U lIHVt ])lO\( (I SO popll I<ll WITH < <
i<s '' | , |h „ ' P" ett y Nainsook Gowns. Chemise, • J ,c;j d® I est lace effects. The great- Hw t , |I|IJ OUT trade fllllv reinforced pilfCSt * *
JO SOOK. trimmed 111 Inc new (’orset Covets, Drawers, many lace- H ffJK "JtaM' fl • sl values ever offered at yjHm 4 IW Mn ~ , ... • , i i i x oa m
■ <? “ deep ’ * effect with several rows trimmed garments In the soft, slen- •I•‘i •f > ® price so early in the |jo|jte£L i|’ tnTCcld SllK, ID Willt f\ tRD » AIK
I of Imen cluny insertions and 4Women’s Kno-tair Silk Lisle- 6 Pairs for $3.00.
W beading and finished in cluny at ~>I.OV LpM// Si 975 'I. : I Guaranteed for six months.
r edging and ribbon. $1,98 Ji n .l * $ tsc JI Women’s Pure Thread Silk Kno-tair Stockings—3>
$4.50 Priced up to $3.25 few! Pairs for $3.00. Ouarante e<l for three months.
prettfec .< Nainsook GoTnTc’hem- SomV’are trimmedwitTVhe 111 ; ImDOrted Voile aild Marquisette
i °7 r E^ ra " e 7 andl,: ' finer laces-others with '■ H >us HU a O v»v
(i Other suits at $9.98 to $27.50 erally thousands of beautiful Amer- / beautiful embroideries. 17 * J J n 11
| that are suitable for bridal To.-, •VrT'To be^MxTand* Z Embroidered Dress Patterns?
L= =-~ ♦ l -» 8 $12.50 and $15.00 Values
t Last week we consummated this extraor- \
nljjll S SeiTl1 = A nFIII aI I re = lnventorv Sale Boys Suits dinary purchase and secured immediate j OMM OS
i *’ 3 ?t f B 58 s 2 , s V i ? I’re hnentorv Sale Rugs and Draperies s'LEi-irlE Ty” 8
t)iu t ntir< stot kot I>O\S buits all this season S ' Voile and Marquisette: also French Ba- \
$ goods and patterns—fancy mixtures and blue serges— In order to clear the stock of all odd and discontinued patterns we have cut prices upon tiste, which one can see at a glance is for j
to be sold at the following greatlv reduced prices l many Rugs, Carpets, etc., too numerous to mention. These will be sold at 1-4 and 1-3 off. eign and exclusive. Embroidery Dept
; $ 5.00 Suits reduced to . . ’. ' $3.35 Come and examine - as the savin * s are & reat The Patterns consist of 2 1-2 yards 50-inch Flounce, worth $3.00
6,00 Suits reduced to 4.00 25 only 9x12 Rugs. We can not duplicate 400 pairs Ltice Curtains, all curtains of which ? a'd ; _ 1-2 ide Band, w orth $1 .di ya rd; 21 2 yards Narrow
/ $ a , *i „ i>...... 8and, worth SI.OO yard. Ihe colors are black, helio, alice and pink
« 6.v0 Suits reduced to 4.38 ' * f .], . .. m.,. ~ w, ‘ ' laVf * °nly one, two or three pairs of a embroideries on white marquisette and voile; also French batiste in
7.00 Suits reduced to 4.67 J""' 8,7 1 "5,.|s ,H \x’minsters < »n<l > 'xmixims In pattern, will he placed in this sale; regular lovely pastel colors, embroidered in French designs. Values per
i ® U “ S re 3 ®-$® B; -els. Ax,s.mA.naxn,., I ~s 25 0 „ Pach . pattern. $12.50 and $13.00
8.00 Suits reduced t° 5.35 i/xxrr • 1/ Embroidery Flouncmgs
8.50 Suits reduced to 5.65 IZ Qff IA einn
10.00 Suits reduced to 6.6.5
12.00 Suits reduced to 8.00 . n/. I- $$ • > White Swiss and sheer Nainsook 15 and 27-inch Financings, for
Sizes 6to 18 Norfolks and Regulars -•**! Ru s s ’ va , l . u< : s : fe f Matt 'l)g Rugs in Japanese A Q dresses embroidered in eyelet and combination in this sale
/ Credit Courtesies Extended. and Navajo patters. Special m this sale 39 cents.
- -
> , ...... - ■ ———
Alarm Clocks Special Sale Wm. A. Rogers’ Flat-Ware Wm. A. Rogers’
1 Warranted 1 Year. While they last pieM w £ toSU'TEitai bX’sX 7.7. m Quadruple Silver Plate Syrup
O forks, 6 tablespoons, 6 teaspoons, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar Co i d Meat Fork .... 50c Pickle Forks 65c Pifrkor Wilk PLln Vnlnoc
shell, in red leatherette case; all m the Grape or La- g ne - ar Shell 30c Cold Meat Fork 85c * ILClier VV 1111 I V cllLlC.
Al IZt Vign T 71“""' SP S an 7“' 54M Knife ? ie Kni ?, A , ** “
rw ■Ba ■ (Tablespoons, $2.90 dozen. « « • , n 7-piece Salad Set $3.75
IlWi Teaspoons, $1.40 dozen. Orange Spoons, doz. $2.00 Cream and Gravy
"iHM wr A After Dinner Coffee Spoons, $1.70. After Dinner g e i $1.65 liri »i r T'i / . \
12-piece set, 6 knives and 6 forks, 1 day only, $3.30. Spoons, doz. $1.50 PLAIN 12 DWT. While I DCy
Iced Teaspoons, 8-inch handle, $3.00 dozen. Fruit Knives, doz $2.50 Knives, medium, doz. $3.00 \ 1
, Punch Ladles, $3.00; Soup Ladles, $175; G javy Qj en Rose and Grenoble Forks, medium, doz. $3.00 L«lSt \ Je
Ml / Imported Ladles, 75c; Cream Ladles, 55c; Fruit Knives, $3 00 design, 26-piece set, with Tablespoons, doz. $3.00 V 'i, //
ai r'l dozen. hollow-handle knives Dessert Spoons, doz. $2.70 i
Us ‘ Alarm Clocks Carnation design, 1 dozen 6 knives and 6 forks, in $12.50 Soup Ladles $1.50 i
only 26-piece sets, in lin- case $2.50 12-piece set, with hollow- Teaspoons, doz. $1.50 I ' V
A ed cases, special. $3.98 Iced Teaspoons, Binch handle knives $6.25 Iced Teaspoons, 8-inch LN.
Tablespoons, doz. $2.60 handles, doz $2.00 Tablespoons, doz. $4.00 handle, doz $2.00 |g B
aIS ZW Dessert Spoons, doz. $2.00 Punch Ladle $2.50 ~ . ... JM|kk • ,A 7? Zs “N.
ALI I Teaspoons set of 6 . 43c Soup Ladle $1.50 Greylock design, 26-piece, tn lined oak case, with (O
Soup Spoons, 6 for $1.35 Gravy Ladle 59c drawer; special for $6 00.