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What Is a Sign of
IT THAT do yon think Is a sign that
Vi/ love has come" You have an
opinion, and, without a shadow
t,; noavt. it Is bris,,l on experience
Looking back to that experience, would
you say the writer of this letter Is in
“I am a youth, and considered good
looking by the fair sex. I think I am
"in love with a girl, but she seems to be
indifferent to me. 1 'think of her day
and night, is that a sign that I love
I say it is. To dream of a girl a '*
night, and think of her all day Is con
clusive proof of low. Os no one in
the world does a man think so con
stantly except of the girl he loves.
There are also other signs, many of
them more convincing. He secs n<'
fault in the girl He Is never with het
so long at a time that he has had u
surfeit of her society.
The hours fly when with her, and
drag when away. The only happiness
• he knows when they arc apart is count
ing the tiim when he will be with
her again.
He has no hopes that are not cen
tered around her. He can imagine no
joy that is independent of her exist*
: enee. and, if trouble come- to him, his
first thought is of the effect it may
have on her.
He wants to shield her. He longs
for the right to protect her from every
adverse wind that blows. He regards
• money as only a means for making lib
pleasant fm lot, Im count‘d all his
friends of no value unless they are
also friendly to her.
He Has All the Symptoms.
The signs of have are legion, but tHi
young man has the one that is unmis
takable. In th.' constant thinking ot
her will originate every dream for her.
every hop.- for her, . very ambition.
He continues: "She is very popular
among the boys', and she treats them
all as she treats me A friend of mine
saw her once, and now he Is apparently
smitten with her Would you consider
that a cause of breaking off my friend
ship with him. or would you step aside
and let him have her '
Ah. here is a sign that doesn't point
to genuine love. No r< d lover entm
tains the thought of "letting" some
other man have the girl he loves.
’ If the most peacable man in the
world, every drop of blood in his veins
becomes lighting blood at such a pros
pect. "Let" him have her! Not If con
stant devotion, II patience, if a tight
for every inch of ground with every
weapon love calls its own can win
The man who steps meekly aside in
such a contest is one of love's molly
coddles. Hr has water in his veins,
and lukewarm water at that.
He will never win anything he wants
in life, for the reason that there is
' always some other man who wants tire
• same thing.
He will find there are others who
want what he wants in every walk In
life if he will meekly give up a light
for the girl he loves, he will more
meekly surrender tile round of the lad
der he has reached because some other
man wants it.
He will get nowhere Indeed. I doubt
if he will ever start, for even at the.
starting point there are always otheis
who want to have their turn with thelt
toes m the line.
A Spineless Love.
He love- this girl. <>f this there is
no doubt. Hut it Is a weak, spineless
sort of affection, the kind that clings
without giving support the kind that
drags and pulls down.
If he goes to her and says, as he has
said to me in i ff, i t "I love you. I
think of you by day and by night An.
othet man low s;. mi Shall 1 step aside
and let him have you."
If he says that, and she has the
sense she needs for her own protec
tion. she will tell him it is not In his
power to "let” any man have her. That
is within no one's power but her own
But if lie feels that way about it.
she will add. with scorn, he need neve:
attempt to -ee her again.
Then she w ill regard him as a closed
Incident, a book that has be, n read
and that bft a disagreeable impres
Eady—A:< you sun* this is Ceylon
tea ?
Assistant Yes. madam. M Cey
lon’s name is <»n every packet.
rnrr th vnn uv qiqtcd Free to Tou and K* er y 3<ster su>
I (ILL 111 TUU~" ml uIuIL" erlng from Woman’s Aliments.
VjHh f /
\ ♦ K" /
Wish to continue, it will cost you only about 12 cent* a week <»r less than two eent* a day It
will not interfere with tout work or occupation. Jest send me your naisi and address tell n » how you
Buffer if you wish, and ! will lend you the treatment for your case » nttreh fr< plain wrap
per, by return mail I will also send you free of coat, my book—“WOMAN S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER’ with
explanatory illuntratinna show ing win w omen suffer and how they can easily cure t hemnelvee
at home ftvery woman should have it, and learn to thins for hersetf Then wln n the doctor nays—
" You rntwi have an operation. ' you ran decide for yourself. Thousands < f w omen have cured
themselves with my home remedy It cure* all old or icung. To Mothers of Daughters. I will explain a
simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures a Green Hicknraeand
Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young I.adb*. Plumpness v \ alth always results from
ite use.
