Newspaper Page Text
Everything going at sensationally low prices,
regardless of cost or value. Come early for first
pick from this great lot of
Saturday Specials
Balance of our entire Ladies’ 15c q
stock of Suits, values to Undervests at c/C
$5; white serge and Ladies’
mixtures; /f <Q Shirtwaists.... OuC
choice .Just a few pure linen,
White Serge Dresses, hand-embroidered Shirt
values to sls 1 waists: values IQ
Saturday at. so $12.50...
Misses' Norfolk Suits in Two lots of Undermus
pique and natural and lins; $1 values at 79c,
white linen, 14 to IS; and $2.00 Q O
values to /?Q values at uJt
$6.50 Men's 50c Silk ami
Lawn presses in stripes Wash Ties; f £
and all-over embroidery, choice Saturday.
all sizes: vals d* Q Q Men's 75c
Io $7.50: Union Suits ....
Children's $1 Q Men’ /?Q
Dresses at O czC Negligee Shirts . ”
Store Open Saturday from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
. 49 Whitehall Street
“Madame, We Save You 10% to 5G%”
113-115 Whitehall St.
We are wholesalers and retail everything at
wholesale prices, thus actually saving you
from 10 to 50 per cent over all competitors,
We have just received and will place on sale
special for
A SOLID CARLOAD of Fancy Messina Lemons at 15c doz.
A SOLID CARLOAD of New Irish Potatoes at 3c qt.
A SOLID CARLOAD Indian River Pineapples at 6c each.
A SOLID CARLOAD Mixed Vegetables at lowest prices in
A SOLID CARLOAD Poultry and Eggs.
_____ ; s
Great Friday and Saturday Bargains in
Our Delicatessen Department
"5c 3-round '-'an Blackberries at .................. 10c
50e Quart bottles Welch's Crape Juice at 33 1-3 c
Regular 10c can Libby's Evaporated Milk at 6 1 4 c
Libby's Mited Pickles. 10c bottles at . 6' 4 c
l.ibbv’s Potted Meat. Harn Flavor. 5c size can at 4c
Hnlk'olives, just the thing for picnics. 60c values, per.quart 32c
::-Pound fan Apples. peeled and cored. 15c values; per can . . 9$
3-Pound can Tomatoes, put up in Fulton county. 15c value: ifr
can. at
Pure. Apple .Telly, 10c value, per glass 8c
All 5c spices, best grade, at per can 4c
Large '’an Hickmoit’s Asparagus, 35c value, at 22c
Small <'an Hickmoit’s Asparagus. 25c value, at 14c
'-Pound can fancy Red Salmon. 15c value. Saturday only at 10c
Hold Seal Ketchup, 10c value, at 8c '
Pure Kettle Rendered Ilog Ijird at 13c lb.
Fresh (’ream Cheese, 25c value at 17* 2C lb.
Fresh Dressed Poultry
our specialty. Pressed fresh daily on the premises. Rig lot. on
>n hand for Friday and Saturday at lowest prices In Atlanta. II
113-115 Whitehall St.
American Directness and
Brevity at Last Applied
To All Lines.
Far back before the day when Chris
topher Columbus succeeded in persuad
ing Queen Isabella that the world was
really round and then set out and dis
covered this section of the globe, the
original Americans had away of "talk
ing through their hats,” as the slang
ist says. If the red man wanted to ask
a neighbor for the loan of a few pota
toes and an onion for the dog soup he
was preparing, he «us likely to com
mence with a few desultory remarks
about the stars in the heavens, his mis
taken ideas about the hioon, throw in a
few paragraphs about the happy hunt
ing grounds of the future and the nice
winter weather of the present, and then
slide in that modest request for a dona
tion, so that if neighbor was not fol
lowing his line of conversation closely,
the potatoes and onion would be en
tirely obscured in the verbiage. .
No matter what he had to say. the
Indian would "beat about the bush" in
making talk, and that is possibly one
reason why he never got anywhere and
was badly trampled on in the march of
progress, because it took him such a
long time to lot anyone know that he
was being hurt.
Now, the people who helped push
"poor Lo" off the earth, as it were,
were more forceful in their utterances
and their descendants are even more so
The modern American has no tlm<
to cireumloeute and wants everything
brief and to the point.
To fill this need, the Standard Atla
and Chronological History of the World
was designed, and that is why it is now
in great demand at The Ccorgian'.s of
fice. It save what it has to say briefly
and to the point. Waste space has
been eliminated.
Clip six headi 's and present them
st. 1
——— - (g
I Nifty Norfolks i
sis •/_ S‘s
w - —— ■ xjj
B $15.00 i
t' Ifrel al
' \ JIA The advent of the com fort a hie, d ressy \•) RI - (1L K
1 Si?
’ ■ W ‘ ' Lf'• 4 lias sn,ve d the summer suit problem for the young or
/ middle-aged man who likes something different during
| the smunier months, but dislikes to wear the time hon- jgj
\ I L ored negligee or crash, linen or Sicilian. SK
WO4 io g
i r rtf'' II = 77
I I i K t IB Embraces many beautiful patterns in blues and fancy
f I'W * mixtures, handsomely tailored, belted and strapped in
f M'W • W accordance with the very newest designs. Stl
J J f •• 1 • s
« I FJ i B &
f IW . : R
i ' ' J- ' n ''very detail, and contains all the re< (
uisite for absolute correctness in summer dress. Soft
collars with ties to match. bOe up.
