Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 15, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE 8, Image 26

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PAGE 8 MAGAZINE SECTION "I—J| C T A T How Railroad Lawyers Practise It JL JL JL JL Au W“■ and How Witnesses Have to TAKE It By T. E. the Famous Cartoonist „ CopyrgirL IHII, by Amerlcan-Jonmal-Examiner. Great Britain Ki gate Keservnd. f T .") - / cornel. ( f \ €&) V O& !_J A < " ' AN > ||W • : “ S' " Tell The Jury if A You EMEFx Robbed w A CHICKEN Roost J 'WI m- &T; « »r K LT ' 11; /’ ~cT| | ■' '’■'r i I* 3 - Ol ■W .i , ~i ,n. ■ ■ ATailor=MadeCorset "Made in Atlanta” «Is as essential to ease and a graceful figure as a tailor -made gown or suit. For individuality vis i t "the leading corset ieres of Georgia." Prices $7 to $35 "The Hall-Mark of A full line of Bras- Quality in Corsets • , „ c j sieres,Sanitary goods and Corset Accessories always on hand. TailonMade Corset Co. Parlors 6 1-2 Whitehall Street E. EAGER, Manager I „ I - —— - • ■ • There Is a New Restaurant Serving Noonday Dinners=-=2sc that are just a little better than you can get else where —unless you go home. We have home cook ing, good sendee and a clean, cool place to eat. Be sides this American Dinner, we serve Chinese dish es from 25c up. Try our CHOP SUEY Canton Low Restaurant 17 1-2 E. Alabama St. HOEY M. YOW. Mgr. IML ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY. JUNE 15. 1911. "1 [tell VJWAT T “ HAPPENED .J (' The Trolley Y A car. hit hi m mhh rY 'nW neck < 6 Y —T Y>* ntZz «Iff M- Mt Z ■ fMh.cJ Z ...z ZJ_ ■' Atty \y~ - ——_ _ ■ K ; < • • *FT7"'’~r 'T~» ,’"£** '***— gSgigfeaaMisa ,ffit j&agtugasiaw ; ■ ______ i . Tell the Jim why You've '< * NEVER BEEN ARRESTEDy y'' pY I7lf eTT «•■■•■. L TO e $ 't Yjmp ■ UF JI a » Oj'-'i T- j - r iin.n Tin m ■mihmim. u mMMuiiuM * 1 -* 3 “* mid S ton cnpociticj. Simple Engine * Accessible - Economical wA j fra (ion The White Company ” ’ ’ - ‘2o* 2 2-Mnriett a, St. _ > M, "»!> MrrT, w»wwm-rT-iTrrfW"nu_-nmt n thi -rtar aiwr wi. b i riitrnniiaMni—— ■mbih—— u—— umv. . '«■*■ -mu-iimra**- «■■■■■» wbbmmmmw*«.’ waaaaaBaaaMMMaanMHMMwMHnaaMMMMaMMMhaBMaaWBaMMBBMW CADILLAC I STONHAUO & WIGHT 228-230 Peachtree St. ivy 2233 z ■ “30" Touring Car ” “-40” Tourin A Cur-I wo sizes “0 O" Touring Car*six cylinder *X The White^j^Company ▼ ▼ 120-2? Marietta,St. FULTON AUTO SUPPLY CO. 249 Peachtree Street Automobile supplies of every kind. Mail order given prompt attention. Lowest prices obtainable. Write for cata log. Make your car complete. J. J. A. GWINN FINE SHOE REPAIRING 6 LUCKIE STREET, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT HOTEL. SELL PHONE 2335. ATLANTA 2640. H V 'g—WT r 4 -^.. y i * z oQOc* ’toobei Hee's ..C c f -r. .