Wherever you live. I can refer you tn ladies * your own to**art >y who know and will glad’v
tell any sufferer that thl* Romo Treatment real) > cures nil w unen’sdi^.•* and make* w< men well,
strong, plump and robust Just seno a* year address and tlv- frreti ■ >tr< atiuent is yours, atoo
th* book. Writ** to-day, a* you ma» -th >■» *■ ’ ■ again. -.res*
mrs. m. summers, Box h - * Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A.
"Too Much of a Good Thing" * Copyright 1912, Rational News Association By Nell Brinkley &
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1 ' TmWZZjv LVWrW .
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1 —I
,i lillle girl, anti I bet you know many a little girl like this, who, wher
-1 i tci yoii see her on a landscape, is pin m surrounded by Billys, in various stages
ol love and jealousy, spooning and scrapping, glaring at one another, and the
girl, and once in a while there's one of them picks up his coat and his doll rags,
and goes over the hills and far away and out of the game. And once or twice the
Already Condemned.
Already tried and condemned, this man
<*f whom Eate had made so terrible a
ratspaw' Before Rlmlngton’s e.ves there
rose a contrasting picture a picture seen
from the threshold of a room framed by
a doorway, the picture of a white - faced
girl holding a knife, and at her feet the
huddltxl body of a man. while behind her
on the table heaped jewels winked with
n.ultl-coiored fire in the lamplight.
This man he had seen led out of court,
this man already condemned by jmblic
opinion, was innocent; he (.lack Riming*
t.on) knew that beyond any shadow .of.
doubt The man was innocent, ami only
he knew, and only he could proclaim his
in nocence.
'The beads <»f cold sweat stood out on
Rliningten's brow, for all (he sultry heat
of the August day.
Mr. Levasseur’s Ambassador.
There was a room In the Croft, a long,
low room, with a French window that
gave on to a delicious bit of garden a
trifle neglected, perhaps, for Sir George's
tastes ran to the formal, and this nook of
overhanging trees with grass plats lacing
the irregular flower beds was far from
that, but only sufficiently neglected to
enhance its charm that had been the
school room in the days when the Miss
Lumsdens shared a governess Before
her marriage It had been Edith's special
sanctum, and because of this, on her
visits home, it was still assigned to her
especial use.
Here she had passed many, many hap
py hours in the days of her girlhood, and
the old walls seemed to hold a thousand
memories for her. Why can the happi
ness of girlhood not stay with us for
Curing the last few days she had been
grateful for this place of sanctuary, ami
for the unspoken agreement between her
husband ami herself that respected a de
sire for solitude when evinced by a with
drawal to such a special "den." She
simpl.x refused to allow herself to think
of Anthony's boredom; it was better that
he should be bored than disillusioned by
nnj display of temper, and she had not
found herself capable of the self-control
necessary for spending long hours in his
company during this time of mental
stress Her nerves were out of order.
She pleaded headache, and Betty's Ill
ness was enough excuse for her ’ deadly
tit of the blues."
But it was a state of affairs that could
not last long, she realized that Barring
ton was not the man to endure the dis
comforts of a protracted residence at an
inn so primitive as the Weybourne Arms,
where he had insisted on remaining.
1 am a woman.
I kn<»w woman's Bufferings,
1 have found the cure.
I will mail, free of any charge, my homo frost
moot with full inatructions to any sufferer from
woman's ailment*. 1 want to tell ail women about
this cure—ytt, my reader, for yourself, your
daughter, your mother, or your Bister. I wantto
tell you how to cure yoUTxelves at home with
out the help of a doctor. Men cannut understand
women's sufferings Whatwi women know from
experience, we know better than any doctor I
know that my ‘home treatment U sab- and sure
cure for Leucoriaoea or Whitish discharges. Ulceration. Dis
placement or Fsllmi of tho Womb, Profuse. Scanty or Painful
Periods, Uterine or Oianan Tumors. or Growths; also paint ia
head. back and bowels. bearing down failings, nervousness,
creeping feeling up tho spme. melancholy desire to cry. hot
flashes. wearmoss. kidney and bladder troubles where caused
by weaknesses peculiar to our sex
I want to send you a complete ten day's treatment
ontirtly free t o prove to you that you can cure
youraelf at home, easily, quickly and
surely. Remember, will cost you nothing to
give the treatment a complete t rial . and if you
A Story of Love, Mystery and Hate, with a Thrilling Portrayal of Life Behind Prison Bars
though Sir George had urged him to come
to the Croft. Only that morning he had
been pleading with her to cut her visit
short and return with him, for what was
left of the summer, to their villa at Au
teull, ami to bring Betty with her, that
the girl might be placed under the ear*
o| one of the great mental specialists.