Men ‘s Shirts with separate collars to match. ’>oc. 7-">c,
Our Norfolk i C SI.OO and simo. 1
SpCCial - ~ Nr Cool, comfortable fitting underwear, porous knit,
B \' 1) or Peter Hill, at 2ac. s()e and 75c.
| Two=Piece Bathing Suits, Special = 50c g
89 Whitehall Street
: First!
Studebaker-Flanders “ 20 ”
The Studebaker-Flanders “ 20” ought to come
first to the mind of any man considering the purchase .
of a car.
Low in price, but not the cheapest; honestly built
of the best materials to be had, powerful enough for
any road usage —these genuine appeals to a man’s
common sense must make any man think. Where can
you get as much?
If price and low upkeep cost interest you, if you
want a handsome and roomy, though not a large, car;
if you need a car sure to do its duty under all circum
stances, then the Studebaker-Flanders ”20” is the car
for you.
You could hardly ask more and you need not
get less.
Studebaker-Flanders “20” Touring Car
Price, Standard Equipped. SBOO f.o.b. Detroit
Equipped with Top, Windshield, Prest-O-Lite Tank, and Speedometer
as above, SBBS f .o.b. Detroit
Send for our neiv Art Catalogue. It unit interest you
The Studebaker Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
E-M-F ATLANTA CO. G. W. Hanson, Manager.
45 Auburn Avenue. , Phone Ivy 1694
Jacobs’ Everyday
Cut Prices
Mail and Telephone Orders Receive
Careful and Immediate Attention
SI.OO H. K. Wampole’s Cod Liver Oil $ .59
$1.50 Fellow’s Syrup of Hypophosphites .... .99
25c Tutt’s Pills .15
SI.OO Scott’s Emulsion 67
SI.OO Danderine, 67c; 50c size, 34c; 25c size. .17
SI.OO Newbro’s Herpicide, 67c; 50c size ..... .33
25c Rubifoam Mouth Wash 17
25c Lyon’s Tooth Powder 17
25c Sanitol Tooth Powder 17
SI.OO Listerine 59
SI.OO S. S. S 67
SI.OO Hood’s Sarsaparilla 73
SI.OO Kilmer’s Swamp Root, 65c; 50c size . .35
50c Doan’s Kidney Pills 35
SI.OO Wine of Cardui ....... 59
SI.OO Pinkham’s Compound .69
35c Fletcher’s Castoria - 20
35c Wyeth’s Lithia Tablets, 5 gr .25
50c Parisian Sage ... .35
50c Malted Milk, 38c; SI.OO size 75
$3.75 Hospital size Malted Milk 3.00
25c Squibb’s Talcum ». .15
50c Nadine Face-Powder ; .35 1
SI.OO Azurea Face Powder. .85
$1.50 Oriental Cream ... 1.00
25c J. &. J. Belladonna Plasters .10
25c J. & J. Red Cross Kidney Plasters .14
25c Sloan’s Liniment „15
25c Morse’s Indian Root Pills .15
SI.OO Peruna ............ .67
50c Diapepsin .35
50c Cuticura Ointment .... ...........37
50c Milk of Magnesia ’..■•> .35
25c Capudine .17
SI.OO D. D. D. ~67
25c Sozodont Mouth Wash 17
Don’t Forget Our OQ r
Week-End Bon Bons
EVERY piece in this special Week-End Box Is a particular delight,
just as delicious as it can be, fresh, pure and exceedingly good.
The Special Price does not indicate the quality, for such candies as
these you can not buy anywhere under 50 or 60 cents a pound. We
offer this fine box as a Week-Epd Special to make more friends for Ja
cobs' Famous Candies. Saturday and Sunday 29c
only, at.
Block’s Light, Foamy Afl
Delicious Bitter Sweets •
THESE are delicious! If you have not tried them, get a box tomorrow,
and you will find the exquisite flavor equal to any 60c or 80c sort
you ever tasted. They are very light and smooth, and the fine blend of
bitter chocolate is perfect! A most temptingly delicious warm-weather (
confection. Made fresh every day. 40c
Full pound
_ |
Sample Sale of
Imported China,
Less Than Wholesale
At $2.00 Each
Second Consignment of Handsome
Hand-Painted, Rare Importations
From George Borgfeldt & Co.
Coffee Pots Compotes
Chocolate Pots Sugar and Cream Sets
Syrup Sets Cake Trays
Cracker Jars Serving Plates
Nut Bowls Celery Trays
Fruit and Salad Bowls Bon Bons
Pitchers Vqses, Candle Sticks
Every Piece Originally Marked
$3.00, $4.00 and $5.00, (l(J
Special for This Sale - - -
ANOTHER great opportunity, and just at the right mo
ment. when you are looking for something beautiful and
unusual for a wedding gift. Or birthday. Or a fine piece,
perhaps, for your sideboard.
This new consignment includes many more beautiful
pieces than our first consignment of a few weeks ago. which
created such great enthusiasm on account of the remarkable
values offered. This new shipment is indeed a rare treat, a
collection of choice productions from Austria, Bavaria,
Prussia. France and other countries, that are easily worth
two and three times the cost, and furthermore, these are ex
clusive sample pieces, not duplicated.
An unusual opportunity to pick up valuable and
rare gifts at a very little price. Come Early.
At the Main Store Only
Jacobs’ Pharmacy
Main Store and Laboratory, 6 and 8 Marietta St.
23 Whitehall St., 102 Whitehall St., 152 Decatur St.
■S66 Peters St.. 70 W. Mitchell St.. 245 Houston St,
423 Marietta St. 544 Peachtree St.
i .