•. --. . hdlf-sole. sewed, 75 i cents. Will send for and deliver you: shoes without extra cost. i AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT. Office open day and night. Both Phones. f’WHERE WERE You os the) I NIQHTodUHE 16" I <lO4 2W’ t / TEX x \ -r— — DONI \ :-. .Z'v <Tnow' 1 Y»*s ft ■ ' HI ft,.' ■ A - } ff jre ■ ■SB ■ J JfflWffl // I' <7 111 if w l J X r ' 7 : . CgZ_ —— \ ..■— . , ... \r X/ - \/' _ 11 . L _ _ ... ..... x / x Your Honor, gah plainly see] < C 4S E T THAT THIS WITNESS is Q|SMISSED/ UNRELIABLE - I SAvj His V Picture in the Roques J > y J| “F7T ' __JL ,1 tFlr£: SB fl 0$ j. . te \\ *n — ~~~? \| nr . iT f - r ' <*' * - •>• T. R F -iJ H ’ t ' ‘ dsi- W i^gasssLi:Jl | 56 HURT STREET—INMAN PARK. This house was built for a | home, has all conveniences, has ! ten room®, back porch, upstairs ! and down, built of solid brick and i stone, has been occupied lesj than three years. Lot qox?oo ft. j Can be bought on terms. Call or j address the owner, G. A. Finding, I Hurt St.. Inman Park. mmiMW 5 ft 7 ■ Opli.m, Whiskey and Drug H«h|t tr*at- ■ AjU g ad Mt Hnme or at Sanitarium Rook <>a wMect Free. DR B M. WOOLLIT. 21-N \’iui<»r .-'ll ;;iia: i ii;i. Atlanta. <Ja. /■ ' ■» NOTICE MmmißiamKaaDai Wilton Jellico Coal $4.25 Give Us Your Order. Both Phones 3668 THE JELLICO COAL CO. 82 Peachtree And do Vou declare here j UNDER OATH THAT \OU SAW THE I CAR HIT Him - • 7 jK You? A MAN OF Your f x CHARACTER |g||| I aZ F "’ 1 ’ F ' Utk 1 /Z Tff -w j .'Wr U A. : • : iii ? 1 *ir >—? /A ■■ i ipWA Mb/ j Jg THiFiJ J J i Q: - —\Z i a A* G ifc ’ G 3 . ...Vr\ / H _ L >,., "■ '•■ ' t A . .■GT ■. ; “ -..b-i^.:>.*•/. ...j. ~, . ,i , Where wasl <w June |fc w 2 \ ■ ■■' 1 ■ ■■■—jESrSTsCH //i •wHi*:' ' n Wt ' i /y J 1 | I / w/I i • AL ■ ' ' ' ' ' ■ ; ■■ ' IB' -- - _ _ __ ——— BOYS’HIGH and TECHNO OUmmer ochooi logical highs chools Review of Bth Grade Grammar and High School Work . to Prepare for September Entrance Examinations . . . TF.N WEEKS: June 24th, August 30th TEACHERS : H. O. Smith, Phone Ivy 3301-L; T. H. Smoot; W. O. Cheney MM BSN GH A !¥l ASHEVILLE. N. C j has prepared Boy* for College and Man® Mn a■* va f-w Efi COL. R. BINGHAM S hood for 1 19 years. Our Graduate* Exeel 0) W in all the Colleges they attend. North and South. Ventilation, Sanitation and Safety Oh Against Fire pronounced the BEST by 150 doctors and by every visiting Parent. Hvq Average Gain of 29 pounds term of entrance accentuates our Climate. Far* and Care of Pupil*. Military, u> help in making Men of Boy*. Box in Ms id W Don't Hesitate toTdephone IF anything important comes up, don’t hesitate to telephone. There’s a Bell Telephone at the camp. I expert to stay two weeks. May stay a week longer if the sport is good.” The Business Man starting on a vaca tion arranges to have his employes keep in touch with him by the Bell Long Dis tance Telephone service. When You Tele phone—Swile Southern bell telephone AND TELEGRAPH company 13