Tragedy In the Air.
"Y’ou know Hard Inge is one-of the dear
est old chaps going, but a bit of a fossil,
ami, in my opinion, there's not a man in
London touch the Frenchmen where
diseases of the brain and nerves are con
cerned. You must leave this place. The
atmosphere of the house is deadly, Edith,”
he said.
“There’s tragedy In the air of it. You
may talk of shock if you will, but it's
my belief that Betty’s illness is not the
result of any great sudden shock, but
merely the culmination of (he daily blud
geoning of sensitive nerves that existence
with your father means'. You’ll He break
ing d<»wn next. Be sensible, my dear girl,
make arrangements for getting away, for
if yob won’t I'll take you by force.”
No; very clearly it was not possibleVor
her tp hope for any long continuance of
Anthony’s patience.
She stood up, shedding the newspapers
that had lain upon her lap about her,
those newspapers, in which she had been
reading a description of the result of the
inquest on Mi- Fitzstephen. ami went over
to the window Although consciously she
saw nothing of what her eyes rested on,
insensibly the cool grays and greens of
the garden spaces soothed her nerves
The day itself was a day of balm after
the long weeks of brazen glory a day
of gray stillness with a soft, low sky
massed by fleecy clouds.
Betty’s Plight.
Anthony was In London; Sir Georfce
was shut up In his own apartments. |'p
statrs in the blue and white bed room,
under the picture of the Pitiful Shepherd,
Betty was sleeping She sei pt a great
deal, as though in things physical as well
as mental she were reverting to the con
dition ot a child. Edith Barrington’s
eyes tilled with a stinging rush of tears;
the thought of Hetty was unendurable
it was like living with the corpse of
some one you had loved and murdered.
That was what she felt that It was by
her action this misfortune that seemed
so much worse than death hhd come
upon the girl who was sot dear to her.
For days past Mrs Barrington’s brain
had seemed numb, a dark, fear-bound
place, across which fugitive thoughts
flashed with a grim suggestion. Thoughts
of the Slip of paper that bad dropped
from Betty's unconscious clasp; of those
strange faltered words, “There's blbod on
my hands'" of that hush money that
had come to her so mysteriously on the
morning following Betty's return. Sug
gestions coupling her sister with the sin
ister happenings in that house where Ed
mond Ixtvasseur had been caught, a mur
derer. "red-handed," but now this after
man the power for collected thought re
turned in some part to her.
Standing there by the window she tried
to focus facts to make plans
It was almost to do that
The element of uncertainty was too great
}'>!<>< king the wax was always that aw
ful possibility that Lavasseur, even now.
when he had nothing to gain bx speech,
might, for all tliat, impelled by a Samson
like desire to involve others in his ruhL
make all the tragic story public And
money, not even money that lay
locked axvay in her jewel case, even if
she dare use it, coukl silence him if he
x\ is! i d to speak
Was he guilty’ She strove to sift the
evidence she had read so carefully in the
many papers that lay scattered about
’.er, and always the dominent impression
in her mind was one in Lavasseur’s favor.
He was not thi* man to do murder from
motives of theft
Ami if lie were not guilty’
With a little cry she put up her hands
’•» her face the thought was toe horri
ble The man had treated her shamoful-
. yet she had loved him once -or thought
she did.
It he were not guilty, if behind that
veil that had fallen on Betty’s senses the
girl Had some grim knowledge that might
save a man from the gallows’ She
pressed her hands tightly against her
eyes, as though to shut out these thoughts
that ha<l the Vividness of things seen.
A kiibck at the door that she did not
hear, and a servant canre in with a salver
in her hand on which fay a visiting card.
The entrance of the girl - Housed Mrs.
Barrington; she turned sharply, and be
fore the maid could speak had made a
gesture of refusal’to so much as look at
the card.
A Strange Caller.
"I can see no one, Vane. Y’ou ought
to have known that. I told you I.did not
wish t<» be disturbed.”
It was so unusual for her to speak in
such a manner that the girl’s surprise
showed in her face.
"I am sorry, madame: but the gentle
man was very urgent. He said he wished
to see you on a matter of great impor
tant business, and that you would not
refuse if you saw his card.”
Edith’s heart stood still with a curious
premonition of evil. She took the card
with shaking fingers. The name con
veyed nothing to her James Bradford
and in the corner. Messrs. Bradford &
Speirs, Solicitors. Lincolns Inn Fields.
James Bradford! Instantly her mind
coupled the name with ’the clerkly-writ -
ing that had been on the envelope which
inclosed the hush money of two thou
sand pounds. She twisted the card nerv
ously in her fingers; as*she did so a single
word, penciled faintly on the back, caught
her attention “Queenie."
"Queenie!” That was the name that,
in those far-off. unhappy days, the man
now lying in prison had been fond of
calling her with teasing attention.
Queenie! What did it mean? Her hand
closed on the fragment of cardboard con
vulsively, “I will see the gentleman
here,” she said, and there xvas some
thing in her voice and lock that quickened
the surprise in the parlor maid’s heart.
There was no trace of agitation Mrs.
Barrington’s bearing when presently
James Bradford was shown into th£ sit
ting room. She looked at him with un
compromising directness, and invited him
to state h’s business, which he was in.
no way reluctant to do.
"I have called on behalf of our client,
Edmond Levasseur," he said, with brisk
"Edmond Levasseur!"
The interrogative- surprise in Mrs. Bar
rington's voice xvas admirable Mr James
Bradford, looking at he£ with a certain
admiration in his eyes, xvhich xvere small
and keen and rimmed faintly with red.
like a ferret's.’ conceded so much in his
mind He hardly knexx - what manner of
woman he had expected to see when he
set forth on this errand; certainly not one
in the least like this who confronted him
now, tall and white and slim, with a sug
gestion of scorn in her bearing, of xvhich
1 1 AW,*
1 I '\ 1
11 I H
Ui ■
chap that went over the hills and far away was the one of all others that the
girl I know wanted to have stay. But she was trying to handle too big a thing
—trying to make sugar pie. And you know what a mess you'd get there. Try
ing to eat all the bananas there are she loves ’em! And I know what
woe there is in that. Eor'l did it once.
he quire rightly judged her to be uncon
“Ah. the name is doubtless very famil
iar to you, madam,” he said, in his smooth
voice. “It is regrettably before the pub
lic at present. As you are no doubt
aware, our client has been arrested on a
vqFt “fcrave charge. He has instructed uk
/(Abrtef counsel on his behalf.”
C "VeH?” Edith queried, faintly. She had
not asked the ipan to sit down —not
out of any rudeness, but out of sheer
forgetfulness. She herself, however,
sank into a chair, and felt a swift relief
thrill her; her limbs had been trembling
horribly, like those of a woman about to
/fat!. What did these smooth words her
ald? What infamy did the man in prison
meditate? "I have certainly read of Mr.
Levasseur’s ease in the paper,” she said.
"I fail, however, to see—”
The Inquisitor.
“How it concerns you?”
Mr. Bradford’s tone was exceedingly
pleasdnt, a little too conversational, per
haps, for the part for which he was
dressed so well. He even permitted him
self to*’ smile faintly, an<l it was a smile
that jarred with his professional appear
ance, his scrupulous collar and black tie,
his decent suit of black, and the well
brushed but far from new silk hat that
reposed on the table by his side.,
Mrs. Barrington, looking at him xvith
fascinated eyes, felt, inspired by an al
most nauseating sensation of fear and
disgust. This man—how much did
I:*- know? Was it the extent of his knowl
edge that caused him to smile so hate
fully? She had a horrible vision of Levas
seur, dead yet still speaking, having
handed on. the flaming torch of blackmail
to Mr. James Bradford, of Lincoln’s inn.
“Ar a matter of fact, speaking in con
fidence—and you know that a solicitor is
sort of a legal father confessor —we know
that Mr. Levasseur’s case afreets you
very Intimately.” the man continued.
“Mr. Levasseur has Instructed us to ap
ply to you for the funds necessary—the
somewhat ample funds necessary—for the
proper conduct of his defense.”
"To me.”’ Mrs. Barrington gasped.
For the moment she xvas startled out
of all semblance of composure by this de
mand that seemed so preposterous, so
impossible to fulfill. The funds necessary
for the defense in a tyig criminal trial!
He might as well have asked hep for
the sun out of heaven. For a moment
she utterly forgot those n<’tes lying in her
heked jewel case upstairs. She only
thought of herself, of xvhat in truth she
was. seeing that terror prevented her
from so much as using one of those notes,
tlie pampered, penniless wife of a wealthy
but'jealous man.
"T<> you, madam,” returned Mr. Brad
ford, xxith a bow.
The Trap.
"But this is preposterous.” she said,
in an agitated voice. "He must be mad.”
Iter \ oice trailed off indistinctly: her
slim fingers twisted and untwisted the
delicate fabric of her handkerchief unmer-
Mr. Bradford said nothing for a mo
ment, but he fixed his small, bright eyes
upon her, and the effect of his glance was
singularly disconcerting.
To Be Continued Tomorrow
(■jiAv Is a *’« p
rzoy • drudge\
¥ x/Ur. \
P'S*** 1 Jipka ictsf
TO® assjra s,
Anty Drudge and the Youngwifes.
Mr. Young wife—“ Does Skoodums want to dink out of
Dada’s coffee tup?”
Mrs. Youngwife—“Oh, Lovey, he’s spilled that coffee
on himself. That’s the twenty-eighth little frock
he’s just ruined. Those stains don’t come out.”
Antij Drudge— “ Oh. yes, they will, Mrs. Youngwife.
Just you use Fels-Naptha in cool or lukewarm
water, and you 11 have no trouble in keeping little
Napoleon's frocks clean and white.”
A friend that will save you three
fourths the work and all the drudgery of
washing is a friend indeed.
Fels-Naptha is that friend.
- Bring it into your laundry and kit
chen, give it a chance to do the work
you’ve been pounding out by main
strength, and Fels-Naptha will be your
close friend —not for a month or a vear.
but for life.
Fels-Naptha saves you not only work
and time, both summer and winter, out
makes your clothes sweeter and cleaner,
preserves them, makes them wear longer.’
It saves you the coal or gas necessary
to heat water and boil the clothes, as
Fels-Naptha does its cleansing in cool or
lukewarm water.
All thats necessary on your part is to
follow the easy directions printed on the
red and green wrapper.
Advice to the
Dear Miss Fairfax: •
I ant a young man 21 years of age,
and while at a dance I fell in love with
a girl of nineteen, and every time we
go to a dance she seems to take a fancy*
to every fellow she meets. 1 told her I
loved her, and she gave me no answer.
. P.*F.
When you told her vou loved her, was
that all? Didn't you ask her to be your
wife? The statement that you love her
doesn’t demand an answer.
1 have a notion she shows interest in
other men just to tease you.
Dear Miss Fairfax:
I am a girl of 17 and deeply in love
with a boy who is two years my senior
Now. J heard that he has broken friend
ship with me because I gave away
samething he gave to me. H. S. S.
The men. my dear, demand apprecia
tion. and are hurt and resentful when
they fail to get it.
Os course he got cross when he
learned you gave his gifts away. Malte
him an apology, but don’t cringe before
his wrath or make your apology too
humble. You were thoughtless, but you
have committed no crime.
Dear Miss Fairfax:
I am a young lady 20 years of age,
and in love with a young man two
years my senior. This gentleman calls
on me twice a week, and has been
coming to the house for the past six
months. Sometimes he acts as though
he did not care for me, and other times
as if he does. B. R.
Unless lie cared some for you he
would not have called twice a week for
six months. Don't make the mistake
of demanding that a sweetheart be al
ways on his knees. He has other in
terests in life, remember, and I am sure
love will thrive stronger and last long
er if not on constant parade. Be sen
sible, my dear, and keep your love for
him in control.
Dear Miss Fairfax:
I am deeply in love with a girl ot
about the same age as myself. I have
not spoken to her about my love, al
though 1 believe she knows I love her.
1 do not think she cares much for me,
because when I ask her to go to differ
ent places with me, she does not seem
to care much about going. Could you
please tell me how I could find out if
she loves me? F. R. J.
There is only one way: Ask her! •
And remember, the love that is dis
closed without asking, and won with
out wooing, isn't worth much.